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223 Pages·2006·2.194 MB·english
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Online Stochastic Combinatorial Optimization Pascal Van Hentenryck and Russell Bent The MIT Press Cambridge, Massachusetts London, England (cid:2)c 2006Massachusetts Institute ofTechnology LibraryofCongressCataloging-in-PublicationData VanHentenryck, Pascal. Onlinestochasticcombinatorialoptimization / PascalVanHentenryckandRussellBent. p. cm. ISBN-13;978-0-262-22080-4(alk.paper) ISBN-10;0-262-22080-6(alk.paper) 1. Stochastic processes. 2. Combinatorialoptimization. 3. Onlinealgorithms. 4. Operationsresearch. I.Bent,Russell. II.Title. T57.32.V36 2006 003—dc22 2006048141 Contents 1 Introduction 1 1.1 From A Priori to Online Stochastic Optimization 1 1.2 Online Stochastic CombinatorialOptimization 2 1.3 Online Anticipatory Algorithms 4 1.4 Online Stochastic CombinatorialOptimization in Context 5 1.5 Organizationand Themes 13 I ONLINE STOCHASTIC SCHEDULING 2 Online Stochastic Scheduling 19 2.1 The Generic Offline Problem 19 2.2 The Online Problem 20 2.3 The Generic Online Algorithm 20 2.4 Properties of Online Stochastic Scheduling 22 2.5 Oblivious Algorithms 23 2.6 The Expectation Algorithm 24 2.7 The Consensus Algorithm 26 2.8 The Regret Algorithm 27 2.9 Immediate Decision Making 30 2.10 The Suboptimality Approximation Problem 31 2.11 Notes and Further Reading 33 3 Theoretical Analysis 35 3.1 Expected Loss 35 3.2 Local Errors 36 3.3 Bounding Local Errors 38 3.4 The Theoretical Results 40 3.5 Discussion on the Theoretical Assumptions 41 3.6 Notes and Further Reading 43 4 Packet Scheduling 45 4.1 The PacketScheduling Problem 45 4.2 The Optimization Algorithm 46 4.3 The Greedy Algorithm is Competitive 50 4.4 The Suboptimality Approximation 51 4.5 Experimental Setting 53 4.6 Experimental Results 54 4.7 The Anticipativity Assumption 60 4.8 Notes and Further Reading 66 II ONLINE STOCHASTIC RESERVATIONS 5 Online Stochastic Reservations 71 5.1 The Offline Reservation Problem 71 5.2 The Online Problem 72 5.3 The Generic Online Algorithm 73 5.4 The Expectation Algorithm 74 5.5 The Consensus Algorithm 74 5.6 The Regret Algorithm 75 5.7 Cancellations 77 6 Online Multiknapsack Problems 79 6.1 Online Multiknapsack with Deadlines 79 6.2 The Suboptimality Approximation 81 6.3 Experimental Results 89 6.4 Notes and Further Reading 98 III ONLINE STOCHASTIC ROUTING 7 Vehicle Routing with Time Windows 103 7.1 Vehicle Dispatching and Routing 103 7.2 Large Neighborhood Search 107 7.3 Notes and Further Reading 112 8 Online Stochastic Routing 113 8.1 Online Stochastic Vehicle Routing 113 8.2 Online Single Vehicle Routing 116 8.3 Service Guarantees 118 8.4 A Waiting Strategy 120 8.5 A Relocation Strategy 121 8.6 Multiple Pointwise Decisions 122 8.7 Notes and Further Reading 125 9 Online Vehicle Dispatching 127 9.1 The Online Vehicle Dispatching Problems 127 9.2 Setting of the Algorithms 128 9.3 Experimental Results 129 9.4 Visualizations of the Algorithms 138 9.5 Notes and Further Reading 149 10 Online Vehicle Routing with Time Windows 153 10.1 The Online Instances 153 10.2 Experimental Setting 155 10.3 Experimental Results 156 10.4 Notes and Further Reading 165 IV LEARNING AND HISTORICAL SAMPLING 11 Learning Distributions 171 11.1 The Learning Framework 171 11.2 Hidden Markov Models 172 11.3 Learning Hidden Markov Models 174 11.4 Notes and Further Reading 182 12 Historical Sampling 185 12.1 Historical Averaging 185 12.2 Historical Sampling 186 V SEQUENTIAL DECISION MAKING 13 Markov Chance-Decision Processes 193 13.1 Motivation 193 13.2 Decision-Chance versus Chance-Decision 194 13.3 Equivalence of MDCPs and MCDPs 196 13.4 Online Anticipatory Algorithms 199 13.5 The Approximation Theorem for Anticipative MCDPs 202 13.6 The Anticipativity Assumption 208 13.7 Beyond Anticipativity 210 13.8 The General Approximation Theorem for MCDPs 214 13.9 Notes and Further Reading 218 References 219 Index 229 Preface FromAPrioritoOnlineOptimization Optimizationsystemstraditionallyhavefocusedonapriori planningandarerarelyrobusttodisruptions. Theairlineindustry,asophisticateduserofoptimiza- tion technology, solves complex fleet assignment, crew scheduling, and gate allocation problems as partofitsoperationsusingsomeofthemostadvancedoptimizationalgorithmsavailable. Yetunex- pected events such as weather conditions or strikes produce major disruptions in its operations. In August 2005,British Airwaystook three to four days to resume its normaloperationsafter a strike ofoneofitscateringsubcontractors;manyofitsplanesandcrewswereatthewrongplacesbecause of the airline’s inability to anticipate and quickly recoverfrom the event. The steel industry, also a significantcustomerofoptimizationtechnology,typicallyseparatesstrategicplanning(whichorders to accept) and tactical planning (which priorities to assign them) from daily scheduling decisions. The strategicdecisionsarebasedoncoarseapproximationsofthe factorycapabilitiesandforecasts, sometimesleadingtoinfeasibleschedules,misseddeadlines,andpoordecisionswhennovelincoming orders arrive online. Fortunately, the last decades have witnessedsignificant progressin optimization andinformation technology. The progress in speed and functionalities of optimization software has been simply amazing. Advancesintelecommunications,suchastheglobalpositioningsystem(GPS),sensorand mobile networks, and radio frequency identification (RFID) tags, enable organizations to collect a wealth of data on their operations in real time. It also is becoming increasingly clear that there are significant opportunities for optimization algorithms that make optimization decisions online. Companies such as UPS have their own me- teorologists and political analysts to adapt their operations and schedules online. Pharmaceutical companies must schedule drug design projects with uncertainty on success, duration, and new de- velopments. Companies such as Wal-Mart now try to integrate their supply chains with those of theirs suppliers, merging their logistic systems and replenishing inventories dynamically. Asaconsequence,wemayenvisionanewerainwhichoptimizationsystemswillnotonlyallocate resourcesoptimally: they will reactand adaptto externaleventseffectively under time constraints, anticipating the future and learning from the past to produce more robust and effective solutions. These systems may deal simultaneously with planning, scheduling, and control, complementing a priori optimization with integrated online decision making. Online Stochastic Combinatorial Optimization This book explores some of this vision, trying to understand its benefits and challenges and to develop new models, algorithms,and applications. It studies online stochastic combinatorial optimization (OSCO), a class of optimization applica- tions where the uncertainty does not depend on the decision-making process. OSCO problems are ubiquitous in our society and arise in networking, manufacturing, transportation, distribution, and reservation systems. For instance, in courier service or air-taxi applications, customers make re- quests at various times and the decision-making process must determine which requests to serve and how under severe time constraints and limited resources. Different communities approach new classes of problems in various ways. A problem-driven community studies individual applicationsanddesigns dedicatedsolutions for eachofthem. A the- oreticallyorientedcommunityoftensimplifiestheapplicationstoidentifycorealgorithmicproblems that hopefully are amenable to mathematical analysis and efficient solutions. These approaches are orthogonal and often produce invaluable insights into the nature of the problems. However, many professionalsin optimizationlike to saythat“therearetoo manyapplicationswith toomany idiosyncratic constraints” and that “an approximated solution to a real problem is often prefer- able to an optimal solution to an approximated problem.” As a result, this book takes a third, engineering-oriented, approach. It presents the design of abstract models and generic algorithms that are applicable to many applications, captures the intricacies of practical applications, and leverages existing results in deterministic optimization. OnlineAnticipatoryAlgorithms Moreprecisely,totackleOSCOapplications,thisbookproposes the class of online anticipatory algorithms that combine online algorithms (from computer science) andstochasticprogramming(fromoperationsresearch). Onlineanticipatoryalgorithmsassumethe availabilityofadistributionoffutureeventsoranapproximationthereof. Theytakedecisionsduring operationsbysolvingdeterministicoptimizationproblemsthatrepresentpossiblerealizationsofthe future. By exploiting insights into the problem structure, online anticipatory algorithms address the time-critical nature of decisions, which allows for only a few optimizations at decision time or between decisions. The main purpose of this book is thus to present online anticipatory algorithms and to demon- strate their benefits on a variety of applications including online packet scheduling, reservation systems,vehicledispatching,andvehiclerouting. Oneachoftheseapplications,onlineanticipatory algorithmsareshowntoimprovecustomerserviceorreducecostssignificantlycomparedtooblivious algorithms that ignore the future. The applications are diverse. For some of them, the underlying optimization problem is solvable in polynomial time. For others, even finding optimal solutions to the deterministic optimization where all the uncertainty is revealed is beyond the scope of current optimizationsoftware. Moreover,theseapplicationscapturedifferenttypesofdecisions. Onsomeof them,theissueistochoosewhichrequesttoserve,while,onothers,thequestionishowtoservethe request. Onsomeoftheseapplications,itisnotclearevenwhatthedecisionsshouldbeinanonline setting, highlighting some interesting modeling issues raised by online applications. In particular, the bookpresentssomeresultsonvehicle-routingstrategiesthatwereamazinglycounterintuitiveat first and seem natural retrospectively. Of course,in practice, not all applications come with a predictive model of the future. The book alsostudiesapplicationsinwhichonlythestructureofmodelorhistoricaldataisavailable. Itshows how to integrate machine learning and historical sampling into online anticipatory algorithms to address this difficulty. FromPracticetoTheoryandBack Demonstratingthebenefitsofonlineanticipatoryalgorithms on a number of applications, however diverse and significant, is hardly satisfying. It would be desirable to identify the class of applications that are amenable to effective solutions by online an- ticipatoryalgorithms. Suchcharacterizationsareinherentlydifficult,however,evenindeterministic optimization: indeed optimization experts sometimes disagree about the best way to approach a novel application. OSCO applications further exacerbate the issue by encompassing online and stochastic elements. Thisbookattemptstoprovidesomeinsightsaboutthebehaviorofonlineanticipatoryalgorithms byidentifyingassumptionsunderwhichtheydelivernear-optimalsolutionswithapolynomialnum- ber of optimizations. At the core of online anticipatory algorithms lies an anticipatory relaxation that removes the interleaving of decisions and observations. When the anticipatory relaxation is tight,apropertycalled(cid:2)-anticipativity, onlineanticipatoryalgorithmscloselyapproximateoptimal, a posteriori solutions. Although this is a strong requirement, the applications studied in this book are shown to be (cid:2)-anticipative experimentally. The inherent temporal structure of these applica- tions, together with well-behaved distributions, seems to account for this desirable behavior. The analysispresentedhereisonlyasmallfirststepandmuchmoreresearchisnecessarytocomprehend the nature of OSCO applications and to design more advanced online anticipatory algorithms. A Model for Sequential Decision Making The theoretical analysis has an interesting side ef- fect: it highlights the common abstract structure that was buried under the idiosyncracies of the applications, their models, and their algorithms. It also establishes clear links with Markov Deci- sion Processes(MDP),afundamentalapproachtosequentialdecisionmakingextensivelystudiedin artificialintelligenceandoperationsresearch. LikeMDPs,onlinestochasticcombinatorialoptimiza- tion alternates between decisions and observations, but with a subtle difference: the uncertainty in MDPs is endogenous and depends on the decider’s actions. It is thus possible to define a vari- ant of MDPs, called Markov Chance-Decision Processes (MCDPs), that captures online stochastic combinatorial optimization and whose uncertainty is exogenous. In MCDPs, the decision process alternates between observing uncertain inputs and deterministic actions. In contrast, the decision process in traditional MDPs, called Markov Decision-Chance Processes (MDCPs) here, alternates between actions whose effects are uncertain and observations of the action outcomes. As a conse- quence, MCDPs crystallize the essence of online stochastic combinatorial optimization that can be summarized as follows: Anticipatory Relaxation: Contrary to MDCPs, MCDPs naturally encompass an anticipatory relaxationfor estimating the future. The anticipatory relaxationcan be approximatedby the solutions of deterministic optimization problems representing scenarios of the future. Online Anticipatory Algorithms: MCDPs naturally lead to a class of online anticipatoryalgo- rithmstakingdecisionsonlineateachtime stepusingtheobservationsandapproximationsto the anticipatory relaxations. Anticipativity: When the anticipatoryrelaxationis (cid:2)-anticipative,online anticipatoryalgorithms produce near-optimal solutions with a polynomial number of optimizations. Learning: The distribution of the inputs can be sampled and learned independently from the un- derlyingdecisionprocess,providingacleanseparationofconcernsandcomputationalbenefits. So, perhaps now that this book is written, twenty minutes are sufficient to describe its contents, makingitswritingyetanotherhumblingexperience. However,theopenissuesitraisesaredaunting both in theory and practice.

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