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Once upon an Algorithm. How Stories explain Computing PDF

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Once Upon an Algorithm How Stories Explain Computing Martin Erwig TheMITPress Cambridge,Massachusetts London,England ©2017MassachusettsInstituteofTechnology PrintedandboundintheUnitedStatesofAmerica LibraryofCongressCataloging-in-PublicationData Names: Erwig,Martin,author. Title: Onceuponanalgorithm: howstoriesexplaincomputing/MartinErwig. Description: Cambridge,MA:MITPress, [2017] |Includesbibliographical referencesandindex. Identifiers: LCCN2016053945|ISBN9780262036634(hardcover: alk. paper) Subjects: LCSH:Computeralgorithms–Popularworks. Classification: LCCQA76:9:A43E782017|DDC005:1–dc23LCrecordavailableat https://lccn.loc.gov/2016053945 Contents Preface vii Acknowledgments xi Introduction 1 PartI ALGORITHMS ComputationandAlgorithms—HanselandGretel 1 APathtoUnderstandingComputation 19 2 WalktheWalk: WhenComputationReallyHappens 33 RepresentationandDataStructures—SherlockHolmes 3 TheMysteryofSigns 49 4 Detective’sNotebook: AccessoryaftertheFact 63 ProblemSolvingandItsLimitations—IndianaJones 5 TheSearchforthePerfectDataStructure 83 6 SortingoutSorting 103 7 MissionIntractable 121 PartII LANGUAGES LanguageandMeaning—OvertheRainbow 8 ThePrismofLanguage 141 9 FindingtheRightTone: SoundMeaning 159 ControlStructuresandLoops—GroundhogDay 10 Weather,Rinse,Repeat 175 11 HappyEndingNotGuaranteed 189 Recursion—BacktotheFuture 12 AStitchinTimeComputesFine 205 13 AMatterofInterpretation 225 TypesandAbstraction—HarryPotter 14 TheMagicalType 245 15 ABird’sEyeView: AbstractingfromDetails 263 Glossary 287 Notes 303 Index 313 Preface When people ask about my work, the conversation quickly turns to the question of what computer science is. To say computer science is the science of computers is mis- leading(thoughstrictlyspeakingnotincorrect)becausemostpeoplewilltakecomputer tomeanPCorlaptopandconcludethatcomputerscientistsspendtheirtimeconstruct- ing hardware. On the other hand, defining computer science as the study of computa- tion is simply kicking the can down the road, since it immediately raises the question ofwhatcomputationis. Overtheyears,Ihavecometorealizethatteachingbyjustintroducingconceptafter concept doesn’t work very well; it is simply too abstract. Nowadays, I typically start bydescribingcomputerscienceasthestudyofsystematicproblemsolving. Everybody knows what a problem is, and everybody has seen solutions as well. After explain- ing this view through an example, I often get the chance to introduce the concept of an algorithm, which allows me to point out important differences between computer science and mathematics. Most of the time, I don’t need to talk about programming languages, computers, and related technical matters, but even if it comes to that, the concreteproblemmakesiteasytoillustratetheseconcepts. OnceUponanAlgorithmis anelaborationofthisapproach. Computer science is a relatively new member of the science club, and sometimes it seems it has not yet earned the respect granted to serious scientific disciplines like physics, chemistry, and biology. Think of a movie scene involving a physicist. You willprobablyseesomeonediscussingcomplicatedformulaswrittenonablackboardor supervisinganexperimentwearingalabcoat. Thephysicistisshownasareputablesci- entistwhoseknowledgeistreasured. Nowimagineasimilarsceneinvolvingacomputer scientist. Here you will likely see some nerdy guy sitting in a dark, messy room and staringatacomputerscreen. Heisfranticallytypingonakeyboard,probablytryingto breaksomecodeorpassword. Inbothscenes,animportantproblemisbeingsolved,but while the physicist might provide some plausible explanation of how it can be solved, the solution of the computer problem remains mysterious, often magical, and much toocomplextobeexplainedtoanonspecialist. Ifcomputerscienceisunexplainableto laypeople,whywouldanyoneevertrytoknowmoreaboutitorunderstandit? The subject of computer science is computation, a phenomenon that affects every- body. Iamnottalkingonlyaboutcellphones,laptops,ortheinternet. Considerfolding apaperairplane,drivingtowork,cookingameal,orevenDNAtranscription,aprocess thatoccursinyourcellsmillionsoftimeswhileyouarereadingthissentence. Theseare allexamplesofcomputation—asystematicwayofproblemsolving—eventhoughmost peoplewouldnotperceivethemassuch. Science provides us with a basic understanding of how the natural world works, and it gives us the scientific method for reliably establishing that knowledge. What applies to science in general holds for computer science, too, especially since we en- counter computation in so many different forms and so many different situations. A basicunderstandingofcomputationthusprovidesbenefitssimilartoabasicknowledge of physics, chemistry, and biology in making sense of the world and tackling many real-worldproblemsmoreeffectively. Thisaspectofcomputationisoftenreferredtoas computationalthinking. A major goal of this book is to emphasize the general nature of computation and thus the wide applicability of computer science. My hope is that this will spark a broaderinterestincomputerscienceandadesiretolearnmoreaboutit. I first identify computation in everyday activities and then explain corresponding computer science concepts through popular stories. The everyday situations are taken from a typical workday: getting up in the morning, having breakfast, commuting to work, episodesattheworkplace,adoctor’sappointment, ahobbyactivityintheafter- noon, having dinner, and reflecting on the day’s events in the evening. Each of these fifteenvignettesintroducesabookchapter. Thechaptersthenexplainthecomputation concepts using seven popular stories. Each story spans two or three chapters and deals withaspecifictopicofcomputerscience. The book has two parts: algorithms and languages. These are the two main pillars on which the concept of computation rests. Table 1 summarizes the stories and the computerscienceconceptstheyillustrate. We all appreciate a good story. Stories console us, give us hope, and inspire us. They tell us about the world, make us aware of the problems we face, and sometimes suggest solutions. Stories can also provide guidance for our lives. When you think aboutwhatstorieshavetoteachus,youprobablythinkaboutlove,conflict,thehuman condition. ButIalsothinkaboutcomputation. WhenShakespeare’sJulietasks,“What’s in a name?” she is on to an important question about representation. Albert Camus’s Table1 Story Chapters Topics PartI HanselandGretel 1,2 ComputationandAlgorithms SherlockHolmes 3,4 RepresentationandDataStructures IndianaJones 5,6,7 ProblemSolvingandItsLimitations PartII OvertheRainbow 8,9 LanguageandMeaning GroundhogDay 10,11 ControlStructuresandLoops BacktotheFuture 12,13 Recursion HarryPotter 14,15 TypesandAbstraction TheMythofSisyphusraisesthequestionofhowtofacetheabsurdityoflifeandalsohow todetectanever-endingcomputation. Storieshavemultiplelayersofmeaning. Theyoftenincludeacomputationallayer. Once Upon an Algorithm is an effort to unveil this layer and offer readers a new per- spective on stories and computation. I hope that stories will be appreciated for their computationalcontentandthatthisnovelpointofviewwillsparkinterestincomputer science. Introduction Computation plays a prominent role in society now. But unless you want to become a computer scientist, why should this prompt you to learn more about it? You could simplyenjoythetechnologypoweredbycomputationandtakeadvantageofitsbenefits. Youlikelyalsodon’tstudyavionicstomakeuseofairtravelorseekamedicaldegreeto benefitfromtheachievementsofmodernhealthcare. However, the world we live in consists of more than man-made technology. We still have to interact with nonautonomous objects ruled by physical laws. Therefore, it is beneficial to understand the basics of mechanics simply to predict the behavior of objects and to safely navigate one’s environment. A similar case can be made for thebenefitsofstudyingcomputationanditsrelatedconcepts. Computationisnotonly revealedincomputersandelectronicgadgetsbutalsooccursoutsideofmachines. Inthe following I briefly discuss some of the major computer science principles and explain whytheymatter. Computation and Algorithms Iinviteyoutoperformthefollowingsimpleexercise. Forthisyouneedaruler,apencil, and a piece of(quadrille-ruled) paper. First, draw a horizontal line that is 1 inch long. Then draw a vertical line of the same length, perpendicular to the first, starting at one ofitsends. Finally,connectthetwoopenendsofthelinesyoudrewwithadiagonalto form a triangle. Now measure the length of the diagonal just drawn. Congratulations; youhavejustcomputedthesquarerootof2. (Seefigure1.) What does this exercise in geometry have to do with computation? As I explain in chapters 1 and 2, it is the execution of an algorithm by a computer that brings about a computation. In this example, you acted as a computer thpat executed an algorithm to draw and measure lines, which led to the computation of 2. Having an algorithm iscrucialbecauseonlythencandifferentcomputersperformacomputationrepeatedly andatdifferenttimes. Animportantaspectofcomputationisthatitrequiresresources 2 OnceUponanAlgorithm measure 1 in draw draw ch 1 inch Figure1 Computingthesquarerootof2usingapencilandaruler. (such as pencil, paper, and a ruler) and takes time to carry out. Here again, having an algorithmicdescriptionisimportantbecauseithelpsinanalyzingtheresourcerequire- mentsforcomputations. Chapters1and2explain • whatalgorithmsare, • thatalgorithmsareusedforsystematicproblemsolving, • thatanalgorithmneedstobeexecutedbyacomputer(human,machine,etc.) to produceacomputation, • thattheexecutionofalgorithmsconsumesresources. Whydoesitmatter? Recipesareexamplesofalgorithms. Wheneveryoumakeasandwich, bakeachocolate cake,orcookyourfavoritedishbyfollowingtheinstructionsofarecipe,youareeffec- tively executing an algorithm to transform the raw ingredients into the final product. Therequiredresourcesincludetheingredients,tools,energy,andpreparationtime. Knowledge about algorithms makes us sensitive to questions about the correctness of a method and what its resource requirements are. It helps us identify opportunities forimprovingprocessesinallareasoflifethroughthe(re)organizationofstepsandma- terials. Forinstance,inthegeometricsquarerootcomputation,wecouldhaveomitted drawingthediagonallineandjustmeasuredthedistancebetweenthetwounconnected endpoints. In cooking the improvement can be as simple and obvious as saving trips to the fridge by planning ahead or gathering ingredients ahead of time. You could plan how to use your oven or stove more efficiently and save time by parallelizing steps, such as preheating the oven or washing the salad while the potatoes are cooking. These tech- Introduction 3 niquesalsoapplytomanyotherareas,fromsimpleassemblyinstructionsforfurniture toorganizationalprocessesforrunninganofficeormanagingafactoryfloor. In the realm of technology, algorithms control basically all the computations in computers. One prominent example is data compression, without which the trans- mission of music and movies over the internet would be nearly impossible. A data compressionalgorithmidentifiesfrequentpatternsandreplacesthemwithsmallcodes. Datacompressiondirectlyaddressestheresourceproblemofcomputationbyreducing thespacerequiredtorepresentsongsandmoviesandthusalsothetimeittakestoload themovertheinternet. AnotherexampleisGoogle’spage-rankalgorithm, whichdeter- minestheorderinwhichsearchresultsarepresentedtoauser. Itworksbyassessingthe importance of a web page through counting how many links point to it and weighing howimportantthoselinksare. Representation and Data Structures One might expect that numerical computations are carried out with the help of num- bersbecauseweusetheHindu-Arabicnumerpalsystem,andmachinesworkwith0sand 1s. Sothegeometricmethodforcomputing 2withthehelpoflinesmightbesurpris- ing. The example demonstrates, however, that one and the same thing(for example, a quantity) canberepresentedindifferentways(numbersymbolsorlines). The essence of a computation is the transformation of representation. I explain in chapter 3 what representations are and how they are employed in computations. Since manycomputationsdealwithlargeamountsofinformation,Iexplaininchapter4how collections of data can be efficiently organized. What complicates this question is the factthatanyparticulardataorganizationmaysupportsomeformsofaccessingthedata efficientlybutnotothers. Chapters3and4discuss • differentformsofrepresentation, • differentwaysoforganizingandaccessingdatacollections, • theadvantagesanddisadvantagesofdifferentdataorganizations. Whydoesitmatter? Measurements of ingredients in recipes can be given by weight or by volume. These aredifferentformsofrepresentation,whichrequiredifferentcookingutensils(scalesor measuringcups)forproperlyexecutingtherecipe/algorithm. Asfordataorganization, 4 OnceUponanAlgorithm thewayyourfridgeorpantryisorganizedhasanimpactonhowfastyoucanretrieveall theingredientsrequiredfortherecipe. Orconsiderhowthequestionofrepresentation applies to the recipe itself. It may be given as a textual description, through a series of pictures, or even in the form of a YouTube video. The choice of representation often makesabigdifferenceintheeffectivenessofalgorithms. In particular, the question of how to arrange a collection of items or people has many applications, for instance, how to organize your desk or garage to help you find items more quickly or how to organize the book shelves in a library. Or consider the differentwaysyouwaitinline: inagrocerystore(standinginaqueue) oratadoctor’s office(sittinginawaitingroomhavingpickedanumber)orwhenboardinganairplane (multiplequeues). In the realm of technology, spreadsheets are among the most successful program- ming tools. The organization of data in tabular form has contributed to much of their success because it supports the quick and easy formulation of sums over rows and columns and represents the data and computation results for them in one place. On the other hand, the internet, one of the most transformative inventions of the late twentiethcentury,organizeswebpages,computers,andtheconnectionsbetweenthem as a network. This representation supports flexible access to information and efficient transmissionofdata. Problem Solving and Its Limitations Analgorithmisamethodforsolvingproblems,beitfindingthesquarerootofanumber orbakingacake. Andcomputerscienceisadisciplinethatisconcernedwithsystematic problemsolving. Of the many problems that can be solved through algorithms, two deserve to be discussed in detail. In chapter 5, I explain the problem of searching, one of the most frequentlyusedcomputationsondata. Chapter6thenexplainstheproblemofsorting, which illustrates a powerful problem-solving method and also the notion of intrinsic problemcomplexity. Inchapter7,Idescribetheclassofso-calledintractableproblems. Algorithms exist for these problems, but take too long to execute, so the problems are notsolvableinpractice. Chapters5,6,and7clarify • whysearchingcanbedifficultandtimeconsuming, • methodstoimprovesearching, • differentalgorithmsforsorting,

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