On the self-interaction of dark energy in a ghost-condensate model Gour Bhattacharya∗ Department of Physics, Presidency University, 86/1, College Street, Kolkata 700 073, India† Pradip Mukherjee‡ Department of Physics, Barasat Govt. College, 10 K. N. C. Road, Barasat, Kolkata 700 124, India† Anirban Saha§ Department of Physics, West Bengal State University, Barasat, North 24 Paraganas, West Bengal, India† Inaghost-condensatemodelofdarkenergythecombineddynamicsofthescalarfieldandgravitation is shown to impose non-trivial restriction on the self-interaction of the scalar field. Using this 3 restriction we show that the choice of a zero self-interaction leads to a situation too restrictive for 1 thegeneralevolutionoftheuniverse. Thisrestriction,obtainedintheform ofaquadraticequation 0 of the scalar potential, is demonstrated to admit real solutions. Also, in the appropriate limit it 2 reproduces thepotential in thephantom cosmology. n a PACSnumbers: 98.80.-k,95.36.+x J 1 2 I. INTRODUCTION ture. Since very little is known about the nature of dark ] c Recentcosmologicalobservationsindicatelate-timeac- energy it may appear that the presence or otherwise of q celeration of the observable universe1,2. Why the evolu- an interaction term in the ghost-condensate model may - r tion of the universe is interposed between an early in- not be ascertainedfromany fundamental premise. How- g flationary phase and the late-time acceleration is a yet- ever, in this letter we show that this issue can be settled [ unresolved problem. Various theoretical attempts have by demanding a consistent scalar field dynamics. We 1 been undertaken to confront this observational fact. Al- establish here that this consistency requirement imposes v though the simplest way to explain this behavior is the non-trivialrestrictiononthechoiceoftheself-interaction 6 consideration of a cosmological constant3, the known in the ghost-condensate model. Using this restriction 4 fine-tuning problem4 led to the dark energy paradigm. we show that describing the general evolutionary sce- 7 Here one introduces exotic dark energy component in nario of the universe using a ghost-condensate without 4 the form of scalar fields such as quintessence5–11, k- self-interaction may lead to too restrictive a situaton. . 1 essence12–14 etc. Quintessence is based on scalar field Specifically,inthebouncinguniversescenario28–34 where 0 models using a canonical field with a slowly varying po- theuniversebouncesfromacontractingtoanexpanding 3 tential. On the other hand the models grouped under k- phase,absenceofself-interactionoftheghost-condensate 1 : essence are characterized by noncanonical kinetic terms. is not admissible at all. Further, that a real solution for v A key feature of the k-essence models is that the cosmic theself-interactionpotentialiscompatiblewiththeghost i X accelerationisrealizedbythekineticenergyofthescalar field dynamics has been demonstraed using the restric- field. Thepopularmodelsunderthiscategoryincludethe tion obtained here. It may also be noted that in the ap- r a phantom model, the ghost condensate model etc4. propriate limit the ghost-condensate model is known to goovertothe phantommodel. Reassuringly,the restric- It is well-knownthat the late time cosmic acceleration tionwehavederived,reproducesthephantompotential35 requires an exotic equation of state ω < 1. Current DE −3 in the same limit. observationsallowω < 1 whichcanbe explainedby DE − consideringnegativekineticenergywithafieldpotential. At this point it will be appropriate to describe the The resulting phantom model15–20 is extensively used to organisation of this letter. In section 2 the ghost con- confront cosmological observation21–26. This model is densate model is introduced where we include an arbi- however ridden with various instabilities as its energy trary self-interaction potential. The equations of mo- density is unbounded. This instability canbe eliminated tion for the scalar field and the scale factor are derived. in the so-called ghost-condensate models27 by including These equations exhibit the coupling between the scalar a term quadratic in the kinetic energy. In this context field dynamics and gravity. Expressions for the energy let us note that to realize the late-time acceleration sce- density and pressure of the dark energy components are nario some self-interaction must be present in the phan- computed. These expressions are used in section 3 to tom model. In contrast, in the ghost-condensate models demonstratethattherequirementofconsistencybetween the inclusion of self-interaction of the scalar field is be- the Friedman equations and the scalar field equations lieved to be a matter of choice4. This fact, though not imposes nontrivial restriction on the self-interaction po- unfamiliar, has not been emphasised much in the litera- tential in the form of a quadratic equation. The conse- 2 quences of this is discussed. The concluding remarksare Assuming a perfect fluid model we identify contained in section 4. We use mostly positive signature of the metric. 3X2 ρ = X + +V (φ) (9) φ − M4 X2 II. THE GHOST CONDENSATE MODEL WITH pφ = Lφ =−X + M4 −V (φ) (10) SELF-INTERACTION OF THE SCALAR FIELD The equation of motion for the scalar field φ can be de- Inthissectionweconsidertheghostcondensatemodel rived from the action (1). Due to the isotropy of the withaself-interactionpotentialV(φ). Theactionisgiven FLRWuniversethescalarfieldisafunctionoftimeonly. by Consequently, its equation of motion reduces to S = d4x√−g 2Rk2 +Lφ+Lm , (1) 1 3φ˙2 φ¨+3H 1 φ˙2 φ˙ dV =0. (11) Z (cid:20) (cid:21) − M4! − M4! − dφ where As is well known the same equation of motion follows X2 Lφ = −X+ M4 −V (φ) (2) ferqoumattiohnesc(o9n)searnvdat(i1o0n)orfedTuµνce. Itnodeed under isotropy the 1 X = gµν∂ φ∂ φ (3) µ ν −2 1 3˙φ4 ρ = φ˙2+ +V (φ) (12) M is a mass parameter, R the Ricci scalar and G = φ −2 4M4 k2/8π thegravitationalconstant. Theterm m accounts 1 φ˙4 for the total (dark plus baryonic) matter coLntent of the pφ = −2φ˙2+ 4M4 −V (φ) (13) universe, which is assumed to be a barotropic fluid with energydensityρmandpressurepm,andequation-of-state From the conservation condition T(φ)µν =0 we get µ parameterw =p /ρ . Weneglecttheradiationsector ∇ m m m for simplicity. ρ˙ +3H(ρ +p )=0, (14) φ φ φ The action given by equation (1) describes a scalar field interacting with gravity. Invoking the cosmological which, written equivalently in field terms gives equation principle one requiresthe metric to be of the Robertson- (11). Walker (RW) form To complete the set of differential equations (5), (6), (14) we include the equation for the evolution of matter dr2 ds2 =dt2 a2(t) +r2dΩ2 , (4) density − 1 Kr2 2 (cid:20) − (cid:21) ρ˙ +3H(1+w )ρ =0, (15) where t is the cosmic time, r is the spatial radial coor- m m m dinate, Ω is the 2-dimensional unit sphere volume, K 2 where w = p /ρ is the matter equation of state pa- characterizes the curvature of 3-dimensional space and m m m rameter. The solution to equation (15) can immediately a(t) is the scale factor. The Einstein equations lead to be written down as the Friedmann equations n H2 = k32 ρm+ρφ − aK2 (5) ρρmm0 =(cid:20)aa((tt0))(cid:21) , (16) k(cid:16)2 (cid:17) K H˙ = − 2 ρm+pm+ρφ+pφ + a2, (6) where n=3(1+wm) and ρm0 ≥0 is the value of matter density at present time t . Now, the set of equations (cid:16) (cid:17) 0 In the above a dot denotes derivative with respect to t (5), (6), (14) and (15) must give the dynamics of the and H a˙/a is the Hubble parameter. In these expres- scalar field under gravity in a self-consistent manner. In ≡ sions, ρ and p are respectively the energy density and the next section we demonstrate that this consistency φ φ pressureofthe scalarfield. The quantities ρ andp are requirement constrains the self-interaction V (φ) in (1). φ φ definedthroughthesymmetricenergy-momentumtensor 2 δ T(φ) = − √ g (7) III. RESTRICTION ON THE µν √ gδgµν − SELF-INTERACTION OF THE SCALAR FIELD − (cid:0) (cid:1) A straightforwardcalculation gives We start by constructing two independent combina- 2X tions of the pressure and energy density of the dark en- T(φ) =g + 1+ ∂ φ∂ φ (8) µν µνLφ − M4 µ ν ergy sector in terms of the Hubble parameter H, matter (cid:18) (cid:19) 3 energy density ρ , matter equation of state parameter Assumingmatterintheformofdust(n=3)inauniverse m w and curvature parameter K using (5), (6) and (15) withflatgeometry(K =1),thiscanbefurthersimplified m to 2H˙ n 2K ρφ+pφ =A = − k2 − 3ρm+ k2a2 (17) 3H2+H˙ k2ρ >0 (26) m 6a¨ ≥ 2 ρ +3p =B = (n 2)ρ (18) φ φ −k2a − − m Using H˙ +H2 =a¨/a we reexpress this as Using equations (12) and (13), we rewrite these combi- 1a¨ nations in terms of the ghost condensate field derivative H2 > (27) φ˙ and potential V (φ): −2a This condition appears to be too restrictive, in fact in φ˙4 ρ +p =A = φ˙2+ (19) the decelerating phase (a¨ < 0) this imposes a definite φ φ − M4 relation between a˙ and a¨. Remembering that the Fried- 3φ˙4 mann equation is of second order in time, there is no a ρ +3p =B = 2φ˙2+ 2V (φ) (20) φ φ − 2M4 − priori reason that such constraint holds. Moreover, the ekpyrotic28–30 and other bouncing theories31–34 of the Inverting these equations to write φ˙2 and φ˙4 in terms early universe require that spacetime “bounce” from a of A, B and V (φ) and utilizing the algebraic identity contracting to an expanding phase, perhaps even oscil- φ˙2 2 =φ˙4 we obtain the following quadratic equation lating cyclically [9, 10]. Clearly, during the switch over from expanding to contracting phase, a˙ = 0 but a¨ < 0 (cid:16) (cid:17) and thus the condition (27) is violated. 3A M4 V2(φ) + B + V (φ) Theanalysisdetailedabovedemonstratesthatinorder − 2 4 toapplytheghostcondensatemodelforgeneralevolution (cid:18) (cid:19) (3A 2B)2 4M4(A B/2) of the universe a certain self-interaction should always + − − − =0 (21) be included. At this point one may wonder whethar the 16 constraining equation (21) on V (φ) at all allows a real This is the restriction on the choice of potential in the solution. Solving (21) we get ghost-condensatemodelwhichhasbeenindicatedearlier. Note that the simple fact that V (φ) has to satisfy a re- 3A 2B M4 M4 M4 12 striction of this form implies that care must be taken in V (φ)= − +A (28) 4 − 8 ± 16 4 assertingtheabsenceoftheself-interactionterm. Wewill (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:26) (cid:18) (cid:19)(cid:27) presently discuss this and other issues related to equa- The reality condition is thus tion (21) in the following. Meanwhile, observe that in the limit M4 the equation (21) reduces to M4 →∞ +A 0 (29) 4 ≥ V (φ)=A B/2 (22) (cid:18) (cid:19) − That this condition is satisfied in general can be estab- Substituting for A andB in (22)andsimplifying, we get lishedexplicitlyifwesubstituteforAfromequation(19) which gives 1 2K n 6 V (φ)= 3H2+H˙ + + − ρ (23) k2 (cid:18) a2 (cid:19) 6 m M4 1 M4 2 +A = φ˙2 0 (30) where equations (17) and (18) have been used. This 4 M4 − 2 ≥ (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:18) (cid:19) reproduces the result for the potential in the phantom model35. This completes our argument in favour of including a self-interaction potential in ghost-condensate model. Coming back to equation (21) let us first investigate the possibility of a vanishing self-interaction. Substitut- ing V (φ)=0 we get IV. CONCLUSION (3A 2B)2 − =(A B/2) (24) 4M4 − We have considered the ghost-condensate model of dark energy with a self-interaction potential in a gen- Since the left hand side is positive definite we immedi- eral FLRW universe with curvature K. The combined ately get the condition dynamics of dark energy and gravity leads to coupled differential equations involving the universal scale factor B 1 2K n 6 A = 3H2+H˙ + + − ρ 0 a(t)andthescalarfieldφ. Thestandardbarotropicmat- − 2 k2 a2 6 m ≥ ter equation of state is assumed. Two independent com- (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:18) (cid:19) (25) bination of the pressure and energy density of the dark 4 energy are expressed in terms of the observable quanti- the bouncing universe scenario disallows such a choice. ties from the normal matter and gravity sector. These Our analysis thus establishes that in the class of ghost- combinationsarethen usedto impose a consistencycon- condensate models for general evolution of the universe dition which leads to a quadratic equation for the self- a self-interaction of the dark energy must be included. interaction V (φ). This equation is shown to admit real roots. Also,intheappropriatelimititleadstothephan- tom model potential35. Averyinterestingconsequenceariseswhenweexamine Acknowledgement the plausibility of the choice of zero self-interaction. Us- ingthequadraticequationsatisfiedbytheself-interaction it has been demonstrated that this choice is too restric- The authorswouldliketo thank IUCAA, Pune,where tive for the general evolution of the scale factor. In fact, part of the work was done. ∗ Electronic address: [email protected] 18 P.Singh,M.SamiandN.Dadhich,Phys.Rev.D68023522 † Visiting Associate, InterUniversityCentre for Astronomy (2003). and Astrophysics,Pune, India 19 J. M. Cline, S. 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