On the Tate-Shafarevich group of Abelian schemes over higher dimensional bases over ο¬nite ο¬elds Timo Keller December 18, 2016 Abstract We study analogues for the Tate-Shafarevich group for Abelian schemes with everywhere good reduction over higher dimensional bases over finite fields. Keywords: EΒ΄tale cohomology, higher regulators, zeta and πΏ-functions; Brauer groups of schemes; Abelian varieties of dimension >1; EΒ΄tale and other Grothendieck topologies and cohomologies MSC 2010: 19F27, 14F22, 11G10, 14F20 1 Introduction The Tate-Shafarevich group X(A/π) of an Abelian scheme A over a scheme π is of great importance for the arithmetic of A. It classiο¬es everywhere locally trivial A-torsors. If π is the spectrum of the ring of integers of a number ο¬eld or a smooth projective geometrically connected curve over a ο¬nite ο¬eld, so that the function ο¬eld πΎ =πΎ(π) of π is a global ο¬eld, one has (οΈ βοΈ )οΈ X(A/π)=ker H1(πΎ,π΄)β H1(πΎ ,π΄) , π£ π£ where π£ runs over all places of πΎ and πΎ is the completion of πΎ with respect to π£. The aim of this article is to π£ generalise this deο¬nition to the case of a higher dimensional basis π/F and prove some properties for this group. π In section 3, we show that an Abelian scheme A/π over π regular, Noetherian, integral and separated satisο¬es the NΒ΄eron mapping property, namely that A =π π*A on the smooth site of π, where π :{π}Λβπ * denotes the inclusion of the generic point. In section 4.1, we deο¬ne the Tate-Shafarevich group for Abelian schemes A over higher dimensional bases π as X(A/π):=H1 (π,A) and show: Β΄et (οΈ βοΈ )οΈ H1(π,A)=ker H1(πΎ,A)β H1(πΎππ,A) , π₯ π₯βπ whereπΎππ =Quot(Oπ β ),andπ iseither(a)thesetofallpointsofπ,or(b)theset|π|ofallclosedpointsofπ, π₯ π,π₯ or (c) the set π(1) of all codimension-1 points of π, and A =Pic0 for a relative curve C/π with everywhere C/π good reduction admitting a section, and π is a variety over a ο¬nitely generated ο¬eld. Here, one can replace πΎππ by πΎβ = Quot(Oβ ) if π (π₯) is ο¬nite, and πΎππ and πΎβ by Quot(OΛπ β ) and Quot(OΛβ ), respectively, if π₯ π₯ π,π₯ π₯ π₯ π,π₯ π,π₯ π₯βπ(1). The obvious conjecture is that the Tate-Shafarevich group X(A/π) is ο¬nite. In section 2 and 4.2, for a (split) relative curve C/π we relate the Brauer groups of π and C to the Tate-Shafarevich group of Pic0 : There is an exact sequence C/π 0βBr(π)βπ* Br(C)βX(Pic0 /π)β0. C/π This generalises results of Artin and Tate [Tat66]. In section 4.3, we show that ο¬niteness of an β-primary component of the Tate-Shafarevich group descents under generically Β΄etale ββ²-alterations. This is used in [Kel14 ], Theorem 4.2 and Theorem 4.6 to prove the 2 ο¬niteness of the Tate-Shafarevich group for isoconstant Abelian schemes over ο¬nite ο¬elds under mild conditions. 2 2 BRAUERGROUPS, PICARDGROUPS AND COHOMOLOGY OF Gπ Insection4.4,weshowthatο¬nitenessofanβ-primarycomponentoftheTate-Shafarevichgroupisinvariantunder Β΄etale isogenies. In section 4.5, we construct a Cassels-Tate pairing X(A/π)[ββ]ΓX(Aβ¨/π)[ββ]βQ /Z in β β some cases. In [Kel14 ], we also use the results of this article for studying the Birch-Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture 2 for Abelian schemes over higher dimensional bases over ο¬nite ο¬elds. Notation. All rings are commutative with 1. For an Abelian group π΄, let Torsπ΄ be the torsion subgroup of π΄. Denote the cokernel of π΄ βπ π΄ by π΄/π and its kernel by π΄[π], and the π-primary subgroup lim π΄[ππ] ββπ by π΄[πβ] for any prime π. Canonical isomorphisms are often denoted byβ=β. If not stated otherwise, all cohomology groups are taken with respect to the Β΄etale topology. By the β-cohomological dimension cd (π) of β a scheme π we mean the smallest integer π (or β) such that Hπ(π,F) = 0 for all π > π and all β-torsion sheaves F. The ind-Β΄etale sheaf π is deο¬ned as lim π with π the Β΄etale sheaf of all βπ-th roots of unity, so ββ ββπ βπ βπ Hπ(π,π )=lim Hπ(π,π ). We denote Pontryagin duals, duals of π -modules and Abelian schemes by (β)β¨. ββ ββπ βπ It should be clear from the context which one is meant. Pontryagin dual of a locally compact Abelian group π΄ is deο¬ned as π΄β¨ =Hom (π΄,R/Z) endowed with the compact-open topology. The Henselisation of a local ring ππππ‘ π΄ is denoted by π΄β and the strict Henselisation by π΄π β. By a ο¬nitely generated ο¬eld we mean a ο¬eld ο¬nitely generated over its prime ο¬eld. If π΄ is an integral domain, we denote by Quot(π΄) its quotient ο¬eld. 2 Brauer groups, Picard groups and cohomology of G π The main new technical result of this section is Theorem 2.11, which is needed to prove the main theo- rem Theorem 2.14 for the π-torsion (the prime-to-π-torsion can be treated much easier) and Corollary 2.16 and Corollary 2.18. We collect some well-known results on the cohomology of G . π Lemma 2.1. Let π be a scheme and β a prime invertible on π. Then there are exact sequences 0βHπβ1(π,G )β Q /Z βHπ(π,π )βHπ(π,G )[ββ]β0 π Z β β ββ π for each πβ₯1. Proof. This follows from the long exact sequence induced by the Kummer sequence. Definition 2.2. A variety is a separated scheme of ο¬nite type over over a ο¬eld π. Recall that the Brauer group Br(π) of a scheme π is the group of equivalence classes of Azumaya algebras on π (see e.g. [Mil80], IV.2, p. 140ο¬.). Definition 2.3. Brβ²(π):=TorsH2(π,G ) is called the cohomological Brauer group. π Theorem 2.4. (a) There is an injection Br(π)ΛβBrβ²(π). (b) One has Br(π)=Brβ²(π) if π has an ample invertible sheaf. (c) Brβ²(π)=H2(π,G ) if π is a regular integral quasi-compact scheme. π Proof. (a) See [Mil80], p. 142, Theorem 2.5. (b) See [dJ]. (c) See [Mil80], p. 106f., Example 2.22. Corollary 2.5. Let π/π be a regular quasi-projective geometrically connected variety. Then Br(π)=Brβ²(π)= H2(π,G ). π Theorem 2.6. Let π be a smooth projective geometrically connected variety over a ο¬nite ο¬eld π =F , π =ππ. π (a) Hπ(π,G ) is torsion for π ΜΈ= 1, ο¬nite for π ΜΈ= 1,2,3 and trivial for π > 2dim(π)+1. For Hπ(π,G ) π π being torsion for π>1, π can be any ο¬eld. (b) For βΜΈ=π and π=2,3, one has Hπ(π,Gπ)[ββ]βΌ=(Qβ/Zβ)ππ,ββπΆπ,β, where πΆπ,β is ο¬nite and trivial for all but ο¬nitely many β, and π a non-negative integer. π,β (c) Let βΜΈ=π be prime. Then one has Hπ(π,π )βββΌβHπ(π,G )[ββ] ββ π for πΜΈ=2. 2 BRAUERGROUPS, PICARDGROUPS AND COHOMOLOGY OF Gπ 3 Proof. (a) and (b): See [Lic83], p. 180, Proposition 2.1a)βc), f) (the assertion about Hπ(π,G ) being torsion for π π>1 follows from the proof given there). (c) follows from Lemma 2.1 and (a). Lemma2.7. Letπ beaquasi-compactscheme,quasi-projectiveoveranaο¬nescheme. Assumeπ΄βHΛ1(π,PGL ) π is an Azumaya algebra trivialised by π΄βΌ=End(π) with π a locally free O -sheaf of rank π. Then every other π such πβ² diο¬ers from π by tensoring with an invertible sheaf. For the deο¬nition of CΛech non-Abelian Β΄etale cohomology see [Mil80], p. 120ο¬., III.4. Proof. Note that π΄ corresponds to an element of HΛ1(π,PGL ) and π corresponds to an element in H1(π,GL ). π π For πβN, consider the central extension of Β΄etale sheaves on π (see [Mil80], p. 146) 1βG βGL βPGL β1. π π π By [Mil80], p. 143, Step 3, this induces a long exact sequence in (CΛech) cohomology of pointed sets Pic(π)=HΛ1(π,G )βπ HΛ1(π,GL )ββ HΛ1(π,PGL )βπ HΛ2(π,G ). π π π π Note that by assumption and [Mil80], p. 104, Theorem III.2.17, HΛ1(π,G ) = H1(π,G ) = Pic(π) and π π HΛ2(π,G )=H2(π,G ). Further, Br(π)=Brβ²(π) since a scheme quasi-compact and quasi-projective over π π an aο¬ne scheme has an ample line bundle ([Liu06], p. 171, Corollary 5.1.36), so Theorem 2.4 applies and Brβ²(π)ΛβH2(π,G ). Since π΄ is an Azumaya algebra, π(π΄)=[π΄]βBr(π)ΛβH2(π,G ). Therefore π factors π π through Br(π)ΛβH2(π,G ). π AssumetheAzumayaalgebraπ΄βH1(π,PGL )liesinthekernelofπ,i.e.thereisaπ suchthatπ΄βΌ=End(π). π Then it comes from π βH1(π,GL ) by [Mil80], p. 143, Step 2 (β is the morphism π β¦βEnd(π)). So, since G π π iscentralinGL , bytheanalogueof[Ser02], p.54, Proposition42forΒ΄etaleCΛechcohomology, ifπβ² βH1(π,GL ) π π also satisο¬es π΄βΌ=End(πβ²), they diο¬er by an invertible sheaf. Lemma 2.8. Let π :C βπ be a projective smooth morphism with π =Spec(π΄) the spectrum of a Henselisation of a variety at a regular point. Let π =Spec(π΄/mπ+1) with m the maximal ideal of π΄ and C =C Γ π with π π π π maps π Λβπ and C ΛβC . Suppose the transition maps of (Pic(C )) are surjective (in fact, the π π+1 π π+1 π πβN Mittag-Leο¬er condition would suο¬ce). Then the canonical homomorphism Br(C)β lim Br(C ) ββ π πβN is injective. For the deο¬nition of the Mittag-Leο¬er condition, confer [Wei97], p. 82, Deο¬nition 3.5.6. Proof. Let π΄ be an Azumaya algebra over C which lies in the kernel of the map in this lemma, i.e. such that for every πβN there is an isomorphism π’ :π΄ βΌ=End(π ) (2.1) π π π with ππ a locally free OCπ-module. Such a ππ is uniquely determined by π΄π modulo tensoring with an invertible sheaf πΏ by Lemma 2.7. π Because of surjectivity of the transition maps of (Pic(C )) , one can choose the π , π’ such that the π π πβN π π π and π’ form a projective system: π ππ =ππ+1βOCπ+1 OCπ (2.2) and the isomorphisms (2.1) also form a projective system: Construct the π , π’ inductively. Take π such that π π 0 π΄βOC OC0 βΌ=π΄0 βΌ=End(π0). One has π΄π =π΄βOC OCπ and by Lemma 2.7, there is an invertible sheaf L βPic(C ) such that π π ππ+1βOCπ+1 OCπ βββΌβππβOCπ Lπ. 4 2 BRAUERGROUPS, PICARDGROUPS AND COHOMOLOGY OF Gπ By assumption, there is an invertible sheaf Lπ+1 βPic(Cπ+1) such that Lπ+1βOCπ+1 OCπ βΌ=Lπ, so redeο¬ne ππ+1 as ππ+1βOCπ+1 Lπβ+11. Then (2.2) is satisο¬ed. Let πΛ be the completion of π, and denote by CΛ,π΄Λ,... the base change of C,π΄,... by πΛ βπ. RecallthatanadicNoetherianringπ΄withdeο¬ningidealI isaNoetherianringwithabasisofneighbourhoods of zero of the form Iπ, π>0 such that π΄ is complete and Hausdorο¬ in this topology. For such a ring π΄, there is the formal spectrum Spf(π΄) with underlying space Spec(π΄/I). According to [EGAIII a], p. 150, ThΒ΄eor`eme (5.1.4), to give a projective system (π ,π’ ) on (C ) as 1 π π πβN π πβN in (2.1) and (2.2) is equivalent to giving a locally free module πΛ on CΛand an isomorphism π’Λ:π΄ΛβββΌβEnd(πΛ). (2.3) If π =πΛ, we are done: π΄=π΄Λ is trivial. In the general case, one has to pay attention to the fact that one does not know if, with the preceding construction, πΛ comes from a locally free module π on C. However, there is a locally free module E on C such that there exists an epimorphism EΛβπΛ. Indeed, choosing a projective immersion for CΛ(by projectivity of CΛ/Spec(π΄Λ)) with an ample invertible sheaf O (1), it suο¬ces to take a direct sum of sheaves of the form O (βπ), π β«0. Now, for π β«0, there is an C^ C^ epimorphism Oβπ (cid:16)πΛ(π) for a suitable π βN, so twisting with O (βπ) gives C^ C^ O (βπ)βπ (cid:16)πΛ C^ (βthere are enough vector bundlesβ). Set E =OC(βπ)βπ. Nowconsider,forschemesπβ²overπ,thecontravariantfunctorπΉ :(Sch/π)β β(Set)givenbyπΉ(πβ²)=theset ofpairs(πβ²,πβ²),whereπβ² isaquotientofalocallyfreemoduleEβ² =Eβ πβ² andπβ² :π΄β² =π΄β πβ² βββΌβEnd(πβ²). π π Since π is projective and ο¬at, by [SGA4.3b], p. 133f., Lemme XIII 1.3, one sees that the functor πΉ is representable by a scheme, also denoted πΉ, locally of ο¬nite type over π, hence locally of ο¬nite presentation since ourschemesareNoetherian(whatmattersisthefunctorbeinglocallyofο¬nitepresentation,notitsrepresentability). By assumption of Lemma 2.8 and (2.3), (πΛ,π’Λ) is an element from πΉ(πΛ). By Artin approximation [Art69], p. 26, Theorem (1.10) resp. Theorem (1.12), πΉ(πΛ)ΜΈ=β implies πΉ(π)ΜΈ=β : This proves that π΄ is isomorphic to an algebra of the form End(π) with π locally free over C, so it is trivial as an element of Br(C). Lemma 2.9 (deformation of units). Let π :π΅ (cid:16)π΄ be a surjective ring homomorphism with nilpotent kernel. If π(π) is a unit, so is π. Proof. Let πβπ΅ such that π(π) is a unit. Then there is πβπ΄ with π(π)π=1 . Since π is surjective, there is a π΄ πΒ―βπ΅ such that ππΒ―β1 βker(π), so, as a unit plus a nilpotent element is a unit, ππΒ―is a unit, so π is invertible in π΅ π΅. Lemma 2.10. Let π:π Λβπ be a closed immersion deο¬ned by a nilpotent ideal sheaf. Let F be an Β΄etale sheaf 0 on π. Then there is an isomorphism Hπ(π,F)=Hπ(π ,π*F). 0 Proof. Since π is a homeomorphism on the underlying topological spaces, the open immersion of the complement π :πβπ Λβπ is the empty set. Hence, F βββΌβπ π*F, so there is an isomorphism Hπ(π,F)=Hπ(π,π π*F). 0 * * Since π is exact, the Leray spectral sequence for π degenerates giving Hπ(π,π π*F)=Hπ(π ,π*F). * * 0 Thefollowingisageneralisationof[Gro68],pp.98β104,ThΒ΄eor`eme(3.1)fromthecaseofπ/π withdimπ =2, dimπ =1 to π/π with relative dimension 1. One can remove the assumption dimπ =1 if one uses Artinβs approximation theorem [Art69], p. 26, Theorem (1.10) resp. Theorem (1.12) instead of Greenbergβs theorem on p. 104, l. 4 and l. -2, and replacesβproperβbyβprojectiveβand does some other minor modiο¬cations; also note that in our situation the Brauer group coincides with the cohomological Brauer group by Theorem 2.6 and Theorem 2.4. Theorem 2.11. Let π₯ be a closed point of a variety π and π = Spec(Oβ ) be regular. Let π : C β π be a π,π₯ smooth projective morphism with ο¬bres of dimension β€1 and C regular. Let C ΛβC be the subscheme πβ1(π₯). 0 Then the canonical homomorphism H2(C,G )βH2(C ,G ) π 0 π induced by the closed immersion C ΛβC is bijective. 0 2 BRAUERGROUPS, PICARDGROUPS AND COHOMOLOGY OF Gπ 5 Proof. Note that for C and π, Br, Brβ² and H2(β,G ) are equal since there is an ample sheaf (Theorem 2.4) π by [Liu06], p. 171, Corollary 1.36 and by regularity (Theorem 2.4). Recall the deο¬nition of π and C from Lemma 2.8. There are exact sequences of sheaves on C for every π π 0 πβ₯0 with the closed immersion π :C ΛβC π 0 π 0βF βπ*π+1Gπ,Cπ+1 βπ*πGπ,Cπ β1 (2.4) with F a coherent sheaf on C : Zariski-locally on the source, C βπ is of the form Spec(π΅)βSpec(π΄) and 0 hence C βπ of the form Spec(π΅/mπ+1)βSpec(π΄/mπ+1). There is an exact sequence π π 1β(1+mπ/mπ+1)β(π΅/mπ+1)Γ β(π΅/mπ)Γ β1. By Lemma 2.9, the latter map is surjective since mπ/mπ+1 βπ΅/mπ+1 is nilpotent. Now (1+mπ/mπ+1)βββΌβ mπ/mπ+1 is a coherent sheaf on Spec(π΅), the isomorphism given by 1+π₯+m2 β¦βπ₯+m2 for π₯βm (this is a homomorphism since (1+π₯)(1+π¦)+m2 =1+(π₯+π¦)+m2 for π₯,π¦ βm). The sequences for a Zariski-covering of C glue to an exact sequence of sheaves on C (2.4). 0 0 Therefore, the long exact sequence associated to (2.4) yields H2(C0,F)βH2(C0,π*π+1Gπ,Cπ+1)βH2(C0,π*πGπ,Cπ)βH3(C0,F). Since F is coherent, Hπ (C ,F)=Hπ (C ,F) by [SGA4.2a], VII 4.3. Thus, since dimC β€1, H2(C ,F)= Β΄et 0 Zar 0 0 0 H3(C ,F)=0. Thus we get an isomorphism 0 H2(C0,π*π+1Gπ,Cπ+1)βββΌβH2(C0,π*πGπ,Cπ) Next note that C ΛβC is a closed immersion deο¬ned by a nilpotent ideal sheaf, so by Lemma 2.10 we get 0 π H2(C ,G )βββΌβH2(C ,G ). π+1 π π π Takingtorsion, itfollowsthatBrβ²(C )βββΌβBrβ²(C ), andthenTheorem2.4yieldsthattheBr(C )βBr(C ) π+1 π π+1 π are isomorphisms (in fact, injectivity suο¬ces for the following). Therefore the injectivity of Br(C)βBr(C ) 0 follows from Lemma 2.8. One can apply this in our situation since the transition maps Pic(C )βPic(C ) are π+1 π surjective by [EGAIV e], p. 288, Corollaire (21.9.12). 4 The surjectivity in Theorem 2.11 is shown in a similar way: Take an element of Br(C ), represented by an 0 Azumaya algebra π΄ . As Br(C )βββΌβBr(C ), see above, there is a compatible system of Azumaya algebras π΄ 0 π 0 π on C . Therefore, as above, there is an Azumaya algebra π΄Λ on CΛ. Choose a locally free module E on C such π that there is an epimorphism EΛ(cid:16)π΄Λ and consider the functor πΉ :(Sch/π)β β(Set) deο¬ned by πΉ(πβ²)= the set of pairs (π΅β²,πβ²) where π΅β² is a locally free module of E β πβ² and πβ² a multiplication law on π΅β² which makes it π into an Azumaya algebra. Then πΉ is representable by a scheme locally of ο¬nite type over π (loc. cit.), and the point in πΉ(π₯) (recall that π₯ is the closed point of π) deο¬ned by π΄ gives us a point in πΉ(πΛ), so by Artin 0 approximation [Art69], p. 26, Theorem (1.10) resp. Theorem (1.12) it comes from a point in πΉ(π), which proves surjectivity. Lemma 2.12. Let π be a scheme, β a prime number and π an integer such that cd (π) β€ π. Then β Hπ(π,G )[ββ]=0 if π>π+1, resp. π>π if β is invertible on π. π Proof. If β is invertible on π, the Kummer sequence βπ 1βπ βG βG β1 βπ π π induces a long exact sequence in cohomology, part of which is 0=Hπ+1(π,π )βHπ+1(π,G )ββπ Hπ+1(π,G )βHπ+2(π,π )=0, βπ π π βπ for π > π, i.e. multiplication by βπ induces an isomorphism on Hπ+1(π,G ) for π > π, so the claim π Hπ(π,G )[ββ]=0 for π>π follows. π For general β, one has an exact sequence 1βker(βπ)βG ββπ G βcoker(βπ)β1 π π 6 2 BRAUERGROUPS, PICARDGROUPS AND COHOMOLOGY OF Gπ of Β΄etale sheaves which splits up into 1 (cid:47)(cid:47)ker(βπ) (cid:47)(cid:47)Gπ βπ (cid:47)(cid:47)(cid:59)(cid:59)Gπ (cid:47)(cid:47)coker(βπ) (cid:47)(cid:47)1 (cid:35)(cid:35)(cid:35)(cid:35) (cid:45)(cid:13) im(βπ) By the same argument as in the case β invertible on π, one ο¬nds Hπ(π,G )βββΌβHπ(π,im(βπ)) for π>π, and, π since βπcoker(βπ)=0, Hπ(π,im(βπ))βββΌβHπ(π,G ) for π>π+1. So, altogether π βπ :Hπ(π,G )βββΌβHπ(π,im(βπ))βββΌβHπ(π,G ) π π is injective for π>π+1, and therefore Hπ(π,G )[ββ]=0 for π>π+1. π Lemma 2.13. Let πΆ/πΎ be a projective regular curve over a separably closed ο¬eld. Then Br(πΆ) = Brβ²(πΆ) = H2(πΆ,G )=0. π Proof. OnehasBr(πΆ)=Brβ²(πΆ)=0by[Gro68],p.132,Corollaire(5.8)sinceπΆ isapropercurveoveraseparably closed ο¬eld. Moreover, Theorem 2.4 implies Brβ²(πΆ)=H2(πΆ,G ). π Theorem 2.14. Let π :C βπ be projective and smooth with C and π regular, all ο¬bres of dimension 1 and π a variety. Then Rππ G =0 for π >1. * π Proof. By [SGA4.2a], VIII 5.2, resp. [Mil80], p. 88, III.1.15 one can assume π strictly local and we must prove Hπ(C,G ) = 0 for π > 1. By the proper base change theorem [Mil80], p. 224, Corollary VI.2.7, for torsion π sheaves F on C with restriction F to the closed ο¬bre C , one has restriction isomorphisms 0 0 Hπ(C,F)βHπ(C ,F ). 0 0 Since dimC =1, the latter term vanishes for π>2, and for π>1 if F is π-torsion, where π is the residue ο¬eld 0 characteristic. Therefore cd(C)β€2, and cd (C)β€1. π The relation Hπ(C,G )=0 for π>2 follows from the fact that these groups are torsion by Theorem 2.6(a) and π from Lemma 2.12. It remains to treat the case π=2, i.e. to prove H2(C,G )=0. π If β is invertible on π, then H2(C,G )[ββ]=0 π follows as in the case π > 2. From the Kummer sequence Lemma 2.1 and the inclusion C Λβ C, one gets a 0 commutative diagram with exact rows 0 (cid:47)(cid:47)Pic(C)βQ /Z (cid:47)(cid:47)H2(C,π ) (cid:47)(cid:47)H2(C,G )[ββ] (cid:47)(cid:47)0 β β ββ π βΌ= (cid:15)(cid:15)(cid:15)(cid:15) (cid:15)(cid:15) (cid:15)(cid:15) 0 (cid:47)(cid:47)Pic(C )βQ /Z (cid:47)(cid:47)H2(C ,π ) (cid:47)(cid:47)H2(C ,G )[ββ] (cid:47)(cid:47)0, 0 β β 0 ββ 0 π where the middle vertical arrow is bijective by proper base change [Mil80], p. 224, Corollary VI.2.7, and the ο¬rst vertical arrow is surjective by [EGAIV e], p. 288, Corollaire (21.9.12) and the right exactness of the tensor 4 product. Hence, by the ο¬ve lemma, the right vertical morphism ist bijective, and H2(C,G )[ββ] = 0 since π H2(C ,G )[ββ]=0 by Lemma 2.13. 0 π For general β, one uses Theorem 2.11, which gives us H2(C,G )βββΌβH2(C ,G ), π 0 π and H2(C ,G )=0 by Lemma 2.13. 0 π 2 BRAUERGROUPS, PICARDGROUPS AND COHOMOLOGY OF Gπ 7 Remark 2.15. Note that the diο¬cult Theorem 2.11 is only needed for the π-torsion in Theorem 2.14. Corollary 2.16. In the situation of Theorem 2.14, assume we have locally Noetherian separated schemes with geometrically reduced and connected ο¬bres. Then one has the long exact sequence 0βH1(π,G )βπ* H1(C,G )βH0(π,R1π G )β... π π * π Hπ(π,G )βπ* Hπ(C,G )βHπβ1(π,R1π G )β... π π * π Lemma 2.17. Let π :C βπ be a proper relative curve with π integral and let π· be an irreducible Weil divisor in the generic ο¬bre πΆ of π. Let π·Β― be the closure of π· in C. Then ππ·Β― :π·Β― βπ is a ο¬nite morphism. Proof. Take π· an irreducible Weil divisor in πΆ, i.e. a closed point of πΆ. Then π·Β―/π is ο¬nite of degree deg(π·): π·Β―/π is of ο¬nite type, generically ο¬nite and dominant (since π· lies over the generic point of π) and π·Β― (as a closure of an irreducible set) and π are irreducible, C and π are integral, hence by [Har83], p. 91, Exercise II.3.7 there is a dense open subset π βπ such that π·Β―|π βπ is ο¬nite. Since π|π·Β― :π·Β― βπ is proper (since it factors as a composition of a closed immersion and a proper morphism π·Β― Λβ C βπ π), it suο¬ces to show that it is quasi-ο¬nite. If there is an π₯βπ such that π|β1(π₯) is not ο¬nite, we must have π|β1(π₯)=C , i.e. the whole curve π·Β― π·Β― π₯ as a ο¬bre, since the ο¬bres of π are irreducible. But then π·Β― would have more than one irreducible component, a contradiction. Corollary 2.18. If, in the situation of Corollary 2.16, π has a section π :π βC, one has split short exact sequences π * 0 Hπ(π,G ) Hπ(C,G ) Hπβ1(π,R1π G ) 0 π π* π * π for πβ₯1. In the general case, denote by πΆ/πΎ the generic ο¬bre of C/π, and assume that for every Weil divisor π· in πΆ, π·Β― βC has everywhere the same dimension as π with no embedded components, and denote by πΏ the greatest common divisor of the degrees of Weil divisors on πΆ/πΎ, i.e. the index of πΆ/πΎ. Then one has an exact sequence 0βπΎ βH2(π,G )βπ* H2(C,G )βH1(π,R1π G )βπΎ β0, 2 π π * π 3 where πΎ =ker(Hπ(π,G )βπ* Hπ(C,G )) are Abelian groups annihilated by πΏ whose prime-to-π torsion is ο¬nite. π π π Proof. The ο¬rst assertion is obvious from the previous Corollary 2.16 and the existence of a section. For the second claim, take an irreducible Weil divisor π· in πΆ. Then ππ·Β― : π·Β― β π is a ο¬nite morphism by Lemma 2.17. We have the commutative diagram π·Β―(cid:31)(cid:127) π (cid:47)(cid:47)C π π|π·Β― (cid:32)(cid:32) (cid:15)(cid:15) π. By the Leray spectral sequence, we have that Hπ(π·Β―,Gπ)=Hπ(π,π|π·Β―,*Gπ) as π|π·Β― is ο¬nite, hence exact for the Β΄etale topology, see [Mil80], p. 72, Corollary II.3.6. If π|π·Β― is also ο¬at, by ο¬nite locally freeness we have a norm map π|π·Β―,*Gπ βGπ whose composite with the inclusion Gπ βπ|π·Β―,*Gπ is the πΏ-th power map. If not, there is still a norm map since π is ο¬at in codimension 1 since π·Β― has everywhere the same dimension as π with no embedded components, so one can take the norm there, which then will land in G as π is normal. π Wehaveπ|π·Β―*βπ*βπ* =π|π·Β―*βπ|*π·Β― =deg(π·),soker(π* :H*(π,Gπ)βH*(C,Gπ))isannihilatedbydeg(π·) for all π·, hence by the index πΏ. Now the ο¬niteness of the prime-to-π part of the πΎ follows from Theorem 2.6. π In the following, assume π is smooth (automatically projective since C,π are projective varieties), with all geometric ο¬bres integral and of dimension 1, and that it has a section π : π β C. Assume further that π*OC =Oπ holds universally and π is cohomologically ο¬at in dimension 0. This holds, e.g., if π is a ο¬at proper morphism of locally Noetherian separated schemes with geometrically connected ο¬bres. We recall some deο¬nitions from [FGI+05], p. 252, Deο¬nition 9.2.2. 8 3 THENEΒ΄RONMODEL Definition 2.19. The relative Picard functor Pic on the category of (locally Noetherian) π-schemes is π/π deο¬ned by Pic (π):=Pic(πΓ π)/pr*Pic(π). Its associated sheaves in the Zariski, Β΄etale and fppf topology π/π π 2 are denoted by Pic , Pic and Pic . π/π,Zar π/π,Β΄et π/π,fppf Now we come to the representability of the relative Picard functor by a group scheme, whose connected component of unity is an Abelian scheme. Theorem 2.20. PicC/π is represented by a separated smooth π-scheme PicC/π locally of ο¬nite type. Pic0C/π is represented by an Abelian π-scheme Pic0 . For every π/π, C/π 0βPic(π)βPic(C Γπ π)βPicC/π(π)β0 is exact. Proof. Since π has a section π :π βC and π*OC =Oπ holds universally, by [FGI+05], p. 253, Theorem 9.2.5 βΌ βΌ βΌ PicC/π βββPicC/π,Zar βββPicC/π,Β΄et βββPicC/π,fppf. Since π is projective and ο¬at with geometrically integral ο¬bres, by [FGI+05] p. 263, Theorem 9.4.8, PicC/π exists, is separated and locally of ο¬nite type over π and represents PicC/π,Β΄et. Since π is Noetherian and C/π projective, by loc. cit., PicC/π is a disjoint union of open subschemes, each an increasing union of open quasi-projective π-schemes. By [BLR90], p. 259f., Proposition 4, Pic0 /π is an Abelian scheme (this uses C/π that C/π is a relative curve or an Abelian scheme). The last assertion of Theorem 2.20 follows from [BLR90], p. 204, Proposition 4. 3 The NΒ΄eron model Lemma 3.1. Let π΄ be a regular local ring. Then π΄ββ Quot(π΄)=Quot(π΄β) and π΄π ββ Quot(π΄)=Quot(π΄π β). π΄ π΄ Proof. By [Mil80], p. 38, Remark 4.11, π΄π β is the localisation at a maximal ideal lying over the maximal ideal m of π΄ of the integral closure of π΄ in (Quot(π΄)sep)πΌ with πΌ βGal(Quot(π΄)sep/Quot(π΄)) the inertia subgroup. Pick an element πβπ΄π β. It is a root of a monic polynomial π(π)βπ΄[π], which we can assume to be monic irreducible since π΄ is a regular local ring and hence factorial by [Mat86], p 163, Theorem 20.3, and hence π΄[π] is factorial by [Mat86], p. 168, Exercise 20.2. Since π΄ is factorial and π β π΄[π] is irreducible, by the lemma of GauΓ[Bos03], p.64, Korollar6, π isalsoirreducibleoverQuot(π΄). Henceπ΄[π]β Quot(π΄)=Quot(π΄)[π]/(π(π)) π΄ is a ο¬eld, and π΄π ββ Quot(π΄) is a directed colimit of ο¬elds since tensor products commute with colimits, and π΄ hence itself a ο¬eld, namely Quot(π΄π β). Now note that localisation does not change the quotient ο¬eld. The proof for π΄β is the same: Just replace the inertia group by the decomposition group. Lemma 3.2. Let π be a locally Noetherian scheme, π :π βπ be a proper ο¬at morphism and E a locally free sheaf on π. Then the Euler characteristic βοΈ πE(π )= (β1)πdimHπ(ππ ,Eπ ) πβ₯0 is locally constant on π. Proof. See [EGAIII c], p. 76f., ThΒ΄eor`eme (7.9.4). 2 Theorem 3.3 (The NΒ΄eron model). Let π be a regular, Noetherian, integral, separated scheme, and π :{π}Λβπ the inclusion of the generic point. Let π/π be a smooth projective variety with geometrically integral ο¬bres that admits a section such that its Picard functor is representable (e.g., π/π a smooth projective curve admitting a section or an Abelian scheme). Then Pic βββΌβπ π*Pic as sheaves on π , the smooth site. Let A/π be π/π * π/π sm an Abelian scheme. Then A βββΌβπ π*A * as sheaves on π . sm The theorem says that an Abelian scheme and a Picard scheme is the NΒ΄eron model of its generic ο¬bre. 3 THENEΒ΄RONMODEL 9 Proof. The main idea for injectivity is to use the separatedness of our schemes, and the main idea for surjectivity is that Weil divisors spread out and that the Picard group equals the Weil divisor class group by regularity. We ο¬rst prove everything for sheaves on the Β΄etale site on π. Let π :Pic βπ π*Pic be the natural map of Β΄etale sheaves induced by adjointness. Let π Β―βπ be a π/π * π/π geometric point. We have to show that (coker(π)) =0=(ker(π)) . π Β― π Β― Taking stalks and using [EGAIV d], p. 52, Proposition 8.14.2, we get the following commutative diagram: 3 Pic (Oπ β) π (cid:47)(cid:47)Pic (Quot(Oπ β)) (cid:47)(cid:47)(cid:47)(cid:47)(coker(π)) π/π(cid:79)(cid:79)(cid:79)(cid:79) π,π π/π (cid:79)(cid:79)(cid:79)(cid:79) π,π π Β― Pic(πΓ Oπ β) (cid:47)(cid:47)Pic(πΓ Quot(Oπ β)) (cid:79)(cid:79)(cid:79)(cid:79) π π,π π (cid:79)(cid:79)(cid:79)(cid:79) π,π Div(πΓ Oπ β) (cid:47)(cid:47)Div(πΓ Quot(Oπ β)) π π,π π π,π Note that Oπ β is a domain since it is regular as a strict Henselisation of a regular local ring by [Fu11], π,π p. 111, Proposition 2.8.18. By [EGAIV d], p. 52, Proposition 8.14.2, one has (Pic ) =Pic (Oπ β) and 3 π/π π Β― π/π π,π (π*π*Picπ/π)π Β―=Picπ/π(Oππ β,π βOπ,π πΎ(π)). Butforaregularlocalringπ΄,onehasπ΄π ββπ΄Quot(π΄)=Quot(π΄π β) by Lemma 3.1. By [Har83], p. 145, Corollary II.6.16, one has a surjection from Div to Pic since π is Noetherian, integral, separated and locally factorial. By Theorem 2.20, the upper vertical arrows are surjective (under the assumption that π/π has a section). But here, the lower horizontal map is surjective: A preimage under π:π Γ Quot(Oπ β)βπ Γ Oπ β of π π,π π π,π π· β Div(π Γ Quot(Oπ β)) is π·Β― β Div(π Γ Oπ β), the closure taken in π Γ Oπ β. In fact, note that π· is π π,π π π,π π π,π closed in πΓ Quot(Oπ β) since it is a divisor; the closure of an irreducible subset is irreducible again, and the π π,π codimension is also 1 since the codimension is the dimension of the local ring at the generic point π of π·, and π· the local ring of π in πΓ Quot(Oπ β) is the same as the local ring of π in πΓ Oπ β as it is the colimit of π· π π,π π· π π,π the global sections taken for all open neighbourhoods of π . Hence (coker(π)) =0. π· π Β― For (ker(π)) =0, consider the diagram π Β― Spec(cid:106)Quo(cid:127)t(cid:95) (Oππ β,π ) (cid:47)(cid:47)(cid:51)(cid:51)P(cid:63)(cid:63)icπ/π (cid:74) (cid:119)(cid:119) SpecO (cid:39)(cid:39) (cid:15)(cid:15) (cid:15)(cid:15) SpecOπ β (cid:47)(cid:47)π. π,π We want to show that a lift SpecOπ β β Pic of SpecQuot(Oπ β) β Pic is unique. As Pic /π is π,π π/π π,π π/π π/π separated,thisistrueforallvaluationringsO βQuot(Oπ β)bythevaluativecriterionofseparatedness[EGAIIb], π,π p. 142, Proposition (7.2.3). But by [Mat86], p. 72, Theorem 10.2, every local ring (Oπ β) is dominated by π,π p a valuation ring O of Quot(Oπ β). It follows from the valuative criterion for separatedness that the lift is π,π topologically unique. Assume π,πβ² are two lifts. Now cover Pic /π by open aο¬nes π =Specπ΄ and their π/π π π preimages πβ1(π )=πβ²β1(π ) by standard open aο¬nes {π·(π )} . π π ππ π π΄ π (cid:117)(cid:117) Oπππ (cid:100)(cid:100) πβ²#π# (cid:50) (cid:82) (cid:4)(cid:4) (cid:4)(cid:4) (Oπ β) π,π πππ 10 4 THETATE-SHAFAREVICHGROUP It follows that π=πβ². Now we prove the last statement of the theorem for Abelian schemes, so one can deduce the statement for Abelian varieties by noting that A =(Aβ¨)β¨ =Pic0 . Aβ¨/π We want to show that Pic0 (πβ²)βPic0 (πβ²) (3.1) π/π π/π π is bijective for any Β΄etale π-scheme πβ². First note that such an πβ² is regular, so its connected components are integral, and πβ² is the disjoint union of π the generic points of the connected components of πβ², so we can replace π βπ with the restrictions of the base change πβ² βπβ² over each connected component of πβ² separately to reduce to checking for πβ² =π. For any section π β Pic , since π is connected and Picπ is open and closed in Pic by [SGA6], π/π π/π π/π p. 647f., exp. XIII, ThΒ΄eor`eme 4.7, the preimage of Picπ under the section is open and closed in π, hence π/π empty or π. Thus, if even a single point of π is carried into Picπ under the section, then the whole of π is. π/π More generally, when using πβ²-valued points of Pic for any Β΄etale π-scheme πβ², such a point lands in Picπ π/π π/π if and only if some point in each connected component of πβ² does, such as the generic point of each connected component πβ². π This proves the statement in (3.1) for Pic0 replaced by Picπ , and hence for Pic0 in cases where it π/π π/π π/π coincides with Picπ (i.e., when the geometric ο¬bers have component group for Pic βi.e., NΒ΄eron-Severi π/π π/π groupβthat is torsion-free, e.g. for Abelian schemes or curves). The NΒ΄eron mapping property for smooth π-schemes πβ² follows formally. Since πβ² βπ is smooth, πβ² is regular as well and its generic points lie over π. Since an πβ²-point of Pic is the same as an πβ²-point of Pic , an π/π πβ²/πβ² πβ²-point extends uniquely to an πβ²-point. π 4 The Tate-Shafarevich group 4.1 Comparison with the classical definition The main theorem of this subsection is Theorem 4.5, which shows that our deο¬nition of the Tate-Shafarevich group is analogous to the classical deο¬nition. Lemma 4.26 gives an even more direct connection to the classical case, involving completions instead of Henselisations. Proposition 4.1. Let π be integral and A/π be an Abelian scheme over π regular, Noetherian and separated. Then Hπ(π,A) is torsion for π>0. Proof. Consider the Leray spectral sequence for the inclusion π :{π}Λβπ of the generic point Hπ(π,Rππ π*A)βHπ+π(π,π*A). * Calculation modulo the Serre subcategory of torsion sheaves, and exploiting the fact that Galois cohomology groups are torsion in dimension >0, and therefore also the higher direct images Rππ π*A are torsion sheaves * by [Mil80], p. 88, Proposition III.1.13, the spectral sequence degenerates modulo the Serre subcategory of torsion sheaves giving Hπ(π,π π*A)=πΈπ,0 =πΈπ =Hπ(π,π*A)=0 * 2 for π>0 modulo torsion. Because of the NΒ΄eron mapping property we have Hπ(π,A)βββΌβHπ(π,π π*A), which * ο¬nishes the proof. Definition 4.2. Deο¬ne the Tate-Shafarevich group of an Abelian scheme A/π by X(A/π)=H1 (π,A). Β΄et Remark4.3. Notethatifπ΄isanAbelianvarietyoveraglobalο¬eldπΎ,X(π΄/πΎ)isnot theusualTate-Shafarevich group of π΄ over πΎ. One rather has to choose a NΒ΄eron model A over a model π of πΎ. Theorem 4.4. Let π be regular, Noetherian, integral and separated and let A be an Abelian scheme over π. For π₯βπ, denote the function ο¬eld of π by πΎ, the quotient ο¬eld of the strict Henselisation of O by πΎππ, the π,π₯ π₯ inclusion of the generic point by π :{π}Λβπ and let π :Spec(πΎππ)ΛβSpec(Oπ β )Λβπ be the composition. π₯ π₯ π,π₯ Then we have H1(π,A)βββΌβker(οΈH1(πΎ,π*A)β βοΈ H1(πΎππ,π*A))οΈ. π₯ π₯ π₯βπ