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Spacetime & Substance 2, no. 4, 169-170 (2001) ON THE MASS OF ELEMENTARY CARRIERS OF GRAVITATIONAL INTERACTION Volodymyr Krasnoholovets Institute of Physics, National Academy of Sciences Prospect Nauky 46, UA-03028 Ky¨ıv, Ukraine http://inerton.cjb.net Abstract: Based on the theory of submicroscopic quantum mechanics recently constructed by the author the mass of elementary spatial excitations called inertons, which accompany a moving particle, is estimated herein. These 2 0 excitations are treated as carriers of both inertial and gravitationalproperties of the particle. 0 2 Key words: space, inertons, mass, gravitation n a PACS: 03.65.Bz Foundations, theory of measurement, miscellaneous theories. J 03.75.-bMatter waves. 04.60.-mQuantum gravity 9 2 1 where λ is the de Broglie wavelength of the particle, v In a series of recent papers by the author [1-4] v is its initial velocity, and c is the velocity of light. 0 1 submicroscopic quantum mechanics has been con- Accordingtotheauthor’sconcept[1-5], aparticle 3 1 structed. It easily results in the Schro¨dinger and iscreated fromadegeneratesuperparticle. Therefore 1 Dirac formalisms on the atom scale. The theory aparticleshouldbetreatedasalocalcurvatureofthe 0 has predicted the existence of peculiar spatial exci- space. The notion of the mass is associated with the 2 0 tations around a moving particle. Those excitations alteration of an initial volume of the mother super- / have been identified with a substructure of the mat- particle. Around a particle, a deformation coat, or h p terwaves andbeencalled ”inertons”. Thetheoryhas crystallite, is formed that consists of superparticles - successfully been verified experimentally, namely, it which possess mass. Beyond the crystallite super- t n has been demonstrated how inertons manifest them- particles are massless. Thus the crystallite plays the a u selves in numerous experiments [5] and, moreover, role of a screen that shields the particle from the de- q inertons have been recorded in our experiments as generate space substrate. The total mass of massive : v well [6-8]. superparticles of the crystallite is equal to the mass i X Detailed theoretical consideration [1-5]ofthemo- mv0 of the particle [4], which is found in the cen- r tion of a canonical elementary particle in the real ter of the crystallite. The size of the crystallite is a spacethatischaracterizedbyasubmicroscopicstruc- estimated by the length of the Compton wavelength ture (and the particle is an element of the space as λ˜ = h/m c. As the solid state physics teaches, v0 v0 well), allows anevaluation ofthevalueof mass of ele- the availability of the crystal structure automatically mentary excitations – inertons – of a space substrate implied the appearance of elementary vibrational ex- (i.e. quantum aether). citations in the crystallite [4]. Elementary excitations of the space substrate are Inertons should be considered as a substructure created due to collisions of a moving particle by su- of the matter waves [3-5]. In papers [1,2,4] it has perparticles – primary cells of the structure of the been noted that the kinetic energy of an emitted in- real space. The excitations were called inertons [1] erton is directly proportional to the energy of the because, in essence, they reflex inert properties of particle that the particle had had at the moment of the particle, i.e. inertons appear owing to the re- the collision with the vibrating mode of the crystal- sistance which the particle experiences at its motion lite. Both the energy of the particle and that of the on the side of the space substrate that in turns is mode decrease from collision to collision. Therefore specifiedby quantum properties. AmplitudeΛ of the the same should occur for emitted inertons: the en- particle’s inerton cloud that surrounds the moving ergy of the (i+1)th inerton is less than the energy of particle obeys the relationship [1] the ithe one. Since we assume that the initial veloc- ity of emitted inertons has an order of the velocity of Λ= λc/v (1) 0 1 light c, we should conclude that the mass of emitted substance; his model yielded evaluation ∼ 10−73 kg inertons gradually decreases as well, i.e. m < m . for the mass of carriers of the revealed interaction. i+1 i Forinstance,ifthevelocity oftheparticlev ≪ c, Starting from the field formulation of the general 0 then the inequality m >m holds in the beginning, theory of relativity Zhuk [10] obtained for his ”gravi- i cr where m is the averaged mass of the crystallite’s tons”, carriers of the gravitational interaction, mass cr superparticle. Inotherwordstheinequalityiscorrect ∼ 10−69 kg. It is interesting that this magnitude at a small value of i (we recall that i = 1,N where is approximately equal to an average value between N is the total number of collisions of the particle mentioned inerton masses m and m¯ . cr in along its half de Broglie wavelength λ/2. In this case Thus, it can be concluded based on submicro- amplitude Λ of the ith emitted inerton prevails the scopic quantum mechanics that the value of mass of i crystallite size, Λ ≫ λ˜ . carriersoftheinertial/garvitational interaction isnot i v0 However, as the index i increases, the inerton strongly fixed. Masses of inertons emitted and then massdiminishesandreachesvalueslessthanthemass absorbedbyamovingparticleisdistributedinawide of crystallite’s superparticles, m < m . In this case spectral range. Note that a similar situation occurs i cr the amplitude of the inerton has a magnitude under in thecase of theelectromagnetic radiation: thepho- the crystallite size, Λ < λ˜ . ton frequency can vary from practically zero to the i v0 The averaged mass m of a superparticle in the frequency of high-level γ-photon. cr crystallite can be estimated. For example, in the case of a nonrelativistic electron the Compton wave- length λ˜ = 2.42 × 10−10 cm. If we divide the 0 crystallite volume λ˜30 by the volume of a superpar- References ticle V ∼ (10−28)3 cm3, we will get the number of superparticles in the crystallite N ∼ 1055. in crys. [1] V. Krasnoholovets, and D. Ivanovsky, Phys. Es- Since the mass of the crystallite is taken to be the says 6, no. 4, 554-563 (1993) (also arXiv.org e- mass of the particle, we will obtain the following print archive quant-ph/9910023). value for the mass of a crystallite’s superparticle: mcr = M0electron/Nin crys. ∼ 10−85 kg. [2] V. Krasnoholovets, Phys. Essays 10, no. 3, 407- We can also evaluate the mean mass m¯in of an 416 (1997) (also quant-ph/9903077). emitted inerton. For this purpose we should divide [3] V. Krasnoholovets, Ind. J. Theor. Phys. bf 49, the total mass ∆M = (M / 1−v2/c2−M ) of the 0 q 0 0 no. 2, 81-95 (2001) (also quant-ph/9906091). emitted inerton cloud by the numberof emitted iner- tons N =λ/V1/3 (we recall that the cloud is emitted [4] V. Krasnoholovets, Ind. J. Theor. Phys. 48, no. along the first half de Broglie wavelength λ/2, then 2, 97-132 (2000) (also quant-ph/0103110). it is absorbed in the next section λ/2 of the particle path, and so on). [5] V. Krasnoholovets, Ind. J. Theor. Phys. 49, no. Setting v equals 0.01c to 0.999c, we obtain: 1, 1-32 (2001) (also quant-ph/9908042). 0 [6] V. Krasnoholovets, and V. Byckov, Ind. J. M / 1−v2/c2−M m¯ = 0 q 0 0 Theor. Phys. 48, no. 1, 1-23 (2000) (also quant- in λ/V1/3 ph/007027). = 10−57 to 10−45 kg. (2) [7] V. Krasnoholovets, see in Research Articles on In the case of inertons emitted by atoms which web siteof TheGreat Pyramidof Giza Research vibrateinasolid,m¯ fallsinthebroadrangebetween Association, http://gizapyramid.com. in values (2) and about ∼ 10−70 kg (at the extremely [8] V. Krasnoholovets, arXiv.org e-print archive low atom velocity v ∼ 1 µm/s). 0 cond-mat/0108417. Thevalueofmassofcarriersofapeculiarinterac- tion between objects was estimated also by other re- [9] N. D. Kolpakov, Spacetime & Substance 1, no. searchers. For instance, Kolpakov [9] studyingexper- 1, 35-40 (2000). imentally a nonelectromagnetic interaction between both extrasensitive participants and objects of abi- [10] N. A. Zhuk, Cosmology, Model Vselennoy Ltd., otic environment proposed a pure classical mecha- Kharkiv (2000), p. 342 (in Russian). nism of the propagation of excitations of an aether 2

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