ON THE YAMABE PROBLEM ON CONTACT RIEMANNIAN MANIFOLDS FEIFAN WU AND WEI WANG 5 Abstract. ContactRiemannianmanifolds, whosecomplexstructuresarenotnecessarily inte- 1 0 grable,aregeneralization ofpseudohermitianmanifoldsinCRgeometry. TheTanaka-Webster- 2 Tanno connection plays the role of the Tanaka-Webster connection of a pseudohermitian man- ifold. Conformal transformations and the Yamabe problem are also defined naturally in this n a setting. By constructingthespecial frames and thenormal coordinates on a contact Riemann- J ian manifold, we prove that if the complex structure is not integrable, its Yamabe invariant 7 on a contact Riemannian manifold is always less than the Yamabe invariant of the Heisenberg 2 group. So theYamabe problem on a contact Riemannian manifold is always solvable. ] G D Contents . h 1. Introduction 2 t a 2. Construction of the normal coordinates 5 m 2.1. The TWT connection 5 [ 2.2. The structure equations 6 1 2.3. The special frame and the normal coordinates 9 v 4 2.4. Homogeneous parts of the special frame (coframe) and the connection coefficients 12 8 2.5. The asymptotic expansion of the special frame 15 7 6 3. The asymptotic expansion of the almost complex structure, the curvature and Tanno 0 tensors 16 . 1 3.1. The Tanno tensor at point q 17 0 3.2. The asymptotic expansion of the almost complex structure at point q 19 5 1 3.3. The asymptotic expansion of curvature tensors 20 : v 4. The normalized special frame 22 Xi 4.1. The transformation formulae under the conformal transformation 23 γ 4.2. The conformal contact form with vanishing R (q) and A (q) 24 ar α γβ¯ αβ 5. The proof of the main theorem 26 5.1. The asymptotic expansion of the Yamabe functional 26 5.2. Calculation of some integrals 30 5.3. Calculation of constants a (n) and b (n) 32 m m Appendix A. The transformation formulae 36 Department of Mathematics, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, P. R. China, Email: wesley- [email protected]. Department of Mathematics, Zhejiang University,Hangzhou 310027, P. R. China, Email: [email protected]. Supportedby National Nature ScienceFoundation in China (No. 11171298). 1 2 FEIFANWUANDWEIWANG A.1. The transformation formulae of the connection coefficients under the conformal transformations 36 A.2. The transformation formulae of the curvature and Webster torsion tensors under the conformal transformations 38 A.3. The Covariance of R and A 39 abcd ab Appendix B. The calculation of a (n) and b (n) 40 2 2 jk B.1. Calculation of v 40 2 B.2. Proof of Lemma 5.7 41 References 44 1. Introduction The Yamabe Problem in Riemannian Geometry was completely solved during 70’s-80’s (cf. [1], [12], [14], [18] and references therein). For the analogous CR Yamabe problem, Jerison and Lee proved in [9] [10] that there is a numerical CR invariant λ(M) called the Yamabe invariant, and for any compact, strictly pseudoconvex (2n+1)-dimensional CR manifold M, it is always less than or equal to the Yamabe invariant λ(H n) of the Heisenberg group H n. Furthermore if λ(M) <λ(H n), then M admits a pseudohermitian structure with constant scalar curvature. In [11], Jerison and Lee proved that λ(M) < λ(H n) holds if n > 2 and M is not locally CR equivalent to S2n+1. The remaining case was solved by Gamara and Yacoub in [6] [7]. The purposeof this paper is to solve the Yamabe problem on general contact Riemannian manifolds. This problem has already been studied by Zhang [26] by using the contact Yamabe flow. A (2n+1)-dimensional manifold (M,θ) is called a contact manifold if it has a real 1-form θ such that θ∧dθn 6= 0 everywhere on M. We call such θ a contact form. There exists a unique vector field T, the Reeb vector field, such that θ(T) = 1 and Tydθ = 0. It’s known that given a contact manifold (M,θ), there are a Riemannian metric h and a (1,1)-tensor field J on M such that h(X,T) = θ(X), J2 = −Id+θ⊗T, (1.1) dθ(X,Y) = h(X,JY), for any vector field X,Y (cf. p. 278 in [3] or p. 351 in [17]). Such a metric h is said to be associated with θ, and J is called an almost complex structure. Given a contact form θ, once h is fixed, J is uniquely determined, and vise versa. (M,θ,h,J) is called a contact Riemann- ian manifold. HM := Ker(θ) is called the horizontal subbudle of the tangent bundle TM. On a contact Riemannian manifold, there exists a distinguished connection called the Tanaka- Webster-Tanno connection ∇ (or TWT connection briefly). In the CR case, this connection is exactly the Tanaka-Webster connection (cf. [16] and [22]). Tanno constructed this connection for general contact Riemannian manifolds in [17]. Since there is no obstruction to the existence ofthealmostcomplex structureJ, contact Riemannianstructuresexistnaturallyonanycontact manifold and analysis on it has potential applications to the geometry of contact manifolds (cf. e.g. [13], [15] and [24]). ON THE YAMABE PROBLEM ON CONTACT RIEMANNIAN MANIFOLDS 3 Let CTM be the complexification of TM. CTM has a unique subbuddle T(1,0)M such that JX = iX for any X ∈ Γ(T(1,0)M). Here and in the following, Γ(S) denotes the space of all smooth sections of a vector bundle S. Set T(0,1)M = T(1,0)M. Then for any X ∈ T(0,1)M, JX = −iX. J is called integrable if [Γ(T(1,0)M),Γ(T(1,0)M)]⊂Γ(T(1,0)M). If J is integrable, J is called a CR structure and (M,θ,h,J) is called a pseudohermitian manifold. By [17], the integrable condition holds if and only if the Tanno tensor Q = ∇J = 0. In general, a contact Riemman manifold is not a CR manifold. Under conformal transformations of a contact Riemannian manifold, which is given by θ = fθ, for some positive function f, we have the transformation formulae b (θ,J,T,h) → (θ,J,T,h), with J,T,h given by b b b b 1 T = (T +ζ), b b b f hb= fh−f θ⊗ω+ω⊗θ +f(f −1+||ζ||2)θ⊗θ, (1.2) 1 (cid:0) (cid:1) bJ = J + θ⊗ ∇f −T(f)T , 2f (cf. (12) in [3] or Lembma 9.1 in [17])(cid:0), where ζ = (cid:1)1 J∇f and ω satisfies ω(X) = h(X,ζ) for 2f X ∈ TM. The contact Riemannian Yamabe problem is that given a compact contact Riemannian man- ifold (M,θ,h,J), find θ conformal to θ such that its scalar curvature is constant. It is known that (cf. p. 337 in [3]) if we write the conformal transformation θ = fθ with f = u2/n, the scalar curvature R of tbhe TWT connection transforms as 2 b b ∆ u+Ru= Ru(n+2)/n, b = 2+ , (1.3) b n θ n n where ∆ is the sub-laplacian. (1.3) is the contact Riemannian Yamabe equation. The Yamabe θ b functional is defined as (p|du|2 +Ru2)dV 2 Y (u) = M H θ, p = b = 2+ , (1.4) θ,h ( updV )2/p n n R M θ where |du|H is the norm of the horizoRntal part of du and dVθ is the volume form. The solutions totheYamabeproblemare critical points oftheYamabefunctionalY . TheYamabe invariant θ,h is defined by λ(M) =infY (u). (1.5) θ,h u Equivalently, λ(M) = inf{A (u) : B (u) = 1}, (1.6) θ,h θ,h where A (u) = (b |du|2 +Ru2)dV , B (u) = |u|pdV . θ,h M n H θ θ,h M θ Our main result in this paper is R R Theorem 1.1. Suppose (M,θ,h,J) is a compact contact manifold of dimension 2n+1, n ≥ 2. If the almost complex structure J is not integrable, then λ(M) < λ(H n). 4 FEIFANWUANDWEIWANG Here we require n ≥ 2 because the almost complex structure on a 3-dimensional contact Riemannian manifold is automatically integrable. Corollary 1.1. If the contact Riemannian manifold M is not integrable, then the infimum (1.5) is attained by a positive C∞ solution to (1.3). Thus the contact form θ = up−2θ has constant scalar curvature R ≡ λ(M). b It is well-known that the function 1 Φ(z,t) = , w = t+i|z|2, z ∈ C2n, t∈R, (1.7) |w+i|n is an extremal for the Yamabe functional on the Heisenberg group (cf. [10]). For each ε > 0, Φε := ε−nδ∗Φ = εn|w+iε2|−n is also an extremal. As in CR case [11], we use the test function 1 ε fε(z,t) = ψ(w)Φε(z,t), to calculate the asymptotic expansion for Y (fε) as ε→0, where ψ ∈ C∞(M) is supported in θ,h 0 the set {|w| < 2κ} and ψ(w) = 1 for |w| < κ for κ > 0. To solve the CR Yamabe problem, Jerision and Lee constructed the pseudohermitian nor- mal coordinates by parabolic geodesics and parabolic exponential map in [11]. On a contact Riemannian manifold, in Section 2, we also have the parabolic geodesics analogous to the CR case. For a fixed point q, the parabolic geodesics induce a natural map from T M to M, called q the parabolic exponential map. The Reeb vector T is automatically parallel along the parabolic geodesics. Choosing a basis {W }n of the complex vector space T(1,0)M and its conjugation α;q α=1 q (0,1) {W } of T M, and extending them by parallel translation along the parabolic geodesics, α¯;q q together with W = T, we get a special frame in a neighborhood of q. The normal coordinates 0 is the coordinates with respect to this special frame. In the CR case, the complex structure is preserved under the parallel translation, and so T(1,0)M andT(0,1)M arepreserved. ButonageneralcontactRiemannianmanifold,thecomplex structure is not preserved under the parallel translation. Namely, the special frame {W }n is α α=1 not a T(1,0)M frame even if it is a basis of T(1,0)M at point q. This is our main difficulty. q With the normal coordinates, following the method in [11], the asymptotic expansion of Y (fε) can be calculated explicitly by using certain invariants at the origin. These invariants θ,h are constructed by the curvature, Webster torsion and Tanno tensors. In the CR case, besides the first term, the first nonzero term of the Yamabe functional Y (fε) is O(ε4). Because our θ,h frame {W } is not holomorphic or anti-holomorphic, our expansion of Y (fε) is much more a θ,h complicated thanthatintheCRcase. Notably, wehavetoexpandthealmostcomplex structure J asymptotically near q. While in the CR case, J is constant. But fortunately, if the Tanno tensor is nonvanishing at point q, the second-order term of the Yamabe functional Y (fε) is θ,h already nonzero. This makes the calculation easier than we expected. The Tanno tensor plays an important role in the analysis of contact Riemannian manifolds (see also [24]). In Section 3, we construct the invariant Q= |Qγ¯ (q)|2, αβ α,β,γ X ON THE YAMABE PROBLEM ON CONTACT RIEMANNIAN MANIFOLDS 5 γ¯ where Q is the components of the Tanno tensor with respect to a special frame. The Tanno αβ tensor is nonzero at point q if and only if Q is strictly positive at this point. In Section 4, as in the CR case in Section 3 in [11], for a fixed contact form θ, we can make certain components of γ the curvature tensor R (q) and the Webster torsion tensor vanish at point q after a suitable α γβ¯ conformal transformation. This will make our calculation easier. InSection5,wecalculatetheasymptoticexpansionforY (fε)explicitly. Bythepreparation θ,h in Section 3 and Section 4, we finally find 3n−1 Y (fε) = λ(H n) 1− Qε2 +O(ε3). (1.8) θ,h 12(n−1)n(n+1) (cid:18) (cid:19) So if the complex structure is not integrable, we prove the main theorem. In Appendix A, we discuss the transformation formulae of the connection coefficients, the Webster torsion tensor and curvature tensors under the conformal transformations, and the covariance oftheWebster torsion andcurvaturetensors, whichisusedinSection 4. InAppendix B, we give the details of the calculation of the second-order terms of the Yamabe functional Y (fε). θ,h Besides the Yamabe problem on Riemmanian manifolds, CR manifolds, and contact Rie- mannian manifolds, there is also the Yamabe problem on quaternionic contact manifolds (cf. [8],[20]andreferencestherein). ItisinterestingtofindtheasymptoticexpansionofthisYamabe functional. Another interesting problem is to findtheasymptotic expansion of theYamabe-type functional on differential forms [21]. 2. Construction of the normal coordinates 2.1. The TWT connection. Proposition 2.1. (cf. (7)-(9) in [3]) On a contact Riemannian manifold (M,θ,h,J), there exists a unique linear connection ∇ such that ∇θ =0, ∇T = 0, ∇h = 0, (2.1) τ(X,Y) = 2dθ(X,Y)T, X,Y ∈Γ(HM), τ(T,JZ) = −Jτ(T,Z), Z ∈Γ(TM), where τ is the torsion of ∇, i.e. τ(X,Y) = ∇ Y −∇ X −[X,Y] for X,Y ∈ Γ(TM). X Y This connection is called the TWT connection. The (1,2)-tensor field Q defined by Q(X,Y) := (∇ J)X, X,Y ∈ Γ(TM), (2.2) Y is called the Tanno tensor (cf. (10) in [3]). Tanno proved that a contact Riemannian manifold is a CR manifold if and only if Q ≡ 0 (cf. Proposition 2.1 in [17]). The curvature tensor of TWT connection is R(X,Y) = ∇ ∇ −∇ ∇ −∇ . The Ricci tensor of the TWT connection is X Y Y X [X,Y] defined by Ric(Y,Z) = tr{X −→ R(X,Z)Y}, for any X,Y,Z ∈ TM. The scalar curvature is R = tr(Ric). 6 FEIFANWUANDWEIWANG We extend h, J and ∇ to the complexified tangent bundle by C-linear extension: h(X +iY ,X +iY ) := h(X ,X )−h(Y ,Y )+i h(X ,Y )+h(X ,Y ) , 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 1 J(X1 +iY1) := JX1+iJY1, (cid:0) (cid:1) (2.3) ∇ (X +iY ) := ∇ X −∇ Y +i ∇ Y +∇ X , (X1+iY1) 2 2 X1 2 Y1 2 X1 2 Y1 2 for any Zj = Xj +iYj ∈ CTM, j = 1,2. (cid:0) (cid:1) Corollary 2.1. The Riemannian metric h, the complex structure J, the TWT connection, the torsion and curvature tensors are preserved under the complex conjugation, i.e., h(Z ,Z ) = h(Z ,Z ), JZ = JZ , ∇ Z = ∇ Z , 1 2 1 2 1 1 Z1 2 Z1 2 τ(Z ,Z )= τ(Z ,Z ), R(Z ,Z )Z = R(Z ,Z )Z , 1 2 1 2 1 2 3 1 2 3 for any Z ,Z ,Z ∈ CTM. 1 2 3 Proof. For Z ,Z ,Z ∈ CTM, h, J and ∇ are preserved under the complex conjugation follows 1 2 3 from the definition of the extension (2.3). It’s apparent that [Z ,Z ] = [Z ,Z ]. Since we already have ∇ are preserved under the 1 2 1 2 complex conjugation, sobythedefinitionsofτ andR,τ(Z ,Z )= ∇ Z −∇ Z −[Z ,Z ]and 1 2 Z1 2 Z2 1 1 2 R = ∇ ∇ Z −∇ ∇ Z −∇ Z arealso preserved underthecomplex conjugation. (cid:3) Z1 Z2 3 Z2 Z1 3 [Z1,Z2] 3 2.2. The structure equations. Notation 2.1. In this paper, from now on, we adopt the following index conventions: a,b,c,d,e,··· ∈ {1,2,··· ,2n}, j,k,l,r,s,··· ∈{0,1,··· ,2n}, α,β,γ,ρ,λ,µ,··· ∈ {1,··· ,n}, α¯ = α+n. The order of index j is defined to be o(j) = 2 if j = 0, and o(j) = 1 otherwise. For a multi-index J = (j ,··· ,j ), we denote ♯J = s, o(J) = o(j )+···+o(j ), xJ = xj1···xjs, Z = Z ···Z , 1 s 1 s J js j1 and ∂ = ∂s/∂xjs···∂xj1. J In this subsection, we consider the structure equations with respect to a general frame {W }, j where {W } are horizontal and W = T is the Reeb vector field. Let U be a neighborhood of a 0 q a point q where this frame is defined. It’s easy to see that h(T,T) = θ(T) = 1 and h(W ,T) = a θ(W ) = 0 by (1.1). In horizontal space, we set h(W ,W ) = h and using h and its inverse a a b ab ab matrix to lower and raise indices. And the Einstein summation convention will be used. Let {θj} be the coframe dual to {W }. Write ∇W = ωk ⊗W , with the TWT-connection j j j k 1-formsωk = Γkθi. For thealmostcomplexstructureJ,wewriteJ = Jl θk⊗W orequivalently j ij k l JW = Jl W . k k l Proposition 2.2. ωk = 0, ω0 = 0, Γk = 0, Γ0 = 0, 0 j i0 ij (2.4) Jk = 0, J0 = 0, J = −J . 0 j ab ba ON THE YAMABE PROBLEM ON CONTACT RIEMANNIAN MANIFOLDS 7 Proof. ωk = 0 follows from ∇T = 0. And by θ(∇X) = 0 for any X ∈ HM, we have ω0 = 0. 0 a ω0 =0 follows. Γk = 0 and Γ0 = 0 follows from ωk = 0 and ω0 = 0, respectively. j i0 ij 0 j Note that (1.1) implies some useful relations (cf. p. 351 in [17]), JT = 0, θ(JX) = 0, (2.5) h(X,Y)= h(JX,JY)+θ(X)θ(Y), dθ(X,JY)= −dθ(JX,Y), for any X,Y ∈ TM. JT = 0 implies Jk = 0, and θ(JW ) =0 in (2.5) implies J0 = 0. Since 0 j j h(W ,JW )= h(W ,Jc W )= h Jc = J , (2.6) a b a b c ac b ab holds by h(X,JY) = dθ(X,Y) = −dθ(Y,X) = −h(Y,JX), for any X,Y ∈ TM, we get J = ab h(W ,JW ) = −h(W ,JW ) = −J . (cid:3) a b b a ba The Webster torsion is defined by τ (X) = τ(T,X), X ∈ TM, ∗ (cf. p. 279 in [3]). We have the following lemma for the Webster torsion. Lemma 2.1. Let (M,θ,h,J) be a contact Riemannian manifold and T be the Reeb vector. Then: (1) (cf. Lemma 1 in [3]) (a) τ (T) = 0, (b) τ ◦J + J◦τ = 0, (c) τ TM ⊂ HM, ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ (d) τ T(1,0)M⊂T(0,1)M, τ T(0,1)M⊂T(1,0)M. ∗ ∗ (2) (cf. Lemma 3 in [3]) The Webster torsion τ is self-adjoint, i.e. h(τ X,Y) = h(X,τ Y) ∗ ∗ ∗ for any X,Y ∈ TM. By (c) in Lemma 2.1 (1), we can write τ (W ) = AbW . And we define τa := Aaθb. We also ∗ a a b b write R(W ,W )W = ∇ ∇ W −∇ ∇ W −∇ W = R s W , for the components k l j Wk Wl j Wl Wk j [Wk,Wl] j j kl s of the curvature tensor. Recall that we have the following identities for exterior derivatives 1 φ∧ψ(X,Y) = φ(X)ψ(Y)−ψ(X)φ(Y) , 2 (cid:18) (cid:19) (2.7) Xy(φ∧ψ) = 2(φ∧ψ)(X,·) = φ(X)ψ−ψ(X)φ, 2(dφ)(X,Y) = X(φ(Y))−Y(φ(X))−φ([X,Y]) = (∇ φ)Y −(∇ φ)X +φ(τ(X,Y)), X Y where φ and ψ is any 1-form. The Lie derivation of a differential form φ is given by L φ= Xydφ+d(Xyφ). (2.8) X Note that here we use the definition of the exterior derivative with a factor 1. The reason we 2 use this definition is that the n-form defined is this way has the property that dx1∧···∧dxn equals to the Lebesgue measure on Rn. We may refer to Section 4 in [2] for these identities. 8 FEIFANWUANDWEIWANG Proposition 2.3. With J , A , R b defined as above, we have the following structure equa- ab ab a cd tions. dθ = Jαβθα∧θβ +2Jαβ¯θα∧θβ¯+Jα¯β¯θα¯ ∧θβ¯, dθa = θb∧ωa+θ∧τa = θb∧ωa+Aaθ∧θb, b b b 1 1 dωb −ωc ∧ωb = R b θλ∧θµ¯ + R b θλ∧θµ+ R b θλ¯ ∧θµ¯ +R b θ∧θµ¯ −R b θ∧θλ, a a c a λµ¯ 2 a λµ 2 a λ¯µ¯ a 0µ¯ a λ0 R(X,Y)W =2 dωb −ωc ∧ωb (X,Y)W . a a a c b (2.9) (cid:0) (cid:1) Proof. By (1.1) and (2.6), we have dθ(W ,W ) = h(W ,JW ) = J , dθ(W ,W ) = J , α β α β αβ α β¯ αβ¯ dθ(W ,W )= J . We also have dθ(T,·) ≡ 0. So the first identity in (2.9) follows. α¯ β¯ α¯β¯ Substituting φ = θa, X = W and Y = W in (2.7), by (∇ φ)Y = X(φ(Y))−φ(∇ Y) for c d X X any 1-forms φ, we get 2dθa(W ,W ) = (∇ θa)W −(∇ θa)W +θa(τ(W ,W )) = −θa(∇ W )+θa(∇ W ) c d Wc d Wd c c d Wc d Wd c = −Γa +Γa = 2(θb∧ωa+Aaθ∧θb)(W ,W ), cd dc b b c d by (2.1) and (2.7). And similarly we get 2dθa(T,W )= (∇ θa)W −(∇ θa)T +θa(τ(T,W )) = −θa(∇ W )+Aa d T d Wd d T d d = −Γa +Aa = 2 θb∧ωa+Aaθ∧θb (T,W ). 0d d b b d (cid:18) (cid:19) So the second identity in (2.9) holds. For the fourth identity of (2.9), we have R(X,Y)W = ∇ ∇ W −∇ ∇ W −∇ W a X Y a Y X a [X,Y] a = ∇ (ωb(Y)W )−∇ (ωb(X)W )−ωb([X,Y])W X a b Y a b a b = X(ωb(Y))W −Y(ωb(X))W −ωb([X,Y])W +ωb(Y)ωc(X)W −ωb(X)ωc(Y)W a b a b a b a b c a b c = 2 dωb −ωc ∧ωb (X,Y)W , a a c b by the definiti(cid:0)on of curvatur(cid:1)es and (2.7). The third identity of (2.9) follows by applying both sides to X = W , Y = W in the fouth identity of (2.9). (cid:3) j k Remark 2.1. Note that the structure equations (13), (14) and (39) in [3] are the special case of (2.9) with respect to a T(1,0)M-frame. Consequently, we have R b = 2(dωb)(W ,W )−2ωe ∧ωb(W ,W ) a cd a c d a e c d = (∇ ωb)(W )−(∇ ωb)(W )+ωb(τ(W ,W ))−Γe Γb +Γe Γb Wc a d Wd a c a c d ca de da ce = W Γb −W Γb −ωb(∇ W )+ωb(∇ W )+ωb(2h(W ,JW )T)−Γe Γb +Γe Γb c da d ca a Wc d a Wd c a c d ca de da ce = W Γb −W Γb −Γe Γb +Γe Γb −Γe Γb +Γe Γb +2Γb J , (2.10) c da d ca cd ea dc ea ca de da ce 0a cd by (2.1), (2.7) and the fourth identity in (2.9). ON THE YAMABE PROBLEM ON CONTACT RIEMANNIAN MANIFOLDS 9 2.3. The special frame and the normal coordinates. H n = Cn × R with coordinates x = (z,t) has the structure of the Heisenberg group. The Heisenberg norm is |x|= (|z|4+t2)1/4. Here we choose the contact form Θ = dt−izαdzα¯ +izα¯dzα on H n and set Θα = dzα. Their dual are ∂ ∂ ∂ Z = , Z = −izα¯ . 0 ∂t α ∂zα ∂t On H n, the orbit of the the parabolic dilation is a parabola through 0 ∈ H n. Recall that in the Riemannian geometry, the classical exponential map sends radial lines in the tangent space to geodesics. Similarly, in the CR geometry, Jerison and Lee [11] defined the parabolic exponential map, which sends a parabola in the tangent space to a parabolic geodesic. In a contact Riemannian manifold, the parabolic exponential map can be defined in the same way as in the CR case. A smooth curve γ(s) in a contact Riemannian manifold M is a parabolic geodesic if it satisfies ODE: ∇ γ˙ = 2cT, (2.11) γ˙ for some c ∈ R, where ∇ is the TWT connection and T is the Reeb vector field. We have the following proposition. Proposition 2.4. Let (M,θ,h,J) be a contact Riemannian manifold and q ∈ M. For any W ∈ H M and c∈ R, let γ = γ denote the solution to the ODE (2.11) with initial conditions q W,c γ(0) = q and γ˙(0) = W. We call γ the parabolic geodesic determined by W and c. Define the parabolic exponential map Ψ :T M → M by q Ψ(W +cT) = γ (1). W,c Then Ψ maps a neighborhood of 0 in T M diffeomorphically to a neighborhood of q in M, and q sends sW +s2cT to γ (s). W,c Proof. The proof is the same as that in the CR case (Theorem 2.1 in [11]) since the integrability of J is not used. Choosing a coordinate {xi} centered at q, we let Γk denote the Christoffel ij symbols of the TWT connection in these coordinates, i.e. ∇ ∂ = Γk ∂ . ODE (2.11) can ∂ ∂xj ij∂xk ∂xi be written as γ¨k(s) = −Γk(γ(s))γ˙i(s)γ˙j(s)+2cTk(γ(s)), (2.12) ij where γ˙k(s) = dxk(γ(s)), γ¨k(s) = d2xk(γ(s)) and Tk = dxk(T) in these coordinates. This ds ds2 proposition follows from the uniqueness of the solution to this ODEs and smooth dependence of the solution on the parameters. (cid:3) A vector field X ∈ M is called parallel along a curve γ(s) if it satisfies ∇ X = 0. γ˙ Proposition 2.5. Suppose X is a vector field defined in a neighborhood of q in M which is parallel along each curve γ . Then X is smooth near q. W,c This proposition can be proved in the same way as Lemma 2.2 in [11] since the integrability of J is not used. Choosing coordinates {xi} centered at q, we can write X = Xj ∂ for some ∂xj 10 FEIFANWUANDWEIWANG functions X . For each curve γ (s), we write ξj(s,W,c) = Xj(γ (s)). Then the differential j W,c W,c equation ∇ X = 0 becomes: γ˙(s) ∂ ξj(s,W,c) = −Γj (γ (s))γ˙k (s)ξl(s,W,c), ∂s kl W,c W,c with initial condition ξj(0,W,c) = Xj(0). X is smooth since the solutions to this ODEs depend smoothly on parameters. Asintroduced before,thecomplexification of thetangent spaceCT M atpointq hasaunique q (1,0) (1,0) (0,1) (1,0) subbuddle T M such that JX = iX for any X ∈ T M. Set T M = T M, and for q q q q (0,1) any X ∈ T M, JX = −iX. Furthermore, we choose an orthonormal basis of the horizontal q space with respect to the metric h at point q as in the following lemma. (1,0) (0,1) Lemma 2.2. We can choose W ∈ T M and W := W ∈ T M, such that α;q q α¯;q α;q q h(W ,W )= δ , h(W ,W ) = 0. α;q β¯;q αβ¯ α;q β;q Proof. Choose a real vector {X } on H M such that h(X ,X ) = 2 and set X := JX . 1 q 1 1 n+1 1 Then by h(X ,X ) = h(X ,JX ) = dθ(X ,X ) = 0 and h(X ,X ) = h(JX ,JX ) = 1 n+1 1 1 1 1 n+1 n+1 1 1 h(X ,X )= 2, X is orthogonal to X . We can choose X orthogonal to span{X ,JX }, and 1 1 n+1 1 2 1 1 define X := JX . Repeating the procedure, we can choose an orthogonal basis X ,··· ,X n+2 2 1 2n with h(X ,X )= 2δ and JX = X . Now define a b ab α α+n 1 1 W := (X −iX ) = (X −iJX ), W = W . (2.13) α;q α α+n α α α¯;q α;q 2 2 We see that W ∈ T(1,0)M and W ∈ T(0,1)M. Then by (2.13) and C-linear extension (2.3), α;q q α¯;q q we have h(Wα;q,Wβ¯;q) = 14h(Xα−iXα+n,Xβ+iXβ+n) = 41(h(Xα,Xβ)+h(Xα+n,Xβ+n)) = δαβ¯ and h(W ,W ) = 0. (cid:3) α;q β;q We extend {W } by parallel translation along each parabola γ , i.e. ∇ W = 0. Let α;q W,c γ˙ α W = W , so W is also parallel along γ . T is automatically parallel along each curve γ α¯ α α¯ W,c W,c by ∇T = 0 in (2.1). Since every point in some punctured neighborhood U near q is on a unique γ , the frame {W ,W ,T} is well-defined and smooth near q by Proposition 2.5. We call such W,c α α¯ a frame a special frame. Let{θβ,θβ¯,θ}denotethecoframedualto{W ,W ,T},i.e., θβ(W ) = δβ,θβ(W ) = θβ(T) = α α¯ α α α¯ 0, and θ(W )= θ(W ) = 0, θ(T)= 1. From now on we denote α α¯ W := T, θ0 := θ. 0 Since ∇T = 0, we have ∇ W = 0. So 0 = ∇ (θj(W )) = (∇ θj)(W ) + θj(∇ W ) = γ˙ k γ˙ k γ˙ k γ˙ k (∇ θj)(W ) holds for each geodesic γ(s). Namely, ∇ θj = 0 along each γ, so {θα,θα¯,θ} is γ˙ k γ˙ also parallel along each γ. We call such a coframe a special coframe. Define an isomorphism ι : T M → H n by ι(V) = (θα(V),θα¯(V),θ(V)) = (zα,zα¯,t), which determines a coordinate q chart ι◦Ψ−1 in a neighborhood of q. We call this chart the normal coordinates determined by {W ,W ,T}. α α¯ Remark 2.2. (1) In the CR case, Jerison and Lee chose a T(1,0)M-frame at q with norm h(W ,W ) = 2δ , h(W ,W ) = 0 to construct a special frame. This is because they α;q β¯;q αβ¯ α;q β;q