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Oncogenes and Tumor Suppressor Genes in Human Malignancies PDF

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Oncogenes and Tumor Suppressor Genes in Human Malignancies Cancer Treatment and Research Livingston R.B. (ed): LungCancer1. 1981. ISBN90-247-2394-9 HumphreyG.B., DehnerL.P.,GrindeyG.B.,ActonR.T. (eds): PediatricOncology1. ISBN90-274-2408-2 DeCosseJ.J.,SherlockP.(eds):GastrointestinalCancer1. 1981. ISBN90-247-2461-9 BennettJ.M. (ed): Lymphomas I,includingHodgkin'sDisease. 1981. ISBN90-247-2479-1 BloomfieldCe. (ed): Adult Leukemias 1. 1982. ISBN90-247-2478-3 PaulsonD.F. (ed):GenitourinaryCancer1. 1982. ISBN90-247-2480-5 Muggia F.M.(ed):CancerChemotherapy I. 1983. ISBN90-247-2713-8 HumphreyG.B., GrindeyG.B. (eds): PancreaticTumorsinChildren. 1982. ISBN90-247-2702-2 CostanziJ.J. (ed): Malignant Melanoma 1. 1983. ISBN90-247-2706-5 GriffithsCT., FullerA.F. (eds): GynecologicOncology. 1983. ISBN0-89838-555-5 GrecoA.F. (ed): BiologyandManagementofLungCancer. 1983. ISBN0-89838-554-7 WalkerM.D. (ed):OncologyoftheNervousSystem. 1983. ISBN0-89838-567-9 Higby D.J. (ed):SupportiveCareinCancerTherapy. 1983. ISBN0-89838-569-5 Herberman R.B. (ed): BasicandClinicalTumorImmunology. 1983. ISBN0-89838-579-2 BakerL.H. (ed):SoftTissueSarcomas. 1983. ISBN0-89838-584-9 BennettJ.M. (ed):Controversiesinthe ManagementofLymphomas. 1983. ISBN0-89838-586-5 HumphreyG.B.,GrindeyG.B.(eds):AdrenalandEndocrineTumorsinChildren. 1983.ISBN0-89838-590-3 DeCosseJ.J., Sherlock P. (eds): Clinical Management ofGastrointestinal Cancer. 1984. ISBN 0-89838 601-2 CatalonaWJ., RatliffT.L. (eds): UrologicOncology. 1984. ISBN0-89838-628-4 Santen R.J., Manni A. (eds): Diagnosis and Management of Endocrine-Related Tumors. 1984. ISBN 0-89838-636-5 CostanziJ.J. (ed):ClinicalManagementofMalignant Melanoma. 1984. ISBN0-89838-656-X WolfG.T. (ed): Headand NeckOncology. 1984. ISBN0-89838-657-8 AlbertsD.S.,SurwitE.A. (eds): OvarianCancer. 1985. ISBN0-89838-676-4 MuggiaF.M. (ed): ExperimentalandClinical ProgressinCancerChemotherapy. 1985. ISBN0-89838-679-9 Higby DJ. (ed): IssuesinSupportiveCareofCancerPatients. 1986. ISBN0-89838-816-3 SurwitE.A., AlbertsD.S. (eds):CervixCancer. 1987. ISBN0-89838-822-8 JacobsC (cd):Cancersofthe Headand Neck. 1987. ISBN0-89838-825-2 MacDonaldJ.S. (ed):Gastrointestinal Oncology. 1987. ISBN0-89838-829-5 RatliffT.L.,CatalonaW.J. (cds): GenitourinaryCancer. 1987. ISBN0-89838-830-9 Nathanson L. (cd): BasicandClinicalAspectsofMalignantMelanoma. 1987. ISBN0-89838-856-2 Muggia F.M. (ed): Concepts, Clinical Developments,andTherapeuticAdvances inCancerChemotherapy. 1987. ISBN0-89838-879-5 FrankelA.E. (ed): Immunotoxins. 1988. ISBN0-89838-984-4 Bennett J.M., Foon K.A. (eds): Immunologic Approaches to the Classification and Management of Lymphomasand Leukemias. 1988. ISBN0-89838-355-2 OsborneC.K. (ed): EndocrineTherapiesin Breastand ProstateCancer. 1988. ISBN0-89838-365-X LippmanM.E.,DicksonR. (eds):BreastCancer:CellularandMolecularBiology. 1988.ISBN0-89838-368-4 Kamps W.A., Humphrey G.B., Poppema S. (eds): Hodgkin's Disease in Children: Controversies and CurrentPractice. 1988. ISBN0-89838-372-2 Muggia F.M. (ed): Cancer Chemotherapy: Concepts, Clinical Investigations and Therapeutic Advances. 1988. ISBN0-89838-381-1 Nathanson L. (ed): MalignantMelanoma: Biology,Diagnosis,andTherapy. 1988. ISBN0-89838-384-6 PinedoH.M., VerweijJ. (eds):TreatmentofSoftTissueSarcomas. 1989. ISBN0-89838-391-9 Hansen H.H. (ed): BasicandClinicalConceptsofLungCancer. 1989. ISBN0-7923-0153-6 LeporH., RatliffTL(eds): UrologicOncology. 1989. ISBN0-7923-0161-7 BenzC,LiuE. (eds): Oncogenes. 1989. ISBN0-7923-0237-0 OzolsR.F. (ed): Drug ResistanceinCancerTherapy. 1989. ISBN0-7923-0244-3 SurwitE.A., AlbertsD.S. (cds): EndometrialCancer. 1989. ISBN0-7923-0286-9 ChamplinR. (ed): BoneMarrowTransplantation. 1990. ISBN0-7923-0612-0 GoldenberllD. (ed):CancerImagingWIth Radiolabeled Antibodies. 1990. ISBN0-7923-0631-7 JacobsC (ed):Carcinomasofthe Headand Neck. 1990. ISBN0-7923-0668-6 Lippman M.E., Dickson R. (eds): Regulatory Mechanisms in Breast Cancer: Advances in Cellular and MolecularBiologyofBreastCancer. 1990. ISBN0-7923-0868-9 Nathanson L. (ed): Maligant Melanoma: Genetics, Growth Factors, Metastases,and Antigens. 1991. ISBN 0-7923-0895-6 SugarbakerP.H. (ed): ManallementofGastricCancer. 1991. ISBN0-7923-1102-7 PinedoH.M.,VerweijJ.,SUItH.D.(eds):SoftTissueSarcomas:NewDevelopmentsintheMultidisciplinary ApproachtoTreatment. ISBN0-7923-1139-6 OzolsR.F. (ed): MolecularandClinicalAdvancesinAnticancerDrugResistance. 1991. ISBN0-7923-1212-0 MuggiaF.M. (cd): NewDrugs,Conceptsand ResultsinCancerChemotherapy. 1991. ISBN0-7923-1253-8 Dickson R.B., Lippman, M.E. (eds): Genes, Oncogenes and Hormones: Advances in Cellular and MolecularBiologyofBreastCancer. ISBN0-7923-1748-3 Humphrey G. Bennett, Schraffordt Koops H., Molenaar W.M.. Postma A. (cds): Osteosarcoma in Adolescentsand YoungAdults: NewDevelopmentsandControversies. ISBN0-7923-1905-2 Benz Christopher C, Liu Edison T. (eds): Oncogenes and Tumor Suppressor Genes in Human Malignancies. Oncogenes and Turnor Suppressor Genes in Human Malignancies edited by Christopher c. Benz Cancer Research Institute University of California, San Francisco and Edison T. Lin Lineberger Cancer Research Center The University of North CaroUna at Chapel Hill ~. " SPRINGER SCIENCE+BUSINESS MEDIA, LLC Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publicalion Data Oncogcncs and lumor supprcssor gcnes in human m~lignancie<; I cdilcd by ChriSlopher C. Benz and Edison T. Liu. p. cm. - (Cancer treatment and rcscareh; eTAR 63) Indudcs bibliographical referenees aod index. ISBN 978-1-4613-6349-1 ISBN 978-1-4615-3088-6 (eBook) DOI 10.1007/978-1-4615-3088-6 1. Onoogcncs. 2. Anlionoo8encs. 3. Cancer- Genetic aspccts. 1. Benz. Christophcr. Il. Liu. Edison T. 111. Scrics: Cancer 1rcalmenl and rescareh; Y. 63. IDNLM: 1. Cell Transformation. Ncoplastic- gcnetics. 2. Gencs. SupprCS'iOr, Tumor. 3. Onoogeocs. WI CA69J v. 63 f QZ 202 054451 RC268.42.OS28 I9'JJ 616.\I9'207I-dc20 DNLMIDLC for Library of Congrcss 92-49212 CIP Copyright 1993 by Springer Science+Business Media New York Originally published by Kluwer AC3demic Publishers in 1993 Softcover reprint ofthe hardcover Ist edition t 993 AII rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system ar transmitted in anyf orm ar by any means, mechanical, photocopying. recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permsision of the p ublisher, Springer Science+Business Media, LLC. Dedication William L. McGuire, M.D. (1937-1992) Professsor ofMedicine Chiefof Medical Oncology University ofTexas Health Science Center San Antonio, Texas Series Editor Cancer Treatment We dedicate this volume to the memory and achievements (both scientific and academic) of one of the most influential cancer researchers of this century, particularly relating to the biology and treatment of breast cancer. He will be greatly missed both personally and professionally. Table of Contents ListofContributors. ............................................ IX Preface. ........................ ..... ... ..... .................. xv 1. Oncogenes and TumorSuppressor Genes. ...................... 1 E. LIU AND B. WEISSMAN 2. Activated Oncogenes and PutativeTumorSuppressorGenes Involved in Human Breast Cancers ............................ 15 c.c. D. TRIPATHY AND BENZ 3. Oncogenes in Human LungCancer. ................ ........... 61 R.A. KRATZKE, E. SHIMIZU, AND FJ. KAYE 4. Thyroid Growth Factorsand Oncogenes. ....................... 87 O.H. CLARK AND Q.-Y. DUH 5. Growth Regulation ofHuman Neuroblastoma 105 O.M. EL-BADRY AND M.A. ISRAEL 6. Kaposi Sarcoma: A Cytokine Responsive Neoplasia? 129 S.A. MILES 7. BCL-2: Physiology and Role in Neoplasia 141 A. BAGG ANDJ. COSSMAN 8. MalignantTransformation byabland BCR/ABL 167 R.A. VAN ETTEN 9. The Biological and Clinical RolesofIncreased Insulin Receptorsin Human Breast Cancer 193 R. VIGNERI AND I.D. GOLDFINE 10. The Role ofFibroblast Growth Factors and Related Oncogenes in Tumor Growth 211 H. BREM AND M. KLAGSBRUN vii 11. TransformingGrowth Factor-alpha and its Role in Neoplastic Progression 233 D.C. LEE, N.C. LUETTEKE, AND L.A. PETCH 12. Growth Regulation byTransforming Growth Factor-~. ........... 255 B.A. ARRICK AND R. DERYNCK 13. Signal Transduction by ReceptorTyrosine Kinases , 265 D.R. KAPLAN, A. PERKINS, AND O.K. MORRISON 14. InvolvementofG Proteins, CytoplasmicCalcium, Phospholipases, Phospholipid-DerivedSecond Messengers, and Protein Kinases in Signal Transduction from Mitogenic Cell Surface Receptors 281 R.A. FRYE 15. Fos andfun: InducibleTranscription Factors RegulatingGrowth of Normal and Transformed Cells. ............................... 301 J. HOLT 16. DNA Binding by the myc Oncoproteins ........................ 313 G.J. KATO, D.S. WECHSLER, AND C.V. DANG 17. Normal and Malignant Growth Control by p53 327 C.A. FINLAY 18. Nucleoside Diphosphate Kinases, nm23, and TumorMetastasis: Possible Biochemical Mechanisms ............................. 345 A. GOLDEN, M. BENEDICT, A. SHEARN, N. KIMURA, A. LEONE, L. LIOTTA, AND P.S. STEEG 19. Angiogenesis: A Mechanism byWhich Oncogenes and Tumor SuppressorGenes Regulate Tumorigenesis ............... 359 N. BOUCK Index , 373 viii List of contributors (Primary authors in bold) Bradley Arrick, M.D., Ph.D. Section ofHematology and Oncology Dartmouth-HitchcockMedical Center 2Maynard St. Hanover, NH 03756 (603-646-5347) Adam Bagg, M.D. Department ofPathology Georgetown University Medical Center 3900 Reservoir Rd., N.W. Washington, DC20007 (202-687-1704) Mary Benedict Laboratory ofPathology, N.C.1. Bldg. 10, Room 2A33, N.I.H. 9000 Rockville Pike Bethesda, MD 20892 (301-496-9753) ChristopherBenz, M.D. Cancer Research Institute University ofCalifornia San Francisco San Francisco, CA 94143-0128 (415-476-4149) Noel P. Bouck, Ph.D. DepartmentofMicrobiology-Immunologyand CancerCenter Northwestern University MedicalSchool 303East ChicagoAve. Chicago, III60611 (312-503-5934) ix Harold Brem, M.D. Boston Children's Hospital 300Longwood Avenue Boston, MA02115 (617-735-7503) OrloH. Clark, M.D. DepartmentofSurgery U.C.S.F.- Mt. ZionMedical Center 1600DivisaderoSt. San Francisco, CA94120 (415·885·7616) JeffreyCossman, M.D. DepartmentofPathology Georgetown University MedicalCenter 3900Reservoir Rd., N.W. Washington, DC 20007 (202-687-1704) Chi V. Dang, M.D., Ph.D. DepartmentsofMedicine, Cell Biologyand Anatomy, and theJohns Hopkins Oncology Center TheJohn Hopkins UniversitySchoolofMedicine 720 N. RutlandSt. Ross 1012 Baltimore, MD 21205 (410-955-2773) Rik Derynck, Ph.D. Departments ofGrowth and Development and Anatomy University ofCalifornia, San Francisco San Francisco, CA 94143·0640 (415·476·3018) Quan-Yang Duh, M.D. Department of Surgery V.C.S.F. - Mt. Zion Medical Center 1600 Divisadero St. San Francisco, CA 94120 (415-885-7616) Osama EI-Badry Training Center Life Technologies, Inc. 20271 Goldenrod Lane, Suite 100 Germantown, MD 20876 (301-921-2245) x Cathy A. Finley, Ph.D. Department ofMolecular Biology Lewis Thomas Lab Princeton University Washington Rd. Princeton, NJ 08544-1014 (609-258-6785) Roy A. Frye, M.D. Department ofPathology University ofPittsburgh Pittsburgh, PA 15261 (412-647-6592) Adam Golden Laboratory of Pathology, N.C.I. Bldg. 10, Room 2A33, N.I.H. 9000 Rockville Pike Bethesda, MD 20892 (301-496-9753) Ira Goldfine, M.D. Division ofDiabetes and Endocrine Research U.C.S.F. - Mt. Zion Medical Center 1600 Divisadero St. San Francisco, CA 94115 (415-885-7429) Jeffrey Holt, M.D. Department ofCell Biology and Pathology Vanderbilt University Nashville, TN 37232 (615-343-4730) Mark Israel, M.D. Preuss Laboratory, Department ofNeurosurgery, Brain Tumor Research Center University ofCalifornia San Francisco San Francisco, CA 94143-0520 (415-476-6662) David Kaplan, Ph.D. ABL-Basic Research Program N.C.I. - Frederick Cancer Research and Development Center Frederick, MD 21702 (301-846-5497) xi

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