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On the transposon origins of mammalian SCAND3 and KRBA2, two zinc-finger genes carrying an integrase/transposase domain. PDF

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Preview On the transposon origins of mammalian SCAND3 and KRBA2, two zinc-finger genes carrying an integrase/transposase domain.

EDITOR’S CAORNER LETTER TO THE EDITOR Mobile Genetic Elements 2:5, 205–210; September/October 2012; © 2012 Landes Bioscience On the transposon origins of mammalian SCAND3 and KRBA2, two zinc-finger genes carrying an integrase/transposase domain Carlos Llorens,1,* Guillermo P. Bernet,1,2 Sukanya Ramasamy,3 Cedric Feschotte4 and Andrés Moya5,6 1Biotechvana; Valencia, Spain; 2Centro Protección Vegetal y Biotecnología; Instituto Valenciano de Investigaciones Agrarias; Valencia, Spain; 3Department of Mathematical Statistics; Chalmers University of Technology and the University of Gothenburg; Göteborg, Sweden; 4Department of Human Genetics; University of Utah; Salt Lake City, UT USA; 5Institut Cavanilles de Biodiversitat i Biología Evolutiva (ICBIBE); Universitat de València; Valencia, Spain; 6Centro Superior de Investigación en Salud Pública (CSISP); Centro de Investigación en Red en Epidemiología y Salud Pública (CIBEResp); Valencia, Spain Keywords: GINGER2, horizontal transfer, domestication, chimerism Abbreviations: C-INT, cellular integrase; CDD, conserved domain database; HTGS, high throughput genomic sequencing; HSPs, high-scoring segment pairs; INT, integrase; IN/TPase, integrase-transposase; JTT, Jones, Taylor and Thornton; KRAB, Krüppel- associated box; ML, naximum likelihood; MRC, majority rule consensus; MGEs, mobile genetic elements; NR, non-redundant; TIR, terminal inverted repeat; TPase, transposase; TSDs, target site duplications; WGS, whole-genome shotgun SCAND3 and KRBA2 are two mammalian proteins originally described as “cellular-integrases” due to sharing of a similar DDE-type integrase domain whose origin and relationship with other recombinases remain unclear. Here we perform phylogenetic analyses of 341 integrase/transposase sequences to reveal that the integrase domain of SCAND3 and KRBA2 derives from the same clade of GINGER2, a superfamily of cut-and-paste transposons widely distributed in insects and other protostomes, but seemingly absent or extinct in vertebrates. Finally, we integrate the results of phylogenetic analyses to the taxonomic distribution of SCAND3 and KRBA2 and their transposon relatives to discuss some of the processes that promoted the emergence of these two chimeric genes during mammalian evolution. Results the INTs of LTR retroelements, initially that of the hobo-Activator-Tam3 (hAT) it was hypothesized that they evolved superfamily.12,13 In the KRBA2 protein, Mobile genetic elements (MGEs) are from the latter to serve cellular functions. a distinct zinc-finger Krüppel-associated abundant selfish components of living Further studies revealed that one of these box (KRAB) domain14 is predicted to pre- organisms that can sometimes provide two C-INT groups defines a new type of cede the INT domain, while hATd and new substrate for the enrichment of host transposases (TPases) encoded by a previ- SCAN domains are not detected. The genome complexity by co-option of their ously unrecognized subclass of eukaryotic availability of multiple ESTs for the two coding or non-coding components (see MGEs called Mavericks7,8 or Polintons.9 SCAND3 and KRBA2 gene variants, and refs. 1 and 2). The process of co-option, As for the other C-INT group, genomic strong selective constraints acting on their also known as exaptation or domesti- annotations subsequently disclosed two coding sequence,6 suggests that they are cation, is not always straightforward single copy gene variants (restricted to functional genes with an unknown cel- to investigate as it frequently involves humans and eutherian mammals) for- lular role. The two N-terminal zinc-finger events of recombination, gene fusion mally called SCAND3 and KRBA2 in domains (i.e., SCAN and KRAB) of their and/or exonization (the creation of a new GenBank.10 The predicted products of encoded products are typically associated exon as a result of mutations in intronic these two genes share an INT core but can with transcriptional regulation of gene sequences),3-5 making particularly diffi- be distinguished from one another by sev- expression. It is known that the KRAB cult to annotate and interpret these types eral features. In the predicted SCAND3 domain acts as a platform to recruit tran- of gene structures in sequencing projects. protein (also known as ZNF452), the scriptional repressor complexes (including Along these lines, in 2005, two groups of INT core is flanked at the N-terminus histone deacetylases) involved in main- DDE-like cellular integrases (C-INTs) by a SCAN zinc-finger domain,11 and, tenance of the nucleolus, cell differen- were described in diverse eukaryotes.6 Due at the C-terminus, by a TPase-derived tiation, cell proliferation, apoptosis and to the similarity of these sequences with hATd dimerization module similar to neoplastic transformation.14-16 In addition, *Correspondence to: Carlos Llorens; Email: [email protected] Submitted: 10/11/2012; Revised: 11/15/2012; Accepted: 11/15/2012 http://dx.doi.org/10.4161/mge.22914 www.landesbioscience.com Mobile Genetic Elements 205 recent studies have identified KRAB and KRBA2 as two sibling clades within subgroups, afrotherians and xenarthans) enzymes acting in transcriptional repres- the major group of GINGER2 TPases. and the detection of SCAND3 in at least sion of exogenous and endogenous retrovi- Fob1p (a fungal host protein) and Tdd- the wallaby, suggest that SCAN/KRAB ruses.17,18 No precise cellular function has like elements (amoebozoan transposons) C-INTs (or at least SCAND3) might been directly assigned to SCAND3 but also fall within the GINGER2 branch but have originated prior to the eutherian- its SCAN N-terminus domain is known both appear to be more distantly related metatherian split (145–65 million years to play a role in transcriptional regulation to GINGER2 TPases. Figure 1A provides ago30,31). Thus, SCAND3 and KRBA2 are of genes involved in metabolism, cell sur- further support to this scenario through restricted to therian mammals (eutherians vival and differentiation.11,19 The SCAN a ML phylogenetic tree based only on and metatherians) and their respective domain often co-exists with KRAB in the GINGER2 branch and their rela- phylogenies follow that expected for single diverse transcription factors,19 and it is tives including SCAND3 and KRBA2. copy genes vertically inherited from a thought to be evolutionarily derived from In this analysis, the latter form two sister therian ancestor. We found no trace of the gag-like proteins encoded by LTR clades clustering with diverse GINGER2 either genes in Mus musculus and Rattus retroelements.20,21 In this article we ana- IN/TPases from hemipteran insects such norvegicus which suggests that they were lyze the transposon-derived origins of the as A. pisum and Rhodnius prolixus, and both lost in the lineage of murine rodents. C-INT group constituted by SCAND3 from colepteran and lepidopteran insects Additional screenings performed on and KRBA2, which based on their respec- such as Tribolium castaneum and Bombyx Ensembl databases suggest that while tive N-terminal domains were formally mori. Consistent with these results, com- Cavia porcellus (guinea pig) apparently classified as putative transcription factors parative analyses based on tBLASTn lack both genes, Ictidomys tridecemlineatus along with other mammalian proteins (for searches28 against the whole-genome (the squirrel) has preserved both genes more detailed review, see ref. 19). Taking shotgun (WGS) (and other) databases of (according to the assembly spetri2 this into primary consideration, the term NCBI revealed strong levels of similarity accessions JH393724.1 and and SCAN/KRAB C-INTs will be thus used between SCAND3 and KRBA2 and the JH393405.1 for SCAND3 and KRBA2, throughout this article when collectively full-length translated protein of insect respectively). These observations suggest referring to SCAND3 and KRBA2. The GINGER2 transposons (e-values as sig- that while the Sciuridae (represented by largest component of SCAN/KRAB nificant as 10e−90, see also alignment in the squirrel) preserve intact copies of both C-INTs is their common INT domain Fig. 2B). In summary, and contrary to genes, the Muroidea (rats, mouses, etc.) thought to be related to LTR retroele- previous hypotheses,6,7 the IN/TPase core and apparently the Hystricomorpha (the ments INTs and/or to Maverick/Polinton domain of SCAN/KRAB genes does not guinea pig) lost SCAND3 and KRBA2 TPases.6,7 However, in a previous effort to appear to be derived from either Maverick probably after the Rodentia split into their annotate LTR retrotransposons in the pea or a LTR elements but from the domesti- diverse suborders. Interestingly, the draft aphid genome,22,23 we found high simi- cation of a full-length GINGER2 trans- genome sequence of Loxodonta africana larity (e-value > 1e-60 in Blast searches) posase probably recruited by horizontally (the elephant) contains a single copy between SCAN/KRAB C-INTs and a transfer from insect to mammal (see of KRBA2 but at least three SCAND3 group of poorly characterized TPases dis- below). copies distributed in three different tantly related to LTR retroelement INTs SCAND3 is not only derived from genomic scaffolds (for more details see and the Maverick/Polinton TPases. This a GINGER2 transposon but from methods) thus suggesting lineage-specific preliminary observation prompted us to components of two additional MGEs. triplication of this gene. The situation investigate in more details the evolution- The first MGE-derived component in metatherians (marsupials) is less clear ary history of SCAN/KRAB C-INTs and is the N-terminal SCAN domain, because draft genome sequences are clarify their relationship to other INTs which recently has been demonstrated available for only two species; Monodelphis and TPases (IN/TPases). to have evolved from the gag gene of domestica (opossum) and Macropus Phylogenetic analysis based on all LTR retroelements.20,21 In addition, the eugenii (wallaby). The former apparently known to date IN/TPase groups related C-terminus of SCAND3 is derived from lacks both genes, while we detected a to the INTPase domain of SCAND3 a distinct transposase (Charlie10) of the copy of SCAND3 (still incomplete, as and KRBA2 C-INTs (Supplemental hAT superfamily most closely related to the information is based on a truncated Materials 1 and 2) using the Maximum the Spin/Buster subgroup.29 In an attempt sequence containing the SCAN domain likelihood (ML) method24 resulted in a thus to discuss the timing and mechanisms and the INT/TPase central core) in the tree, provided as Supplemental Material of assembly of SCAND3 and KRBA2 in wallaby. Therefore, it remains unclear 3. Overall the phylogenetic relationship of mammals, we integrated the results of our whether both genes are truly missing in the major INT/TPase groups was consis- phylogenetic analysis and the distribution opossum and whether the SCAND3- tent with what was previously known (see of these two genes onto a simplified like sequence from wallaby represents an refs. 25 and 26 or visit the GyDB Project27 tree of life (Fig. 2). According to this ortholog of the gene seen in eutherians. for more detailed information). Moreover, reconstruction, the presence of SCAND3 Further genomic data for marsupials will the phylogeny places with high statistical and KRBA2 in almost all eutherian help to determine with more precision support the INT/TPase cores of SCAND3 genomes (including the basal mammalian the evolutionary origin of both genes in 206 Mobile Genetic Elements Volume 2 Issue 5 Figure 1. GINGER2 origin of SCAND3 and KRBA2 based on their IN/TPase domain. (A) Inferred phylogenetic ML tree based on GINGER2, SCAN/KRAB, Fob1 and Tdd-like IN/TPases using the latter as an outgroup clade. To the left, the name or acronym of each analyzed sequence is detailed and accom- panied by host genome information. Boostrap values up to 60 are detailed in the figure. (B) Multiple alignment showing the strong similarity between GINGER2 and SCAN/KRAB IN/TPases. The typical INT core shared with other IN/TPases is delimited by arrows. mammals, for example whether SCAND3 acquired from insect, to the common of MGEs has been shown to be an is older than KRBA2. Regarding the therian ancestor, while the SCAN and interesting mechanism for the enrichment disclosed transposon counterpart of the KRAB domains as well as the hAT Buster of several mammalian genomes that SCAND3 SCAN/KRAB IN/TPase, TPase of SCAND3 were contributed by the might be involved, or at least correlated, database searches suggest that GINGER2 mammalian host genome. From that point with diverse events of speciation. Along transposons are common in prostostomes on, we speculate about a plausible gene these lines, the processess of transposon and cnidarians and that they also occur duplication of the ancestral GINGER2 exonization that apparently conducted to in some basal marine deuterostomes and precursor (note that the two SCAND3 the emergence of SCAN/KRAB C-INTs a few protists. We did not detect any and KRBA2 IN/TPase domains are constitute an interesting example of GINGER2 transposon sequence in any siblings) triggered a subsequent process of how nature has been capable to shape vertebrate taxa (except the SCAN/KRAB exonization. Supporting our hypothesis, the complexity of mammals during IN/TPase domain). In turn, Spin/Buster annotations of KRBA2 in distinct evolution by co-opting and mixing full- elements are found in a wide range of genomes usually reveal two exons. The length MGEs from distinct sources to metazoans although Charlie10 is by now a first includes the KRAB domain and the acquire new functionalities. The question Spin/Buster element specific of mammals. second encodes for the whole IN/TPase concerning SCAND3 and KRBA2 is, In similar terms, the distribution of domain. Similarly, SCAND3 is arranged which functionalities? SCAN and KRAB domains, is known in four exons where exon 1 and exon 2 The fact that both SCAN and KRAB to be restricted to vertebrates.19 Together, contain the SCAN domain, while exon 3 domains can be typically associated these observations suggest that the contains the entire IN/TPase domain and with transcriptional regulation of gene common SCAN/KRAB IN/TPase might exon 4 the full-length Spin/Buster TPase expression suggests that SCAND3 derive from an ancient horizontal transfer (for a representation, see Supplemental and KRBA2 are transcription factors. of a GINGER2 transposon, most likely Material 3). Indeed, exonization However, SCAN and KRAB are only the www.landesbioscience.com Mobile Genetic Elements 207 Figure 2. Taxonomic host distribution of SCAN/KRAB cellular-integrases and their related transposons integrated in a tree of life simplified representa- tion. Branches are not to scale. GINGER2 and related elements are summarized in blue, while those of Buster elements are in green and SCAND3 and KRBA2 are red. To implement information about Spin/Buster transposons based on the survey of distinct works29,39-43 or performed distinct BLASTp or tBLASTn searches28 to the NCBI10 non-redundant (NR), genomic, WGS and high throughput genomic (HTGS) databases. 208 Mobile Genetic Elements Volume 2 Issue 5 8. Pritham EJ, Putliwala T, Feschotte C. Mavericks, a N-terminal domains of SCAND3 and on SCAN/KRAB C-INTs and other novel class of giant transposable elements widespread KRBA2 which are mainly defined by a INT/TPases such as GIN1, GIN-2, and in eukaryotes and related to DNA viruses. 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