ON TRACK FOR THE 21st CENTURY A Development Plan for the Railways of Wales and the Borders AR Y TRYWYDD TUA’R UNFED GANRIF AR HUGAIN Cynllun Datblygu Rheilffyrdd Cymru a`r Gororau 1 2 3 COVER PICTURES (clockwise from top left): A coal train on the Marches Line at Abergavenny, modern light rail in Dublin, passengers board a Heart of Wales Line service at Shrewsbury, an ATW Coradia train departs from Abergavenny, and a Virgin Trains service from Holyhead to London Euston passes the coastal town of Penmaenmawr railfuture CYMRU | WALES Produced in Wales by Bridgend Festivals Ltd, Moriah Business Centre Moriah Place, Kenfig Hill, Bridgend, CF33 6DW email [email protected] Telephone 01656 661338 For digital or printed copies of this report, please email: southwales@ railfuturewales.org.uk ISBN: 978-0-901283-18-4 4 Contents Introduction 6 1. Executive summary 8 2. Preface to third edition 17 3. Introduction 21 4. Passenger services 25 5. Integration of services: The seamless journey 55 6. Station facilities 61 7. On-train standards 63 8. Information for passengers 67 9. Marketing 69 10. Freight services 73 11. Infrastructure 77 12. Political control, planning and funding of rail services 97 Appendix 1. Interchange stations 101 Appendix 2. Documents and references supporting section 12 103 Bibliography 113 Maps South Wales rail network 2 Cardiff and Swansea light rail proposals 28 SE Wales light rail/metro. Tram/train eastern (Newport) extension 32 Bridgend light rail proposals 36 Bus/coach network and key interchanges 48 North and mid Wales rail network 138 5 Rhagymadrodd Gyda phleser mawr y cyflwyna Railfuture Cymru yr argraffiad diweddaraf o’u Cynllun Datblygu ar gyfer rheilffyrdd yng Nghymru. Gwneir hyn mewn sefyllfa trafnidiaeth sydd wedi cael ei thrawsnewid yn gyfangwbl yn y blynyddoedd diweddar. Yn sgil datganoli a chael senedd i’w hunan, fe all Cymru o`r diwedd gynllunio, i raddau, ei pholisiau trafnidiaeth ei hun. Hefyd, gyda phrisiau tanwydd yn codi yn gyson, mae gwelliannau i`r rhwydwaith rheilffyrdd ac i ddulliau eraill o drafnidiaeth cyhoeddus yn fwy fwy pwysig. Yn y Cynllun hwn, y mae ymgais nid yn unig i edrych ar ddulliau gweddol hawdd o wella sefyllfa rheilffyrdd yng Nghymru ond hefyd i roi ger eich bron weledigaeth radical ar gyfer yr oes nesaf. Dechreua pob newid chwildroadol mewn trafnidiaeth – neu mewn unrhyw agwedd arall o bolisi – gyda rhywun yn dweud, “Wel, pe baem ni`n gwneud hyn…” neu, “Beth petai…?” Mewn geiriau eraill, mae angen i rywun feddwl tu allan i`r bocs fel pe bai: mewn rhannau o`r Cynllun, dyma beth rydym wedi ei wneud. Gobeithiwn y byddwch chi`n meddwl fod y Cynllun yn un diddorol. Gobeithiwn yn enwedig y bydd y darllenwyr hynny yn eich plith sydd â’r pwerau i benderfynu ar bolisiau – ar lefel leol, cenedlaethol neu Brydeinig – yn ymgorffori ein syniadau yn eich gweledigaethau ar gyfer y dyfodol. Railfuture Cymru/Wales Y 3ydd argraffiad, Hydref 2013 Hawlfraint © 2013 Railfuture yw`r enw ymgyrchu gan Cymdeithas Datblygu Rheilffyrdd cyf, cwmni cyfyngedig (di-elw) drwy Warant Cofrestredig yng Nghymru a Lloegr Rhif 5011634 Swyddfa Gofrestredig: 24 Chedworth Place, Tattingstone, Ipswich IP9 2ND 6 Introduction Railfuture Cymru is very pleased to publish ON TRACK for the 21st Century, the latest edition of its Development Plan for Rail Transport of Wales and the Borders. We do so in a transport context which has changed out of all recognition over the past few years. In particular, as a result of devolution, at last Wales is able to a large extent to plan its own transport policies. Moreover, we live at a time when, as fuel prices escalate, improvements to the rail network and other forms of public transport are increasingly important. In this plan, we attempt not only to look at relatively easy ways of improving the rail transport scene in Wales, but also to present to you a more radical vision for the longer term. Every step change in transport – or any other aspect of policy – begins with someone saying “Well, suppose we did this…?” or “What if….? In other words, someone needs to think outside the box: we have attempted, in parts of what follows, to do exactly that. We hope that you will find this plan to be of interest. In particular, we hope that those readers who are in a position to make policy decisions – at local, Welsh or UK level – will be able to incorporate our ideas into their own visions for the future. Railfuture Cymru/Wales 3rd edition October 2013 Copyright © 2013 Railfuture, campaigning name of the Railway Development Society Ltd, a not-for-profit company limited by guarantee Registered in England and Wales No 5011634 Registered office: 24 Chedworth Place, Tattingstone, Ipswich IP9 2ND 7 L AI R K R O W T E N e: ur ct Pi BARMOUTH BRIDgE This picture was runner up in the Network Rail Lines in the Landscape award, 2012 Take-a-View Landscape Photographer of the Year ©Claire Carter 1.Crynodeb gweithredol 1.1 Sefydliad gwirfoddol annibynnol, yn gweithredu ledled y DU yw Railfuture. Mae’n ymgyrchu am fwy o fuddsoddiad ac am fwy o ddefnydd o’r rheilffyrdd ac mae hefyd yn gorff sy’n cynrychioli defnyddwyr rheilffyrdd. Mae canghennau Cymru yn gweithredu ledled y wlad yn ogystal ag ar lwybr rheilffordd y Mers sy’n rhedeg drwy siroedd y gororau. 1.2 Rydyn ni o’r farn y gall - a bod yn rhaid - i’r rheilffyrdd chwarae llawer mwy o ran nag yn ystod y degawdau diwethaf i gyfarfod ag anghenion cludiant yng Nghymru. Byddai defnyddio mwy ar y rheilffyrdd ar gyfer teithwyr a nwyddau yn cyfrannu at amcanion 8 1. Executive summary 1.1 Railfuture is a UK-wide independent voluntary organisation which campaigns for greater investment in, and use of, rail and acts as a consumer body for rail users. The Wales branches cover the whole of Wales, together with the route of the Marches line running through the border counties. 1.2 We believe that rail can – and must – play a much larger role in meeting the transport needs of Wales than it has done in recent decades. Greater use of rail, both for passengers and freight, will contribute to the aims of both the Welsh and UK governments to reduce carbon emissions, pollution and road traffic congestion. This will improve accessibility to work, education, health and leisure facilities for those unable to use cars at all times. Thus as well as improving the environment it will also reduce social exclusion. The improvement of transport facilities – including for the disabled – is an essential component of sustainable development, which the National Assembly for Wales is statutorily required to promote. 1.3 For these benefits to be realised, significant modal shift from road to rail is essential, but if this is to happen rail must offer an attractive service in terms of frequency, affordability, reliability, connectivity, security and comfort. Without these things, car owners and freight hauliers are unlikely to consider rail as a serious alternative to the car and the lorry. 1.4 At present in much of Wales, rail services do not meet these criteria adequately: this plan suggests radical changes that should be made to improve matters. 1.5 In this third edition of the plan, we welcome some positive developments which have occurred, or are imminent, since publication of the second edition in 2004 – but we also draw attention to some negative 9 llywodraethau Cymru a’r DU i leihau allyriadau carbon, llygredd a thagfeydd ar y ffyrdd. Byddai hynny’n ei gwneud yn haws i bobl heb geir gyrraedd eu mannau gwaith, addysg, iechyd a hamdden. Yn ogystal â gwella’r amgylchedd, byddai hynny hefyd yn lleihau eithrio cymdeithasol. Mae gwella’r ddarpariaeth cludiant – gan gynnwys ar gyfer pobl anabl – yn rhan hanfodol o ddatblygu cynaliadwy ac mae cyfrifoldeb statudol ar Gynulliad Cenedlaethol Cymru i hyrwyddo hynny. 1.3 Ond os yw hynny i’w wireddu, mae angen symud llawer o deithiau o’r ffyrdd i’r rheilffyrdd. Fodd bynnag, cyn y gall hynny ddigwydd, mae’n rhaid i’r rheilffyrdd gynnig gwasanaeth deniadol, aml, fforddiadwy, dibynadwy, cysylltiedig, diogel a chyfforddus. Heb hynny, mae perchnogion ceir a lorïau yn annhebyg o ystyried o ddifrif rhoi’r gorau iddyn nhw a defnyddio’r rheilffyrdd. 1.4 Ar hyn o bryd, yn y rhan fwyaf o Gymru, nid yw’r gwasanaethau rheilffyrdd yn llwyddo i fodloni’r meini prawf hyn: mae’r Cynllun hwn yn awgrymu gwneud newidiadau radical i wella pethau. 1.5 Yn y trydydd rhifyn hwn o’r Cynllun, rydyn ni’n croesawu datblygiadau positif sydd wedi, neu ar fin, digwydd ers cyhoeddi’r ail rifyn yn 2004 - ond rydyn ni hefyd yn tynnu sylw at rai nodweddion negyddol (adran 2). Gwneir argymhellion manwl i oresgyn yr agweddau negyddol ac i adeiladu ar y rhai positif er mwyn galluogi’r rhwydwaith rheilffyrdd i fodloni’r dyheadau sydd ym mharagraff 1.3 (uchod). Mae’r cynlluniau hyn yn cynnwys ailddechrau gwasanaethau teithwyr ar rai o’r rheilffyrdd presennol megis Aberdâr i Hirwaun, ac ailagor rhai hen reilffyrdd, megis o Fangor i Gaernarfon. Rydyn ni’n argymell y dylai’r gwasanaeth ar bron bob un o’r llwybrau rheilffordd fod o leiaf unwaith mewn dwy awr i bob cyfeiriad, ac y dylai’r rhan fwyaf gael trenau bob hanner awr neu awr ac yn amlach na hynny yn y mannau poblog iawn ar rwydwaith Caerdydd a’r Cymoedd ac ar brif reilffordd De Cymru rhwng Casnewydd ac Abertawe. Mae’n bwysig fod y gwasanaethau hyn yn rhedeg o leiaf rhwng 06.00 a 23.00 o ddydd Llun tan ddydd Sadwrn a bod gwasanaethau’r Sul yr un fath a’r rhai ar ddyddiau’r wythnos heblaw am deithiau cymudwyr neu 10