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ON THE STRUCTURE OF GOLDIE 6 1 MODULES 0 2 n a Jaime Castro P´erez∗ J Escuela de Ingenier´ıa y Ciencias, Instituto Tecnol´ologico y de 3 1 Estudios Superiores de Monterrey ] Calle del Puente 222, Tlalpan, 14380, M´exico D.F., M´exico. A R Mauricio Medina B´arcenas† Jos´e R´ıos Montes‡ h. Angel Zald´ıvar§ t a Instituto de Matem´aticas, Universidad Nacional m Auto´noma de M´exico [ Area de la Investigacio´n Cient´ıfica, Circuito Exterior, C.U., 1 v 04510, M´exico D.F., M´exico. 4 4 4 January 15, 2016 3 0 . 1 0 6 Abstract 1 : v Given a semiprime Goldie module M projective in σ[M] we study i X decompositions on its M-injective hull M in terms of the minimal r prime in M submodules. With this, we characterize the semiprime a Goldie modules in Z-Mod and make a deccomposition of the endomor- phism ring of M. Also, we investigate the relations among semiprime Goldie modules, QI-modules and co-semisimple modules extending results on leftcQI-rings and V-rings. ∗[email protected],correspondingauthor †[email protected][email protected] §[email protected] 1 1 Introduction and preliminars In this paper we study in a deeper way the Goldie modules structure. Goldie Modules where introduce in [3] as a generalization of left Goldie ring. A Goldie module is such that it satisfies ACC on left annihilators and has fi- nite uniform dimension. In [2] are studied, in general modules which satisfy ACC on left annihilators; in this article the authors show that a module M projective in σ[M] and semiprime which satisfies ACC on left annihilators has finitely many minimal prime submodules [2, Theorem 2.2]. Using this fact, if M is a semiprime Goldie module projective in σ[M] we study in this manuscript the relation between the M-injective hull of M and the M- injective hulls of the factor modules given by the minimal prime submodules of M. We prove in Corollary 2.7.1 that the M-injective hull is isomorphic to the direct sum of the M-injective hulls of the factor modules given by the minimal prime submodules of M. Moreover the summands of this decompo- sition are homological independent. In [3, Proposition 2.25] is proved that if M is a semiprime Goldie module projective in σ[M] with P ,...,P its minimal prime submodules the each 1 n M/P is a prime Goldie module. With that, we prove in Theorem 2.19 that i the endomorphism ring of the M-injective hull of M is a direct product of simple artinian rings and each simple artinian ring is a right quotient ring. Weinvestigatewhenaquasi-injectivemoduleinσ[M]isinjectiveprovided M is a semiprime Goldie module, this in order to prove when a semiprime Goldie module is a QI-module and generalize some results given by Faith in [9]. Talking about QI-modules arise co-semisimple modules. We give some results on co-semisimple Goldie modules, we show that every indecompos- able injective summand of the M-injective hull of a co-semisimple Goldie module is FI-simple Proposition 4.11, also we see that every co-semisimple prime Goldie module is FI-simple Proposition 4.6. This gives as consequence that if M is a co-semisimple module then M has finitely many prime sub- modules and every factor M/N with N a fully invariant submodule of M is a semiprime Goldie module. We organized the content of this paper as follows: Fist section is this introduction and the necessary preliminars for the develop of this theory. Secondsectionconcernstogivesomeresultsonthestructureofsemiprime Goldiemodules, wedothisshowing somedecompositionsintheirM-injective hulls. Also, we show examples of semiprime Goldie modules and characterize 2 all of them in Z-Mod. Insectionthreewestudyquasi-injectivemodulesinσ[M]andQI-modules. We give conditions on a semiprime Goldie module in order to every quasi- injective module to be injective in σ[M]. Also at the end of this section we give some observations on hereditary semirime Goldie modules. The last section describe co-semisimple Goldie modules, here is shown that a co-semisimple Goldie module is isomorphic to a direct product of prime Goldie FI-simple modules. ThroughthispaperRwilldenoteanassociativeringwithunitaryelement and all R-modules are left unital modules. R-Mod denotes the category of left R-modules. Fora submodule N of a moduleM we write N ≤ M if N is a propersubmodule we just writeN < M andif itisessential N ≤ M. Afully e invariant submodule N of M, denoted N ≤ M is a such that f(N) ≤ N FI for all f ∈ End (M). When a module has no nonzero fully invariant proper R submodules it is called FI-simple. Remember that if M is an R-module, σ[M] denotes the full subcategory R of R-Mod consisting of those modules M-subgenerated (see [16]). To give a better develop of the content, for X an R-module and K ∈ σ[X] we will denote by E[X](K) the X-injective hull of K. When X = K we just write E[X](X) = X. A module X ∈ σ[M] is called M-singular if there exists a exact sequence b 0 → K → L → X → 0 such that K ≤ L. Every module N in σ[M] has a largest M-singular e submodule Z(N), if Z(N) = 0 then we say that N is non M-singular. Given two submodules N,K ≤ M, in [10] is defined the product of N and K in M as N K = {f(N)|f ∈ Hom (M,K)} M R X In [6, Proposition 1.3] can be found some proprieties of this product. In general, this product is not associative but if M is projective in σ[M] it is [1, Proposition 5.6]. Moreover Lemma 1.1. Let M be projective in σ[M]. Let K ≤ M and {X } a family i I of modules in σ[M]. Then K X = (K X ) M i M i ! I X X 3 Proof. By [6, Proposition 1.3] we have that (K X ) ≤ K ( X ). M i M I i Now, letf : M → X . Wehave acanonical epimorphism g : X → I i P P I i X . Since M is projective in σ[M] there exist {f : M → X } such that I i P i i I L g ◦ f = f. Hence P I i L f(K) = (g ◦ f )(K) = f (K) ≤ (K X ) i i M i I M X X Thus K ( X ) ≤ (K X ). M I i M i WiththPisproduct,Pin[13]and[14]theauthorsdefineprimeandsemiprime submodule respectively in the following way Definition 1.2. Let M be an R-module and P ≤ M. It is said P is a FI prime submodule in M if whenever N K ≤ P with N and K fully invariant M submodules of M then N ≤ P or K ≤ P. If 0 is prime in M we say M is a prime module. Definition 1.3. Let M be an R-module and N ≤ M. It is said N is a FI semiprime submodule in M if whenever K K ≤ P with K a fully invariant M submodules of M then K ≤ P. If 0 is semiprime in M we say M is a semiprime module. Given K,X ∈ σ[M], the annihilator of K in X is defined as Ann (K) = {Ker(f)|f ∈ Hom (X,K) X R \ This submodule has the propriety that is the greatest submodule of X such that Ann (K) K = 0. If we consider K ≤ M with M projective in σ[M] M X then can be defined the right annihilator of K as Annr (K) = {L ≤ M|K L = 0} M M X In [2, Remark 1.15] is proved that Annr (K) is a fully invariant submodule M of M and is the greatest submodule of M such that K Annr (K) = 0. One M M advantageofworkingwithsemiprimemodulesisthatAnn (K) = Annr (K) M M for all K ≤ M ( [2, Proposition 1.16]). Following [4] 4 Definition 1.4. Let M ∈ R−Mod. We call a left annihilator in M a submodule A = {Ker(f)|f ∈ X} X for some X ⊆ End (M). \ R As we mentioned before, in [2, Theorem 2.2] was proved that a semiprime moduleM projectiveinσ[M]andwhichsatisfiesACConleftannihilatorshas finitely many minimal prime submodules; call these P ,...,P . The minimal 1 n primes gives a decomposition of M in the following way M = E[M](Nc1)⊕···⊕E[M](Nn) where Ni = AnnM(Pi)c. In the next section we present a decomposition of M equivalent to the last one in the sense of Krull-Remak-Schmidt, using the M-injective hulls of M/P . c i 2 A Decomposition of a Goldie Module Lemma 2.1. Let M be projective in σ[M] and semiprime. Suppose M sat- isfies ACC on left annihilators and P ,...,P are the minimal prime in M 1 n submodules. If N = Ann (P ) for each 1 ≤ i ≤ n then N is a pseudocom- i M i i plement of N . j j6=i L Proof. It is enough to prove that N is a p.c. of n N . Let L ≤ M such 1 i=2 i that L ∩ ( n N ) = 0 and N ≤ L. Since n N is a fully invariant submodule thie=n2 ( i n N ) L ≤1( n N )∩L =Li0=.2Sini ce N L ≤ N then n (N LL) = 0. Hi=e2ncei NM L = 0i=fo2r aill 2 ≤Li ≤ n. So, biyM[2, Theiorem i=2 iM L iM L 2.2] and [3, Proposition 1.22], L ≤ Ann (N ) = Ann (Ann (P )) = P for M i M M i i Lall 2 ≤ i ≤ n. Then L ≤ n P = Ann (P ) = N . Thus L = N . i=2 i M 1 1 1 Corollary 2.2. Let M bTe projective in σ[M] and semiprime. Suppose M satisfies ACC on left annihilators and P ,...,P are the minimal prime in M 1 n submodules. If N = Ann (P ) for each 1 ≤ i ≤ n then M = E[M](N ) ⊕ i M i 1 ···E[M](N ). n c Proof. By Lemma 2.2 n N ≤ M. Thus we have done. i=1 i e L 5 Lemma 2.3. Let M be projective in σ[M] and semiprime. Suppose that M satisfies ACC on left annihilators and P ,...,P are the minimal prime 1 n in M submodules. If N = Ann (P ) for each 1 ≤ i ≤ n then P is a i M i i pseudocomplement of N which contains N for all 1 ≤ i ≤ n. Moreover i j j6=i N ≤ P for all 1 ≤ i ≤ n. L j e i j6=i L Proof. Fix 1 ≤ i ≤ n. Let L ≤ M such that P ≤ L and L ∩ N = 0. i i Since N is a fully invariant submodule of M then N L ≤ N ∩L = 0. So i iM i L ≤ Ann (N ) = Ann (Ann (P )) = P . Thus L = P . M i M M i i i Now by [2, Lemma 2.25] we have that N = Ann (P ) = ∩P . Hence i M i j i6=j N ⊆ P for all j 6= i. Then N ≤ P and by Lemma 2.2, N ≤ P . j i j i j e i j6=i j6=i L L Lemma 2.4. Let M be projective in σ[M] and semiprime. Suppose that M satisfies ACC on left annihilators and P ,P ,...,P are the minimal prime in 1 2 n M submodules. If N = Ann (P ) for 1 ≤ i ≤ n, then P +N ⊆ M for all i M i i i e 1 ≤ i ≤ n. Proof. By Lemmas 2.2 and 2.3, N and P are psudocomplements one each i i other for all 1 ≤ i ≤ n, thus N +P = N ⊕P ≤ M for all 1 ≤ i ≤ n. i i i i e Lemma 2.5. Let M be projective in σ[M] and semiprime. Suppose that M satisfies ACC on left annihilators and P ,P ,...,P are the minimal prime in 1 2 n M submodules. If N = Ann (P ) for 1 ≤ i ≤ n, then i M i P = M ∩ E[M](N ) i j j6=i M for all 1 ≤ i ≤ n. Proof. ByCorollary2.2,M = E[M](N )⊕...⊕E[M](N ). ByLemma2.4,M = 1 n E[M](P )⊕E[M](N ) for each 1 ≤ i ≤ n, moreover E[M](P ) = E[M](N ) i i i j6=i j by Lemma 2.3. c c L We have that N ∩(M∩E[M](P )) = N ∩E[M](P ) = 0, since P is p.c. of i i i i i N then P = M∩E[M](P ). Thus P = M∩ E[M](N ) for all 1 ≤ i ≤ n. i i i i j j6=i L Proposition 2.6. Let M be projective in σ[M] and semiprime. Suppose that M satisfies ACC on left annihilators and P ,P ,...,P are the minimal prime 1 2 n in M submodules. If N = Ann (P ) for 1 ≤ i ≤ n, then the morphism i M i Ψ : M → M/P ⊕M/P ⊕...⊕M/P 1 2 n 6 givenbyΨ(m) = (m+P ,m+P ....,m+P ) is monomorphismand ImΨ ⊆ 1 2, n e n M/P . i i=1 L n Proof. By [3, Corollary 1.15] we have that, ∩P = 0. Thus Ψ is monomor- i i=1 n phism. Now let 0 6= (m +P ,m +P ....,m +P ) ∈ M/P . By 2.4 1 1 2 2, n n i i=1 n L P + ∩P ⊆ Mn. So there exists r ∈ R such that i j e i=1(cid:18) i6=j (cid:19) L n 0 6= r(m ,m ....,m ) ∈ P + ∩P 1 2, n i j i6=j i=1 (cid:18) (cid:19) M Hence rm ∈ P + ∩P for 1 ≤ i ≤ n. Thus there exists x ∈ P and i i j i i i6=j y ∈ ∩P such that rm = x + y for every 1 ≤ i ≤ n. We claim that i j i i i i6=j r(m +P ,m +P ....,m +P ) ∈ ImΨ. In fact let m = y +y +...+y , 1 1 2 2, n n 1 2 n then Ψ(m) = (y +y +...+y +P ,....,y +y +...+y +P ) 1 2 n 1 1 2 n n = (y +P ,....,y +P ) = (rm −x +P ,....,rm −x +P ) 1 1 n n 1 1 1 n n n = r(m +P ,....,m +P ) 1 1 n n . Corollary 2.7. Let M be projective in σ[M] and semiprime. Suppose that M satisfies ACC on left annihilators and P ,P ,...,P are the minimal prime 1 2 n in M submodules, then 1. M ∼= E[M](M/P )⊕E[M](M/P )⊕...⊕E[M](M/P ). 1 2 n 2. Ifin addition M isa Goldie module, M/P has finite uniformdimension c i for all 0 ≤ i ≤ n. n Proof. 1. By Proposition 2.6 Ψ is a monomorphism and ImΨ ⊆ M/P . e i i=1 Thus we have the result. L 2. Since M is Goldie module, then M has finite uniform dimension By (1) we have that M/P has finite uniform dimension for all 0 ≤ i ≤ n. i 7 ThenextcorollarysaysthatthehypothesiseveryquotientM/P hasfinite i uniform dimension of [3, Proposition 2.25] can be removed. Corollary 2.8. Let M be projective in σ[M] and semiprime. Suppose that M has a finitely many minimal prime submodules P ,P ,...,P . Then M is 1 2 n a Goldie module if and only if each M/P is a Goldie module. i Proof. Note that by Corollary 2.7.2 if M is a Goldie module then each quo- tient M/P has finite uniform dimension, so it follows by [3, Proposition i 2.25] Lemma 2.9. Let M be projective in σ[M]. If M is a semiprime Goldie module then Mn for all n > 0. Proof. We have that σ[M] = σ[Mn] then Mn is projective in σ[Mn]. Since M has finite uniform dimension then Mn so does. By [3, Theorem 2.8] M is essentially compressible then Mn is essentially compressible by [15, Proposition1.2]. Thusby[3,Lemma2.7andTheorem2.8]Mn isasemiprime Goldie module. Corollary 2.10. Let R be a ring. If R is a left Goldie ring then M (R) is n a right Goldie ring for all n > 0. Proof. By Proposition 2.9 Rn is a semiprime Goldie module for all n > 0. By [3, Theorem 2.22] End (Rn) ∼= M (R) is a semiprime right Goldie ring. R n Proposition 2.11. Let M be projective in σ[M]. Suppose M has nonzero soclo. If M is a prime module and satisfies ACC on left annihilators then M is semisimple artinian and FI-simple. Proof. Let 0 6= m ∈ M. Since Zoc(M) 6= 0 and M is a prime module then 0 6= Zoc(M) Rm ⊆ Zoc(M) ∩ Rm. Hence Zoc(M) ≤ M. Let U be a M e 1 minimal submodule of M. By [3, Corollary 1.17] U is a direct summand, so 1 M = U ⊕ V . If 0 6= V , since Zoc(M) ≤ M then there exists a minimal 1 1 1 e submodule U ≤ V . Then M = U ⊕ U ⊕ V . If V 6= 0 there exists a 2 1 1 2 2 2 minimal submodule U ≤ V such that M = U ⊕U ⊕U ⊕V . Following in 3 3 1 2 3 3 this way, we get an ascending chain U ≤ U ⊕U ≤ U ⊕U ⊕U ≤ ... 1 1 2 1 2 3 Notice that U ⊕...⊕U = Kerf where f is the endomorphism of M given 1 i by ∼ M → M/(U ⊕...⊕U ) = V ֒→ M 1 i i 8 Thus, last chain is an ascending chain of annihilators, so it must stop in a finite step. Then M is semisimple artinian. Suppose that M = U ⊕...⊕U . If Hom (U ,U ) = 0 then U U = 0, 1 n R i j iM j ∼ but M is prime. Thus Hom (U ,U ) 6= 0, so U = U 1 ≤ i,j ≤ n. R i j i j Corollary 2.12. Let M be projective in σ[M]. Suppose M has essential soclo. If M is a semiprime Goldie module then M is semisple artinian. Proof. By Proposition 2.6 there exists an essential monomorphism Ψ : M → M/P ⊕ ··· ⊕ M/P where P are the minimal prime in M submodules. 1 n i Hence each M/P has nonzero socle and by Corollary 2.8 M/P is a Goldie i i module. Thus M/P is semisimple artinian and FI-simple for all 1 ≤ i ≤ n i ∼ by Proposition 2.11. Then M = M/P ⊕···⊕M/P and hence semisimple 1 n artinian. Example 2.13. In Z−Mod, a module M projective in σ[M] is a semiprime Goldie module if and only if M is semisimple artinian or M is free of finite rank. Proof. It is clear that a semisimple artinian module M is projective in σ[M] and a semiprime Goldie module and by Proposition 2.9 every free module of finite rank is a semiprime Goldie module. Now, suppose that M is a Z semiprime Goldie module and projective in σ[M]. Recall that in Z-Mod an indecomposable injective module is isomorphic to Q or Zp∞ for some prime p. LetU beanuniformsubmoduleofM. BydefinitionE[M](U) = trM(E[Z](U)). Suppose E[Z](U) ∼= Q, then E[M](U) ≤ Q. Since Q is FI-simple then E[M](U) = Q. This implies that Q ֒→ M ∈ σ[M]. Hence σ[M] = Z−Mod. Since M is projective in σ[M] = Z−Mod then M is a free module and since M has finite uniform dimension then itchas finite rank. Let n U ≤ M with U uniform. If one U is a torsion free group then i=1 i e i i M is free because above. So, we can suppose that every U is a torsion group. i L Then, M hasessential soclo. ByCorollary2.12M is semisimple artinian. Proposition 2.14. Let M be projective in σ[M] and semiprime. Suppose that M is a Goldie Module and P ,P ,...,P are the minimal prime in M 1 2 n submodules, then E[M](N ) ∼= E[M](M/P ) where N = Ann (P ). Moreover, i i i M i M/P contains an essential submodule isomorphic to N . i i 9 Proof. By [6, Proposition 4.5], Ass (M/P ) = {P }. By Corollary 2.7.(1) M i i M ∼= E[M](M/P )⊕E[M](M/P )⊕...⊕E[M](M/P ). Then, following the 1 2 n proof of [2, Theorem 2.20] there exist indecomposable injective modules Fc,..,F in σ[M] and l ,...,l ∈ N such that M ∼= Fl1 ⊕...⊕Fln and each 1 n 1 n 1 n E[M](M/P ) ∼= Fli. By[2,Theorem2.20]M ∼= Ek1 ⊕...⊕Ekn withE[M](N ) ∼= i i 1 n i Eki and k ,...,k ∈ N. Then by Krull-Remakc-Schmidt-Azumaya Theorem, i 1 n E ∼= F and l = k . Thus E[M](M/P ) ∼=cE[M](N ). i i i i i i Now, by Lemma 2.4, N ⊕P ⊆ M. Then there is an essential monomor- i i e phism N ֒→ M/P . In fact, N and P are pseudocomplements one of each i i i i other. Lemma 2.15. Let M be projective in σ[M] and semiprime. Suppose that M is a Goldie Module and P ,P ,...,P are the minimal prime in M submodules. 1 2 n If N = Ann (P ), then Ann E[M](N ) = P for all 1 ≤ i ≤ n. i M i M i i Proof. Since N has finite unifor(cid:0)m dimens(cid:1)ion i E[M](N ) = E[M](U )⊕...⊕E[M](U ) i i1 iki where U is an uniform submodule of N . By [2, Lemma 2.16], Ann (U ) = ij i M ij P for all 1 ≤ j ≤ k . Now by [2, Proposition 1.11 and Lemma 1.13], i i Ann (U ) = Ann (E[M](U )) for all 1 ≤ j ≤ k . Finally, by [6, Proposi- M ij M ij i tion 1.3], Ann (E[M](U )⊕...⊕E[M](U )) = ki Ann (E[M](U )) = P . M i1 iki j=1 M ij i Thus Ann E[M](N ) = P for all 1 ≤ i ≤ n. M i i T Proposition(cid:0) 2.16. Le(cid:1)t M be projective in σ[M] and semiprime. Suppose that M is a Goldie Module and P ,P ,...,P are the minimal prime in M 1 2 n submodules, then 1. Hom (E[M](M/P ),E[M](M/P )) = 0 if i 6= j. R i j 2. If M is also a generator in σ[M] then E[M](M/P ) = M\/P . i i Proof. 1. It follows by [2, Proposition 2.21] and Proposition 2.14. 2. Since σ[M/P ] ⊆ σ[M] for every 1 ≤ i ≤ n, then M\/P ≤ E[M](M/P ). i i i It is enough to show that E[M](M/P ) ∈ σ[M/P ]. i i We claim that P E[M](M/P ) = 0. If N = Ann (P ), by Lemma 2.15 iM i i M i Ann (E[M](N )) = P . Now, by Proposition 2.14 E[M](N ) = E[M](M/P ). M i i i i Thus P E[M](M/P ) = 0. iM i By [5, Proposition 1.5] E[M](M/P ) ∈ σ[M/P ]. i i 10

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