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One new species of Oxycera from China (Diptera, Stratiomyidae) PDF

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Preview One new species of Oxycera from China (Diptera, Stratiomyidae)

Acta Zootaxonomica Sinica, 34 (3) : 460- 461 (July, 2009) ISSN1000(cid:1)0739 动物分类学报 ONE NEW SPECIES OF OXYCERA FROM CHINA (DIPTERA, STRATIOMYIDAE) ZHANGTing(cid:1)Ting1, LI Zhu2, YANGDing1* 1(cid:1)Departmentof Entomology, ChinaAgricultural University, Beijing(cid:1) 100193, China 2(cid:1)BeijingMuseum of NaturalHistory, Beijing(cid:1) 100050, China Abstract(cid:1) One newspecies, Oxycera basalis sp. nov., of thegenusOxycera isdescribedfromChina. The typesare depositedin the EntomologicalMuseumof China Agricultural University, Beijing. Key words(cid:1) Diptera, Stratiomyidae, Oxycera, newspecies, China. (cid:1) (cid:1) The genus Oxycera Meigen is distributed in the Antenna blackish brown; relative lengths of antennal Nearctic, Palaearctic, Oriental and Afrotropical Regions scape, pedicel and flagellum ( minus arista) 7(cid:1)9(cid:1)23, with 83 known species ( Woodley, 2001). It is relative width 6(cid:1)0(cid:1)8(cid:1)0(cid:1)8(cid:1)5; arista ( = flagellomeres 5(cid:1)6) characterized bythefollowingfeatures: eyes shorthaired, ( with terminal hairs) 1(cid:1)5 times as long as rest of contiguous or so in male, widely separated in female; flagellum. Proboscis brownish black with some pale female head with distinct postocular rim; antennal scape hairs; palpus brown with some pale hairs. and pedicel subequal in length, flagellomeres 1(cid:1)4 spindle(cid:1) Thorax shiny black. Humeri black; postalar calli shaped and flagellomeres 5(cid:1)6 forming a dorso(cid:1)distal with a small yellow or dark yellow anterior spot. arista; scutellum with two spines (Yang and Nagatomi, Scutellum blackwith posterior margin and spines ( except 1993). The Palaearctic and Oriental species were studied tips) dark yellow. Mesopleuron with narrow dorsal mainly by Brunetti ( 1920, 1923) , Lindner ( 1936(cid:1) margin yellow; pteropleuron with lower posterior corner 1938), Nagatomi, Sutou and Tamaki (2001), Rozko(cid:1)ny' dark yellow or blackish. Hairs on thorax pale except (1983), Yang and Nagatomi ( 1993). The Chinese scutellum with chiefly black hairs. Legs black except species were revised by Yang and Nagatomi (1993) with knees dark yellow and mid and hind tarsomere 1 dark 13 known species. Here one new species is added to the yellow basally. Hairs on legs mostly pale. Winghyaline fauna of China here. The types are deposited in the exceptcell R dark yellow; veins dark brownish yellow. 1 EntomologicalMuseumof China Agricultural University, Halter pale yellow with dark brown base. Beijing. Abdomen subshiny black except tergite 1 with one small yellow median spot, tergite 4 with a pair of small Oxycera basalis sp. nov. (Figs(cid:1)1(cid:1)6) yellow lateral spots, and tergite 5 with yellow posterior Female. Bodylength 6(cid:1)3(cid:1)6(cid:1)7mm, winglength5(cid:1)7(cid:1) portion; venter entirely black. Hairs on abdomen pale. 6(cid:1)5mm. Male. Unknown. Head shiny black exceptfrons with one pair of dark Holotype (cid:1), Ningxia, Longde, Fengtai, alt. yellow lateral stripes on lower portion. Postocular rim 2280m, 28 June 2008, ZHANG Ting(cid:1)Ting. Paratype with one small subtriangular yellow spotonupper portion 1(cid:1), Ningxia, Longde, Fengtai, alt. 2280m, 28 June and onelongbrownishyellow stripe on middleand lower 2008, YAOGang. portions. Hairs on head pale; eyes with short sparse Etymology. The specific name refers to the yellow brown hairs. Frons and face with one pair of white basal spot on the abdomen. pollinose stripes from dark yellow lateral stripes of lower Remarks. This new species is somewhat similar to frons extending downward along eye margin; postocular O. chikuni Yang et Nagatomi from Guizhou, but it may rim also with one white pollinose stripe on middle and be separated fromthe latter by the frons with onepair of lower portions. Head 1(cid:1)3 times higher than long; eye the dark yellow lateral stripes, black antenna and width 0(cid:1)7 times distance between antenna and median abdomen with yellow spots on tergites 1 and 4. In O. ocellus, 0(cid:1)7 times frons width just above antenna and chikuni, the frons has one pair of the yellow median 0(cid:1)65timesfacewidthatlowestpointfroma directfrontal spots; the antenna is yellow with the black arista; the view; frons width just above antenna 1(cid:1)2 times that at abdomenhas no yellow spots on tergites 1 and 4 (Yang median ocellus; distance from ridge below proboscis to and Nagatomi, 1993). antenna 1(cid:1)1 times that from antenna to median ocellus. TheresearchwasfundedbyBeijingFinancial BudgetIndex[2008] No. 0178andBeijingNovaProject(2006A50). * Corresponding author, E(cid:1)mail: [email protected] Received10 Mar. 2009, accepted8 May2009. 460 July, 2009 张婷婷等: 中国盾刺水虻属一新种记述 (双翅目, 水虻科) 461 (cid:1) Figs(cid:1)1(cid:1)6. Oxycera basalis sp. nov. 1. Head, lateralview. 2. Head, frontalview. 3. Antenna, lateral view. 4. Scutellum, lateral view. 5. Thorax, dorsal view. 6. Abdomen, dorsal view. Nagatomi, A., Sutou, M. andTamaki, N. 2001. SynopsisoftheJapanese REFERENCES Oxycera (Diptera: Stratiomyidae). Entomological Science, 4 (4): 523(cid:1) 531. Brunetti,E. 1920. DipteraBrachycea. Vol. 1. In: Shipley, A. E. (ed.), Rozko(cid:1)ny', R. 1983. A biosystematic study of European Stratiomyidae TheFaunaof BritishIndia, Including CeylonandBurma. Taylor and (Diptera). Vol. 2. SeriesEntomologica, 25: 1(cid:1)431. Francis, London. 1(cid:1)401. Woodley, N. E. 2001. A world catalog of the Stratiomyidae (Insecta, Brunetti, E. 1923. SecondrevisionoftheOrientalStratiomyidae. Recordsof Diptera). Myia, 11: 1(cid:1)475. theIndianMuseum, 25 (1): 45(cid:1)180. Yang, D and Nagatomi, A. 1993. The Chinese Oxycera ( Diptera, Lindner, E. 1936(cid:1)1938. 18. Stratiomyiidae. Die Fliegen der palaeartische Stratiomyidae). SouthPacificStudy, 13 (2): 131(cid:1)160. Region, 4 (1): 1(cid:1)218. Stuttgart. 中国盾刺水虻属一新种记述 (双翅目, 水虻科) 张婷婷1(cid:1) 李(cid:1) 竹2(cid:1) 杨(cid:1) 定1* 1(cid:1) 中国农业大学昆虫学系(cid:1) 北京(cid:1) 100193 2(cid:1) 北京自然博物馆(cid:1) 北京(cid:1) 100050 摘(cid:1) 要(cid:1) 记述我国盾刺水虻属Oxycera 1新种, 即基斑盾刺水 似, 但额侧有1对黄条斑, 触角黑色, 腹部第1和 4背板有 虻O. basalis sp. nov.。模式标本保存在中国农业大学昆虫博 黄斑。 物馆。 正模 (cid:1), 宁夏隆德峰台2280m, 2008(cid:1)06(cid:1)28, 张婷婷采。 基斑盾刺水虻, 新种Oxycera basalis sp. nov. (图1~ 5) 副模 1(cid:1), 宁夏隆德峰台, 海拔2280m, 2008(cid:1)06(cid:1)28, 姚刚采。 词源: 种名意指腹部基部有黄斑。 新种与集昆盾刺水虻O. chikuni Yang et Nagatomi有些近 关键词(cid:1) 双翅目, 水虻科, 盾刺水虻属, 新种, 中国. 中图分类号(cid:1) Q969(cid:1)447(cid:1)5 * 通讯作者.

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