MEMOIRS of the American Mathematical Society Volume 226 • Number 1060 (first of 5 numbers) • November 2013 On the Steady Motion of a Coupled System Solid-Liquid Josef Bemelmans Giovanni P. Galdi Mads Kyed ISSN 0065-9266 (print) ISSN 1947-6221 (online) American Mathematical Society MEMOIRS of the American Mathematical Society Volume 226 • Number 1060 (first of 5 numbers) • November 2013 On the Steady Motion of a Coupled System Solid-Liquid Josef Bemelmans Giovanni P. Galdi Mads Kyed ISSN 0065-9266 (print) ISSN 1947-6221 (online) American Mathematical Society Providence, Rhode Island Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Bemelmans,Josef. Onthesteadymotionofacoupledsystemsolid-liquid/JosefBemelmans,GiovanniP.Galdi, MadsKyed. pagescm. –(MemoirsoftheAmericanMathematicalSociety,ISSN0065-9266;volume226, number1060) ”November2013,volume226,number1060(firstof5numbers).” Includesbibliographicalreferences. ISBN978-0-8218-8773-8(alk. paper) 1.Solid-liquidinterfaces. 2.Coupledmodetheory. 3.Elasticsolids. 4.Navier-Stokesequa- tions. I.Galdi,GiovanniP.(GiovanniPaolo),1947- II.Kyed,Mads,1976- III.Title. QD509.S65B46 2013 530.4(cid:2)17–dc23 2013025510 DOI: Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society Thisjournalisdevotedentirelytoresearchinpureandappliedmathematics. Publisher Item Identifier. The Publisher Item Identifier (PII) appears as a footnote on theAbstractpageofeacharticle. Thisalphanumericstringofcharactersuniquelyidentifieseach articleandcanbeusedforfuturecataloguing,searching,andelectronicretrieval. Subscription information. Beginning with the January 2010 issue, Memoirs is accessible from The 2013 subscription begins with volume 221 and consists of six mailings, each containing one or more numbers. Subscription prices are as follows: for paper delivery, US$795 list, US$636 institutional member; for electronic delivery, US$700 list, US$560 institutionalmember. 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(cid:2) ThispublicationisindexedinMathematicalReviewsR,Zentralblatt MATH,ScienceCitation Index(cid:2)R,ScienceCitation IndexTM-Expanded,ISI Alerting ServicesSM,SciSearch(cid:2)R,Research (cid:2) (cid:2) (cid:2) AlertR,CompuMathCitation IndexR,Current ContentsR/Physical, Chemical& Earth Sciences. ThispublicationisarchivedinPortico andCLOCKSS. PrintedintheUnitedStatesofAmerica. (cid:2)∞ Thepaperusedinthisbookisacid-freeandfallswithintheguidelines establishedtoensurepermanenceanddurability. VisittheAMShomepageat 10987654321 181716151413 Contents Chapter 1. Introduction 1 Chapter 2. Notation and Preliminaries 5 2.1. Notation 5 2.2. Preliminaries 8 Chapter 3. Steady Free Motion: Definition and Formulation of the Problem 11 3.1. Equations of Motion for the Elastic Body 11 3.2. Equations of Motion for the Liquid 12 3.3. Definition of a Steady Free Motion 13 3.4. Non-dimensionlization 17 Chapter 4. Main Result 19 4.1. Strategy of Proof 19 4.2. Isolated Orientation 20 4.3. Statement of the Main Theorem 23 4.4. Perturbation Parameter 24 4.5. The Stokes Problem 26 4.6. Perturbing Around an Isolated Orientation 32 4.7. Compatibility Conditions 36 Chapter 5. Approximating Problem in Bounded Domains 39 5.1. Fixed-Point Approach 40 5.2. Validity of the Compatibility Conditions 41 5.3. Solvability of the Fluid Equations 44 5.4. Solvability of the Elasticity Equations 57 5.5. Existence in a Bounded Domain 58 Chapter 6. Proof of Main Theorem 63 Chapter 7. Bodies with Symmetry 69 7.1. Symmetry Function Spaces 69 7.2. Main Theorem for Symmetric Bodies 70 7.3. Stokes Problem for a Symmetric Body 70 7.4. Reformulation of the Equations of Motion 71 7.5. Compatibility Conditions 73 7.6. Approximating Problem in Bounded Domains 74 7.7. Fixed-Point Approach 75 7.8. Validity of the Compatibility Conditions 75 7.9. Solvability of the Fluid Equations 76 7.10. Solvability of the Elasticity Equations 77 iii iv CONTENTS 7.11. Existence in a Bounded Domain 79 7.12. Proof of Main Theorem for Symmetric Bodies 79 7.13. Examples 80 Appendix A. Isolated Orientation 83 Bibliography 87 Abstract We study the unconstrained (free) motion of an elastic solid B in a Navier- Stokes liquid L occupying the whole space outside B, under the assumption that a constant body force b is acting on B. More specifically, we are interested in the steady motion of the coupled system {B,L}, which means that there exists a frame with respect to which the relevant governing equations possess a time- independent solution. We prove the existence of such a frame, provided some smallness restrictions are imposed on the physical parameters, and the reference configuration of B satisfies suitable geometric properties. ReceivedbytheeditorApril20,2010,and,inrevisedform,February21,2012. ArticleelectronicallypublishedonMarch1,2013;S0065-9266(2013)00678-8. 2010 MathematicsSubjectClassification. Primary35Q30,76D05,74B20,74F10,35R35. Key wordsand phrases. Navier-Stokes,nonlinearelasticity,fluid-structureinteraction. Most of this work was carried out when G.P. Galdi was tenured with a DFG Mercator ProfessorshipattheInstituteofMathematicsoftheRWTHAachen. Hisworkwasalsopartially supportedbyNSFGrantDMS-1062381. M. Kyed was supported by the DFG and JSPS as a member of the International Research TrainingGroupDarmstadt-TokyoIRTG1529. We would like to thank the referees for their careful reading of the paper and suggesting a numberofimprovements. (cid:3)c2013 American Mathematical Society v CHAPTER 1 Introduction Consider an elastic solid B fully submerged in a viscous liquid L that occupies the whole space outside B. We suppose the motion of the liquid is governed by the Navier-Stokes equations, and that the elastic solid is a St.Venant-Kirchhoff material. Weareinterestedinthemathematicalanalysisofcertainmotionsofthecoupled system solid-liquid S. Consequently, the governing equations consist of a Navier- Stokes system coupled with a nonlinear system of elasticity equations. Since no constraints are imposed on the motion of B, the boundary values correspond to those of a free traction problem.1 We shall assume that, with respect to an inertial frame I, B moves under the action of a given constant body force b. No constraints are enforced on the motion of B, namely, the solid moves freely. Since b does not depend on time, it is natural to wonder whether there exists a frame F with respect to which B may be in equilibrium, that is, the deformation Φ evaluated in F from a stress-free reference configuration Ω is time independent. However,theliquidisalsoproducingatractiononthesurfaceofB,which,therefore, should be time-independent as well. This will be certainly the case if, with respect toF,themotionoftheliquidissteady. IfsuchaframeF exists,thecorresponding motion of S in F will be referred to as steady motion. Besidestheirintrinsicmathematicalinterest,steadymotionsmaybealsoviewed as “terminal states” of several important phenomena. A simple but significant ex- ample is the free fall of a deformable body in a viscous liquid when the density of the liquid is much smaller than that of the solid; see Remark 3.5. A more so- phisticated example is furnished by the towing of airborne or underwater bodies, such as antennas, banners, gliders, and targets, by powered aircraft or boats; see for example [10, 49]. Objective of this paper is to prove the existence of steady motions. More precisely, under suitable smoothness and geometric assumptions on the reference configuration—that will be described subsequently—we show that there is always a smooth steady motion, provided an appropriate dimensionless number, involving the density and the Lam´e coefficients of the solid, the shear viscosity coefficient of the liquid, and the magnitude of b, see (3.30), is below a certain constant. Before detailing the basic assumptions, the methods, and the significant fea- tures of our approach, we would like first to comment on the physical character of ourresults. Specifically,themostgeneralsteadymotionofSthatweobtaincanbe described, with respect to the inertial frame I, as follows. The solid rotates, with constant angular velocity directed along b, while its center of mass describes, with 1Alsocalledpuretractionproblem,orsimplytractionproblem. 1 2 1. INTRODUCTION constant speed, a circular helix whose axis is parallel to b. Depending on the sym- metrypropertiesofthereferenceconfigurationΩ,therotational-helicalmotionofB candegenerateinsimpler ones. Forexample, ifΩpossessestherotationalproperty similar to that of a multi-bladed propeller, the helicoidal trajectory degenerates into a straight line, and the center of mass of the solid will simply translate (with constant speed) along the direction of b. If Ω has spherical symmetry, then the angularvelocityiszeroand B willonlytranslate(nospin) withconstantspeed. As far as the liquid, we show that in all cases it exhibits a conical wake region whose axis is also parallel to b. We shall next give a brief sketch of our method and comment on the assump- tions that we need to make it work. For a full description we refer the reader to Chapter 4. The starting point is to formulate the relevant equations for the solid- liquid system in the frame F, assuming it exists. However, before doing this, we need to rewrite the liquid equations in the exterior of the (undeformed) reference configuration. This is done by means of a suitable smooth transformation intro- duced in [19]. After this first step is achieved, the next step consists of linearizing the obtained equations and proving the existence of a unique solution that obeys appropriateestimates. ThiswillthenallowustoapplyTychonov’sfixed-pointthe- orem and to prove, finally, the existence of a solution to the original problem. It mustbeobservedthattheselinearizedequationsarecoupledthroughtheunknown kinematic parameters characterizing the frame F, that is, the angular velocity ω and translational velocity ξ. A further unknown is the direction b of b in F that, in a steady motion, must satisfy the requirement (1.1) ω∧b=0. Therefore, even though the equations of the elastic solid and of the viscous liq- uid are linearized, the complete system that we have uniquely to solve for is still non-linear, due to the presence of equation (1.1). By using classical theorems on linearized elasticity and Stokes equations, we then show that the above unique solvability reduces to that of a nonlinear eigenvalue problem in the eigenvalue λ and corresponding eigenvector b, where ω = λb. Even though we prove that this eigenvalue problem always has at least one solution, (λ ,b ), for this solution tobe 0 0 (locally)unique wemust requirethatλ issimple, namely, of algebraicmultiplicity 0 equal to 1. This implies, in particular, that there are no other eigenvectors in a sufficiently small neighborhood of b . For this reason, borrowing a nomenclature 0 introduced by Weinberger in [48], we call b an isolated orientation; see Section 0 4.2. However, imposing the simplicity of λ translates into certain geometric re- 0 strictions on the reference configuration: roughly speaking, Ω should not possess “too much symmetry”; see Section 4.2 for details and examples. This requirement excludes significant reference configurations such as rotationally symmetric ones or,moregenerally,thosehavingthesamerotationalsymmetryofmulti-bladedpro- pellers. For this reason, we treat these cases separately, and show, for them also, theexistenceofcorrespondingsteadymotions,eveninthecasewhenthebodyforce is not constant; see Chapter 7. Wewishtoemphasizethat,todate,wedonotknowifsteadymotionsexistfor an arbitrary (smooth) reference configuration, even for small data, of course, and we leave it to the interested reader as an intriguing open question. What we have described so far gives an idea of the main strategy that we shall follow. However, to make this strategy work requires much more effort. The basic 1. INTRODUCTION 3 reason is the lack of good asymptotic estimates for the solutions to the Navier- Stokes equations in the exterior of a rotating body. Consequently, we approximate ouroriginal problemwithasequenceofproblems, formulatedinboundeddomains, E , N ∈N, obtained by intersecting the exterior of Ω with a ball of radius N. On N each problem in E we apply the strategy mentioned above to show solvability for N each N, and then pass to the limit N → ∞ to show the existence of a solution to the original problem. Of course, for this method to work, it is essential to obtain estimatesthatareindependentofN, whichrequiresacarefulstudyoftheinvolved constants. Even though our result can be embedded in the literature of solid-liquid in- teraction, we also believe it provides an important contribution to the theory of nonlinear elasticity, inasmuch as it presents a solution to the free traction prob- lem with a physically meaningful boundary condition that is non-trivial. We recall that the free traction problem of nonlinear elasticity was first treated in a series of papers by Signorini [36, 37, 38], where various properties of the solutions were shown by means of what is today known as Signorini’s perturbation method. Sig- norini did not, however, show existence, which was first obtained by Stoppelli [39,40,41,42,43],undersuitableregularityassumptions. Lateron,theexistence results of Stopelli were completed and improved by various authors in [30], [7], [8], [47], [32] and [31]; see also [45] and [26]. Characteristic for all of these results is that they deal only with so-called dead loads, i.e., with data (the applied surface forces)thatdonotdependontheresultingdeformationoftheelasticsolid, namely, they are functions of the spatial variable of the reference configuration only. Such data are, with few exceptions, physically absurd. In fact, in most applications, the data do depend on the deformation of body. This type of data are called live loads. Live loads are intrinsically difficult to treat from a mathematical point of view, due to the compatibility conditions (for the data) associated with the free traction problem. More specifically, denoting by σ the first Piola-Kirchhoff stress E tensor and by Ω⊂R3 the (stress-free) reference configuration of the body, the free traction problem of nonlinear elasticity reads (cid:2) (cid:3) (cid:4) div σ (Φ) =f in Ω, E (1.2) σ (Φ)·n=g on ∂Ω, E where Φ : Ω →R3 is the (unknown) deformation, f the applied body force, and g the applied surface force. In order for a solution to (1.2) to exist, the data (f,g) must satisfy the compatibility condition (cid:5) (cid:5) (1.3) f ∧Φ(x)dx= g∧Φ(x)dS. Ω ∂Ω The fact that this relation involves the unknown solution Φ, complicates the task ofprovinganexistencetheorem. Thisbecomeschallengingeveninthecaseofdead loads, and naturally even more so when f and g also depend Φ, i.e., the case of live loads. There are only few existence results for the free traction problem with live loads. One is due to Valent, see the monograph [46] and the papers cited therein, who, however, needs further conditions imposed on the data that are very difficult to verify in non-trivial applications.2 In view of this, we believe our result 2Infact,suchconditionsarealsorequiredinthecaseofdeadloads. Morespecifically,inthis casethedata(f,g)musthaveno axis of equilibrium,seeforexample[7].