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ON TOTALLY ANTIMAGIC TOTAL LABELING OF COMPLETE BIPARTITE GRAPHS 6 1 0 A.D.AKWU,D.O.A.AJAYI 2 g Abstract. This paper deals with the problem of finding totally antimagic u totallabelingsofcompletebipartitegraphs. Weprovethatcompletebipartite A graphs are totally antimagic total graphs. We also show that the join of completebipartitegraphswithonevertexisatotallyantimagictotal graph. 4 2 ] O 1. Introduction C . All graphs in this paper are finite, undirected and simple. If G is a graph, then h V(G) and E(G) stand for the vertex set and edge set of G. A (p,q) graph G is t a a graph such that |V(G)| = p and |E(G)| = q. Let K denote the complete n,n m bipartite graph with n vertices in each partite set and K denote the complete n,m [ bipartite graph with different number of vertices in each partite set. For graph theoretic terminology, we refer to Chartrand and Lesniak [5]. 2 v A labeling of graph G is any mapping that sends some set of graph elements to 2 a set of non-negative integers. If the domain is the vertex set or the edge set, the 1 labeling is called vertex labeling or edge labeling respectively. Furthermore, if the 1 domain is V(G)∪E(G), then the labeling is called a total labeling. If the vertices 2 are labeled with the smallest possible numbers, i.e., f(V(G))={1,2,3,...,p},then 0 . the total labeling is called super. 1 Let f be a vertex labeling of a graph G. Then we define the edge-weight of 0 6 uv∈E(G) to be wf(uv)=f(u)+f(v). If f is total labeling, then the edge-weight 1 of uv is wtf(uv) = f(u)+f(uv)+f(v). The associated vertex-weight of a vertex : v, v ∈ V(G) is defined by wt (v) = f(v)+ f(uv), where N(v) is the set v f u∈N(v) i of the neighbors of v. A labeling f is called ePdge-antimagic total (vertex-antimagic X total),forshortEAT(VAT),ifalledge-weight(vertex-weight)arepairwisedistinct. r A graph that admits EAT (VAT) labeling is called EAT (VAT) graph. a The notion of an antimagic graph was introduced by Hartsfield and Ringel [7]. According to Hartsfield and Ringel, an antimagic labeling of a graph G is an edge labeling where all the vertex weights are required to be pairwise distinct. For an edge labeling, a vertex weight is the sum of the labels of all edges incident with the vertex. Bodendiek and Walther [3, 4] were the firstto introduce the concept of (a,d)-vertexantimagicedgelabeling,theycalledthislabeling(a,d)vertex-antimagic labeling. Baˇcaet al. [1]introducedtheconceptofan(a,d)-VAT labelingmotivated byresultsofBodendiekandWalther[3,4]. Theydefinedtheconceptof(a,d)-VAT labeling as if the vertex-weights form an arithmetic sequence starting from a and havingacommondifferenced,i.e.,thesetofallthevertex-weightis{a,a+d,...,a+ 2000 Mathematics Subject Classification. 05B15,05C38,20N05. Keywordsandphrases. Egdeantimagiclabeling,Vertexantimagiclabeling,Bipartitegraphs. 1 2 A.D.AKWU,D.O.A.AJAYI (p−1)d} for some integers a > 0 and d ≥ 0. The basic properties of an (a,d)- VAT labeling and its relationship to other types of magic-type and antimagic-type labeling are investigated in [1]. In[11],itisshownhowtoconstructsuper(a,d)-VATlabelingforcertainfamilies of graphs including complete graphs, complete bipartite graphs, cycles, paths and generalizedPertersengraphs. An(a,d)-EATlabelingofagraphGisatotallabeling withthe propertythat the edge-weightsformanarithmetic sequencestarting from a and having a common difference d, where a > 0 and d ≥ 0 are two integers. Simanjuntak ⁀et al [10] introduced the notion of (a,d)-EAT labeling. They gave constructions of (a,d)-EAT labelings for cycles and paths. For further results on graph labelings see [6] and [8]. A totally antimagic total labeling (TAT) is a labeling that is simultaneously vertex-antimagic total and edge-antimagic total. A graph that admits totally an- timagictotallabelingisatotally antimagic total graph(TATgraph). Thenotionof totally antimagictotal graphswasintroduced by Baˇcaet al. [2]. They provedthat paths, cycles, stars, double-stars and wheels are totally antimagic total graphs. In Section 2, we prove that complete bipartite graphs K and K , where n,n n,m n 6= m are totally antimagic total graphs. In Section 3, we show that the join of complete bipartite graphs with one vertex is a TAT graph. 2. TAT labelings of complete bipartite graphs We begin with the following definitions. 2.1. Definition[2]. Alabelinggisordered(sharpordered)ifwt (u)≤wt (v) (wt (u)< g g g wt (v)) holdsforeverypairofverticesu,v ∈V(G)suchthatg(u)<g(v). Agraph g that admits a (sharp) ordered labeling is called a (sharp) ordered graph. 2.2. Definition. Let n be a positive integer, a labeling g of a graph G is a weak ordered (sharp) if the vertex set of G can be partitioned into n sets such that any of the sets admits a (sharp) ordered labeling. A graph that admits a weak (sharp) ordered labeling is called a weak (sharp) ordered graph. Next, we show that K is a TAT graph. n,n Theorem 2.1. Let n > 3 be a positive integer, then the graph K is a weak n,n ordered super TAT graph. Proof. We partition the vertex set of K into two equal sets X and Y . Denote n,n n n the vertices of X and Y by the symbols u and v respectively, where i,j = n n i j 1,2,...,n, i.e., X ={u ,u ,...,u } and Y ={v ,v ,...,v }. n 1 2 n n 1 2 n We define a labeling f of K in the following way: n,n f(u )=2i−1, i=1,2,...,n, i f(v )=2j, j =1,2,...,n, j f(u v )=n(2+j)−(i−1), i,j =1,2,...,n. i j It is easy to see that f is a bijection from the union of the vertex set and edge set of K to the set {1,2,...,n(2+n)}. n,n ON TOTALLY ANTIMAGIC TOTAL LABELING OF COMPLETE BIPARTITE GRAPHS 3 For the edge-weight of the edge u v , i,j = 1,2,...,n under the labeling f, we i j have wt (u v )=f(u )+f(u v )+f(v ) f i j i i j j =2i−1+n(2+j)−(i−1)+2j =n(2+j)+2j+i. The weights of all edges u v ∈ E(K ) are different under the labeling f which i j n,n implies that the labeling f is EAT. We have to check also that the vertex-weight are different. For the vertex u , i we have n wt (u )=f(u )+ f(u v ), i=1,2,...,n f i i i j Xj=1 n =2i−1+ n(2+j)−(i−1)) jX=1( n =i(2−n)+ (n2+5n+2)−1. 2 Thus wt (u ) = wt (u )−n+2 which implies that wt (u ) > wt (u ), for f i+1 f i f i f i+1 i=1,2,...,n−1 (since n>3). Thereforethe weights of vertices u areall distinct. i For the vertex v we get j n wt (v )=f(v )+ f(u v ), j =1,2,...,n f j j i j Xi=1 n =2j+ (n(2+j)−(i−1)) Xi=1 n =j(2+n2)+ (1+3n). 2 Thus n wt (v )=j(2+n2)+ (1+3n) f j 2 =wt (v )−n2−2. f j+1 Therefore wt (v ) < wt (v ), for j = 1,2,...,n−1 and the weights of vertices f j f j+1 v , j =1,2,...,n are all distinct. j Next, we have to show that wt (u )6=wt (v ). Assume that f i f j wt (u )=wt (v ) f i f j n n ⇒ i(2−n)+ (n2+5n+2)−1=j(2+n2)+ (1+3n) 2 2 (2.1) ⇒ 2i(n−2)+2j(2+n2)=n(n2+2n+1)−2. Case 1: Use induction on j. Let j =1 in Equation (2.1), we have n3+n−6 i= ∈/ Z+. 2(n−2) Since(2(n−2))∤(n3+n−6),thisimpliesthati∈/ Z+. Thereforewt (u )6=wt (v ) f i f j for j =1. 4 A.D.AKWU,D.O.A.AJAYI Assume that wt (u ) 6= wt (v ) for j = k, that is wt (u ) = wt (v ) implies f i f j f i f j i∈/ Z+. From Equation (2.1), we have n3+2n2+n−2−2k(n2+2) (2.2) i= . 2(n−2) Also, (2(n−2))∤(n3+2n2+n−2−2k(n2+2)), which implies that i∈/ Z+. Let j =k+1 in Equation (2.2), then we have n3+2n2+n−2−2(k+1)(n2+2) i= 2(n−2) n3+n−6−2k(n2+2) = . 2(n−2) Also, (2(n − 2)) ∤ (n3 + n − 6 − 2k(n2 + 2)), this implies that i ∈/ Z+. Thus wt (u )6=wt (v ) for j =k+1. Therefore, wt (u )6=wt (v ) for all values of j. f i f j f i f j Case 2: Use induction on i. Let i=1 in Equation (2.1), then we have n3+2n2−n+2 j = . 2(n2+2) Also, (2(n2 +2)) ∤ (n3 +2n2 −n+2) which implies that wt (u ) 6= wt (v ) for f i f j i=1. Assume that wt (u ) 6= wt (v ) for i = k, that is wt (u ) = wt (v ) implies f i f j f i f j j ∈/ Z+. From Equation (2.1), we have n3+2n2+n−2−2k(n−2) (2.3) j = ∈/ Z+. 2(n2+2) Also, (2(n2+2))∤(n3+2n2+n−2−2k(n2+2)), which implies that j ∈/ Z+. Let i=k+1 in Equation (2.3), then we have n3+2n2+n−2−2(k+1)(n−2) j = 2(n2+2) n3−n+2−2k(n−2) = . 2(n2+2) Also, (2(n2 + 2)) ∤ (n3 − n + 2 − 2k(n − 2)), this implies that j ∈/ Z+. Thus wt (u )6=wt (v ) for j =k+1. Therefore, wt (u )6=wt (v ) for all values of j. f i f j f i f j In conclusion,this shows that wt (u ) and wt (v ) are distinct. As wt (u ) and f i f j f i wt (v ) are all different, this means that the labeling f is VAT. f j Also, since wt (v ) < wt (v ) where f(v ) < f(v ) and wt (u ) ≮ wt (u ), f j f j+1 j j+1 f i f i+1 for f(u )<f(u +1), where i,j =i,2,...,n−1, this means that the graph K is i i n,n a weak ordered graph. Hence, since the labeling f is simultaneously EAT and VAT, the graph K is n,n a weak ordered super TAT graph. (cid:3) Next, we show that complete bipartite graph with different number of vertices in each partite set is a TAT graph. Theorem 2.2. Let n,m be positive integers such that n,m ≥ 3 and n 6= m, then the graph K is a weak ordered super TAT graph. n,m ON TOTALLY ANTIMAGIC TOTAL LABELING OF COMPLETE BIPARTITE GRAPHS 5 Proof. Partition the graph K into two sets X and Y . Denote the vertices n,m n m of X and Y by the symbols u and v respectively, where i = 1,2,...,n and n m i j j =1,2,...,m. The number ofverticesp inK is n+m andthe number ofedges n,m q is nm. The edge set of K is u v , where i=1,2,...,n and j = 1,2,...,m. We n,m i j split the proof into the following three cases. Case 1: n even and m a positive integer. Consider the labeling f :V(K )∪E(K )→{1,2,...,p+q} defined as n,m n,m f(u )=i, i=1,2,...,n, i f(v )=n+j, j =1,2,...,m, j f(u v )=nj+m+i, j =1,2,...,m,i=1,2,...,n. i j The labeling f is a bijection from the vertex set to the set {1,2,...,n+m} which shows that K is super. Also, labeling f is a bijection from the union of the n,m vertex set and the edge set of K to the set {1,2,...,n(1+m)+m}. n,m The edge-weight of the edge u v , i=1,2,...,n, j =1,2,...,m is i j wt (u v )=f(u )+f(u v )+f(v ) f i j i i j j =i+nj+m+i+n+j =2i+j(1+n)+n+m The weights of all the edges are different under the labeling f which means that the labeling f is EAT. Moreover,for the vertex u ,i=1,2,...,n, we obtain the vertex weights as follows: i m wt (u )=f(u )+ f(u v ) f i i i j Xj=1 m =i+ (nj+m+i). Xj=1 m (2.4) =i(1+m)+ (m(n+2)+n) 2 For the vertex v ,j =1,2,...,m, we obtain the vertex-weight j n wt (v )=f(v )+ f(u v ), f j j i j Xi=1 n =n+j+ (nj+m+i) Xi=1 n (2.5) =j(1+n2)+ (2m+n+3). 2 Next, we show that the vertex weights wt (u ) and wt (v ) are distinct. f i f j Assume that wt (u )=wt (v ), then we have f i f j m n i(1+m)+ (m(n+2)+n)=j(1+n2)+ (2m+n+3) 2 2 (2.6) ⇒2i(1+m)−2j(1+n2)=nm−m2(n+2)+n(n+3) 6 A.D.AKWU,D.O.A.AJAYI Case 1: Use induction on j in Equation (2.6). Let j =1 in Equation (2.6), to give −m2(n+2)+nm+3n(1+n)+2 i= . 2(1+m) Since (2(1+m)) ∤ (−m2(n+2)+nm+3n(1+n)+2), this implies that i ∈/ Z+. Thus wt (u )6=wt (v ) for j =1. f i f j Assume that wt (u ) 6= wt (v ) for j = k, that is wt (u ) = wt (v ) implies f i f j f i f j i∈/ Z+. From Equation (2.6), we have −m2(n+2)+nm+n(3+n)+2k(1+n2) (2.7) i= ∈/ Z+. 2(1+m) Also, (2(1+m))∤(−m2(n+2)+nm+n(3+n)+2k(1+n2)), which implies that i∈/ Z+. Let j =k+1 in Equation (2.7), then we have −m2(n+2)+nm+3n(1+n)+2k(1+n2)+2 i= ∈/ Z+. 2(1+m) Therefore, wt (u )6=wt (v ) for j =k+1. Thus wt (u )6=wt (v ) for all values f i f j f i f j of j. Case 2: Use induction on i in Equation (2.6). Let i = 1 in Equation (2.6), to give −n2−n(m−m2+3)+2m(1+m)+2 j = ∈/ Z+. 2(1+n2) Therefore, wt (u )6=wt (v ) for i=1. f i f j Assume that wt (u ) 6= wt (v ) for i = k, that is wt (u ) = wt (v ) implies f i f j f i f j j ∈/ Z+. From Equation (2.6), we have −n2−n(m−m2+3)+2m2+2k(1+m) (2.8) j = ∈/ Z+. 2(1+n2) Also, (2(1+n2))∤(−n2−n(m−m2+3)+2m2+2k(1+m)), which implies that j ∈/ Z+. Let i=k+1 in Equation (2.8), then we have −n2−n(m−m2+3)+2((1+m)(m+k)+1) j = ∈/ Z+. 2(1+n2) This implies that wt (u )6=wt (v ) for i=k+1. Thus wt (u )6=wt (v ) for all f i f j f i f j values of i. Therefore the weights of the vertices are distinct under the labeling f which implies that the labeling f is VAT. Also, from Equation (2.4), wt (u ) < wt (u ) whenever f(u ) < f(u ) and f i f i+1 i i+1 from Equation (2.5), wt (v )<wt (v ) whenever f(v )<f(v ). This implies f j f j+1 j j+1 that K is a weak ordered graph. n,m Finally, since the graph K admits the labeling f that is simultaneously EAT n,m and VAT, then K is a TAT graph. n,m Case 2: n odd and m even. By interchanging the partition set X with Y and Y with X in case 1 above n m m n gives the result. ON TOTALLY ANTIMAGIC TOTAL LABELING OF COMPLETE BIPARTITE GRAPHS 7 Case 3: n,m odd. Without loss of generality, m>n. Consider the labeling f :K →{1,2,...,p+q} defined as follows: n,m f(u )=n+m−2i+1, i=1,2,...,n, i j, j =1,2,...,m−n f(v )= j (cid:26) n+2j−m, m−n+j =1,2,...,m f(u v )=m+nj+i, j =1,2,...,m, i=1,2,...,n. i j It is easy to see that the labeling f above is super. The edge-weight of the edge u v , i=1,2,...,n, j =1,2,...,m is given as: i j wt (u v )=f(u )+f(u v )+f(v ) f i j i i j j n(1+j)+2m−1+j+1, i=1,2,...,n, j =1,2,...,m−n, = (cid:26) n(2+j)+m−i+2j+1, i=1,2,...,n, m−n+j =1,2,...,m TheweightsofalltheedgesinK aredifferentunderthelabelingf whichmeans n,m that the labeling f is EAT. We have to check also that the vertex-weights are different. For vertex u , i=1,2,...,n, we get: i m wt (u )=f(u )+ f(u v ) f i i i j Xj=1 m =n+m−2i+1+ (m+nj+i) Xj=1 m (2.9) =i(m−2)+ ((1+m)(n+2))+n+1 2 Also, for vertex v , j =1,2,...,m, we get j n wt (v )=f(v )+ f(u v ) f j j i j Xi=1 j(1+n2)+ n(1+n+2m), j =1,2,...,m−n, (2.10) = 2 (cid:26) j(2+n2)+ n(3+n+2m)−m, m−n+j =1,2,...,m 2 From Equation (2.9), we have that wt (u ) < wt (u ), i = 1,2,...,n − 1, f i f i+1 whenever f(u ) < f(u ). Also, from Equation (2.10), we have that wt (v ) < i i+1 f j wt (v ), j = 1,2,...,m−1, whenever f(v ) < f(v ). Therefore, K is a f j+1 j j+1 n,m weakorderedgraph. Hence, K isaTAT graphsincethelabelingf isbothEAT n,m and VAT. (cid:3) 3. TAT labeling of join of graphs Let G∪H denote the disjoint union of graphs G and H. The join G⊕H of the disjoint graphs G and H is the graph G∪H together with all the edges joining vertices of V(G) and vertices of V(H). In this section, we deal with a totally an- timagic total labeling of K ⊕K and K ⊕K . According to Miller et al [9], n,n 1 n,m 1 we have that all graphs are (super) EAT. If there exist a super EAT labeling of a graph G satisfying the additional condition that it is a weak ordered, we are able to prove that the join K ⊕K and K ⊕K are TAT. n,n 1 n,m 1 8 A.D.AKWU,D.O.A.AJAYI Theorem 3.1. Let K ,n>3 be a weak ordered super EAT graph. Then K ⊕ n,n n,n K is a TAT graph. 1 Proof. Letf be a weakorderedsuper EAT labeling of K . As f is super, we can n,n denote the vertices of K by the symbols {u ,u ,...,u } and {v ,v ,...,v } such n,n 1 2 n 1 2 n that f(u )=2i−1, i=1,2,...,n i f(v )=2j, j =1,2,...,n j Since f is a weak ordered, then for j = 1,2,...,n− 1, we have that wt (v ) ≤ f j wt (v ) which follows from Theorem 2.1. f j+1 By the symbol u, we denote the vertex of K ⊕K not belonging to K . n,n 1 n,n We define a new labeling g of K ⊕K such that n,n 1 g(x)=f(x), x∈V(K )∪E(K ) n,n n,n g(u)=n(n+2)+1 g(u u)=n2+2(n+i), i=1,2,...,n i g(v u)=n2+2(n+j)+1, j =1,2,...,n j It is easy to see that g is a bijection from V(K ⊕K )∪E(K ⊕K ) to the set n,n 1 n,n 1 {1,2,...,n(n+4)+1}. For the vertex-weights under labeling g, we have the following: n n wt (u)=g(u)+ g(u u)+ g(v u) g i j Xi=1 Xj=1 n n =n(n+2)+1+ (n2+2(n+i))+ (n2+2(n+j)+1) Xi=1 Xj=1 =(1+2n)(n2+3n+1) For vertex u , ı=1,2,...,n, we have: i wt (u )=g(u )+ g(u v )+g(u u) g i i i j i vj∈XN(ui) =wt (u )+2n+n2+i+1 f i ≥wt (u )+2n+n2+i+1 f i+1 >wt (u )+2n+n2+i+2 f i+1 =wt (u ) g i+1 Moreover,for j =1,2,...,n, we get wt (v )=g(v )+ g(v u )+g(v u) g j j j i j ui∈XN(vj) We have wt (v ) from Theorem 2.1, hence we have f j wt (v )=wt (v )+n2+3n+j+1 g j f j ON TOTALLY ANTIMAGIC TOTAL LABELING OF COMPLETE BIPARTITE GRAPHS 9 ≤wt (v )+n2+3n+j+1 f j+1 <wt (v )+n2+3n+j+2 f j+1 =wt (v ) g j+1 From Theorem (2.3), wt (u ) 6= wt (v ). Also, wt (u ) > wt (u) and wt (v ) > g i g j g i g g j wt (u). Thus the vertex-weights are all different which implies that the labeling g g is VAT. The edge-weights of the edges in E(K ) under the labeling g are all different n,n as f is an EAT labeling of K . More precisely, we have n,n wt (e)=wt (e) g f for every e∈E(K ) n,n Also, as f is super, for the upper bound on the maximum edge-weight of e∈K n,n under the labeling g, we have wtmax(e)=wtmax(e)≤n2+6n−1 g f For i=1,2,...,n, we get wt (uu )=g(u)+g(uu )+g(u ) g i i i From Theorem 2.1, we have f(u ) = 2i−1. Since f(x) = g(x) for x ∈ V(K )∪ i n,n E(K ), we have that n,n g(u )=2i−1 i . wt (uu )=(n2+2n+1)+(n(n+2)+1)+2i−1 g i =2n2+4(n+i)>n(n+6)−1≥wtmax(e) g Where e∈E(K ). n,n Moreover,for j =1,2,...,n, we get wt (uv )=g(u)+g(uv )+g(v ) g j j j From Theorem 2.1, we have f(v ) = 2j. Since f(x) = g(x) for x ∈ V(K )∪ j n,n E(K ), we have that g(v )=2j. n,n j wt (uv )=(n2+2n+1)+(n2+2(n+j)+1)+2j g j =2(n2+1)+4(n+j)>n(n+6)−16=wt (uu )≥wtmax(e) g i g Where e∈E(K ). n,n Now to show that the edge-weights are all different. Assume that wt (u u)=wt (v u), then we have g i g j 2n2+4(n+i)=2(n2+1)+4(n+). This gives i−j = 1 ∈/ Z+. Therefore, wt (u u)6=wt (v u) which implies that the 2 g i g j labeling g is an EAT labeling. Thus g is a TAT labeling of K ⊕K . n,n 1 (cid:3) 10 A.D.AKWU,D.O.A.AJAYI Corollary 3.2. Let K be a weak ordered super EAT graph. Then K ⊕K n,m n,m 1 is a TAT graph. References [1] M. Baˇca, F. Bertault, J. A. MacDougall, M. Miller, R. Simanjuntak and Slamin, Vertex- antimagic total labelings of graphs, Discuss.Math.GraphTheory23(2003), 67-83. [2] M. Baˇca, M. Miller, O. Phanalasy, J. Ryan, A. Semaniˇcova´-Fenˇovˇc´ıkova´ and A. Sillasen, Totally antimagic total graphs, Aus.J.Combin.61(2015), 42-56. [3] R.BodendiekandG.Walther,On(a,d)-antimagicparachutes,Ars.Combin.42(1996),129- 149. [4] ———-,On(a,d)-antimagic parachutes II,Ars.Combin.46(1997), 33-63. [5] G. Chartrand, L. Lesniak, Graphs and Digraphs, Fourth Edition, Chapman and Hall/CRC (2005). [6] J.Gallian,A dynamic survey of graph labeling,Electron.J.Combin.16(2013). 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