On the use of the VN−M approximation in atomic calculations. V. A. Dzuba∗ 5 School of Physics, University of New South Wales, Sydney 2052, Australia 0 (Dated: February 2, 2008) 0 2 WedemonstratethatVN−M approximationisagoodstartingpointfortheconfigurationinterac- n tioncalculationsformany-electronatomsandions. N isthetotalnumberofelectronsintheneutral a atom,M isthenumberofvalenceelectrons. VN−M istheself-consistentHartreeFockpotentialfora J closed-shellionwithallvalenceelectronsremoved. UsingoftheVN−M approximationconsiderably 7 simplifiesthemany-bodyperturbationtheoryforthecore-valencecorrelations. Itmakesiteasierto includehigher-ordercorrelationswhichoftensignificantlyimprovestheaccuracyofthecalculations. ] Calculations for kryptonand barium and theirpositive ions are presented for illustration. h p PACSnumbers: PACS:31.25.-v,31.25.Eb,31.25.Jf - m o I. INTRODUCTION correlations. This can be done by combining configu- t ration interaction method with the many-body pertur- a . bation theory (CI+MBPT) [14] or CC method with the s Atomic physics is a valuable tool to study many fun- c damental problems. It is used to study parity and time MBPT [15] or with the CI method [16]. si invariance violating interactions (see, e.g. [1]), possible The key question in developing of allthese methods is y variationofthe fundamentalconstantsinquasarabsorp- where to start or what potential to chose to generate a h tion spectra [2] and in present-day experiments by com- complete set of single-electron states. It is well accepted p paring the rates of different atomic clocks [3], etc. How- nowthattheHartreeFockpotentialisthebestchoicefor [ ever, interpretation of the atomic measurements is often the perturbation theory expansion. This is because self- 1 limitedby accuracyofatomiccalculations. Forexample, consistencyconditionleadstoexactcancellationbetween v theaccuracyofthemostprecisemeasurementsofatomic Coulomb and potential terms in the residual interaction 2 parity non-conserving effects (PNC) in atoms which has so that potential terms are completely eliminated from 3 been achieved for cesium is 0.35% [4]. The accuracy of the perturbation theory expansion. The natural choice 0 1 the best calculations is from 0.5% to 1% [5, 6, 7, 8]. foratomswithoneexternalelectronistheVN−1 Hartree 0 Situation is even worse for thallium. Experimental ac- Fock potential introduced by Kelly [17]. In the VN−1 5 curacy of the PNC measurements is 1% [9] while best approximation the self-consistency procedure is initially 0 theoretical accuracy is from 2.5% [10] to 3% [11]. On done for a closed-shell positive ion. States of external s/ this level of accuracy there is perfect agreement of the electron are then calculated in the field of frozen core. c PNC measurements with the standard model and any There is exact cancellation between direct and exchange si further progress would need significant improvement in self-actionterms in the HartreeFock potentialfor closed y atomic theory. There are many other examples where shellsystems. Therefore,byincludingself-action,wecan h accurate atomic calculations are needed. These include easily see that states in the core and states above core p atomic clocks, quantum computations, plasma physics, arecalculatedinthesamepotential. Otherwords,VN−1 : v etc. Therefore, it is worth to study the ways of improv- potential generates a complete set of orthogonal single- i ing the methods of calculations. electronstateswhichareconvenientforuseinthepertur- X bationtheoryexpansion. Usingthissetinanappropriate It is well knownthat the perturbationtheory in resid- r all-oder method leads to very good results for a neutral a ual Coulomb interaction converge very poorly for many atom in spite of the fact that the core of the atom is electron atoms and some all-order technique is needed actually the core of a positive ion. toachievegoodaccuracyofcalculations. Foratomswith oneexternalelectronaboveclosedshellsthereareatleast The VN−1 approximation can also be used for atoms twoall-ordermethodswhichleadtoafractionofpercent with more than one external electron. However, in this accuracy in calculation of the energies as compared to case the system of N −1 electrons is most likely to be experimentaldata. Oneisanall-ordercorrelationpoten- an open-shell system and some averaging procedure is tial method (also called perturbation theory in screened needed to define the VN−1 potential. Another compli- Coulombinteraction)[12]. Another is linearized coupled cation arise when core-valence correlation are to be in- clusterapproach(CC)[13]. Foratomswithmorethanone cludedbymeansofMBPT.Thereisnoexactcancellation external electron good accuracy can be achieved when between potential terms any more. The potential in the different methods are combined to include correlations effective Hamiltonian is now VN−M potential, where M between valence electrons together with the core-valence is number of valence electrons and M > 1. Perturba- tion theory expansion would have terms proportional to VN−M −VN−1. These terms are called subtraction dia- grams [14] or ∆-terms [18]. The number of these terms ∗Electronicaddress: [email protected] is larger than number of pure Coulomb terms and this 2 represents significant complication of the MBPT. These 1.5 termscanbetotallyavoidedifcalculationsfromthevery beginning are done in the VN−M potential. However, it is widely believed that doing calculations for a neutral atom by starting from a highly charged ion would lead to poor convergence of the perturbation expansion and poor end results. Indeed, after the initial Hartree Fock 1 procedure is done the core is kept frozen in all conse- quent calculations. No further perturbation expansion canchangeanythinginthe core,leavingittobethe core of the highly charged ion. The purpose of this work is to demonstrate that the 0.5 core of the highly charged ion is often not very much different from the core of neutral atom and VN−M ap- proximationcanbeagoodapproximationforatomswith several valence electrons. The main gain is total elimi- nation of subtraction diagrams. This significantly sim- 0 plifies the perturbation theory expansion for the core- 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 valence correlations. It is also much easier to include higher-order core-valence correlations in the VN−M ap- proximation. Inclusion of higher-oder correlations can FIG.1: Radialwavefunctionofthe3d stateofKrI(solid 5/2 significantly improve the accuracy of the calculations. line) and KrIX (dotted line). We consider CI+MBPT calculations for neutral kryp- ton and barium and their positive ions to illustrate the advantage of the VN−M approximation. isalmostnooverlapbetweendensitiesofcoreandvalence electrons. Indeed, 90% of the density of the 4s and 4p electronsare atdistances r >a (0.95a for the 4s state B b and 1.1a for the 4p state) while 90% of the density of II. CALCULATIONS B the uppermost core state 3d is at r < 0.907a . This B means that valence states can only create constant field A. Krypton. inside the core. For example Let’sstartourconsiderationfromanextremecase-an |ψ (r′)|2 Y (r)= 4s dr′ ≈Const at r<a . atom with eight valence electrons. The purpose of this 0(4s) Z r B > example is to illustrate that even removal of as many as eightelectronsdonotleadtoanydramaticchangesinthe Correctionto the energy of a core state is givenby diag- atomic core and VN−8 approximation is still reasonably onal matrix element good approximation for the neutral atom as well as for the all chain of positive ions starting from number of δǫ ∼ |ψ (r)|2Y (r)dr. n Z n 0 valence electrons M =1 and up to M =8. TableIcomparescorestatesofKrIandKrIX.Calcu- This matrix element is large. lationsaredoneinVN andVN−8 potentialsrespectively. In contrast, correction to wave function is given by We present singe-electron energies, overage radius (hri), off-diagonalmatrix elements. These matrix elements are squarerootofoveragesquareradius(hr2i1/2),positionof small due to orthogonality of wave functions: the maximum of the wave function (r(f )), the value max in the maximum (f ) as well as the rangeof distances where 80% of the emleacxtron density is located (from r1 to Z ψn(r)†ψm(r)Y0(r)dr ≈ConstZ ψn(r)†ψm(r)dr =0. r ). ItiseasytoseethatchangingfromVN toVN−8 po- 2 tential has large effect on the energies of core states but Fig. 1 shows the 3d radial wave functions of Kr I 5/2 not on their wave functions. Indeed, the energy of 3d and Kr IX. One can see that they are almost identical. states change almost two times while overage radius (or Thereissomedifferenceatlargedistancesduetodifferent square root of overage square radius) changes by about energies (ψ ∼ exp(− 2|ǫ|r)). This difference has some 2-3% only, position of the maximum does not change at effect on the normalipzation of the wave function leading all and the value of the wave function in the maximum tosmalldifference inthe maximum. Apartfromthis the changes by about 1% only. wave functions are very similar. To understand this behavior one should look at the Weseethattheremovalofeightvalenceelectronsfrom distances where electrons are localized. As can be seen Kr I affects only energies of the core states but not their fromTableIvalenceelectrons(4sand4p)arelocalizedat wavefunctions. Obviously,changein the energiesaffects significantly larger distances than core electrons. There the MBPT for the core-valence correlations through the 3 TABLE I: Parameters of core states of Kr I and Kr IX (atomic units). State Energy hri hr2i1/2 r(f ) f r r max max 1 2 KrI 1s -529.6849 0.0415 0.0481 0.0269 4.3707 0.0151 0.0731 2s -72.0798 0.1827 0.1986 0.1541 2.4630 0.0987 0.2839 2p -64.8748 0.1574 0.1744 0.1216 2.4476 0.0731 0.2605 1/2 2p -62.8792 0.1613 0.1784 0.1253 2.4283 0.0753 0.2605 3/2 3s -11.2245 0.5271 0.5648 0.4704 1.5508 0.3182 0.7794 3p -8.6199 0.5314 0.5744 0.4577 1.4924 0.3006 0.7996 1/2 3p -8.3128 0.5412 0.5848 0.4704 1.4800 0.3093 0.8202 3/2 3d -3.7776 0.5505 0.6095 0.4098 1.3459 0.2681 0.9072 3/2 3d -3.7268 0.5543 0.6136 0.4098 1.3415 0.2681 0.9072 5/2 4s -1.1877 1.6008 1.7136 1.3629 0.8954 0.9535 2.4031 4p -0.5415 1.9147 2.0711 1.5253 0.7921 1.1037 2.9420 1/2 4p -0.5143 1.9586 2.1196 1.5594 0.7825 1.1037 2.9942 3/2 KrIX 1s -534.8482 0.0415 0.0481 0.0269 4.3708 0.0151 0.0731 2s -77.1131 0.1827 0.1985 0.1541 2.4633 0.0987 0.2839 2p -69.9296 0.1573 0.1743 0.1216 2.4480 0.0731 0.2605 1/2 2p -67.9321 0.1613 0.1783 0.1253 2.4288 0.0753 0.2605 3/2 3s -16.1190 0.5258 0.5630 0.4704 1.5530 0.3182 0.7794 3p -13.5239 0.5285 0.5706 0.4577 1.4970 0.3006 0.7996 1/2 3p -13.2140 0.5378 0.5805 0.4704 1.4851 0.3093 0.8202 3/2 3d -8.6967 0.5376 0.5918 0.4098 1.3624 0.2605 0.8628 3/2 3d -8.6450 0.5411 0.5955 0.4098 1.3584 0.2681 0.8848 5/2 change in energy denominators. But what is more im- portantistheabsenceofthe subtractiondiagramswhich TABLE II: Energy levels of KrVIII (cm−1). makes the MBPT to be much more simple. Excitation State HF Brueckner Expta energies are larger in Kr IX than in Kr I which means 4s 1004870 1015504 1014665 that MBPT terms are smaller and convergence is likely 4p 862612 871429 870970 1/2 to be better. Therefore, it is natural to assume that the 4p 852990 861472 861189 3/2 VN−8 approximation is a good initial approximationfor 4d3/2 635048 640449 640618 all krypton ions starting from Kr IX and up to neutral 4d5/2 633695 639065 639284 Kr I, with number of valence electrons ranges from none aNIST,[19]. to eight. We have performed the calculations to check this. HartreeFock energyofthe 3d5/2 state ofKrIX (8.645 Ψhasaformofexpansionoversingle-determinantmany- a.u.,seeTableI)agreeswithin2%withtheexperimental electron wave functions ionization energy of Kr IX (8.488 a.u., [19]). The differ- ence should be mostly attributed to the correlations. Ψ= ciΦi(r1,...,rM). (2) X WecandomuchbettercalculationsforKrVIII.Ithas i one valence electron above closed shells. We calculate Ψ are constructedfromthe single-electronvalence basis its states in the field of frozen core (VN−8 potential) in staites calculated in the VN−M potential. E in (1) is Hartree Fock and Brueckner approximations. The lat- the valence energy (energy needed to remove all valence ter means that we modify the HF equations for valence electrons from the atom). electronbyincluding correlationpotentialΣˆ (see [20]for The effective Hamiltonian has the form details). We calculate Σˆ in second order of MBPT. The M M results arepresentedin Table II. As canbe seenHartree Hˆeff = hˆ + hˆ , (3) Fock energies differ from experiment by about 1% while 1i 2ij X X inclusionofcorrelationsimprovesthemsignificantlybrin- i=1 i6=j ing the agreement to better than 0.1%. hˆ (r ) is the one-electron part of the Hamiltonian 1 i WeusethecombinedCI+MBPTmethodforionswith more than one valence electron [14]. Like in standard Ze2 ˆh =cαp+(β−1)mc2− +VN−8+Σˆ . (4) CI method the Schr¨odinger equation is written for the 1 r 1 many-electron wave function of valence electrons Σˆ is the second order correlation potential which was 1 (Hˆeff −E)Ψ=0. (1) used for Kr VIII. 4 TABLEIII:GroundstateremovalenergiesofKrVIIItoKrI TABLEIV: Energy levels of Ba II (cm−1). (a.u.). State HF Σˆ(2) Σˆ(∞) Expta a State Expt Calc. 6s 75339 82318 80816 80687 KrVIII 4s 2S1/2 -4.62317 -4.62699 6p1/2 57265 61180 60603 60425 KrVII 4s2 1S0 -8.70247 -8.64060 6p3/2 55873 59388 58879 58734 KrVI 4s24p 2P1o/2 -11.58709 -11.52481 5d3/2 68139 77224 76345 75813 KrV 4s24p2 3P0 -13.96459 -13.89050 5d5/2 67665 76286 75507 75012 KrIV 4s24p3 4So -15.89375 -15.74736 KrIII 4s24p4 3P3/2 -17.25163 -17.03929 aNIST,[19] 2 KrII 4s24p5 2Po -18.14684 -17.88392 3/2 KrI 4s24p6 1S -18.66132 -18.28761 0 ues. Brueckner energies are calculated with the second- aNIST,[19]. order correlation potential Σˆ(2) and with the all-order correlation potential Σˆ(∞). The all-order Σˆ(∞) includes screeningofCoulombinteractionandhole-particleinter- hˆ2 is the two-electron part of the Hamiltonian action(see, e.g. [12]). Similar to whathappens for alkali atoms, inclusion of higher-order correlation corrections e2 hˆ = +Σˆ (r ,r ), (5) for Ba II reduces the difference between theoretical and 2 |r1−r2| 2 1 2 experimental energies from 1 - 2% to 0.2 - 0.7%. Nowwearegoingtousethesamecorrelationpotential Σˆ2 is the two-electron part of core-valence correlations. Σˆ1fortheneutralbarium. TheeffectiveHamiltonianhas It represents screening of Coulomb interaction between the form similar to (3) valence electrons by core electrons. We alsocalculate Σˆ 2 inthe secondorderofMBPT.The details ofthe calcula- Hˆeff =hˆ (r )+h (r )+hˆ (r ,r ). (6) 1 1 1 2 2 1 2 tion of Σˆ and Σˆ can be found elsewhere [14, 21]. Note 1 2 howeverthat in contrastto the cited works we now have One-electron part hˆ is given by Eq. (4), two-electron 1 no subtraction diagrams. parthˆ isgivenbyEq.(5). FortheoperatorΣˆ in(4)we 2 1 Only number of electrons changes in the effective use second-order correlation potential Σˆ(2) and all-order Hamiltonian (3) when we move from Kr VII (M = 2) correlationpotentialΣˆ(∞),the sameasforthe BaIIion. to Kr I (M = 8) while terms VN−8,Σˆ1 and Σˆ2 remain We don’t include higher-order correlations in Σˆ2 in exactly the same. presentwork. Formally,perturbationexpansionforboth The results for ground state energy of removal all Σˆ-s goes over the same orders of MBPT. However, cal- valence electrons are compared with experiment in Ta- culations show that accurate treatment of Σˆ is usually 1 ble III. Accuracy of calculations for all ions and neutral more important. Since the aim of present work is to atom are similar and always better than 2%. demonstratetheadvantagesoftheVN−M approximation TocomparetheVN andVN−8approximationswehave ratherthanpresentingbestpossiblecalculations,neglect- alsoperformedcalculationsofthe groundstateenergyof inghigher-ordercorrelationsinΣˆ ,whichhassmalleffect 2 Kr I in VN potential with the same size of the basis set on final results, is justified. andwithcore-valencecorrelationsincludedinthesecond Table V shows the results of calculations for few low order of MBPT (including subtraction diagrams). The states of Ba I in the VN−2 approximationwith Σˆ(2) and resultis-18.377a.u. whichdiffers byonly0.5%fromthe Σˆ(∞) together with the experimental data. One can see result obtained in VN−8 potential and by 1.5% from the that inclusion of the higher-order core-valence correla- experiment. tions do indeed improve significantly the agreement be- tween theoretical and experimental data. Itisinterestingto notethatthereis strongcorrelation B. Atoms with two valence electrons betweenresultsforBaIandBaII.Inbothcasestheleast accurate results are for states involving d-electrons. In- The fact that VN−2 approximation works well for clusion of higher-order core-valence correlations leads to atoms like Mg, Ca, Ba, etc. is pretty well known. In very similar improvement of results for Ba II and Ba I. this section we demonstrate that inclusion of the higher Also, if Σˆ is rescaled to fit the experimental energies 1 than second-order core-valence correlations can lead to of Ba II, the agreement between theory and experiment further significant improvements in accuracy of atomic for Ba I would also be almost perfect. This feature can calculations. Itismucheasiertoincludehigher-ordercor- be used to get very accurate results for negative ions. relations in the VN−2 approximation than in any other Experimental results for negative ions are poor and ac- potential. curatecalculationsaredifficult. However,ifwestartcal- Weconsiderbariumatomasanexampleandstartcal- culations from the VN−M approximation, include Σˆ for culations from Ba II. Table IV presents HF and Brueck- core-valence correlations, rescale Σˆ to fit known ener- 1 ner energiesof Ba II together with the experimental val- gies of a positive ion or neutral atom, the results for a 5 proximation is a good approximation for a neutral atom TABLEV: Two-electron removal energies of Ba I (a.u.). it is usually sufficient to perform Hartree Fock calcula- State Expta Σˆ(2) ∆(%)b Σˆ(∞) ∆(%)b tions for this atom and check that valence electrons are 6s2 1S -0.559152 -0.569963 1.9 -0.559032 0.02 localized on larger distances than core electrons. This is 0 6s5d 3D -0.517990 -0.529157 2.2 -0.520645 0.67 usually the case if valence electrons are in s or p states. 1 3D -0.517163 -0.528203 2.1 -0.519799 0.51 Incontrast,dandf valenceelectronsarelocalizedondis- 2 3D -0.515423 -0.526182 2.1 -0.518029 0.51 tancesshorterthanthedistancesoftheuppermostcores 3 1D -0.507231 -0.516504 1.8 -0.508819 0.31 and p electrons. Their removal would lead to significant 2 6s6p 3P0 -0.503264 -0.510328 1.4 -0.502636 0.12 change in the atomic core which means that the VN−M 3P1 -0.501575 -0.508609 1.4 -0.500983 0.12 approximationis not good for these atoms. 3P2 -0.497574 -0.504472 1.4 -0.497013 0.11 Roughly speaking, the VN−M approximation should 1P -0.476863 -0.485072 1.7 -0.478031 0.24 1 workmoreorlesswellforabouthalfoftheperiodictable. 5d6p 3F -0.458618 -0.466239 1.7 -0.461060 0.53 2 3F -0.454596 -0.461833 1.6 -0.456956 0.52 3 3P -0.450906 -0.457765 1.5 -0.453187 0.51 4 III. CONCLUSION aNIST,[19] b∆=|Ecalc−Eexp|/|Eexp|×100%. WehavedemonstratedthattheVN−M approximation in which initial Hartree Fock procedure is done for and negative ion are also going to be very accurate. ionwithallvalenceelectronsremoved,is agoodstarting point for accurate calculations for many-electron atoms with s and/or p valence electrons. The main advantage C. Atoms with more than two valence electrons. is relatively simple MBPT for core-valence correlations which makes it easier to include higher-order core va- We have demonstrated that VN−M approximation lence correlations and thus improve the accuracy of the workverywellforatomswithtwoandeightvalenceelec- calculations. trons. Inisnaturaltoexpectthattherearemanysimilar Considering examples of Kr and Ba we have demon- cases in between. strated that removal of as many as eight electrons from However, there is no reason to believe that this ap- initialHFpotentialdoesnotcompromisetheaccuracyof proximation works well for all atoms. 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