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One fluid to rule them all: viscous hydrodynamic description of event-by-event central p+p, p+Pb and Pb+Pb collisions at $\sqrt{s}=5.02$ TeV PDF

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Preview One fluid to rule them all: viscous hydrodynamic description of event-by-event central p+p, p+Pb and Pb+Pb collisions at $\sqrt{s}=5.02$ TeV

One fluid to rule them all: viscous hydrodynamic description of event-by-event central √ p+p, p+Pb and Pb+Pb collisions at s = 5.02 TeV Ryan D. Weller1 and Paul Romatschke1,2 1Department of Physics, University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado 80309, USA 2Center for Theory of Quantum Matter, University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado 80309, USA (Dated: January 26, 2017) √ The matter created in central p+p, p+Pb and Pb+Pb collisions at s=5.02 TeV is simulated event-by-event using the superSONIC model, which combines pre-equilibrium flow, viscous hydro- dynamic evolution and late-stage hadronic rescatterings. Employing a generalization of the Monte CarloGlaubermodelwhereeachnucleonpossessesthreeconstituentquarks,superSONICdescribes the experimentally measured elliptic and triangular flow at central rapidity in all systems using a single choice for the fluid parameters, such as shear and bulk viscosities. This suggests a com- mon hydrodynamic origin of the experimentally observed flow patterns in all high energy nuclear 7 collisions, including p+p. 1 0 2 INTRODUCTION (“Everything Flows”). According to Panta Rhei, there n is no fundamental difference between the experimental a flow signals in small and large systems, and both can J What are the properties of the matter created in ul- be quantitatively explained using the laws of hydrody- 5 trarelativisticioncollisions? Obtainingananswertothis namics. (See Refs. [28, 29] for a discussion of why non- 2 question has been one of the key goals of the high en- equilibrium hydrodynamics may be applicable to QCD ] ergy nuclear physics community and the driving force fluiddropletsassmallas0.15fm). Previousworkonthis h behind the experimental heavy-ion program at both the subject includes the prediction of flow signals in p+p t Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) and the Large - [30–33], p+Pb [33], 3He+Au [34, 35], p+Au and d+Au l Hadron Collider (LHC). Much progress has been made, c collisions [36] as well as the hydrodynamic description of such as the realization that the matter created in heavy- u experimentaldatainsmallsystems(seee.g. Refs.[37,38] n ion collisions behaves more like a strongly interacting for recent examples). [ fluid, rather than a gas of weakly-interacting quarks and OneofthemaincriticismsofthePantaRheiapproach gluons [1–4]. Some properties of this strongly interact- 1 to relativistic ion collisions has been that a hydrody- v ingQCDfluid,suchastheshearviscositycoefficientand namic description of experimental data of one or two 5 thelocalspeedofsound, havesincebeenconstrained[5– individual collision systems could be a coincidence, and 4 10]. Others, such as the minimum possible size for a that a simultaneous description of small and large sys- 1 QCD fluid droplet, remain yet to be unambiguously de- 7 tems is required. Indeed, with the notable exception of termined. Beforethepresentdecade,themainstreamex- 0 Ref. [39], previous hydrodynamic studies have focused 1. pectationwasthatastronglyinteractingQCDfluidcould on describing either proton+proton, proton+nucleus, or only be formed in “large” systems, such as those created 0 nucleus+nucleus collisions individually, rather than all in heavy-ion collisions. “Small” systems, such as those 7 ofthosesystemstogether,whichprovidesthemotivation 1 formed in proton+nucleus or proton+proton collisions, for the present study. : were not expected to flow. It thus came as a surprise to v many when experimental data from proton+nucleus and i X proton+protoncollisionsbothatRHICandtheLHCun- MODEL r ambiguously demonstrated the existence of flow in these a small systems [11–15]. The present study will be based on the super- The focus of the theory community has since shifted hybrid-model superSONIC [36, 40], which combines pre- towards understanding the origin of experimentally ob- equilibrium dynamics (based on AdS/CFT [41]) with served flow signals in small systems. At present, there viscous fluid dynamic evolution ([5, 42]) and late-stage are two main schools of thought. One maintains that hadronic rescatterings (using the hadronic cascade code while experimental evidence leaves no doubt that there B3D [43]). The superSONIC model has been used in the are flow-like signals in small systems, these signals are past to successfully predict experimental flow results in √ unrelated to those observed in heavy-ion collisions and p+Au, d+Au and 3He+Au collisions at s = 0.2 TeV are caused by either initial-state correlations [16–22], or [44]. The main addition to the superSONIC model im- non-hydrodynamicevolution,ornon-standardfinal-state plemented here are initial conditions which allow for nu- interactions[23–27]oracombinationofthese. Theother cleon substructure. For the present work, a variant of school of thought, on which the present work will be the constituent quark model for the nucleon substruc- based, adheres to Heraclit’s principle of “Panta Rhei” ture will be used. This model is rather simplistic, and 2 much more sophisticated models for nucleon substruc- denote the transverse position of the nucleon, the ture have previously been discussed in the literature, quark positions are set to cf. Refs. [35, 45–48]. Given that hydrodynamics effi- (cid:113) ciently dampens small-scale fluctuations [49], differences (cid:126)x(i) =(cid:126)x(i)+ 3(B−σ2)((cid:126)χ(i)+(cid:126)χ(i))/2, 1 g 1 2 between models are expected to quickly dissipate, and it (cid:113) is likely that other nucleon models will give almost iden- (cid:126)x(i) =(cid:126)x(i)+ 3(B−σ2)((cid:126)χ(i)−(cid:126)χ(i))/2, (1) 2 g 1 2 tical results to the constituent quark model employed in (cid:113) this work, as long as some basic granularity of the nu- (cid:126)x3(i) =(cid:126)x(i)− 3(B−σg2)(cid:126)χ(1i). cleonismaintained. Hence,itisunlikelythatthepresent Here, the parameter B controls the size of the nu- work can be used to constrain nucleon structure models, cleons, while the parameter σ is a measure of with the possible exception of broad features such as the g the width of the Gaussian-shaped gluon cloud sur- event-by-event “ellipticity” of the nucleon. rounding each valence quark [50]. We set B = (0.52 fm)2 and σ =0.46 fm. g Initial Conditions (iv) Forallpossiblepairs(i,j)consistingofabeamnu- cleon i and a target nucleon j, a nucleon-nucleon The superSONIC model requires as input initial con- overlap T(i,j) is computed as ditions for the energy density in the transverse plane; NN this density should correspond to the energy deposition 3 following the collision of two relativistic nuclei. Each T(i,j) = (cid:88) 1 e−|(cid:126)x(ki)−(cid:126)xl(j)|2/(4σg2), (2) NN 4πσ2 nucleus consists of individual nucleons whose positions k,l=1 g and binary collisions are treated within a Monte Carlo and the probability that a binary collision occurs Glauber framework. In addition, nucleon substructure is between the two nucleons is determined as implemented through a type of quark model of the nu- cleon by modifying the work of Ref. [50]. This model P(i,j) =1−e−σggTN(iN,j), (3) shall be referred to as the OSU (Ohio State) model, and collision is used to generate event-by-event initial conditions as where σ is a parameter that is fixed by requir- gg follows: ing that across a large number of generated pro- ton+protonevents,theexpectedprobabilitythata (i) The transverse positions of a beam and target nu- collisionoccurssatisfies(cid:104)P (cid:105)πb2 =σinel = cleus are produced, separated by a random impact collision cutoff NN parameter of magnitude b. The impact parameter 70 mb. Now, based on the probability Pc(oi,ljli)sion, isobtainedbysamplingb2 fromauniformdistribu- it is randomly determined whether a binary col- tionontheinterval[0,b2 ],whereb ischosen lision will occur between nucleons i and j . If a cutoff cutoff to be large enough that the probability of a colli- binary collision occurs, nucleons i and j are both sion occurring is negligible when b > b . For marked as “wounded”, and become participants cutoff our simulations, we set b to 8, 20, and 40 fm in the collision. Only nucleons, and not individ- cutoff forp+p,p+Pb,andPb+Pbcollisions,respectively. ual constituent quarks are marked as “wounded”, which differs from other implementations of con- (ii) If either the beam or the target nucleus is simply a stituent quark Monte Carlo Glauber models in the proton,thenasinglenucleonisplacedatthecenter literature [52]. of that nucleus. Otherwise, if a given nucleus is a lead nucleus, then the 3D positions of the nucleons (v) Every wounded nucleon deposits entropy into the comprisingthenucleusaresampledfromaWoods- collisionintheformofthegluoncloudssurrounding Saxon distribution, using a radius of 6.62 fm and itsthreevalencequarks. (However,inthecasethat a skin depth of 0.546 fm [51]. The transverse posi- no nucleons are wounded, the procedure returns to tions of the nucleons are then found by projecting step (i)). The entropy density s((cid:126)x⊥) at a point their 3D positions onto the transverse plane. (cid:126)x⊥ = (x,y) in the transverse plane of the collision is then given by (iii) Each nucleon in each nucleus is divided into three vvvaaerlleesnneccpeeoqqsuuitaairorkknsss.a(cid:126)xrFe(jio)gre(najegr=aivtee1nd,2inn,u3tc)hleeooffnotlhil,oewthninuegctlmreaoannns’s-- s((cid:126)x⊥)=κn(cid:88)N=w1(cid:88)j=31γj(n)2π1σg2e−|(cid:126)x⊥−(cid:126)xj(n)|2/(2σg2), (4) ner. First, two vectors (cid:126)χ(i) and (cid:126)χ(i) are sampled where n is an index over all the wounded nucleons 1 2 from Gaussian distributions, for which the respec- and N is the total number of wounded nucleons. w tive probability density functions are P1((cid:126)χ1) = κ is a parameter whose value is chosen to repro- 23πe−3(cid:126)χ21/2, P2((cid:126)χ2) = 21πe−(cid:126)χ22/2. Then, letting (cid:126)x(i) duce final-state charged hadron multiplicities, and 3 FIG. 1. Snapshots of typical energy density profiles in the transverse plane for Pb+Pb (left panel), p+Pb (center panel) and √ p+p collisions (right panel, including zoom-in to enlarge system) at s=5.02 TeV. The actual box sizes used in simulations wereadaptedtoindividualsystems. Notethatforatypicalp+pcollision,initialconditionsfromtheOSUmodelareveryclose to (but nevertheless slightly different from) those obtained from spherical nucleons, cf. Ref [38]. γ(n) is proportional to the amount of entropy de- brief, for each initial energy-density profile (cid:15)(x ), a pre- j ⊥√ positednearmidrapiditybythejthquarkofthenth equilibrium flow profile at proper time τ = t2−z2 wounded nucleon. γj(n) is allowed to fluctuate from is generated using (cid:126)v(τ,x) = −3τ.0∇(cid:126) ln(cid:15)(x⊥) [54], con- sistent with gauge/gravity simulations of strongly cou- quark to quark with a probability density function pled matter [41], while the value of the shear and bulk stress tensors will be set to zero. Using these initial con- γ1/(3θ)−1e−γ/θ ditions, 2+1 dimensional hydrodynamic simulations at P (γ)= , (5) Γ θkΓ(1/(3θ)) mid-rapidity are then started at time τ = τ0 = 0.25 fm using a lattice QCD equation of state [10] and shear where θ =0.75 [50]. and bulk viscosity values of η = 0.08 and ζ = 0.01, re- s s spectively. Bulk viscous effects on particle spectra are at (vi) Inthelaststep,thecontinuumentropydensitypro- presentpoorlyunderstood[55]soonlyeffectsofbulkvis- file(4)isconvertedtoanenergydensity(cid:15)(x )using ⊥ cosityonthehydrodynamicevolutionisincluded,andfor alatticeQCDequationofstate[10]anddiscretized simplicity bulk and shear relaxation times are identical, on a square lattice adapted to the size of the colli- τ =τ [56]. Thecorrespondingshearviscousrelaxation Π π sion system under consideration. timeisvariedbetweenτ =4 η andτ =6 η inorderto π sT π sT quantify the sensitivity of results to non-hydrodynamic Using the procedure described above, many initial modes [28], where T denotes the local effective tempera- energy-density profiles have been generated for p+p, ture of the system. Large variations of observables with p+Pb, and Pb+Pb collisions. For each initial profile, τ areindicativeofabreakdownofhydrodynamics,while π there is an associated total entropy per unit rapidity smallvariationssuggestthathydrodynamicsstillapplies dS/dy ∝ κ(cid:80)Nn=w1(cid:80)3j=1γj(i). Since dS/dy increases with as an effective bulk description. Simulations were per- the total multiplicity of charged hadrons produced in a formed on lattices with 100×100 grid points, with lat- collision [53], all initial density profiles are ordered into tice spacings adapted to the individual size of the col- centralityclassesbasedontheirvaluesfordS/dy. Asub- lision system (cf. Fig. 1). In addition, test simulations set of 100 initial conditions are randomly selected from with 200×200 gridpoints were used to ensure that finite each centrality class for further processing with super- volume and finite resolution artifacts are under control. SONIC. Examples for typical transverse energy density Once the local temperature reaches T = 0.17 GeV in a profiles for central p+p, p+Pb and Pb+Pb collisions are given fluid cell, hydrodynamic variables and location of shown in Fig. 1. the cell are stored for further processing using the low- temperature hadronic cascade evolution with B3D [43]. B3D simulates the s-wave scatterings with a constant superSONIC cross section of 10 mb and interactions through hadron resonances in the particle data book with masses up to The superSONIC model converts initial energy den- 2.2 GeV. After resonances have stopped interacting, the sity profiles into spectra of identified particles that can finalchargedparticlemultiplicityaswellashadronspec- directly be compared to experimental data (see Ref. [36] traareobtained,andcanbedirectlycomparedtoexper- for a more detailed description of the model). In 4 FIG. 2. Elliptic (v ), triangular (v ) and quadrupolar (v ) flow coefficients from superSONIC simulations (bands) compared 2 3 4 to experimental data from ATLAS, CMS and ALICE (symbols) for p+p (left panel), p+Pb (center panel) and Pb+Pb (right √ panel)collisionsat s=5.02TeV[58–62]. Simulationparametersusedwere η =0.08and ζ =0.01forallsystems. Notethat √ s s √ ATLAS results for v ,v are only available for s=13 TeV, while all simulation results are for s=5.02 TeV. 3 4 imental measurements at mid-rapidity. The source code tum, and integrated elliptic flow are shown in Fig. 3 to- to superSONIC is publicly available [57]. gether with experimental data. This figure suggests that the multiplicity distribution is well represented in the superSONIC model, while the pion mean transverse mo- RESULTS mentumonlyqualitativelymatchesexperimentalresults: the simulated (cid:104)p (cid:105) values exceed the results measured √T by ALICE (at s = 7 TeV) at all multiplicities. This UsingsuperSONICwithOSUinitialconditionsforthe finding is not surprising given that present simulations nucleon, central p+p, p+Pb and Pb+Pb collisions at √ didnotincludebulkviscouscorrectionstothepionspec- s=5.02TeVhavebeensimulatedusingonesinglefluid tra, which can be expected to considerably affect (cid:104)p (cid:105) framework with fixed values of shear and bulk viscosity T results,cf. Refs.[38,55,63]. Giventheextremesensitiv- coefficientsforallsystems. Theresultsforthedifferential ityof(cid:104)p (cid:105)onbulkviscosityforproton+protoncollisions elliptic, triangular and quadrupolar flow at midrapidity T [38],itisquitepossiblethatincludingbulkcorrectionsto from superSONIC are shown in Fig. 2 together with ex- spectraand/orfinetuningcanleadtoquantitativeagree- perimental results from the ALICE, CMS and ATLAS ment of simulation and experiment for (cid:104)p (cid:105) in p+p col- experiments[58–62]. Thesizeofthebandsshownforsu- T lisions, while not significantly altering results for p+Pb perSONIC calculations includes statistical errors for the and Pb+Pb collisions. Such fine-tuning is left for future simulations as well as systematic uncertainties obtained work. from changing the second-order transport parameter τ . π The size of the uncertainty bands suggests that simula- AlsoshowninFig.3istheintegratedellipticflowcoef- tion results for all systems shown are not strongly sensi- ficientasafunctionofmultiplicity,indicatingthatv2sat- tive to the presence of other, non-hydrodynamic modes, urates at high multiplicities similar to what is observed and thus a hydrodynamic effective description seems ap- experimentally. At low multiplicities, experimental pro- plicable. ceduresemployedbydifferentexperimentsleadtodiffer- Overall, Fig. 2 implies good agreement between the entresults. SowhilethemethodemployedbytheATLAS superSONIC model and experiment at low momenta for experiment suggests a near constant behavior of v2 as a all collision systems when taking into account the sys- function of multiplicity, the method employed by CMS tematic and statistical uncertainties in both the theory (not shown in Fig. 3) by construction implies that inte- and experimental results. It should be pointed out that grated v2 decreases as multiplicity is lowered. Neverthe- no fine-tuning of superSONIC parameters has been at- less, reproducing the apparent saturation of integrated tempted, sonoprecisionfitoftheexperimentaldatacan v2 at around 6 percent for high multiplicities (for which be expected. Furthermore, note that in the case of p+p both ATLAS and CMS experiments agree on) is non- collisions, ATLAS data for v ,v is only available for trivial for any model as this trend depends on the choice √ 3 4 s = 13 TeV, more than twice the simulated collision of shear viscosity and nucleon initial state parameters. √ √ energy of s=5.02 TeV. Forp+PbcollisionsandPb+Pbcollisionsat s=5.02 √ The case of p+p collision at s=5.02 TeV has more- TeV, the model results for dN for the 0-5% highest mul- dy over been studied as a function of multiplicity, and re- tiplicity events are within five percent of the experimen- sults for the multiplicity, mean pion transverse momen- tal values at midrapidity [64, 65] when converting super- 5 √ FIG. 3. Multiplicity, pion mean transverse momentum and integrated elliptic flow coefficient for p+p collisions at s=5.02 √ √ TeV from superSONIC (bands) compared to experimental data from ALICE at s = 7 TeV and ATLAS at s = 5.02 TeV (symbols)[66,67]. 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