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On the truth of the Catholic faith = Summa contra gentiles. Book four: Salvation PDF

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Preview On the truth of the Catholic faith = Summa contra gentiles. Book four: Salvation

" . w.e s halplr oceteodm akek nownt hattr uth whicshu rpasrseeass oann,s wertihnego bjectioofn s itasd versaarnides se ttifnogr tthh et rutohf f aith byp robabalreg umenatnsdb ya uthorittoit ehse, besotf o ura bility." -St.T homaAsq uinas SummaC ontrGae ntiles-BOonoek Thusd oeSst T.h omasa nnountchee t hemeo fB ookF our ofs eci,n w hichhe d iscourosne tsh em ystertiheasct a n makem enj oyfaunld g lafdo rever-mtyhset eroifes sa lva­ tionF.a itihst hei nitkinaolw ledbgyew hicwhe enteirn to thesmey sterainedsi ,n t his voSltu.Tm heo masm aketsh e transitfiroonm" divine tahcicnogrsd iansgt hen atural reasocna na rriavtet hek nowled[goeft hem]t"o " those divinteh intghsa hta veb eend ivinreelvye alteoud s t ob e believseidn,ct eh etyr ansctehned humiannt ellect." Accordintghliyis,m portavnotl umceo nsidtehresi nner lifoef t hed iviTnrei nity. Tihtse tnucdei Jeess uCsh rist, \�hoi sI ncarnaGtoed ,u nder severala sat shpeme acnt s: whos ufferaendd d ieda;st heG od �1o raistehde d ead, commandetdh ee lements, fsoirnrg,oa svfeer omt hed ead anda scendiendt oh eavenS.t .T homast hent reatosf Chrisdtu'asl naitnuo rneed ivine pearnsdho onw,H e ex­ tendHsi sp owerg,r acper,e sencet eaancdh itnhgr outghhe SacramenFtisn.a lly, Aquinas exiammmionretsa lmiatny';s salvatainoddn a mnatitohne;L asJtu dgmenatn dw hat\ vill folliotw. Now availaibnlt eh issu pernbe wE nglitshr anslation, StT.h omasm'a sterpibeecleo nignst hel ibraorfey v eryone whov aluoeusr C hristhiearni tage. �· ... �· ... ... ... ... �· ... ... .. IMAGE BOOKS ..m.a kitnhwgeo rlfidn'ess t �C athloiltiecar 11aatiutlroaae lb. ll e 029 For myaenaDyrR s.C HARLJE.OS ' NEItLhtr,ea nsloaft or BooFko uorfO nt hTer uotfht hCea thoFlaiictS hu,m ma ContGrean tihlaebsse ,e pnr ominent admiosntgi n­that guisghreodou fsp c howlhaor shb aevesent udayniwdnr gi ting one vearsyp oeftc htwe o rokfS tT.h omAaqsu iHniatrssa .n s­ latoifBo ono Fko uirasm oswte lcaodmdei ttoTi hoonm istic literature. DrO.' Neil hrieAsc. eBdi.ev gerfder eoS mt L.o uUinsi ­ versiin1t 9y 3a2n dh iMsa stdeerg'rs eet hfsera omme univeirn1s 39i3tH.ye stautdt ihPeeod n tifiIcnaslt oift ute MediaSetvuadilin Te osr ofnrtoo1m 9 3t6o1 93i9nw, h ich yeharer ecetihvdeee dg reDeo cotofofP r h ilofsrooptmhh ye UniveorfTs oirtoyIn tn1o 49.0h er ecetihvee dL icienn tiate MedivaaSlet udfireotsmh P eo ntiIfincsatli tute. Hew aasm emboefrt hPeh ilofsaocpuholyfLt oyy ola UniveirnCs hiitcyfa rgo1om39 4t o1 497w,h ehnej oitnheed facuolfMt ayr quUentitvee Hresi isnto ywP. r ofeosfs oPrh i­ losoaptMh ayr quePtrtees.i dtehnAetm eorfi can Catholic PhilosAospshoiccfiaralot1 mi94 o5t no1 9,5h 5ei asm ember oft hAem eriPchainl osophicaanld o nAoesf st ohcei ation foundmienmgb eorfts h Wei scoPnhsiilno sAospshoicciaal­ tion. DrO.' Nehiawlsr itmtaenanyr tifcolre sv sacrhilooylu asr jonuarlasm,o ntgh eTmh eM odeSmc hoolTmhaonu,g ht, Proceeodfti hnAegm se riCcaatnh olic PAhsisloocsioap­hical tioann,Td h eNe w Schllsolti.cH iesh macso ntritboEu st­ed sayisnT homiesdmi,bt yeF da ther ER.Bo rbeenrnOt.a Pn.,; TheG reBaoto kAs C:h risAtpiparnaV iosla.le ,d IiIbtIye, d FathHearr olGda rCd.iS n.IeJnr1.9 , 5 h5ed elivteharene ­d nualle ctouftr heAer istoStoectliyoie fMa anr quUentietrve­ stiyp,u bliisnih teAsdq uiLneacst Suerreai sIe msp rudence inS tT.h omAaqsu inas. Sai1nhto maAsq uinas ON THE TRUTHO F THE CATHOLIFCA ITH SUMMAC ONTRAG ENTLIES BOOKF OUR:S ALVATION TranslwaittaehndI ,n troducatniNdoo nt ebsy, CHARLEJS.O 'NEIL PROFESSOOFPR H ILOSOPHY MARQUETUTNEIV ERSITY IMAGE BOOKS A DiviosfDi oounb l&e Cdoamnypy aI,n c. GardCeintN ye,wY ork PRINTNIG HSITORY ImaBgoeo ekdsi ptuibolnFi esbhre1uda9 r5y7, 1sptr inting Janu1a9r y5,7 ...........•.••... LibroafCr oyn gCraetsaCsla orNgdu mb5e-5r79:5 3 Copyrig1h59t7b©,,yD oubl&e Cdoamyp aInnyc,. PrinitUnne idt Setdao tfAe mse rica Nihila tJoO:HNb A s.Gto oDWINEJ,. C.D. CenLsiobrr orurn Imprim>I< aFRtAuNCrICS:AR DINLA SPELLMAN Archboifs hYNooeprw k Octo3b,1e 9r5 6 COVERB Y RONALD CLYNE TYPOGRAPHY BY JOSEPHP . ASCHERL Contents Introduction 11 Bibliography 29 CllAPTER 1.F oreword 35 2.Th atth eriegs e nerpaatitoenrn,ai ntysd,o nsihni p the Divinity 40 3·Th att hSeo onf God is God 42 4·T heo pinoifPo hno tionnt uhsSe o onf G oda,n d itrse futation 43 5·T heo pinoifSo anb eolnlt ihuSeso o nf G oda,n d itrse futation 48 6.T heop inoifAo rni aubso thuetS oonf God 51 7· Refuotfta htei oonpo ifAn riioounnts h Seo onf God 55 8.S oluotifot nha eu thowrhiitAcirhei spu rso posed fohrim self 62 9·S oluotfit ohaneu thoorfPi htoiteaisnn uds S ao-f bellius 73 10A.r gumeangtasid nisvtgi ennee raantpdir oonc es- sion 75 11H.o wg eneriastt oib oeun n dersitnd oiovdi nity, anwdh aitss a oifdt hSeo onf G od Sicnr iptur7e9 12H.o wt hSeo onf Gmoadby ec altlhewedi sdom of God 90 13T.h atth eirbseu otn Seo innt hDei vinity 92 14S.o luotifot nha er gumaegnatidsni svtgi ennee ra- tiopnr eviionutrsoldyu ced 97 15O.n th eH olSyp itrhiaHtte,i isn d ivinity 104 16A.r gumwehnitmcsah d seo mteh itnhkHe o lSyp irit a creature 104 6 CONTENTS 17·T hatthH eo lSyp iirtsir tGu oed 107 18T.h atthH eo lSyp iirasis tu bsiPsetresnotn 113 19H.o wo ne muunsdter wshtaaitnss da aibdo tuhte HolSyp irit 116 20O.n t he eafftetcrtistb otu htHeeo dl Syp iirni t Scrirpetguarrtedh wiehn ogcl ree ation 191 21O.n t heeff ecattstr ibtuott heHedo lSyp iirni t Scrirpetugraert dhriean tgi corneaalst ouf raaers, God'st oug sai rfceto sn cerned 121 22. thOeenff eactttrsi btuott hHeeod l Syp iirnthia tt Hem ovtehsce r eattoGu orde 125 23A.n a nswteotr h aer gumgeinvtaesbn o avgea inst thdei vionfti htey Holy Spirit 172 24T.h atth e SHpoilpryri otc fereodmsS otnh e 133 25A.r gumoefn tsthw ohsowe a nttos hotwh at the HolSyp idroientso p tr ocfereotdmh e Son and the answers 141 26T.h atth earrebe u tth rPeeer siondn isv yi:tn hiet FathtehSreo, n a,n d HtohlSeyp irit 143 27O.n t hIen carnoaftti hWoeon r adc cortdoti hneg tradoiftS icorinp ture 147 28O.n t heerr orP hooft aibnoutusht Ie n carnat1i4o8n 29O.n t heerr oorft hMea nichaebaotnuhstIe n car- nation 149 30O.n t heerr oorfV alenatbiotnuhetIe n carnat1i45o n 31O.n t heer rro ofA pollaibnoaturhtibe so doyf Christ 165 p. On tehrreoo rfA riaunsd Apollitnhaer is about soulC hroif st 185 33O·n t heerr oorfA pollwihnosa artyihsse ,wr aens o ratiosnoauillnC hriasnttd;h e err oorfO rigen, whos atyhsse o ouflC hrwiascstr eabteefdto hree world 161 34· tOheenr roofTrh eodoofMr oep suaensNdte es - torointu hsue n iooftn h Weo rtdom an 163 3·5A gaitnheserrt o orfE u tyches 147 36O.n t heer roofMr a caroifAu nst iwohcohh ,o lds therbeu ti wsoi nilenCl h rist 108 37A·g aitnhsowtsh eos atihda ts otauhnlebd o ddyo nocto nisttuaut nei itnCy h rist 128 CONTENTS 7 38A.g aitnhsowtsh eop uttw sou ppoosrhi ytpso stases int hoen Pee rsoofCn h rist 185 39W·h atth Cea thfoaliihtcoh la dbso tuhtIe n carna- tiono fC hrist 189 40O.b jecatigoanifsna siittnt h h Ien carnation1 90 41H.o wo nseh ouunldde rtshtIean ncda ronaftt hieo n Soonf G od 193 42.T.h atth aes sumpotfhi uomnan na tuwrameso st suittote hdWe o rodfG od 198 43T·h atthh eu manna tausrseu mtehdWe o brydd i d noptr e-eixtiasss ts umpbtiuowtna a,ss suimne d thceo nceipttsieolnf 199 44T·h athte human natbuytr heWe o arsidsn u med thec onceipttisowenalp sfe rfiensc otau nlbd o dy2. 01 45T·h aitbt e caCmher tiosb teb oronfa v irgin 2.02. 46T.h aCth rwiasbsto rno ft hHeo lSyp irit 2.05 47·T haCth rwiasnsto t stohoneft hHeo lSyp iirni t thflee sh 2.06 48T.h aCth rimsuts nto btec alalc erde ature 2.07 49S·o luotifto nha er gumaegnatitsnh Isent c arnation givaebno ve 2.08 50T.h aotr igsiiinntrsa a ln smiftrtotmeh fider psatr - enttoh idse scendants 2.12. 51O.b jecatigoaniosnr sitgs iinna l 2.15 52.S.o luotifto hnoe b jecptiroonpso sed 2.17 53A·r gumwehnitssc ehe tmop rotvheGa otd I'nsc ar- natiwoanns o stu itable 2.2.3 54T·h aitwt a ssu itfaoGbrol det o b em adflee sh 2.2.8 55A·n swteort haer gumpernetvsi soeudtso lwyn agaitnhsseut i taboifthl eiI tnyc arnation 2.33 56O.n t hnee ceosfst ihsteay c raments 2.46 57·T hed istinocftt hiseoa nc raomfte hnOtels ad n d thNee wL aw 2.48 58O.n t hneu mboeftr h sea craomfte hnNete swL aw 2.49 59O·n b aptism 2.5 0 6oO.n c onfirmation 2.15 61O.n t hEeu charist 2.52. 62.O.n t heerr oorft hien fidaeblotsuh tse a craomfe nt thEeu charist 2.53 8 CONTENTS 63S.o luotfit ohdnei fficusletdtio ewsnfi r:s atb,o ut thceo nveorfts hieo nb rtehaed obifCon hdtryoi s2t5 7 64S.o luotfti hooenb jecmtiaodrnees g arpdliancge2 61 65S.o luotfti hooenb jecrteigoanrasdc icnigd en2t6s2 66S.o luotfit ohnoe b jecrteigoanrasdc itnaigon nd passion 264 67S.o luotfi ootnbh jee crteigoanrfsdr iancgt io2n6 7 68S.o luotfthi eoa nu thoirnittryo duced 268 69O.n t hkei nodfb reaandwd i nteh aartte ob eu sed int hsiasc rament 269 70. Osna ctrhaoemfp e ennta anncdfier,,s t th,ma et n aftreerc esiavcirnagmg ernaatcraaeebl tl oes in 272 71. aTm haanst i nnaifnttgeh grer aocfte h sea cra- menctasbn ec onvebrygt readc e 275 72. tOhnene ceosfpse intayan ncodefi tpsa rts 277 73O·n t hsea craomfee xntteru enmction 282 74· Osna ctrhaoemf oe rndte rs 285 75· thOdeni stionfoc rtdieorns 288 76O.n t heep ispcoowpaeanrltd h at tohnieetsr h eei n highest 290 77· Thsaatc rtachmaeebn ned t iss pebnyes vemidil n - isters 293 78O.n t hsea craomfme anttr imony 295 79T·h atth roCuhgrhti hsrete surroefbc otdiiiosen s toc ome 297 SoO.b jecatgiaoitnnhsrse et s urrection 300 81S.o luotfti hooenb jecmteinotniso ned 302 82T.h amte wni rlilis mem ortal 308 83T.h aatm otnhgre i stehnew riebl eln ou soeff ood ors exual love 311 84. tThhbeao td oifte hso wsheo wriiblselte h sea me inn ature 302 85T.h atthb eo doifte hsre i sweihnla lv aen otdhiesr- position 323 86O.n t hqeu aoligftl yo ribfioeddi es 325 87O.n t hpel aocfteh gel orbiofideide s 327 88O.n t hsee x aagoneftd h rei sen 328 89. tOhnqeu aloiftt hyre i sbeond iaemso ntgh e damned 303

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