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TranslbaytC ehdr istIirniez arry Stnfoard Univeyr sit Press Stfoardn California 2050 ON TOUCHIN G-JE AN-LUNCA NCY JaqcueDse rrida StanfUonridv ePrrseistsy StanfCoarldi,f ornia Engltirsahn sl© a2t0i0bo5ynt hBeo aorfdT rusotfet ehse LelaSntda nfJourndiU onri verAslrilit gyrh.et sse rved. OnT ouching-jNeanacyn -Luc waosr igipnuabllliyis nFh reedn icn2h 0 00 undtehrte i tLlete o ucjheear,n -NaLnuccy © 200E0d,i tiGoanlsi lee. Assisftoatrnh cteer anslwaaptsri oovni bdyte hde FrenMcihn isotfCr uyl ture. "Satlouy to us,a ltuott h bel iwned bec(opm3.e1 "3 ) waosr igipnuabllliyis nFh reedn ucnhd tehrte i tle "Saalt uotsi a,l auutax v euqgulneeo su dse venons," © 200E4d,i tiGoanlsi lee/JNeaannc-yL.u c Transalnapdtue bdl ibsyhp eedr mission. Nop arotft hbioso mka yb er eprodourtc readn smiinat ntfyeo dr m orb ya nmye anesl,e ctorrmo encihca niinccallu,pd hiontgo copying anrde corodrii nnag n,iy n formsattoirooanrrg eet rsiyesvtaelm withtohupetr iworri tpteernm isosfSi toann fUonridv ePrrseistsy. Prinitnte hdUe n ited oSfAt maetreioscna a c id-free, archivalp-aqpuearl ity LibroafCr oyn grCeastsa loging-inD-aPtuab lication DerrJiadcaq,u es. [ToucJheearn,-N LaunccE yn.g lish] Ont ouching-JNeaanncI-y L uc JacqDueersr itdraa n;sb lyCa htreids Itriinzea rry. p. cm.-(Mericdrioasanse,is ntgh etics) Inclubdiebsl iogrraepfheiracenanidlcn edse x. ISB0N- 8047(-c4l2:oa4 tl3hpk-a.Xp er­ ISB0N- 8047(-p4b2:ka4 .l4 k-.8 paper) I.Na ncJye,a n-Luc-Carniidtn itceirspmr etation. 2.T ouch3..S en(sPeh ilosophy) I.T tileI.I M.e rid(iSatna nCfaolridf,) B2430.N326040D54 713 I94-dc22020 5008743 OrigiPnrailn 2ti0n0g5 Lasfitg ubreel ionwd icyaetaoerfts h pirsi nting: 141 3I 2I I1 00 9 080 7 TypebsyeJ ta mP.e Bsr ommer in1 O.G9a!rIa3m oanndLd i thdoiss play Contents Forweodr IX TarnslaPtrfaoecre's Xl " "Whene yoteuosru ch . . . SiignnagQ ueinso-tfrmoA ristotle PART I: THIS IS-OF THE OTHER Psyche § I II "Arouhnewdr,i the xsaaucncctdhr ukenloe wd"gl e Spacings § 2 20 TheI nmcmoenasbeuSl,ryn coapneWod,r d sB eigninng witehx' - 3 ThiIMssy B ody § PoisnA trleya:Cdo uneptro,iM noutrgnP iysnchaent,dh e Hando f.. . § 4 ThUen toucohrta hVbeol weo A,f b stinence6 6 TheE xrobain,tIt -Ta"ceybto ntdhp eo se"s -iSbtklrigon, Stkrigin,T hingk,Wei ingihnMgo:u rgnE irnaonst dh e OthHeanrdo f.. . § 5 Tender 92 ThiIsMs y Hear't't,hh eeao rfa tnh oetr" § 6 NothtioDn ogi nS ig"hTth:en ro'e t'shsee n's e ofto uch" III Hatpi'tcesnc,,eho 'Br o ydE contieccsh Contse nt VIl1 " " PART II:E XEMPLARY STORIES OF THE FLESH § 7 TangeIn t 135 Hando fM anH,a ndo fG od 8 TangeInIt 159 § ''Feoxra mmpylh ea,n d"'hT'-eh anidt s'e'-'lf'For exalmetp,hfi ene gr''''Fe-oxra m'Jpfe leemly,h eart'" 9 Tangent III § TheE xorabn,i2t t," Crysitzaatloilfto hnie m po's:s'ib le 'e'Fsl"ah ,n,a d agi'n'F,eo xra mmpylh ea,n d" § 10 TangeInVt 216 TangaennCdcyon tgiey,nnI c:T he" uqesotfti eoncnih" c s antdh "pea oira"os fF lseh",c( oanctattb,o tt"o m) TangeVn t 244 § II Taenngacyn Cdon teinny,2gc: " hTe' merhcaifonolfdt he , Fathewr,i twhhi hceth h tuosu ucshi,tes hs e . S.to.hne . Wordt htia 'st thoeut chhta otu tchhee s(S tqoouudelel ' a Diviidna.d.e tl. o qquuteeo aealal )ma" " PART III:P UNCTUATIONS: AND YOU. § 12" oTs e-ltfoyuocuh" Touchignuga-agLnetad hnH eea rt § 13 "Andt yoo .uT"h Ien calculable ExacteiP,tu undciy,ttP uuanlctuation Salve 300 UntimPeoslysc ptrti,i% nfotorfa F niaRle utcoh XaipE Saltuoyt o sua,lt out thbe l iwnebd e come Jena-LNuanccy Notes IndoefNx am es 375 Foreword Thfei vresrtso ifto henis ssw aays wr1i9t9tPe2en.gK gaiymn tu rfa ns­ latiietnd E tnog lainsdh t,hr earn slaptuibolntih sfwehloa elsdo wyienagr inPa rapgrha, hwahddie cdhi acs apteecdi taJole ainsN-saLunueacc tty h e tiem!.T hiisn terntartiicbolunetsaaehlr o lwyoen dca eg atihnta htme e a­ suorafen i dieosaft etna kfeinar,nsl dta "satb,r, io""na of dreciogunn"t ries. WhaItw rotthees nt aansadm so depsatr,ta inpadrl o,v iistniroon­al ducntt ioNo acnyw'osr Ikwt.a msy i netnttiodo env eilotorp p ur siute elsewwhheetnrhr eei gthitcm aem Ieh a.vc ee rtnaoigtni lvuyepo n nt hat; mannye dwe veloaprmteeh mneat rsok ft i hsB.ut mIu satmd itth Ia t havheat dof lo ltohwme o tsai,tlf eaosfmt yfi, r asttt eamsfpra ta sst, h e tophiecaarltt hm eao tfit cseo rn cerned. While tohfteh gecu hiodtiihcnregae naedds ,p eocftih aoelr liygt iin­al tle-tIoeu csheeertm-oie mdp iots,sei e ntle fver tcwoe oarmsreeyI.d n thger ammafrtomio cfta hFler encha npidhti rsna dsee-c biestiwoenen thneo utno uacnhvdee rtr bo u,ct hhdeee rfianritItiaeecn lpdee rsonal pro­ nouIne -iiesta tsory e cotgwnioin zdei ssgoecsitiauofbrn laeeens a :l yzed thwea iynw h iacg hr epahti lotsroepathtoeeurhdc oh hw,e h andtlheids prooufnqdu esotftih osene ntsheia st apptahmreoe ssntut pleyr tfhiec ial, quesotfti hovene sryua rcifet ,st eolufchiinntgo ,t wnaesac letssoos ary touhciham n,td h us touch soonmeteshooei nlsmefi , n gatudoladurrclyeh,s s someionhn ieam s ,t rapnegrehrNa epvste?otr h diesg hraevIefe le hto w enigmhaottwir co,u ibdliiaonrmgies tn h enierct eyis,nes x ipsrseisouncsh as" totuotc hhhe e ta","r totuhchehe art,"t hwevhiaerlit upsher e orp erly litoerfir gaulr aotrsi ovmee,tb iomtbehes,y oanlddle citdya.b ili Howevbeyt rh,pu rsi violnepege irnsgpl eecuttse i vvesenao, yn see nse, lX x Forweord onoeft hsee n,ds one'swteu nderttoca hkoeot soue na,fi lrelayiv ne the shadeovwetsrh yienxgc lbuytd heoadnt se e nisned,eb eytd hs,ee nisne s geneirnaa noldft, h emsDeolnvw'eerts i ?ls oks siingoghtf th m ee asoufr e thweo rwkea rcel aitmooi pneugnp? Threi isasklt lhg er eiantt hetarht ti osp vieciabnal,r v eilsyai fitb rlset , perhhaipdsdu enntt eihnlh ,as si enb ceeNna nctyom' isn aen;d hahse ceasebleeeesnxs playnt dhrieen aogcfi ht i sn fluiennccree,ta hwseei anlgt h oift sst raitoinafisnctd,ah tcuosn firimtrisen sgo urtchreeis (s-tmkaoe t ) ovfe ntwuirttihhnt gio sw tahruedn predoirlc otsaiibttnlh geeN ,ra en.c y's Les ednusm ond(ehT eS enosft ehW eorl d)f,o erx amfpilpreus,bt l ished shoarfttelrydw uarrtdih nsega myee aIr9,9a 2l,reb aowdriyet nteots hsa t, an"doT uch(e"orTu"c hibncegam"te)ht ei otfl eoo fin tecs h apNtoe rs. luycv kein,w htaIhht ea pndr :o proisseakdpe pde aroinndlgay t n(eoidtt undeniably iasbn)uda t l ipsnuocr rpeodasesefilinyfcg lailteyen rotir,n g, obsolete. Unabtoldeta oty r aonrtsmhf cee nttorpaoiltfc h e isssa anmyda kielt e ss unworotNfha yn cy'sa ntpdha orutgihoctftu, hl peao rwrlefybu olo ks he hapsu bldiusrhtiehndpeg a f setyw e ,aIr2h s ave comnytsheeenlwrtfiee t dh chanignteh fsero mo fth tee xitn,t erppaoslsa-atsgeoedmos eft heamd ­ mittedolnye sl-onanongtad ed sdr eedt rtoisvpeelcy. Thaeg oeft htiesix st mtuhluotsli Idfst.o tmiemseksis pesv yeeraarls formo nsee ntteotn hcneee xAtn.sd ot,o gewtihttehhrr e e a,d ceIor uld havpely aeadct o loirnti hsnetg r oafatn a archive. Toa dmtihte sea nardci cstekhpset m wsihtahimonseuo ettn ough, of coutrosc eo,n ttahienm . Ins iptoefa ltlh essheo rtciotfmh iaintsgt se,am tip ntt erpretation, amosnomg a noyt hpeors soinbelsle,e paaestrt s uotahdteeorrs es oa nde oft hiem mepnhsiel owsoorpokhfosi u tcri mtehp,ibu sl icwaitnliolot n havbee eanl toguentjhuesrt ified. JacqDueersr ida TransaltorP'rsea fce Twod aaytfseJ ra cqDueersr idwah itdlhibeieo sdow ,ka is pn r oduction, JeanN-aLnupccuy b liasnah retdii ntc hlneee wspLaiprbteaenirto itled "aSlaut to sia,la uuatxv euqgulneeo ssud evoesnn.It" h aJneka n-Luc Nanfcroya lloiwttiob n etg r ansalnpadut beldii nsthh bieosdo k. It haPnekg Kgaym ,uJ feanN-aLnu(ccay g aaniadng n a,)Hi elTearnt ar, NorProipsWe er,n Hearm achAevirt,Ra oln eKlilmL, e wBirso wAmny, JamgocAnhgiiMaein c,h aMealriiRsaa,ny ak Moavr,Fc r oment-Meurice, KallNiiokopopilo uEldowua,Br adt chelder, Lee Moore, Ludwig Reich­ holBdr,i gVaintvtie(n icmqne mroy,S) ophie BSitsespoRhneaninec tht­e, holMdi,lR ae ichAhloilcde, F Irroimzeanrtr-RyMe eiucrhEihdcodely d , IrrirzGyai,Ml e ndez, PaBsecaSatcleh RuMohan,sa Bslridue z,Di ineat,e r LohamrA,l aBno stainDcdak v,Di wdi ggins. PetDerre dyeesr emryve exst ensivfero h igersda ittwiootrruoikdna e l thtirsa inosHnli.asst u rpbee ditsiknihgla lvcseo ntrviebrsuyit gendi fi­ canttlhyfe i tnoa l result. It hanks tftasohf fte hH eo nKgo nPgu bliacrt yLh,Sei a bnr Francisco PubLliirbacr tyhN,ea shvilLlierba raPynut,dbh lVeian cd erUbniilvte r­ sity libraries. Byp ermiostfsh Eiedo inun rbgUhn ivePrrseaisntPsdye gKgaym ,ut fhis transilnactroiarotpJneoa sc qDueersr "iLdteao ,u :cT houec/rhoTT ouch Himt,r"a nbsylP aetgKegadym ,ui fnO nt hWoer koJf ena-LNuancyc,e dited byP eggy PKaraarmgahup1f, 62 (, Ju1l93)y91: 2 527C-.o pyrEidgiuhnrtbg:h UnivePrrse(ists.y ue p.eudk.)a c. www ChriIsrtiiznaer ry Xl

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