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On three new species of whiteflies of the tribe Dialeurodini Sampson, 1943 (Aleyrodidae: Homoptera) from India PDF

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Preview On three new species of whiteflies of the tribe Dialeurodini Sampson, 1943 (Aleyrodidae: Homoptera) from India

82 JOURNAL, BOMBAY NATURAL HIST. SOCIETY, Vol. 89 sociated withLantana camara L. Not common. Joint Director, Botanical Survey of India, Coim- This species is allied to P. corymbosa batore, for the facilities and to Dr V.J. Nair, Rottler, but markedly differs from it as shown Scientist SD, Botanical Survey of India, Shil- AR in Table 1. long, for the Latin diagnosis. is thankful to Acknowledgements the Director, Botanical Survey of India, for a We are thankful to Dr N.P. Balakrishnan, research fellowship. ON THREE NEW SPECIES OF WHITEFLIES OF THE TRIBE DIALEURODINI SAMPSON, (ALEYRODIDAE HOMOPTERA) 1943 : FROM INDIA1 2 K. Reguand B. Vasantharaj David (With nine text-figures) During the survey of whiteflies from different parts of India from 1987-1990 three new species of whiteflies belonging to the tribe Dialeurodini, viz. Cockerelliella rotunda sp. nov., Dialeurodes (Gigaleurodes) splendens sp. nov. and Dialeuronomada saklespurensis sp. nov. were collected respectively from Capparis sp. (Capparaceae), Homonoia riparia (Euphor- biaceae)andDimocarpuslongon(Sapindaceae). Thesespecies aredescribed and illustrated. Cockerelliella rotunda sp. nov. (Figs. 1-4) fimbriate setae each 22.5 pm long. Subdorsum with a row of four pairs of fimbriate setae and a Pupal case: White, without wax secretion, pair of pointed setae on abdomen, each 22.5- submargin folded downwards, broadly elliptical, 27.5 pm long. Numerous tubercles on widest across second abdominal segment, 1.03- cephalothorax evident. Median darker area mm mm 1.06 long and 0.96-0.99 wide; found present on each abdominal segment suture and singly and in groups on the lower surface of characteristic markings evident from abdominal leaves. segment sutures laterad. Dorsum completely Margin: Crenulate, 24-27 crenulations in covered with elongated or polygonal markings; 0.1 mm; thoracic and caudal tracheal pores dis- pores and porettes evident. tinct with chitinised rim; anterior and posterior Vasiform orifice subcordate, slightly pm pm marginal setae 20 and 17.5 long respec- notched at the caudal end, wider than long, 47.5- pm pm tively. 52.5 wide and 45-47.5 long; operculum pm D—orsal surface: Three pairs of fimbriate similarly shaped, 35-37.5 wide and 27.5-30 pm pm setae cephalic setae 35 long, first ab- long, filling the orifice and concealing the pm pm dominal setae 35-40 long and eighth ab- lingula. Caudal tracheal furrow 137.5-145 pm pm dominal setae 17.5-22.5 long; submargin long and 10 wide with polygonal markings pm 205 wide, separated from dorsal disc only evident, whereas thoracic tracheal furrows not on cephalothorax by cephalothoracic suture; indicated. longitudinal moulting suture reaches margin, Ventral surface: Ventral abdominal setae mm pm transverse moulting suture reaches submargin. 30 long and 45-50 apart. Thoracic and Cephalothorax with five pairs of submarginal caudal tracheal folds distinct without stipples or sculpturing. 1Accepted October 1992. Host: Capparis sp. (Capparidaceae). 2 Frednick Instt of Plant Protection and Toxicology, Material examined: Holotype: Capparis Padappai 601 301. sp.,Munchirai (Tamil Nadu), 3 August 1987, NEW DESCRIPTIONS 83 Coll. K. Regu. Thoracic tracheal furrow indistinct. Paratypes: 18 pupal cases on slides bear- Ventral surface: Ventral abdominal setae ing the same details as of holotype. Of these one 20 pm long and 35 pm apart; a pair of minute paratype deposited in the collections of Division setae at the base of rostrum evident. of Entomology, Indian Agricultural Research Host: Homonoia riparia Lour. (Euphor- New Institute, Delhi. biaceae). This species resembles Cockerelliella zin- Material examined: Holotype: Homonoia giberae Sundararaj and David (1991a) in the riparia Rajapalayam (Tamil Nadu), 11 June , presence of cephalothoracic fold and differs 1989, Coll. K. Regu. from it in the presence of fimbriate dorsal setae. Paratypes: Four pupal cases on slides bearing the same details as of holotype. One Dialeurodes (Gigaleurodes) splendens sp. nov. paratype deposited in the collections of Division (Figs. 5-7) of Entomology, Indian Agricultural Research In- Pupal case: Oval, white, without w'ax; stitute, New Delhi. mm mm 0.76-0.79 long and 0.55 wide, found on This species resembles Dialeurodes the lower surface of leaves. (Gigaleurodes) multipori Takahashi (1932) in Margin: Irregularly crenulate, thoracic and the presence of tubercles on dorsum and differs caudal tracheal pores with internal teeth evident, from that in the presence of meso- and pm anterior marginal setae 20 long, posterior metathoracic setae and tubercles along segment pm marginal setae 25-30 long. sutures. — Dorsal surface: Four pairs of dorsal setae pm Dialeuronomada saklespurensis sp. nov. (Figs. 8-9) cephalic setae 35-50 long, first ab- pm dominal setae 17.5 long, eighth abdominal Pupal case: White and very thin pupal case setae cephalo-laterad ofvasiform orifice, 2.5 pm with a little powdery wax around margin and on pm long and submarginal caudal setae 10-15 dorsum; oval, broadest across third abdominal mm mm long. Longitudinal moulting suture reaches mar- segment; 1.00-1.14 long and 0.87-0.91 gin and transverse moulting suture reache—s sub- wide; found singly on the lower surface of dorsum. Six pairs of submarginal setae one leaves. pair on cephalic region and five pairs on ab- Margin: Smoothly crenulate, thoracic and pm domen, each 20-32.5 long; a pair of minute caudal tracheal pore areas differentiated from setae below the vasiform orifice within the margin; anterior marginal setae (broken) and pm pm caudal furrow 5 long. Subdorsal posterior marginal setae 25-32.5 long. mesothoracic and metathoracic setae each 27.5 — Dorsal surface: Four pairs of dorsal setae pm pm long. Tubercles running along cephalo- cephalic setae 12.5 long, first abdominal pm pm thoracic and abdominal segment sutures setae 5 long, eighth abdominal setae 45 prominent. Dorsum completely covered with long and submarginal caudal setae 20- 22.5 pm tubercles. Seventh and eighth abdominal seg- long. Submargin separated from dorsal disc by a ments are of equal size (30 pm). thin furrow and submargin with suture-like Vasiform orifice subcordate, wider than lines running mesad from mar—gin; a row of 11 pm pm long, 47.5-52.5 wide and 45-47.5 long; pairs of submarginal setae five pairs on operculum similarly shaped, wider than long, cephalothorax and six pairs on abdomen each 32.5-35 pm wide and 30-32.5 pm long, filling 22.5-27.5 pm long; a prominent peripheral row the orifice and concealing the lingula. Caudal of papillae laterad of abdominal segments and tracheal furrow distinct, 87.5 pm long and 20 pro-mesothoracic segments on subdorsum, the pm wide with numerous round markings. papillae near the vasiform orifice enlarged; pro- 84 JOURNAL, BOMBAY NATURAL HIST. SOCIETY, Vol. 89 2 Figs. 1-4. Cockerelliella rotunda sp. nov. 1. Pupal case; 2. Vasiform orifice;3. Dorsal markings; 4. Median area ofabdomen enlarged. & NEW DESCRIPTIONS 85 | oCM o’ 0' is/a Figs. 5-7.Dialeurodes (Gigaleurodes) splendens sp. nov. 5. Pupal case; 6. Thoracic tracheal porewith margin; 7. Vasiform orificewith caudal tracheal furrow. 86 JOURNAL, BOMBAY NATURAL HIST. SOCIETY, Vol. 89 Fig. 8-9.Dialeuronomada saldespurensis sp. nov. 8. Pupal case; 9. Vasiform orificewith lateral papillae. NEW DESCRIPTIONS 87 mesothoracic and meso-metathoracic sutures daceae). with papillae evident; abdominal segment su- Material examined: Holotype: Dimocar- tures tuberculated. Pores and porettes sparsely pus longon Saklespur (Karnataka), 4 February , distributed throughout dorsum. Longitudinal and 1990, Coll. K. Regu. transverse moulting sutures reach submargin. Paratypes: Four pupal cases on slides bear- Subdorsum completely covered with round ing the same details as of holotype. markings. This species resembles D. martini Sun- Vasiform orifice subcordate, with comb of dararaj and David (1991b) by the presence of teeth on its inner caudal and lateral margins, enlarged papillae laterad of vasiform orifice and pm slightly longer than wide, 50 long and 47.5 differs from that in the presence of round mark- pm wide; operculum 27.5-35 pm long and 27.5- ings on dorsum and tubercles on abdominal seg- 32.5 pm wide, filling the orifice and concealing ment sutures. the lingula. This species is named after the collection Ventral surface: Venter with round and locality, Saklespur (Karnataka). polygonal markings; mouth parts, legs and Acknowledgements spiracles evident; thoracic tracheal folds with stipples evident. Thanks are due to S. James Fredrick, Host: Dimocarpus longon Lour. (Sapin- Chairman, F1PPAT for facilities provided. Refbrences Sundararaj, R. & David, B.V. (1991a): On the genera of Dialeuronomada Quaintance & Baker (Homoptera: Asialeyrodes Corbett and CockereUiella gen. nov. Aleyrodidae) from India.Hexapoda 3 (1 &2): 27-47. from IndiaJ. Bombaynat. Hist Soc. 88(3): 415-424. Takahashi, R. (1932): Aleyrodidae ofFormosa, PartI. Rep. Sundararaj, R. & David, B.V. (1991b): Ten new species of Dep.Agric. Govt res. Inst Formosa 59: 11-12.

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