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ON THE SUBCLASSES ASSOCIATED WITH THE BESSEL-STRUVE KERNEL FUNCTIONS ∗ SAIFUL R. MONDAL , AL DHUAIN MOHAMMED Abstract. The article investigate the necessary and sufficient conditions for the nor- malized Bessel-struve kernel functions belonging to the classes λ(α) , λ(α). Some T L linear operators involving the Bessel-Struve operator are also considered. 6 1 0 1. Introduction 2 n In this article we will consider the class of all analytic functions defined in the unit a disk D = z C : z < 1 . Suppose thatH is the subclass of consisting of function J which are{nor∈malize|d|by f(}0) = 0 = f (0) A1 and also univalent iHn U. Thus each function 6 ′ − 2 f posses the power series ∈ A ] ∞ V f(z) = z + a zn. (1) n C n=2 X h. We also consider the subclass of consisting of the function have the power series as J H t a ∞ m f(z) = z b zn, b > 0. (2) n n − [ n=2 X 0v1 gT(hze) H=azda+mar∞nd=2prbonzdnuc∈t H(oriscodnevfionleudtioans) of two function f(z) = z +P∞n=2anzn ∈ H and 6 1 P (f g)(z) = z + ∞ a b zn,z D. 7 ∗ n n ∈ 0 n=2 X 1. Dixit and Pal [14] introduced the subclass τ(A,B) consisting the function f which R ∈ H 0 satisfies the inequality 6 1 f (z) 1 ′ : − < 1, v (A B)τ B[f (z) 1] i (cid:12) − − ′ − (cid:12) X for τ C 0 and 1 B(cid:12)(cid:12)< A 1. The class τ(A(cid:12)(cid:12),B) is the generalization of many r well k∈nown\{su}bclasse−s, f≤or ex(cid:12)ampl≤e, if τ = 1 and AR= (cid:12) B = α [0,1), then τ(A,B) is a − ∈ R the subclass of H which consist the functions satisfying the inequality ff′′((zz))+−11 < α which was studied by Padmanabhan [14], Caplinger and Causey [6] and m(cid:12)any oth(cid:12)ers. If the (cid:12) (cid:12) function f of the form (1) belong to the class τ(A,B), then (cid:12) (cid:12) R (A B) τ a − | |, n N. (3) n | | ≤ n ∈ The bounds given in (3) is sharp. 2010 Mathematics Subject Classification. 30C45. Keywordsandphrases. Bessel-struveoperator,Starlikefunction,convexfunction,Hadamardproduct . Corresponding authors. ∗ 1 2 SAIFULR. MONDAL∗ , AL DHUAINMOHAMMED In this article we will consider two well-known subclass of and denoted as (α) and λ H T (α). The function f in the subclass (α) satisfy the analytic criteria λ λ L T zf (z)+λz2f (z) ′ ′′ (α) := f : Re > α , λ T ∈ A (1 λ)f(z)+λzf (z) (cid:26) (cid:18) − ′ (cid:19) (cid:27) while f (α) have the analytic characterization as λ ∈ L λz3f (z)+(1+2λ)z2f (z)+zf (z) ′′′ ′′ ′ (α) := f : Re > α . λ L ∈ A zf (z)+λz2f (z) (cid:26) (cid:18) ′ ′′ (cid:19) (cid:27) Here z D, 0 α < 1 and 0 λ < 1. For more details about this classes and it’s ∈ ≤ ≤ generalization see [1–3, 17] and references therein. The sufficient coefficient condition by which a function f as defined in (1) belongs to the class (α) is λ ∈ A T ∞ (nλ λ+1)(n α) a 1 α, (4) n − − | | ≤ − n=2 X and f is in (α) is λ L ∞ n(nλ λ+1)(n α) a 1 α. (5) n − − | | ≤ − n=2 X The significance of the class (α) and (α) is that, it will reduce to some classical λ λ subclass of for specific choicTe of λ. ForLexample, if λ = 0, (α) = S (α) is the class of λ ∗ all starlike fHunctions of order α with respect to the origin anTd (α) = C(α) is the class λ L of all starlike functions of order α. Denote (α) = (α) and (α) = (α) . Then (4) and (5) are respectively Tλ∗ Tλ ∩J L∗λ Lλ ∩J the necessary and sufficient condition for any f is in (α) and (α). ∈ J Tλ∗ L∗λ Bessel and Struve functions arise in many problems of applied mathematics and math- ematical physics. The properties of these functions were studied by many researchers in the past years from many different point of views. Recently the Bessel-Struve kernel and the so-called Bessel-Struve intertwining operator have been the subject of some research from the point of view of the operator theory, see [9–11] and the references therein. The Bessel-Struve kernel function S is defined by the series ν Γ(ν +1)Γ n+1 S (z) = 2 zn, ν √πn!Γ n +ν +1 n 0 2 (cid:0) (cid:1) X≥ where ν > 1. This function is a particular c(cid:0)ase when(cid:1)λ = 1 of the unique solution 1 − S (λx) of the initial value problem ν λ Γ(ν +1) L u(z) = λ2u(z), u(0) = 1,u(0) = 1 , ν 1 ′ √πΓ(ν + 3) 2 where for ν > 1/2 the expression L stands for the Bessel-Struve operator defined by ν − d2u 2ν +1 du du L u(z) = (z)+ (z) (0) ν dz2 x dz − dz (cid:18) (cid:19) with an infinitely differentiable function u on R. Motivated by the results connecting various subclasses with the Bessel functions [4, 12], the Struve functions [13, 18], the hypergeometric function and the Confluent hypergeo- metric functions [7, 16], in Section 2 we obtain several conditions by which the normalized Bessel-Struve kernel functions zS is the member of (α) and (α). Also determined ν λ λ T L the condition for which z(2 S (z)) (α) and z(2 S (z)) (α). − ν ∈ Tλ∗ − ν ∈ L∗λ ON THE SUBCLASSES ASSOCIATED WITH THE BESSEL-STRUVE KERNEL FUNCTIONS 3 2. Main Result 2.1. Inclusion properties of the Bessel-Struve functions. Forconvenience through- out in the sequel , we use the following notations ∞ zS (z) = z + c (ν)zn, (6) ν n 1 − n=2 X and ∞ Φ(z) = z(2 S (z)) = z c (ν)zn, (7) ν n 1 − − − n=2 X Γ(ν+1)Γ(n+1) where c (ν) = 2 . n √πn!Γ(n+ν+1) 2 Further from (6) a calculation yield ∞ z2S (z)+zS (z) = z + nc (ν)zn. (8) ν′ ν n 1 − n=2 X A differentiation of both side of (8) two times with respect to z, gives ∞ z3S (z)+3z2S (z)+zS (z) = z + n2c (ν)zn, (9) ν′′ ν′ ν n 1 − n=2 X and ∞ z4S (z)+6z3S (z)+7z2S (z)+zS = z + n3c (ν)zn. (10) ν′′′ ν′′ ν′ ν n 1 − n=2 X Now we will state and proof our main results. Theorem 2.1. For ν > 1/2 and 0 α,λ < 1, let − ≤ λS (1)+(1 λα)S (1)+(1 α)S (1) 2(1 α). (11) ν′′ − ν′ − ν ≤ − Then the normalized Bessel-Struve function zS (z) (α). ν λ ∈ T Proof. Consider the identity ∞ zS (z) = z + c (ν)zn. ν n 1 − n=2 X Then by virtue of (4) it is enough to show that F(n,λ,α) 1 α, where ≤ − ∞ F(n,λ,α) := (nλ λ+1)(n α)c (ν) n 1 − − − n=2 X The right hand side expression of F(n,λ,α) can be rewrite as ∞ ∞ ∞ F(n,λ,α) = λ n2c (ν)+(1 λ(1+α)) nc (ν)+α(λ 1) c (ν). (12) n 1 n 1 n 1 − − − − − n=2 n=2 n=2 X X X 4 SAIFULR. MONDAL∗ , AL DHUAINMOHAMMED Now for z = 1, it is evident from (6)– (9) that | | ∞ S (1) = 1+ znc (ν), ν n 1 − n=2 X ∞ S (1)+S (1) = 1+ nc (ν), ν′ ν n 1 − n=2 X ∞ S (1)+3S (1)+S (1) = 1+ n2znc (ν). ν′′ ν′ ν n 1 − n=2 X Thus (12) reduce to F(n,λ,α) = λS (1)+(1 λα+2λ)S (1)+(1 α)(S (1) 1). ν′′ − ν′ − ν − and is bounded above by 1 α if (11) holds. Thus the proof is completed. (cid:3) − Corollary 2.1. The normalized Bessel-Struve kernel function is starlike of order α ∈ [0,1) with respect to origin if S (1)+(1 α)S (1) 2(1 α). ν′ − ν ≤ − Theorem 2.2. For ν > 1/2 and 0 α,λ < 1, suppose that − ≤ λS (1)+(5λ+1 λα)S (1)+(4λ 2λα α+3)S (1)+(1 α)S (1) 2(1 α). ν′′′ − ν′′ − − ν′ − ν ≤ − (13) Then the normalized Bessel-Struve function zS (α). ν λ ∈ L Proof. By virtue of (5), it suffices to prove that G(n,λ,α) 1 α, where ≤ − ∞ G(n,λ,α) = n(nλ λ+1)(n α)c (ν) n 1 − − − n=2 X ∞ ∞ ∞ = λ n3c (ν)+(1 λ(1+α)) n2c (ν)+α(λ 1) nc (ν). n 1 n 1 n 1 − − − − − n=2 n=2 n=2 X X X For z = 1 and using (8)-(10), it follows that | | G(n,λ,α) = λ(S (1)+7S (1)+6S (1)+S (1) 1) ν′′′ ν′′ ν′ ν − +(1 λ(1+α))(S (1)+3S (1)+S (1) 1)+α(λ 1)(S (1)+S (1) 1) − ν′′ ν′ ν − − ν′ ν − = λS (1)+(5λ+1 λα)S (1)+(4λ 2λα α+3)S (1)+(1 α)(S (1) 1) ν′′′ − ν′′ − − ν′ − γ,β − which is bounded above by 1 α if (13) holds, and hence the conclusion. (cid:3) − Corollary 2.2. The normalized Bessel-Struve kernel function is convex of of order α ∈ [0,1) if S (1)+(3 α)S (1)+(1 α)S (1) 2(1 α). ν′′ − ν′ − ν ≤ − Remark 2.1. The condition (11) is necessary and sufficient for z(2 S (z)) (α), ν ∗ − ∈ T while z(2 S (z)) (α) if and only if the condition (13) hold. ν ∗ − ∈ L 2.2. Operators involving the Bessel-Struve functions and its inclusion proper- ties. In this section we considered the linear operator : defined by ν J A → A ∞ f(z) = zS (z) f(z) = z + c (ν)a zn, ν ν n 1 n J ∗ − n=2 X In the next result we will study the action of the Bessel-struve operator on the class τ(A,B). R ON THE SUBCLASSES ASSOCIATED WITH THE BESSEL-STRUVE KERNEL FUNCTIONS 5 Theorem 2.3. Suppose that ν > 1 and f τ(A,B). For α,λ (0,1], if −2 ∈ R ∈ (A B) τ λS (1)+(1 λα+2λ)S (1)+(1 α)(S (1) 1) 1 α, (14) − | |{ ν′′ − ν′ − ν − ≤ − then (f) (α). ν λ J ∈ L Proof. Let f be of the form (1) belong to the class τ(A,B). By virtue of the inequality R (5) it suffices to show that G(n,λ,α) 1 α. ≤ − It follows from (3) that the coefficient a for each f τ(A,B) satisfy the inequality n ∈ R a (A B) τ /n, and hence n | | ≤ − | | ∞ G(n,λ,α) (A B) τ (nλ λ+1)(n α)c (ν) n 1 ≤ − | | − − − n=2 X ∞ ∞ = (A B) τ λ n2c (ν)+(1 λ(1+α)) nc (ν) n 1 n 1 − | | − − − n=2 n=2 X X ∞ +α(λ 1) c (ν) n 1 − − ! n=2 X Using (8) and (9), the right hand side of the above inequality reduce to G(n,λ,α) = (A B) τ λ(S (1)+3S (1)+S (1) 1) − | |{ ν′′ ν′ ν − +(1 λ(1+α))(S (1)+S (1) 1)+α(λ 1)(S (1) 1) − ν′ ν − − ν − } = (A B) τ λS (1)+(2λ λα+1)S (1)+(1 α)(S (1) 1) − | |{ ν′′ − ν′ − ν − } It is evident from the hypothesis 14 that G(n,λ,α) is bounded above by 1 α and hence − (cid:3) the conclusion. z Theorem 2.4. For ν > 1/2, let (z) := (2 S (t))dt. Then for α,λ (0,1], the − Qν 0 − ν ∈ operator (α) if and only if Qν ∈ L∗λ R λS (1)+(2λ λα+1)S (1)+(1 α)S (1) 2(1 α). (15) ν′′ − ν′ − ν ≤ − Proof. Note that ∞ zn (z) = z c (ν) . ν n 1 Q − − n n=2 X It is enough to show that ∞ cn 1(ν) n(nλ λ+1)(n α) − 1 α. − − n ≤ − n=2 (cid:18) (cid:19) X Since ∞ cn 1(ν) ∞ n(nλ λ+1)(n α) − = (nλ λ+1)(n α)cn 1(ν), − − n − − − n=2 (cid:18) (cid:19) n=2 X X proceeding as the proof of Theorem 2.1, we get ∞ cn 1(ν) n(nλ−λ+1)(n−α) −n = λSν′′(1)+(2λ−λα+1)Sν′(1)+(1−α)Sν(1), n=2 (cid:18) (cid:19) X which is bounded above by 1 α if and only if (15) (cid:3) − 6 SAIFULR. MONDAL∗ , AL DHUAINMOHAMMED References [1] Altınta¸s, O. On a subclass of certain starlike functions with negative coefficients, Math. Japon. 36 (1991), no. 3, 489–495. [2] Altınta¸s, O. and Owa, S. Neighborhoods of certain analytic functions with negative coefficients, Internat. J. Math. Math. Sci. 19 (1996), no. 4, 797–800. [3] Altinta¸s, O. O˝zkan, O˝. and Srivastava, H. M. Neighborhoods of a class of analytic functions with negative coefficients, Appl. Math. Lett. 13 (2000), no. 3, 63–67. [4] Baricz, A. 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