Mon.Not.R.Astron.Soc.000,1–??(1994) Printed5February2008 (MNLaTEXstylefilev1.4) On the magnetic acceleration and collimation of astrophysical outflows ⋆ S. Bogovalov1 and K. Tsinganos2,3⋆ 1Astrophysics Institute of Moscow State Engineering Physics Institute, Moscow, 115409, Russia 2Department of Physics, Universityof Crete, GR-710 03 Heraklion, Crete, GREECE 3Foundation for Research and Technology Hellas (FORTH), GR-711 10 Heraklion, Crete, GREECE 9 Accepted 1998November 29.ReceivedSeptember 11,1998;inoriginalform1998April29 9 9 1 ABSTRACT n The axisymmetric 3-D MHD outflow of cold plasma from a magnetized and rotating a astrophysicalobjectisnumericallysimulatedwiththepurposeofinvestigatingtheout- J flow’s magnetocentrifugalaccelerationand eventualcollimation. Gravity and thermal 8 pressure are neglected while a split-monopole is used to describe the initial magnetic field configuration. It is found that the stationary final state depends critically on a 1 single parameterα expressingthe ratioof the corotatingspeedatthe Alfv´endistance v 1 to the initial flow speed along the initial monopole-like magnetic fieldlines. Several 8 angular velocity laws have been used for relativistic and nonrelativistic outflows. The 0 accelerationof the flow is most effective atthe equatorialplane and the terminal flow 1 speed depends linearly on α. Significant flow collimation is found in nonrelativistic 0 efficient magnetic rotatorscorresponding to relatively large values of α∼>1 while very 9 weak collimation occurs in inefficient magnetic rotators with smaller values of α<1. 9 Part of the flow around the rotation and magnetic axis is cylindrically collimated / h while the remaining part obtains radial asymptotics. The transverse radius of the jet p is inversely proportional to α while the density in the jet grows linearly with α. For - α∼>5 the magnitude of the flow in the jet remains below the fast MHD wave speed o everywhere. In relativistic outflows, no collimation is found in the supersonic region r t for parameters typical for radio pulsars.All above results verify the main conclusions s ofgeneraltheoreticalstudies onthe magneticaccelerationandcollimationofoutflows a : from magnetic rotators and extend previous numerical simulations to large stellar v distances. i X Key words: Key-words: MHD - plasmas - stars: mass loss, atmosphere, pulsars - r ISM: jets and outflows - galaxies: jets a 1 INTRODUCTION is also a long catalogue of jets associated with AGN and possibly supermassive black holes (Jones and Wehrle 1994, Plasma outflows from theenvironmentof stellar orgalactic Biretta1996).Toalessextend,jetsarealsoassociated with objects, in the form of collimated jets is a widespread phe- oldermasslosingstarsandplanetarynebulae,(Livio1997), nomenon in astrophysics. Themost dramatic illustration of symbiotic stars (Kafatos 1996), black hole X-ray transients suchhighlycollimatedoutflowsmaybeperhapsfoundinrel- (Mirabel & Rodriguez 1996), supersoft X-ray sources (Ka- ativelynearbyregionsofstarformation;forexample,inthe habka&Trumper1996),low- andhigh-massX-raybinaries Orion Nebulaalone theHubbleSpaceTelescope (HST) has and cataclysmic variables (Shahbaz et al 1997). Even for observed hundreds of aligned Herbig-Haro objects (O’Dell the two spectacular rings seen with the HST in SN87A, it & Wen,1994). In particular, recent HSTobservations show has been proposed that they may be inscribed by two pre- that several jets from young stars are highly collimated cessing jetsfrom anobject similar toSS433on ahourglass- within 30 - 50 AU from the source star with jet widths shapedcavitywhich hasbeencreated bynonuniform winds of the order of tens of AU, although their initial opening of the progenitor star (Burderi and King, 1995, Burrows et angle is rather large, e.g., > 60o, Ray et al (1996). There al 1995). Inthetheoretical front, themorphologies of collimated ⋆ Email:[email protected](SB);[email protected] outflows havebeen studied,to afirst approximation, in the (KT) framework of ideal stationary or time-dependent magneto- (cid:13)c 1994RAS 2 S. Bogovalov & K. Tsinganos hydrodynamics(MHD).Instationary studies,afterthepio- been constructed in Ostriker (1997). All existing cases of neering1-D(sphericallysymmetric)worksofParker(1963), self-similar, jet- or, wind-type exact MHD solutions can be Weber & Davis (1967) and Michel (1969), it was Suess unified by a systematic analytical treatment wherein the (1972) and Nerney & Suess (1975) who first modelled the availabletodayexamplesofexactsolutionsemergeasspecial 2-D(axisymmetric)interactionofmagneticfieldswithrota- cases of a general formulation while at the same time new tioninstellarwinds,byalinearisationoftheMHDequations familieswithvariousasymptoticalshapes,with(orwithout) ininverseRossbynumbers.Althoughtheirperturbationex- oscillatory behaviouremergeasabyproductofthissystem- pansionisnotuniformlyconvergentbutdivergesatinfinity, aticmethod(Vlahakis&Tsinganos,1998).Altogether,some theyfoundapolewarddeflectionofthestreamlinesoftheso- general trends on the behaviour of stationary, analytic, ax- larwindcausedbythetoroidalmagneticfield.Blandford & isymmetric MHD solutions for MHD outflows seem to be Payne(1982)subsequentlydemonstratedthatastrophysical well at hand. jets may be accelerated magnetocentrifugally from Keple- However, observations seem to indicate that jets may rianaccretion disks,ifthepoloidal fieldlinesareinclinedby inherently be variable. Thus, time-dependent simulations an angle of 60o, or less, to the disk midplane (but see also, may be useful for a detailed comparison with the observa- Contopoulos &Lovelace(1994), Shuetal, 1994, Cao, 1997, tions. Uchida & Shibata (1985) were the first to perform Meieretal1997).Thisstudyintroducedthe”beadonarigid time-dependent simulations and demonstrate that a verti- wire” picture, although these solutions are limited by the caldisk magnetic field iftwisted bytherotation of thedisk fact that they contain singularities along the system’s axis can launch bipolar plasma ejections through the torsional and also terminate at finite heights above the disk. Saku- Alfv´enwavesitgenerates.However,thismechanismapplies rai (1985) extended the Weber & Davis (1969) equatorial to fully episodic plasma ejections and no final stationary solution to all space around the star by iterating numeri- state is reached to be compared with stationary studies. callybetweentheBernoulliandtransfieldequations;thus,a Similarnumericalsimulationsofepisodicoutflowsfrom Ke- polewardsdeflectionofthepoloidal fieldlineswasfoundnot pleriandisksdrivenbytorsionalAlfv´enwavesonaninitially only in an initially radial magnetic field geometry, but also verticalmagneticfieldhavebeenpresentedbyOuyed&Pu- in a split-monopole one appropriate to disk-winds, Sakurai dritz(1997a,b).Goodsonetal(1997)haveproposedatime- (1987). The methodology of meridionally self-similar exact dependent jet launching and collimating mechanism which MHD solutions with a variable polytropic index was first produces a two-component outflow: hot, well collimated jet introduced by Low & Tsinganos (1986) and Tsinganos & around the rotation axis and a cool but slower disk-wind. Low (1989) in an effort to model the heated axisymmetric Stationary MHD jet-type outflows have been found in the solarwind.Heyvaerts&Norman(1989)haveshownanalyt- study of Romanova et al (1997), as the asymptotic state ically that the asymptotics of a particular fieldline in non of numerical simulations wherein a small initial velocity is isothermalpolytropicoutflowsisparabolicifitdoesnoten- given in the plasma in a tapered monopole-like magnetic closeanetcurrenttoinfinity;and,ifafieldlineexistswhich field.Numericalviscosityhoweverresultsinnonparallelflow does enclose a net current to infinity, then, somewhere in andmagneticfieldsinthepoloidal planeinthelimited grid the flow there exists a cylindrically collimated core. Later, space of integration. Washimi & Shibata (1993) modelled Bogovalov (1995) showed analytically that there always ex- axisymmetric thermo-centrifugal winds with a dipole mag- ists a fieldline in the outflowing part of a rotating magne- netic flux distribution B2(θ) (3cos2θ +1) on the stel- p ∝ tosphere which encloses a finite total poloidal current and lar surface (and a radial field in Washimi 1990). In this therefore the asymptotics of the outflow always contains a casethemagneticpressuredistributionvariesapproximately cylindricallycollimatedcore.Inthatconnection,ithasbeen as B2 B2sin2θ such that it has a maximum at about showninBogovalov(1992)thatthepoloidalfieldlinesarede- cos−1φ2θ∝ p 1/3, or, θ 55o. As a result, the flow and o 0 ≈ − ≈ flectedtowardsthepolaraxisforthesplitmonopolegeome- flux is directed towards the pole and the equator from the tryandrelativisticornonrelativisticspeedsoftheoutflowing midlatitudes around θ . The study was performed for uni- o plasma.Sauty&Tsinganos(1994)haveself-consistentlyde- form in latitude rotation rates and up to 60 solar radii in terminedtheshapeofthefieldlinesfromthebaseoftheout- the equatorial plane. Bogovalov (1996, 1997) modelled nu- flow to infinity for nonpolytropic cases and provided a sim- mericallytheeffectsoftheLorentzforceinacceleratingand ple criterion for the transition of their asymptotical shape collimating a cold plasma with an initially monopole-type from conical (in inefficient magnetic rotators) to cylindrical magnetic field, in a region limited also by computer time, (in efficient magnetic rotators). They have also conjectured i.e., thenear zone to thecentral spherical object. thatasayoungstarspinsdownloosingangularmomentum, Thispaperpresentsanextensionofthepreviousresults itscollimatedjet-typeoutflowbecomesgraduallyaconically to large distances from the star by using a new method for expandingwind.Nevertheless,thedegreeofthecollimation thecontinuationofthesmallsimulationboxsolutiontovery ofthesolarwindatlargeheliocentricdistancesremainsstill large distances. It also examines the efficiency of magnetic observationally unconfirmed, since spacecraft observations rotators of various strengths in transforming rotational en- still offer ambiguous evidenceon this question. Another in- ergytodirectedkineticenergyandhowawiderangeofrota- teresting property of collimated outflows has emerged from tion rates affects the poloidal geometry of a magnetic field. studies of various self-similar solutions, namely that in a Inorder toachievethese objectives, therathercomplicated largeportionofthemcylindricalcollimationisobtainedonly natureoftheproblemrequiresthatwestartbylimitingthe aftersomeoscillationsofdecayingamplitudeinthejet-width investigation to the simplest model of cold plasma flow in appear (Vlahakis & Tsinganos 1997). Radially self-similar a uniform in latitude monopole magnetic field along which models with cylindrical asymptotics for self-collimated and thereisanoutflowwithvelocityV ,astheinitialcondition. o magnetically dominated outflows from accretion disks have Thissimplificationallowsustobetterstudyandunderstand (cid:13)c 1994RAS,MNRAS000,1–?? On the magnetic acceleration and collimation of astrophysical outflows 3 the nonlinear effects of the magnetocentrifugal forces alone obtained from a monopole-like solution by a simple revers- in shaping the final stationary configuration. At the same ing of themagnetic field in one of the hemispheres. time,however,itdoesnotallowustoperformadirectcom- parison of the obtained results with observations. Clearly (2) Inconsideringtheplasmaflowatsuchlargedistances this is not the goal of the present paper since for such a it is natural to neglect gravity. Thermal pressure however comparison we need to include gravity and thermal pres- mayplayanimportantroleevenatlargedistancesfromthe sure in our computations. Such a study has been already central object (Bogovalov 1995). But in this paper we are performed in the context of the solar wind and it will be interestedtoisolatetheeffectsarisingpurelyfromthemag- presented elsewhere. neticfield.Thus,tomakeouranalysisassimpleaspossible, The paper is organised as follows. In Secs. 2 and 3, in this paper we neglect thermal pressure too. the initial configuration used together with the method for thenumericalsimulationinthenearestzoneisdiscussed.In (3) We are also interested to study themagnetocentrifu- Secs. 4 and 5 the analytical method for extending the inte- galaccelerationoftheplasma.Thisaccelerationprocesscan gration to unlimited large distances outside the near zone be studied with a monopole like magnetic field regarded as arebrieflydescribed.InSecs.6and7wediscusstheresults a first approximation to the more realistic acceleration in a in the near zone containing the critical surfaces and in the dipole-like magnetic field with open field lines. Gravity and asymptotic regime of the collimated outflow, for a uniform thermalpressurecanbeneglectedinthiscase(Michel1969). rotation. In Sec. 8 a rotation law appropriate for an accre- tiondiskisused,whileinSec.9webrieflydiscussresultsof Thepreviousclaims (i)- (iii) aretheresult ofa rathergen- a relativistic modelling. A brief summary is finally given in eral analysis. Among the main goals of the present work is thelast Section 9. toverifythesegeneralconclusionsinthecontextofthesplit monopole model and assumptions (1) - (3). 2 THE MODEL OF A ROTATOR WITH A MONOPOLE-LIKE MAGNETIC FIELD AND THE OBJECTIVES OF THIS PAPER 3 THE PROBLEM IN THE NEAREST ZONE. A general analysis of theasymptotical properties of nonrel- Toobtainastationarysolutionoftheprobleminthenearest ativistic or relativistic magnetized winds has been already zoneof thestarcontainingthecritical surfaces, it isneeded performed,e.g.,HeyvaertsandNorman(1989),Chiuehetal to solve the complete system of the time-dependent MHD (1991), Bogovalov (1995). The main conclusions from such equations and look for an asymptotic stationary state. In studies can besummarized as follows: ordertoisolatetheeffectsofthemagneticfieldindetermin- ing the shape of the streamlines, we shall neglect gravity (i) Atlargedistancesfromthecentralsourcethepoloidal and thermal pressure gradients, as discussed above. With magnetic field issimilar (although not exactly thesame) to these simplifications, the flow of the nonrelativistic plasma a split-monopole field, is described bythe set of thefamiliar MHD equations, (ii) there exist cylindrically collimated and radially ex- panding field lines, while the total electric current enclosed ψ ϕˆ by any magnetic surface is nonzero, Bp= ∇ r× ., (1) (iii) several physical quantitiesaccross thejet can beex- pressed bysimple formulas, undercertain conditions. ∂ψ ∂ψ ∂ψ = V V , (2) ∂t − r∂r − z∂z The model of an axisymmetric rotator with a monopole- like magnetic field was first used by Michel (1969) for the ∂ρ 1 ∂ ∂ investigation ofthecoldplasmaflowintheabsenseofgrav- ∂t =−r∂r(ρrVr)− ∂z(ρVz), (3) ityinaprescribed poloidal magneticfield.Laterthismodel was used by Sakurai (1985) in an attempt to solve selfcon- sistently the problem of the nonrelativistic plasma outflow ∂Bϕ = ∂ (V B V B ) ∂ (V B V B ), (4) from a stellar object. This model may be used to thestudy ∂t ∂z ϕ z− z ϕ − ∂r r ϕ− ϕ r of plasma outflow from the magnetospheres of various cos- mic objects underthefollowing conditions: ∂V V ∂ ∂V ϕ = r (rV ) V ϕ + ∂t − r ∂r ϕ − z ∂z (1) Weareinterestedintheplasmaflowatlargedistances 1 B ∂ (rB )+B ∂Bϕ , (5) whereallmagneticfieldlinesareopen.Inthiscase,thefield 4πρ(cid:16) rr∂r ϕ z ∂z (cid:17) of any axisymmetric rotator, no matter what is the nature ofthecentralobject,becomesthefieldoftheso-calledsplit- ∂V ∂V ∂V 1 ∂ monopoleinthefarzone.Inotherwords,theconditionthat z = V z V z (rB )2 should be fulfilled is that the distance to thecentral source ∂t − r ∂r − z ∂z − 8πρr2∂z ϕ − should be much larger than all the dimensions of the cen- Br ∂Br ∂Bz , (6) tral source (see also Heyvaerts & Norman 1989, Bogovalov 4πρ(cid:16) ∂z − ∂r (cid:17) 1995).Thesolutionforthesplitmonopolefieldcanbeeasily (cid:13)c 1994RAS,MNRAS000,1–?? 4 S. Bogovalov & K. Tsinganos ∂Vr = V ∂Vr V ∂Vr 1 ∂ (rB )2+ (α) The ratio of the poloidal magnetic and mass fluxes, ∂t − r ∂r − z ∂z − 8πρr2∂r ϕ cF(ψ) V2 B ∂B ∂B rϕ + 4πzρ ∂zr − ∂rz , (7) cF(ψ)= Bp . (9) (cid:16) (cid:17) 4πρV p wherewehaveusedcylindricalcoordinates(z,r,ϕ),ρisthe (β) The total angular momentum per unit mass L(ψ), density, V~ the flow field and B~ the magnetic field with a poloidal magnetic fluxdenoted by ψ(z,r). rcUϕ cFrBϕ =L(ψ). (10) − A correct solution of the problem requires a specifica- (γ) The corotation frequency Ω(ψ) in thefrozen-in condi- tion of theappropriate boundaryconditions at some spher- tion ical boundaryR=R of the integration. o 1. A constant plasma density ρo at R=Ro. cUϕBp cUpBϕ =rγBpΩ(ψ). (11) − 2.AconstanttotalplasmaspeedV inthecorotatingframe ofreferenceatR=R ,V2 +V2o +(V Ωr )2 =V2 (δ) The total energy c2W(ψ) in the equation for total en- o (r,o) (z,o) (ϕ,o)− o o ergy conservation, 3. A constant and uniform in latitude distribution of the magnetic flux function ψ=ψo at R=Ro. γc2 cF(ψ)rΩ(ψ)Bϕ =c2W(ψ). (12) 4.Finally,thecontinuityofthetangentialcomponentofthe − electricfieldacrossthestellarsurfaceinthecorotatingframe givesthelastcondition,(V(ϕ,o)−Ωro)B(p,o)−V(p,o)B(ϕ,o) = 4.2 The transfield equation in the coordinates 0. (ψ,η). We shall use dimensionless variables, Z = z/R , X = a Momentumbalanceacrossthepoloidalfieldlinesisexpressed r/R , τ = tV /R where R is the Alfv´en spherical radius a 0 a a bythetransfieldequationwhichdeterminesandtheirshape. of an initially radial, monopole-like, nonrotating magnetic This is a rather complicated nonlinear partial differential field and definethedimensionless parameter equation of mixed elliptic/hyperbolic type. For analysing ΩR α= a . (8) the behaviour of the plasma at large distances, it occured V0 to us that it is rather convenient to work with this trans- Thisparameterαcharacterizestheinfluenceofthemagnetic fieldequationinanorthogonalcurvilinearcoordinatesystem fieldandrotation ontheacceleration andcollimation ofthe (ψ,η) formed by the tangent to the poloidal magnetic field plasma. It is proportional to thetime theplasma spendsin line ηˆ=pˆand thefirst normal towards thecenterof curva- thesubAlfvenicregion ineachperiodofrotation.Notethat ture of the poloidal lines, ψˆ= ψ/ ψ (Sakurai, 1990). A ∇ |∇ | althoughthegoverningequations(1-7)donotdependonα, geometrical interval in these coordinates can be expressed the final solution does depend on α through the boundary as conditions at thebase of theintegration R=R (condition o (dr)2 =g2dψ2+g2dη2+r2dϕ2, (13) 4). ψ η As we shall see, the solution in the nearest zone will where g ,g are thecorresponding line elements or compo- ψ η relaxaftersufficienttimetoastationarystate.Thisstation- nentsof the metric tensor. ary state will be next used as the input for specifying the If Tij is the energy-momentum tensor of the plasma boundaryconditions in thesuper-fast magnetosonic region. flow (ρV~) and electromagnetic field (E~,B~) (Landau & Lif- Inthiswayweshallbeabletoobtainacompletesolutionof shitz 1975), the equation ∂Tψk/∂xk = 0 (with covariant thestationary problem, from thebaseuptolarge distances derivatives)hasthefollowingforminthecoordinates(ψ,η), downstream. ∂ B2 E2 1 ∂r B2 E2 − ρV2 ϕ− ∂ψ(cid:20) 8π (cid:21)− r∂ψ (cid:20) ϕ − 4π (cid:21)− 4 THE STATIONARY PROBLEM 1 ∂g B2 E2 Below we shall consider that the plasma may be relativis- η ρV2 p− =0. (14) tic, or nonrelativistic and as before we shall neglect gravity gη ∂ψ (cid:20) p − 4π (cid:21) and thermal pressure. By Up =γVp/c and Uϕ =γVϕ/c, we The first term in this equation is the gradient of the denotethepoloidal andazimuthal4-speedswhereVϕ isthe pressureoftheelectromagneticfield,whilethesecondisthe azimuthal and Vp the poloidal components of the velocity sum of the inertial terms due to the motion of the plasma while γ is the Lorentz factor of the plasma. In the follow- intheazimuthaldirectionandalsoduetothetensionofthe ing subsection we review the basic quantities which remain toroidal magnetic field. To better understand the physical invariant along a poloidal streamline ψ = const. and ex- meaningofthelast term,notethatsinceηˆisperpendicular press momentum balance along such a poloidal streamline. to ψˆwe have, Inthenextsubsectionweadoptanewcoordinatesystemfor 1 ∂g 1 dealing with the transfield equation expressing momentum η = , (15) g ∂ψ rR B balance across the poloidal streamlines. η c p whereR istheradiusofcurvatureofthepoloidalmagnetic c field lines, with R positive if the center of curvature is in 4.1 MHD Integrals c the domain between the line and the axis of rotation and Asiswellknown,thestationaryMHDequationsadmitfour negative in the opposite case. integrals. They are: With thisexpression, Eq.(14) becomes, (cid:13)c 1994RAS,MNRAS000,1–?? On the magnetic acceleration and collimation of astrophysical outflows 5 ∂ Bp2 + 1 ∂ r2(B2 E2) foracoldplasma.Foranonrelativisticflowwithfinitether- ∂ψ(cid:20)8π(cid:21) 8πr2∂ψ ϕ− − mal pressure and gravity thefunction Gwill havetheform (cid:2) (cid:3) G(η,ψ)= 1 ∂r Uϕ2Bp [Up−F(ψ)(1−(rΩ/c)2)Bp] =0. (16) 4πr∂ψUpF(ψ) − 4πrRcF(ψ) ∂ 1 B2+P + ∂ Φ 1 ∂r ρV2 1 B2 ∂ψ 8π ∂ψ − r∂ψ ϕ − 4π ϕ . (21) Fromthisequation,itmaybeseenthatthelast termisthe (cid:2) (cid:3) ρV2 1 B2 (cid:2) (cid:3) p − 4π p sum of the inertia of plasma and fields, connected with the (cid:2) (cid:3) motion of the plasma and Poynting flux along the poloidal The lower limit of the integration in Eq. (19) is chosen to field line and tension of thepoloidal field line. be 0 such that the coordinate η is uniquely defined. In this way η coincides with the coordinate z where the surface of constant η crosses the axis of rotation. 4.3 The transfield equation for nonrelativistic Second,themetriccoefficientg isgivenintermsofthe ψ plasmas with gravity and thermal pressure magnitudeof thepoloidal magnetic field by, included 1 g = . (22) For completeness of the picture we present briefly here ψ rB p the transfield equation for a nonrelativistic plasma flow to To obtain the expressions of r , z , r , z we may use ψ ψ η η demonstrate that our method of solution of the stationary theorthogonality condition problem in the hyperbolic region can be applied directly to this case too. The energy momentum conservation equa- rηrψ+zηzψ =0, (23) tion in thepresence of gravity in thenonrelativistic limit is and also the fact that they are related to the metric coeffi- modified as ∂Tψk/∂xk = ρ∂Φ/∂xψ, where Tψk is again the energy-momentum ten−sor, Φ = GM/R is the gravi- cients gη and gψ as follows, tational potential of the star with m−ass M and G is the g2 =r2+z2, (24) η η η gravitationalconstant.Thisequationhasthefollowingform inourcurvilinearcoordinates ifsome thermalpressure P is g2 =r2 +z2 . (25) ψ ψ ψ also included, Thus,bycombiningtheconditionoforthogonality (23) ∂ P + B2 1 ∂r ρV2 Bϕ2 and equations (24) and (25) the remaining values of rη, zη ∂ψ(cid:20) 8π(cid:21)− r∂ψ(cid:20) ϕ − 4π(cid:21)− are obtained, z g r = ψ η , (26) 1 ∂gη ρV2 Bp2 = ρ∂Φ. (17) η − gψ gη ∂ψ (cid:20) p − 4π(cid:21) − ∂ψ r g z = ψ η . (27) Allotherequations,describingtheflowofplasmaalong η g ψ field lines will be the same except the energy conservation withg calculatedbytheexpression(19).Forthenumerical equation which is modified as follows η solutionofthesystemofequations(26-27)atwostepLax- V2 δ P Wendroffmethodisusedonalatticewithadimensionequal + +Φ cF(ψ)rΩ(ψ)B =W(ψ)c2. (18) 2 δ 1 ρ − ϕ to 1000. − Equations (26 - 27) should be supplemented by appro- where δ is thepolytropic index of the plasma. priate boundary conditions on some initial surface of con- stantη.Theequationsforr ,z definingthisinitialsurface ψ ψ in cylindrical coordinates are as follows 5 THE SOLUTION IN THE FAR ZONE. ∂r B It is convenient to solve the transfield equation in the sys- = z , (28) ∂ψ rB2 p tem of the curvilinear coordinates introduced above. The unknown variables are z(η,ψ) and r(η,ψ). Therefore we ∂z B need to know the quantities g , g , r , z , r , z , where = r . (29) η ψ ψ ψ η η ∂ψ −rB2 p r =∂r/∂η, z =∂z/∂η, r =∂r/∂ψ, z =∂z/∂ψ. η η ψ ψ First, the metric coefficient g is obtained from the We need to specify on this surface the integrals η transfield equation (14), F(ψ),L(ψ),Ω(ψ)andW(ψ)astheboundaryconditionsfor the initial value problem. To specify the initial surface of ψ constantηandtheaboveintegrals,weusetheresultsofthe gη =exp( G(η,ψ)dψ), (19) solution of theproblem in thenearest zone when a station- Z ary solution is obtained for the time-dependentproblem. 0 where G(η,ψ)= 6 RESULTS IN THE NEAREST ZONE FOR UNIFORM ROTATION, Ω(ψ)=Ω O ∂ 1 (B2 E2) 1 ∂r ρV2 1 (B2 E2) ∂ψ 8π − − r∂ψ ϕ − 4π ϕ− , (20) As the star starts rotating, in the initially radial magne- (cid:2) ρV2(cid:3) 1 (B(cid:2)2 E2) (cid:3) tosphere an MHD wave propagates outwards carrying the p − 4π p− (cid:2) (cid:3) (cid:13)c 1994RAS,MNRAS000,1–?? 6 S. Bogovalov & K. Tsinganos Cold plasma: Z of fast mode surface max 14.0 12.0 10.0 α) 8.0 (max Z 6.0 4.0 2.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 α Figure 2. Maximum height Zmax of fast critical surface as a functionof α, inunits of the base radius Ra. Alfv´en surfaces along the symmetry axis increases with the Figure1.Anearzonesnapshotonthepoloidalplane(Z,r)from valueof α. the simulation showing the change of the shape of the poloidal The behaviour of the fast surface has similarities and magneticfieldlinesfrom aninitiallyuniform withlatitude radial differenceswith theshapeoftheAlfv´ensurface. First,both monopole and before astationary state isreached. Distancesare thesecritical surfaces coincideat θ=0. Aswe movemerid- given in units of the Alfv´en radius Ra and time in units of the ionally off the polar axis toward the equator on the other Alfv´en crossing time ta=Ra/Va hand,theirshapebecomesdifferent.Thisisduetothecon- tribution of the azimuthal field, since in this case of cold plasma V2 = (B2 +B2)/4πρ. Thus, for small colatitudes f p φ effect of therotation and deflecting thefieldlines polewards θ, V increases due to the contribution of B while also V f φ by theLorentz force (Fig. 1). slightlyincreasesbecauseofthemagnetocentrifugalacceler- At times sufficiently long after the shock wave has ation.However,initiallyV increasesfasterandthereforethe f reached the end boundary of the simulation (t >> 1), a fasttransitionispostponedfurtherdownstream.Atlargerθ final equilibrium state is reached (Figs. 3). In this station- however, the competing flow speed V increases faster than arystate,thepoloidalmagneticfieldandtheplasmadensity V does and the fast transition occurs closer and closer to f are increased along the axis because of the focusing of the theorigin. field lines towards thepole. The dependance of the maximum height Z of the max In Figs. (3) the distances are given in units of the ini- fastcriticalsurfaceasafunctionofαisinterestingtoo(Fig. tialAlfvenicradiusRa.ThicklinesindicateAlfv´enandfast 2).Asαincreases,Zmax increasesrapidly.Thatmeansthat critical surfaces whilethin linesthepoloidal magneticfield. for sufficiently fast rotators with α>5, Z goes toinfin- max At t = 0 the Alfv´en surface is spherical at R = 1. Dotted ity and the flow may stay sub-fast all the way to large dis- lines indicate poloidal currents. tances. This result may have some important implications Withthevelocitymaintainingtheconstantinitialvalue in the general theory of MHD winds. It clearly indicates Vo along the Z-axis, the ratio Bp/ρ remains constant along that a super-fast stationary solution may not be obtained this axis (ψ = 0). As a result, the Alfv´en speed at a for allsets of parameters. Forlarge αnosuper-fast station- given point of the Z-axis, VA = Bp/√4πρ, increases as the ary state is found and thusthe equilibrium is vulnerable to square root of the density increases there because of focus- instabilities. Such a situation may take place, for example, ing. It follows that the Alfv´en transition at RA(θ = 0) oc- in young rapidly rotating stars. Outflows from classical ac- curs further downstream where Vo(RA) = VA(RA), i.e., at cretion disks (Shakura & Sunyaev 1973) are also expected RA(θ =0)>1. As we move meridionally off the polar axis to have such large values of α, since the Alfv´en and sound toward the equator on the other hand, the bulk flow speed speeds in such disks are much smaller than their respective isincreased becauseofthemagnetocentrifugal acceleration; Keplerian speed. Thus, since V V <<V and r >r , a s K a K itthushitstheAlfv´envalueearlierthanitdoesontheaxis, we have ∼ i.e., V(θ) = V (θ), at R (θ) < R (θ = 0). Finally, on the A A A Ωr Ωr equatortheflowspeedincreasesrapidlywiththeresultthat α= a >> K 1. theflow becomes much earlier superAlfv´enic therein com- Va VK ≈ parison to the polar axis. The degree of elongation of the It follows thatoutflows from rapidly rotating stars and (cid:13)c 1994RAS,MNRAS000,1–?? On the magnetic acceleration and collimation of astrophysical outflows 7 Figure 3. Sequence of shapes of the poloidal field lines by increasing the magnetic rotator parameter α from α=0.5 (solar wind type slow magnetic rotator) to α = 4.5 (fast magnetic rotator). The initial nonrotating monopole magnetic field has a spherical Alfv´en surface located at R = 1 and all distances are given in units of the Alfv´en radius Ra with the base located at R = 0.5. Dottedlinesindicatepoloidalcurrents.ThicklinesindicateAlfv´enandfastcriticalsurfaces.Att=0theAlfv´ensurfaceisspherical atR=1. (cid:13)c 1994RAS,MNRAS000,1–?? 8 S. Bogovalov & K. Tsinganos thin classical accretion disks may rather produce jets with characteristicswhichqualitatevelydifferstronglyfromthose oflaminarjetsusuallydiscussedintheliterature.Thisresult is certainly obtained under the simplifying assumptions of the present study, and further investigations are necessary toexplorethepossibilities whichmayariseinthisregimeof outflow. Up to now all numerical simulations avoided this problem by artificially taking α 1 in order to obtain a ∼ stationarysolution(Romanovaetal1997),or,nostationary solution was obtained at all (Ouyed & Pudritz 1997, see Fig. 8 in this work). Fig. (3) then may indicate why no simulation has succeeded to produce stationary supersonic jetfromclassicalaccretiondisksuptonow(Ferreira,1997). 7 RESULTS IN THE FAR ZONE Thecharacteristicsofmagnetizedoutflowsatlargedistances from the central object have been studied by Heyvaerts & Norman(1989), Thesestudieshaveconcluded thatastationary axisymmet- rically rotating object ejecting magnetized plasma always Figure 4. For a magnetic rotator we plot the rotational losses producesajetcollimated exactlyalongtheaxisofrotation, αL per particle, as afunctionof α(solid line). For comparison, if thefollowing conditions are satisfied: thecorresponding rotationallossesforMichel’sminimumenergy solution are also plotted (dashed line). 1. The flow is nondissipative. 2. The angular velocity of rotation is nonzero everywhere (actually, if Ω = 0 on some field lines, the same conclusion remains valid). The energy losses of the magnetic rotator per particle 3. The total magnetic flux reaching infinity in any hemi- in units of V2 are o sphere of theoutflow is finite. 4. The polytropic index of theplasma δ>1. EMR = Ω2ra2 =αL. (30) Insuchanoutflowthedensityofthepoloidalelectriccurrent Vo2 Vo2 is nonzero in the region of the collimated flow. Conversely, This formula is widely used in the theory of the rotational in the region of noncollimated field lines the density of the evolutionofstars.Buttheparameterαgoesto inMichel’s poloidal electric currentsequals to zero. This condition can ∞ minimumenergysolution.Theplasmaisstronglycollimated beexpressedbytheconstancyofthequantityr2Ω(ψ)B /U , p p under this condition and therefore Michel’s solution is not which we shall call theHeyvaerts-Norman integral. valid. In this case it is important to know how strongly the effect of collimation affects those frequently used Michel’s energylosses.TheenergylossesαLperparticleontheequa- 7.1 Efficiency of the magnetic rotator torforMichel’s monopole-likesolution andourcalculations are compared in Fig. 4. IntheWeber&Davis(1967)modelofamagnetizedequato- The decceleration rate in our solution is less than in rialwindtheterminalequatorialspeedissuperfastwiththe Michel’s solution. This is due to the collimation of the fast mode surface placed at some finate distance from the plasma. The poloidal magnetic field near the equator de- star. If the initial velocity of a cold plasma is equal to zero creasesanditleadstoareductionofthedecceleration rate. onthesurfaceofthestar,thefastcriticalpointisatinfinity Itisinterestingthatinspiteof thedecrease ofthedec- and we obtain the so-called Michel’s (1969) minimum en- celeration rate theterminal velocity of theplasma near the ergysolution.Thissolution isvalidwhenthemonopole-like poloidal magnetic field is slightly disturbed by the plasma. equator increases in our solution. The terminal speed V∞ as a function of α is plotted in Fig. (5). The terminal ve- Inthiscase theasymptotic speed at infinityon theequator locity is calculated on theequator at thedimensionless dis- isV∞ =(3/2)Va,whilethetotalspecificangularmomentum tanceX=500.Forthecaseofafastmagneticrotator(Michel in thesystem in unitsofR V is, L=Ωr2/R V . Werecall that R is the radius of thae ionitial spheriacal Aalfov´en surface 1969), thedependanceof V∞ on α is, a while r is the Alfvenic radius on the equator at a given a angular velocity. An important physical quantity in mag- V∞ = 1 (Ω2Ra4Ba2)1/3 =α2/3, netized outflows is the magnetic rotator energy, EMR, the Vo Vo M˙ productofthetotalspecificangularmomentumandΩ.The basal Poynting energy defined as the ratio of the Poynting i.e., it goes like α2/3. This increase of the terminal velocity fluxdensityS perunitofmassfluxdensityρV isapproxi- ontheequatorincomparison tothatin Michel’ssolution is z z matelyequaltoE ifatthebaseoftheoutflowtheradius due to the collimation of the plasma. In the ollimated flow MR of the jet is much smaller than the Alfv´en radius and also there exist strong gradients of the toroidal magnetic field theAlfv´en numberthere is negligibly small. which additionally accelerate plasma. This means that in (cid:13)c 1994RAS,MNRAS000,1–?? On the magnetic acceleration and collimation of astrophysical outflows 9 Figure 5. The terminal velocity V∞/Vo as a function of α Figure 6.Efficiency e of the magnetic rotator as a function of (solidline).Forcomparison, thecorrespondingterminalspeedin α (solid line). For comparison, Michel’s solution has e = 1/3 Michel’sminimum energy solution isalso plotted (dashed line). (dotted line). collimated ouflows we have a more effective acceleration of C (0)2 γV theplasma by themagnetic rotator. R = (1+ s ) j, (32) j r V (0)2 Ω Theefficiencyeofthemagneticrotatorintransforming a part of the base Poynting flux to poloidal kinetic energy at withC (0)thesoundvelocityalongthejet’saxisandB (0), s p infinity is measured as the difference of the poloidal kinetic ρ(0)themagneticfieldandthedensityoftheplasmaonthe energies at infinity and at the base normalized to the total axis of the jet, respectively. It is evident that the poloidal energy E (in units of Vo2). The poloidal kinetic energy at magnetic field and the density remain practically constant infinityin Michel’s solution in units of Vo2, E∞pol is up to distances of order Rj and then decay fast like 1/r2 E Ω2r2 outside thejet’s core. E∞pol= 3 = 3V2a , Among themain goals of thepresent paper is theveri- o ficationoftheseconclusions,togetherwiththeinvestigation or, oftheprocessofjetformationandthedevelopmentofmeth- 1Ωr 2 r 2 1 r 2 1 ods for the calculation of the characteristics of the plasma E∞pol= 3 Vo ra = 3α2 ra = 3αL. in the jet. o (cid:16) o(cid:17) (cid:16) o(cid:17) In Fig. (7) the poloidal and azimuthal components of TheefficiencyeisplottedinFig.(6)foroursolutionand the magnetic field are plotted together with the magnetic (solid) and for Michel’s solution (dashed). We see that due fluxenclosedbyacylindricaldistanceX.Thepoloidalmag- tocollimation,themagneticrotatorbecomesaveryeffective netic field B (X)/B (solid line) is given in units of its ref- machine for plasma acceleration. p o erence value B , corresponding to themagnetic field at the o symmetryaxis r=0and some reference height Z =60825 o for α = 0.5 and Z = 5000 for α = 3. The asymptotic 7.2 The radius of the jet o regimeofthejetisachivedatthesedistances.Theintensity The dependence of the magnitude of the poloidal magnetic of the poloidal magnetic field drops dramatically by more fieldanddensityonthecylindricaldistancerbecomesespe- than50%withrespecttoitsvalueattheaxisX =0within ciallysimpleifweassumeforconveniencethatthefollowing a distance of the order of the collimation radius X =1/α. j additional conditions are met in the jet, namely that the The dashed curve gives the analytically predicted solution integrals W(ψ),L(ψ),F(ψ),Ω(ψ) and the terminal velocity forthepoloidal magneticfield B (X)/B , Eq.(31).Appar- p o Vj are constants and do not depend on ψ and also that ently, for small values of α there is a good agreement be- Vj Va(0),whereVa(0)istheAlfvenicvelocityontheaxis tween the calculated and analytically predicted values of ≫ ofrotation. Insuchacase, Eqs.(16) -(28) giveanapproxi- the poloidal magnetic field. For α = 3 the agreement be- mate estimate of the dependenceof themagnetic field on r tween the analytical prediction and numerical calculations (Bogovalov 1995), is worse than for α= 0.5. This is natural because the con- dition V V (0) under which the analytical prediction is Bp(r) = ρ(r) = 1 , (31) validbecjo≫mesanot sogood fulfilled for α=3asfor α=0.5. B (0) ρ(0) (1+(r/R )2) p j ThestrengthoftheazimuthalmagneticfieldB (X)/B φ o where R is the radius of thecore of the jet (dots) obtains a maximum value at the radius X . For j j (cid:13)c 1994RAS,MNRAS000,1–?? 10 S. Bogovalov & K. Tsinganos Figure 7. Variation with the dimensionless cylindrical distance X of the enclosed magnetic flux ψ(X) (dot-dashes), strength of the azimuthal magnetic field Bφ(X)/Bo (dots) and poloidal magnetic field Bp(X)/Bo (solid) for a slow magnetic rotator α = 0.5 and a fastermagnetic rotator α=3. With dashes the analytically predicted solution for the poloidal magnetic field Bp(r)/Bo isalso shown. X <X we have approximately conditions similar to those goes to itsasymptotic form, but thisis doneveryslowly, in j corresponding to a uniform current density wire and there- alogarithmicscale.Thisbehaviorcanbedemonstratedalso fore B X. On the other hand, for X > X , conditions bya simple analysis of thetransfield equation. φ j ∝ likethoseexistingoutsideofauniform currentdensitywire In a supersonic flow, the motion of every parcel of exist and therefore B X−1. plasma is controlled by theinitial conditions and theforces φ ∝ affecting the plasma. Here we are interested in the collima- tion process in the region of radially expanding field lines. 7.3 The Heyvaerts & Norman enclosed current In this region forces due to the poloidal magnetic field and the inertia of the plasma due to motion in the azimuthal The enclosed electric current by a poloidal field line ψ = directioncanbeneglectedinthetransfieldequationincom- const. is plotted in Fig. (8a) for α=3. Wemay distinguish parison to forces arising from the toroidal magnetic field. threeregimes.Closetotheaxis,0<ψ<0.1thecurrentin- ThetermsB2/8π andρV2 canbeneglectedsincetheydrop creaseswithψsincetherewehaveconditionssimilartothose p ϕ with distance r as 1/r4, while the terms corresponding to correspondingtosomeuniform currentdensitywire.Anew the azimuthal magnetic field B2 drop as 1/r2. Then, the regime appears when we are outside the collimated region ϕ transfield equation Eq. (16) is simplified as follows, wheretheenclosedcurrentreachesaplateau,0.1<ψ<0.5. We shall call this regime the Heyvaerts-Norman regime, 1 ∂ U (rB )2 p =0. (33) sincetherewehaveconditionssimilar tothoseexistingout- 8πr2∂ψ ϕ − 4πrRcF(ψ) side a uniform current density wire (XB = const.), a sit- φ uation described byHeyvaerts&Norman (1989). Finally,a It may be seen from this equation that the curvature thirddomainexistsin0.5<ψ<1whereagaintheenclosed radius of a field line of the poloidal magnetic field is de- currentincreases.Itseemsthatthiscontradictstheexpected fined by the tension of the toroidal magnetic field. Let us behaviour, but as we show below it is due to very slow de- estimate how the curvatureradius of the poloidal magnetic creaseofthispartofthecurrentandwedonotachievefinal field changes with distance assuming for simplisity that the asymptotics. poloidalmagneticfieldexpandsradiallyandhardlydepends on the polar angle θ near equator. At large distances, the frozen in condition gives for the electric current 7.4 Logarithmic collimation asymptotically r2ΩB rB = p. (34) One may use the coordinates (η,ψ) to show the dis- ϕ − Vp tribution of the electric currents, Figs. (8b). In this space, Inserting this in (33) and assuming that the dependence of ψ = 0 corresponds to the symmetry axis X = 0, ψ = 1 to B on θ is weak, we get theequator and η=0 approximately to the source surface, p while a poloidal fieldline corresponds to some vertical line 2cosθB Ω2 V ψ = const. Fig (8b) demonstrates that there is an electric p = p . (35) V2 rR Fc p c currentneartheaxis.ThentheHeyvaerts&Normanregion of constant XB is formed. And finally the region where The curvature radius of the field line is defned by the ϕ XB increases is observed. It is important that the excess equation ϕ of the electric current in this last region decreases with η. dl Butthisdecreaseoccursinalogarithmicscale.Thesolution Rc = dθ, (36) (cid:13)c 1994RAS,MNRAS000,1–??