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On the Measurement of the Absolute Viscosity of Some - MacSphere PDF

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ON THE r'IEASURH'lENT OF THE lU3S0LUTE VISCOSITY OF SOME REFRIGERANTS _------- ----------~~- .. ......-------~,------_.- ON THE MEASUREMENT OF THE ABSOLUTE VISCOSITY OF SOME REFRIGERANIS By SURESH CHANDRA ASRANI B.E~ A Thesis Submitted to the Faculty of Graduate Studies in ~art;al Fulf11ment of the Requirements for the Degree Master of Engineering McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario. MASTER OF ENGINEERING (1969) McMASTER UNIVERSITY (Mechanical Engineering) Hamilton,Onti'.ir;o. TITLE: ON THE MEASUREMENT OF THE ABSOLUTE VISCOSITY OF SOME REFRIGERANTS. AUTHOR: SURESH CHANDRA ASRANI B.E. ( Birla Institute of Technology & Science) SUPERVISOR: Dr. B. Latta NU~IBER OF PAGES: xi 125 t SCOPE AND CONTENTS: Using a series capillary viscometer, absolute viscosity of two halogenated hydrocarbon referigerants, R-13 and R-500 in vapour phase, has been measured at atmospheric pressure and in the temperature range ~53.25 to 87.l9DC and -28.64 to 87.38°C respectively. The estimated max'imum el~rot· is of the ~ order 0 f 1.64%. The cxperi mental res u1t s ha'le heencoinparcd with the previous data. Viscosity values have been correlated with polynomials of degree 1 to 5 and an approximate form of Sutherland equation n = AlIT + B · 1 Intermolecular force constants have been computed for R-13 by the collision theory approach, and using these constants viscosity coefficients have been reported for a tempernture range of 200 to 1650o K. i ; The author is thankful to Dr. B. Latta for his guidance. Many thanks are also due to the persons who offered assistance. The author wishes to thank DuPont of Canada! National Bureau of Standards and Therrnophysical data centre for supplying technical information. The experimental work was supported by the National Research Counei l! Grant No. A2937. ; i i TABLE OF CON1ENTS List of figllt'e.s v . List of tables viii Nomenclature 1 Introduction 1 2 literature Survey 3 3 TheOI'Y 11 4 Design Considerations 16 5 Desct'i pt ion I)f the ApPi.lr &t IIS 20 6 Procedure 42 7 Result and Discussion 44 8 Conclusion 73 9 Appendices 9.1 9.2 Correlating ~he Results Using Collision 81 Theot'y 81 9.3 Calibration of Capillary Tubes 87 9.4 Thermocouple Calibration 103' 9.5 Calibration of ~1owmeter 108 9.6 Pressure Measurement with the Pressure Tl'an~ducer 109 9.7 Error Estimation 112 9.8 Specimen Calculation 120 10 Reference~ 123 1\1 LIST O_F_FIGURES .. .._--- -----"'~ ~-,--~--- Title Reynold number, Mass flow rate, & Development length Vs Temperature for R-13 18 2 1\ II Ill! for R-500 19 3 Viscometer assembly 21- 4 Intermediate chamb~r block and Entrance/Exit chamber 22 5 Clamp 25 6 Stand & Locking device 27 7 He~t exc~ang9 glass tube and the Ins'J1at'ion box. 29 8 Heat exchange glass tube Cover plate 30. 9 Methanol heat exchanger J4 10 Soap film flowmeter 37 11 Flow diagram 39 12 Viscosity of R-13 Vs TemperctLJn~ '<lhen fitted to 2nd degree polynomial 47 13 O'eviation of F.!xnerimenta1 results frolll the fitted 2nd degn~e polynomia1 48 14 2nd degree polyncmial, Visc()sity Vs Temperature; Combined results 50 15 Viscosity of R-13 Vs Temperature in {OK , when fi ttEd to 11 <': {l'ln .j- B1 51 v 16 Deviation of experimental results for R-13 froIl1 the f; t ted equa t ion f " '" A1If+B1 52 17 Fitted equation A,IT + 8 , Viscos'jty 1')= 1 Vs Temperature, Combined results 54 18 Viscosity of R-500 Vs Temperature when fitted to 4th degree polynomial 56 19 Deviation of experimental results for R-500 from the fitted polynomial 57 20 Comparision of experimental results for R-500 with the estimated viscosity reported in DuPont publication RT-41 59 21 Viscosity of R-500 Vs Temperature ; n R vihen fi t ted to r1 = A1If + B1 60 22 Deviation of experimental results from the equation '1 ::A11'f ... B'I 61 23 Viscosity of R-13 Vs Temperature, compared with collision theory 65 24 Deviation of experimental results for R-13 from the collision theory 66 25 Coapars1on of viscosity values for R-13 with the collision theory and 2nd degree polynomial 67 26 Viscosity of R-500 Vs Temperature, compared with collision theory 68 vi " ' 27 Deviation of experimental results for R-500 from the collision theory 69 28 Comparis1on of viscosity values of R-500 with the collision theory and 4th degree polynomial 70 29 Capillary tube calibration 97 Capillary tUbe calibration 98 30 Capillary tube calibration 99 31 Capillary tube calibration 100 32 ·Capi1lary tube calibration 101 33 Capillary tube calibration 102 34 35 Thermocouple calibration heat exchangei" 106 36 Therill(IC(1UP1e cal i bI'ati 0n 107 37 Transducer> vfJlve III Table No. -T_i.t_le- 1 Viscosity of ni h'ogen gas 45 2 Vi scos 'j ty of R-13 46 3 Viscosity of H-500 55 4 Viscosity of R-13 calculated t using collision theory 71 5 Small capillary tube calibration 94 6 large capillary tube calibration 95 7 Thermocouple calibration "105 viii NO!'lIEHCLJ\TURE _O_E_>_5.0'i 'L).t__l.o•..n._ Constilnts Constunt c Constant C Centigrade temperature scale D Constant E Intermolecular potential field F Fahrenheit temperature scale K Kelvin temper~ture scale L length Q Volumetric flow rate Q Hass flow rate R Reynold number R Refrigerant T Absolute temperature in OK 1\ = ~l T Reduced temperature f.:: v Volume Hirschfelder~BirdiSpotz integral Development len~lt!l a Radius of capillary tube Boiling properties b ix

McMASTER UNIVERSITY loki connections were exclusively used and teflon tape was used for . cathetometer stand was levelled by means of three screws.
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