Preprint JINR E2-2001-4 On the mixed symmetry irreducible representations of the 1 Poincare group in the BRST approach 0 0 2 Cˇestm´ır Burd´ık∗ n a Department of Mathematics, Czech Technical University, J Trojanova 13, 120 00 Prague 2 9 2 A. Pashneva† and M. Tsulaiaa,b‡ 1 v 1 aBogoliubov Laboratory of Theoretical Physics, JINR 0 2 Dubna, 141980, Russia 1 0 1 bThe Andronikashvili Institute of Physics, Georgian Academy of Sciences, 0 Tbilisi, 380077, Georgia / h t - p e h Abstract : v i X r a Thelagrangiandescriptionofirreducible massless representationsofthePoincare group with the corresponding Young tableaux having two rows along with some explicit examples including the notoph and Weyl tensor is given. For this purpose is used the method of the BRST constructions adopted to the systems of second class constraints by the construction of an auxiliary representations of the algebras of constraints in terms of Verma modules. ∗E-mail: [email protected] †E-mail: [email protected] ‡E-mail: [email protected] 1 Introduction It is well known that the particles with the value of spin more than two arise nat- urally when quantizing such classical objects as the relativistic oscillator, string or discrete string. The challenging problem for these kinds of theories is to construct the lagrangian description both for free and for interacting particles with the higher spins. Recent developments in this activity have revealed, that the particles with the higher spins can propagate through the background having the constant curvature, in particular through the AdS space (see [1] and the references therein), as well as interact with the constant electromagnetic field or symmetrical Einstein spaces [2]. The utilization of the technique of the Supersymmetric Quantum Mechanics leads also to the description of the particle with spin 2 on the background of the constant curvature [3], and on the background being real “Kahler – like” manifold [4]. In all these approaches corresponding lagrangians possess some gauge invariance in order to remove the states with the negative norm – the ghosts – from the physical spectrum. The same problem, i.e., the inclusion into the theory of necessary gauge invari- ance is present also in the description of free particles which belong to irreducible representations of the Poincare group. The possible way out of this problem is the method of the BRST constructions which naturally leads to the desired gauge in- variant hermitian lagrangians [5]. However, the construction of the corresponding nilpotent BRST charges for the system of constraints describing either reducible massive [6] or irreducible massless [7] representations of the Poincare group with the Young tableaux having one row is not straightforward due to the presence of the second class constraints. This problem can be solved after the introduction into the theory of the additional bosonic oscillator and the construction of the auxiliary representations for the second class constraints in terms of this oscillator. Then after the partial gauge fixing [7] the BRST invariant lagrangian leads to the one constructed by Fronsdal [8] for the irreducible massless higher spins. The construction of lagrangians describing an arbitrary representations of the Poincare group is complicated due to the necessity of the construction of the auxiliary representations of the Lie algebras having the rank more than one in the framework ofthe BRSTapproach. The generalmethodfor such constructions where some generators from the Cartan subalgebra are excluded from the total system of constraints forming an arbitrary Lie algebra was given in [9]. Below we use this method for the derivation of the lagrangians for the massless particles belonging to theirreduciblerepresentations ofthePoincarealgebrawiththecorrespondingYoung tableaux having two rows. The complete generalization of this procedure to the arbitrary irreducible representation of the Poincare group will be given elsewhere. Let us note that the approach used is different from the one given in [10] and leads to the different form of the final lagrangian which describes only irreducible representations, corresponding to Young tableaux with two rows. 1 The paper is organized as follows. In Sec.2 we quote the main results of [9] needed for our study. In Sec.3 we explicitly derive the lagrangians describing the irreducible represen- tations of the Poincare group with corresponding Young tableaux having two rows. In Sec.4 we present some explicit examples of our constriction. Sec.5 contains our conclusions and discussion of open problems. Some compli- cated expressions and formulae are carried out to Appendix. 2 The BRST construction The fields we are going to consider correspond to the following Young tableaux µ µ p p p p p p p p p p µ 1 2 n1 ν ν p p p p p p p p ν 1 2 n2 (2.1) and are described by the field Φ (x) which is the n + n (n ≥ µ1µ2···µn1,ν1ν2···νn2 1 2 1 n ) rank tensor field symmetrical with respect to the permutations of each type 2 indices. The correspondence with a given Young tableaux implies, that after the symmetrization of all indices of the first raw with one index of the second raw the basic field vanishes, i.e., Φ (x) = 0. (2.2) {µ1µ2···µn1,ν1}ν2···νn2 Further, all traces of the basic field must vanish: Φ (x) = 0, ρρµ3···µn1,ν1ν2···νn2 Φ (x) = 0, (2.3) ρµ2µ3···µn1,ρν2···νn2 Φ (x) = 0, µ1µ2···µn1,ρρν3···νn2 In addition, this field is subject to the following system of equations, namely the mass shell and transversality conditions for each type of indices. In the massless case we have p2Φ (x) = 0, (2.4) ρ µ1µ2···µn1,ν1ν2···νn2 p Φ (x) = 0, (2.5) ρ ρµ2···µn1,ν1ν2···νn2 p Φ (x) = 0. (2.6) ρ µ1µ2···µn1,ρν2···νn2 To describe all irreducible representations of the Poincare group simultaneously it is convenient to introduce an auxiliary Fock space generated by the creation and annihilation operators ai+,aj with Lorentz index µ = 0,1,2,...,D − 1 and µ µ additionalinternalindexi = 1,2. Theseoperatorssatisfythefollowingcommutation relations ai,aj+ = −g δij, g = diag(1,−1,−1,...,−1), (2.7) µ ν µν µν (cid:2) (cid:3) where δij is usual Cronecker symbol. 2 The general state of the Fock space depends on the space-time coordinates x µ |Φi = Φ (x)a1+a1+···a1+ a2+a2+···a2+ |0i (2.8) µ1µ2···µn1,ν1ν2···νn2 µ1 µ2 µn1 ν1 ν2 νn2 X and the components Φ (x) are automatically symmetrical under the µ1µ2···µn1,ν1ν2···νn2 permutations of indices of the same type. The conditions (2.2) – (2.6) can be easily expressed in this auxiliary Fock space as T|Φi = 0, (2.9) Lij|Φi = 0, (2.10) L0|Φi = Li|Φi = 0, (2.11) where the operators 1 1 T = a+1a2, L11 = a1a1, L12 = a1a2, L22 = a2a2, Li = p ai, (2.12) µ µ 2 µ µ µ µ 2 µ µ µ µ along with their conjugates 1 1 T+=a+2a1, L11+= a1+a1+, L12+=a1+a2+, L22+= a2+a2+, Li+=p ai+ (2.13) µ µ 2 µ µ µ µ 2 µ µ µ µ and operators D L0 = −p2, Hi = −ai+ai + (2.14) µ µ µ 2 satisfy the following nonzero commutation relations [L11,L11+] = H1, [L22,L22+] = H2, [L12,L12+] = H1 +H2, [T+,L11+] = −L12+, [T+,L12+] = −2L22+, [T,L11] = L12, [T,L12] = 2L22, [T,T+] = H1 −H2, [L22,L12+] = −T, [L22,T+] = −L12, [T,L22+] = −L12+, (2.15) [L11,L12+] = −T+, [L12,L11+] = −T, [L12,L22+] = −T+, [T,L12+] = −2L11+, [T+,L12] = 2L11 and [Li , T+] = −δi2L1, [Li , T] = −δi1L2, [Li+ , T+] = δi1L2+, [Li+ , T] = δi2L1+, [Li , L11+] = −δi1L1+, [Li+ , L11] = δi1L1, (2.16) [Li , L22+] = −δi2L2+, [Li+ , L22] = δi2L2, [Li , L12+] = −δi1L2+ −δi2L1+, [Li+ , L12] = δi1L2 +δi2L1, [Li , Lj+] = δijL0. 3 Note the asymmetry between the operators a1+ and a2+ in (2.9). The later µ µ equation means in turn that just (2.2) is fulfilled where one index of the second raw is symmetrized with indices of the first one. In order to restore the mentioned symmetry, the following equation T+|Φi = 0, (2.17) should be added to the system of constraints. The consistency of the equations (2.9) and (2.17) [T,T+]|Φi = (H1 −H2)|Φi = (n −n )|Φi = 0 (2.18) 1 2 implies the equality of numbers n = n = n of the operators a1+ and a2+ in the 1 2 µ µ Fock space vector (3.17). However, in this case one can show using only equation (2.9) the following property of the basic field Φ (x) = (−1)nΦ (x) (2.19) µ1µ2···µn,ν1ν2···νn ν1ν2···νn,µ1µ2···µn and, as a consequence, the equation (2.17) is also fulfilled. Moreover, there is no nonzero solution of the equation (2.9) for the case of n < n . All this means that 1 2 theFockspacevector under theconstraint (2.9)contains allpossibleYoungtableaux of the type (2.1) and only once each of them. The set of operators Lij,T,Lij+,T+,Hi form the algebra (2.15) of the group SO(3,2), Hi being the Cartan generators. Since the conditions Hi|Φi = 0 can not be satisfied for any nonzero vector |Φi, the generators Hi must be excluded from the total set of constraints, and therefore one obtains the system of the first and the second class constraints. The corresponding nilpotent BRST charge can be constructed as follows [9]. The first step is to construct the auxiliary representations ofthe algebra SO(3,2) using the Verma module after introduction of the additional creation and annihi- lation operators b ,b+ = δ , I,J = 1,...,4 (The general method for such con- I J IJ structions was giv(cid:2)en in (cid:3)[11]). Note that the number of the oscillators is equal to the number of positive roots of algebra SO(3,2) and the vector |Φi depends also on the creation operators b+. The auxiliary representation has the form: I L11+ = b+, L12+ = b+, L22+ = b+, aux. 1 aux. 2 aux. 3 T+ = b+ −b+b −2b+b , aux. 4 2 1 3 2 T = (h −h −b+b )b −2b+b −b+b , aux. 1 2 4 4 4 1 2 2 3 H1 = 2b+b +b+b −b+b +h , aux. 1 1 2 2 4 4 1 H2 = b+b +2b+b +b+b +h , (2.20) aux. 2 2 3 3 4 4 2 L11 = (b+b +b+b −b+b +h )b −b+b +b+b b , aux. 1 1 2 2 4 4 1 1 4 2 3 2 2 L12 = (2b+b +b+b +2b+b +h +h )b +b+b b b aux. 1 1 2 2 3 3 1 2 2 4 4 4 1 +b+b b −b+b +(h −h )b b , 2 3 1 4 3 2 1 4 1 L22 = (b+b +b+b +b+b +h )b aux. 2 2 3 3 4 4 2 3 +(h −h )b b +b+b b +b+b b b , 2 1 4 2 1 2 2 4 4 4 2 4 where h and h are parameters and the auxiliary representations of operators Hi 1 2 depend on them linearly. Further, let us denote Eα ≡ (Lij,T) (α > 0), and define Hi = Hi +H˜i +hi, Eα = Eα +Eα (h), (2.21) aux. aux. where we have explicitly extracted the dependence on parameters h in the auxiliary i representations of Cartan generators. After writing the SO(3,2) algebra in the compact form Hi,Eα = α(i)Eα, (cid:2)Eα,E−(cid:3)α = αiHi, (2.22) (cid:2)Eα,Eβ (cid:3)= NαβEα+β, (cid:2) (cid:3) we introduce the anticommuting variables η ≡ (η ,η ) η = η+, having ghost α ij T −α α + number one and corresponding momenta P = P and P , having ghost number −α α α minus one with the commutation relations: {η ,P } = {η ,P } = δ . (2.23) α −β −α β αβ The “ghost vacuum” is defined as η |0i = P |0i = 0 (2.24) α α for positive roots α. The nilpotent BRST charge for the above subsystem of con- straints with no Hi dependence has the form 1 Q = η E−α +η Eα − Nαβη η P (2.25) 1 α −α −α −β α+β 2 Xα>0(cid:0) (cid:1) Xαβ where the parameters hi have to be substituted by the expressions [9] −πi = −Hi −H˜i − β(i)(η P −η P ) (2.26) aux. β −β −β β X β>0 The inclusion of the constraints LA ≡ (L0,Li,Li+) into the total BRST charge Q is trivial, namely Q = Q +Q (2.27) 1 2 where Q = η L0+η Li++η+Li−η+η P + (η η+P CB +η η P CB ) (2.28) 2 0 i i i i 0 A α B −α,A A α B α,A X α>0,A,B inselfexplanatorynotations. Thiscompletestheprocedureofconstructingnilpotent BRST charge for our system. 5 3 The lagrangian and the partial gauge fixing The BRST invariant lagrangian which describes the massless irreducible represen- tations of the Poincare group of the form (2.1) can be written as −L = dη hχ|KQ|χi, (3.1) 0 Z being invariant under the gauge transformations δ|χi = Q|Λi (3.2) with a parameter of gauge transformations |Λi. The Kernel operator K in the scalar product (3.1) is necessary to make the lagrangian hermitian [9], since the BRST charge Q is not hermitian as one can conclude from the explicit form of the auxiliary representations (2.20). The operator K is constructed as follows. Let us introduce the vector in the space of Verma module |n ,n ,n ,n i = (L11+)n1(L12+)n2(L22+)n3(T+)n4|0i (3.3) 1 2 3 4 V V where α ,α ,...α is some ordering of positive roots, n ∈ N and Eα|0i = 0 The 1 2 r i V corresponding vector in the Fock space generated by the creation and annihilation operators b ,b+ is I I |n ,n ,n ,n i = (b+)n1(b+)n2(b+)n3(b+)n4|0i. (3.4) 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 The Kernel operator K defining the scalar product of two vectors |Φ i and |Φ i as 1 2 hΦ |K|Φ i has the form 2 1 K = Z+Z, (3.5) where the operator Z transforms the given state from the Fock space to the corre- sponding state in the Verma module and have the following form 1 Z = (L11+)n1(L12+)n2(L22+)n3(T+)n4|0i h0|(b )n1(b )n2(b )n3(b )n4. (3.6) n ! V 1 2 3 4 X i ni Q Such form of the operators Z and K guarantees the identity of the scalar products of the corresponding vectors in the Fock space and in the Verma module. Then the following modified hermiticity relation is satisfied [9] Q+K = KQ (3.7) In order to be physical the lagrangian (3.1) must have ghost number equal to zero and therefore the ghost number of the vector |χi which in turn is the series expansionwithrespecttocreationoperatorsη ,η+,P+,η+,P+,alongwithoperators 0 i i α α ai+ and b+ must be zero as well. The same applies to the parameter of the gauge µ I transformations |Λi which has the ghost number equal to −1. 6 Below we prove, following a slightly different way than in [7], that the vector |χi contains the only physical field |S i with no b+ dependence. The other fields can be 0 I either excluded using the equations of motion or gauged away. First let us write explicitly the P+ dependence of the vector |χi and the param- α eter |Λi |χi = |χ i+P+|χ i+P+P+|χ i+... (3.8) 0 α α α β αβ |Λi = |Λ i+P+|Λ i+P+P+|Λ i+... (3.9) 0 α α α β αβ From the gauge transformation law (3.2) and the explicit form of the auxiliary representations of SO(3,2) algebra (2.20) one can see that the field |χ i transforms 0 through parameters |Λ i as α δ|χ i = (L11+ +b+)|Λ i+(L12+ +b+)|Λ i 0 1 11 2 12 +(L22+ +b+)|Λ i+(T+ +b+ −b+b −2b+b )|Λ i. (3.10) 3 22 4 2 1 3 2 T As it was shown in [7] one can use this gauge freedom to gauge away all b+ depen- I dence in |χ i and therefore 0 b |χ i = 0 (3.11) I 0 Let us note, that one is left with the residual gauge freedom in transformations of |χ i with the parameter Λ i. However this parameter is irrelevant to the proof of 0 0 b+ independence of the vector |χ i. I 0 AsthesecondstepweusetheideologyofauxiliaryBRSTconditions[12]. Namely since the equations of motion resulting from the lagrangian (3.1) have the form1 Q|χi = 0 (3.12) one can also impose on |χi the auxiliary conditions R |χi = [M ,Q] |χi = QM |χi = 0 (3.13) I I ± I for some operators M . Such conditions do not affect the physical content of the I theory since they remove the states with the zero norm. The choice of the operators M is actually the choice of the BRST gauge. I Taking M = b , one obtains I I (η +A (η+,b))|χi = 0 (3.14) α α α where the operators A are written in the Appendix. Their explicit form leads to α the following solution of equations (3.14) |χi = (1+P+A )(1+P+A )(1+P+A )(1+P+A )|χ i, (3.15) 11 11 12 12 22 22 T T 0 1Since the Kernel operator K is nondegenerate one can multiply the equation KQ|χi = 0 on K−1 to obtain (3.12) 7 and from (3.11) and (A1)–(A4) one obtains |χi = |χ i. (3.16) 0 Until now we have proven that the all b+ and P+ dependence in the vector |χi is I α the BRST gauge artifact. However one has to keep in mind the equations of motion resulting from the lagrangian (3.1) after the variation with respect to this “pure gauge” fields (see the Appendix). Inserting the vector |χi of the form (3.16) into (3.1) and performing explicit calculation one obtains that the part |χi which contains η+ dependence completely α decouples from the lagrangian, therefore the state vector has effectively the form |χi = |S i+η+P+|S i+η+P+|S i+η+P+|S i 0 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 2 3 +η+P+|S i+η+η+P+P+|S i+η P+|R i 2 1 4 1 2 1 2 5 0 1 1 +η P+|R i+η η+P+P+|R i+η η+P+P+|R i (3.17) 0 2 2 0 1 1 2 3 0 2 1 2 4 with vectors |S i and |R i having ghost number zero and depending only on bosonic i i creation operators ai+. µ Finally using the residual gauge freedom with the parameter |Λ i and equations 0 of motion one can gauge away the field |S i−|S i, express the other fields in terms 3 4 of the single field |S i and put them into the lagrangian. The final expression for the 0 lagrangian describing all massless irreducible representations of the Poincare group with the corresponding Young tableaux having two rows has the form −L = hS |L0 −L+1L1 −L+2L2 −L+1L+1L11 0 −L+1L+2L12 −L+2L+2L22 −2L+11L0L11 −L+11L1L1 −L+12L0L12 −L+12L1L2 −2L+22L0L22 −L+22L2L2 −L+1L+11L1L11 −L+1L+12L2L11 +L+1L+22L1L22 −L+1L+22L2L12 −L+2L+11L1L12 +L+2L+11L2L11 −L+2L+12L1L22 −L+2L+22L2L22 +L+1L+1L+22L11L22 −L+1L+2L+12L11L22 +L+2L+2L+11L11L22 +3L+11L+22L0L11L22 +L+11L+22L1L1L22 −L+11L+22L1L2L12 +L+11L+22L2L2L11 +L+1L+11L+22L1L11L22 +L+2L+11L+22L2L11L22|S i (3.18) 0 where the field |S i is constrained as 0 T|S i = 0 (3.19) 0 L11L11|S i = L11L12|S i = L22L22|S i = L12L22|S i 0 0 0 0 = (L12L12 +2L11L22)|S i = 0. (3.20) 0 From the algebra (2.15) one can conclude that the constraints given above are consistent with each other. Actually there are two independent constraints on the 8 basic field, namely the constraint (3.19) and first of the constraints (3.20), the other ones can be considered as the consistency conditions for this system. The lagrangian (3.18) is invariant under the transformations δ|S i = Li+|λ i i = 1,2. (3.21) 0 i parameters |λ i coming from P+|λ i+P+|λ i term in |Λ i are constrained as i 1 1 2 2 0 Lkl|λ i = T|λ i = 0 T|λ i = |λ i (3.22) i 2 1 2 The conditions (3.22) are necessary to maintain the gauge fixed form (3.17) (or equivalently the gauge invariance of constraints (3.19) –(3.20)) of the wavefunction |χi with respect the residual gauge transformations (3.2). Finally one arrives at the transformations with the single gauge parameter |λi = |λ i 1 δ|S i = (L1+ +L2+T)|λi (3.23) 0 constrained as follows Lij|λi = T2|λi = 0 (3.24) 4 Examples In this section we construct the explicit form of the lagrangians for some simple Young tableaux which correspond to lower orders in the expansion of the field |S i. 0 • : |S i = Φ (x)a1+a2+|0i 0 µ,ν µ ν The equation (3.19) means antisymmetry of the field: Φ (x) = −Φ (x). µ,ν ν,µ The lagrangian (3.18) for this antisymmetric field (the notoph in four dimen- sions [13]) L = −Φ ∂2Φ +2Φ ∂ ∂ Φ (4.1) µ,ν ρ µ,ν µ,ν µ ρ ρ,ν in terms of the field strength F = ∂ Φ +∂ Φ +∂ Φ has the standard µνρ µ ν,ρ ν ρ,µ ρ µ,ν form 1 L = F2 (4.2) 3 µνρ and is invariant under the well known gauge transformations δΦ (x) = ∂ λ (x)−∂ λ (x). (4.3) µ,ν µ ν ν µ • : |S i = Φ (x)a1+a1+a2+|0i 0 µν,ρ µ ν ρ The symmetry with respect to the first two indices Φ = Φ which is µν,ρ νµ,ρ 9