Astronomy & Astrophysics manuscript no. Romero (cid:13)c ESO 2009 January 23, 2009 Letter to the Editor On the nature of the AGILE galactic transient sources Gustavo E. Romero1,2,⋆ and Gabriela S. Vila1,⋆⋆ 1 InstitutoArgentinodeRadioastronom´ıa(IAR),CCTLaPlata(CONICET),C.C.5,(1894)VillaElisa,BuenosAires, 9 Argentina 0 2 Facultad de Ciencias Astron´omicas y Geof´ısicas, Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Paseo del Bosque s/n, 1900, La 0 Plata, Argentina 2 Preprint online version: January 23, 2009 n a ABSTRACT J 8 Context. The Italian gamma-ray satellite AGILE has recently reported the detection of some variable high-energy sources likely of galactic origin. These sources do not have any obviouscounterpart at lower energies. ] Aims. Wepropose that these sources are produced in proton-dominated jets of galactic microquasars. E Methods. We develop a model for microquasar jets that takes into account both primary leptons and protons and all H relevant radiative processes, including secondary particle emission and gamma-ray attenuation dueto pair creation in . thejet. h Results.WeobtainspectralenergydistributionsthatcorrespondtowhatisobservedbyAGILE,withmostofthepower p concentrated between 100 MeV and 10 GeV and reaching luminosities of 1034−35 erg s−1. We make detailed spectral - predictions that can be tested by theFermi gamma-ray telescope in theimmediate future. o Conclusions.Weconcludethathadronicjetsingalacticaccretingsourcescanberesponsibleforthevariableunidentified r t gamma-ray sources detected by AGILE. s a Key words.X-rays:binaries - gamma rays: theory - radiation mechanisms: non-thermal [ 1 v 1. Introduction otherhand,mightbeahalogalacticsourceorablazar(the 7 AGN 1ES 0229+200 is at 61.3 arcmin from Gamma-Ray 2 The Italian gamma-ray satellite AGILE (Astro-rivelatore Imaging Detector error box centroid). 0 Gamma a Immagini Leggero) has detected several non- 1 identified variable sources likely of galactic origin. These The fact that these sources are highly variable im- 1. sourcesincludethestrongsourceAGLJ2021+4029located plies that the high-energy radiation should be produced 0 intheCygnusregion,withthecenterofgravityoftheerror in a compact region. The absence of detection with Super- 9 box at l =78.01 deg and b=2.19 deg (Longo et al. 2008), AGILE means that the ratio of gamma-ray to X-ray lu- 0 thevariablesourceintheMuscaregion(errorboxcentered minosities L /L should be >> 1. These characteristics γ X v: atl =312.2deg andb=−0.3deg,Pittorietal.2008),and recall those of the population of variable EGRET sources i the highgalacticlatitude transientAGLJ0229+2054,with found in the Galactic Plane and in the Halo (Romero X the error box centered at l =151.7 deg and b=−36.4 deg 2001; Grenier 2001, 2004;Nolan et al. 2003). Actually, the r (Bullgarelli et al. 2008). The Cygnus source showed some AGILE detections in the Cygnus region and the Musca a significant re-brightening after its discovery (Giuliani et al region partially overlap with the location error box of 2008, Chen et al. 2008). Simultaneous X-ray observations thesources3EG J2020+4017and3EG J1410-6147,respec- withSuper-AGILEdidnotshowanycounterpartinthe20- tively. It has been proposed that the unidentified variable 60keVband.Asteadyandweaksourcewasdetectedwithin gamma-ray sources sources at MeV-GeV energies might the largeerrorbox by Swift/BAT (15-55keV, see Ajello et be high-mass microquasars with the emission dominated al. 2008), but there is no clear relationship. Additional X- by inverse Compton up-scattering of UV stellar photons rayobservationshave been performedwith XMM-Newton, from the hot donor star (Kaufman-Bernad´o, Romero & without adding new clues (Pandel et al. 2008). Radio ob- Mirabel2002,Bosch-Ramon,Romero&Paredes2005).On servations with the Very Large Array (VLA) have shown the Galactic Plane, the donor star could be strongly ob- no clear counterpart (Cheung 2008). scured,renderingdifficultitsdetection.Thesemodels,how- Concerning the source in the Musca region, a poten- ever, predict a significant production of X-rays, something tial archival X-ray counterpart has been claimed on the that is at odds with the new AGILE and Super-Agile ob- basisofBeppoSAXobservationsdating fromJanuary2001 servations.Grenier etal. (2005)proposedthat the variable (Orlandini et al. 2008).The high-latitude transient, on the high-latitude unidentified sources might be old, low-mass microquasars expelled long ago from the Galactic Plane Send offprint requests to: G. E. Romero or from globular clusters (see Mirabel et al. 2001). They e-mail: [email protected] alsoshowedthatexternalComptonmodelscannotaccount ⋆ Member of CONICET, Argentina for the energetics required by the sources. Romero & Vila ⋆⋆ Fellow of CONICET, Argentina (2008) and Vila & Romero (2008) showed that “proton” 2 G.E. Romero and G.S. Vila: AGILEsources microquasars with low-mass donor stars might explain the The ratio of relativistic protons to electrons a in the haloEGRETsourcesthroughprotonsynchrotronradiation jet is unknown and is used as the basic free parameter in and photo-meson production. our model. We have calculateda number of models for dif- InthisLetterweproposethatmicroquasarswithproton ferent acceleration efficiencies, and a set of standard pa- dominated jets can produce spectral energy distributions rameters: black hole mass ∼10 M⊙, accretion rate ∼1037 thatsatisfyallconstraintsimposedbyAGILEobservations erg s−1 (i.e., ∼ 10−2 of the Eddington luminosity), injec- and we make some predictions that can be used to test tion ∝ E−1.5, viewing angle 30◦, jet bulk Lorentz factor ourproposalwith the GLAST-Fermi satellite,andground- Γ = 1.5, and location of the acceleration zone at z ≈ 108 0 based Cherenkov telescope arrays. cm (see Romero & Vila 2008). The transport equation is solved for all types of parti- cles. At steady state it reads: 2. The model The model we are going to present is basedon the galactic jet model described by Romero & Vila (2008), but it in- ∂ dE N(E,z) N(E,z) + =Q(E). (1) corporatesseveralrefinements.The jet is assumedto carry ∂E (cid:20) dt (cid:12) (cid:21) t (cid:12)loss esc most of the accretion power, in accordance with the dissi- (cid:12) pationless disk model of Bogovalov& Kelner (2005, 2008). where t is the p(cid:12)article escape time from the acceleration esc A small fraction of the jet power is transformed into region(t ≈∆z/v )andQ is the injectionfunction that esc jet relativistic particles in a ‘one-zone’ acceleration region lo- canbe normalizedinaccordancewiththe energybudgetof catedclosetothecompactobject(Khangulyan,Aharonian relativistic particles through: & Bosch-Ramon 2008). In this region, the magnetic field (obtained by equipartition) is extremely high (of the order of107 G).This producesthe immediate coolingof primary Emax(z) e,p electrons and significant cooling of protons. In Fig. 1 we L = d3r dE E Q (E ). (2) e,p e,p e,p e,p e,p show the cooling rates for both primary electrons and pro- ZV ZEmin e,p tons in the acceleration region, as well as the cooling and decayingrateofsecondarymuonsandpions.Themaximum The minimum kinetic energy is taken to be of the or- energies of the primary particles are obtained equating the der of the rest mass energy of the corresponding particle. cooling rates to the acceleration rate, which is assumed to The equation for pions and muons has an additional term be produced by mildly relativistic shocks at the base of N(E,z)/t , that takes into accountthe decay of the par- dec thejetthroughafirst-orderFermimechanism.Inthiswork ticles onatimescale t thatdepends onthe energyinthe dec we adopt an acceleration efficiency of the order of 10 %, lab system. which rougly corresponds to a shock velocity of 0.3c and a In general, variability can be obtained introducing a mean free path similar to the Larmor radius. We see that variable injection Q(E,t). Once the particle distributions electrons,evenforsuchahighaccelerationefficiency,reach are known, the radiative output can be calculated as men- onlyGeVenergies,whereasprotonscanattainmuchhigher tionedabove.Theinternalattenuationresultsfromphoton energies, well into the PeV band. annihilation: γ +γ → e− +e+. The opacity for a gamma Our model takes into account: 1) synchrotron emission ray of energy E is: γ from both types (electrons and protons) of primary parti- cles, as well as emission from secondary leptons (electrons, positrons, and muons) and hadrons (charged pions), 2) in- 1 ǫmax umax verseCompton(IC)emissionfromallleptonsinthe strong τ(Eγ)= (1−u) σ(Eγ,ǫ,u) total radiation field in the emitting region, 3) photo-pair 2Zl Zǫth Z−1 and photo-meson production by both protons and pions, ×n(ǫ,z)dudǫdl, (3) 4)inelastic collisions betweenrelativistic protonsin the jet and the cold material that forms most of the same outflow wheren(ǫ,z)isthe photonnumberdensityatenergyǫ and (see Bosch-Ramon, Romero & Paredes 2006, for details of location z, u = cosϑ, ϑ is the angle between the momenta the physics of a cold matter dominated jet), 5) relativistic ofthecollidingphotons,listheγ-rayphotonpath,andthe Bremsstrahlung from electrons and muons, and 6) internal cross section for the interaction is given by (e.g. Levinson photon absorption in the local radiation fields (calculated 2006): as in Aharonian, Khangulyan, & Costamante 2008), 7) re- injection of secondary pairs, which is negligible due to the 3 σ (E , ǫ, ϑ)= σ (1−β2) lowopacityoftheproton-dominatedjet(seeRomero&Vila γγ γ 16 T 2008foradiscussion).Theeffectoflossesofmuonsandpi- 1+β ons in a strong magnetic field on the resulting gamma-ray × 3−β4 ln −2β 2−β2 . (4) (cid:20) (cid:18)1−β(cid:19) (cid:21) and secondary lepton spectra has been recently discussed (cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:0) (cid:1) byReynoso&Romero(2008)andweadoptheretheirtreat- Here, β is the speed of the electron/positron in the center ment.Fortheotherprocesseswefollowtheclassicalformu- of momentum frame, i.e., lae (Blumenthal & Gould 1970), the photo-meson produc- tiontreatmentalreadyusedby Romero&Vila (2008),and 2m2c4 the expressions given by Kelner, Aharonian, & Bugayov (1−β2)= e ; 0≤β <1. (5) (2006) for pp interactions (this formalism is only valid for (1−u)Eγǫ protonenergiesabove0.1TeV;atlowerenergiesweusethe standard treatment). The threshold energy ǫ is defined by β =1 with ϑ=0. th G.E. Romero and G.S. Vila: AGILEsources 3 10 14 12 acceleration electrons 8 acceleration protons =0.1 = 0.1 10 -1 -1 og (t/ s) 68 =0.01 synchrotron -1 -1 og (t/ s) 46 = 0.01 adiabatic synchrotron L 4 L 2 adiabatic pp 2 Bremsstrahlung 0 p 0 IC -2 -2 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Log (E / eV) Log (E / eV) 7 7 6 decay pions 6 muons 5 decay 5 synchrotron synchrotron 4 -1 -1 g (t/ s) 23 adiabatic -1 -1 g (t/ s) 34 adiabatic o o 2 L 1 p L 1 Bremsstrahlung 0 0 -1 IC -2 -1 -3 -2 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Log (E / eV) Log (E / eV) Fig.1. Acceleration and cooling rates at the base of the jet for primary protons and electrons, and secondary pions and muons, calculated for representative values of the model parameters (proton-to-lepton energy ratio a = 1000, and primary injection spectral index α= 1.5). The value of the magnetic field is B ∼ 107 G, and the acceleration efficiency parameter η is indicated. 36 36 synchr p Fermi sensitivity synchr p Fermi sensitivity 35 synchr e- 35 synchr e- synchr synchr -1 L / erg s ) 3334 ppssyupnmchr -1 / erg s ) 333234 ssppyupnmchr Log ( 32 og ( L 31 31 L 30 30 29 29 28 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 Log ( E / eV) Log ( E / eV) Fig.2.Spectralenergydistributionsofaproton-dominatedmicroquasar(a=1000).Eachpanelcorrespondstoadifferent acceleration efficiency (η = 0.1 on the left, η = 0.01 on the right). Fermi point source sensitivity is indicated by a thick blue line. 3. Results totalpowerof1037 ergs−1.Weshowthedifferentcontribu- tions from all significant cooling processes for all primary In Fig. 2 we show the spectral energy distribution (SED) and secondary particles, in the case of two different ac- calculated for a proton dominated (a = 1000) jet, with a 4 G.E. Romero and G.S. Vila: AGILEsources celeration efficiencies η (0.1 and 0.01, from left to right, distances of 1012−1013 cm from the compact object. How respectively). Bremsstrahlung and IC losses are negligible, the injector of relativistic particles could be located there since synchrotronradiation is the dominat cooling channel willbediscussedelsewhere(see,nonetheless,Bosch-Ramon for leptons. The different acceleration efficiencies not only 2007). affectthemaximumenergyoftheradiationbutmodifythe In summary, we propose a complete lepto/hadronic jet whole shape of the SED, since the dominant synchrotron model to explain the unidentified variable AGILE sources. losses follow the square of the energy and depend signif- This model assumes a strong component of relativistic pri- icantly on the mass of the particles, resulting in a global maryprotonsandtakesintoaccountallradiativeprocesses photon redistribution. In both cases, however, the peak of that might occur at the base of the jets. The predicted the SED is determined by proton synchrotron radiation, SEDs are in accordancewith what we know aboutof these followed by pion-synchrotron emission. For the higher ef- sources. The jet model is independent of the nature of the ficiency the synchrotron peak is sharper, reaching almost donor star, so it could explain both low- and high-latitude 1035 erg s−1. In the case of a lower efficiency, the peak galactic sources. Fermi observations will allow us to de- is slightly above 1034 erg s−1. In the first case most of the termine better constraints on the spectral features, then emissionisconcentratedintherange108−1012eV,whereas making possible inferences about the actual conditions in intheseconditisbetween108and1010eV,withasoftslope the sources. Development of models for γ-ray production beyond109eV.InbothcasesthereisahighratioL /L ,in far from the compact object and models that take into ac- γ X accordancewithwhatisinferredfromAGILEobservations. count external effects is in progress. Soft X-rays, due mainly to electron synchrotron radiation, areatthe levelof1032 ergs−1.The hardX-raycomponent Acknowledgements. WethankMat´ıasReynosoformanyfruitfuldis- is dominated by muon synchrotron emission. Contrary to cussions.GERacknowledgessupportbytheMinisteriodeEducacio´ny Ciencia(Spain)undergrantAYA2007-68034-C03-01,FEDERfunds. models with equipartition (a = 1) in relativistic particles, GSV thanks Nicola´sCascoforhisgreat helpwithnumerical compu- photo-meson production is not significant in proton domi- tations. natedjets,sincethesynchrotronfieldisrelativelyweak(see Romero & Vila 2008). Thequotedluminositiescorrespondtothefluxreported References by AGILE and the upper X-ray limits, at a distance of the Aharonian,F.A.etal.(HESSColl.)2005, Science,309,746 order of ∼ 2 kpc. And accurate determination of the dis- Aharonian, F.A., Khangulyan, D. & Costamante, L. 2008, MNRAS, tance can be used to constrain the energy budget of the 387,1206 sources. At TeV energies the luminosities (due mainly to Ajello,M.,Greiner,J.,Kabach,G.&Gehrels,N.2008, ATel1497 pp interactions)are at the level of 1032−1033 erg s−1, and Blumenthal,G.R.,&Gould,R.J.1970, Rev.Mod.Phys.,42,237 Bogovalov, S.V.&KelnerS.R.2005,Astron.Rep.,49,57 hence the sources are not detectable by current Cherenkov Bogovalov, S.V. & Kelner S.R. 2008, MNRAS, submitted atmospheric telescopes, although they could fall within [arXiv:0809.0429v1] the sensitivity of upgraded instruments like HESS II and Bosch-Ramon, V., Romero, G.E. & Paredes, J.M. 2005, A&A, 429, MAGIC II. 267 Bosch-Ramon, V., Romero, G.E. & Paredes, J.M. 2006, A&A, 447, 263 4. Discussion and summary Bosch-Ramon,V.2007,Ap&SS,309,321 Bulgarelli,A.etal.2008, ATel1641 A crucial feature of a synchrotron-proton dominated jet is Chen,A.etal.2008,ATel1585 Cheung,C.C.2008,ATel1589 that a very strong magnetic field is necessary to produce Giuliani,A.etal.2008,ATel1547 detectable radiation in γ-rays. This means that the accel- Grenier, I.A. 2001, in: A. Carramin˜ana et al. (eds.), The Nature eration region should be located very close to the compact of Unidentified High-Energy Gamma-Ray Sources, Kluwer object (at ∼108 cm in our models). Intrinsic absorption is AcademicPublishers,Dordrecht,p.51 Grenier, I.A. 2004, in: K.S. Cheng & G.E. Romero (eds.), Cosmic then not very important since the low energy fields, which Gamma-Ray Sources, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, are responsible for the opacity to gamma-ray propagation, p.47 are weak. In models with a high content of primary elec- Grenier,I.A.,KaufmanBernado´,M.M.&Romero,G.E.2005,Ap&SS, trons these effects, at the base of the jet, are very signifi- 297,109 cantleadingtoacompletesuppressionofallemissionabove KaufmanBernado´,M.M.,Romero,G.E.&Mirabel,I.F.2002,A&A, 385,L10 ∼100 GeV (Romero & Vila 2008).Such models produce a Kelner, S. R., Aharonian, F. A. & Bugayov, V. V. 2006, Phys. 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