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On the theory of resonances in non-relativistic QED and related models W. K. Abou Salema,#, J. Faupinb,∗, J. Fr¨ohlichc and I. M. Sigala,# 8 0 0 2 Abstract n We study the mathematical theory of quantum resonances in the standard model of non- a relativistic QED and in Nelson’s model. In particular, we estimate the survival probability of J metastable states corresponding to quantum resonances and relate the resonances to poles of 1 an analytic continuation of matrix elements of theresolvent of the quantumHamiltonian. 1 ] h 1 Introduction p - h One of the early triumphs of Quantum Mechanics has been to enable one to calculate the discrete t energyspectrumandthe correspondingstationarystates-eigenstatesofthequantumHamiltonian a - of atoms and molecules, neglecting their interactions with the quantized electromagnetic field. m However, if these interactions are taken into account, stationary states corresponding to discrete [ energies, save for the groundstate, are absent. The data of atomic and molecular spectroscopy can 2 beinterpretedintermsofthedecayofmetastablestateswithenergiesclosetothediscreteenergies, v or eigenvalues, of the non-interacting atoms or molecules. The decay of these states is accompa- 8 nied by emission of photons with nearly discrete energies equal to differences between energies of 0 stationary states; (Bohr’s frequency condition). These metastable states are called “(quantum) 7 4 resonances”. Their analysis is the subject of this paper: We further develop some key ingredients . ofthe mathematicaltheoryofresonancesfor the standardmodelof“non-relativisticquantumelec- 1 trodynamics” (QED) and for Nelson’s model of electrons interacting with quantized (longitudinal 1 7 lattice) vibrations, i.e., phonons. Due to the interactions of electrons with massless field quanta 0 - photons or phonons - the standard techniques to analyze quantum-mechanical resonances devel- v: oped during the past thirty or so years (see, e.g., [1, 2] and references therein) cannot be applied i to realistic models of atoms or molecules. Our goal, in this paper, is to modify these techniques to X cover the present models. r Before introducing the models we explain the resonance problem in general terms. Let H a g be a quantum Hamiltonian, where g is a real parameter called the coupling constant. Assume there is a one-parameter family of unitary transformations, θ → U , with θ ∈ R, s.t. the family θ H := U H U−1 has an analytic continuation in θ to a disc D(0,θ ) in the complex plane. We g,θ θ g θ 0 call such an analytic continuation a complex deformation of H . We note that, while the essential g spectrumofH usuallychangesdramaticallyundersuchananalyticcontinuation,theeigenvalues g,θ are locally independent of θ, for suitably chosen deformation transformations U , at least when θ they are isolated. Moreover, the real eigenvalues of H coincide with the eigenvalues of H . The g,θ g complex eigenvalues of H , Imθ >0, are called the (quantum U−)resonance eigenvalues - or just g,θ resonance eigenvalues - of the Hamiltonian H . The transformations most commonly used is the g 1 group of dilatations of positions and momenta (see below), and the corresponding resonances are sometimes called “dilatation resonances”. Itisplausiblefromourdefinitionthatresonances-atleastforweaklycoupledsystems(g small) - are closely related to eigenvalues of H . But what is their physical significance? g=0 Physically, one thinks of quantum resonances as long-lived metastable states or as “bumps” in the scattering cross-section as a function of energy. The energies and life-times of metastable states are given by the bumps’ centers and the inverse of the bumps’ widths. A known approach to establish such properties is as follows. Let D⊂H denote the dense linear subspace of U−entire vectors, i.e., vectors ψ for which the family {ψθ := Uθψ}θ∈R has an analytic continuation to the entire complex plane. For such vectors one has the “Combes formula” (ψ,(Hg −z)−1ψ)=(ψθ¯,(Hg,θ−z)−1ψθ). (1.1) If we continue the r.h.s. analytically, first in θ and then in z, then we see that matrix elements, (ψ,(H −z)−1ψ), of the resolvent, for z ∈C, Imz >0, and ψ ∈D, have an analytic continuation g in z across the essential spectrum of H to the “second Riemann sheet” whenever the resolvent g set of the operator H , Imθ >0, contains a part of this essential spectrum1. Clearly, eigenvalues g,θ of H , Imθ > 0, in the lower complex half-plane, C−, are poles of this analytic continuation, g,θ provided these eigenvalues are isolated. In the latter case, the metastability property can be established (at least, for weakly coupled systems)byusingtherelation-viatheFouriertransform-betweenthepropagatorandtheresolvent, contour deformation and Cauchy’s theorem (see [3, 1]). The “bumpiness” of the cross-section can be connected to the resonance poles. The real and imaginary parts of the resonance eigenvalues give the energy and the rate of decay, or the reciprocal life-time, of the metastable state. The situation described above is exactly the one encountered in Quantum Mechanics. In non- relativistic QED and phonon models, the resonance eigenvalues are not isolated; more precisely, a branch of essential spectrum is attached to every complex eigenvalue of the deformed Hamiltonian H . This is due to the fact that photons and phonons are massless. As a result, establishing g,θ the property of metastability and the pole structure of the resolvent (and the related bumpiness of the cross-section) becomes a challenge. In this paper, we prove, for non-relativistic QED and Nelson’s model, the metastability property of resonances and characterize them in terms of poles of a meromorphic continuation of the matrix elements of the resolvent on a dense set of vectors. Next, we introduce the models consideredin this paper. The Hamiltonian of the QEDmodel is defined as N 1 HSM := (p +gA(x ))2+V(x)+H , (1.2) g 2m j j f j j=1 X where x = (x ,...,x ), p = −i∇ denotes the momentum of the jth particle and m its mass, 1 N j j j and V(x) is the potential energy of the particle system. Furthermore, A(y) denotes the quantized vector potential d3k χ(k) A(y)= (eik·yǫ (k)a (k)+e−ik·yǫ (k)a∗(k)), (1.3) (2π)3 2|k| λ λ λ λ λ∈{X−1,1}Z 1Here we use the terms Riemann sheet andpRiemann surface informally. However, we expect that the matrix elements (1.1)dohaveaRiemannsurfaceramifiedattheresonances ofHg. 2 where k ∈ R3, χ is an ultraviolet cut-off that vanishes sufficiently fast at infinity, and ǫ (k),λ = λ −1,1,aretwotransversepolarizationvectors,i.e.,orthonormalvectorsinR3⊗Csatisfyingk·ǫ (k)= λ 0; moreover,H is the photon (quantized electromagnetic field) Hamiltonian defined as f H = ω(k)a∗(k)a (k)dk, (1.4) f λ λ R3 λ=−1,1Z X where ω(k)=|k|. Theoperator-valueddistributionsa (k)anda∗(k)areannihilationandcreationoperatorsacting λ λ onthesymmetricFockspaceF overL2(R3×Z ). Theyobeythe canonicalcommutationrelations s 2 [a∗λ(k),a∗λ′(k′)]=[aλ(k),aλ′(k′)]=0 , [aλ(k),a∗λ′(k′)]=δ(k−k′)δλ,λ′, (1.5) and a (k)Ω=0, λ where Ω∈F is the vacuum vector. s The QED Hamiltonian HSM acts on the Hilbert space H ⊗F , where H is the Hilbert space g p s p for N electrons, e.g. H = L2(R3N), (neglecting permutation symmetry). In (1.2), Zeeman terms p coupling the magnetic moments of the electrons to the magnetic field are neglected. Nelson’s model describes non-relativistic particles without spin interacting with a scalar,mass- less boson field. The Hamiltonian of the model acts on H ⊗F , where F is the symmetric Fock p s s space over L2(R3), and is given by HN :=H ⊗I +I⊗H +W . (1.6) g p f g Here, H = N p2/2m +V denotes an N-particle Schr¨odinger operator on H . We assume p j=1 j j p thatits spectrum,σ(H ),consistsofasequenceofdiscreteeigenvalues,λ ,λ ,··· ,belowsomereal p 0 1 P number Σ called the ionization threshold. For k in R3, we denote by a∗(k) anda(k) the usual phononcreationand annihilationoperators on F . They are operator-valueddistributions obeying the canonical commutation relations s [a∗(k),a∗(k′)]=[a(k),a(k′)]=0 , [a(k),a∗(k′)]=δ(k−k′). (1.7) The operator associated with the energy of the free boson field, H , is given by the expression f (1.4), except that the operators a∗(k) and a(k) now are scalar creation and annihilation operators as given above. The interaction W in (1.6) is assumed to be of the form g W =gφ(G ) (1.8) g x where N χ(k) φ(G )= e−ik·xja∗(k)+eik·xja(k) dk. (1.9) x R3 |k|1/2−µ j=1Z X (cid:2) (cid:3) As above, the function χ(k) denotes an ultraviolet cut-off, and the parameter µ is assumed to be positive. Next, we state our assumptions on the potential and the ultraviolet cut-off χ, in particular concerning analyticity under dilatations. 3 (A) ThepotentialV(x) isdilatationanalytic,i.e.,the vector-functionθ 7→V(eθx)(−∆+1)−1 has an analytic continuation to a small complex disc D(0,θ )⊂C, for some θ >0. 0 0 An example of a dilatation-analytic potential V is the Coulomb potential for N electrons and one fixed nucleus located at the origin. For a molecule in the Born-Oppenheimer approximation, the potential V(x) is not dilatation-analytic. In this case, one has to use a more general notion of distortion analyticity (see [1]), which can be easily accommodated in our analysis. (B) The function χ is dilatation analytic, i.e., θ 7→χ(e−θk) has an analytic continuation from R to the disc D(0,θ ). 0 For instance, we can choose χ(k):=e−k2/Λ2, for some fixed, arbitrarily large ultraviolet cut-off Λ>0. Let H denote either HSM or HN. To define quantum resonances for the Hamiltonian H , we g g g g use the dilatations of electron positions and of photon momenta: x →eθx and k →e−θk, j j where θ is a real parameter. Such dilatations are represented by the one-parameter group of unitary operators, U , on the total Hilbert space H := H ⊗F of the system. This is one of θ p s the most important examples of the deformation groups mentioned above2. Following the general prescription, we define, for θ ∈R, the family of unitarily equivalent Hamiltonians H :=U H U−1. (1.10) g,θ θ g θ By the above assumptions on V and χ, the family H can be analytically extended, as a type-A g,θ family inthe senseofKato,toallθ belongingtothe discD(0,θ )inthe complexplane,whereθ is 0 0 asinassumptions(A)and(B).Thedeformationresonancesarenowdefinedascomplexeigenvalues of H , Imθ >0. g,θ Let λ := inf(σ(H )). We consider the eigenvalues λ of H , or of H := H ⊗I +I ⊗H , 0 g=0 j p 0 p f with λ < λ < Σ. By the renormalization group analysis in [4, 5, 6, 7], we know that, as the 0 j interaction between the non-relativistic particles and the field is turned on, these eigenvalues turn into resonances λ , with Imλ < 0 and these resonances are θ−independent; (see also [8] for j,g j,g a somewhat different model). Our goal is to investigate the properties of these resonances, as described above. Tosimplifyourpresentation,weassumethatλ isnon-degenerate,andwedenotebyΨ =ψ ⊗Ω j j j the normalized, unperturbed eigenstate associated with λ . We also assume that j (C) Fermi’s Golden Rule ([4, 5, 6]) holds. This condition implies that Imλ ≤ −c g2, for some positive constant c ; see for example j,g 0 0 [4, 5, 6]. The main results of this paper are summarized in the following theorems. Theorem 1.1 LetH beeitherHSM orHN. Given Ψ ,andλ asabove, andunderAssumptions g g g j j,g (A)-(C) formulated above, there exists some g >0 such that, for all 0<g <g and times t≥0, 0 0 Ψ ,e−itHgΨ =e−itλj,g +O(gα), (1.11) j j where α:= 2+4µ, with µ>0 app(cid:0)earing in (1.9(cid:1)) for the Nelson model, and α= 2 for QED. 5+2µ 3 2See,however,Remark6.2onpage25. 4 Remark 1.2 We expect that our approach extends to situations where Fermi’s Golden Rule con- dition fails, as long as Imλ <0, and that we can improve the exponent of g in the error term by j,g using an initial state that is a better approximation of the “resonance state”; see section 3. Remark 1.3 The analysis below, together with Theorem 3.3 in [9], gives an adiabatic theorem for quantum resonances in non-relativistic QED. Theorem 1.1 estimates the survival probability, Ψj,e−itHgΨj , of the state Ψj. Let γj,g := −Imλ and T :=1/γ . Theorem 1.1 implies that j,g j,g j,g (cid:0) (cid:1) ke−itHgΨ −e−itλj,gΨ k=[1−e−2tγj,g +O(gα)]1/2, (1.12) j j which is ≪ 1, for t ≪ T . This property is what we call the “metastability” of the resonance j,g associated with the resonance eigenvalue λ . j,g There is a dense linear subspace D ⊂ H of vectors with the property that, for every ψ ∈ D, the family {Uθψ}θ∈R of vectors has an analytic extension in θ to the entire complex plane, with U ψ ∈D, for any θ ∈C. Vectors in D are called dilatation-entire vectors. θ Next, for z ∈C and 0≤ϕ <ϕ <2π, we define domains ∗ 1 2 1 Wϕ1,ϕ2 :={z ∈C| |z−z |< |Imz |, ϕ ≤arg(z−z )≤ϕ }. z∗ ∗ 2 ∗ 1 ∗ 2 Our second main result is the following theorem. Theorem 1.4 Let H be either HSM or HN. Let Conditions (A), (B) and (C) be satisfied, and g g g let λ <λ <Σ be an eigenvalue of H . Then there are a constant g >0 and a dense set D′ ⊂D 0 j p ∗ s.t., for g <g and for all ψ ∈D′, the function ∗ F (z):=(ψ,(H −z)−1ψ) ψ g has an analytic continuation in z from the upper half-plane, across a neighbourhood of λ , into the j domain Wϕ1,ϕ2, for some ϕ <π/2 and ϕ >π, and this continuation satisfies the relations λj,g 1 2 p(ψ) F (z)= +r(z;ψ), (i) ψ λ −z j,g with |r(z;ψ)|≤C(ψ)|λ −z|−β, (ii) j,g for some β <1. Here p(ψ) and r(z;ψ) are quadratic forms on the domain D′×D′. Remark 1.5 Since we can rotate the essential spectrum of H ,θ ∈D(0,θ ), in C− using dilata- g,θ 0 tion analyticity, if θ < π is large enough, we expect that F (z) can be analytically continued in z 0 2 ψ from the upper half-plane into a neighbourhood of λ that is larger than Wϕ1,ϕ2 given in Theorem j,g λj,g 1.4. In this case the quadratic form r(w;ψ) would also depend on the homotopy class of the path along which F (z) is analytically continued from the upper half-plane to the point w in the vicinity ψ of λ . j,g 5 For an operator A on the one-particle space L2(R3), we denote by dΓ(A) its “lifting” to the Fock space F , (second quantization). The set D′ in Theorem 1.4 can be chosen explicitly as s D′ :={ψ∈D| kdΓ(ω−1/2)(1−P )ψk<∞}, Ω where P is the projection onto the vacuum Ω in F , for the Nelson model. In this case β = Ω s (1+ 2µ)−1. For QED, we define 3 D′ :={ψ ∈D| keδhxidΓ(ω−1/2)(1−P )ψk<∞ for some δ >0}. Ω Since U dΓ(ω−1/2)=eθ/2dΓ(ω−1/2)U , the set D′ is dense in D. θ θ The main difficulty in the proofs of our main results comes from the fact that the unperturbed eigenvalue λ is the threshold of a branch of continuous spectrum. To overcome this difficulty, we j introduce an infrared cut-off that opens a gap in the spectrum of H , and we control the error g,θ introduced by opening such a gap using the fact that the interaction between the electrons and the photons or phonons vanishes sufficiently fast at low photon/phononenergies (see [4, 5, 10] and Eqn. (2.7) below). Our paper is organizedas follows. In Sections 2-4 we prove Theorem 1.1 for the Nelson Hamil- tonian, HN. In Section 5 we extend this proof to the QED Hamiltonian, HSM. Theorem 1.4 is g g proven in Section 6. Aswewerecompletingthispaper,thereappearedane-print[11]wherelowerandupperbounds for the lifetime of the metastable states considered in this paper are established by somewhat different techniques. Acknowledgements. J.Fr. and I.M.S. would like to thank M. Griesemer for many useful discussions on related problems. J.Fa. is grateful to I.M.S. and W.A.S. for hospitality at the University of Toronto and I.M.S., and I.M.S. and W.A.S. are grateful to J.Fr. for hospitality at ETHZ. 2 Dilatation analyticity and IR cut-off Hamiltonians Let H = HN be the Hamiltonian defined in (1.6). We begin this section with a discussion of the g g dilatationdeformationH ofH definedintheintroduction,Eqn(1.10). Aswasalreadymentioned g,θ g above, by the above assumptions on V and χ, the family H can be analytically extended to all g,θ θ belonging to a disc D(0,θ ) in the complex plane. The relation H∗ =H holds for real θ and 0 g,θ g,θ extends by analyticity to θ ∈D(0,θ ). A direct computation gives 0 H =H ⊗I+e−θI ⊗H +W , g,θ p,θ f g,θ where H =U H U−1 and W :=U W U−1. Note that W =gφ(G ), with p,θ θ p θ g,θ θ g θ g,θ x,θ χ(e−θk) G (k)=e−(1+µ)θ e−ik.x. (2.1) x,θ |k|1/2−µ We now introduce an infra-red cut-off Hamiltonian Hσ :=H ⊗I +e−θI⊗H +W>σ, (2.2) g,θ p,θ f g,θ 6 where W>σ := gφ(G6σ), and G6σ := κ G . Here κ is an infrared cut-off function that we can g,θ x,θ x,θ σ x,θ σ choose, for instance, as κ =1 . We also define σ |k|≥σ W6σ :=W −W>σ =gφ(G>σ), (2.3) g,θ g,θ g,θ x,θ where G>σ :=(1−κ )G . We then have that x,θ σ x,θ H =Hσ +W6σ. (2.4) g,θ g,θ g,θ We denote by F>σ and F6σ the symmetric Fock spaces over L2({k ∈ R3 : |k| ≥ σ}) and s s L2({k ∈ R3 : |k| ≤ σ}), respectively. It is well-known that there exists a unitary operator V that maps L2(R3N;F ) to L2(R3N;F>σ)⊗F6σ, so that s s s VHσ V−1 =H>σ⊗I+e−θI ⊗H6σ. (2.5) g,θ g,θ f Here, H>σ acts on L2(R3N;F>σ) and is defined by g,θ s H>σ :=H +e−θH>σ+W>σ. (2.6) g,θ p,θ f g,θ The operators H>σ and H6σ denote the restrictions of H to F>σ and F6σ respectively. The f f f s s unitary operatorV willbe sometimes droppedin the sequelif no confusionmay arise. We note the following estimate that will often be used in this paper: W6σ[H +1]−1 ≤Cgσ1/2+µ, (2.7) g,θ f (cid:13) (cid:13) (cid:13) (cid:13) where µ>0, C is a positive cons(cid:13)tant, and θ ∈D((cid:13)0,θ0). We now consider an unperturbed isolated eigenvalue λ of H . To simplify our analysis, we j 0 assume that λ is non-degenerate. Let j d :=dist(λ ;σ(H )\{λ }), (2.8) j j p j which is positive. It is shownin [4, 5, 12] that, as the perturbationW is turned on, the eigenvalue g λ turns into a resonance λ of H . In other words, for θ ∈ D(0,θ ) with Im(θ) > 0, there j j,g g 0 exists a non-degenerate eigenvalue λ of H not depending on θ, with Reλ = λ +O(g2), j,g g,θ j,g j Imλ = O(g2), and, if Fermi’s Golden Rule condition holds, Imλ ≤ −c g2, for some positive j,g j,g 0 constant c . Similarly, the operator H>σ has an eigenvalue λ>σ bifurcating from the eigenvalue λ 0 g,θ j,g j of H having the same properties as λ , with the important exception that λ>σ depends on θ. 0 j,g j,g ThereasonforthisisthatH>σ 6=U H>σU , r ∈R.Furthermore,wehavethecrucialproperty g,θ+r r g,θ −r (see Proposition 4.1) that the eigenvalue λ>σ of H>σ is isolated from the rest of the spectrum of j,g g,θ H>σ. More precisely, g,θ dist λ>σ,σ(H>σ)\{λ>σ} ≥Cσ, (2.9) j,g g,θ j,g (cid:16) (cid:17) for some positive constant C independent of σ. 7 It is tempting to treat H as a perturbation of H>σ. However, we have to take care of g,θ g,θ the difference between λ and λ>σ. In order to deal with this problem, we “renormalize” the j,g j,g unperturbed part Hσ by setting g,θ Hσ =Hσ + λ −λ>σ V−1(P>σ ⊗I)V. (2.10) g,θ g,θ j,g j,g g,θ (cid:16) (cid:17) Here P>σ denotes the specetral projection onto the eigenspace associated with the eigenvalue λ>σ g,θ j,g of H>σ. As in (2.5), we have the representation g,θ VHσ V−1 =H>σ⊗I+e−θI ⊗H6σ, (2.11) g,θ g,θ f where we have set e e H>σ =H>σ+ λ −λ>σ P>σ. (2.12) g,θ g,θ j,g j,g g,θ By (2.12), we see that λj,g is a noen-degenerate e(cid:16)igenvalue of(cid:17)Hg>,θσ. In Proposition6.3 we will show that there exists a positive constant C such that e λ −λ>σ ≤Cg2σ1+µ, (2.13) j,g j,g (cid:12) (cid:12) andthatthe operatorHg>,θσ stillhasa(cid:12)(cid:12)gapoforde(cid:12)(cid:12)rO(σ) aroundλj,g.Thenthe decomposition(2.2) is replaced by e H =Hσ +W6σ, (2.14) g,θ g,θ g,θ where W6σ =W6σ− λ e−λ>σfV−1P>σ⊗IV. (2.15) g,θ g,θ j,g j,g g,θ Let H⋆# denote one of thefoperators Hg, H(cid:16)g,θ, Hgσ,θ or(cid:17)Hg>,θσ. We write its resolvent by using the −1 −1 notation R#(z)= H#−z . Similarly, we define R#(z)= H#−z . ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ h i h i e e 3 Proof of Theorem 1.1 We beginwithsomenotation. We consideranintervalI ofsizeδ,containingλ ,suchthatδ < 1d . j 2 j For concreteness, let δ δ I= λ − ,λ + . (3.1) j j 2 2 (cid:18) (cid:19) Define, in addition, δ δ I = λ − ,λ + . (3.2) 1 j j 4 4 (cid:18) (cid:19) We consider a smooth function f ∈ C∞(I), Ran(f) ∈ [0,1], such that f = 1 on I . It is known 0 1 that there exists an almost analytic extension f of f such that f =1 on {z ∈C| Re(z)∈I } , supp(f)⊂{z ∈C| Re(z)∈I}, (3.3) 1 e and (∂z¯f)(z) =eO(δ−1|Im(z)/δ|n), for anyn∈N. We shaelluse these propertiesof f in the sequel. W(cid:12)e begin (cid:12)with the following proposition. (cid:12) e (cid:12) e (cid:12) (cid:12) 8 Proposition 3.1 Given H , Ψ , λ and f as above, there exists g >0 such that, for all 0<g ≤ g j j,g 0 g0, δ =Cσ, C>1, and σ =g2−52++24µµ, Ψj,e−itHgf(Hg)Ψj =e−itλj,g +O(g25++42µµ), (3.4) for all times t≥0. (cid:0) (cid:1) We divide the proof of Proposition 3.1 into several steps, deferring the proof of some technical ingredientstothefollowingsection. WeextendamethodduetoHunzikertoproveProposition3.1, see [3] or [1]. Let N(θ) be a punctured neighbourhood of λ such that N(θ)∩σ(H>σ)=λ and j g,θ j,g I⊂N(θ)∪{λ }. Let Γ⊂N(θ) be a contour that encloses I and λ . For z inside Γ, we have that j j,g e P>σ R>σ(z)= g,θ +R>σ(z), (3.5) g,θ λ −z g,θ j,g where P>σ denotes the spectral proejection onto the eigenbspace associatedto the eigenvalue λ of g,θ j,g H>σ, that is g,θ 1 P>σ = R>σ(z)dz, (3.6) e g,θ 2πi g,θ IC where C denotes a circle centered at λ with radiues chosen so that C ⊂ ρ(H>σ)∩N(θ), and the j,g g,θ regular part, R>σ(z), is given by g,θ b R>σ(z):=R>σ(z)(1−P>σ)=R>σ(z)(1−P>σ), (3.7) g,θ g,θ g,θ g,θ g,θ which can be written as b e 1 R>σ(z)= R>σ(w)(w−z)−1dw, (3.8) g,θ 2πi g,θ IΓ where z is inside Γ. Note thatb e R>σP>σ =P>σR>σ =0, (3.9) g,θ g,θ g,θ g,θ and b (P>σ)2 =Pb>σ. (3.10) g,θ g,θ We will need the following easy lemma, which follows from dilatation analyticity and Stone’s theorem. Lemma 3.2 Assumethat the infrared cut-off parameter σ is chosen such that g2 ≪σ <g2+3µ ≪1. Then Ψ ,e−itHgf(H )Ψ =A(t,θ)−A(t,θ)+B(t,θ)−B(t,θ), (3.11) j g j for θ ∈D(0,θ0), Im(cid:0)θ >0, where (cid:1) 1 A(t,θ)= e−itzf(z) Ψ ,Rσ (z)Ψ dz, (3.12) 2πi R j,θ g,θ j,θ Z (cid:16) (cid:17) 1 e n B(t,θ)= e−itzf(z) Ψ ,Rσ (z) −W6σRσ (z) Ψ dz. (3.13) 2πi R  j,θ g,θ g,θ g,θ j,θ Z nX≥1(cid:16) (cid:17)  e f e  9 Proof. By Stone’s theorem, 1 Ψ ,e−itHgf(H )Ψ = lim e−itzf(z)(Ψ ,[R (z−iε)−R (z+iε)]Ψ )dz. (3.14) j g j j g g j εց02πi R Z (cid:0) (cid:1) Since H and Ψ are dilatation analytic, this implies for θ ∈D(0,θ ) g j 0 Ψ ,e−itHgf(H )Ψ =F(t,θ)−F(t,θ), (3.15) j g j where (cid:0) (cid:1) 1 F(t,θ)= e−itzf(z) Ψ ,R (z)Ψ dz. (3.16) 2πi R j,θ g,θ j,θ Z (cid:16) (cid:17) It follows from Lemma 4.4, below, that we can expand R (z) into a Neumann series, which is g,θ convergentunder our assumptions on g and σ if Fermi’s Golden Rule holds. We obtain F(t,θ)=A(t,θ)+B(t,θ), (3.17) for θ ∈D(0,θ ), Imθ >0, and hence the claim of the lemma is proven. (cid:3) 0 In what follows, we fix θ ∈ D(0,θ ) with Imθ > 0. We estimate A(t,θ)−A(t,θ) and B(t,θ)− 0 B(t,θ) in the following two lemmata. Lemma 3.3 For g2 ≪σ <δ ≪1, we have A(t,θ)−A(t,θ)=e−itλj,g +O(δg2σ−2)+O(g2σ−1), for all t≥0. Proof. It follows from the spectral theorem that VRσ (z)V−1 = R>σ(z−e−θω)⊗dE (ω), (3.18) g,θ g,θ H6σ Zσ(Hf6σ) f where E are the speectral projections of He6σ; see for example [2]. Furthermore, VΨ = H6σ f j,θ f ψ ⊗Ω>σ⊗Ω6σ, where Ω>σ (respectively Ω6σ) denotes the vacuum in F>σ (in F6σ). Inserting j,θ s s this into (3.12) and using (3.18), we get 1 A(t,θ)= e−itzf(z) ψ ⊗Ω>σ,R>σ(z)ψ ⊗Ω>σ dz. (3.19) 2iπ R j,θ g,θ j,θ Z (cid:16) (cid:17) ¿From Proposition 4.1, we know that the spectrum of H>eσ is of the form pictured in figure 1. In g,θ particular, a gap of order σ opens between the non-degenerate eigenvalue λ>σ and the essential j,g spectrum ofH>σ. By Proposition6.3, the same holds for H>σ insteadofH>σ, with λ replacing g,θ g,θ g,θ j,g λ>σ, since |λ −λ>σ|≤Cg2σ1+µ and we assumed that g2 ≪σ ≪1. j,g j,g j,g e Let us begin to estimate A(t,θ)−A(t,θ) by considering the contribution of the regular part, R>σ(z), in A(t,θ). By applying Green’s theorem, we find that g,θ 1 b R(t,θ):= e−itzf(z) Ψ ,R>σ(z)Ψ dz 2iπ R j,θ g,θ j,θ Z (cid:16) (cid:17) 1 = e−itzf(z) Ψ>bσ,R>σ(z)Ψ>σ dz (3.20) 2iπ j,θ g,θ j,θ ZΓ(γ1) (cid:16) (cid:17) + 1 e−eitz(∂ f)(z)bΨ>σ,R>σ(z)Ψ>σ dzdz, 2iπ z¯ j,θ g,θ j,θ ZZD(γ1) (cid:16) (cid:17) e b 10

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