submittedto ApJ PreprinttypesetusingLATEXstyleemulateapjv.5/2/11 THE RADIO AND OPTICAL LUMINOSITY EVOLUTION OF QUASARS II - THE SDSS SAMPLE J. Singal1, V. Petrosian1,2, L . Stawarz3,4, A. Lawrence5 submitted to ApJ ABSTRACT We determine the radio and optical luminosity evolutions and the true distribution of the radio 2 loudness parameter R, defined as the ratio of the radio to optical luminosity, for a set of more than 1 5000 quasars combining SDSS optical and FIRST radio data. We apply the method of Efron and 0 Petrosian to access the intrinsic distribution parameters, taking into account the truncations and 2 correlationsinherent in the data. We find that the population exhibits strong positive evolutionwith redshiftinbothwavebands,withsomewhatgreaterradioevolutionthanoptical. Withthe luminosity p evolutions accounted for, we determine the density evolutions and local radio and optical luminosity e S functions. The intrinsic distribution of the radio loudness parameter R is found to be quite different thantheobservedone,andissmoothwithnoevidenceofabi-modalityinradioloudness. Theresults 7 we find are in general agreement with the previous analysis of Singal et al. 2011 which used POSS-I 2 optical and FIRST radio data. ] O 1. INTRODUCTION and bolometric luminosities (e.g. Ueda et al. 2003; C Richards et al. 2006; Matute et al. 2006; Hopkins et al. Quasars are distant active galactic nuclei (AGN) with . 2007; Croom et al. 2009). The shape of the LF and its h emissionseenacrossthe electromagneticspectrum, from evolutionareusuallyobtainedfromafluxlimitedsample p radio to X-rays. The optical emission from quasars is intheawavebandf >f withf denotingthe flux - thought to be dominated by the radiation from the ac- a m,a m,a o cretion disk around supermassive black holes, while the limitandLa =4πd2L(z)(1/Ka(z))fa,wheredListhelu- tr radio emission is dominated by the plasma outflowing minositydistanceandKa(z)standsfortheK-correction. s from the black hole/accretion disk systems. Because For a pure power law emission spectrum of index εa de- a of this, different but complementary information can be fined as fa ∝ ν−εa, one has Ka(z) = (1+z)1−εa. This [ gathered from both photon energy ranges regarding the simpleformmaybemodifiedforopticaldatabythepres- 2 cosmologicalevolutionofAGN.Itisthereforeimportant ence of emission lines, as in this work. v to determine in detail the redshift evolutions of quasars In general, the determination of the LF and its evo- 6 in both radio and optical regimes. lution requires analysis of the bi-variate distribution 9 Inapreviouspaper(Singal et al.2011,hereafterQP1) Ψa(La,z). The first step of the process should be the 3 we explored the luminosity evolutions and radio loud- determination of whether the variables of the distribu- 3 ness distribution of quasars with a dataset consisting of tions are correlated or are statistically independent. A 7. theoverlapoftheFIRST(FaintImagesoftheRadioSky correlationbetweenLaandzisaconsequenceofluminos- 0 atTwentyCentimeters)radiosurveywiththeAutomatic ityevolution. Inthe caseofquasarswiththe opticaland 2 PlateMeasuringFacilitycatalogofthePalomarObserva- someotherbandluminosity,wehaveatleastatri-variate 1 tory Sky Survey (POSS-I), as presented by White et al. function. One must determine not only the correlations : (2000). Inthispaperwepresentthe resultsfromamuch betweentheredshiftandindividualluminosities(i.e. the v larger dataset consisting of the overlap of FIRST with twoluminosityevolutions)but alsothe possibleintrinsic i X the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) Data Release 7 correlationbetween the two luminosities, before individ- (Abazajian et al. 2009) quasar catalog, which contains ualdistributionscanbe determined. Knowledgeofthese r a a factor of ∼ 10 more objects and spans redshifts from correlations and distributions are essential for not only 0.065 to 5.46. constraining robustly the cosmological evolution of ac- In the literature, the evolution of the quasar luminos- tivegalaxies,but alsoforinterpretationofrelatedobser- ity function (LF) has been described not only for opti- vations, such as the extragalactic background radiation cal and radio luminosities but also for X-ray, infrared, (e.g. Singal et al. 2010; Hopkins et al. 2010). A related question is the distribution of the ‘radio- loudnessparameter’,R=L /L ,forthequasarpop- [email protected] rad opt 1KavliInstitute forParticleAstrophysicsandCosmology ulation, defined as the ratio of the 5 GHz radio to 2500 SLACNationalAcceleratorLaboratoryandStanfordUniversity ˚A optical luminosity spectral densities, and the distinc- 382ViaPuebloMall,Stanford,CA94305-4060 2AlsoDepartments ofPhysicsandAppliedPhysics tion between so-called ‘radio loud’ (R > 10; RL for 3InstituteofSpaceandAstronauticalScience(ISAS) short) and ‘radio quiet’ (R<10; RQ for short) quasars. JapanAerospaceExplorationAgency(JAXA), Weak hints of a bi-modality in the distribution of the 3-1-1 Yoshinodai, Chuo-ku, Sagamihara, Kanagawa 252-5510 radio loundess parameter described by Kellerman et al. Japan 4AstronomicalobservatoryoftheJagiellonianUniversity (1989) suggested that logR = 1 could be chosen as the ul. Orla171,30-244Krak´ow,Poland radio loud/quiet demarcation value. Using this value 5UniversityofEdinburghInstituteforAstronomy for the division between RL and RQ quasars, the dif- ScottishUniversitiesPhysicsAlliance(SUPA) ferences between the two classes have been investigated, RoyalObservatory,BlackfordHill,EdinburghUK 2 Singal et al. including the possibility of distinct cosmological evolu- tion of the RL and RL populations (e.g. Miller et al. 1990; Goldschmidt et al. 1999; Jiang et al. 2007). Still, the more recent analyses of different samples of objects reported in the literature so far gave rather inconclusive results on whether any bi-modality in the distribution of the radio loudness parameter for quasars is inherent in the population (see Ivezic et al. 2002; Cirasuolo et al. 2003;Ivezic et al.2004;Zamfir et al.2008;Kimball et al. 2011;Mahony et al.2012). InQP1wefoundnoevidence for a bi-modality in R in the range −1<logR<4. In addition to the above cited works, there have been manypapersdealingwiththisratioandRLvsRQissue, as well as luminosity ratios at other wavelengths, e.g. IR/radio, Optical/X-ray etc. However, to the best of ourknowledge,exceptforQP1,noneoftheseworkshave address the correlations between the radio and optical luminosities, which is necessary for such and analysis. Additionally, in general they have not concentrated on Fig.1.— The 2500 ˚A rest frame absolute luminosity density obtainingtheintrinsic—asopposedtotherawobserved for the SDSS DR7 quasar catalog (Schneider etal. 2010). Black — distribution (and/or evolution) of the ratio, which is points arethe objects withthe i<19.1 criterion(63942 objects), related to the tri-variate LF Ψ(L ,L ,z) by6 whilebluepoints aretheobjects outsideofthissubset(41728 ob- opt rad jects). Itisseenthatthei<19.1subsetformsacatalogthathasa ∞ smootherredshiftdistributionwithoutabiastowardobjects with z>2,andwithauniformlimitingfluxforeveryredshift(see§6of G (R,z)= Ψ(L ,R L ,z)L dL R opt opt opt opt Schneideretal. 2010). Also shown is the upper limitingflux cor- Z 0 respondingtoi=15.0. The2500˚A luminositydensityisobtained ∞ Lrad dLrad fromtheobservedi-bandmagnitude,convertingtofluxattheinte- =Z Ψ(cid:18) R ,Lrad,z(cid:19) Lrad R2 . (1) gratedcenterbandfrequency,andapplyingtheluminositydistance 0 obtained from the redshift with the standard cosmology and the K-corrections provided by R06 which include the continuum and In Appendix A of QP1 we showed how, even in the emissionlineeffects. simplest cases, the observed distributions can be very different from the intrinsic ones. Thus, for determina- tion of the true distributions the data truncations must be determinedandthe correlationsbetweenallvariables must be properly evaluated. Efron & Petrosian (1992, 1999, EP for short) devel- oped new methods for determination of the existence of correlationor independence of variables from a flux lim- ited and more generally truncated dataset, which were further expanded in QP1. Our aim in this paper is to take allthe selection andcorrelationeffects into account in determination of the true evolution of optical and ra- dioluminositiesandtheirratioandtofindtheirdistribu- tions,usingthelargerSDSSDR7QSO×FIRSTdataset. In §2 we describe the radio and optical data used. §3 containsageneraldiscussionofluminosityevolutionand the sequence of the analysis. In §4 we apply the EP methodtoachievetheluminosity-redshiftevolutionsand the correlation between the luminosities. We determine thedensityevolutionin§5,andthelocalluminosityfunc- Fig.2.— Sameas Figure1butforthe quasars inthecanonical tions in §6. A discussion of the radio loudness distribu- SDSS× FIRST dataset used inthis analysis (5445 objects). The tion is presented in §7. §8 we investigate some of the blackpointsaretheRLobjectswhiletheredpointsaretheRQ. assumptions used, and §9 contains a discussion of the effects, we require a dataset that has both radio and op- results. This workassumesthe standardΛCDMcosmol- ogy throughout, with H = 71kms−1Mpc−1, Ω = 0.7 tical fluxes to reasonable limits across a broad range of 0 Λ redshifts that contains a significant number of both RL and Ω =0.3. m andRQobjects. TheoverlapoftheFIRSTbrightquasar radiosurvey(Becker et al.1995;White et al.1997)with 2. DATA the SDSS DR7 quasar catalog (DR7Q; Schneider et al. In order to evaluate the luminosity evolution in both 2010), can form such a dataset. radio and optical, and to separate and compare these The SDSS DR7 quasar catalog has a limiting i band magnitude of 21 or f =0.015 mJy, and contains over m,i 6 Equation 1 arises because by definition R GR(R,z)dR = 105,000objectswithredshiftsrangingfrom0.065to5.46 R RΨ(Lopt,Lradz)dLoptdLrad,and,followingfromthedefinition over 9380 deg2. We work with a more restrictive i-band ofR,dLrad=LoptdRanddLopt=−(Lrad/R2)dR. optical magnitude limit of 19.1 (fm,i = 0.083 mJy) to SDSS × FIRST Quasar Luminosity Evolution and Radio Loudness 3 as mentioned in DR7Q. Further properties of the DR7 quasar catalog, such as black hole masses obtained from line emissionmeasurements,are presentedin Shen et al. (2011). TheFIRSTsurvey,carriedoutwiththeVeryLargeAr- ray(VLA)inBconfigurationbetween1995and2004,has alimitingpeakpixel1.4GHzfluxof1mJy,andcontains 816,000sourcesover9500deg2. Different criteria can be used to determine radio and optical matches to form a joint SDSS DR7 QSO × FIRST catalog. Jiang et al. (2007), hereafter J07, in their analysis of SDSS quasars, ′′ used a matching radius of 5 for single radio matches ′′ and 30 for multiple matches to an optical source (al- though they included quasarswith no radio detection in theirjointsamplewhilewedonot). Weconstructafidu- cial catalog using the radius matching criteria, but, as mentioned,unlikeJ07wedonotincludequasarswithno radio detection (see the discussion in §9.1). Fig.3.—The1.4GHzrestframeabsoluteluminositydensityfor This fiducial catalog contains 5677 objects ranging in the quasars in the canonical SDSS × FIRST dataset used in this redshift from 0.064 to 4.82 and with logR ranging from analysis(5445objects). Toobtainthe1.4GHzluminositydensity −0.47to 4.44. 4327of the objects in the fiducial catalog weusetheluminositydistanceobtainedfromtheredshiftandthe are single matches (which J07 calls ‘Fanaroff-Riley type standard cosmologyand the standard K-correction. Weassume a radio spectral index of 0.6. The black points are the RL objects I sources’, FR1s, perhaps incorrectly; see the discussion whiletheredpointsaretheRQ. in §9.1) and 1350 are multiple matches (which J07 calls ‘Fanaroff-Rileytype II objects’,orFR2sfor short). This sampleseemstobe skewedtowardRLasopposedtoRQ quasars, with 4543 (80%) having R > 10. It should be noted that J07 used the SDSS Data Release 3, so our realization with the same matching criteria, even with the additional i < 19.1 magnitude cut and no objects without radio detections, results in more objects (J07 have 2566 objects). ′′ Wealsoconstructcatalogwithauniversal5 matching criterion which we feel is more appropriate, as discussed in §9.1. In this catalog there are 5445 objects with only 25 multiple radio matches to an optical source. We will refertothisasthecanonicalsample,andbaseouranaly- sis primarily on it, while comparing to results we obtain with the fiducial sample, which as discussed below are quite similar. In the canonical sample 4466 (82%) have R>10. The major changes from the fiducial catalog to thecanonicalonearethatsomeopticalobjectswithmul- tiple radio matches in the fiducial sample are reducedto Fig.4.— The redshift distribution of the ratio R of rest frame havingonlysinglematchesinthecanonicalsample,with absoluteluminositiesat5GHzand2500˚A forthequasarsinthe a corresponding reduction in radio flux, while a small canonical SDSS × FIRST dataset used in this analysis. The 5 number of objects drop out entirely, having had multi- GHzluminosityisobtainedfromthe1.4GHzluminosityassuming ′′ ′′ aradiospectral indexof0.6. TheblackpointsaretheRLobjects ple matches within 30 but none within 5 . The fiducial while the red points are the RQ. Also plotted are the observed sampleandcanonicalsamplearenearlyidenticalintheir fractionofobjects withR>10(dotted curve)andR>100(solid redshift distribution, and the average radio luminosity curve). differs only slightly, being 10% lower in the canonical form a parent optical catalog that has a smoother red- sample. shiftdistributionwithareducedbiastowardobjectswith As showninRichards et al.(2006), hereafter R06,e.g. z >2 and with a uniform limiting flux for every redshift Figure 8 of that work, the SDSS optical quasar sam- (see§6ofDR7Q).Thei<19.1catalogconsistsof63,942 plecontainssignificantbiasesintheredshiftdistribution objects, with a maximum redshift of 4.98, shown in Fig- due to emission line effects and the differing flux limits ure 1. at z >2. We have reduced the later effect by using only In the SDSS DR7 catalog, objects are identified as the universallyflux-limited i<19.1sample,andthe for- quasar candidates if either they have the requisite opti- merbyadoptingthefullε =0.5powerlawcontinuum opt calcolors,or if they havearadiomatchwithin 2′′. Only plusemissionlineKcorrectionspresentedinR06anddis- 1% of the quasars in the catalog were selected from the cussed in §5 and Table 4 of that work. The methods of candidate list for spectroscopic followup based on the this work can then account for any bias resulting from later criterion. We also note the presence of an upper emission line effects, as long as they are included in the limit i band magnitude of 15.0 for inclusion in the cat- conversionsfrom luminosity to flux, i.e. in the K correc- alog. However this criterion is not completely rigorous, tions. For the radio data we assume a power law with 4 Singal et al. ε = 0.6. Figures 2 and 3 show the radio and optical value of z is determined to be 3.7±0.3, by considering rad cr luminosities versusredshifts ofthe quasarsinthe canon- the 1σ range of the best fit evolution while letting that ical constructed SDSS x FIRST catalog. Figure 4 shows numericalfactorvary. We wouldexpectthatifthe trun- the radio loudness parameter R versus redshift for the cations and correlations have been properly accounted canonical dataset. for by the methods of this work, g (z) as determined opt from the simultaneous radio and optical dataset should 3. GENERALREMARKSONLUMINOSITYFUNCTIONS match that as determined from the parent optical only ANDEVOLUTIONS dataset, which is shown to be the case (see §4). 3.1. Luminosity and density evolution We discuss the determination of the evolution factors g (z) with the EP method, which in this parameteriza- TheLFgivesthenumberofobjectsperunitcomoving a tion becomes a determination of k , in §4. The den- volumeV perunitsourceluminosity,sothatthenumber a sityevolutionfunctionρ(z)isdeterminedbythemethod density is dN/dV = dL Ψ (L ,z) and the total num- a a a shown §5. Once these are determined we construct the ber is N = dLa Rdz(dV/dz)Ψa(La,z). To examine local (de-evolved) LF ψ(L′), shown in §6. luminosity evRolutionR, without loss of generality, we can a a write a LF in some waveband a as 3.2. Joint Luminosity Functions Ψ (L ,z)=ρ(z)ψ (L /g (z),ηj)/g (z), (2) In general, determination of the evolution of the LF a a a a a a a of extragalactic sources for any wavelength band except where ga(z) and ρ(z) describe the luminosity evolution opticalinvolvesatri-variatedistributionbecauseredshift and comoving density evolution with redshift respec- determination requires optical observations which intro- tively and ηaj stands for parameters that describe the duces additional observational selection bias and data shape (e.g. power law indices and break values) of the truncation. Thus, unless redshifts are known for all a band LF. In what follows we assume a non-evolving sourcesinaradiolsurvey,weneedtodeterminethecom- shape for the LF (i.e. ηaj = const, independent of L and bined LF Ψ(Lopt,Lrad,z) from a tri-variate distribution z), which is a good approximation for determining the of z and the fluxes in the optical and radio bands. If global evolutions. Once the luminosity evolution ga(z) the optical and radio luminosities were statistically in- is determined using the EP method we can obtain the dependent variables, then this LF would be separable mono-variate distributions of the independent variables Ψ(L ,L ,z) = Ψ (L ,z) × Ψ (L ,z) and we ′ opt rad opt opt rad rad La =La/ga(z) and z, namely the density evolution ρ(z) would be dealing with two bi-variate distributions. and“local”LFψa. Thetotalnumberofobservedobjects However, the luminosities in the different wavebands is then are correlated. The degree and form of the correlation zmax ∞ dV ψ (L /g (z)) must be determined from the data, and as described be- a a a Ntot = dz dLaρ(z) , low,the EP method allowsus to determine whether any Z0 ZLmin(z) dz ga(z) pair of variables are independent or correlated. Once it (3) is determined that the luminosities are correlated (see We consider this form of the LF for luminosities in §4.2), the question must be asked whether this luminos- differentbands,allowingforseparate(opticalandradio) ity correlation is intrinsic to the population, or induced luminosity evolutions. in the data by flux limits and/or similar luminosity evo- In the previous work (QP1) with the White et al. lutionswith redshift. Determinationofwhichisthe case dataset, we assumed a simple power law for the lumi- isquiteintricateasdiscussedinAppendixBofQP1,and nosity evolution has not been explored much in the literature. This will be the subject of a future work. Here we will simply ga(z)=(1+z)ka. (4) consider both possibilities. At one extreme, if the luminosity correlationis intrin- However with the SDSS dataset which contains objects sic and not induced, one should seek a coordinate trans- past z=4 and many more objects past z =3, we need to formation to define a new pair of variables which are use a more complicated parameterization: independent. This requires a parametric form for the (1+z)ka transformation. One can define a new luminosity which g (z)= . (5) is a combinationof the two,which we calla “correlation a 1+(1z+crz)ka reduced radio luminosity” Lcrr = Lrad/F(Lopt/Lfid), where the function F describes the correlation between Witheitherdefinitionofg (z)whichgivesg (0)=1,the luminosities L′a refer to thae de-evolved valuaes at z = 0, tLorabdean1d02L8oeprtgasnecd−L1fiHdzi−s1a7fiFdourcitahlelucmorinreolsaittiyontakfuennchtieorne hence the name “local”. we will assume a simple power law We have verified the form of equation 5 as a good fit to the evolution by considering the optical evolution in L rad the large parent optical only sample in narrow redshift Lcrr = (L /L )α (6) bins with the appropriate simple form of equation4 and opt fid thenverifyingtheformofthecumulativeevolutionovera where α is a bulk power law correlation index to be de- larger range. We have determined the appropriate value termined from the data. This is essentially a coordinate forz aswellasconfirmedthatthesameexponentisap- cr propriate in the numerator and denominator, using the 7 This is a convenient choice for Lfid as it is lower than the large set of optical only data and the methods of §4.1. lowest2500˚A luminosityconsideredinoursample,butresultsdo With the exponents fixed to be the same, the optimal notdependontheparticularchoiceofnumericalvalue. SDSS × FIRST Quasar Luminosity Evolution and Radio Loudness 5 rotation in the log-log luminosity space. As shown in §4 below, EP also prescribe a method to determine a best fit value for the index α which orthogonalizes the new luminosities. Giventhe correlationfunction we canthen transform the data (and its truncation) into the new in- dependent pair of luminosities (L and L ). opt crr At the other extreme, if the correlation between the luminosities is entirely induced, then the LFs are sepa- rable as described above and the analysis can proceed from there. As mentioned, we will consider both pos- sibilities here. It turns out that the results obtained in bothcasesareverysimilar,implyingthattheluminosity- redshift correlations in the analyzed sample are much stronger than any intrinsic luminosity-luminosity corre- lations (if present). Further mechanics of the procedure forintrinsicallycorrelatedluminositiesisdiscussedinthe Appendix. In this work we are also interested in the distribu- tion of radio loudness parameter R, specifically its de- Fig.5.— The value of the τ statistic as given by equation 8 as evolved value R′ = L′ /L′ . In the case of uncorre- afunction ofkopt fortheformofthe optical luminosityevolution rad opt givenbyequation5,forthe63,942quasarsinthei<19.1optical lated radio and optical luminosities or an induced, non- only dataset. The 1 σ range for the best fit value of α is where intrinsic radio-optical luminosity correlation, the local |τ|≤1. ′ ′ distribution of R, denoted hereafter as G(R), can be If (x ,y ) were independent then the rank R should j j j constructed from the local optical and radio luminosity be distributed uniformly between 0 and 1 with the ex- functions as in equation 1, with the redshift evolution pectation value and variance E = (1/2)(n + 1) and j function V =(1/12)(n2+1), respectively,where n is the number j g of objects in object j’s associated set. Independence is rad gR = . (7) rejected at the mσ level if |τ| > m. To find the best g opt fit correlation the y data are then adjusted by defining ′ In the caseof anintrinsic radio-opticalluminosity corre- yj =yj/F(xj) andthe ranktest is repeated, with differ- lation, GR′ and the evolution gR can be constructed by ent values of parameters of the function F. equations 3 and 4 given in the Appendix. 4.1. Optical-Only Dataset Luminosity-Redshift 4. DETERMINATIONOFBESTFITCORRELATIONS Correlation We now describe results obtained from the use of the Withtheopticalonlydataset(hereweusethei<19.1 procedures described in §3 on the data described in §2. set described in §2), determination of the luminosity- Herewefirstgiveabriefsummaryofthealgebrainvolved redshiftcorrelationfunctiongopt(z)byequation5reduces in the EP method. We generally follow the procedures to determination of the value of the index kopt. As ev- described in more detail in QP1. This method uses the ident from Figure 1 the Lopt−z data are heavily trun- Kendall tau test to determine the best-fit values of pa- cated due to the flux limits of SDSS. The associated set rameters describing the correlation functions using the for object j includes only those objects that are suffi- test statistic cientlyluminoustoexceedthe opitlcalfluxminimumfor inclusioninthesurveyiftheywerelocatedattheredshift j(Rj −Ej) of the object in question, ie Lk ≥ Lmin(zj). As the val- τ = (8) ues of k are adjusted and L is scaled by g (k,z), P opt opt opt jVj the luminosity cutoff limits for a given redshift are also qP scaled by gopt(k,z). to test the independence of two variables in a dataset, Figure 5 shows the value of the test statistic τ for say (x ,y ) for j = 1,...,n. Here R is the dependent a range of values of k given the parameterization of j j j opt variable (y) rank of the data point j in a set associated equation5. It isseenthatthe bestfit valueofk is 3.3 opt with it. For a untruncated data (i.e. data truncated with a 1σ range of 0.1. This indicates that quasars have parallel to the axes) the set assocated with point j in- strong optical luminosity evolution, i.e. the LF shifts to cludesallofthepointswithalowerindependentvariable higher luminosities at larger redshifts. value (x <x ). If the data is truncated one must form We have performed an optimization procedure to de- k j theassociated setconsistingonlyofthosepointsoflower termine the best-fit value of z , the numerical constant cr independentvarialbe(x) valuethatwouldhavebeenob- inthe denominator ofequation5, as wellas whether the served if they were at the x value of point j given the same exponent is appropriate for the numerator and de- truncation. As an example, if we have one sided trun- nominator. This was done by varying these parameters cations as in Figures 2 and 3 — ignoring the upper op- and determining the best-fit range of values in the same tical flux limit for the moment, then the associated set way as described above. We find z = 3.7±0.3. cr − − A = {k :y > y , y < y },where y is the limiting In this analysis we have ignoredthe upper optical flux j k j k j k y value of data point j (see EP for a full discussion of limitofSDSS quasarscorrespondingroughlyto aiband this method). magnitudeof15.0asdiscussedin§2. Thereasonforthis 6 Singal et al. 4.3. Joint Dataset Luminosity-Redshift Correlations The basic method for determining simultaneously the best fit k and k , giventhe evolutionforms in equa- opt rad tion5,isthesameasdescribedin§4.1butinthiscasethe procedureis more complicatedbecause we noware deal- ing with a three dimensional distribution (L ,L ,z) rad opt and two correlationfunctions (g (z) and g (z)). rad opt Since we have two criteria for truncation, the associ- ated set for each object includes only those objects that are sufficiently luminous in both bands to exceed both flux minima for inclusion in the survey if they were lo- cated at the redshift of the object in question. Conse- quently, we have a two dimensional minimization prob- lem,becauseboththeopticalandradioevolutionfactors, g (z)andg (z),comeintoplay,astheluminositycut- opt rad offlimits foragivenredshiftarealsoadjustedbypowers of k and k . opt rad Fig.6.—Thevalueoftheτ statisticasgivenbyequation8asa We form a test statistic τ = τ2 +τ2 where functionofαfortherelationLrad∝(Lopt)α,whereLoptandLrad comb q opt rad aretheopticalandradioluminosities,respectively,forthequasars τopt andτrad arethoseevaluatedconsideringtheobjects’ in the canonical combined dataset. The 1σ range for the best fit optical and correlation reduced radio luminosities, re- value of α is where |τ| ≤ 1. It is seen that the observed optical spectively. The favoredvalues of k and k are those and radio luminosities are strongly positively correlated, with a opt rad that simultaneouslygive the lowestτ and, again,we linearrelation, although thismay notbe the intrinsiccorrelation, comb asdiscussedin§4.2,§3.2,andtheAppendix. takethe 1σ limits asthoseinwhichτcomb <1. Forvisu- alization, Figure 7 shows a surface plot of τ . Figure comb is that data truncations are only consequential in this 8 shows the best fit values of kopt and krad taking the 1 analysis if the truncation is actually denying the sample and2σ contours,forthecanonicalradio-opticaldataset. data points that would otherwise be there. As can be We have verified this method with a simulated Monte seen in Figure 1, there are very few objects approaching Carlo dataset as discussed in QP1. this upper truncation limit, indicating that the trunca- We see that positive evolution in both radio and opti- tion is not consequential, i.e. it does not appreciably cal wavebands is favored. The minimum value of τcomb alter the sample from the underlying population. favorsanopticalevolutionofkopt = 3.5andaradioevo- lution of k = 5.5, with a very small uncertainty at rad 4.2. Radio-Optical Luminosity Correlation the 1σ level. The fact that kopt as determined here from the combined dataset is equal to that determined from Turningtothe combinedradioandopticaldataset,we the much larger optical only dataset (see §4.1 and Fig- willdetermine the correlationbetweenthe radioandop- ure 5) indicates that the truncations have been properly ticalluminosities. Theradioandopticalluminositiesare handled. obtained from radio and optical fluxes from a two-flux In the above analysis we have assumed sharp trunca- limited sample so that the data points in the two di- tion boundaries andthat the data is complete above the mensional flux space are truncated parallel to the axes boundaries. As discussed in §8 this may not be the case whichweconsidertobeuntruncated. Sincethetwolumi- for the FIRST radio data. If we restrict the sample to nosities have essentially the same relationshipwith their only data with f > 2 mJy the favored optical evo- respective fluxes, except for a minor difference in the K- rad lution range for the canonical dataset lowers slightly to correction terms, we can consider the luminosity data k = 3.0±0.5 and the favored radio evolution range to also be untruncated in the L -L space. In that opt opt rad lowers slightly to k = 5.0±0.25. These overlap with casethedeterminationoftheassociatedsetistrivialand rad the results considering the entire combined canonical one is dealing with the standard Kendall tau test. As- sample at the 1 σ level. sumingthecorrelationfunctionbetweentheluminosities These results indicate that quasars have undergone a F(x)=xα we calculate the test statistic τ as a function significantly greater radio evolution relative to optical ofα. Figure6showstheabsolutevalueoftheteststatis- evolution, in general agreement with the result in QP1, ticτ vsα,fromwhichwegetthebestfitvalueofα=1.2 althoughthebest-fitdifferentialevolutionwasevenmore with one σ range ±0.1. The result similar whether the dramatic there, given the form of g(z) used. canonical or fiducial combined dataset is used. As ex- Theresultsforthebestfitk andk areidenticalif pectedαisnearunity,andthisresultiscompatiblewith opt rad the different fiducial radio-optical dataset matching ra- that obtained in QP1 (α=1.3±0.2). dius criteria areused, indicating that the addition ofex- As discussed in §3.2, this correlation may be inherent traradiofluxandafewadditionalsourcesdonotmatter inthe populationormay be anartifactofthe flux limits for this determination. If we consider that the radio- and wide range of redshifts. The general question of optical luminosity correlation is inherent in the data, determining whether an observed luminosity correlation then the orthogonal luminosities are L and L (see is intrinsic or induced will be explored in a future work. opt crr §3.2)andwecandetermine thebestfitevolutionsg (z) For this analysis going forward, we will consider both crr and g (z). These results favor k = 3.5 and k =2. possibilities. We see that it does not make a significant opt opt crr In this case the best fit radio evolution can be recovered difference for the major conclusions of this work. SDSS × FIRST Quasar Luminosity Evolution and Radio Loudness 7 in object j’s associated set. In this case, the associated set is again those objects with sufficient optical and ra- dio luminosity that they would be seen if they were at objectj’sredshift. Theuseofonlythe associatedsetfor each object removes the biases introduced by the data truncation. Then the density evolution ρ(z) is dσ(z) 1 ρ(z)= × (11) dz dV/dz However, to determine the density evolution, the pre- viously determined luminosity evolution must be taken out. Thus, the objects’ optical and radio luminosities, as well as the optical and radio luminosity limits for in- clusion in the associated set for given redshifts in the calculationof σ by equation10, are scaledby taking out factors of g (z) and g (z), determined as above. Fig- opt rad ure9and10showthecumulativeanddifferentialdensity evolutions,respectively.8 Thenumberdensityofquasars Fig.7.— Surface plot of the value of τcomb for the canonical seems to peak at between redshifts 1 and 1.5, earlier combinedradio-opticaldataset asawholeshowingthelocationof than generally thought for the most luminous quasars theminimumregionwherethefavoredvaluesofkopt andkcrr lie. (e.g. Shaver et al. 1996), and earlier than that found in R06, but more similar to the peak found for less lumi- nousquasarsby Hopkins et al.(2007),andinagreement withMaloney & Petrosian(1999). Thisisslightlyearlier than we found in QP1. The normalization of ρ(z) is determined by equation ∞ ′ ′ 3, with the customary choice of ψ(L)dL = 1. As L′min stated in R06, the main sourcesRof bias in the redshift distributionofthe SDSSquasarsampleare1)the differ- ing magnitude limits for z >2, 2) the effects of emission linesonibandfluxatdifferentredshifts,and,atasome- what less important level, 3) the inclusion of extended sourcesat the lowestredshifts (z ∼0.3). As discussedin §2,wehave,followingR06,dealtwithissue1byrestrict- ing the sample to a universal i < 19.1 magnitude limit, andissue 2 by adopting the R06 K correctionswhich in- cludetheeffectofemissionlinesaswellasthecontinuum spectrum. Since we do not see any hint of a peak or de- viationinρ(z)orσ(z)atz ∼0.3,wedonotdeemissue3 Fig.8.—The1σand2σcontoursforthesimultaneousvaluesof tosignificantlyeffectourconclusions. Thedensityevolu- kopt andkrad forthecanonicalcombineddataset, fortheformsof tion ρ(z) can be fit with a broken polynomial in z, with theluminosityevolutionsgivenbyequation5. coefficients shown in Table 1. byequation2intheAppendixanditiskrad =5.5,inper- Knowing both the luminosity evolutions ga(z) and the fectagreementwiththeresultsobtainedfromconsidering density evolutionρ(z), one canformthe luminosity den- kopt and krad as orthogonal,indicating the robustness of sity functions £a(z) which are the total rate of produc- the result. tion of energy of quasars as a function of redshift, by 5. DENSITYEVOLUTION dV dV ′ Nextwedeterminethedensityevolutionρ(z). Onecan £a(z)=Z dLaLaρ(z) dz dz =<La > ga(z)ρ(z) dz . define the cumulative density function (12) z dV Weshowboththe2500˚A andopticaland1.4GHzradio σ(z)= ρ(z)dz (9) luminosity densitiy functions in Figure 11. As expected, Z dz 0 because of the greater luminosity evolution in the radio which, following Petrosian (1992) based on Lynden-Bell band, the radio luminosity density peaks earlier in red- (1971), can be calculated by shift than the optical luminosity density. 1 6. LOCALLUMINOSITYFUNCTIONS σ(z)= (1+ ) (10) m(j) 6.1. General Considerations Yj where j runs over all objects with a redshift lower than 8 We note a notional difference with QP1 where we plotted or equal to z, and m(j) is the number of objects with ρ(z) = dσ/dz rather than ρ as defined in equation 11 here with a redshift lower than the redshift of object j which are afactorofdV/dz takenout. 8 Singal et al. TABLE 1 Coefficientsforpolynomialfita todensity evolution ρ(z)vs. z z≤1.3 z≥1.3 c -0.000581965 0.00487286 a1 +0.00752870 −0.0145420 a2 −0.0233918 +0.0196557 a3 +0.0355617 −0.0138312 a4 −0.0257837 +0.00544187 a5 +0.00714230 −0.0012073 a6 0 +0.000140803 a7 0 −6.68658e-006 aPolynomialfitsareoftheformρ(z)= c1 + a1z + a2z2 + a3z3 + a4z4 + a5z5 + a6z6 + a7z7. In a parallel procedure we can use the local (redshift evolution taken out, or ’de-evolved’) luminosity distri- Fig.9.— The cumulative density function σ(z) vs. redshift for thequasarsinthecanonicaldataset. Thenormalizationofσ(z)is butions (and de-evolvedluminosity thresholds) to deter- determinedasdescribedin§5polynomialfittoρ(z)isgiventhere. minethe‘local’LFsψ (L ′),whereagainthesubscripta a a Apolynomialfittoσ(z)isusedtodetermineρ(z)byequation 11. denotes the waveband, and the prime indicates that the luminosityevolutionhasbeentakenout. Wefirstobtain the cumulative LF ∞ ′ ′′ ′′ Φ (L )= ψ (L )dL (13) a a ZL′a a a a ′ which, following Petrosian(1992), Φ (L ), can be calcu- a a lated by 1 ′ Φ (L )= (1+ ) (14) a a n(k) Yk where k runs over all objects with a luminosity greater than or equal to L , and n(k) is the number of objects a with a luminosity higher thanthe luminosity of objectk which are in object k’s associatedset, determined in the ′ same manner as above. The luminosity function ψ (L ) a a is ′ Fig. 10.— The density evolution ρ(z) vs. redshift for the for ψ (L′)=−dΦa(La) (15) tσh(ez)q=uaRsa∞rsρ(izn)tdhVe/dczandozn.iTcahlednaotramseatl.izaρt(izon) oisfρd(ezfi)niesddestuecrhmitnheadt a a dL′a 0 asdescribedin§5,andpolynomialfitsofρ(z)tozaregiventhere. In §4 we determined the luminosity evolution for the optical luminosity L and the radio luminosity L . opt rad ′ We can form the local optical ψ (L ) and radio opt opt ′ ψ (L ) LFs straightforwardly, by taking the evolu- rad rad tions out. As before, the objects’ luminosities, as well as the luminosity limits for inclusion in the associated setforgivenredshifts,arescaledbytakingoutfactorsof g (z) and g (z), with k and k determined in §4. rad opt rad opt ′ We use the notation L→L ≡L/g(z). For the local lu- minosity functions, we use the customary normalization ∞ ′ ′ ψ(L)dL = 1. This normalization may be biased L′min bRy around 8% due to quasar variability as discussed in §8. 6.2. Local optical luminosity function ′ Figures12and13showthelocalcumulativeΦ (L ) opt opt ′ anddifferentialψ (L )localopticalLFsofthequasars opt opt inthecanonicalcombineddataset,andthatoftheoptical Fig. 11.—Theoptical(solidcurve)andradio(dashedcurve)lu- only dataset. minositydensities£opt(z)and£rad(z),discussedin§5andequa- The optical LF shows possible evidence of a break at tion12. Notethedifferentscales. ∼1030ergsec−1Hz−1,whichwaspresentalreadyindata SDSS × FIRST Quasar Luminosity Evolution and Radio Loudness 9 analyzed in Petrosian (1973) and was also seen in QP1. Withtheopticalonlydataset,fittingabrokenpowerlaw yields values −2.8±0.2 and −4.1±0.4 below and above the break, respectively. With the canonical combined radio-optical dataset, fitting a broken power law yields values −2.8± 0.3 and −3.8± 0.5. If we allow for the possibility of additional uncertainty resulting from the consideration of possible radio incompleteness at faint fluxes (see discussion in §8), the range on the power law below the break changes to −2.1±0.1, and above the break the results are not affected. Asthe opticalLFhasbeenstudiedextensivelyinvari- ′ ousAGNsurveys,wecancomparetheslopeofψ (L ) opt opt obtained here to values reported in the literature. In QP1, we found power law values of −2.0 ± 0.2 and −3.2 ± 0.2 below and above the break, respectively. Boyle et al. (2000), using the 2dF optical dataset (but with no radio overlap criteria) use a customary broken Fig.12.— The cumulative local optical luminosity function power law form for the LF, with values ranging from Φopt(L′opt) for the quasars in the canonical combined dataset −1.39 to −3.95 for different realizations, showing rea- (stars)andfortheparentoptical onlydataset (squares). Apiece- sonable agreement.9 wise quadratic fit to Φ(L′opt) is used to determine ψopt(L′opt) by equation15. Thenormalizationoftheoptical luminosityfunction 6.3. Local radio luminosity function maybebiasedbyaround8%(see§8.) ′ Figure 14 shows the local radio LF ψ (L ). It is rad rad seen that the local radio LF contains a possible break around 2×1031ergsec−1Hz−1, with a power law slope of −1.5±0.1 below the break and −2.6±0.1 above the break. The range for the power law above the break is increased slightly to −2.5±0.3 if the effects of possible radio incompleteness are included, as in §8, while below the break it is unchanged, indicating this is a small ef- fect. It is interesting to note that the value of the radio loudness parameter R corresponding to the break in the radioandopticalluminosityfunctionsisveryclosetothe critical value R ∼ 10 widely discussed in the context of the RL/RQ dichotomy. We can also construct the local radio LF from ′ ′ ψ (L ) and ψ (L ) with equation 1 of the Ap- opt opt crr crr pendix, under the assumptionthat the radioand optical luminosity correlation is intrinsic. This is shown by the ′ csmonasltlrbulcatcekdpinointhtsisinwFayigiusrnee1a4r.lyItidisensetiecnalthtoattψharatd(dLertaedr)- Fig.13.—Thelocalopticalluminosityfunctionψopt(L′opt). The squaresshowresultsfortheparentopticalonlydataset, whilethe mined by considering the radio and optical luminosity largerblackstars,smallerredstars,andsmallerbluestarsshowthe correlationisinduced,indicatingthattheradioluminos- resultsfortheentirecanonicalcombinedradio-opticaldataset,and ity function result is robust to this consideration. that dataset with imposed radio flux limits of 2 mJy and 4 mJy, respectively. The normalization of the local luminosity functions InQP1forthelocalradioluminosityfunctionwefound isdescribedin§6. abreakat1031ergsec−1Hz−1,withapowerlawslopeof −1.7±0.1belowthebreakand−2.4±0.1aboveit,inex- In Figure 14 we also show the radio luminosity func- cellentagreementwiththe results here. The slope above tions for the same range of L′ , as determined by thebreakseenhereissimilartoearlierresultsofSchmidt Kimball et al.(2011)fortwosamrpaldes,oneforasampleof (1972) and Petrosian (1973) which probed only high lu- SDSS optical and NRAO Very Large Array Sky Survey minosities. A more complete comparison can be made (NVSS) radio data, and another for deep radio obser- with Mauch & Sadler (2007), who form radio LFs of lo- vations with the Extended Very Large Array in which cal sources in the Second Incremental Data Release of almost every SDSS quasar in a narrow redshift range in the6degreeFieldGalaxySurvey(6dFGS)radiocatalog. afieldwasdetectedinradio. Theresultspresentedthere For the sources they identify as AGN, they find a break are the luminosity function only for sources in the red- at 3.1×1031ergsec−1Hz−1, with slopes of −2.27±0.18 shiftrange0.2<z <0.3,whichwehavescaledbymeans and −1.49±0.04 above and below the break, in good ofequation5andconvertedfrom6GHzto1.4GHzwith agreement with our results. a radio spectralindex of 0.6 to obtain the localluminos- ity function at 1.4 GHz for direct comparison with our 9Itshouldbenotedthattheyparameterizeevolutiondifferently results. It is seen that our luminosity functions agree on and work in absolute magnitudes rather than luminosities, how- thefaintendoftherangeconsideredherebutpotentially ever the slopes of their fits to the LF as they parameterize it are applicable,ascanbeseenintheirsection3.2.2. disagree only on the very bright end. 10 Singal et al. ratio,givenequation4. Thechangeinthedistributionof R with increasing redshift is also shown in Figure 15.10 Another way to look at this is that we have found that the radio luminosity evolves at a different rate than the opticalluminosity, with the consequence that their ratio is a function of redshift. The radio loudness of the pop- ulation increases by a factor of 3 by redshift 1, a factor of 8 by redshift 3, and a factor of 11 by redshift 5. This is a less dramatic evolution of the ratio than we found in QP1, where we used a simpler parameterization (see §3.1), although still quite significant. The general trend toward increasing R with redshift can be validated in a simple way by examining the median value of R vs. redshift in bins of redshift which indeed shows a steady increase. This differential evolution is in disagreement with the resultpresentedbyJ07whoshowadecreaseinfractionof quFaisga.r1s4in.—theTchaenloonciaclarlacdoimobluinmedinroasditiyo-foupntcitciaolndaψtraasde(Lt.′raTdh)efolarrtgheer RcaLsesoifutrhceesrwaditiho ilnucmreinaosisnitgyrwedesrheiftto, wevhoilcvhecmouolrdebsleowthlye black stars show the results from considering the entire canonical than the opticalluminosity. They howeverdo notdeter- combined dataset and the radio-optical luminosity correlation to mine individual evolutions or LFs. On the other hand, beentirelyinduced,whilethesmallstarsshowtheresultsfromthe Miller et al. (1990) have noted that the fraction of RL entire canonical combined dataset considering the correlation to be entirely intrinsic, calculated with equation 1 in the Appendix. quasarsmay increasewithredshift, whichthey attribute The smaller red and blue stars show the results from considering to a difference in the evolutions of the two populations an induced correlation with the canonical combined dataset and (RL and RQ). Donoso et al. (2009) compute radio and imposed radio flux limits of 2 mJy and 4 mJy respectively. It is seenthatthelocalradioluminosityfunctionisnotsensitivetothe opticalLFsatdifferentredshiftsandreachthesamecon- assumption of whether the radio-optical luminosity correlation is clusion. Cirasuolo et al. (2006) also find that the radio intrinsicorinduced (see§3.2foradiscussion). Thenormalization loudfractionmaymodestlyincreaseathighredshift. Al- of the local luminosityfunctions is describedin§6. We alsoover- though not directly comparable, LaFranca et al. (2010) plotthelocalluminosityfunctionsasdeterminedbyKimballetal. (2011)withanSDSS×NVSSsample(blackcrosses)andbyadeep show a similar evolution for Rx, the ratio of radio to X- EVLAsample(darkbluecrosses),whichhavebeenproperlyscaled ray luminosity, as we show here for R. As discussed in foroverplottinghereasdiscussedin§6.3. §9.1, we believe that our differences with J07 stem from our inclusion of only radio-detected quasars in the joint 7. DISTRIBUTION OFRADIOLOUDNESSRATIOS radio-opticalsample. As stated in the introduction, naively one may expect We note that our results favor one population in the that because the ratio R is independent of cosmological range of R considered here, in the sense that the dis- model and nearly independent of redshift, the raw ob- tribution of G(R), recovered from considering the data served distribution of R would provide a good represen- truncations inherent in the survey and correlations be- tationof the true distributionof this ratio. InAppendix tween the luminosities, is continuous and without any A of QP1 we show that this assumption would likely be bi-modality. This is in agreement with the conclusion wrong. In Figure 15 we show this raw distribution of we reached in QP1. One may hypothesize about a bi- R by the triangles, arrived at by using the raw values modality that is not centeredonthe commonly assumed of R from the data and forming a distribution in the valueofR=10orabovethatvalue,butatalowervalue manner of equations14 and 15with no data truncations of R below those values probed in this analysis. Our re- accounted for. As discussed in §3, we can reconstruct sults disfavor that as well. As seen in Figures 13 and ′ the localdistributionof GR′(R), as inequation1, which 14, the lack of a significant change in the shapes of the provides for a more proper accounting of the biases and computed local optical or radio LFs when the radio flux truncations and is an estimate of the true, intrinsic dis- limits for inclusion in the analysis are changed, or the tribution. The results of this calculation are also shown parent optical only dataset is considered, argues against in Figure 15 by the filled circles. We include a range of thepresenceofanadditionalpopulationofquasarswhich error for the extremal possibilities that the correlation wouldbecomemoreprominentbelowthelowestvaluesof between the radio and opticalluminosities is entirely in- R considered here. The results of Kimball et al. (2011), duced or entirely intrinsic (open circles). In the later whichprobe evenlowerradiofluxes, alsodisfavora pop- ′ case, GR′(R) is given by equation 3 of the Appendix. ulationwithverylowvaluesofRbelowthoseconsidered ′ ThedistributionGR′(R)calculatedfromthedatatak- here. ingintoaccounttheevolutionsandtruncationsisclearly In Figure 16 we plot our results along with two deter- different than the raw distribution, and shows no evi- minations of the raw observed R distribution available dence of bi-modality in the range of R considered. The in the literature, that of Ivezic et al. (2004) and that of raw distribution is seen to be weighted toward much Cirasuolo et al. (2006) along with our results. These de- higher values of R. Using the naive, raw distribution terminationsfromtheliteraturearescaledtotheratioof insteadofthe reconstructedintrinsicone wouldresultin 5GHzradioto2500˚A opticalluminosityassumingopti- estimatesofquasarpropertiesthatwouldbesignificantly and systematically biased. 10 Note that we have not included the density evolution which Wealsoknowthatthebestfitredshiftevolutionofthe willshiftthecurvesverticallybutnotchange theirshape.