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Z On the property ( ) E a 6 1 0 H. Zariouh 2 n a Abstract J 3 Thepaperintroducesthenotion ofproperties(ZΠa)and(ZEa)asvariantsofWeyl’stheorem 1 and Browder’s theorem for bounded linear operators acting on infinite dimensional Banach ] spaces. A characterization of these properties in terms of localized single valued extension A propertyisgiven,andtheperturbationbycommutingRieszoperatorsisalsostudied. Classes F . of operators are considered as illustrating examples. h t a m 1 Introduction [ 1 In1909H.Weyl[19]examinedthespectraofallcompactperturbationofaself-adjointoperatoron v aHilbertspaceandfoundthattheirintersectionconsistedpreciselyofthosepointsofthespectrum 5 7 which werenot isolatedeigenvaluesof finite multiplicity. Today this classicalresultmay be stated 1 bysayingthatthespectralpointsofaself-adjointoperatorwhichdonotbelongtoWeylspectrum 3 0 are precisely the eigenvalues of finite multiplicity which are isolated points of the spectrum. This . 1 Weyl’stheoremhasbeenextendedfromself-adjointoperatorstoseveralotherclassesofoperators 0 and many new variants have been obtained by many researchers ([6], [7], [8], [10], [13], [16]). 6 1 This paper is a continuationof our recent investigations in the subject of Weyl type theorems. : v WeintroduceandstudythenewvariantsofWeyl’stheoremandBrowder’stheorem. Theessential i X results obtained are summarized in the diagrampresented in the end of the second section of this r paper. For further definitions and symbols we also refer the reader to [7], [8] and [20]. a We begin with some standard notations of Fredholm theory. Throughout this paper let B(X) denote the algebra of all bounded linear operators on an infinite-dimensional complex Banach ∗ space X. For an operator T ∈ B(X), we denote by T , σ(T), N(T) and R(T) the dual of T, the spectrum of T, the null space of T and the range space of T, respectively. If dimN(T) < ∞ ∗ and dimN(T ) < ∞, then T is called a Fredholm operator and its index is defined by ind(T) = ∗ dimN(T)−dimN(T ).AWeyl operatorisaFredholmoperatorofindex0andtheWeylspectrum is defined by σ (T)={λ∈C:T −λI is not a Weyl operator}. W For a bounded linear operator T and n∈N, let T :R(Tn)→R(Tn) be the restriction of T [n] to R(Tn). T ∈L(X) is saidto be B-Weyl if for some integer n≥0 the range R(Tn) is closed and 02010 AMS subject classification: Primary 47A53, 47A55, 47A10, 47A11. Keywords : Property (ZEa), SVEP,Weyl’s theorem, Riesz operator. On the properties (Z ) 2 Ea T is Weyl; its index is defined as the index of the Weyl operator T . The respective B-Weyl [n] [n] spectrum is defined by σ (T)={λ∈C:T −λI is not a B-Weyl operator}, see [5]. BW The ascent a(T) of an operator T is defined by a(T) = inf{n ∈ N : N(Tn) = N(Tn+1)}, and the descent δ(T) of T is defined by δ(T) = inf{n ∈ N : R(Tn) = R(Tn+1)}, with inf∅ = ∞. An operator T ∈ B(X) is called Browder if it is Fredholm of finite ascent, and finite descent and the respective Browder spectrum is defined by σ (T) = {λ ∈ C : T −λI is not a Browder operator}. b According to [12], a complex number λ ∈ σ(T) is a pole of the resolvent of T if T −λI has finite ascent and finite descent, and in this case they are equal. We recall [7] that a complex number λ∈σ (T) is a left pole of T if a(T −λI)<∞ and R(Ta(T−λI)+1) is closed. In addition, we have a the following usual notations that will be needed later: Notations and symbols: F(X): the ideal of finite rank operators in B(X), K(X): the ideal of compact operators in B(X), N(X): the class of nilpotent operators on X, Q(X): the class of quasi-nilpotent operators on X, R(X): the class of Riesz operators acting on X, isoA: isolated points of a subset A⊂C, accA: accumulations points of a subset A⊂C, D(0,1): the closed unit disc in C, C(0,1): the unit circle of C, Π(T): poles of T, Π0(T): poles of T of finite rank, Π (T): left poles of T, a σ (T): eigenvalues of T, p σ0(T): eigenvalues of T of finite multiplicity, p E0(T):=isoσ(T)∩σ0(T), p E(T):=isoσ(T)∩σ (T), p E (T):=isoσ (T)∩σ (T), a a p σ (T)=σ(T)\Π0(T): Browder spectrum of T, b σ (T): Weyl spectrum of T, W σ (T): B-Weyl spectrum of T, BW the symbol F stands for the disjoint union. Definition 1.1. [7], [11], [19] Let T ∈B(X). T is said to satisfy i) Weyl’s theorem if σ(T)\σ (T)=E0(T); (W for brevity). W ii) Browder’s theorem if σ(T)\σ (T)=Π0(T); (B for brevity). W iii) generalized Weyl’s theorem if σ(T)\σ (T)=E(T); (gW for brevity). BW iv) generalized Browder’s theorem if σ(T)\σ (T)=Π(T); (gB for brevity). BW Definition 1.2. [8],[20] Let T ∈B(X). T is said to satisfy i) Property (gab) if σ(T)\σ (T)=Π (T). BW a On the properties (Z ) 3 Ea ii) Property (gaw) if σ(T)\σ (T)=E (T). BW a iii) Property (ab) if σ(T)\σ (T)=Π0(T). W a iv) Property (aw) if σ(T)\σ (T)=E0(T). W a v) Property (Bab) if σ(T)\σ (T)=Π0(T). BW a vi) Property (Baw) if σ(T)\σ (T)=E0(T). BW a The relationship between properties and theorems given in the precedent definitions is sum- marized in the following diagram. (arrows signify implications and numbers near the arrows are references to the bibliography therein). (Baw)  [8] y [20] [9] [7] (gaw) −−−−→ (aw) −−−−→ W ←−−−− gW     [20] [8] [4] [5] y y y y (gab) −−−−→ (ab) −−−−→ B ⇐⇒ gB [2] [8] [8] x [20]  (Bab) Moreover,counterexamples were given to show that the reverse of each implication in the dia- gramisnottrue. Nonetheless,itwasprovedthatundersomeextraassumptions,theseimplications are equivalences. 2 Properties (Z ) and (Z ) Π E a a We define the properties (Z ) and (Z ) as follows: Πa Ea Definition 2.1. A bounded linear operator T ∈ B(X) is said to satisfy property (Z ) if σ(T)\ Ea σ (T)=E (T), and is said to satisfy property (Z ) if σ(T)\σ (T)=Π (T). W a Πa W a Example 2.2. Hereafter, we denote by R the unilateral right shift operator defined on the ℓ2(N) by R(x ,x ,x ,...)=(0,x ,x ,x ,...). 1 2 3 1 2 3 1. It is well known that σ(R) = D(0,1), σ (R) = D(0,1) and E (R) = Π (R) = ∅. So R W a a satisfies the property (Z ) and the property (Z ). Ea Πa 2. Let V denote the Volterra operator on the Banach space C[0,1] defined by V(f)(x) = x R0 f(t)dtfor allf ∈ C[0,1]. V is injective and quasinilpotent. σ(V) = σW(V) = {0} and Π (V)=E (V)=∅. So V satisfies the properties (Z ) and (Z ). a a Ea Πa Lemma 2.3. Let T ∈B(X). If T satisfies property (Z ), then Ea E (T)=E0(T)=Π0(T)=Π (T)=Π0(T)=Π(T)=E0(T)=E(T). a a a a On the properties (Z ) 4 Ea Proof. SupposethatT satisfiesproperty(Z ),thenσ(T)=σ (T)⊔E (T). Thusµ∈E (T)⇐⇒ Ea W a a µ∈isoσ (T)∩σ (T)C =⇒µ∈Π0(T), where σ (T)C is the complement of the Weyl spectrum a W a W of T. Hence E (T)=E0(T)=Π0(T)=Π (T), Π(T)=Π0(T) and E(T)=E0(T). Consequently, a a a a σ(T) = σ (T)⊔E0(T). This implies that E0(T) = Π0(T). Hence E (T) = E0(T) = Π0(T) = W a a a a Π (T) and Π0(T) = Π(T) = E0(T) = E(T). Since the inclusion Π(T) ⊂ Π (T) is always true, it a a suffices to show its opposite. If µ ∈Π (T), then a(T −µI) is finite and since T satisfies property a (Z ), it follows that µ∈Π(T) and hence the equality desired. Ea Corollary 2.4. Let T ∈B(X). The following statements are equivalent: i) T satisfies property (Z ); Ea ii) T satisfies Weyl’s theorem and E0(T)=E (T); a iii) T satisfies Browder’s theorem and Π0(T)=E (T). a iv) T satisfies generalized Weyl’s Theorem and E0(T)=E (T); a Proof. The equivalence between the first three statements is clear. To prove the equivalence between (i) and (iv). If T satisfies property (Z ), then T satisfies Ea Browder’stheoremandthengeneralizedBrowder’stheoremtoo. ThusfromLemma2.3,T satisfies generalized Weyl’s theorem and E0(T) = E (T). Conversely, suppose that T satisfies generalized a Weyl’s and E0(T) = E (T). From [7, Theorem 3.9], T satisfies Weyl’s theorem σ(T)\σ (T) = a W E0(T)=E (T). So T satisfies property (Z ). a Ea Following [13], an operator T ∈ B(X) is said to satisfy property (k) if σ(T)\σ (T) = E(T). W For the definition of property(k), see also the reference [6] in which this property is named (W ). E From Lemma 2.3 we have immediately the next corollary: Corollary 2.5. Let T ∈B(X). The following statements are equivalent: i) T satisfies property (Z ); Ea ii) T satisfies property (Z ) and E (T)=Π (T); Πa a a iii) T satisfies property (k) and E (T)=E(T). a Example 2.6. Generally, we cannot expect that property (Z ) holds for an operator satisfying Ea property (Z ) or property (k), as we can see in the following example. Πa 1. Let Q∈B(X) be a quasi-nilpotent operator acting on an infinite dimensional Banach space X such that R(Qn) is non-closed for all n ∈ N and let T = 0⊕Q defined on the Banach space X ⊕X. Clearly, σ (T)=σ (T)=σ(T)={0}, E (T)={0} and Π (T)=∅. So T W BW a a satisfies property (Z ), but it does not satisfy property (Z ). Πa Ea 2. LetT betheoperatorgivenbythedirectsumoftheunilateralrightshiftoperatorRandthe projection operator U defined in the first point of Remark 2.8 below. Then σ(T)=D(0,1), σ (T) = D(0,1), E(T) = ∅. So T satisfies property (k), but it does not satisfy property W (Z ), since E (T)={0}. Ea a On the properties (Z ) 5 Ea Inthefollowingtheoremweestablisharelationshipbetweenproperty(Z )andtheproperties Ea (gaw), (aw), (Baw) (see Definition1.2). Theorem 2.7. Let T ∈B(X). The following statements are equivalent: i) T satisfies property (Z ); Ea ii) T satisfies property (gaw) and σ (T)=σ (T); BW W iii) T satisfies property (aw) and E (T)=E0(T); a a iv) T satisfies property (Baw) and E (T)=E0(T); a a Proof. (i)⇐⇒(iii)SupposethatT satisfiesproperty(Z ),thenfromLemma2.3,σ(T)=σ (T)⊔ Ea W E (T)=σ (T)⊔E0(T). So T satisfies property (aw) and E (T)=E0(T). The converse is clear. a W a a a (i) ⇐⇒ (ii) If T satisfies property (Z ), then it satisfies property (aw). Since by Lemma 2.3 we Ea have E (T) = Π(T), it follows from [9, Theorem 2.2] that T satisfies property (gaw), and this a entails that σ (T)=σ(T)\E (T)=σ (T). The converse is obvious. BW a W (i) ⇐⇒ (iv) If T satisfies property (Z ), then σ (T)=σ (T) and E (T)=E0(T). So σ(T)\ Ea BW W a a σ (T) = E0(T), i.e. T satisfies property (Baw). Conversely, suppose that T satisfies property BW a (Baw) and E (T) = E0(T). By [20, Theorem 3.3] we have σ (T) = σ (T). Thus E (T) = a a BW W a E0(T)=σ(T)\σ (T)=σ(T)\σ (T), and T satisfies property (Z ). a BW W Ea Remark 2.8. From Theorem 2.7, if T ∈ B(X) satisfies property (Z ) then it satisfies property Ea (δ); where δ ∈{gaw,aw,Baw}. However, the converse in general is not true. To see this, 1. Let U ∈ L(ℓ2(N) be defined by U(x ,x ,x ,...) = (0,x ,x ,...). Then σ(U) = {0,1}, 1 2 3 2 3 σ (U) = {1}, E (U) = {0,1} and σ (U) = ∅. So U satisfies property (gaw) and then W a BW property(aw). Butitdoesnotsatisfyproperty(Z ), becauseσ(U)\σ (U)6=E (U). Here Ea W a E0(U)={0}. a 2. On the Banach space ℓ2(N)⊕ℓ2(N), we consider the operator T defined by T = 0⊕R. We have T satisfies property (Baw), since σ(T) = σ (T) = D(0,1) and E0(T) = ∅. But it BW a does not satisfy property (Z ), since σ (T)=D(0,1) and E (T)={0}. Ea W a Lemma 2.9. Let T ∈B(X). If T satisfies property (Z ), then Πa Π0(T)=Π (T)=Π0(T)=Π(T). a a Proof. SupposethatT satisfiesproperty(Z ),that’sσ(T)=σ (T)⊔Π (T).Thenµ∈Π (T)⇐⇒ Πa W a a µ∈isoσ (T)∩σ (T)C =⇒µ∈Π0(T). This implies that Π (T)=Π0(T) and Π(T)=Π0(T). So a W a a a σ(T)=σ (T)⊔Π0(T)andthisimpliesthatΠ0(T)=Π0(T).ThereforeΠ(T)=Π0(T)=Π (T)= W a a a Π0(T). a Inthefollowingtheoremweestablisharelationshipbetweentheproperty(Z ),theproperties Πa (gab), (ab), (Bab) and the classical Browder’s theorem (see Definition1.1). Theorem 2.10. Let T ∈B(X). Then the following statements are equivalent: i) T satisfies property (Z ); Πa On the properties (Z ) 6 Ea ii) T satisfies property (gab) and σ (T)=σ (T); BW W iii) T satisfies property (ab) and Π (T)=Π0(T); a a iv) T satisfies property (Bab) and Π (T)=Π0(T). a a v) T satisfies Browder’s theorem and Π (T)=Π0(T). a Proof. (i) ⇐⇒ (ii) Suppose that T satisfies property (Z ), that’s σ(T)= σ (T)⊔Π (T). From Πa W a Lemma 2.9, σ(T) = σ (T)⊔Π0(T). So T satisfies property (ab). As Π(T) = Π (T), then from W a a [8, Theorem 2.8], T satisfies property (gab). Moreover, σ (T) = σ(T)\Π (T) = σ (T). The BW a W reverse implication is obvious. (i) ⇐⇒ (iii) Follows directly from Lemma 2.9. (i) ⇐⇒(iv) IfT satisfiesproperty(Z ), then σ(T)\σ (T)=σ(T)\σ (T)=Π0(T)=Π (T). Πa BW W a a SoT satisfiesproperty(Bab). Conversely,theproperty(Bab)forT impliesfrom[20,Theorem3.6] thatσ (T)=σ (T). Soσ (T)=σ(T)\Π0(T)=σ(T)\Π (T)andthis means thatT satisfies BW W W a a property (Z ). The equivalence between assertions (i) and (v) is clear. Πa Remark 2.11. From Theorem 2.10, It follows that: 1. If T satisfies property (Z ), then it satisfies property (gab) and then property (ab) and Πa Browder’s theorem. But the converses are not true in general. For this, let T ∈L(ℓ2(N)) be definedbyT(x ,x ,x ,...)=(0,0,1x ,0,0,...).Thusσ(T)=σ (T)={0}andΠ (T)={0} 1 2 3 3 1 W a and since T is nilpotent, then σ (T)=∅. So T satisfies property (gab) and then property BW (ab) and Browder’s theorem. But T does not satisfy property (Z ). Πa 2. Also we cannot expect that property (Z ) holds for an operator satisfying property (Bab), Πa as we can see in the following: It is easily seen that the operator T defined in the second point of Remark 2.8 satisfies property (Bab) and it does not satisfy property (Z ). Here Πa Π (T)={0} and Π0(T)=∅. a a The following property has relevant role in local spectral theory: a bounded linear operator T ∈ B(X) is said to have the single-valued extension property (SVEP for short) at λ ∈ C if for every open neighborhood U of λ, the function f ≡0 is the only analytic solution of the equation λ (T −µI)f(µ)=0 ∀µ∈U . We denote by S(T)={λ∈C:T does not have SVEP at λ} and we λ say that T has SVEP if S(T) = ∅. We say that T has SVEP on A ⊂ C, if T has SVEP at every λ∈A. ( For more details about this property, we refer the reader to [14]). Proposition 2.12. Let T ∈ B(X). If T or its dual T∗ has SVEP on σ (T)C then T satisfies W property (Z ) if and only if E (T) = Π0(T); where σ (T)C is the complement of the Weyl Ea a W spectrum of T. Proof. If T satisfies property (Z ), then from Lemma 2.3, E (T) = Π0(T). Remark that in Ea a ∗ this implication, the condition of SVEP for T or T is not necessary. Conversely, assume that E (T) = Π0(T). Note that T has SVEP on σ (T)C ⇐⇒ T∗ has SVEP on σ (T)C. But this is a W W equivalenttosaythatT satisfiesBrowder’stheoremσ(T)\σ (T)=Π0(T)=E (T).SoT satisfies W a property (Z ). Ea On the properties (Z ) 7 Ea Remark 2.13. ThehypothesisT orT∗ hasSVEPonσ (T)C iscrucialasshowninthisexample: W define the operator T by T = R ⊕ R∗. We have σ(T) = D(0,1) and Π0(T) = ∅. But, since dimN(T)=codimR(T)=1, then 06∈σ (T). So T does not satisfy property (Z ). Note that T W Ea and T∗ do not have SVEP at 0∈σ (T)C, as S(T)=S(T∗)=S(U∗)={λ∈C:0≤|λ|<1}. W Similarly, we have the following proposition for the property (Z ). Πa Proposition 2.14. If T ∈ B(X) or its dual T∗ has SVEP on σ (T)C then T satisfies property W (Z ) if and only if Π (T)=Π0(T). Πa a Proof. Obtained by an argument similar to the one of the preceding proof. Now,wegiveasummaryoftheresultsobtainedinthissection. Inthefollowingdiagramwhich is a combination with the first presented above, arrowssignify implications and the numbers near the arrows are references to the results obtained in in this section (numbers without brackets) or to the bibliography therein (the numbers in square brackets). 2.5 (Baw) (Z ) −−−−→ (k) Ea   [20] [6] y y 2.7 2.7 [8] [9] [7] (Baw) ←−−−− (Z ) −−−−→ (gaw) −−−−→ (aw) −−−−→ W ←−−−− gW Ea       [20] 2.5 [20] [8] [4] [5] y y y y y y 2.10 (Bab) ←−−−− (Z ) −−−−→ (gab) −−−−→ (ab) −−−−→ B ⇐⇒ gB Πa [2] 2.10 [8] [8] x [20]  (Bab) 3 Preservation under commuting Riesz perturbations We recall that an operator R∈B(X) is said to be Riesz if R−µI is Fredholm for every non-zero complex µ, that is, π(R) is quasinilpotent in the Calkin algebra C(X) = B(X)/K(X) where π is the canonical mapping of B(X) into C(X). We denote by F0(X), the class of finite rank power operators as follows: F0(X)={S ∈B(X):Sn ∈F(X) for some n∈N}. Clearly, F(X)∪N(X)⊂F0(X)⊂R(X), and K(X)∪Q(X)⊂R(X). We start this section by the following nilpotent perturbation result. Proposition 3.1. Let T ∈ B(X) and let N ∈ N(X) which commutes with T. Then T satisfies property (s) if and only if T +N satisfies property (s); where s∈{Z ,Z }. Ea Πa On the properties (Z ) 8 Ea Proof. SinceN isnilpotentandcommuteswithT,weknowthatσ(T+N)=σ(T).Fromtheproof of [9, Theorem 3.5], we have 0<n(T +N)⇐⇒0< n(T) and so E (T +N)= E (T). From [18, a a Corollary 3.8] we know that Π (T +N) = Π (T). Furthermore, σ (T +N) = σ (T), see [15, a a W W Lemma 2.2]. This finishes the proof. Remark 3.2. We notice that the assumption of commutativity in the Proposition 3.1 is crucial. 1. Let T and N be defined on ℓ2(N) by x x −x 1 2 1 T(x ,x ,...)=(0, , ,...) and N(x ,x ,...)=(0, ,0,0,...). 1 2 1 2 2 3 2 Clearly N is nilpotent and does not commute with T. The property (Z ) is satisfied by T, Ea since σ(T) = {0} = σ (T) and E (T) = ∅. But T +N does not satisfy property (Z ) as W a Ea we have σ(T +N)=σ (T +N)={0} and {0}=E (T +N). W a 2. Let T and N be defined by T(x ,x ,x ,...)=(0,x ,x ,x ,...) and N(x ,x ,...)=(0,−x ,0,0,...). 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 1 N is nilpotent and TN 6= NT. Moreover, σ(T) = σ (T) = D(0,1), and Π (T) = ∅. So W a T satisfies property (Z ). But T +N does not satisfy property (Z ), since σ(T +N) = Πa Πa σ (T +N)=D(0,1), and Π (T +N)={0}. W a The stability of properties (Z ) and (Z ), showed in Proposition 3.1 cannot be extended to Ea Πa commuting quasi-nilpotent operators, as we can see in the next Example. Example 3.3. LetRbetheoperatordefinedonℓ2(N)byR(x ,x ,...)=(0,x1,x2,...)andletT 1 2 2 3 betheoperatordefinedonℓ2(N)byT =−R.ClearlyRiscompactandquasi-nilpotentandverifies TR=RT =−R2.Moreover,T satisfiesproperties(Z )and(Z ),becauseσ(T)={0}=σ (T) Ea Πa W and E (T)=∅. But T +R=0 does not satisfy neither property (Z ) nor property (Z ), since a Ea Πa σ(T +R)={0}=σ (T +R) and E (T +R)={0}, Π (T +R)={0}. Here Π0(T +R)=∅. W a a However,inthenexttheorems,wegivenecessaryandsufficientconditionstoensurethestability of these properties under commuting perturbations by Riesz operators which are not necessary nilpotent. The case of nilpotent operators is studied in Proposition3.1. Theorem 3.4. Let R ∈ R(X) and let T ∈ B(X) which commutes with R. If T satisfies property (Z ), then the following statements are equivalent: Ea i) T +R satisfies property (Z ); Ea ii) E (T +R)=Π0(T +R); a iii) E (T +R)∩σ(T)⊂Π0(T). a Proof. i) ⇐⇒ ii) If T +R satisfies (Z ), then from Lemma 2.3 we have E (T +R)=Π0(T +R). Ea a Conversely,assume thatE (T +R)=Π0(T +R). Since T satisfies property(Z ) then it satisfies a Ea Browder’s theorem. From [3, Lemma 3.5], T +R satisfies Browder’s theorem that’s σ(T +R)\ On the properties (Z ) 9 Ea σ (T +R)=Π0(T +R). So T +R satisfies property (Z ). W Ea ii)=⇒iii)AssumethatΠ0(T+R)=E (T+R)andletλ ∈E (T+R)∩σ(T)be arbitrary. Then a 0 a λ ∈ Π0(T +R)∩σ(T) and so λ 6∈ σ (T +R). Since w know from [17] that σ (T)= σ (T +R), 0 0 b b b then λ ∈Π0(T). This proves that E (T +R)∩σ(T)⊂Π0(T). 0 a iii) =⇒ ii) Suppose that E (T +R)∩ σ(T)⊂Π0(T). As the inclusionE (T +R)⊃Π0(T +R) a a is always true, it suffices to show that E (T +R)⊂Π0(T +R). Let µ ∈E (T +R) be arbitrary. a 0 a We distinguish two cases: the first is µ ∈ σ(T). Then µ ∈ E (T + R)∩ σ(T) ⊂ Π0(T). So 0 0 a µ 6∈σ (T)=σ (T+R)andthenµ ∈Π0(T+R).Thesecondcaseisµ 6∈σ(T).Thisimpliesthat 0 b b 0 0 µ 6∈ σ (T +R). Thus µ ∈ Π0(T +R). As a conclusion, E (T +R) = Π0(T +R). Remark that 0 b 0 a the statements ii) and iii) are always equivalent without the assumption that T satisfies property (Z ). Ea Similarly to Theorem 3.4, we have the following perturbation result for the property (Z ). Πa Theorem 3.5. Let R ∈ R(X). If T ∈ B(X) satisfies property (Z ) and commutes with R, then Πa the following statements are equivalent: i) T +R satisfies property (Z ); Πa ii) Π0(T +R)=Π (T +R); a iii) Π (T +R)∩σ(T)⊂Π0(T). a Proof. i)⇐⇒ii)IfT+Rsatisfies(Z )thenfromLemma2.9,Π (T+R)=Π0(T+R).Conversely, Πa a suppose that Π (T +R)=Π0(T +R). Since T satisfies property (Z ) then it satisfies Browder’s a Πa theorem. Hence T +R satisfies Browder’s theoremthat’s σ(T +R)\σ (T +R)=Π0(T +R). So W T +R satisfies property (Z ). Πa ii) ⇐⇒ iii) Goes similarly with the proof of the equivalence between the second and the third statements of Theorem 3.4. Notice also that this equivalence is always true without property (Z ) for T. Πa Thefollowingexampleprovesingeneralthat,theproperties(Z )and(Z )arenotpreserved Ea Πa under commuting finite rank power perturbations. Example 3.6. For fixed 0 < ε < 1, let F be a finite rank operator defined on ℓ2(N) by ε F (x ,x ,x ,...) = (−εx ,0,0,0,...). We consider the operators T and F defined by T = R⊕I ǫ 1 2 3 1 and F =0⊕F . F is a finite rank operator and TF =FT. We have, ε σ(T)=σ(R)∪σ(I)=D(0,1), σ (T)=σ (R)∪σ (I)=C(0,1), σ (T)=D(0,1), a a a W σ(T +F)=σ(R)∪σ(I +F )=D(0,1), σ (T +F)=D(0,1) and ε W σ (T +F)=σ (R)∪σ (I +F )=C(0,1)∪{1−ε}. a a a ε Moreover,E (T)=Π (T)=∅.So T satisfiesproperties(Z )and(Z ). But, sinceE (T+F)= a a Ea Πa a Π (T +F)={1−ε}, then T +F does not satisfy either property(Z ) nor property (Z ). Here a Ea Πa Π (T +F)∩σ(T)={1−ε}, Π0(T)=Π0(T +F)=∅. a On the properties (Z ) 10 Ea References [1] P.Aiena, P. Pen˜a Variations on Weyl’s theorem, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 324 (2006), 566-579. [2] M. Amouch, H. Zguitti, On the equivalence of Browder’s and generalized Browder’s theorem, Glasgow Math. J. 48 (2006), 179–185. [3] A.Arroud,H.Zariouh,Stability of Browder spectralproperties under Riesz-typeperturbations, Funct. Anal. Approx. Comput., 7 (3) (2015), 57–65. [4] B. A. 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