Atmos.Chem.Phys.,16,2155–2174,2016 doi:10.5194/acp-16-2155-2016 ©Author(s)2016.CCAttribution3.0License. On the vertical distribution of smoke in the Amazonian atmosphere during the dry season FrancoMarenco1,BenJohnson2,JustinM.Langridge3,JaneMulcahy4,AngelaBenedetti5,SamuelRemy6, LukeJones5,KateSzpek3,JimHaywood2,7,KarlaLongo8,andPauloArtaxo9 1SatelliteApplications,MetOffice,Exeter,UK 2EarthSystemandMitigationScience,MetOfficeHadleyCentre,Exeter,UK 3ObservationalBasedResearch,MetOffice,Exeter,UK 4EarthSystemCoreDevelopmentGroup,MetOfficeHadleyCentre,Exeter,UK 5EuropeanCentreforMedium-rangeWeatherForecasts,Reading,UK 6LaboratoiredeMétéorologieDynamique,UPMC/CNRS,Paris,France 7CollegeofEngineering,MathsandPhysicalSciences,UniversityofExeter,Exeter,UK 8InstitutoNacionaldePesquisasEspaciais,SãoJosédosCampos,Brazil 9InstituteofPhysics,UniversityofSãoPaulo,SãoPaulo,Brazil Correspondenceto:FrancoMarenco( Received:23October2015–PublishedinAtmos.Chem.Phys.Discuss.:12November2015 Revised:28January2016–Accepted:7February2016–Published:25February2016 Abstract. Lidar observations of smoke aerosols have been derestimatedornotcapturedinthemodelpredictions.Smoke analysedfromsixflightsoftheFacilityforAirborneAtmo- injection heights derived from the Global Fire Assimilation sphericMeasurementsBAe-146researchaircraftoverBrazil System (GFAS) for the region are compatible with the gen- during the biomass burning season (September 2012). A eralheightoftheaerosollayers. large aerosol optical depth (AOD) was observed, typically ranging 0.4–0.9, along with a typical aerosol extinction co- efficient of 100–400Mm−1. The data highlight the persis- tent and widespread nature of the Amazonian haze, which 1 Introduction hadaconsistentverticalstructure,observedoveralargedis- tance(∼2200km)duringaperiodof14days.Aerosolswere Biomass burning is the second largest source of anthro- foundnearthesurface;butthelargeraerosolloadwastypi- pogenic aerosols globally (Stocker et al., 2013), and South callyfoundinelevatedlayersthatextendedfrom1–1.5to4– America features as one of the major source regions. In 6km.Themeasurementshavebeencomparedtomodelpre- Southern Amazonia, fire is often used for deforestation and dictionswiththeMetOfficeUnifiedModel(MetUM)andthe for the preparation of agricultural fields and pasture (Brito ECMWF-MACC model. The MetUM generally reproduced etal.,2014).ThedryseasonspansfromJulytoOctoberevery the vertical structure of the Amazonian haze observed with year,andcontrolsthetimingoftheintensiveburningofthe the lidar. The ECMWF-MACC model was also able to re- vegetation.Intenseprecipitationcanstilloccurinthisseason, produce the general features of smoke plumes albeit with a due to the increase of convective available potential energy smalloverestimationoftheAOD.Themodelsdidnotalways (CAPE) and moisture, associated with the Monsoon circu- capturelocalisedfeaturessuchas(i)smokeplumesoriginat- lation(Gonçalvesetal.,2015).Therateofbiomassburning ing from individual fires, and (ii) aerosols in the vicinity of intheBrazilianrainforestvariesfromyeartoyearandisaf- clouds. In both these circumstances, peak extinction coeffi- fectedbymeteorologicalconditionsaswellassocialfactors cients of the order of 1000–1500Mm−1 and AODs as large (Kaufmanetal.,1998). as1–1.8wereencountered,butthesefeatureswereeitherun- The high loadings of biomass burning aerosols, with dif- ferentdegreesofageing,canaffecttheregionalweatherand PublishedbyCopernicusPublicationsonbehalfoftheEuropeanGeosciencesUnion. 2156 F.Marencoetal.:SmokeintheAmazonianatmosphere climate (Sena et al., 2013; Rizzo et al., 2013). Episodes signofthedirectradiativeforcing.Ofparticularinterestare of poor air quality and low visibility are frequent, and the the distribution of lofted layers (Mattis et al., 2003; Müller aerosolloadingsaffecttheradiationbudgetandthecloudmi- etal.,2005;Baarsetal.,2012)andtheidentificationofcom- crophysics (Kaufman et al., 1998). Moreover, the radiative plexscenesinvolvingbothaerosolsandclouds(Chandetal., balanceoftheregionisalsoaffectedbychangesinthesur- 2008). face albedo caused by burning of the vegetation. The latter The South AMerican Biomass Burning Analysis has an impact well beyond the burning season, as it affects (SAMBBA) campaign was an intensive field project the regional surface energy budget all year round, and has (September–October2012),aimedatcollectinginformation an impact on convection, cloud formation and precipitation on the atmosphere of the Amazon basin during the dry (Senaetal.,2013). seasonandthetransitionintothewetseason(Angelo,2012). The modified ratio of direct to diffuse radiation, and the Oneimportantfocushasbeentheimpactofbiomassburning changesinmeteorology,inturnwillaffectthephotosynthet- aerosol on the radiation budget, and its feedback on the ically active radiation flux and the carbon cycle (Mercado dynamicsandhydrologicalcycle,includingtheinfluenceon et al., 2009). Given that Southern Amazonia is the Earth’s numerical weather predictions, climate, and air quality. The largest hydrological basin, the largest carbon sink, and the partnershipinvolvedmainlyscientistsfromBrazil(National largest tropical rainforest, the changes in the regional at- Institute for Space Research, INPE, and University of Sao mosphereandbiosphereintroducedbybiomassburningcan Paulo) and from the United Kingdom (the Met Office and havearelevantimpactattheglobalscale.Adetailedreview theNaturalEnvironmentResearchCouncil). oftheliteratureonbiomassburningemissionscanbefound inKoppmannetal.(2005)andReidetal.(2005b,a). Thelargeamountofheatreleasedbyforestfirescangen- 2 Researchflights erate strong updrafts and deep convection in their vicinity, rapidly transporting aerosols to upper layers (Freitas et al., During SAMBBA, the Facility for Airborne Atmospheric 2007;Labonneetal.,2007;Sofievetal.,2012),followedby Measurements(FAAM)researchaircraftwasbasedinPorto long-rangetransport(Kaufmanetal.,1998).Aerosolscanbe Velho, Brazil (8◦44(cid:48)S 63◦54(cid:48)W), and 20 research flights transported for thousands of kilometres, and as they travel werecarriedoutbetween14Septemberand3October2012, they are modified through ageing processes (Hobbs et al., totalling 65h of atmospheric research flying. Porto Velho 1997;Kaufmanetal.,1998;Fiebigetal.,2003;Vakkarietal., lies in the state of Rhondonia, where biomass burning for 2014).Thecompositionofbiomassburningaerosolsisdom- deforestation and agriculture is prevalent, and a large de- inated by fine carbonaceous particles (organics and black forested area is evident. The flights sampled a wide range carbon; see Brito et al., 2014), and in the first 2hours after of conditions, from very low concentrations of gas phase emissionaerosolscatteringcanincreaseuptoafactorofsix and aerosol species over the pristine Amazonia rainforest, duetophotochemistryandsecondaryparticleformation;this throughtomajorfireplumesemittingverylargeamountsof isparticularlythecaseforsmoulderingfires(Vakkarietal., pollutants.Someoftheflightswerecoordinatedwithsatellite 2014).ParticlehygroscopicityandtheconcentrationofCCN overpasses,whichallowedcombiningaircraftmeasurements arealsoenhancedduringageing(Abeletal.,2003). with spaceborne remote sensing (see, e.g., Marenco et al., Furtherdownwind,theseaerosolscontinuetoexertanim- 2014). pact on cloud formation, convection, and precipitation pat- The aircraft was equipped with several probes, able to terns (Andreae et al., 2004; Koren et al., 2008). Gonçalves sampletheatmosphereusingbothinsituandremote-sensing et al. (2015) indicates two opposite mechanisms by which techniques. Each research flight was planned around one biomass burning aerosols affect clouds and precipitation: of the following goals: (a) in situ characterisation of fresh (i) in a stable atmosphere, for a given liquid water content plumes(FP),achievedbyflyingatlowlevelintheimmediate the formation of a larger number of smaller cloud droplet vicinity of a fire and sampling the aerosols, trace gases and induces warm rain suppression; and (ii) in an unstable at- thermodynamicstructure;(b)radiativeclosure(RC)studies, mosphere,theaerosolsenhanceprecipitationandfavourthe achieved with a series of stacked aircraft runs and profiles formationoflargerandlong-livedcells(convectivecloudin- abovealimitedarea,inordertotietogethertheinformation vigoration).Moreover,Seifertetal.(2015)haveobservedan derivedbyremotesensingandtheinsituprobes;and(c)sur- increasediceformationefficiencyforcloudsinthedrysea- vey flights (SF) at high altitude, where the properties of the son,andacoincidencewiththeseasonalaerosolcycle. atmosphere are mainly sampled with remote-sensing tech- KnowledgeoftheverticalstructureoftheSouthernAma- niques.BesidesPortoVelho(PV),theairportsinRioBranco zoniasmokelayeriskeytounderstandingandassessingthe (450kmWSWofPV),Manaus(760kmNEofPV)andPal- aerosol–cloud interactions (Baars et al., 2012). Textor et al. mas(1700kmEofPV)werealsoused. (2006) showed that there are significant uncertainties in the The circulation in this season is typically dominated by vertical distribution in global models, whereas this infor- moderate to strong Easterlies (trade winds), which build up mation is critical in assessing the magnitude and even the large aerosol burdens over Western Amazonia, where the Atmos.Chem.Phys.,16,2155–2174,2016 F.Marencoetal.:SmokeintheAmazonianatmosphere 2157 low-mid tropospheric circulation is halted by the Andes. In this season, the north-western part of the basin is charac- terised by the development of deep convective events ac- companied by brief but intense precipitation, whereas the Southern and Eastern parts are typically dry. The season in 2012, however, differed somewhat from the climatology. A Northwesterly circulation on the Southwestern part of the basindispersedtheaerosols,andasaresultonlyamoderate aerosol optical depth (AOD) was observed. Moreover, con- vectiveprecipitationspreadfurtherEastthanusualduringthe secondhalfofSeptember. Nevertheless, burning activity continued through the ma- jority of the campaign period, and significant aerosol load- ing was found during most of the flights. In the majority of cases,avarietyofmeasurementsconfirmedthattheaerosols canbeascribedtosmokeoriginatedfromforestfires.Agen- Figure1.GroundtracksforthesixresearchflightslistedinTable1. eralfeaturethroughoutthecampaignwasthepersistenceof The location of the valid lidar profiles used for the computation aerosols above the boundary layer, with plumes up to alti- of aerosol extinction is highlighted as follows: grey, profiles that tudesof4–6km,presumablycausedbydeepconvectionand passourqualitycontroltest;blue,remainingprofiles.Thefollow- lifting. In situ observations with wing-mounted optical par- inglocationsarealsoshown:PortoVelho(PV),RioBranco(RB), ticle counters (PCASP and CDP; see, e.g., Liu et al., 1992; AltaFloresta(AF),Palmas(Pal),Manaus(Man),Cuiabà(Cui),and Lanceetal.,2010;Rosenbergetal.,2012;Ryderetal.,2013) Brasilia(Bra). showed a predominance of fine mode particles at all levels (elevated and near-surface). Moreover, measurements with theon-boardAL5002VUVFastFluorescenceCOAnalyser (2014)wereappliedtodeterminetheirtopheightat2sreso- (Gerbigetal.,1996,1999;Palmeretal.,2013)showedhigh lution. carbonmonoxideconcentrations. In order to determine the aerosol properties, further inte- Thepresentstudyfocusesontheresultsfromtheairborne grationandverticalsmoothinghavebeenappliedduringdata lidarduringthehigh-altitudeportionsofsixselectedflights, processing, to reduce shot noise: the aerosol data presented between16and29September(seeTable1andFig.1).The herethereforehaveaverticalresolutionof45mandaninte- criterionforselectingtheflightshasbeentheavailabilityof grationtimeof1min.Thisintegrationtimecorrespondstoa sufficiently extended high-altitude and cloud-free sections, 9±2kmfootprint,attypicalaircraftspeeds. so that the aerosol extinction vertical profile could be esti- Afirstdataselectionwasdoneasfollows:alllidarsignals matedfromthelidar.Thesixflightsspantheregionbetween acquiredwhentheaircraftwasflyingatanaltitudelowerthan 8.5–12◦Nand46–68◦W,coveringadistanceof∼2200km 4kmhavebeenomitted,anddatahavebeendiscardedifthe extendingalonganEast–WestaxisacrosstheBrazilianAma- lidar was pointing at more than 10◦ off the vertical (due to zonbasin,atanapproximatemeanlatitudeof10◦S. the aircraft turning). Lidar signals within 300m of the air- crafthavebeendiscarded,duetoincompleteoverlapbetween theemitterandthereceiverfield-of-view,andatthefarend 3 Measurements profileshavebeentruncatedtoremovethesurfacespikeand anydatabeyondit.Asageneralrule,averticalprofilewhere Observations of atmospheric aerosols have been acquired acloudwasdetectedhaseitherbeenomittedcompletely,or withtheALS-450elasticbackscatteringlidarmountedonthe hasbeenomittedintheportionbetweenthesurfaceandthe FAAMresearchaircraft.Thisisaninstrumentmanufactured cloud top. However, in a small number of cases where the byLeosphere;itisoperatedatawavelengthof355nm;and cloud optical depth has been considered sufficiently small, it is mounted in a nadir-looking geometry (Marenco et al., so as to not affect the derivation of aerosol properties, data 2011).ThesystemspecificationsaresummarisedinMarenco below a cloud have been kept but the cloud layer itself has etal.(2014)andamoredetaileddescriptionoftheinstrument beenrejected. canbefoundinLollietal.(2011)andChazetteetal.(2012). All assumptions have been reviewed manually, on a Lidarsignalswereacquiredwithanintegrationtimeof2s profile-by-profile basis, with the possibility to override the andaverticalresolutionof1.5m.Theanalogueandphoton cloud exclusion criteria and to set the reference height in- counting signals are merged at pre-processing by normali- tervalnecessaryforthederivationofaerosolextinction.Af- sation in an overlap area chosen based on photon-counting ter the data selection discussed above, 334 vertical profiles thresholds.Cloudsignalintheverticalprofileswasdetected have been retained. Processing of the data followed a dou- as a “large spike”, and the thresholds given in Allen et al. bleiteration,firsttodeterminethelidarratio(extinction-to- Atmos.Chem.Phys.,16,2155–2174,2016 2158 F.Marencoetal.:SmokeintheAmazonianatmosphere Table1.Researchflightsconsideredinthisarticle.TimeisUTC. ∗ Flight Date Takeoff Landing Latitude Longitude Type ◦ ◦ B733 16Sep RioBranco,13:51 PortoVelho,14:45 8.9–9.8 S 64.5–67.6 W briefSF ◦ ◦ B734 18Sep PortoVelho,12:05 PortoVelho,16:01 8.9–11.9 S 61.6–64.4 W RC ◦ ◦ B741 26Sep PortoVelho,12:53 Palmas,16:08 8.8–10.2 S 48.7–63.9 W SF ◦ ◦ B742 27Sep Palmas,12:52 Palmas,16:17 10.2–11.5 S 46.8–48.1 W FP ◦ ◦ B743 27Sep Palmas,18:08 PortoVelho,21:34 9.0–10.2 S 48.4–63.6 W SF B746 29Sep PortoVelho,12:54 PortoVelho,16:38 8.7–9.4◦S 58.2–63.7◦W FP+SF ∗Flighttype:FP:freshplumesampling,mainlyinsitu;RC:radiativeclosure,combininginsituandremotesensing;SF:high-altitude surveyflight. backscatter ratio), and subsequently to process the data set todeterminetheextinctioncoefficient.Themethoddetailed inMarenco(2013)isatthebasisofthisprocessing,anditis basedonsettingthereferencewithintheaerosollayer,rather thanonaRayleigh-scatteringportionoftheatmosphere.The slopemethodisusedforafirstestimateoftheextinctionco- efficient at the reference, based on the lidar measurements themselves.Asillustratedinthatpaper,inthisgeometryand atthiswavelengththeforwardsolutiontothelidarequation is unstable and cannot be used when the aerosol layers are deep and their extinction is large; hence the need for using thismethod.Marencoetal.(2014)illustratestheapplication ofthismethodincomparisonwithCALIPSOretrievalsand toconstrainedretrievalsusingAERONET. 3.1 Lidarratio Aninitialsubsetofthelidarprofileshasbeenselected,where the signature of Rayleigh scatteringhas beenclearly identi- fied above the aerosol layers. This circumstance permits it- eration using the method described in Marenco (2013) by varying the lidar ratio (assumed constant with height), until a good match to the overlying Rayleigh scattering layer is reached: in this way, the lidar ratio itself can be estimated. Out of these lidar profiles, 270 indicate at least a moderate aerosolload(AOD>0.25),andtheyhavebeenkepttocom- puteadistribution:resultsaredisplayedinFig.2b.Thedata setfollowsaGaussiandistribution,andischaracterisedbya meanandstandarddeviationof73.1and6.3sr,respectively. Moreover, Fig. 2a shows that the distribution is not signifi- cantly affected by how we choose the acceptance threshold Figure2.(a)LidarratioandAOD,determinedforeachlidarpro- (AOD>0.25).Thelidarratiodeterminedinthiswayisnot file(seetext).Thedatapointsarecolour-codedwiththeflightnum- substantially affected by the choice of the lower reference ber.Thehorizontalbluesolidlineindicatesthemean,thebluedot- extinction,andisinsteadmainlyaffectedbythehigherlay- ted lines indicate one standard deviation from the mean, and the ers, where the transition between a large extinction coeffi- dashed red line indicates the median. The vertical dashed line in- cientandamolecularlayerisencountered.Thisestimateof dicates the threshold (AOD>0.25) that has been applied to the dataset.(b)Histogramoflidarratiodeterminations,for270profiles the lidar ratio for biomass burning aerosols is in agreement withAOD>0.25.Mean:73.1sr,standarddeviation:6.3sr,median: withthefindingsreportedinOmaretal.(2009),Baarsetal. 72.5sr.Agaussiancurvewiththesamemeanandstandarddevia- (2012),Großetal.(2012),andLopesetal.(2013). tionisoverplotted(dashedline). Thelidarratiosodetermined,73±6sr,hasbeencompared toMiescatteringcomputations.Figure3adisplaysthecam- paignmeanparticlesize-distribution(PSD)determinedwith Atmos.Chem.Phys.,16,2155–2174,2016 F.Marencoetal.:SmokeintheAmazonianatmosphere 2159 indices;seeFig.3b.Theresultinglidarratioishighlydepen- dent on the real and imaginary parts; refractive index esti- mates from the literature are also shown in the figure. The lidarderivationof73±6sriscompatible,forinstance,with refractiveindicesfromRizzoetal.(2013)andDuboviketal. (2002).Notethattheestimatescomputedwithrefractivein- dices from Reid and Hobbs (1998) and Guyon et al. (2003) alsodonotfalltoofaroff. 3.2 Estimateoftheaerosolextinctioncoefficient Followingtheresultofthefirstiterationonthelidardata,a lidarratioof73srhasbeenadoptedforthefulldataset,and a second iteration with the method introduced in Marenco (2013) has been applied to determine the aerosol extinc- tion coefficient for all the 334 profiles. This method (slope- Fernald method) is a variant of the Fernald–Klett method (Fernald, 1984; Klett, 1985), where the reference is taken withinanaerosollayer:thispermitsusingthestable(inward) solution to the lidar equation in the unfavourable geometry represented by a nadir-looking lidar. Note that this choice is necessary if, as found during this campaign, no aerosol- free region below the aerosol layers is available. Figure 4 shows typical resulting estimates of the aerosol extinction coefficient, for a subset of the vertical profiles (this selec- tion is purely illustrative in purpose). For each profile, an estimateoftheuncertaintythatresultsfromtheretrievalas- sumptions has been computed, by repeating the derivation afterhavingvariedthelidarratioby±6sr(thisbeingtheun- certaintyadoptedabove),andafterhavingvariedtheextinc- tion value at the reference by ±50% (1σ statistical errors). Thelattervaluereflectsthelargeuncertaintythatarisesfrom Figure3.(a)SAMBBAcampaignmeanparticlesize-distribution, theMarenco(2013)method,sincereferenceistakenwithin determinedwiththewing-mountedPCASPopticalparticlecounter anaerosollayerinsteadofinRayleighscatteringconditions. (black dots). The fit with a bimodal lognormal is also shown; the Note however, how quickly the uncertainty decreases when parameters of the two lognormals are as follows: accumulation mode: Dp=0.184µm, σ =1.47, and Nt =868.5. Coarse mode: moving upwards from the reference height; the opposite is Dp=0.387µm,σ =2.13,andNt =2.16.(b)Contoursofthelidar unfortunately also true, i.e. where the reference height is ratiocomputedforthecampaignmeanparticlesize-distribution,by takenatanaltitude,thenuncertaintyincreasesupto±100% varyingtherefractiveindex.Theblacksolidanddottedlinesindi- nearthesurface.Insummary,verylargeuncertaintiesexistin catethemeanandstandarddeviationofthelidarratiodetermined the bottom part of the vertical profiles, but they are quickly bylidar(73±6sr).ThereddotsshowestimatesoftheAmazonian damped when moving towards the higher layers. At the top biomassburningaerosolrefractiveindextakenfromtheliterature: oftheprofiles,uncertaintyisinsteaddrivenbythelidarratio, (a)1.5−0.02i (ReidandHobbs,1998);(b)1.42−0.006i (Guyon andisgenerallysmall. etal.,2003);(c)(1.47±0.07)−(0.008±0.005)i(Rizzoetal.,2013); (d)(1.47±0.03)−(0.0093±0.003)i(Duboviketal.,2002). 4 Observedaerosoldistribution the PCASP, and its fit using two lognormals, each of which isintheform Figures5and6displaythecross-sectionsofaerosolextinc- tion coefficient and of its estimated uncertainty, as a func- N e−12(cid:16)lnDln/σDp(cid:17)2 tion of along-track distance and height. Generally, all six n(D)= √ t , (1) flights show a similar structure, with a moderate magnitude 2πlnσ D of aerosol extinction, of the order of 150–200Mm−1, be- whereD isdiameter,andD ,σ,andN arethreefittedpa- tweenthesurfaceandanupperaltitudeof4–6km,withsome p t rameters(Johnsonetal.,2016).Wehavecomputedthelidar localised patches showing higher magnitudes. This general ratio for this size-distribution and for a range of refractive vertical structure was broadly coherent over distances of Atmos.Chem.Phys.,16,2155–2174,2016 2160 F.Marencoetal.:SmokeintheAmazonianatmosphere 8 14:12 16 Sep B733 8 12:44 18 Sep B734 8 14:50 26 Sep B741 9(cid:176)22’S 66(cid:176)09’W 11(cid:176)19’S 63(cid:176)29’W 9(cid:176)59’S 54(cid:176)32’W 6 6 6 m) k e ( d 4 4 4 u Altit 2 2 2 0 0 0 0 200 400 600 0 200 400 600 0 200 400 600 8 13:12 27 Sep B742 8 20:34 27 Sep B743 8 13:48 29 Sep B746 11(cid:176)11’S 47(cid:176)11’W 9(cid:176)40’S 59(cid:176)33’W 9(cid:176)06’S 59(cid:176)57’W 6 6 6 m) k e ( d 4 4 4 u Altit 2 2 2 0 0 0 0 200 400 600 0 200 400 600 0 200 400 600 Aerosol extinction (Mm-1) Aerosol extinction (Mm-1) Aerosol extinction (Mm-1) Figure 4. A sample of the lidar vertical profiles of aerosol extinction coefficient, discussed in this paper. The green lines indicate the estimateofuncertainty.Theredlinesindicatethereferenceheightintervalused(differentforeachprofile).Thetime,date,flightnumberand coordinatesareindicatedinthetitletoeachplot.Eachprofilecorrespondstoanintegrationtimeof1min. thousands of kilometres and persisted over the 2-week pe- alsohaveoriginatedfromsomeothernearbyfire;andfinally riodstudiedhere. itmayhavebeentransportedoveralongerdistance. At smaller spatial scales, some noticeable features were Moreover, in flights B741 (first part) and B746 the pres- observed, and are described as follows. Flight B742 shows enceofcloudswithtopsat2–4kmobscuresthebottompart fourfeatureswherealargeextinctioncoefficient(approach- of the aerosol layer; above these clouds, large extinction ing 1000Mm−1) is detected at an altitude of 1.25km, at coefficients are detected, peaking 1000–1500Mm−1. These along-track distances of 115, 135, 310 and 360km. These largevaluesarelikelytobeeitherdirectlycausedbynearby correspond to plumes from single fires that were seen from fires(hiddenbythecloudsthemselves),orasaresultofcon- thecockpit.Sincetheaircraftwasflyingbackandforthover vective lifting and detraining of smoke into a layer around thesamearea,thesesmokeplumeswerealllocatedwithina thecloud-top. maximum distance of ∼25km from each other, and in fact From the aerosol extinction coefficient described above, the ones observed at 310 and 360km along-track distance a few quantities have been computed. The layer extinction wereatthesamelocation. is computed as the vertically averaged extinction, and the Flight B743 also shows a plume from a single fire, cen- aerosol optical depth (AOD) as the vertically integrated ex- tred at an along-track distance of 1260km; it extends from tinction. The layer height has been defined, for each verti- the surface to 2km altitude and has a size of ∼50km in cal profile, as the weighted average√of the aerosol vertical thealong-trackhorizontaldirection;inthisplumeapeakex- distribution, and the layer depth as 2×(AOD)/(peak ex- tinction of 1270±40Mm−1 was encountered. Moreover, a tinction).Notethatthedefinitionoflayerdepthcanbequite higher altitude feature is observed, well above the aerosol arbitrary;however,theabovedefinitionsareconsistentwith layer,andco-locatedwiththisintenseplumebutapparently Marenco et al. (2011). The layer height, layer depth, layer disconnected from it: its altitude is 3.7–4km, with a depth extinctionandaerosolopticaldepthhavebeencomputedfor varyingbetween200and400m(FWHM).Itshorizontalex- eachverticalprofileinthedataset.Note,however,thatthese tentisof270kmalong-track,itsaerosolopticaldepth(AOD) derivedquantitiescanbeaffectedbytheverticalextentofthe peaks 0.09, and its extinction coefficient peaks 300Mm−1. available data, which in turn is affected by aircraft altitude, Theoriginofthishigheraltitudefeatureisuncertain:itcould terrain height, and the presence of low clouds. As a qual- havebeenreleasedbythesamefireatanearliertime,i.e.if itycontroltest,profilesforwhichtherelativeerroronAOD thefireradiativepowerhadbeenatanytimestronger;itmay was larger than 50%, and profiles that were truncated (due Atmos.Chem.Phys.,16,2155–2174,2016 F.Marencoetal.:SmokeintheAmazonianatmosphere 2161 Figure5.Cross-sectionsoftheaerosolextinctioncoefficientdeterminedfromthelidarforthesixresearchflightswitha1-minintegration time. The black lines indicate the aircraft altitude and the surface elevation from a digital elevation model, respectively. The green dots indicatecloudtopsdetectedwiththelidarat2sresolution.Therednumberedarrowsindicatetheselectedsectionsforthecharacterisation oftheaerosollayer(seeTable2). Atmos.Chem.Phys.,16,2155–2174,2016 2162 F.Marencoetal.:SmokeintheAmazonianatmosphere Figure6.Cross-sectionsoftheaerosolextinctioncoefficientuncertainty. Atmos.Chem.Phys.,16,2155–2174,2016 F.Marencoetal.:SmokeintheAmazonianatmosphere 2163 Table2.Flightsectionsconsideredforthecharacterisationoftheaerosollayer,displayedwithredarrowsinFig.5.Foreachsection,the layerheight,layerdepth,layerextinctionandaerosolopticaldeptharelisted(seetext).Foreachquantity,theaverageandstandarddeviation areshown;forthelayerextinctionandaerosolopticaldepth,maximumvaluesareshownaswell(inparentheses).Theresultsforthewhole datasetarelistedaswell. Section Flight Time Numberof Layerheight Layerdepth Layerextinction Aerosolopticaldepth number number profiles (km) (km) (Mm−1) (–) 1 B733 13:56–14:27 28 2.04±0.28 2.27±0.23 113±31(224) 0.68±0.18(1.02) 2 B734 12:35–13:04 23 2.39±0.13 3.05±0.47 93±12(117) 0.66±0.09(0.84) 3 B734 15:10–15:26 7 2.53±0.08 2.86±0.37 102±9(117) 0.61±0.06(0.70) 4 B741 13:02–13:56 5 2.63±0.07 1.47±0.35 132±22(173) 0.63±0.17(0.78) 5 B741 14:43–15:53 61 1.85±0.12 2.37±0.38 91±11(117) 0.55±0.07(0.71) 6 B742 13:02–13:17 14 2.26±0.26 2.82±0.50 212±48(311) 0.89±0.22(1.36) 7 B743 18:39–19:35 29 2.05±0.16 2.72±0.53 109±37(227) 0.68±0.25(1.43) 8 B743 20:20–21:18 50 1.69±0.20 2.09±0.41 75±35(195) 0.48±0.24(1.29) 9 B746 13:06–14:11 39 2.07±0.29 2.17±0.51 161±58(366) 0.92±0.25(1.83) 10 B746 15:52–16:23 20 2.43±0.60 1.68±0.50 125±43(228) 0.61±0.21(0.90) Alldata 276 2.03±0.36 2.34±0.57 112±49(366) 0.65±0.24(1.83) to cloud) at a lower boundary which was 2.5km or higher the vertical distribution of the aerosols does not vary much, above mean sea level have not been included in the discus- despitethelargedistancetravelledbytheaircraft(morethan sionofthederivedquantitiesdescribedabove. 2200km between the eastmost and westmost lidar profiles) Inordertocharacterisetheaerosollayerintermsofrepre- and the relatively long time between the first and the last sentativeproperties,thedatasethasbeendividedinthesec- flight(14days). tions listed in Table 2, numbered 1–10, and also displayed Thequantitativeproperties,i.e.meanextinctionandAOD, with red arrows in Fig. 5. For each of the shorter flights, a display a larger variability, as expected; however, this vari- single section has been considered, whereas when the dis- ability is not huge. The per-section average of layer extinc- tance travelled exceeded 1000km two flight sections have tion varies between 75 and 200Mm−1 and the per-section beenconsidered.ForflightB742,sincetheaircrafttravelled averageofAODisbetween0.5and0.9,eachofthesequan- backandforthoverthesamegroundtrackseveraltimes,only titiesshowingastandarddeviationof10–50%ineachflight the first part of the lidar cross-section has been considered. section.Whencomputedoverallsixflights,theaverageand Due to the above quality criteria and to the fact that some standarddeviationofthesequantitiesis112±49Mm−1and flightportionshavenotbeenincluded(e.g.thesecondpartof 0.65±0.24, respectively, and the maximum values encoun- flightB742),thenumberofretainedprofilesisreducedfrom teredoverthedatasetwereaboutthreetimeslargerthanthe 334to276.Table2summarizestheflightsectionsaverages average. The distribution of the layer properties, derived by and standard deviations for the considered quantities; note airborne lidar for the six flights considered in this paper, is that in this context, standard deviation is a measure of vari- showninFig.7. abilityforeachgivenquantity.Themaximumofthelayerex- The mean vertical distributions of aerosol extinction for tinctionandoftheaerosolopticaldepthisalsolistedforeach each of the ten sections are shown in Fig. 8. The average section;themaximumofthelayerextinctionisingeneraldif- overthetensectionsisdisplayedinFig.9,andshowsagen- ferentandlowerthanthemaximumvalueofextinctionthat eral structure that can be summarised as follows. Near the isencounteredineachsection(layerextinctionbeingaver- surface, and up to an altitude of ∼1km, a surface layer of ticallyaveragedquantity). extinction coefficient ∼200Mm−1 is observed. Above this The geometrical properties of the aerosol vertical distri- layer, an elevated layer is found which has a slightly larger bution, i.e. the layer height and layer depth, show a lim- extinction coefficient (peaking ∼250Mm−1) and a signif- ited variability within each section, with standard devia- icant depth, extending from ∼1 to ∼5km altitude. When tionaround10–15%forlayerheightand15–25%forlayer lookingattheindividualsections(Fig.8),variationsaround depth.FlightB746representsanexceptionandshowslarger this general structure can be observed: the lower layer in variability in its second part (Sect. 10); however, for this someoftheflightsextendsabithigher(upto∼1.5km)and flight a large proportion of profiles are truncated due to can show a magnitude of the aerosol extinction coefficient low cloud, and therefore the remaining data may possibly of 150–300Mm−1; and the aerosols above can extend, de- not provide a representative sample. Averaged over all six pendingontheflightsection,uptoanaltitudebetween4and flights,thelayerheightis2.0±0.4km,andthelayerdepthis 6km.Theelevatedaerosolsshowasasinglewell-definedel- 2.3±0.6(averageandstandarddeviation).Thisindicatesthat evated layer in Sects. 2, 5 and 7 and as a more structured, Atmos.Chem.Phys.,16,2155–2174,2016 2164 F.Marencoetal.:SmokeintheAmazonianatmosphere 60 valid for the forecast base time. The GFAS data are a daily 50 80 productbasedonalltheModerate-ResolutionImagingSpec- troradiometer (MODIS) overpasses, over the course of any y 40 60 nc givenday.Assimilationusingthisinventoryisknowntolead ue 30 q 40 to an underestimation of AOD, due to the lack of detec- e Fr 20 tionofsmallsmoulderingfires,andfiresbelowcanopiesand 20 10 clouds. Studies show that for a better agreement it is there- 0 0 forenecessarytoscaleuptheemissions(Kaiseretal.,2012). 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 0 100 200 300 400 WhilsttheECMWF-MACCmodelusedascalefactorof3.4 Aerosol Optical Depth Layer extinction (Mm-1) (Kaiser et al., 2012), this was reduced to a factor of 1.7 for 100 40 the MetUM based on an initial assessment of AODs with 80 AERONETandMODISdataearlierintheseason. ncy 60 30 In the MetUM simulations, biomass burning aerosol was e qu 20 simulatedon-lineusingtheCLASSICaerosolscheme(Bel- e 40 Fr louinetal.,2011),whileallotheraerosolspecieswererep- 20 10 resented by climatological averages. Direct aerosol effects 0 0 were included in the simulations, but indirect effects were 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 not. There are a number of uncertainties on some of the as- Layer height (km) Layer depth (km) sumptions used in the simulations; in particular associated Figure7.DistributionsofaircraftlidarobservationsofAOD,layer withthepotentialtransportofaerosolsfromoutsidethedo- extinction,layerheightandlayerdepth,forthewholedatasetcon- mainboundaries,therainoutofbiomassburningaerosolsand sideredinthispaper(276verticalprofiles).AGaussiancurvewith theirageing,andthesourceemissions.Aerosolinjectionwas the mean and standard deviation of the data set is superimposed prescribed between 0.1 and 3km in height; this is likely to (dashedline). affecttherepresentationoftheverticalextentoftheaerosol plumes, in particular from larger fires. Moreover, emissions werenotupdatedduringthemodelsimulation,andtherefore multi-layer atmosphere in the other sections. The signature an assumption is made on persistence of the emission field. of the individual fire plumes described above can be found TheCLASSICaerosolschemeusesaprescribedaerosolsize intheseaverageprofiles;seee.g.themaximumatanaltitude distribution and refractive index, based on Haywood et al. of ∼1.25km in Sect. 6, and at an altitude of ∼1.6km in (2003).Aclimatologicalhygroscopicgrowthcurvebasedon Sect. 8. These layers also show a larger standard deviation, Magi and Hobbs (2003) is included in the model, and this reflectingthevariabilitybetweenin-plumeandout-of-plume information enables the calculation of aerosol optical prop- conditions.NotealsothatSects.4,9and10areaffectedby erties,includingextinctioncoefficient. lowcloudswithlargesmokeconcentrationsabove;thisisre- The ECMWF-MACC model issued by ECMWF is pro- flectedinthelargevaluesofthemean+1standarddeviation vided as part of the EU-funded projects Monitoring Atmo- (upto600–800Mm−1). spheric Composition and Climate, MACC, MACC-II and MACC-III (Morcrette et al., 2009; Benedetti et al., 2009). 5 Modelsimulations The initial package of ECMWF physical parameterisations dedicatedtoaerosolprocessesmainlyfollowsthetreatment The lidar data have been used to evaluate aerosol simula- of the Laboratoire de Météorologie Dynamique general cir- tions from two prediction models: (i) a limited area model culationmodel,LMD-Z(Boucheretal.,2002;Reddyetal., (LAM)configurationoftheMetOfficeUnifiedModel(Me- 2005). Five types of tropospheric aerosols are considered tUM),and(ii)aerosolforecastsissuedbytheEuropeanCen- in the model, and are fully coupled with the meteorology: treforMedium-rangeWeatherForecasts(ECMWF-MACC). sea salt, dust, organic carbon, black carbon, and sulphate. TheMetUMlimitedareamodelwassetupfortheSAMBBA Prognostic aerosols of natural origin, mineral dust and sea- campaignovertheAmazoniadomain(latitude25◦S–18◦N, salt, are described using three size bins, and their emis- longitude 85–32◦W), and has a resolution of 12km, with sions depend on model parameters (surface winds among 70levelsinthevertical(Kolusuetal.,2015).Lateralbound- others). Anthropogenic emissions are specified using cur- aryconditionsforthemeteorologicalfieldsweredrivenpro- rent emission inventories, and biomass burning emissions videdbytheoperationalglobalconfigurationoftheMetUM are taken from the GFAS inventory. The simulations pre- (GlobalAtmosphere3.1,Waltersetal.,2011).TheECMWF- sented here were carried out using an experimental version MACCsimulationswereglobal,althoughanalysedhereover of the ECMWF-MACC model, which emits biomass burn- theAmazonianregiononly.Bothmodelswereinitialisedus- ingaerosolsataninjectionheightprovidedbyaPlumeRise ingnear-realtimeemissionsfromtheGlobalFireAssimila- Model(PRM)thathasbeenembeddedintoGFAS(Paugam tion System (GFAS) emission data set (Kaiser et al., 2012), et al., 2015). The PRM derives injection heights from Atmos.Chem.Phys.,16,2155–2174,2016