Description:This is a complete translation of "Husserlians X", the volume in the critical edition of Husserl's work that includes his writings on time and the consciousness of time written between 1893 and 1917. The texts come from a crucial period of development in Husserl's thought, and cover topics of central importance in his phenomenology of time-consciousness arguably represents the most thorough, careful, and insightful reflection on the phenomenon of the experience of time in the literature, whether ancient or modern. Among the themes Husserl investigates are perception as a form of time-consciousness; retention and protention as immediate forms of awareness of past and future; memory and expectation and their differences from and dependence on perception, retention, and protention; the temporal modes in which objects appear; the way in which the various forms and modes of time-consciousness are constituted; the connection between subjective or immanent time and objective time; and the absolute time-constituting flow of consciousness as the fundamental level of cosnciousness life. Students of Husserl's thought, and anyone interested in the philosophical issue of time should find this text useful.