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On the q-analogue of the Maurer-Cartan equation 6 Mauricio Angel and Rafael D´ıaz 0 0 2 February 2, 2008 n a J 8 Abstract 2 We consider deformations of the differential of a q-differential graded algebra. ] A We prove that it is controlled by a generalized Maurer-Cartan equation. We find Q explicit formulae for the coefficients ck involved in that equation. . h t a Introduction m [ Following the work of Kapranov [6] the interest on the theory of N-complexes has risen. 1 A delicate issue in the theory is the appropriate definition of a N-differential algebra. At v 8 the moment there exists two options for such a definition, each describing very distinct 9 6 mathematical phenomena. 1 In [2] the notion of N-differential graded algebra A has been defined as follows: A 0 6 must be a graded associative algebra provided with an operator d : A → A of degree 1 0 / such that d(ab) = d(a)b+(−1)a¯ad(b) and dN = 0. h t The study of the deformations of the differential of a N-dga has also been initiated a m in [2]. Applications to differential geometry are given in [3]. Applications to the study : v of A∞-algebras of depth N, are contained in [4]. i X The other possible N-generalization of the notion of a differential algebra (see r [7],[8],[9]) goes as follows: One fixed a primitive N-th root of unity q. One considers a q-differential graded algebras A defined by: A must be a graded associative algebra pro- vided with an operator d : A → A of degree 1 such that d(ab) = d(a)b + qa¯ad(b) and dN = 0. In this paper we consider deformations of the differential of a q-differential graded algebra. We prove that it is controlled by a generalized Maurer-Cartan equation. We find explicit formulae for the coefficients c involved in that equation. k 1 1 q-differential graded algebras and modules Let k be a commutative ring with unity. For q ∈ k the q-numbers are given by [ ] : q N → k, k 7−→ [k] = 1 + q + ···qk−1 and [k] ! = [1] [2] ···[k] . We assume that on q q q q q k, for N ∈ N fixed, we can choose q ∈ k such that [N] = 0 and [k] is invertible for q q 1 ≤ k ≤ N −1, in this case we refer to q as a primitive N-th root of unity. Definition 1 A q-differential graded algebra or q-dga over k is a triple (A•,m,d) where m : Ak ⊗Al → Ak+l and d : Ak → Ak+1 are k-modules morphisms satisfying 1) (A•,m) is a graded associative k-algebra. 2) d satisfies the q-Leibniz rule d(ab) = d(a)b+qa¯ad(b). 3) If q is a primitive N-th root of unity, then dN = 0, i.e., (A•,d) is a N-complex. Definition 2 Let (A•,m ,d ) be a q-dga and M• be a k-module. A q-differential A A module (q-dgm) over (A•,m ,d ) is a triple (M•,m ,d ) where m : Ak ⊗ Ml → A A M M M Mk+l and d : Mk → Mk+1 are k-module morphisms satisfying the following properties M 1. m (a,m (b,φ)) = m (m (a,b),φ), for all a,b ∈ A• and φ ∈ M•. We denote M M M A m (a,φ) by aφ, for all a ∈ A and φ ∈ M. M 2. d (aφ) = d (a)φ+qa¯ad (φ) for all a ∈ A• and φ ∈ M•. M A M 3. If q is a primitive N-th root of unity, then dN = 0. M 2 N-curvature Let (M•,m ,d ) be a q-dgm over a q-dga (A•,m ,d ). For a ∈ M1 we define a M M A A deformation of d as follows M Dφ = d φ+aφ, for all φ ∈ M•. M In order to obtain a q-dgm structure on (M•,m ,D) we require that DN = 0. In [KN] M the consecutive powers of D are calculated and the following formula is obtained N−1 N DNφ = dNφ+ (Dk−1a)dN−kφ+(DN−1a)φ, M (cid:18)k(cid:19) Xk=1 q where N is the q-binomial coefficients given by k q (cid:0) (cid:1) N [N] ! q = . (cid:18)k(cid:19) [N −k] ![k] ! q q q 2 For q a primitive N-th root of unity the formula above reduces to DNφ = (DN−1a)φ, (1) because in this case dN = 0 and N = 0 for 0 < k < N, since [N] = 1+q+···+qN−1 = M k q q 1−qN = 0. (cid:0) (cid:1) 1−q Formula (1) is the first step towards the construction of the q-analogue of the Maurer- Cartan equation. A further step is required in order to write down DN−1a in terms of d and a only. We shall work with a slightly more general problem: finding an explicit M expression for DNφ given in terms of d and a only. First we review some notations M from [AD]. For s = (s ,...,s ) ∈ Nn we set l(s) = n and |s| = s . For 1 ≤ i < n, s denotes 1 n i i >i the vector given by s = (s ,...,s ), for 1 < i ≤ n,Ps stands for s = (s ,...,s ), >i i+1 n <i <i 1 i−1 we also set s = s = ∅. N(∞) denotes the set ∞ Nn. By convention N0 = {∅}. >n <1 n=0 For e ∈ End(M•) and s ∈ Nn we define e(sF) = e(s1)...e(sn), where e(l) = dl (e) if End l ≥ 1, e(0) = e and e∅ = 1. In the case that e ∈ End(M•) is given by a e (φ) = aφ, for a ∈ M1 fixed and all φ ∈ M•, a then e(l) = dl (e ) reduces to e(l) = e , thus a End a a dl(a) e(as) = ea(s1)···ea(sn) = eds1(a)···edsn(a). For N ∈ N we define E = {s ∈ N(∞) : |s| + l(s) ≤ N} and for s ∈ E we define N N N(s) ∈ Z by N(s) = N −|s|−l(s). We introduce a discrete quantum mechanical 1 by 1. V = N(∞). 1a discrete quantum mechanical system is given by the following data (1) A directed graph Γ (finite or infinite). (2) A map L : E → R called the Lagrangian map of the system. An associated Hilbert Γ space H=CVΓ. Operators U :H→H, where n∈Z, given by n (U f)(y)= ω (y,x)f(x), n n xX∈VΓ where the discretized kernel ω (y,x) admits the following representation n ω (y,x)= eiL(e). n γ∈PXn(Γ,x,y)eY∈γ P (Γ,x,y) denotes the set of length n paths in Γ from x to y, i.e., sequences (e ,··· ,e ) of edges in Γ n 1 n such that s(e )=x, t(e )=s(e ), i=1,...,n−1 and t(e )=y. 1 i i+1 n 3 2. There is a unique directed edge e from vertex s to t if and only if t ∈ {(0,s),s,(s+ e )} where e = (0,.., 1 ,..,0) ∈ Nl(s), in this case we set source(e) = s and i i i−th target(e) = t. |{z} 3. Edges are weighted according to the following table source(e) target(e) v(e) s (0,s) 1 s s q|s|+l(s) s (s+e ) q|s<i|+i−1 i The set P (∅,s) consists of all paths γ = (e ,...,e ), such that source(e ) = ∅, N 1 N 1 target(e ) = s and source(e ) = target(e ). For γ ∈ P (∅,s) we define the weight N l+1 l N v(γ) of γ as N v(γ) = v(e ). l Yl=1 The following result is proven as Theorem 17 in [AD]. Theorem 3 Let (M•,m ,d ) be a q-dgm over a q-dga (A•,m ,d ). For a ∈ M1 M M A A consider the map Dφ = d φ+aφ. Then we have M N−1 DN = c dk k M Xk=0 where c = c (s,N)a(s) and c (s,N) = v(γ). k q q sX∈EN γ∈PXN(∅,s) N(s)=k si<N Suppose that we have a q-dgm (M•,m ,d ), q a 3-rd primitive root of unity, and M M we want to deform it to D = d +a, a ∈ M1. So we required that D3 = 0. By Theorem M 2 3 we must have c dk = 0. Let us compute the coefficients c . First, notice that k M k Xk=0 E = {∅,(0),(1),(2),(0,0),(1,0),(0,1),(0,0,0)} 3 We proceed to compute the coefficients c for 0 ≤ k ≤ 2 using Theorem 3. k k = 0 There are four vectors in E such that N(s) = 0, these are (2),(1,0),(0,1),(0,0,0). 3 4 For s = (2) the only path from ∅ to (2) of length 3 is ∅ → (0) → (1) → (2) with weight 1 and e(2) = d2 (e ), thus c(s,3) = d2 (a). a M a M For s = (1,0) the only path from ∅ to (1,0) of length 3 is ∅ → (0) → (0,0) → (1,0) (1,0) with weight 1 and e = d (e )e , thus c(s,3) = d (a)e . a M a a M a For s = (0,1) the paths from ∅ to (0,1) of length 3 are ∅ → (0) → (0,0) → (0,1) (0,1) with weight q; and ∅ → (0) → (1) → (0,1) with weight 1. Since e = e d (e ), then a a M a c(s,3) = (1+q)e d (e ). a M a For s = (0,0,0) the only path from ∅ to (0,0,0) of length 3 is ∅ → (0) → (0,0) → (0,0,0) whose weight is 1 and e(0,0,0) = a3, thus c(s,3) = a3. a k = 1 There are two vectors in E such that N(s) = 1, namely (1) and (0,0). 3 For s = (1), the paths from ∅ to (1) of length 3 are ∅ → ∅ → (0) → (1) with weight 1; ∅ → (0) → (0) → (1) with weight q; ∅ → (0) → (1) → (1) with weight q2. e(1) = d (e ) and thus c (s,3) = (1+q +q2) = 0. a M a q For s = (0,0) the paths from ∅ to (0,0) of length 3 are ∅ → (0) → (0) → (0,0) with weight q. ∅ → ∅ → (0) → (0,0) with weight 1. ∅ → (0) → (0,0) → (0,0) with weight q2. e(0,0) = a2 and c (s,3) = 0. a q k = 2 (0) is the only vector in E such that N(s) = 2. 3 The paths from ∅ to (0) of length 3 are ∅ → ∅ → ∅ → (0) with weight 1; ∅ → ∅ → (0) → (0) with weight q; ∅ → (0) → (0) → (0) with weight q2. e(0) = a and a c(s,3) = (1+q +q2) = 0. So we have proven that the 3-curvature is given by D3 = d2 (a)+d (a)a+(1+q)ad (a). M M M Notice that in case of q-commutativity αβ = qα¯β¯βα, the 3-curvature reduces to D3 = d2 (a). M Suppose now that q is a 4-th primitive root of unity and we required that D4 = 0. 3 By Theorem 3 we must have c dk = 0. Notice that k M Xk=0 E = {∅,(0),(1),(2),(3),(0,0),(1,0),(0,1),(2,0),(0,2),(1,1), 4 (0,0,0),(1,0,0),(0,1,0),(0,0,1),(0,0,0,0)} 5 We proceed to compute the coefficients c for 0 ≤ k ≤ 3 using Theorem 3. k k = 3 ∅ −→i ∅ −→ (0) −→j (0) the weight is qj and c = (1+q +q2 +q3)a = 0. 3 i+Xj=3 k = 2 ∅ −→i ∅ −→ (0) −→j (0) −→ (0,0) −k→ (0,0) the weight is qjq2k and i+Xj+k=2 c ((0,0),4)a(0,0) = (1+q2)a2. q ∅ −→i ∅ −→ (0) −→j (0) −→ (1) −k→ (1) the weight is qjq2k and i+Xj+k=2 c ((1),4)a(1) = (1+q2)d(a). q Finally, c = (1+q2)(a2 +d(a)). 2 k = 1 i j k l ∅ −→ ∅ −→ (0) −→ (0) −→ (0,0) −→ (0,0) −→ (0,0,0) −→ (0,0,0) the weight is qjq2kq3l and c ((0,0,0),4)a(0,0,0) = (1+q +q2 +q3)a3 = 0. q i+j+Xk+l=1 i j k l ∅ −→ ∅ −→ (0) −→ (0) −→ (1) −→ (1) −→ (0,1) −→ (0,1) the weight is qjq2kq3l. i+j+Xk+l=1 i j k l ∅ −→ ∅ −→ (0) −→ (0) −→ (0,0) −→ (0,0) −→ (0,1) −→ (0,1) the weight is qjq2kqq3l and c ((0,1),4)a(0,1) = ((1+q+q2+q3)+(1+q+q2+ q i+j+Xk+l=1 q3))ad(a) = 0. i j k l ∅ −→ ∅ −→ (0) −→ (0) −→ (0,0) −→ (0,0) −→ (1,0) −→ (1,0) the weight is qjq2kq3l and c ((1,0),4)a(1,0) = (1+q +q2 +q3)d(a)a = 0. q i+j+Xk+l=1 i j k l ∅ −→ ∅ −→ (0) −→ (0) −→ (1) −→ (1) −→ (2) −→ (2) the weight is qjq2kq3l and c ((2),4)a(2) = (1+q +q2 +q3)d2(a) = 0. q X i+j+k+l=1 Finally, c = c ((0,0,0),4)a(0,0,0)+c ((0,1),4)a(0,1)+c ((1,0),4)a(1,0)+c ((2),4)a(2) = 1 q q q q 0. k = 0 ∅ −→ (0) −→ (0,0) −→ (0,0,0) −→ (0,0,0,0) the weight is 1 and c ((0,0,0,0),4)a(0,0,0,0) = a4. q 6 ∅ −→ (0) −→ (0,0) −→ (0,0,0) −→ (0,0,1) ∅ −→ (0) −→ (1) −→ (0,1) −→ (0,0,1) ∅ −→ (0) −→ (0,0) −→ (0,1) −→ (0,0,1) the weight is 1+q +q2 and c ((0,0,1),4)a(0,0,1) = (1+q +q2)a2d(a). q ∅ −→ (0) −→ (0,0) −→ (1,0) −→ (0,1,0) ∅ −→ (0) −→ (0,0) −→ (0,0,0) −→ (0,1,0) the weight is 1+q and c ((0,1,0),4)a(0,1,0) = (1+q)ad(a)a. q ∅ −→ (0) −→ (0,0) −→ (0,0,0) −→ (1,0,0) the weight is 1 and c ((1,0,0),4)a(1,0,0) = d(a)a2. q ∅ −→ (0) −→ (0,0) −→ (1,0) −→ (2,0) the weight is 1 and c ((2,0),4)a(2,0) = d2(a)a. q ∅ −→ (0) −→ (0,0) −→ (0,1) −→ (0,2) ∅ −→ (0) −→ (1) −→ (0,1) −→ (0,2) ∅ −→ (0) −→ (1) −→ (2) −→ (0,2) the weight is 1+q +q2 and c ((0,2),4)a(0,2) = (1+q +q2)ad2(a). q ∅ −→ (0) −→ (0,0) −→ (1,0) −→ (1,1) ∅ −→ (0) −→ (1) −→ (0,1) −→ (1,1) the weight is 1+q2 and c ((1,1),4)a(1,1) = (d(a))2. q ∅ −→ (0) −→ (1) −→ (2) −→ (3) the weight is 1 and c ((3),4)a(3) = d3(a). q Finally, c = a4 + (1 + q + q2)a2d(a) + (1 + q)ad(a)a + d(a)a2 + d2(a)a + (1 + q + 0 q2)ad2(a)+(d(a))2 +d3(a). So we have that the 4-curvature is given by D4 = (1+q2)(a2 +d(a))d2 +a4 +(1+q +q2)a2d(a)+(1+q)ad(a)a+ M d(a)a2 +d2(a)a+(1+q +q2)ad2(a)+(d(a))2 +d3(a). Intheremainderofthepaperweconsiderinfinitesimaldeformationsofaq-differential. 7 Theorem 4 Let (M•,m ,d ) be a q-dgm such that dN = 0, consider the infinitesimal M M M deformation D = d +te, where e ∈ End1(M•) and t2 = 0, then M N−1 DN =  q|v|+w(v)dN−k−1, M Xk=0 v∈Par(XN,N−k−1)   where Par(N,N −k −1) = {(v ,··· ,v )/ v = N}, 0 N−k−1 i X |v| = v +···+v and w(k) = iv . 1 n i P Proof: By Theorem 3, DN = N−1c dk . Since t2 = 0, then k=0 k M P (te)(s) = (te)(s1)···(te)(sl(s)) = tl(s)e(s) = 0 unless l(s) ≤ 1. Thus E is given by N E = {(0),(1),··· ,(N −1)}. N For 0 ≤ k ≤ N−1, since N(s) = N−|s|−l(s) = k andl(s) = 1 we obtain |s| = N−k−1, andtheonlyvectorsinE oflength1suchthat|s| = N−k−1ispreciselys = (N−k−1). N Thus c = c (s,N)a(s) = c ((N −k −1)),N)a(s) = c ((N −k −1)),N)dN−k−1(a). k q q q sX∈EN N(s)=k si<N Any path from ∅ to (N −k −1) of length N must be of the form ∅ → ··· → ∅ → (0) → ··· → (0) → (1) → ···(1) → ···(N −k −1) → ··· → (N −k −1) p0 p1 p2 pN−k−1 | {z } | {z } | {z } | {z } with p0 +p1 +···+pN−k−1 = N. The weight of such path is qp1qp2(1+1)...qpN−k−1(N−k) = q|p|+w(p), where p = (p ,··· ,p ). Then 0 N−k−1 c (s,N) = v(γ) = q|p|+w(p).(cid:7) q X X γ∈PN(∅,s) p∈Par(N,N−k−1) Acknowledgement We thank Sylvie Paycha and Nicol´as Andruskiewitsch. 8 References [1] V. Abramov, R. Kerner, On certain realizations of the q-deformed exterior differen- tial calculus, Reports on Math. Phys., 43 (1999) 179-194 [2] M. Angel, R. D´ıaz, N-differential graded algebras, Preprint math.DG/0504398. [3] M. Angel, R. D´ıaz, N-flat connections, Preprint math.DG/0511242. [4] M. Angel, R. D´ıaz, AN-algebras, In preparation. ∞ [5] M. 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