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Preview On the quantum no-signalling assisted zero-error classical simulation cost of non-commutative bipartite graphs

On the quantum no-signalling assisted zero-error classical simulation cost of non-commutative bipartite graphs Xin Wang∗, Runyao Duan∗† ∗Centre for Quantum Computation and Intelligent Systems Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology University of Technology Sydney (UTS), NSW 2007, Australia †UTS-AMSS Joint Research Laboratory for Quantum Computation and Quantum Information Processing Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, China Email: [email protected], [email protected] 6 1 0 2 Abstract—Using one channel to simulate another exactly with [9], [10], [11], [12] as well as the assistance of shared y the aid of quantum no-signalling correlations has been studied entanglement in zero-error communication [7], [8]. a recently. The one-shot no-signalling assisted classical zero-error Quantum no-signalling correlations (QNSC) are introduced M simulation cost of non-commutative bipartite graphs has been as two-input and two-output quantum channels with the no- formulated as semidefinite programms [Duan and Winter, IEEE signallingconstraints.Andsuchcorrelationshavebeenstudied Trans. Inf. Theory 62, 891 (2016)]. Before our work, it was un- 7 knownwhethertheone-shot(orasymptotic)no-signallingassisted in the relativistic causality of quantum operations [13], [14], 1 zero-error classical simulation cost for general non-commutative [15], [16]. Cubitt et al. [17] first introduced classical no- ] graphs is multiplicative (resp. additive) or not. In this paper signalling correlations into the zero-error classical commu- h we address these issues and give a general sufficient condition nication problem. They also observed a kind of reversibility p for the multiplicativity of the one-shot simulation cost and the between no-signalling assisted zero-error capacity and exact - additivity of the asymptotic simulation cost of non-commutative t bipartitegraphs,whichincludeallknowncasessuchasextremal simulation [17]. Duan and Winter [18] further introduced n graphs and classical-quantum graphs. Applying this condition, quantum non-signalling correlations into the zero-error com- a u we exhibit a large class of so-called cheapest-full-rank graphs munication problem and formulated both capacity and sim- whoseasymptoticzero-errorsimulationcostisgivenbytheone- q ulation cost problems as semidefinite programmings (SDPs) shot simulation cost. Finally, we disprove the multiplicativity of [ [21] which depend only on the non-commutative bipartite one-shotsimulationcostbyexplicitlyconstructingaspecialclass 2 of qubit-qutrit non-commutative bipartite graphs. graph K. To be specific, QNSC is a bipartite completely v positiveandtrace-preservinglinearmapΠ:L(A )⊗L(B )→ i i 5 I. INTRODUCTION L(Ao)⊗L(Bo), where the subscripts i and o stand for input 5 and output, respectively. Let the Choi-Jamiołkowski matrix of 8 Channelsimulationisafundamentalproblemininformation Π be Ω =(1 ⊗1 ⊗Π)(Φ ⊗Φ ), where 06 theory, which concerns how to use a channel N from Alice ΦAiA(cid:48)i A=(cid:48)iA|oΦBAi(cid:48)BioA(cid:48)i(cid:105)(cid:104)ΦAAiA(cid:48)i (cid:48)i|, aBni(cid:48)d |ΦAiAA(cid:48)i(cid:105)iA=(cid:48)i (cid:80)Bki|Bki(cid:48)Ai(cid:105)|kA(cid:48)i(cid:105) . (A) to Bob (B) to simulate another channel M also from A istheun-normalizedmaximally-entangledstate.Thefollowing 1 0 to B [1]. Shannon’s celebrated noisy channel coding theorem constraints are required for Π to be QNSC [18]: 6 determines the capability of any noisy channel N to simulate Ω ≥0, Tr Ω =1 , 1 an noiseless channel [2] and the dual theorem “reverse Shan- A(cid:48)iAoBi(cid:48)Bo AoBo A(cid:48)iAoBi(cid:48)Bo A(cid:48)iBi(cid:48) v: non theorem” was proved recently [3]. According to different TrAoA(cid:48)iΩA(cid:48)iAoBi(cid:48)BoXAT(cid:48)i =0,∀TrX =0, i resources available between A and B, this simulation problem Tr Ω YT =0,∀TrY =0. X hasmanyvariantsandthecasewhenAandBshareunlimited BoBi(cid:48) A(cid:48)iAoBi(cid:48)Bo Bi(cid:48) r amount of entanglement has been completely solved [3]. To The new map MAi→Bo = ΠAi⊗Bi→Ao⊗Bo ◦ EAo→Bi by a composingN andΠcanbeconstructedasillustratedinFigure optimally simulate M in the asymptotic setting, the rate is 1.Thesimulationcostproblemconcernshowmuchzero-error determined by the entanglement-assisted classical capacity of communicationisrequiredtosimulateanoisychannelexactly. N and M [4], [5]. Furthermore, this rate cannot be improved Particularly, the one-shot zero-error classical simulation cost even with no-signalling correlations or feedback [4]. of N assisted by Π is the least noiseless symbols m from In the zero-error setting [6] , recently the quantum zero- A to B so that M can simulate N. In [18], the one-shot error information theory has been studied and the problem o i simulation cost of a quantum channel N is given by becomes more complex since many unexpected phenomena were observed such as the super-activation of noisy channels Σ(N)=minTrT , s.t. J ≤1 ⊗T . (1) B AB A B that Σ(K) is sub-multiplicative, which means that for two non-commutativebipartitegraphsK andK ,Σ(K ⊗K )≤ 1 2 1 2 Σ(K )Σ(K ). Furthermore, the multiplicativity of Σ(K) for 1 2 classical-quantum(cq)graphsaswellasextremalgraphswere known but the general case was left as an open problem [18]. By the regularization, the no-signalling assisted zero- error simulation cost is S (K)= inf 1 logΣ(cid:0)K⊗n(cid:1). 0,NS n≥1n As noted in previous work [18], [19], Fig.1. ImplementingachannelMusinganotherchannelE withQNSCΠ betweenAliceandBob. C (K)≤C (K)≤S (K), 0,NS minE 0,NS where C (K) is the QSNC assisted classical zero-error 0,NS Its dual SDP is capacity and C (K) is the minimum of the entanglement- minE Σ(N)=maxTr(J U ), s.t. U ≥0,Tr U =1 , assisted classical capacity [3], [20] of quantum channels N AB AB AB A AB B such that K(N)<K. where J is the Choi-Jamiołkowski matrix of N. By strong Semidefinite programs [21] can be solved in polynomial AB duality, the values of both the primal and the dual SDP time in the program description [22] and there exist several coincide. The so-called “non-commutative graph theory” was different algorithms employing interior point methods which first suggested in [25] as the non-commutative graph associ- can compute the optimum value of semidefinite programs ated with the channel captures the zero-error communication efficiently [23], [24]. The CVX software package [28] for properties, thus playing a similar role to confusability graph. MATLAB allows one to solve semidefinite programs effi- Let N(ρ)=(cid:80) E ρE† be a quantum channel from L(A) to ciently. k k k L(B), where (cid:80) E†E =1 and K =K(N)=span{E } In this paper, we focus on the multiplicativity of Σ(K) for k k k A k denotes the Choi-Kraus operator space of N. The zero-error generalnon-commutativebipartitegraphK.Westartfromthe classical capacity of a quantum channel in the presence of simulation cost of two different graphs and give a sufficient quantum feedback only depends on the Choi-Kraus operator condition which contains all the known multiplicative cases space of the channel [19]. That is to say, the Choi-Kraus such as cq graphs and extremal graphs. Then we consider operatorspaceplaysarolethatisquitesimilartothebipartite about the simulation cost Σ(K) when the “cheapest” sub- graph. Such Choi-Kraus operator space K is alternatively space is full-rank and prove the multiplicativity of one-shot called “non-commutative bipartite graph” since it is clear simulation cost in this case. We further explicitly construct a that any classical channel induces a bipartite graph and a special class of non-commutative bipartite graphs Kα whose confusability graph, while a quantum channel induces a non- one-shotsimulationcostisnon-multiplicative.Wealsoexploit commutative bipartite graph together with a non-commutative some more properties of Kα as well as cheapest-low-rank graph [18]. graphs. Finally, we exhibit a lower bound in order to offer Back to the simulation cost problem, since there might an estimation of the asymptotic simulation cost. be more than one channel with Choi-Kraus operator space II. MAINRESULTS includedinK,theexactsimulationcostofthe“cheapest”one A. A sufficient condition of the multiplicativity of simulation among these channels was defined as the one-shot zero-error cost classical simulation cost of K [18]: Σ(K) = min{Σ(N) : N is quantum channel and K(N)<K}, where K(N)<K Theorem 1 Let K1 and K2 be non-commutative bipartite meansthatK(N)isasubspaceofK.Thentheone-shotzero- graphs of two quantum channels N1 : L(A1) → L(B1) and error classical simulation cost of a non-commutative bipartite N2 : L(A2) → L(B2) with support projections PA1B1 and graph K is given by [18] PA2B2, respectively. Suppose the optimal solutions of SDP(3) for Σ(K ) and Σ(K ) are {S ,U } and {S ,U }. If at Σ(K)=minTrT s.t. 0≤V ≤1 ⊗T , 1 2 A1 1 A2 2 B AB A B least one of S and S satisfy Tr V =1 , (2) A1 A2 B AB A P (S ⊗1 )P ≥0,i=1 or 2, (4) Tr(1−P) V =0. AiBi Ai Bi AiBi AB AB then Its dual SDP is Σ(K ⊗K )=Σ(K )Σ(K ). 1 2 1 2 Σ(K)=maxTrS s.t. 0≤U , Tr U =1 , A AB A AB B (3) Furthermore, P (S ⊗1 −U )P ≤0, AB A B AB AB S (K ⊗K )=S (K )+S (K ). 0,NS 1 2 0,NS 1 0,NS 2 where P denotes the projection onto the support of the AB Choi-Jamiołkowski matrix of N. Then by strong duality, val- Proof It is obvious that U ⊗U ≥ 0 and Tr (U ⊗ 1 2 A1A2 1 uesofboththeprimalandthedualSDPcoincide.Itisevident U ) = 1 . For convenience, let P = P and 2 B1B2 A1B1 1 P = P . Without loss of generality, we assume that (cid:116)(cid:117) A2B2 2 P (S ⊗1 )P ≥ 0. From the last constraint of SDP(2), 2 A2 B2 2 we have that P (S ⊗1 )P ≤ P U P and P (S ⊗ Proposition 5 For any non-commutative bipartite graph K 1 A1 B1 1 1 1 1 2 A2 1 )P ≤P U P .NotethatP (S ⊗1 )P ⊗P (S ⊗ with support projection P , suppose that the cheapest chan- B2 2 2 2 2 1 A1 B1 1 2 A2 AB 1 )P ≤P U P ⊗P (S ⊗1 )P . It is easy to see that nel is N and the optimal solution of SDP (3) is {S ,U }. B2 2 1 1 1 2 A2 B2 2 c A AB P ⊗P (S ⊗S ⊗1 −U ⊗U )P ⊗P Assume that 1 2 A1 A2 B1B2 1 2 1 2 (5) ≤P1U1P1⊗[P2(SA2 ⊗1B2)P2−P2U2P2]≤0. PAB(SA⊗1B −UAB)PAB =−WAB and WAB ≥0. (6) Hence, {SA1 ⊗SA2,U1⊗U2} is a feasible solution of Then, we have that SDP(3) for Σ(K ⊗K ), which means that Σ(K ⊗K ) ≥ 1 2 1 2 TrW J =0, (7) Σ(K )Σ(K ). Since Σ(K) is sub-multiplicative, we can con- AB AB 1 2 clude that Σ(K1⊗K2)=Σ(K1)Σ(K2). and UAB is also the optimal solution of Σ(Nc), where JAB a fFeuarstihbelermsoorlue,tifoonroKf2⊗SnD,Pit(3is)efaosryΣto(Kse⊗ent)haatn{dSPA⊗2⊗n,nU(S2⊗⊗nn}⊗is is the Choi-Jamiołkowski matrix of Nc. 1B2⊗n)P2⊗n ≥0. Therefore, Σ(K2⊗n)=2 Σ(K2)n2and A2 Proof Ononehand,sinceNc isthecheapestchannel,Σ(K) willequaltoΣ(N ),alsonotingthat{S ,U }istheoptimal Σ[(K ⊗K )⊗n]=Σ(K⊗n⊗K⊗n)=Σ(K⊗n)Σ(K⊗n). c A AB 1 2 1 2 1 2 solution, we have Hence, TrS =Σ(K)=Σ(N ) A c S (K ⊗K )= inf 1 logΣ(cid:0)K⊗n⊗K⊗n(cid:1) =maxTrJABVAB, s.t. VAB ≥0,TrAVAB =1B, 0,NS 1 2 n≥1n 1 2 ≥TrJ U . 1 AB AB = inf logΣ(K⊗n)Σ(K⊗n) (8) n≥1n 1 2 On the other hand, it is evident that W = P WP , =S (K )+S (K ). AB AB AB 0,NS 1 0,NS 2 then P U P = P (W + S ⊗ 1 )P . From AB AB AB AB AB A B AB (cid:116)(cid:117) Lemma 4, we can conclude that TrU J = Tr(W + AB AB AB In [26], the activated zero-error no-signalling assisted ca- S ⊗1 )J =TrW J +Tr(S ⊗1 )J . A B AB AB AB A B AB pacity has been studied. Here, we consider about the corre- For Choi-Jamiołkowski matrix J , we have that AB sponding simulation cost problem. Tr(S ⊗1 )J =Tr Tr [(S ⊗1 )J ] A B AB A B A B AB (9) Corollary 2 For any non-commutative bipartite graph K, let =TrA[SA(TrBJAB)]=TrSA, ∆ =(cid:80)(cid:96) |kk(cid:105)(cid:104)kk| be the non-commutative bipartite graph (cid:96) k=1 then of a noiseless channel with (cid:96) symbols, then TrU J =TrW J +TrS . (10) AB AB AB AB A Σ(K⊗∆ )=(cid:96)Σ(K), (cid:96) Combining (8) and (10), and noting that W ,J ≥ 0, AB AB which means that noiseless channel cannot reduce the simu- we can conclude that TrWABJAB = 0 and UAB is also the lation cost of any other non-commutative bipartite graph. optimal solution of Σ(Nc). (cid:116)(cid:117) Proof Itisevidentthat∆ satisfiestheconditioninTheorem (cid:96) Theorem 6 For any cheapest-full-rank non-commutative bi- 1. Then, Σ(K⊗∆ )=(cid:96)Σ(K). (cid:116)(cid:117) (cid:96) partite graph K, we have B. Simulation cost of the cheapest-full-rank non-commutative Σ(K)=maxTrS s.t. 0≤U , Tr U =1 , A AB A AB B bipartite graph P (S ⊗1 −U )P =0. AB A B AB AB Definition 3 Given a non-commutative bipartite graph K (11) with support projection P . Assume the “cheapest channel” AB iKn tihsissaisdpatcoebies cNhecapweistth-fuCllh-orai-nJkamiifołtkhoewreskeiximstsatrNix JsuNcch. AlolgsoΣ,(ΣK()K. ⊗K) = Σ(K)Σ(K). Consequently, S0,NS(K) = c that rank(J ) = rank(P ). Otherwise, K is said to be And for any other non-commutative bipartite graph K(cid:48), cheapest-lowN-rcank. AB S0,NS(K⊗K(cid:48))=S0,NS(K)+S0,NS(K(cid:48)). Proof We first assume that W (cid:54)= 0. Notice rank(J ) = Lemma 4 ForaquantumchannelN withChoi-Jamiołkowski AB rank(P ), it is easy to see that TrWJ > 0, which matrix J and support projection P , if P CP = AB AB AB AB AB AB contradicts Eq. (7). Hence the assumption is false, and we P DP , then Tr(CJ )=Tr(DJ ). AB AB AB AB can conclude that P (S ⊗1 −U )P =0. AB A B AB AB Proof It is easy to see that Then by Theorem 1, it is easy to see that Σ(K ⊗K) = Σ(K)Σ(K). Therefore, Tr(CJ )=Tr(CP J P )=Tr(P CP J ) AB AB AB AB AB AB AB 1 =Tr(P DP J )=Tr(DJ ). S (K)= inf logΣ(K⊗n)=logΣ(K). AB AB AB AB 0,NS n≥1n Furthermore, for any other non-commutative bipartite graph K(cid:48), S (K⊗K(cid:48))=S (K)+S (K(cid:48)). (cid:116)(cid:117) 0,NS 0,NS 0,NS Notingthatanyrank-2Choi-Krausoperatorspaceisalways 2.55 Σ(K) cheapest-full-rank,wehavethefollowingimmediatecorollary. Σ(K⊗ K)1/2 2.5 Corollary 7 For any rank-2 Choi-Kraus operator space K, S0,NS(K) = logΣ(K). And for any other non-commutative 2.45 bipartite graph K(cid:48), S (K ⊗ K(cid:48)) = S (K) + 0,NS 0,NS S (K(cid:48)). 0,NS 2.4 C. The one-shot simulation cost is not multiplicative We will focus on the non-commutative bipartite graph Kα 2.35 2 (cid:80) with support projection P = |ψ (cid:105)(cid:104)ψ |, where |ψ (cid:105) = AB j j 0 j=0 √1 (|00(cid:105)+|01(cid:105)+|12(cid:105)),|ψ1(cid:105) = cosα|02(cid:105)+sinα|11(cid:105),|ψ2(cid:105) = 0.25 0.3 0.35 3 |10(cid:105). cos2 α from 0.25 to 0.35 To prove that K (0<cos2α<1) is feasible to be a class α offeasiblenon-commutativebipartitegraphs,weonlyneedto Fig.2. Theone-shot(red)andtwo-shotaverage(blue)no-signallingassisted find a channel N with Choi-Jamiołkowski matrix JAB such zero-errorsimulationcostofKα overtheparameterα. that P J =J and rank(P )=rank(J ) . Assume AB AB AB AB AB 2 (cid:80) that JAB = aj|ψj(cid:105)(cid:104)ψj|, then it is equivalent to prove We have shown that one-shot simulation cost of cheapest- j=0 that Tr J = 1 and J ≥ 0 has a feasible solution. full-rank non-commutative bipartite graphs is multiplica- B AB A AB tive while there are counterexamples for cheapest-low-rank Therefore, ones. However, not all cheapest-low-rank graphs have non- 2 a +cos2αa =1,a +a +a =2,a ,a ,a >0. multiplicative simulation cost. Here is one trivial counterex- 3 0 1 0 1 2 0 1 2 ample. Let K = span{|0(cid:105)(cid:104)0|,|1(cid:105)(cid:104)0|,|1(cid:105)(cid:104)1|}, the cheapest Noting that when we choose 0 < a < 1, a = 3(1 − channel is a constant channel N with E0 = |1(cid:105)(cid:104)0| and cos2αa ) and a = 1−(2−3cos2α)a1 w1ill be2pos0itive, 2which E1 = |1(cid:105)(cid:104)1|. In this case, Σ(K ⊗K) = Σ(K)Σ(K) = 1. 1 2 2 Actually, the simulation cost problem of cheapest-low-rank means that there exists such J . Hence, K is a feasible AB α non-commutative bipartite graphs is complex since it is hard noncommutative bipartite graph. to determine the cheapest subspace under tensor powers. Therefore, it is difficult to calculate the asymptotic simulation Theorem 8 There exists non-commutative bipartite graph K cost of non-multiplicative cases. such that Σ(K⊗K)<Σ(K)2. In[19],K iscallednon-trivialifthereisnoconstantchannel N : ρ → |β(cid:105)(cid:104)β| with K(N ) < K, where |β(cid:105) is a state Proof As we have shown above, it is reasonable to focus on 0 0 vector. It was known that K is non-trivial if and only if K . Then, by semidefinite programming assisted with useful α the no-signalling assisted zero-error capacity is positive, say tools CVX [28] and QETLAB [29], the gap between one- C (K)>0. Clearly we have the following result. shot and two-shot average no-signalling assisted zero-error 0,NS simulation cost of K (0.25 ≤ cos2α ≤ 0.35) is presented α Proposition 9 For any non-commutative bipartite graph K, in Figure 2. S (K)>0 if and only if K is non-trivial. To be specfic, when α=π/3, it is clear that cos2α=1/4 0,NS √ and |ψ1(cid:105)= 21|02(cid:105)+ 23|11(cid:105). Assume that S =3.1102|0(cid:105)(cid:104)0|− Proof If K is non-trivial, it is obvious that S0,NS(K) ≥ 0.5386|1(cid:105)(cid:104)1| an(cid:113)d U = 9590|u1(cid:105)(cid:104)u1|+ 5510|u2(cid:105)(cid:104)u2|, where |u1(cid:105)= C0,NS(K) > 0. Otherwise, 0 ≤ S0,NS(K) ≤ S0,NS(N0) = 3√1033|00(cid:105) + 53 323|01(cid:105) + 3√711|12(cid:105) and |u2(cid:105) = √151|02(cid:105) − 0, which means that S0,NS(K)=0. (cid:116)(cid:117) (cid:113) 5 2 |10(cid:105)+ √10 |11(cid:105), and it can be checked that U ≥ 0, D. A lower bound 3 17 3 17 Tr U = 1 and P (S ⊗ 1 − U )P ≤ 0. Then Let us introduce a revised SDP which has the same simpli- A B AB A B AB AB {S,U} is a feasible solution of SDP (3) for Σ(K ), which fied form in cq-channel case: π/3 meansthatΣ(K )≥TrS =2.5716.Similarily,wecanfind π/3 Σ−(K)=maxTrS s.t. S ≥0,U ≥0 Tr U =1 , a feasible solution of SDP (2) for Σ(K ⊗K ) through A A AB A AB B Matlab such that Σ(K ⊗K )1/2 ≤π/32.57. (πT/3he code is PAB(SA⊗1B −UAB)PAB ≤0, π/3 π/3 (12) availableat[27].)Hence,thereisanon-vanishinggapbetween Σ(K ) and Σ(K ⊗K )1/2. 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