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epl draft On the maximum mass of hyperonic neutron stars E´. Massot1,2, J. Margueron1 , and G. Chanfray3 1 Institut de Physique Nucl´eaire, IN2P3-CNRS and Universit´e Paris-Sud, F-91406 Orsay CEDEX, France 2 D´epartement de physique, E´cole Normale Sup´erieure, 24 rue Lhomond, 75231 Paris Cedex 05, France, 3 IPN Lyon, Universit´e de Lyon, Univ. Lyon 1, CNRS/IN2P3, UMR5822, F-69622 Villeurbanne Cedex 2 PACS 97.60.Jd– 1 PACS 26.60.Kp– 0 2 Abstract. - Chiral Lagrangian and quark-meson coupling models of hyperon matter are used to n estimate the maximum mass of neutron stars. Our relativistic calculations include, for the first a time,bothHartreeandFockcontributionsinaconsistentmanner. Beingrelatedtotheunderlying J quarkstructure of baryons, thesemodels are considered to begood candidates for describing the 3 dense core of neutron stars. Taking account of theknown experimental constraints at saturation 1 density,theequationsofstatededucedfromtheserelativisticapproachescannotsustainaneutron star with a mass larger than 1.6-1.66 M⊙. ] h t - l c u [nwitNheiunttrhoenmst,aprasratirceletshethmatosatrecoumnsptaacbtlestoenllaerarotbhjeccotus,ldanbde − Xψ¯fgωfωµγµψf + 21m2ωωµωµ− 14FµνFµν f 1 stabilizedatdensitiesabove1014 gcm−3. Theequationof 1 1 vstate (EoS) at these densities is still largely unknown due − gδXψ¯f~δ·I~ψf − 2m2δ~δ·~δ+ 2∂µ~δ·∂µ~δ 2to the poor experimental knowledgeon hadrondynamics. f 77However,the recentmeasurements of the millisecondpul- − gρρ~µ·Xψ¯fγµI~ψf −gρ κρ ∂νρ~µ·Xψ¯fσ¯µνI~ψf 2sarsPSRJ1614-2230extendthemaximumobservedmass f 2MN f 01.fproosmes(n1.e6w7±co0n.0s2t)raMin⊙s o[1n] ttohe(1E.9o7S±o0f.0d4e)nMse⊙m[a2t].teTrh[3is].imA- + 12m2ρρ~µ·ρ~µ− 41F~′µν ·F~′µν + 2gfA 53∂µ~π·Xψ¯fG~µTψf 2majorquestioniswhethertheEoSincludinghyperonscan π f 1be ruled out by this new observation. Relativistic mean- + 1m2~π·~π− 1∂µ~π·∂ ~π, (1) v:field [4,5] and Brueckner-Hartree-Fock [6–8] models have 2 π 2 µ ipredicted that the effect of hyperons in dense matter is Xto soften the EoS and, therefore, to lower the maximum wherethesumovertheflavorindexf meansasummation rmass. A consistent treatment of the Fock term in a rel- over the baryons: N, Λ, Σ, Ξ. The isospin operator I~and aativistic approach is however missing. In this Letter we the Gamow–Teller operator G~µT are given in Ref. [10]. analyze the impact of the Fock term in two effective, rel- In the chiralLagrangianmodel [9], the mesonfields are ativistic meson-exchange models related to the quark na- relatedtothe propertiesofthe QCDcondensate. Scalars ture of hadrons: the chiral Lagrangian model [9] and the and pseudo-scalar π fields are associated with the fluctu- quark meson coupling (QMC) model [10]. ations of the chiral quark condensate [12], related to the non-linear ”Mexican hat” potential, Thesemodelsarebasedonarelativisticmeson-exchange theory of the Walecka type, where the mean-field proper- m2 m2−m2 m2−m2 ties of nuclear matter are calculated in the Hartree–Fock V(s) = ss2+ s πs3+ s πs4, (2) 2 2f 8f2 approximation [11]. Considering scalar s, ω, δ, ρ and π π π mesons as well as nucleons and hyperons, the Lagrangian deduced from chiral spontaneous symmetry breaking. In can be written with the usual notations [10] this model, the chiral partner A1 of the ρ meson, being too heavy, is ignored and the ω meson is chiral singlet. 1 L = Xψ¯f(iγµ∂µ−Mf(s))ψf −V(s)+ ∂µs∂µs The first chiral models failed to reproduce the saturation 2 properties of nuclear matter [12]. A better description f p-1 E´. Massot1,2 J. Margueron1,G. Chanfray3 Table1: Parameters ofchiralandQMCmodelsandsaturation properties: density(n0),bindingenergy(B0),incompressibility (K0), symmetry energy (as), symmetry energy slope (L0) and in-medium Dirac mass for nucleons (MN∗). QMC700 is given in Ref. [10]. Model ms gs gω gρ κρ C n0 B0 K0 as L0 MN∗/MN (fm−3) (MeV) (MeV) (MeV) (MeV) (MeV) (MeV) MC1-H 800 10.0 5.06 4.14 0.0 1.44 0.160 -15.85 248 30.0 79.4 0.89 MC1-HF 880 10.0 7.09 2.65 4.2 2.00 0.160 -16.01 274 30.3 66.9 0.81 MC2-HF 860 10.0 7.31 2.65 4.2 1.90 0.160 -16.05 276 30.6 67.9 0.80 MC3-HF 900 10.0 6.33 2.65 5.6 1.92 0.160 -15.91 274 30.2 63.1 0.83 MC4-HF 880 10.0 6.57 2.65 5.6 1.83 0.160 -15.92 274 30.5 64.1 0.82 QMC700 700 11.94 10.66 4.167 0.0 0.51 0.159 -15.74 338 29.9 53.3 0.74 QMC-H 700 10.52 8.39 4.167 0.0 0.40 0.160 -15.83 292 32.7 89.5 0.78 QMC-HF1 700 11.90 10.62 4.167 0.0 0.51 0.160 -15.72 338 30.4 54.4 0.77 QMC-HF2 700 11.30 9.31 2.87 0.0 0.46 0.160 -15.74 360 29.8 72.2 0.67 QMC-HF3 700 9.78 6.84 3.75 0.0 1.00 0.160 -16.00 285 31.4 69.2 0.79 for the saturation is obtained by introducing the scalar treated consistently. polarizability of the nucleon κNS in Mf(s) [13,14], The parameters of chiral Lagrangianand QMC models are given in table 1. In the chiral model, the scalar cou- 1 M (s) = M +g wfs+ κ w˜fs2, (3) pling constant is fixed from the sigma linear model to be f f s s 2 NS s g = M /f = 10. Since the dimensionless parameter s N π C = f2κ /(2M ) estimated from lattice simulation is which reflects the effects of confinement as originally pro- π NS N posed in Ref. [15]. The weight factors wf and w˜f will be around1.25[18],the chiralmodelfixes C to be consistent s s with this value but a flexibility is retained for reproduc- discussed later. ingsaturationpropertiesasexplainedbelow. IntheQMC A further extension of the model consists in replacing model, the dimensionless parameter C is smaller and de- κ inEq.(3)byκ (s)=κ (1+(2s)/(3f ))wheref NS NS NS π π duced from the nucleon mass in the bag model. The cou- isthe decayconstantofthe pion[9]. Anotherextensionis pling constant g is adjusted to fit the symmetry energy relatedtotheρandπtensorinteractions,wherederivative ρ in the chiral Hartree model MC1-H and in QMC models couplings lead to a contact term that can be partially or while in chiral Hartree–Fock models MCi-HF g is fixed totally suppressed by short-range correlations [9,11]. We ρ to satisfy the vector-dominance model giving g = 2.65 considerchiralmodelsattheHartreeapproximation(such ρ and the ρ-tensor coupling constant κ is adjusted to the as MC1-H in table 1) as well as in the Hartree–Fock ap- ρ symmetry energy. The axial coupling constant is fixed to proximation (such as MCi-HF in table 1). The index i in be g = 1.25 and the δ coupling is fixed to g = 1. The MCi-H(F) models refers to different combinaisons of the A δ otherparameters(m , g and C) arechosento reproduce extensions discussed: (i=1), constant κ in Eq. (3) and s ω NS totally suppressed contact term; (i=2) κ (s) in Eq. (3) the saturationproperties(n0, B0 andK0)reportedonta- NS ble 1. In QMC model, the couplings g and g are fixed and totally suppressed contact term; (i=3) constant κ s ω NS and partially suppressed contact term; (i=4) κ (s) and to reproduce n0 and B0; moreover in the parameteriza- NS tion QMC-HF3 the parameter C is modified to decrease partially suppressed contact term. More details on these extensions can be found in Ref. [9]. the value of K0. Inthe quark-mesoncoupling modelQMC700the scalar ThepredictionsfortheslopeofthesymmetryenergyL0 potential (2) is quadratic, V(s) = m2ss2/2, at variance and the nucleon Dirac mass MN∗ given in table 1 for the with the chiral Lagrangian model (2); the scalar po- two models are consistent with experimental values lying larizability of the nucleon κ is kept constant as in intherange60-90MeV[16]forthe slopeandinthe range NS Eq. (3); and only s, ω and ρ vector mesons are consid- 0.7-0.9MN for the Dirac masses. ered(κ =0). Theotherextensionspresentedhere-before HyperonsareincludedasinRef.[10]: the couplingcon- ρ aredisregarded. InRef.[10],self-energiesarecalculatedin stants are written as gf =wf g where wf is the weight m m m m theHartreeapproximationwhileanon-relativisticapprox- factor for the meson m coupled to the baryon f. For imationoftheFockcontributiontotheenergyisincluded. the mesons ω, ρ, π and δ, the meson-hyperon couplings In this paper, we present modified versions of the QMC are deduced from the meson-nucleon couplings based on model in which both Hartree and Fock contributions are SU(6) symmetry imposing wf = (1 + sf/3), where sf ω p-2 On the maximum mass of hyperonic neutron stars Table 2: Weight factor wf for thehyperonsΛ, Σ and Ξ. Table 3: Different models corresponding to different approxi- s mations for nucleons (second column) and for hyperons(third column). The last three columns correspond to themaximum Model Λ Σ Ξ mass Mmax, its associated radius Rmax and the corresponding MC1-H 0.61 0.18 0.33 baryonic density ncmax. MC1-HF 1.00 0.50 0.55 MC2-HF 1.00 0.51 0.52 EoS Nucleon Hyperon Mmax R(Mmax) ncmax MC3-HF 0.91 0.38 0.48 N Y (M⊙) (km) (inn0) MC1-H/N MC1-H No 1.65 10.6 7.8 MC4-HF 0.89 0.39 0.47 MC1-HF/N MC1-HF No 1.87 10.8 7.2 QMC-H 0.62 0.35 0.32 MC3-HF/N MC3-HF No 1.85 10.7 7.3 QMC-HF1 0.71 0.51 0.37 MC1-H/NYFG MC1-H FermiGas 1.02 11.9 5.6 QMC-HF2 0.64 0.41 0.33 MC1-HF/NYFG MC1-HF FermiGas 1.12 12.0 5.4 QMC-HF3 0.70 0.33 0.37 MC3-HF/NYFG MC3-HF FermiGas 1.13 11.9 5.5 MC1-H/NY MC1-H MC1-H 1.45 11.9 6.5 MC1-HF/NY MC1-HF MC1-HF 1.58 12.2 5.6 is the strangeness of the baryon f. For the isovector ρ MC2-HF/NY MC2-HF MC2-HF 1.60 12.2 5.5 or pseudo-vector π mesons, this symmetry is accounted MC3-HF/NY MC3-HF MC3-HF 1.55 12.0 5.6 for by the isospin and Gamow–Teller operators. Only the MC4-HF/NY MC4-HF MC4-HF 1.55 12.0 5.6 coupling constants of the scalar s meson are allowed to QMC700/NY QMC700 QMC700 2.00 12.5 5.1 vary around the values imposed by SU(6) symmetry. In QMC700, the weights wf and w˜f are adjusted in the bag QMC-H/NY QMC-H QMC-H 1.68 12.2 5.5 s s model and scale with the bag radius [10]. In the chiral QMC-HF1/NY QMC-HF1 QMC-HF1 1.97 12.3 5.2 model and in the extensions of QMC in table 1, they are QMC-HF2/NY QMC-HF2 QMC-HF2 1.97 13.3 4.6 adjusted to the non-relativistic potentials of hyperons at QMC-HF3/NY QMC-HF3 QMC-HF3 1.66 12.3 5.3 saturation, Ef Σf2−Σf2 V (f)=Σf + Σf + S 0 , (4) NR S Mf(s) 0 2Mf(s) the QMC model whose parameters are given in table 1. where Ef is the single-particle energy andΣf andΣf are The original QMC700/NY model predicts a maximum S 0 thescalarandtime-componentself-energies[9]. V (f)is mass of 2.00 M⊙ with hyperons [10]. The model QMC- NR H/NY is a consistent Hartree model where the s and ω fixedtobe -30MeVforf =Λ[17],30MeVforf =Σ[19] coupling constantsarereadjustedto reproducesaturation and -18 MeV for f = Ξ [4]. While the value for the Λ is quite certain, that for the other hyperons are still under properties (n0, B0 and VNR(f)). The maximum mass in debate. The weights wf are given in table 2 while we the model QMC-H/NY is lower than that of the origi- s choose w˜f =(1+sf/3) for all baryons f. nal QMC700/NY since the incompressibility is lower. In s themodelQMC-HF1/NYtheHartreeandFocktermsare Being partly related to the underlying quark structure consistently treated in the mean-field potential and the of baryons the chiral and QMC models are good candi- same readjustment procedure as in QMC-H/NY is fol- datesforexplorationofthepropertiesofdensecoreofneu- lowed. The Fock contribution to the total energy is how- tron stars. In table 3 we explore different models for the ever treated non-relativistically as in the QMC700/NY EoS with and without hyperons and their predictions for model. Including the complete Fock contribution in the themaximummassMmaxandassociatedradiusR(Mmax). energy, we obtain the fully relativistic QMC-HF2/NY The first three EoS are based only on nucleons. For the model. The maximum mass is not altered by the fully following three models in table 3, the EoS is based on relativistic treatment of the Fock term. Finally, we re- non-interacting hyperons. The maximum mass for these duced the incompressibility by increasing the parameter models is strongly reduced compared to models without C from 0.51 to 1 (see table 1) and the maximum mass hyperons. Interacting hyperons are taken into account in the next 10 models in table 3. For the five chiral models decreases from 1.97 to 1.66 M⊙. From this analysis, we concludethatthelargemassobtainedintheQMC700/NY the maximum mass is increased compared to the models model [10] is mainly due to an overestimated and incom- with free hyperons, but it remains smaller than that pre- pressibility. dicted by the models without hyperons. There is a small variationofabout0.05M⊙ betweenthedifferentHFmod- We show in figure 1 the mass-radius relation for the els depending on the extension of the chiral model under various EoS presented in this Letter. Dotted lines show consideration. results for the models without hyperons while the solid In the last four lines of table 3 we present variants of lines stand for the models including interacting hyperons. p-3 E´. Massot1,2 J. Margueron1,G. Chanfray3 2 PSR J1614-2230 100 n MC1-H/NYFG 1.6 PSR J1903-0327 es10-1 p Σ− c Λ an e- d ass1.2 abun10-2 Σ0 M MC1-H/N MC1-HF/N MC3-HF/N µ− 0.8 MC1-H/NY MC1-HF/NY MC2-HF/NY 10-3 MC3-HF/NY 100 MC4-HF/NY n MC1-H/NY QMC700 0.4 10 12 14 es10-1 p Ξ− Radius anc e- Ξ0 d n Λ u Fig. 1: Mass of neutron stars versus the radius for selected ab10-2 EoS. µ− As expected the EoS with hyperons reach lower maxi- 10-3 100 mum masses than the models without hyperons, except n MC1-HF/NY themodelQMC700duetoitslargeandunrealisticincom- pclreeasrsiEboilSityd.oeTshneomtcahxaimnguemmmucahssfoorbdtiaffienreedntwmitohdheylsp.eTrnhuis- nces10-1 e-p Ξ− Ξ0 a isduetoaself-regulatingcompensationeffectbetweenthe d n softeningoftheEoSandtheonsetofthehyperonicdegree abu10-2 µ− offreedom[7,8]. Themaximummassofabout1.6M⊙pre- dicted by the relativistic approach is slightly larger than thatof1.4M⊙ foundinRef.[8]. Thedifferenceof0.2M⊙ 10-30 0.5 1 1.5 ismainly relatedtothe largerincompressibilityofthe rel- ρ[fm-3] ativistic models. It is also observed that the radii for the Hartree models are smaller than that of the Hartree-Fock Fig.2: Particulesabundancesforthevariousmodelsoftable3: ones,andthatthepredictedradiioftherelativisticmodels MC1-H/NYFG (top), MC1-H/NY (middle) and MC1-HF/NY and that of Ref. [8] are comparable. (bottom). The abundances for nucleons and hyperons are shown for various EoS in figure 2: with free hyperons (MC1- H/NY ) and with interacting hyperons (MC1-H/NY FG and MC1-HF/NY). The order of appearance of hyperons contributionto the Fock term, a correctincompressibility is different for these models and depends strongly on the and the experimental constraints for the hyperon mean- corresponding interactions. In the model MC1-H/NYF fields,wefoundadecreaseofthepredictedmaximummass withfreehyperons,theΣ− isnoninteractingandappears from2.00downto1.66M⊙. Weadditionallycheckedthat first. On the other hand, in the models MC1-H/NY and theeffectofrotationwiththeperiodof3.15ms(asforPSR MC1-HF/NY,theΣ−interactionisrepulsivewhiletheΞ− J1614-2230)doesnotincreasethemaximummassbymore interaction is attractive, therefore the latter tends to pre- than 0.02 M⊙. We therefore conclude that it is difficult vent the Σ− from appearing. In the model MC1-H/NY, to reconcile any of the model presented in this work with the Λ appears first followed closely in density by the Ξ−, the observed mass of PSR J1614-2230 and the empirical then at a larger density by the Ξ0, while for the model knowledgeofsaturationpropertiesofnuclearmatter. Un- MC1-HF/NY the Ξ− and Ξ0 appear first and push the less an unexpected property of the hyperon interaction is other hyperons to larger densities. missinginthepresentmodel,aswellasintheBHFmodels We have presented in this Letter different EoS for hy- ofRefs.[6–8,20],ourresultstendstoexcludehypernuclear peron matter derived from both chiral and QMC models. matter to be present in the core of massive neutron stars. Thesemodelsarethermodynamicallyconsistentandtreat It reinforces alternative models such as for instance the the Hartree and Fock terms on equal footing. We have model of deconfined quark matter, for which experimen- found that the different chiral parameterizations give a tal constraints are almost inexistent. We can therefore maximumneutronstarmassthatdoesnotexceed1.6M⊙ conclude thatthe equationofstate ofdense matter in the for HF models with K0 ≈ 270 MeV. Correcting the core of neutron star is still not even qualitatively under- QMC700model[10]by includingthe completerelativistic stood. p-4 On the maximum mass of hyperonic neutron stars ∗∗∗ We thank I. Vidan˜a for fruitful discussions during the completion of this work. This work was partially sup- portedby the ANR NExENandSN2NS projectANR-10- BLAN-0503contractsandCOMPSTAR,anESFResearch Networking Program. REFERENCES [1] S. M. Ransom, J. W. T. Hessels, I. H. Stairs, P. C. C. Freire, F. Camilo, V. M. Kaspi and D. L. Kaplan, Sience 307, 892 (2005). [2] P. Demorest, T. Pennucci, S. M. Ransom, M. Roberts, J. W. T. Hessels, Nature 467, 1081 (2010). [3] J. M. Lattimer and M. Prakash, To appear in Gerry Brown’s Festscrift, World Scientific (2010), arXiv:1012.3208(astro-ph). [4] J. Schafner-Bielich, M. Hanauske, H. St¨ocker, and W. Greiner, Phys. Rev.Lett. 89, 171101 (2002). [5] C. Wu,and Z. Ren, Phys.Rev.C 83, 025805 (2011). [6] M. Baldo, G. F. Burgio, and H.-J. Schulze, Phys. Rev. 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