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ITP-UH-17/08 On the N=2 Supersymmetric Camassa-Holm and Hunter-Saxton Equations 9 J. Lenellsa and O. Lechtenfeldb 0 0 2 a Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics, n University of Cambridge, Cambridge CB3 0WA, United Kingdom a J b Institut fu¨r Theoretische Physik, Leibniz Universita¨t Hannover, 7 Appelstraße 2, 30167 Hannover, Germany 2 [email protected], [email protected] ] I S . n i l n [ 3 v Abstract 7 WeconsiderN=2supersymmetricextensionsofthe Camassa-HolmandHunter- 7 0 Saxton equations. We show that they admit geometric interpretations as Eu- 0 ler equations on the superconformal algebra of contact vector fields on the 12- . dimensional supercircle. We use the bi-Hamiltonian formulation to derive L|ax 9 0 pairs. Moreover,wepresentsomesimpleexamplesofexplicitsolutions. As aby- 8 product of our analysis we obtain a description of the bounded traveling-wave 0 solutions for the two-component Hunter-Saxton equation. : v i X r a PACS: 02.30.Ik, 11.30.Pb Keywords: Integrablesystem;supersymmetry;Camassa-Holmequation;bi-Hamiltonian structure. 1 Introduction The Camassa-Holm (CH) equation u u +3uu = 2u u +uu , x R, t > 0, (CH) t txx x x xx xxx − ∈ and the Hunter-Saxton (HS) equation u = 2u u uu , x R, t > 0, (HS) txx x xx xxx − − ∈ where u(x,t) is a real-valued function, are integrable models for the propagation of nonlinear waves in 1+1-dimension. Equation (CH) models the propagation of shal- low water waves over a flat bottom, u(x,t) representing the water’s free surface in non-dimensional variables. It was first obtained mathematically [20] as an abstract equation with two distinct, but compatible, Hamiltonian formulations, and was sub- sequently derived from physical principles [3, 10, 19, 27]. Among its most notable properties is the existence of peaked solitons [3]. Equation (HS) describes the evo- lution of nonlinear oritentation waves in liquid crystals, u(x,t) being related to the deviation of the average orientation of the molecules from an equilibrium position [24]. Both (CH) and (HS) are completely integrable systems with an infinite number of conservation laws (see e.g. [6, 9, 11, 21, 25, 28]). Moreover, both equations admit geometric interpretations as Euler equations for geodesic flow on the diffeomorphism group Diff(S1) of orientation-preserving diffeomorphisms of the unit circle S1. More precisely, the geodesic motion on Diff(S1) endowed with the right-invariant metric given at the identity by u,v = uv+u v dx, (1.1) h iH1 x x ZS1 (cid:0) (cid:1) is described by the Camassa-Holm equation [34] (see also [7, 8]), whereas (HS) de- scribes the geodesic flow on the quotient space Diff(S1)/S1 equipped with the right- invariant metric given at the identity by [28] u,v = u v dx. (1.2) h iH˙1 ZS1 x x We will consider an N = 2 supersymmetric generalization of equations (CH) and (HS),whichwasfirstintroducedin[35]bymeansofbi-Hamiltonianconsiderations. In this paper we: (a) Show that this supersymmetric generalization admits a geometric interpretation as an Euler equation on the superconformal algebra of contact vector fields on the 12-dimensional supercircle;1 (b) Consider the bi-Hamiltonian structure; | (c) Use the bi-Hamiltonian formulation to derive a Lax pair; (d) Present some simple examples of explicit solutions. 1 Theinterpretation of theN =2 supersymmetricCamassa-Holm equation asan Euler equation related to thesuperconformal algebra was already described in [1]. 1 1.1 The supersymmetric equation In order to simultaneously consider supersymmetric generalizations of both the CH and the HS equation, it is convenient to introduce the following notation: γ 0,1 is a parameter which satisfies γ = 1 in the case of CH and γ = 0 in • ∈ { } the case of HS. Λ= γ ∂2. • − x m = Λu. • θ and θ are anticommuting variables. 1 2 • D = ∂ +θ ∂ for j = 1,2. • j θj j x U = u+θ ϕ +θ ϕ +θ θ v is a superfield. 1 1 2 2 2 1 • u(x,t) and v(x,t) are bosonic fields. • ϕ (x,t) and ϕ (x,t) are fermionic fields. 1 2 • A= iD D γ. 1 2 • − M = AU. • Equations (CH) and (HS) can then be combined into the single equation m = 2u m um , x R, t >0. (1.3) t x x − − ∈ Although there exist several N = 2 supersymmetric extensions of (1.3), some gen- eralizations have the particular property that their bosonic sectors are equivalent to the most popular two-component generalizations of (CH) and (HS) given by (see e.g. [4, 16, 26]) m +2u m+um +σρρ = 0, σ = 1, t x x x ± (1.4) (ρt+(uρ)x = 0. The N = 2 supersymmetric generalization of equation (1.3) that we will consider in this paper shares this property and is given by 1 M = (MU) + [(D M)(D U)+(D M)(D U)]. (1.5) t x 1 1 2 2 − 2 Defining ρ by v+iγu if σ = 1, ρ= (1.6) (iv γu if σ = 1, − − the bosonic sector of (1.5) is exactly the two-component equation (1.4). If u and ρ are allowed to be complex-valued functions, the two versions of (1.4) corresponding to σ = 1 and σ = 1 are equivalent, because the substitution ρ iρ − → converts one into the other. However, in the usual context of real-valued fields, the equations are distinct. The discussion in [35] focused attention on the two- component generalization with σ = 1. The observation that the N = 2 super- − symmetric Camassa-Holm equation arises as an Euler equation was already made in [1]. 2 2 Geodesic flow Asnotedabove,equations(CH)and(HS)allowgeometricinterpretationsasequations forgeodesicflowrelatedtothegroupofdiffeomorphismsofthecircleS1 endowedwith a right-invariant metric.2 More precisely, using theright-invariance of the metric, the full geodesic equations can be reduced by symmetry to a so-called Euler equation in the Lie algebra of vector fields on the circle together with a reconstruction equation [33] (see also [29, 30]). This is how equations (CH) and (HS) arise as Euler equations related to the algebra Vect(S1). In this section we describe how equation (1.5) similarly arises as an Euler equa- tion related to the superconformal algebra K(S12) of contact vector fields on the | 12-dimensional supercircle S12. Since K(S12) is related to the group of superdif- | | | feomorphisms of S12, this leads (at least formally) to a geometric interpretation of | equation (1.5) as an equation for geodesic flow. 2.1 The superconformal algebra K(S12) | The Lie superalgebra K(S12) is defined as follows cf. [15, 23]. The supercircle S12 | | admits local coordinates x,θ ,θ , where x is a local coordinate on S1 and θ ,θ are 1 2 1 2 odd coordinates. Let Vect(S12) denote the set of vector fields on S12. An element | | X Vect(S12) can be written as | ∈ ∂ ∂ ∂ X = f(x,θ ,θ ) +f1(x,θ ,θ ) +f2(x,θ ,θ ) , 1 2 1 2 1 2 ∂x ∂θ ∂θ 1 2 where f,f1,f2 are functions on S12. Let | α = dx+θ dθ +θ dθ , 1 1 2 2 be the contact form on S12. The superconformal algebra K(S12) consists of all | | contact vector fields on S12, i.e. | K(S12)= X Vect(S12) L α = f α for some function f on S12 , | | X X X | ∈ n (cid:12) o where LX denotes the Lie derivat(cid:12)ive in the direction of X. A convenient description of K(S12) is obtained by viewing its elements as Hamil- | tonian vector fields corresponding to functions on S12. Indeed, define the Hamilto- | nian vector field X associated with a function f(x,θ ,θ ) by f 1 2 ∂f ∂ ∂f ∂ X = ( 1)f +1 + , f | | − ∂θ ∂θ ∂θ ∂θ (cid:18) 1 1 2 2(cid:19) where f denotes the parity of f. The Euler vector field is defined by | | ∂ ∂ E = θ +θ , 1 2 ∂θ ∂θ 1 2 2Inthissectionweconsiderallequationswithinthespatiallyperiodicsetting—although formally the same arguments apply to the case on the line, further technical complications arise due to the need of imposing boundary conditions at infinity cf. [5]. 3 and, for each function f on S12, we let D(f)= 2f E(f). Then the map | − ∂ ∂f f K := D(f) X + E, f f 7→ ∂x − ∂x satisfies [K ,K ] =K where f g f,g { } ∂g ∂f ∂f ∂g ∂f ∂g f,g = D(f) D(g)+( 1)f + . (2.1) | | { } ∂x − ∂x − ∂θ ∂θ ∂θ ∂θ (cid:18) 1 1 2 2(cid:19) Thus, the map f K is a homomorphism from the Lie superalgebra of functions f f → on S12 endowed with the bracket (2.1) to K(S12). | | 2.2 Euler equation on K(S12) | For two even functionsU andV onS12 (weusuallyrefertoU andV as ‘superfields’), | we define a Lie bracket [, ] by · · 1 [U,V]= UV U V + [(D U)(D V)+(D U)(D V)]. (2.2) x x 1 1 2 2 − 2 It is easily verified that [U,V] = 1 U,V , where , is the bracket in (2.1). The 2{ } {· ·} Euler equation with respect to a metric , is given by [2] h· ·i U = B(U,U), (2.3) t where the bilinear map B(U,V) is defined by the relation B(U,V),W = U,[V,W] , h i h i for any three even superfields U,V,W. Recall that A = iD D γ. Letting 1 2 − U,V = i dxdθ dθ UAV, (2.4) 1 2 h i − Z a computation shows that 1 B(U,U) = A 1 (MU) + [(D M)(D U)+(D M)(D U)] . (2.5) − − x 2 1 1 2 2 (cid:20) (cid:21) It follows from (2.3) and (2.5) that (1.5) is the Euler equation corresponding to , h· ·i given by (2.4). Remark 2.1 We make the following observations: 1. The action of the inverse A 1 of the operator A= iD D γ in equation (2.5) − 1 2 − is well-defined. Indeed, the map A can be expressed as u iv γu − ϕ iϕ γϕ A:  1  2x − 1 , (2.6) ϕ2 7→ iϕ1x γϕ2 − −  v   iu γv     − xx−      4 where we identify a superfield with the column vector made up of its four compo- nent fields (e.g. U = u+θ ϕ +θ ϕ +θ θ v is identified with the column vector 1 1 2 2 2 1 (u,ϕ ,ϕ ,v)T). Let C (S1;C) denote the space of smooth periodic complex-valued 1 2 ∞ functions. Since the operator 1 ∂2 is an isomorphism from C (S1;C) to itself, − x ∞ we deduce from (2.6) that the operation of A 1 on smooth periodic complex-valued − superfields is well-defined when γ = 1. Considernowthecaseofγ = 0. Inthiscaseitfollowsfrom(2.6)thatA 1 involves − the inverses of the operators ∂2 and ∂ . In order to make sense of these inverses we x x restrict the domain of A to the set = U = u+θ ϕ +θ ϕ +θ θ v is smooth and periodicu(0) = ϕ (0) = ϕ (0) = 0 . 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 2 E { | } The operator A = iD D maps this restricted domain bijectively onto the set 1 2 E = M = i(n+θ ψ +θ ψ +θ θ m) is smooth and periodic 1 1 2 2 2 1 F (cid:26) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) mdx = ψ dx = ψ dx = 0 . 1 (cid:12) 2 ZS1 ZS1 ZS1 (cid:27) Hence the inverse A 1 is a well-defined map . Writing M = i(n + θ ψ + − 1 1 F → E θ ψ +θ θ m), A 1M is given explicitly by 2 2 2 1 − x y y m(z)dzdy +x m(z)dzdy − 0 0 x S1 0 ψ (y)dy A−1M =  R R − x0 2 R R . ψ (y)dy 0R 1  n(x)   R    Note that the expression 1 1 (MU) + [(D M)(D U)+(D M)(D U)] = i (D D U)U + (D U)(D U) − x 2 1 1 2 2 − 1 2 2 1 2 (cid:20) (cid:21)x acted on by A 1 in equation (2.5) belongs to for any even superfield U. Hence the − F operation of A 1 in equation (2.5) is well-defined also when γ = 0. The restriction − of the domain of A to is related to the fact that the two-component equation (1.4) E with γ = 0 is invariant under the symmetry u(x,t) u(x c(t),t)+c(t), ρ(x,t) ρ(x c(t),t), ′ → − → − for any sufficiently regular function c(t). Hence, by enforcing the condition u(0) = 0 we remove obvious non-uniqueness of the solutions to the equation. 2. If we restrict attention to the bosonic sector and let U = u +θ θ v , V = u +θ θ v , 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 2 theLiebracket(2.2)inducesontwopairsoffunctions(u ,v )and(u ,v )thebracket 1 1 2 2 [(u ,v ),(u ,v )] = (u u u u ,u v u v ). (2.7) 1 1 2 2 1 2x 1x 2 1 2x 2 1x − − 5 Werecognize(2.7)asthecommutation relation forthesemidirectproductLiealgebra Vect(S1)⋉C (S1), where Vect(S1) denotes the space of smooth vector fields on S1, ∞ see [22]. 3. The restriction of the metric (2.4) to the bosonic sector induces on pair of functions (u,v) the bilinear form (u ,v ),(u ,v ) = (iγ(u v +u v )+u u +v v )dx. (2.8) 1 1 2 2 1 2 2 1 1x 2x 1 2 h i Z Changing variables from (u ,v ) to (u ,ρ ), j = 1,2, according to (1.6), equation j j j j (2.8) becomes (u ,ρ ),(u ,ρ ) = (γu u +u u +σρ ρ )dx. (2.9) 1 1 2 2 1 2 1x 2x 1 2 h i Z Hence, as expected, when ρ = ρ = 0 the metric reduces to the H1 metric (1.1) in 1 2 the case of CH, while it reduces to the H˙1 metric (1.2) in the case of HS. 4. Our discussion freely used complex-valued expressions and took place only at the Lie algebra level. The extent to which there actually exists a corresponding geodesic flow on the superdiffeomorphism group of the supercircle S12 has to be | furtherinvestigated. Afirststeptowardsdevelopingsuchageometric pictureinvolves dealing with the presence of imaginary numbers in the definition of the metric (2.4) when γ = 1. Although these imaginary factors disappear in the bosonic sector when changingvariablesto(u,ρ)(see(2.9)),theyarestillpresentinthefermionicsector. It seems unavoidable to encounter complex-valued expressions at one point or another of the presentconstruction if one insists on thesystem beingan extension of equation (CH) (in the references [1] and [35] imaginary factors appear when the coefficients are chosen in such a way that the system is an extension of (CH)). 3 Bi-Hamiltonian formulation Equation (1.5) admits the bi-Hamiltonian structure3 δH δH 1 2 M =J = J , (3.1) t 1 2 δM δM where the Hamiltonian operators J and J are defined by 1 2 1 J = i ∂ M M∂ + (D MD +D MD ) , J = i∂ A, (3.2) 1 x x 1 1 2 2 2 x − − 2 − (cid:20) (cid:21) and the Hamiltonian functionals H and H are defined by 1 2 i i γ H = dxdθ dθ MU, H = dxdθ dθ MU2 U3 . (3.3) 1 1 2 2 1 2 −2 −4 − 3 Z Z (cid:16) (cid:17) 3By definition thevariational derivative δH/δM of a functional H[M] is required to satisfy d δH H[M+ǫδM] = dxdθ dθ δM, dǫ ˛ Z 1 2δM ˛ǫ=0 ˛ for any smooth variation δM of M. ˛ 6 δ i dxdθ dθ MU2 γU3 = δH2 ssggggggggδgMgJg2(cid:2)g−gg4ggRgggg 1 2(cid:0) − 3 (cid:1)(cid:3) δM Equation (1.5) kkWWWWWWWWWWWJW1WWWWWWWW δ i dxdθ dθ MU = δH1 ssggggggggggJg2ggδgMggg(cid:2)g−gg2R 1 2 (cid:3) δM M = M t − x kkWWWWWWWWWWWJW1WWWWWWWW δ i dxdθ dθ M = δH0 ssggggggggggggJg2ggggδgMgg(cid:2)g−g R 1 2 (cid:3) δM M = 0 t Figure 1 Recursion scheme for the operators J and J associated with the super- 1 2 symmetric equation (1.5). The bi-Hamiltonian formulation (3.1) is a particular case of a construction in [35], where it was verified that the operators J and J are compatible. The first few 1 2 conservation laws in the hierarchy generated by J and J are presented in Figure 1. 1 2 Restricting attention to the purely bosonic sector of the bi-Hamiltonian structure of (1.5), we recover bi-Hamiltonian formulations for the two-component generaliza- tions of (CH) and (HS). More precisely, we find that equation (1.4) can be put in the bi-Hamiltonian form4 m = K gradG = K gradG , (3.4) ρ 1 1 2 2 (cid:18) (cid:19)t 4The gradient of a functional F[m,ρ] is defined by δF gradF = δm , „δF« δρ provided that thereexist functions δF and δF such that δm δρ d δF δF F[m+ǫδm,ρ+ǫδρ] = δm+ δρ dx, dǫ ˛ Z „δm δρ « ˛ǫ=0 ˛ for any smooth variations δm and δρ. ˛ 7 where the Hamiltonian operators are defined by m∂ ∂ m ρ∂ ∂Λ 0 K1 = − x∂−ρ x −0 , K2 = −0 σ∂ , (3.5) (cid:18) − (cid:19) (cid:18) − (cid:19) and the Hamiltonians G and G are given by 1 2 1 1 G = (um+σρ2)dx, G = (σuρ2 +γu3+uu2)dx. 1 2 2 2 x Z Z For j = 1,2, G are the restrictions to the purely bosonic sector of the functionals j H . j Thehierarchy of conserved quantities G for the two-component system (1.4) can n be obtained from the recursive relations K gradG = K gradG , n Z. 1 n 2 n+1 ∈ The associated commuting Hamiltonian flows are given by m = K gradG = K gradG , n Z. ρ 1 n 2 n+1 ∈ (cid:18) (cid:19)t Since K 1 is a nonlocal operator the expressions for members G with n 3 are 2− n ≥ nonlocal when written as functionals of (u,ρ). On the other hand, since the operator K can be explicitly inverted as 1 0 1∂ 1 K 1 = −ρ x− , 1− ∂ 11 ∂ 11(m∂ +∂ m)1∂ 1 − x− ρ x− ρ x x ρ x− ! it is possible to implement on a computer a recursive algorithm for finding the con- servation laws G for n 2. The first few of these conserved quantities and their n ≤ associated Hamiltonian flows are presented in Figure 2. Note that G is a Casimir 0 for the positive hierarchy, G is a Casimir for the negative hierarchy, and G is a 2 1 − − Casimir for both the positive and negative hierarchies. Thisdiscussionillustratesthateventhoughmanypropertiesofthetwo-component system (1.4) carry over to its supersymmetric extension (1.5) (such as the property of being a geodesic equation as shown above, and the Lax pair formulation as shown below), the construction of a negative hierarchy does not appear to generalize. Cer- tainly, since the conservation laws G , G , ..., contain negative powers of ρ, these 1 2 − − functionals cannot be the restriction to the bosonic sector of functionals H , H , 1 2 − − ..., which involve only polynomials of the fields U and M and derivatives of these fields. 4 Lax pair Equation (1.5) is the condition of compatibility of the linear system iD D G= 1 M + γ G, 1 2 2λ 2 (4.1) (Gt = 12UxG(cid:0)− 21[(D1U(cid:1))(D1G)+(D2U)(D2G)]−(λ+U)Gx, 8 grad 1 σuρ2+γu3+uu2 dx = gradG ssggggggKgg2gggggg2ggRgg(cid:0)ggg x(cid:1) 2 m 2u m um σρρ = − x − x− x ρ (uρ) (cid:18) (cid:19)t (cid:18) − x kkW(cid:19)WWWWWWKWW1WWWWWWWWWWWW grad 1 um+σρ2 dx = gradG ssggggggggggggKg2ggggggggggg2ggRg(cid:0) (cid:1) 1 m m = x (cid:18)ρ(cid:19)t −(cid:18)ρx(cid:19) kkXXXXXXXXXXXXXKX1XXXXXXXXXXXXX grad mdx = gradG 0 m 0 ssffffffffffffffKf2ffffffffffffff R = (cid:18)ρ(cid:19)t (cid:18)0(cid:19) kkXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXKX1XXXXXXXXXXXXX grad ρdx = gradG 1 m 0 ssffffffffffffffKf2ffffffffffffff R − = (cid:18)ρ(cid:19)t (cid:18)0(cid:19) kkWWWWWWWWWWWWWWKWW1WWWWWWWWWWWW grad mdx = gradG ρ 2 sshhhhhhhKhh2hhhhhhhhhhhhhh R − γρx + 1 m ρ2 ρ = xxx ρ  σ (cid:16)m (cid:17)  (cid:18) (cid:19)t  (cid:16)ρ2(cid:17)x kkVVVVVVVVVKV1VVVVVVVVVVVV grad σm2 γ ρxx dx = gradG −2ρ3 − 2ρ − 4ρ2 −3 (cid:16) (cid:17) R Figure 2 Recursion scheme for two-component generalization (1.4) of the CH (cor- responding to m = u u ) and the HS (corresponding to m = u ) equations. xx xx − − 9

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