On the optimal contact potential of proteins Akira R. Kinjo Institute for Protein Research, Osaka University, Suita, Osaka, 565-0871, Japan∗ Sanzo Miyazawa Faculty of Technology, Gunma University, Kiryu, Gunma 376-8515, Japan. (Dated: February 1, 2008) We analytically derive the lower bound of the total conformational energy of a protein structure by assuming that the total conformational energy is well approximated by the sum of sequence- dependent pairwise contact energies. The condition for the native structure achieving the lower boundleadstothecontactenergymatrixthatisascalarmultipleofthenativecontactmatrix,i.e., 8 the so-called G¯o potential. We also derive spectral relations between contact matrix and energy 0 matrix,and approximations related toone-dimensional protein structures. Implications for protein 0 structureprediction are discussed. 2 Keywords protein structureprediction; spectral relations; one-dimensional structures n a PACSnumbers: 87.15.Cc,87.15.-v,87.14.Ee J 3 INTRODUCTION THEORY ] M Lower bound of contact energy B . o Our fundamental assumption is that the conforma- Proteins’ biological functions are made possible by i tional energy of a protein can be somehow expressed b theirprecisethree-dimensional(3D)structures,andeach in terms of a contact matrix. Now let us assume that - 3D structure is determined by its amino acid sequence q the total energy of a protein can be well approximated [ through the laws of thermodynamics [1]. Therefore, predicting protein structures from their amino acid se- by the sum of pairwise contact energies between amino 2 acid residues, and that each pairwise contact energy can quences is important not only for inferring proteins’ bi- v be decomposed into a sequence-dependent term and a ological functions, but also for understanding how 3D 6 conformation-dependent term. The sequence-dependent 4 structures are encoded in such one-dimensionalinforma- term is expressed as a matrix E(S) = (E ) which we 3 tion as amino acid sequence. The problem of protein ij 0 structure prediction is naturally cast as an optimization call the contact energy matrix, or E-matrix for short. 9. problem where a potential function is minimized. Given Each element Eij of the E-matrix represents the energy between the residues i and j when they are in contact. 0 an appropriate potential function, conformational opti- 7 This form of the E-matrix is a very general one: Each mization should yield the native structure as the unique 0 element,E ,maydependontheentiresequence,S,orit global minimum conformation of the potential function. ij : may depend only on the types of the interacting amino v Thus,theproblemhasbeentraditionallydividedintotwo i acid residues, i and j, as in the conventionalcontact po- X sub-problems: One is to establish an appropriate poten- tentials. The conformation-dependent term is expressed tial function [2], and the other is to develop the meth- r as another matrix ∆(C) = (∆ ) which we call the con- a ods to efficiently searchthe vast conformationalspace of ij tact matrix, or C-matrix. Each element ∆ of the C- a protein [3]. Among various forms of effective energy ij matrix assumes a value of either 1 or 0, depending on functions, statistical contact potentials [4, 5] have been the residues i and j are in contact or not, respectively. widely used. In this Letter, we exclusively treat a class Hence the total energy E(C,S) of a protein of sequence ofsuchcontactpotentials,neglectingothercontributions S of N residues and having conformation C is given by suchaselectrostaticsandlocalinteractions. Accordingly, a protein conformation is represented as a contact ma- N N 1 trix in which the (i,j) element is 1 if the residues i and E(C,S) = XXEij(S)∆ij(C) (1) j are in contact in space, otherwise it is 0. Although 2 i=1j=1 the contact matrix is a coarse-grained representation of 1 protein conformation, it has been known that the con- = [E(S),∆(C)] (2) 2 tactmatrixcontainssufficientinformationtorecoverthe three-dimensional (native) structure of proteins [6]. It is where [·,·] denotes the Frobenius inner product between notedthat,forthelatticemodelofproteins[7],theserep- two matrices [8, 9]. Based on this assumption, we de- resentationsofproteinconformationandenergyfunction rive the lower bound for the conformational energy and are exact. the conditions for the native structure and E-matrix to 2 achieve the bound. temperature. It should be noted that a native structure The Frobenius inner product leads to the matrix l2 can be the unique GMEC without achieving the lower norm defined as, for a matrix M, kMk ≡ [M,M]1/2 = bound of Eq. (4). Such a case is made possible either ( M2)1/2. In the case of C-matrix, since ∆ =0 or bythelimitationoftheconformationalspaceimposedby Pi,j ij ij 1, we have otherstericfactorssuchaschainconnectivityorexcluded volumes, or by inherent inconsistencies of the E-matrix 2 k∆(C)k =2Nc(C) (3) so that no plausible conformations are allowed to satisfy the lower bounds. where N ≡ (1/2) ∆ is the total number of c Pi,j ij contacts. As for any inner products, the Frobenius inner product satisfies the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality Spectral relations (|[A,B]|≤kAkkBk) from which we have To examine more closely how the lower bound can be [E,∆]≥−kEkk∆k (4) achieved,wenextderiveamoregenerouslowerboundin amorerestrictedcase. First,theC-matrixisdecomposed where the equality holds if and only if as E =ε∆ (5) N ∆= XσαuαvαT (6) for some scalar ε < 0. Although the inequality (Eq. 4) α=1 holds for any pair of matrices, we now regard it as the where σ is the α-th singular value and u and v are lower bound for conformational energy for a given E- α α α the correspondingleft andrightsingular vectors,respec- matrix. For simplicity, we first consider the energy min- imization problem for conformations with k∆(C)k fixed tively. U = (u1,··· ,uN) and V = (v1,··· ,vN) are or- thogonal matrices. The singular components are sorted tothevalueofthenativeconformation. Itisdesirablefor in decreasing order of the singular values: σ1 ≥ ··· ≥ the native conformation to satisfy the lower bound and σ (≥ 0). Since ∆ is real symmetric, the singular values hence its condition Eq. (5). If the native conformation N are the absolute values of the eigenvalues of ∆, and the indeed satisfies the condition Eq. (5), then the elements singular vectors are such that u =±v where the sign of the E-matrix is either 0 or ε so that only the contacts α α corresponds to that of the respective eigenvalue. Next, presentinthe native conformationarestabilizing. Thus, the E-matrix is decomposed in the same manner as the native conformation satisfying Eq. (5) is actually a GMECamonganyconformationswitharbitraryvaluesof N k∆(C)k. AnE-matrixthatsatisfiesEq. (5)forthenative E = XταxαyαT (7) C-matrix is a kind of the so-called G¯o potential [10, 11] α=1 which has been essentialfor studying the protein folding where τ aresingularvalues, andx and y areleft and problem. At this point, it is still possible that the na- α α α right singular vectors, respectively. Since E is also real tive structure is not the unique GMEC. For example, if symmetric,thesingularcomponentshavethesameprop- a conformation contains all the native contacts together erties as the C-matrix ∆. Noting that [E,∆]=tr(E∆T), withsomeothercontacts,thisconformationhasthesame von Neumann’s trace theorem [9] leads to the following energy as the native conformation. In order for a native inequality: conformationtobetheuniqueGMEC,itisrequiredthat the total number of contacts of the native conformation N is larger than that of any other conformations that con- [E,∆]≥−Xσατα (8) tain all the native contacts. From the relation Eq. (3), α=1 maximizing the totalnumber ofcontactsis equivalent to where the equality holds if and only if maximizingthe normoftheC-matrix,whichinturnim- plies the minimization of the right-hand side of Eq. (4). (uTx )(vTy )=−δ (9) α β α β α,β To summarize, for a given E-matrix, E(S), of a protein, its native conformation,C , achievesthe lower bound in for all α and β with non-zero singular values σ and τ n α β Eq. (4)ifandonlyifE(S)=ε∆(C )forsomeε<0,and (δ is Kronecker’s delta). We now regard this inequal- n α,β such native structure is the unique GMEC if and only if ity as a lower bound for the conformational energy for k∆(C )k is the maximum of all possible conformations a given E-matrix. For a fixed set of the singular values n thatcontainallthenativecontacts. Notethattheformer σ (α=1,··· ,N), if and only ifthere exists sucha con- α condition is a relation between E-matrix and C-matrix formation that satisfies the condition in Eq. (9), then whereasthe latterisaconditionforanativestructureto that conformation is the lowest possible energy confor- satisfy. The magnitude of ε is not specified here, but it mation. Let λ and ε (α = 1,··· ,N) be the eigenval- α α shouldbedeterminedbyotherfactorssuchasthefolding ues of the C-matrix and E-matrix, respectively, sorted 3 in the decreasing order of their absolute values. Then MJcontactpotentialisindeedhighlycorrelatedwiththe σ = |λ | and τ = |ε | for α = 1,··· ,N, and u and principal eigenvector of the native contact matrices [14]. α α α α α x are the eigenvectors of the corresponding matrices. Bastollaetal.[15]obtainedasimilarresult,buttheyalso α Thus,intermsofeigenvaluesandeigenvectors,the lower showedthattakingtheaverageofsuchx1 overevolution- bound in Eq. (8) is equal to λ ε with λ ε ≤0 for arily related proteins greatly improved the correlation. Pα α α α α α = 1,··· ,N. In addition to the condition Eq. (9) for Since the rank of the contact matrix is in general not 1, the lower bound of Eq. (8), if ∆ and E are of the same Eq. (10) does not hold and the equality in Eq. (4) can- rank, then the numbers of positive, negative, and zero notbesatisfied. Consequently,thereareattractiveinter- eigenvalues of ∆ and −E are the same and uα = ±xα. actions between non-native contacts even when x1 =u1 Thus, from Sylvester’s law of inertia [8], there exists a holdsexactly. Nevertheless,Portoetal.[16]havedemon- real non-singular matrix S such that stratedthattheknowledgeofu1aloneispracticallysuffi- cientforreconstructingthenativecontactmatrixofsmall E =−S∆ST, (10) single-domain proteins. Therefore, construction of effec- tive rank-1E-matrices is ofgreatinterest[17]. Basedon ∗ i.e., the E-matrix is congruent to the C-matrix. If the the Porto et al.’s result, it is tempting to postulate that conformation that satisfy the condition Eq. (10) is the thesatisfactionofthe lowerboundby arank-1E-matrix native structure, the E-matrix is consistent in the sense is sufficient for the native conformationto be the unique that the contributions from all the eigencomponents are GMEC.Atpresent,however,thereisnoclearconnection stabilizing the native structure (λ ε ≤ 0). Since the α α between the present formulation (energy minimization) matrix S is non-singular, we can “predict” the native and the Porto et al.’s combinatorial algorithm. structure from the E matrix as ∆ = −S−1ES−T (if we Anotherapproximationisakindofmean-fieldapproxi- can construct the appropriate matrix S). At this point, mationsinwhichthematrixelementE isreplacedbyits ij hsionwceevoetrh,etrhceonnfaotrimveatsiotrnuscwtuitrhe amdaiyffenroetntbseetthofesGinMguElaCr average over column hEi•i ≡ PNj=1Eij/N. Let us define values may have lower energies. e = (hE1•i,··· ,hEN•i)T and n = (n1,··· ,nN)T where n ≡ N ∆ is the contactnumber ofthe i-thresidue. Inordertocomparetheenergiesofconformationswith i Pj=1 ij Then,wehavethefollowingapproximationandthelower different sets of singular values, we use another inequal- bound: ity [9]: 1 N E(C,S) ≈ eTn (12) 2 −Xσατα ≥−kEkk∆k (11) 1 α=1 ≥ − kekknk (13) 2 where the lower bound is the same as that in Eq. (4). We note that, in terms of singular values, the matrix wheretheequalityin(13)holdsifandonlyifthecolumn- norms are expressed as k∆k = ( σ2)1/2 and kEk = averagedE-matrixisanti-paralleltothecontactnumber Pα α ( τ2)1/2. Hence, it is clear that the equality in Eq. vector,that is, e=εn for some ε<0. This lower bound Pα α (11) holds if and only if, in addition to the condition condition is analogous to Eq. (5), and can be regarded as another kind of the G¯o potential for one-dimensional in Eq. (9), there exists a scalar constant c such that τ = cσ for all α = 1,··· ,N. These conditions are protein structure. It has been suggested that contact α α equivalent to Eq. (5). number vector can significantly constrain the conforma- tional space [18]. Together with other one-dimensional structures, contact number vector is also used for recov- One-dimensional approximations ering the native structures [19], and can be accurately predicted [20, 21, 22, 23, 24]. It has been pointed out that the contact number vector is highly correlatedwith To connect the present results with previous studies, the principal eigenvector of the C-matrix [16, 19], which we next introduce two approximations. First, we con- suggests that this mean-field approximation is qualita- sider the case where the E-matrix is well approximated by its principal eigencomponent, that is, E ≈ ε1x1xT1. tively similar to the principal eigenvectorapproximation introduced above. This approximationis motivated by the eigenvalue anal- ysisofthe Miyazawa-Jernigan(MJ)contactpotential[4] performed by Li et al. [12], and has been employed by others [13, 14, 15]. In this case, the lower bound Eq. DISCUSSION (8) is achieved if and only if x1 = ±u1 and ε1λ1 < 0. This resultwaspreviouslyderivedby Caoetal.[13]who Using a more restricted, but conventional,form of the subsequently showed that the vector x1 constructed by E-matrix where each element Eij depends only on the using the components of the principal eigenvector of the types of i-th and j-th residues (e.g., the MJ potential), 4 Vendruscolo et al. [25, 26] have shown that it is im- contact prediction [28] as well as recent studies on local possible for such E-matrices to stabilize all the native interactions [30, 31] suggest that the latter may be the structures in a database. The conventional E-matrices case. Nevertheless, the present results may be useful for such as those they studied do not take into account the evaluating the optimality of potential functions in either sequence-dependence beyond a summation of the con- case. tributions from residue pairs. 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