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On the number of real critical points of logarithmic derivatives and the Hawaii conjecture Mikhail Tyaglov Institut fu¨r Mathematik, MA 4–5 9 0 Technische Universit¨at Berlin 0 D–10623 Berlin, Germany 2 [email protected] b e F February 3, 2009 3 ] A C Dedicated with gratitude to Thomas Craven, . h George Csordas, and Wayne Smith. t a m [ Abstract 2 Foragivenrealentirefunctionϕwithfinitely manynonrealzeros,weestablishaconnection v ′ ′ ′′ ′ ′ between the number of real zeros of the functions Q = (ϕ/ϕ) and Q1 = (ϕ /ϕ). This 3 connectionleadsto aproofoftheHawaiiconjecture[T.Craven,G.Csordas,andW.Smith, The 1 4 zeros of derivatives of entire functions and the Po´lya-Wiman conjecture, Ann. of Math. (2) 0 125 (1987), 405–431]stating that the number of real zeros of Q does not exceed the number of 2. nonreal zeros of ϕ. 0 9 0 Introduction : v i Inthis paper,weinvestigate therealcritical pointsoflogarithmic derivatives ofrealentirefunction, X ϕ(z), in the class ∗ (see Definition 2). Our main result establishes bounds on the number r L−P a of real zeros of the derivative of the logarithmic derivative of the function ϕ(z). The idea behind these bounds arose from attempts to prove the following twenty year-old conjecture of T. Craven, G. Csordas and W. Smith [3] (see also [5]), which was nicknamed by A. Eremenko the Hawaii conjecture. The Hawaii conjecture. If a real polynomial p has 2m nonreal zeros, then the rational function d p′(z) dp(z) Q(z) = , where p′(z) = , dz p(z) dz (cid:18) (cid:19) has at most 2m real zeros, counting multiplicities. Various attempts were made to resolve this conjecture by geometric and topologic methods [2, 6, 7]. In particular, J.Borcea and B.Shapiro [2] developed a general theory of level sets, which 1 may imply the validity of the Hawaii conjecture as a special case. In [13, Chapter 9], the Hawaii conjecture was proved only for a few particular cases. We remark that while the upper bound of the number of real zeros of Q was only conjectured recently, the lower bound was known a long time ago, at least in the following special case: Problem 133 ([9]). Let the real polynomial f(x) have only real zeros and suppose that the poly- nomial f(x) + a, where a R 0 , has 2m nonreal zeros. Prove that the equation (f′(x))2 ∈ \{ } − f(x)f′′(x) af′′(x) = 0 has at least 2m real roots. − If p(z) = f(z)+a, then it follows that p has only simple zeros and exactly 2m nonreal zeros. Moreover, p′ = f′ has only real zeros. By Problem 133, Q associated with the polynomial p(z) = f(z)+a has at least 2m real zeros. In fact, Q has exactly 2m real zeros [3, Theorem 1]. The hint provided for Problem 133 in [9] suggests using Rolle’s Theorem. This approach ultimately leads us to a more precise result, namely, the following proposition. Proposition 1. Suppose that the polynomial p has 2m nonreal zeros and its derivative p′ has 2m 1 nonreal zeros, then Q has at least 2m 2m real zeros. 1 − Thus,thelower boundofthenumberofrealzeros ofQcanbeeasily determined. Unfortunately, even this simple fact was not well known. We establish this lower bound in Theorem 2 (see (1.154) and Remark 1.14). In Section 1, we prove our main result, Theorem 2, which provides the bounds of the number of critical points of the logarithmic derivative of a real entire function ϕ ∗ (Definition 2) ∈ L−P possessing property A (Definition 4). In Section 2, we prove the Hawaii conjecture (Theorem 8) for real entire functions in the class ∗ using Theorem 2 and one technical result, Theorem 7. L−P 1 Bounds on the number of real critical points of the logarithmic derivatives of functions in ∗ L − P In this section, we need the following definitions. Definition 1 ([10, 12]). The function ϕ is said to be in the Laguerre-Po´lya class, ϕ , if ∈ L−P ω z z ϕ(z) = czde−γz2+βz 1 eαj, (0 6 ω 6 ), − α ∞ j j=1(cid:18) (cid:19) Y where c,β,α R, γ > 0, d is a nonnegative integer and α−2 < . j ∈ j ∞ Definition 2. The function ϕ is in the class ∗ if ϕP= pf where f and p is a real L−P ∈ L−P polynomial with no real zeros. For ϕ ∗, by ZC(ϕ) we denote the number of nonreal zeros of ϕ, counting multiplicities. ∈ L−P Iff is arealmeromorphicfunctionhavingonly afinitenumberof realzeros, then ZR(f)willdenote the number of real zeros of f, counting multiplicities. In the sequel, we also denote the number of zeros of the function f in an interval (a,b) and at a point α R by Z (f) and Z (f), (a,b) {α} ∈ respectively1. Generally, the number of zeros of f on a set X will be denoted by Z (f). X 1Thus, ZR(f)=Z(−∞,+∞)(f). 2 Let ϕ ∗. Between any two consecutive real zeros, say a and b, a < b, of ϕ, ϕ′ has an ∈ L−P odd number of real zeros (and a fortiori at least one) by Rolle’s theorem. Counting all zeros with multiplicities, suppose that ϕ′ has 2r+1 zeros between a and b. Then we will say that ϕ′ has 2r extra zeros between a and b. If ϕ has the largest zero a (or the smallest zero a ), then any real L S zero ϕ′ in (a , ) (and in ( ,a )) is also called an extra zero of ϕ′. The total number of extra L S ∞ −∞ zeros of ϕ′, counting multiplicities, will be denoted by E(ϕ′). Remark 1.1. The multiple real zeros of ϕ are not counted as real extra zeros of ϕ′. Remark 1.2. Let ϕ be a real polynomial of degree n > 1, and suppose that ϕ has exactly 2m nonreal zeros. Then ZC(ϕ) ZC(ϕ′), if n > 2m, E(ϕ′)= − (1.1) ( ZC(ϕ) ZC(ϕ′) 1, if n = 2m. − − This fact will be used in the proof of Theorem 3. For thereader’s convenience, werecall thefact proved in[3, Lemma3, p.411] that thefollowing inequalities hold for ϕ ∗. ∈ L−P ZC(ϕ) 6 E(ϕ′)+ZC(ϕ′) 6 ZC(ϕ)+2. (1.2) However, if ϕ has an infinite number of real zeros, then a tighter upper bound can be established (see [4, p. 325]): ZC(ϕ) 6 E(ϕ′)+ZC(ϕ′) 6 ZC(ϕ′)+1. (1.3) Let ϕ ∗ and let the function Q = Q[ϕ] associated with ϕ be defined as ∈ L−P d ϕ′(z) ϕ(z)ϕ′′(z) (ϕ′(z))2 Q(z) = Q[ϕ](z) = = − . (1.4) dz ϕ(z) (ϕ(z))2 (cid:18) (cid:19) We note that if ϕ(z) = Ceβz, where C,β R, then Q(z) 0. Hence, we adopt the following ∈ ≡ convention throughout this paper. Convention. If ϕ ∗, then ϕ is assumed not to be of the form ϕ(z) = Ceβz, C,β R. ∈ L−P ∈ With this convention, we set out to prove that Q has only finitely many real zeros. This fact is essentially known from[3], butwe still includetheprooffor completeness. Note thatthis is obvious if ϕ has a finite number of zeros. Here is a proof for the general case. Theorem 1. Let ϕ ∗. Then the function Q has finitely many real zeros. ∈ L−P Proof. By definition, ϕ is a product ϕ= pψ, where ψ and p is a real polynomial with no ∈ L−P real zeros. Let degp = 2m >0. If m = 0, then p(z) const. In this case, ϕ . But it is well known (see, for example, [3, ≡ ∈ L−P 4]) that the logarithmic derivative of a function from the Laguerre-Po´lya class is a decreasing function on the intervals where it has no poles. Therefore, Q(z) < 0 for any real z, which is not a pole of this function. Thus, if m = 0, then Q has no real zeros. We assume now that m > 0. Observe that Q = Q[ϕ] = Q[p]+Q[ψ]. 3 From this equality it follows that all zeros of Q are roots of the equation Q[p](z) = Q[ψ](z). (1.5) − It is easy to see that if p(z) = a z2m+... (a = 0), then 0 0 6 2ma2z4m−2+... Q[p](z) = − 0 . a2z4m+... 0 This formula shows that Q[p](z) 0 whenever z . Consequently, there exist two real → − → ±∞ numbers a and a (a < a ) such that Q[p](z) < 0 for z ( ,a ] [a ,+ ). But since 1 2 1 2 1 2 ∈ −∞ ∪ ∞ ψ , we have Q[ψ](z) < 0 for z R as we mentioned above. Thus, the right hand side of the ∈ L−P ∈ equation(1.5)ispositiveforallz Rbutitslefthandsideisnegativeforallz ( ,a ] [a ,+ ). 1 2 ∈ ∈ −∞ ∪ ∞ Therefore, all real roots of the equation (1.5) and, consequently, all real zeros of the function Q belongtotheinterval (a ,a ), andQ(z) < 0outsidethisinterval. Sincerealzerosof ameromorphic 1 2 function are isolated, Q has only finitely many real zeros, as required. Later (see Corollary 2) we show that the number of real zeros of the function Q is even. Analogously to (1.4), we introduce the related function d ϕ′′(z) ϕ′(z)ϕ′′′(z) (ϕ′′(z))2 Q (z) = Q[ϕ′](z) = = − . (1.6) 1 dz ϕ′(z) (ϕ′(z))2 (cid:18) (cid:19) To expedite our presentation, we also introduce the following definition. Definition 3. Let ϕ ∗ and let α be a real zero of ϕ. Suppose that β and β , β < α< β , 1 2 1 2 ∈ L−P are real zeros of ϕ′ such that ϕ′(z) = 0 for z (β ,α) (α,β ). The function ϕ is said to possess 1 2 6 ∈ ∪ property A at its real zero α if Q has no real zeros in at least one of the intervals (β ,α) and 1 (α,β ). If α is the smallest zero of ϕ, then set β = , and if α is the largest zero of ϕ, then set 2 1 −∞ β = + . 2 ∞ Definition 4. A function ϕ ∗ is said to possess property A if ϕ possesses property A at ∈ L−P each of its real zeros. In particular, ϕ without real zeros possesses property A. Attheendofthissection,weprovethefollowingtheorem,whichprovidesboundsforthenumber of real zeros of Q. Theorem 2. Let ϕ ∗ and suppose that ϕ has exactly 2m nonreal zeros. If the function ϕ ∈ L−P possesses property A, then 2m 2m1 6 ZR(Q) 6 2m 2m1+ZR(Q1), (1.7) − − where 2m1 = ZC(ϕ′) and the functions Q and Q1 are defined in (1.4) and (1.6). Before we establish Theorem 2, we prove a few lemmas and their corollaries. For a given function ϕ, by F and F we will denote the following functions 1 F(z) = ϕ(z)ϕ′′(z) ϕ′(z) 2, F (z) = ϕ′(z)ϕ′′′(z) ϕ′′(z) 2. (1.8) 1 − − At first, we estimate the parities o(cid:0)f the(cid:1)numbers of real zeros of Q i(cid:0)n cert(cid:1)ain intervals and on the real axis. 4 Lemma 1. Let ϕ ∗ and let β and β be two real zeros of ϕ′. 1 2 ∈ L−P I. If β and β are consecutive real zeros of ϕ′, and ϕ(z) = 0 for z (β ,β ), then Q has an 1 2 1 2 6 ∈ odd number of real zeros in (β ,β ), counting multiplicities. 1 2 II. If β and β are two real zeros of ϕ′ such that ϕ has a unique real zero α in (β ,β ) and 1 2 1 2 ϕ′(z) = 0 for z (β ,α) (α,β ), then Q has an even number of real zeros, counting 1 2 6 ∈ ∪ multiplicities, in each of the intervals (β ,α) and (α,β ). 1 2 Proof. I. In fact, since ϕ′/ϕ equals zero at the points β and β , its derivative, the function Q, 1 2 has an odd number of zeros in (β ,β ) by Rolle’s theorem. 1 2 II. If α is a zero of ϕ of multiplicity M > 1, then ϕ(z) = (z α)Mψ(z), where ψ(α) = 0. Thus, we − 6 have M ψ(z)ψ′′(z) (ψ′(z))2 Q(z) = + − . −(z α)2 (ψ(z))2 − Consequently, for all sufficiently small ε> 0, Q(α ε) < 0. (1.9) ± Thus, ϕ′/ϕ is decreasing in a small left-sided vicinity of α, and ϕ′(z)/ϕ(z) whenever z α. → −∞ ր Since ϕ′/ϕ equals zero at β , its derivative, the function Q, must have an even number of zeros in 1 (β ,α) by Rolle’s theorem. 1 By the same argumentation, Q has an even number of zeros in (α,β ). 2 Lemma 2. Let ϕ ∗. If ϕ has the largest zero α (or the smallest zero α ), then Q has an L S ∈L−P even number of real zeros in (α ,+ ) (or in ( ,α )), counting multiplicities. L S ∞ −∞ Proof. The inequality (1.9) holds for any real zero of ϕ, consequently, Q is negative for z suf- ficiently close to α (or to α ). But it was already proved in Theorem 1 (see also (3.11) in [3, L S p.415] and subsequent remark there) that Q(z) < 0 for all sufficiently large real z. Therefore, Q has an even number of zeros in (α ,+ ) (and in ( ,a ) if ϕ has the smallest real zero α ), L S S ∞ −∞ counting multiplicities, since Q(z) is negative for all real z sufficiently close to the ends of the interval (α ,+ ) (or of the interval ( ,α )). L S ∞ −∞ If additional information on the number of real zeros of ϕ′ is available, then Lemma 1 and Lemma 2 can be used to derive the following sharper result. Corollary 1. Let ϕ ∗ and suppose that ϕ has the largest zero α and ϕ′ has exactly r extra L ∈ L−P zeros, counting multiplicities, in the interval (α ,+ ). If β is the largest zero of ϕ′ in (α ,+ ), L L L ∞ ∞ then Q has an odd (even) number of real zeros in (β ,+ ) whenever r is an even (odd) number. L ∞ Proof. Letϕ′ havel 6r distinct zeros, say β < β < ... < β = β , intheinterval(α ,+ ). Ac- 1 2 l L L ∞ cording to Lemma 2, Q has an even number of real zeros in (α ,+ ), counting multiplicities. But L ∞ fromLemma1itfollowsthatQhasanevennumberofrealzerosin(α ,β ),countingmultiplicities, L 1 and an odd number of real zeros, say 2M +1, in each of the intervals (β ,β ) (i = 1,2,...,l 1). i i i+1 Hence, Q has exactly l−1(2M +1) real zeros, counting multiplicities, in l−1(β ,β ). − i=1 i i=1 i i+1 Moreover, from(1.4) itfollows that β is azero of Qof multiplicity M 1whenever β is azero of P − S ϕ′ ofmultiplicityM. Consequently,inourcase,Qhasexactlyr lrealzeros,countingmultiplicities, − 5 atthepointsβ thataremultiplezerosofϕ′. Thus,Qhasr l+ l−1(2M +1) = r 1+ l−12M i − i=1 i − i=1 i real zeros, counting multiplicities, in the interval [β ,β ]. Therefore, if r is an even (odd) number, 1 L P P then Q has an odd (even) number of real zeros in (α ,β ]. Recall that Q has an even number of L L zerosin(α ,β )byLemma1. Consequently,Qhasanodd(even)numberofrealzerosin(β ,+ ), L 1 L ∞ since Q has an even number of real zeros in (α ,+ ), according to Lemma 2. L ∞ Remark 1.3. Corollary 1 is valid with respective modification in the case when ϕ has the smallest zero a . S So far, we have considered semi-infinite intervals, our next statement addresses the entire real axis. Corollary 2 (Craven–Csordas–Smith [3], p. 415). If ϕ ∗, then the function Q associated ∈ L−P with ϕ has an even number of real zeros, counting multiplicity. Proof. In fact, if ϕ has no real zeros, then Q has no real poles, and the number ZR(Q) is even, since Q(z) < 0 for all sufficiently large real z. If ϕ has only one real zero α, then, according to Lemma 2, Q has an even number of zeros in each of the intervals ( ,α) and (α,+ ). Thus, ZR(Q) is also even in this case. −∞ ∞ Letϕhaveatleast tworealzeros. Ifα andα aretwo consecutive zeros ofϕ, then, according j j+1 to (1.9), Q has an even number of zeros, counting multiplicities, in the interval (α ,α ). If ϕ has j j+1 the largest (or/and the smallest) real zero, say α (α ), then, by Lemma 2, Q has an even number L S of realzeros, counting multiplicities, in(aL,+ )(and in( ,αS)). Therefore, thenumberZR(Q) ∞ −∞ is even. Remark 1.4. Analogously, the function Q associated with a function in the class ∗ has an 1 L−P even number of real zeros, counting multiplicities, since the class ∗ is closed with respect to L−P differentiation [3]. The following lemma is the first in a series of lemmata that estimate the number of real zeros of Q on a finite interval, given specific information on ϕ, ϕ′, ϕ′′ and Q . 1 Lemma 3. Let ϕ ∗ and let a and b be real and let ϕ(z) = 0, ϕ′(z) = 0, ϕ′′(z) = 0, ∈ L−P 6 6 6 Q (z) =0 in the interval (a,b). 1 6 I. If, for all sufficiently small δ > 0, ϕ′(a+δ)ϕ′′(a+δ)Q(a+δ)Q (a+δ) > 0, (1.10) 1 then Q has no real zeros in (a,b]. II. If, for all sufficiently small δ > 0, ϕ′(a+δ)ϕ′′(a+δ)Q(a+δ)Q (a+δ) < 0, (1.11) 1 then Q has at most one real zero in (a,b), counting multiplicities. Moreover, if Q(ζ) = 0 for some ζ (a,b), then Q(b) = 0 (if Q is finite at b). ∈ 6 Proof. The condition ϕ(z) = 0 for z (a,b) means that Q is finite at every point of (a,b). 6 ∈ If ζ (a,b) and Q(ζ)= 0, then F(ζ) = 0 and (1.8) implies ∈ ϕ(ζ)ϕ′′(ζ) ϕ′(ζ)= . (1.12) ϕ′(ζ) 6 Now we consider F . From (1.8) and (1.12) it is easy to derive that 1 ϕ(ζ)ϕ′′(ζ)ϕ′′′(ζ) F (ζ)= ϕ′(ζ)ϕ′′′(ζ) (ϕ′′(ζ))2 = (ϕ′′(ζ))2 = 1 − ϕ′(ζ) − (1.13) ϕ′′(ζ) ϕ′′(ζ) = [ϕ(ζ)ϕ′′′(ζ) ϕ′(ζ)ϕ′′(ζ)] = F′(ζ). ϕ′(ζ) − ϕ′(ζ) Sinceϕ′(z) = 0,ϕ′′(z) = 0,Q (z) =0 (and therefore F (z) = 0) in (a,b) by assumption, from (1.13) 1 1 6 6 6 6 it follows that ζ is a simple zero of Q. That is, all zeros of Q in (a,b) are simple. I. Let the inequality (1.10) hold. Assume that, for all sufficiently small δ > 0, ϕ′(a+δ)ϕ′′(a+δ)Q (a+δ) > 0, (1.14) 1 then Q(a+δ) > 0, that is, F(a+δ) > 0. Therefore, if ζ is the leftmost zero of Q in (a,b), then F′(ζ) < 0. This inequality contradicts (1.13), since ϕ′(z)ϕ′′(z)Q (z) > 0 1 for z (a,b), which follows from (1.14) and from the assumption of the lemma. Consequently, ∈ Q cannot have zeros in the interval (a,b) if the inequalities (1.10) and (1.14) hold. In the same way, one can prove that if ϕ′(a+δ)ϕ′′(a+δ)Q (a+δ) <0 for all sufficiently small δ > 0 and if the 1 inequality (1.10) hold, then Q(z) = 0 for z (a,b). 6 ∈ Thus, Q has no zeros in the interval (a,b) if the inequality (1.10) holds. Moreover, it is easy to show that Q(b) = 0 as well. In fact, if F(b) = 0, then, for all sufficiently small ε > 0, 6 ϕ′(b ε) sign − F (b ε) = sign(F′(b ε)) (1.15) ϕ′′(b ε) 1 − − (cid:18) − (cid:19) according to (1.13). But if the inequality (1.10) holds, then ϕ′(b ε) sign − F (b ε) = sign(F(b ε)) (1.16) ϕ′′(b ε) 1 − − (cid:18) − (cid:19) for all sufficiently small ε > 0, since ϕ′(z) = 0, ϕ′′(z) = 0, Q (z) = 0 in the interval (a,b) by 1 6 6 6 assumption and since Q(z) = 0 in (a,b), which was proved above. So, if the inequality (1.10) holds 6 and if F(b) = 0, then from (1.15) and (1.16) we obtain that F(b ε)F′(b ε) > 0 − − for all sufficiently small ε > 0. This inequality contradicts the analyticity2 of the function F. Therefore, if the inequality (1.10) holds and if Q is finite at the point b, then Q(b) = 0. Thus, the 6 first part of the lemma is proved. 2If a function f is analytic at some neighborhood of a real point a and equals zero at this point, then, for all sufficiently small ε>0, f(a−ε)f′(a−ε)<0. 7 II. Let the inequality (1.11) hold, then Q can have zeros in (a,b). But it cannot have more than one zero. In fact, if ζ is the leftmost zero of Q in (a,b), then this zero is simple as we proved above. Therefore the following inequality holds for all sufficiently small ε > 0 ϕ′(ζ +ε)ϕ′′(ζ +ε)Q(ζ +ε)Q (ζ +ε) > 0. 1 Consequently, Q has no zeros in (ζ,b] according to Case I of the lemma. Remark 1.5. Lemma 3 is also true if (a,b) is a half-infinite interval, that is, (a,+ ) or ( ,b). ∞ −∞ Lemma3addressesthecaseofafiniteintervalandRemark1.5thecaseofahalf-infiniteinterval. Our next statement concerns the entire real line. Corollary 3. Let ϕ ∗. If ϕ′(z) = 0, ϕ′′(z) = 0, Q1(z) = 0 for z R, then ZR(Q) = 0, i.e. ∈ L−P 6 6 6 ∈ Q has no real zeros. Proof. The function ϕ may have real zeros. But by Rolle’s theorem, ϕ has at most one real zero, counting multiplicity, since ϕ′(z) = 0 for z R by assumption. If ϕ(z) = 0 for z R, then, by6 Lemma ∈3 applied on the real axis, Q has at most one real zero. 6 ∈ But by Corollary 2, the number of real zeros of Q is even. Consequently, ZR(Q) = 0. If ϕ has one real zero, counting multiplicity, say α, then α is a unique pole of Q. Moreover, since ϕ′′(z) = 0 for z R by assumption, the function ϕϕ′′ changes its sign at α and, therefore, 6 ∈ ϕ(z)ϕ′′(z) < 0 in one the intervals ( ,α) and (α,+ ). Consequently, by (1.4), Q(z) = 0 −∞ ∞ 6 in one of the intervals ( ,α) and (α,+ ). Without loss of generality, we may suppose that −∞ ∞ Z (Q) = 0. Then according to Lemma 3 and Remark 1.5, we obtain that Q has at most one (−∞,α] zero in the interval (α,+ ). But the number of real zeros of Q is even by Corollary 2, and Q ∞ has no zeros in the interval ( ,α]. Therefore, Q cannot have zeros in the interval (α,+ ), so −∞ ∞ ZR(Q) = 0, as required. Thus, we have found out that Q has at most one real zero, counting multiplicity, in an interval if the functions ϕ, ϕ′, ϕ′′ and Q have no real zeros in this interval. Now we study the multiple 1 zeros of Q and its zeros common with some other above-mentioned functions. From (1.4) it follows that all zeros of ϕ′ of multiplicity at least 2 are also zeros of Q and all zeros of ϕ′ of multiplicity at least 3 are multiple zeros of Q. The following lemma provides the information about common zeros of Q and Q . 1 Lemma 4. Let ϕ ∗ and let a and b be real and let ϕ(z) = 0, ϕ′(z) = 0, ϕ′′(z) = 0 in the ∈ L−P 6 6 6 interval (a,b). Suppose that Q has a unique zero ξ (a,b) of multiplicity M in (a,b). If Q(ξ) = 0, 1 ∈ then ξ is a zero of Q of multiplicity M +1, and Q(z) = 0 for z (a,ξ) (ξ,b]. 6 ∈ ∪ Proof. The condition ϕ(z) = 0 for z (a,b) means that Q is finite at every point of (a,b). 6 ∈ By assumption, ξ is a zero of F of multiplicity M and F(ξ) = 0. First, we prove that ξ is 1 a zero of F of multiplicity M +1. Since ϕ′(z) =0 for z (a,b) by assumption, from (1.8) it follows that 6 ∈ ϕ(z)ϕ′′(z) F(z) ϕ′(z) = . ϕ′(z) − ϕ′(z) 8 Substituting this expression into the formula (1.8), we obtain ϕ(z)ϕ′′(z)ϕ′′′(z) ϕ′(z)ϕ′′(z)ϕ′′(z) F(z)ϕ′′′(z) F (z) = = 1 ϕ′(z) − ϕ′(z) − ϕ′(z) ϕ′′(z) F(z)ϕ′′′(z) = F′(z) , ϕ′(z) · − ϕ′(z) or, equivalently, ϕ′(z) F(z) ′ F (z) = , [ϕ′′(z)]2 1 ϕ′′(z) (cid:18) (cid:19) since ϕ′′(z) = 0 for z (a,b) by assumption. Differentiating this equality j times with respect to z, 6 ∈ we get ϕ′(z) (j) F(z) (j+1) F (z) = . (1.17) [ϕ′′(z)]2 1 ϕ′′(z) (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:18) (cid:19) From (1.17) it follows that F(j+1)(ξ) = 0 if ϕ′(ξ) = 0, ϕ′′(ξ) = 0, F(i)(ξ) = 0 and F(i)(ξ) = 0, 6 6 1 i = 0,1,...,j. Consequently, ξ is a zero of F of multiplicity at least M +1. But by assumptions, the formula (1.17) gives the following equality ϕ′(ξ)F(M+1)(ξ) = ϕ′′(ξ)F(M+2)(ξ) = 0. 1 6 Hence, ξ is a zero of F of multiplicity exactly M +1. But ϕ(ξ) = 0 by assumption, therefore, ξ is 6 a zero of Q of multiplicity M +1. It remains to prove that Q has no zeros in (a,b] except ξ. In fact, consider the interval (a,ξ). According to Lemma 3, Q can have a zero at ξ only if the inequality (1.11) holds and Q(z) = 0 6 for z (a,ξ). Furthermore, the function ϕ′ϕ′′ does not change its sign at ξ but the function QQ 1 ∈ does, since ξ is a zero of QQ of multiplicity 2M +1. Thus, for all sufficiently small δ > 0, 1 ϕ′(ξ+δ)ϕ′′(ξ +δ)Q(ξ +δ)Q (ξ+δ) > 0, (1.18) 1 since the inequality (1.11) must hold in the interval (a,ξ) by Lemma 3. From (1.18) it follows that Case I of Lemma 3 holds in the interval (ξ,b), so Q(z) = 0 for z (ξ,b]. 6 ∈ Remark 1.6. Lemma 4 remains valid if (a,b) is a half-infinite interval, that is, (a,+ ) or ( ,b). ∞ −∞ Corollary 4. Let ϕ ∗ and let ϕ′(z) = 0, ϕ′′(z) = 0 for z R. If Q has only one real zero, 1 ∈ L−P 6 6 ∈ then Q has no real zeros, i.e. ZR(Q) = 0. Proof. As in Corollary 3, we note that ϕ has at most one real zero by Rolle’s theorem. CaseI.Letϕ(z) =0forz Randletξ beauniquerealzeroofQ . ByCorollary2(seeRemark1.4), 1 6 ∈ ξ is a zero of Q of even multiplicity 2M. In this case, the number ξ cannot be zero of Q. In fact, 1 if Q(ξ) =0, then, by Lemma 4 applied on the real axis, ξ is a unique real zero of Q of multiplicity 2M +1, that is, Z{ξ}(Q) =ZR(Q) =2M +1. This contradicts Corollary 2. So, Q(ξ) = 0. 6 Sinceξ isauniquerealzeroofQ ofevenmultiplicity, Q hasequalsignsintheintervals( ,ξ) 1 1 −∞ and (ξ,+ ). By Lemma 3 applied to these intervals, Q can have at most one zero in each of the ∞ intervals ( ,ξ) and (ξ,+ ). But if Q has a zero in the interval ( ,ξ), then Q(z) = 0 −∞ ∞ −∞ 6 for z (ξ,+ ). In fact, if ζ ( ,ξ) is a zero of Q, then ζ is simple zero of Q by Lemma 3. ∈ ∞ ∈ −∞ 9 Moreover, Q(z) = 0 for z (ζ,ξ], since (see the proof of Lemma 3), for all sufficiently small δ > 0, 6 ∈ we have ϕ′(ζ +δ)ϕ′′(ζ +δ)Q(ζ +δ)Q (ζ +δ) > 0. (1.19) 1 But the functions ϕ′, ϕ′′, Q and Q do not change their signs at ξ, therefore, we have the in- 1 equality (1.19) in a small right-sided neighborhood of ξ. Consequently, Q(z) = 0 in (ξ,+ ) by 6 ∞ Lemma 3. Thus,ifQhasrealzeros,thenithasatmostonezeroinoneoftheintervals( ,ξ)and(ξ,+ ), −∞ ∞ that is, ZR(Q) 6 1. Now Corollary 2 implies ZR(Q) = 0. Case II. If ϕ has one real zero, counting multiplicity, say α, then α is a unique pole of Q. In this case, as in the proof of Corollary 3, one can show that Q(z) = 0 in one of the intervals ( ,α) 6 −∞ and (α,+ ). Without loss of generality, we may assume that Q(z) = 0 for z ( ,α], that is, ∞ 6 ∈ −∞ Z (Q)= 0. Then by Corollary 2, the number Z (Q) is even. (−∞,α] (α,+∞) Let ξ be a unique real zero of Q and ξ ( ,α], then, by Lemma 3 (see Remark 1.5), Q has 1 ∈ −∞ at most one zero in (α,+ ). Since Z(α,+∞)(Q) is an even number, ZR(Q)= 0. ∞ If ξ (α,+ ), then, by the same argument as in Case I, one can show that Z (Q) = 0. (α,+∞) ∈ ∞ Therefore, ZR(Q)= 0, since Z(−∞,α](Q) = 0 by assumption. We now provide a general bound on the number of real zeros of Q in terms of the number of real zeros of Q in a given interval. 1 Lemma 5. Let ϕ ∗ and let a and b be real. If ϕ(z) = 0, ϕ′(z) = 0 and ϕ′′(z) = 0 for ∈ L−P 6 6 6 z (a,b), then ∈ Z (Q) 6 1+Z (Q ). (1.20) (a,b) (a,b) 1 Proof. If ϕ(z)ϕ′′(z) < 0 in (a,b), then Q(z) < 0 for z (a,b) by (1.4), that is, Z (Q) = 0. (a,b) ∈ Therefore, the inequality (1.20) holds automatically in this case. Let now ϕ(z)ϕ′′(z) > 0 for z (a,b). If Q (z) = 0 in (a,b), then, by Lemma 3, Q has at most 1 ∈ 6 one real zero, counting multiplicity, in (a,b). Therefore, (1.20) also holds in this case. If Q has a unique zero ξ in (a,b) and Q(ξ) = 0, then, by Lemma 3, Q has at most one real 1 6 zero in each of the intervals (a,ξ) and (ξ,b): Z (Q) 6 1+Z (Q ), (1.21) (a,ξ) (a,ξ) 1 where Z (Q ) = 0, and (a,ξ) 1 Z (Q) 6 1+Z (Q ), (1.22) (ξ,b) (ξ,b) 1 where Z (Q ) = 0. But since Q(ξ) = 0 and Q (ξ)= 0, we have (ξ,b) 1 1 6 0 = Z (Q) 6 1+Z (Q ). (1.23) {ξ} {ξ} 1 − Thus, summing the inequalities (1.21)–(1.23), we obtain (1.20). If Q has a unique zero ξ in (a,b) and Q(ξ) =0, then, by Lemma 4, we have 1 Z (Q) = 1+Z (Q ), {ξ} {ξ} 1 and Q(z) = 0 for z (a,ξ) (ξ,b). Therefore, the inequality (1.20) is also true in this case. 6 ∈ ∪ 10

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