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On the Price of Anarchy of Restricted Job Scheduling Games Diodato Ferraioli(cid:63) and Carmine Ventre(cid:63)(cid:63) Abstract. The Price of Anarchy [Koutspoupias and Papadimitriou, 1999] is the, by now celebrated, ratio used to measure how system per- formance is affected by the selfish behaviour of agents using it. In this workweshowboundsonthePriceofAnarchyforproblemsofrestricted scheduling of selfish jobs on related and unrelated machines. 1 Introduction In last ten years Game Theory emerged as a fundamental tool to study the complex interactions among autonomous and selfish agents in a complex sys- tem, such as Internet, P2P networks, social networks. Nash equilibrium is one of the basic concepts of Game Theory and represents a “stable” configuration whereeachagentisnotinterestedinunilaterallychangeherbehaviour,giventhe actions of other agents. Thus, a Nash Equilibrium (NE) configuration has the interesting property to be stable even if agents are autonomous and selfish and cannot be forced to follow a given protocol. Game theorists have deeply studied the problems of existence and structure of Nash Equilibria, e.g. the celebrated Nash Theorem guarantees that each finite game has a mixed NE. A well-known question about NE is that a game can have more NE and it is not possible to foresee which equilibrium the agents will reach. In [10] Koutsoupias and Pa- padimitriou dealt with the problem of the efficiency of NE using the classical computerscienceworstcaseapproach.TheydefinedthePriceofAnarchy (PoA) astheratiobetweentheworstNEandthecentrallycomputedsolution,optimal for some global objective function referred to as social function. This quantity givesameasureofthelossofperformanceduetothelackofcoordinationamong theagentsandtheirselfishness.Roughlyspeaking,alowPoAmeansthatagents behaviour have a small impact on the efficiency of the system; an high PoA, in- stead, gives evidence that agents can really hurt the system and some sort of “coordination” is useful. In last years several researchers analyzed the PoA for severalclassofgames,suchasselfishrouting[12],jobscheduling[10,6],network formation games [8,1] and many others (see [11] for a complete picture). In [10], authors focused on a simple, but very interesting, model, called KP- model.IntheKP-modeloneisgivenanetworkofmparallellinks,withthesame (cid:63) Dipartimento di Informatica ed Applicazioni, Universit di Salerno, Italy. Email: [email protected]. (cid:63)(cid:63) Computer Science Department, University of Liverpool, UK. Email: [email protected]. 2 Diodato Ferraioli and Carmine Ventre capacity, and n selfish agents that have to transfer w amount of traffic while i trying to minimize their own latency. To do so, agents can strategically choose the link to use to deliver their traffic. The social function of interest is instead theminimizationofthemaximumlatencysufferedbytheplayers.Thisproblem can also be viewed as the minimization of the makespan in a job scheduling setting with m identical machines and n independent and selfish jobs of length w . There are several more problems that are well-represented by this model: i Internet Service Provider selection in a business network, server selection in a web server farm [5], peer selection in a P2P network [14] and so on. In this work, we extend the KP-model, considering the case of restricted scheduling. In our setting each job has a set of allowed machines where it can be assigned. We consider both the related (every machine has a different speed to execute jobs) and unrelated (every machine has job-dependent speed) case. An immediate example of our restricted model is the access point selection in a wirelessnetwork.Indeed,ausercanconnectonlytoaccesspointsthatareinits transmission range. We propose bounds on the PoA in such a model with respect to several different social functions. The model.Wehavenjobsthathavetobeexecutedbymmachines,andevery job i has a subset A of allowed machines. We denote by w ∈ [w ,w ], i ij min max w in > 0, the load that job i carries on machine j. In the related machines m model, the weights of the jobs are independent from the machines, but each machine j has a speed vj and so in this case wij = wvji, where wi denotes the machine-indepedentweightofjobi.Wedefines= wmax.Intherelatedmachines model it will be useful to distinguish the followingwmriantios t = maxiwi and r = maxjvj. miniwi minjvj A schedule S assigns each job to only one of its allowed machines. Given S, we define j (S) as the machine where the job i is assigned in S, n (S) as the i j (cid:80) numberofjobsthatS assignstothemachinej,c (S)= w asthetotal j i:ji=j ij load on the machine j in S. We assume that the latency suffered by the job i in S is c (S) as in [10]. This assumption that can be justified by machines ji(S) scheduled in a round-robin fashion for small enough quanta. A schedule S is a Nash solution if ∀i,∀j ∈A ,c (S)≤c (S)+w .1 (1) i ji(S) j ij (Below when we refer to a Nash solution we use the simplified notation j , n i j and c .) j A schedule S is optimal if it minimizes a given social function. We are in- terested here in three different kind of social functions: (i) the Server Latency 1 Observe that we focus on so-called pure NE. Since pure equilibria are more natural thanmixedones,itispreferredtoconsiderPoAwithrespecttopureNEforgames possessingthem.OurschedulinggamesalwayspossesspureNE[7].So,inthesequel when we say NE we actually mean pure NE. On the Price of Anarchy of Restricted Job Scheduling Games 3 (cid:80) that minimizes the total work of the machines, i.e., min c (S); (ii) the To- S j j tal Latency that minimizes the sum of the latencies suffered by the jobs, i.e., (cid:80) (cid:80) min c (S) = min n (S)c (S) and (iii) the Weighted Total Latency S i ji(S) S j j j that minimizes the weighted sum of the latencies suffered by the jobs, i.e., min S (cid:80) w c (S). (Below to ease our notation when we refer to an optimal i iji(S) ji(S) solution we use the simplified notation j∗, n∗ and c∗.) i j j Related Work. A huge literature emerged in the last years with respect to the subject of efficiency of games equilibria. Here we focus only on results regarding job scheduling (we refer to [11] for a more wide overview). Even-dar et al. in [7] show that a NE always exists in job scheduling with unrelated machines. Several results are known about the PoA with respect to different social functions. Awerbuch et al. in [3] study the efficiency of NE with respect to Maximum Latency and prove that PoA=Θ( logm ) for related machines and loglogm PoA=Θ(s+ logm ) for unrelated machines. log(1+logm) s Another widely studied social function is the Weighted Total Latency. With √ respect to this, Awerbuch et al. [2] prove an upper bound of 3+ 5 ≈ 2.618 2 on PoA for the more general case of routing on a network with affine latency functions and weighted jobs, that holds also in the case of job scheduling with related and identical machines. Caragiannis et al. [4] prove that this bound is tightinrelatedmachinescasewhilethereexistsalowerboundof2.5forthecase of identical machines: it is an open problem to close the gap between upper and lower bound in this last case. With respect to Total Latency, Suri et al. [13] show that PoA ≤ 2.5 when machines are related and all jobs have same weight and Caragiannis et al. [4] showatightlowerboundforthesamesetting;HoefereSouzain[9]showthatif √ machines are identical and 0-weight job are allowed, then PoA≤ n m + 2nm2, (cid:80) w w2 where w = w . i i Our Results. In our work we present first results in a restricted setting where neither machines nor jobs are all identical. We can summarize our results with respecttotherelativesocialfunction:fortheServerLatencysocialfunction,we show tight bounds on the PoA: PoA = Θ(s) in the unrelated machines model and PoA=Θ(min(r,n)) in the related machines model; for the Weighted Total Latency social function we extend the bound of [2] to the unrelated machines setting, showing that PoA = Θ(s2); for the Total Latency social function we show an upper bound of ms on the PoA and a lower bound of s in the unre- (cid:16) √ (cid:17) latedmachinessettingandofmin m+ t, n intherelatedmachinessetting. m+3 m+3 Proofs and technicalities can be found in appendix. Note that no results were known for the Server Latency social function. We believe that such a social function has interesting practical applications. Server latency in fact measures how bad is the resource usage for the service provider due to selfishness. For example, in a server farm setting this social function measures how servers work and gives useful suggestions to farm maintainer. 4 Diodato Ferraioli and Carmine Ventre 2 Main Theorems Theorem 1. With respect to Server Latency social function, job scheduling game with unrelated machines has PoA=Θ(s). Theorem 2. With respect to Server Latency social function, job scheduling game with related machines has PoA=Θ(min(r,n)). Theorem 3. With respect to Weighted Total Latency objective function, job scheduling game with unrelated machines has PoA=Θ(s2). Theorem 4. WithrespecttoTotalLatencysocialfunction,jobschedulinggame has PoA=O(ms). Theorem 5. WithrespecttoTotalLatencysocialfunction,jobschedulinggame (cid:16) (cid:16) √ (cid:17)(cid:17) with related machines has PoA=Ω min m+ t, n . m+3 m+3 OpenProblems.ItisveryinterestingtofindtightboundsforPoAwithrespect toTotalLatencysocialfunction:wethinkthatrealboundsareclosertoourlower bounds than to our upper bounds. References 1. SusanneAlbers,StefanEilts,EyalEven-Dar,YishayMansour,andLiamRoditty. On nash equilibria for a network creation game. In SODA, pages 89–98, 2006. 2. BaruchAwerbuch,YossiAzar,andAmirEpstein.Thepriceofroutingunsplittable flow. In STOC, pages 57–66, 2005. 3. Baruch Awerbuch, Yossi Azar, Yossi Richter, and Dekel Tsur. Tradeoffs in worst- case equilibria. Theor. Comput. Sci. 361(2-3), pages 200–209, 2006. 4. Ioannis Caragiannis, Michele Flammini, Christos Kaklamanis, Panagiotis Kanel- lopoulos,andLucaMoscardelli.Tightboundsforselfishandgreedyloadbalancing. In ICALP (1), pages 311–322, 2006. 5. Artur Czumaj, Piotr Krysta, and Berthold Vocking. Selfish traffic allocation for server farms. In STOC, pages 287–296, 2002. 6. ArturCzumajandBertholdVocking.Tightboundsforworst-caseequilibria.ACM Transactions on Algorithms 3(1), 2007. 7. Eyal Even-dar, Alex Kesselman, and Yishay Mansour. Convergence time to nash equilibria. ACM Transactions on Algorithms 3(3), 2007. 8. AlexFabrikant,AnkurLuthra,ElitzaN.Maneva,ChristosH.Papadimitriou,and Scott Shenker. On a network creation game. In PODC, pages 347–351, 2003. 9. MartinHoeferandAlexanderSouza.Theinfluenceoflinkrestrictionson(random) selfish routing. In SAGT, pages 22–32, 2008. 10. Elias Koutsoupias and Christos Papadimitriou. Worst-case equilibria. In STACS, pages 404–413, 1999. 11. Noam Nisan, Tim Roughgarden, Eva Tardos, and Vijay V. Vazirani. Algorithmic Game Theory. Cambridge University Press, 2007. 12. Tim Roughgarden and Eva Tardos. How bad is selfish routing? J. ACM 49(2), pages 236–259, 2002. 13. Subhash Suri, Csaba D. To´th, and Yunhong Zhou. 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It is trivial to upper bound the Price of Anarchy: in fact, since w ≤ sw , it results that (cid:80) c ≤s(cid:80) c∗. iji iji∗ j j j j Thereisalsoasimpleexampletoshowthisresultistight:wehavenjobsand m = n machines and every job i ∈ {0,...,n−1} can be assigned to machine i withweight1andtomachine(i+1)modnwithweights.Theoptimalschedule assigns every job i to machine i and its cost is n. It is to verify that the solution that assigns every job i to machine (i+1) mod n is a Nash equilibrium with cost sn. (cid:116)(cid:117) We now focus on the related machines model: Lemmata 1 and 2 show The- orem 2, i.e., show that PoA=Θ(min(r,n)). Lemma 1. With respect to Server Latency social function, job scheduling game with related machines has PoA=O(min(r,n)). Proof. Foreveryjobiwedefinej =argmax v andforeverymachine (cid:80) i−MAX j∈Ai j j we define W = w . j i:ji=j i Claim. Assignment S such that ∀ i j (S)=j is optimal. i i−MAX Proof. Suppose by contradiction that the claim is not true. This means that we can move some jobs to improve the social cost. But every change moves a job i from machine j to a machine j∗ (cid:54)= j , where v ≤ v ⇒ wi ≥ wi . Sio−,MnoAXmove improves thie costi−oMf SA.X ji∗ ji−MAX (cid:116)(cid:117) vji∗ vji−MAX So now we refer OPT as the schedule such that ∀ i j∗ = j . From i i−MAX Claim A.1 we derive the following corollaries: Corollary 1. C(OPT)=(cid:80) c∗ =(cid:80) wi . j j i vji−MAX Corollary 2. ∀ j such that c∗ (cid:54)=0, c ≤c∗. j j j 6 Diodato Ferraioli and Carmine Ventre From Nash condition (1) we obtain w W w W +w i ≤ ji =c ≤c + i = ji−MAX i (2) v v ji ji−MAX v v ji ji ji−MAX ji−MAX But min v 1 v ≥minv = j j maxv ≥ v (3) ji j j maxjvj j j r ji∗ Merging (2) and (3), we have (cid:18) v w 1 (cid:19) v ≥max ji−MAX i , v (4) ji Wji−MAX +wi r ji∗ Let d be the max degree of a machine, that is the max number of jobs that can be assigned to the same machine. Ifmax(cid:16) vji−MAXwi ,1v (cid:17)= vji−MAXwi ,usingbound(4)andCorollaries Wji−MAX+wi r ji∗ Wji−MAX+wi 1 and 2 we have: C(NASH)=(cid:88) wi ≤(cid:88)Wji−MAX +wi =(cid:88)c +C(OPT)= v v ji−MAX i ji i ji−MAX i (5) (cid:88) (cid:88) =C(OPT)+ (n∗c )≤C(OPT)+d c∗ =(d+1)C(OPT). j j j j:c∗(cid:54)=0 j:c∗(cid:54)=0 j j If,instead,max(cid:16) vji−MAXwi ,1v (cid:17)= 1v ,then,usingbound(4)wehave: Wji−MAX+wi r ji∗ r ji∗ C(NASH)=(cid:88)c =(cid:88) wi ≤r(cid:88) wi =rC(OPT) (6) j v v j i ji i ji∗ So we can deduce that PoA=O(min(r,d)). Observe that d=O(n), and thus PoA=O(min(r,n)). (cid:116)(cid:117) Lemma 2. With respect to Server Latency social function, there exists a job schedulinggamewithrelatedmachineswhere∀ε>0PoA=Ω(min(r−ε,n−ε)). Proof. Letn=m.Amachinehasspeedr,othershavespeed1.Ajobhasweight r, others have weight 1. Every job can be assigned to the fast machine and only one different slow machine. The optimal schedule assigns every job to the fast machine, so C(OPT) = r+n−1. r The Nash solution assigns the heavy job to the fast machine and remaining jobstodifferentmachines,sothateverymachinehasload1,thatisC(NASH)= n. If ∀ ε>0 r ≥1− ε, that is r ≥ n2, and so min(n,r)=n, then r+n−1 n ε PoA≥n−ε. On the Price of Anarchy of Restricted Job Scheduling Games 7 If,instead,∀ε>0 n ≥1−ε,thatisn≥ r2,andsomin(n,r)=r,then r+n−1 r ε PoA≥r−ε. (cid:116)(cid:117) A.2 Weighted Total Latency We extend the bound of [2] to the unrelated machines setting. Our result is showed in the Theorem 3. Theorem 3. With respect to Weighted Total Latency objective function, job scheduling game with unrelated machines has PoA=Θ(s2). Proof of the upper bound adapts ideas depicted in [2] to our setting. Proof. Summing both sides of Nash condition (1) over all job i and multiplying every term by w we obtain: iji (cid:88) (cid:88) (cid:88) C(NASH)= w c ≤ w (c +w )≤ w (c +c∗ )≤ iji ji iji ji∗ iji∗ iji ji∗ ji∗ i i i (cid:88) (cid:88) (cid:88) (cid:88) ≤ w c ≤s· w (c +c∗ )=s· (c∗)2+s· c∗c = iji ji iji∗ ji∗ ji∗ j j j (7) i i j j (cid:88) =s·C(OPT)+s· c∗c j j j Using Cauchy-Schwartz inequality: (cid:115) (cid:115) (cid:88) (cid:88) (cid:88) (cid:112) (cid:112) c c∗ ≤ (c )2· (c∗)2 = C(NASH)· C(OPT). (8) j j j j j j j By(7)and(8),dividingallbyC(OPT)weobtainthatPoA= C(NASH) ≤s+s, C(OPT) where solving equation gives bound: 1 (cid:112) PoA≤ (s2+2s+ s4+4s3)=O(s2). 2 (cid:116)(cid:117) Moreover, it is easy to see that there exists a job scheduling game with unrelatedmachinessuchthatPoA=Ω(s2).Indeed,inthesamesimpleexample used for the lower bound of Theorem 1, the optimal schedule costs n, while the Nash equilibrium solution costs s2n. 8 Diodato Ferraioli and Carmine Ventre A.3 Total Latency Firstofall,wefocusonupperboundforthePoA:itisshowedfortheunrelated machines setting, but it obviously holds for the related machines as well. Our result is pointed out in Theorem 4. Theorem 4.With respect to Total Latency social function, job scheduling game has PoA=O(ms). In the proof we establish, using the common “Nash Condition” argument, that C(NASH)≤C(OPT)+(cid:80) n∗c and then we try to bound (cid:80) n∗c . j j j j j j Proof. By Nash condition ∀ i c ≤c +w ji ji∗ iji∗ Summing both sides over all jobs i and knowing that w ≤c∗ , we have iji∗ ji∗ (cid:88) (cid:88) c ≤ (c +c∗ ) ji ji∗ ji∗ i i Moving the sum over all job i to a sum over all machines j, we obtain (cid:88) (cid:88) (cid:88) (cid:88) n c ≤ n∗c + n∗c∗ ⇒C(NASH)≤C(OPT)+ n∗c (9) j j j j j j j j j j j j Now we can upper-bound (cid:80) n∗c as follows: j j j (cid:88) (cid:88) (cid:88) (cid:88) n∗c ≤ n∗n w ≤w ( n∗)( n )=n2w (10) j j j j max max j j max j j j j At same time, we can easily lower-bound C(OPT) as follows: (cid:88)n∗c∗ ≥(cid:88)(n∗)2w ≥w ((cid:80)jn∗j)2 = n2w (11) j j j min min m m min j j So, from (9), (10) and (11) we obtain PoA= C(NASH) ≤ C(OPT) + (cid:80)jn∗jcj ≤1+mn2wmax =O(ms). C(OPT) C(OPT) C(OPT) n2w min (cid:116)(cid:117) The above result is not tight. In fact, in unrelated machines setting we can only prove a lower bound of s; just consider the same example used for the lower bound of Theorem 1. For the related machines setting we show PoA = (cid:16) (cid:16) √ (cid:17)(cid:17) Ω min m+ t, n in Appendix B. m+3 m+3 On the Price of Anarchy of Restricted Job Scheduling Games 9 B Proof of Theorem 5 (cid:108) (cid:109) We define the following instance I in which we let w = (k−1)(m+3)+3 , where 2r+m−2 k will be valued below. In the instance I, machines 1 and m have speed r (we will refer sometimes to these as fast machines), while the others have speed 1 (referredtoasslowmachines).Thejobsarepartitionedinfoursets:A,B,C and D. Set A has size 2(cid:100)r(cid:101)w: each job in the set has weight 1 and can be assigned only to machines 1 and m. We let a denote |A|. Set B has size (m−2)w. Each job in B weights 1 and can be assigned to all machines. We let b denote |B|. Set C has size 2. Each such job has weight t≥(a+b)2 and can be assigned only to machines1andm.SetD hassizem−2.EachjobinD hasweight t.Thereisa r one-to-one mapping between machines 2,...,m and jobs in D so that each job in D can only be assigned to one different slow machine. Consider the following solution: all jobs in A and B are assigned to machine 1; jobs in C are assigned to machine m; each job in D is assigned to its only allowedmachine.Consistentlywiththenextlemmawewillrefertothissolution as OPT. Lemma 3. Solution above is optimal for the instance I. Proof. ToshowthatOPT isindeedoptimalfirstlywefocusonthefastmachines (machines 1 and m) and show what is an optimal schedule for them and then we analyze slow machines (machines 2,...,m−1). Since only jobs in B can be assigned to both fast and slow machines, we artificiallysplitthesetofjobs B intwosubsets B andB .B isthesetofjobs f s f inB tobeassignedtothefastmachines,whileB containsthosejobsinB tobe s assignedtoslowmachines.(NotethatinOPT,B =B andB =∅.)Extending f s notation above we let b (resp. b ) be the size of B (resp. B ). f s f s We start by analyzing schedules for the fast machines. As no job in D and B can be assigned to fast machines, we focus only on the schedule of jobs in A, s B and C. We call the jobs in A and B light jobs while we refer to the jobs in f f C as heavy jobs. We let l = a+b , i.e., l is the number of light jobs. Among f those jobs we say that l ∈{0,...,l} are assigned to machine 1 (and thus l−l 1 1 is the number of light jobs on machine m). Similarly, we let c ∈ {1,2} be the m number of heavy jobs assigned to machine m.2 For each value of b ∈{0,...,b} f we want to minimize the following function: (l +2−c )(l +(2−c )t)+(l−l +c )(l−l +c t) 1 m 1 m 1 m 1 m . (12) r Claim. For each value of b ∈ {0,...,b} the total latency (12) is minimized by f setting c =2 and l =l. m 1 2 Observe that c = 0 corresponds (modulo renaming the machines) to the case in m which c =2. Indeed, machines 1 and m do have the same speed and thus we only m need to consider schedules in which heavy jobs are either assigned to the same fast machine or to different fast machines. 10 Diodato Ferraioli and Carmine Ventre Proof. To study the function above we consider two different cases: (i) c = 2 m and (ii) c =1. m Whenever c = 2 simple calculations show that (12) is minimized for l = m 1 (l+t+1)/2. But since t≥a+b≥l we have that l<(l+t+1)/2. This implies that, when c =2, the minimum of (12) is achieved by setting l =l , implying m 1 the following total latency in this case: l2+4t . r Whenever c = 1 simple calculations show that (12) is minimized for l = m 1 l/2. But l could not be even: indeed, although a is even b is not necessarily f even. However, since c = 1, we have the same load on both machines 1 and m m by assigning (cid:98)l/2(cid:99) to them. Thus, as fast machines have the same speed, we can assign the additional job either to 1 or m without changing the total latency of the solution. We then conclude that when c =1, (12) is minimized m for l =(cid:98)l/2(cid:99), implying the following total latency in this case: 1 ((cid:98)l/2(cid:99)+1)((cid:98)l/2(cid:99)+t)+((cid:100)l/2(cid:101)+1)((cid:100)l/2(cid:101)+t) . r We now conclude the analysis of the optimal schedule on the fast machines by arguing that: l2+4t≤((cid:98)l/2(cid:99)+1)((cid:98)l/2(cid:99)+t)+((cid:100)l/2(cid:101)+1)((cid:100)l/2(cid:101)+t)=lt+l+2t+(cid:98)l/2(cid:99)2+(cid:100)l/2(cid:101)2 (13) thus implying that the best solution is achieved by setting c = 2 and l = l. m 1 To show (13) we have two cases: when l = 2 (l cannot be less than 2), (13) is trivially true; otherwise we observe that it is equivalent to l2−l−(cid:98)l/2(cid:99)2−(cid:100)l/2(cid:101)2 t≥ (14) l−2 But l2−l−(cid:98)l/2(cid:99)2−(cid:100)l/2(cid:101)2 ≤l2 (15) l−2 and since t≥l2 (14) is verified. (cid:116)(cid:117) ClaimaboveshowsthatnomatterhowjobsofB aresplitinB andB thebest f s solution is to schedule heavy jobs on one of the fast machine and light jobs on the other fast machine. Now, we conclude the proof by considering jobs B and s D.Noneofthesejobscanbescheduledonthefastmachines.Sincetheschedule of jobs in D is fixed, we only need to argue what is the best size of B when s jobs in A, B and C are optimally scheduled. Next claim shows that the total f latency is minimized by setting b =0. s Claim. Let S be any scheduling in which c = 2, l = l and b > 0. It holds m 1 s C(S)≥C(OPT).

the problems of existence and structure of Nash Equilibria, e.g. the several class of games, such as selfish routing [12], job scheduling [10, 6],
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