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by  DulčićJ
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ON THE OCCURRENCE OF THREE MESO- AND BATHYPELAGIC FISHES IN THE ADRIATIC SEA. Jakov DUL¸I¶, Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries, P.O. Box 500, ‰etali≈te Ivana Me≈trovi¢a 63, 21000 Split, CROATIA. RÉSUMÉ.!-!Note sur la présence de trois poissons méso- et bathypélagiques dans l'Adriatique. L’étude d’anciennes collections ichtyolo- giques a permis d’établir de nouveaux signale- ments pour l’Adriatique!: Valenciennellus tripunc- tulatus (premier signalement confirmé), Diaphus metopoclampus (premier signalement) et Gonich- thys cocco (premier signalement d’un adulte). Key!words.!-!Valenciennellus tripunctulatus - Gonichthys cocco - Diaphus metopoclampus - MED - Adriatic Sea - New records. Information existing on the meso- and Fig.!1.!-!Adriatic Sea. Map of sampling stations bathypelagic ichthyofauna of the Adriatic Sea is (o) during R/V “Andrija Mohorovi©i¢” cruises mainly based on data from the research cruises 1974-1976. •: stations 8 and 58 where specimens conducted by the vessels “Thor” (1908-1910), of Gonichthys cocco, Diaphus metopoclampus and “Najade” (1911-1914), “Hvar” (1948-1949), and Valenciennellus tripunctulatus were collected. “S. Lo Bianco” (1972-1974). The distribution of the ichthyofauna was also worked out the basis of this material. The data on the adult and develop- October 16, 1974; March 3 - 18, 1975; April 20 - mental stages of these fishes originate from the May 17, 1975; February 2 - March 1, 1976; and papers by Pietschmann (1914), Jespersen (1915), July 6 - 30, 1976, covering the entire Adriatic Sea Tåning (1918), Karlovac (1952, 1953), and Fabi- from the most northern areas till the Strait of ano and Fabiano (1977). In the middle seventies, Otranto (35 fixed stations along 8 transects) cruises of the R/V “Andrija Mohorovi©i¢” were (Fig.!1). The material was collected (a total of conducted in the open Adriatic. The scope of the 132!plankton samples) using an IOSN interna- present paper is to present new data on some tional net (250!µm mesh, 113!cm in diameter and elements of the meso- and bathypelagic ichthyo- 350!cm in length). At each station routine samples fauna of the Adriatic Sea. were taken from different depth reaching maxi- R/V “Andrija Mohorovi©i¢” cruises were mum of 1180!m. Samples were fixed with 2.5% performed during the periods: September 22 - neutralised formaldehyde. All fishes were measu- Table!I.!-!Meristic characters of the three species (Valenciennellus tripunctulatus, Gonichthys cocco, Diaphus metopoclampus) in the study area. *:!pseudobranch present; branchiostegal rays 10, 3 on epihyal; dorsal fin rays followed by a dorsal adipose fin; pelvic fin rays 7; photophores: ORB 1, BR (6), OP 3, OP single, VAV (5), AC in 5 well-separated groups, IP (3)+(4), PV (16); (D: dorsal fin rays; A: anal fin 3 rays; P: pectoral fin rays; AO: anal photophores. Cybium 2001, 25(3): 285-288. 286 DUL©I¢ Fig.!2.!-!Valenciennelus tripunctulatus; specimen of 28.4 mm TL from the Adriatic. Fig.!3.!-!Gonichthys cocco; specimen of 39.4 mm TL from the Adriatic. Fig.!4.!-!Diaphus metopoclampus; specimen of 75.2 mm TL from the Adriatic. red at the nearest mm TL (total length).The mate- (Anonymous, 1982). The material for this study rial used for this study is preserved in the Institute was sorted earlier, but never processed until 1999. of Oceanography and Fisheries, Laboratory for The specimens were identified in accordance to Plankton Ecology, Dubrovnik. Hydrographic and Badcock (1984) and Hulley (1984). The examina- biological data for the R/V “Andrija Mohorovi©i¢” tion of the material showed some new data for cruises from 1974 to 1976 have been published in three species: Valenciennellus tripunctulatus a special publication of the Hydrographic Insti- (Esmark, 1871), Gonichthys cocco (Cocco, 1829) tute-Split: “Reports and results of the oceano- and Diaphus metopoclampus (Cocco, 1829). All graphic investigations in the Adriatic Sea” these specimens have been deposited in the Ich- Occurrence of three méso- and bathypelagic fishes in the Adriatic sea 287 thyological collection of the Institute of Oceano- 73.2!mm TL, in October 1974. The distribution of graphy and Fisheries in Split. Their meristic D.!metopoclampus in the Mediterranean until now characters are presented in table!I. was limited to its western basin especially in the straits of Messina and Sicilia (Tortonese, 1970; Bauchot, 1987). A detailed distribution of this Valenciennellus tripunctulatus (Fig.!2) species in the Mediterranean and Atlantic is given One specimen was collected at a depth of by Nafpaktitis et al. (1977). Hulley (1984) charac- 100!m (station 58: 41°03’N-18°59’E, 04h00), terised it as a probably rare migrant in the Medi- 28.4!mm TL, in May 1975. Pietschmann (1914) terranean (western part). According to some was the first to cite V.!tripunculatus for the Adri- authors it was not recorded for the Adriatic Sea atic Sea, but other authors (‰oljan, 1948, 1975; (‰oljan, 1975; Jardas, 1985), but Fabiano and Karlovac, 1953) were of the opinion that in this Fabiano (1977) recorded this species in the middle case the question is actually of the species Adriatic (July 1974, 7 specimens, Station 27 07- Maurolicus muelleri (Gmelin, 1788). Tåning 123, 42°26’N-17°05’E, diurnal catch, 600!m depth, (1918) has noticed it on many stations in the sampled by strascico-bottom trawl). These authors Mediterranean. According to Bini (1970) the did not mention that this record was the first for presence of this species in the Adriatic is doubtful, the Adriatic. The specimen from the present while Tortonese (1970) just presented the opinions material is the second. Sinis and Koukouras of other authors (‰oljan, Karlovac). Jardas (1985) (1995) collected one mature female in the north mentioned this species in the check-list of the coast of Crete Island and they characterised this fishes of the Adriatic Sea but with a question mark occurrence as the first for the Aegean Sea and first used for the species, the occurrence of which in from the Eastern Mediterranean. Papaconstantinou the Adriatic is doubtful. The same author (1996) et al. (1997) collected three specimens (standard did not mentioned it in a new list of Adriatic length range: 67-72!mm) at a depth of 500!m in fishes. For the Mediterranean, this species is the North Aegean Sea and they also characterised recorded only in Messina strait (Torchio, 1960). this record as the first record from the Eastern Badcock (1984) characterised it as a probably rare Mediterranean. migrant in the Mediterranean. So, it could be accepted that its record during R/V “A. Acknowledgements.!-!I thank Prof. Dr. F. Kr≈ini¢ Mohorovi©i¢” cruise confirms its presence in the for giving me the cruise material on examination. Adriatic Sea. We can treat it as the first confirmed record if we take into account doubtful informa- tion mentioned above. REFERENCES Gonichthys cocco (Fig.!3) ANONYMOUS, 1982.!-!Reports and results of the One mature specimen was collected at a oceanographic investigations in the Adriatic depth of 30!m (station 8: 41°29’N-18°43’E, Sea R/V “Andrija Mohorovi©i¢” 1974-1976. 19h00), 39.4!mm TL, in May 1975. This is the 239!p. Split: Special Publication of first record of adult stage of this species in the Hydrographic Institute Adriatic Sea. Two postlarval specimens, 4.8 and BADCOCK J., 1984.!-!Sternoptychidae. In: Fishes 6.3!mm TL, were caught on June 14th in 1948 of the North-eastern Atlantic and the (station 152, west of Durrës, at 53!m depth, Mediterranean (Whitehead P.J.P., Bauchot 41°21’N-18°49’5’’E, 09h45) (Karlovac, 1952, M.-L., Hureau J.-C, Nielsen J. & E. Torto- 1953). Tåning (1918) found this species in the nese, eds), pp.!302-317. Paris: UNESCO. eastern part of the Mediterranean, but did not find BAUCHOT M.-L., 1987.!-!Requins et poissons it either in the western Mediterranean or in the osseux. In: Fiches FAO d’Identification des Adriatic. Hulley (1984) characterised this species Espèces pour les Besoins de la Pêche (Fischer rare in western Mediterranean, but common in the W., Bauchot M.-L. & M. Schneider, eds), eastern part (not in the Adriatic Sea). pp.!767-843, 891-1422. Rome: FAO. BINI G., 1970.!-!Gonostomatidae. In: Atlante dei Diaphus metopoclampus (Fig.!4) Pesci delll Coste Italiane. Vol. 2. Osteiti, One specimen was collected at a depth of pp.!81-96. Milano: Mondo Sommerso 480!m (Station 8: 41°29’N-18°43’E, 18h00), Editrice. 288 DUL©I¢ FABIANO M. & A.M. FABIANO, 1977.!-!Pesci Sears Found. Mar. Res. Yale Univ. New batifili raccolti nel corso delle campagne di Haven, pp.!13-265. pesca dell N/R “S. LoBianco”. Quad. Lab. PAPACONSTANTINOU C., ANASTASOPOU- Tecnol. Pesca, 3: 165-174. LOU K. & E. CARAGITSOU, 1997.!- HULLEY P.A., 1984.!-!Myctophidae. In: Fishes !Comments on the mesopelagic fauna of the of the North-eastern Atlantic and the North Aegean Sea. Cybium, 21(3): 281-288. Mediterranean (Whitehead P.J.P., Bauchot PIETSCHMANN V., 1914.!-!Fische der achten M.-L., Hureau J.-C, Nielsen J. & E. “Najade” - Fahrt (Jungfischtrawlfänge). Sitz. Tortonese, eds), pp.!428-483. Paris: ber. Kais. Akad. Wiss., Math.!-!nat. wiss. cl., UNESCO. Abt. I: 1-405. JARDAS I., 1985.!-!Check-list of the fishes of the SINIS A.I. & A.S. KOUKOURAS, 1995.!-!New Adriatic Sea (Cyclostomata, Selachii, information on the Aegean Sea ichthyofauna. Osteichthyes) with respect of taxonomy and Cybium, 19(4): 421-424. established number. Biosistematika, 1: 45-74 ‰OLJAN T., 1948.!-!Fishes of the Adriatic. Fauna (in Croatian). and Flora of the Adriatic. 437!p. Split: JARDAS I., 1996.!-!Adriatic Ichthyofauna. 533!p. Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries (in Zagreb: ‰kolska knjiga (in Croatian) Croatian). JESPERSEN P., 1915.!-!Sternoptychidae (Argy- ‰OLJAN T., 1975.!-!I Pesci dell’Adriatico. 522!p. ropelecus and Sternoptyx). Rep. Dan. Ocea- Milano: Arnoldo Mondadori Edit. nogr. Exped., 1908-1910 to the Med. and Adj. TÅNING A., 1918.!-!Mediterranean Scopelidae. Seas, Vol. II, Biol. A, 2: 1-31. Rep. Dan. Oceanogr. Exped. 1908-1910 KARLOVAC J., 1952.!-!Findings of bathypelagic Mediterr. and Adj. Seas, Vol.!II. Biol. 2 (5), fish species hitherto unknown in the Adriatic. A7: 1-154. Notes-Inst. Oceanogr. Fish., Split, 2: 1-4. TORCHIO M., 1960.!-!Valenciennellus tripunctu- KARLOVAC J., 1953.!-!Sternoptychidae, Stomia- latus (Esmark, 1871) (Pisces: Gonosto- tidae and Scopelidae in the Adriatic Sea. matidae) nel Mediterraneo. Natura-Milano, Reports on the R/V “Hvar” cruises researches 46: 138-139. into Fisheries Biology, Institute of Ocea- TORTONESE E., 1970.!-!Osteichthyes (Pesci nography and Fisheries, Split, 5 (2B): 1-45. ossei). Fauna d’Italia. Vol. 1. 565!p. Bologna: NAFPAKTITIS B.G., BACKUS R.H., CRAD- Calderini Editrice. DOCK J.E., HAEDRICH R.L., ROBINSON B.H. & C. KAMELLA, 1977.!-!Family Reçu le 11.09.2000. Myctophidae. In: Fishes W.N. Atlantic, 7. Accepté pour publication le 22.12.2000.

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