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Preview On the m-torsion Subgroup of the Brauer Group of a Global Field

ON THE m-TORSION SUBGROUP OF THE BRAUER GROUP OF A GLOBAL FIELD WEN-CHEN CHI∗, HUNG-MIN LIAO, AND KI-SENG TAN† 7 0 0 Abstract. In this note, we give a short proof of the existence of certain abelian 2 extension over a given global field K. This result implies that for every positive n integer m, there exists an abelian extension L/K of exponent m such that the a m-torsion subgroup of Br(K) equals Br(L/K). J 2 ] T Assume that a global field K, a prime number p and a natural number n are given. N We say that a pro-p abelian extension M/K is granted if the exponent of M/K, by h. which we mean that of Gal(M/K), divides pn and for every finite place w of M the at degree [Mw : Kv], w v, also divides pn. A finite place v is said to be supported under | m M/K if for each w v, [M : K ] = pn; an archimedean place v is supported under w v | [ M/K if M is complex for every w v. The purpose of this note is to give a simple w | 1 proof of the following. v 2 Main Theorem. Suppose K, p and n are given as above. Then there exists a 5 granted extension that supports every place of K. 0 1 We should remind the reader that [KS03, KS06, Po05] put together already gave 0 7 a complete proof of the theorem. However, our proof is much simpler. Furthermore, 0 as these papers have pointed out, using the structure theorem of Brauer groups / h over global fields, one can deduce from the main theorem the following corollary t a which gives an affirmative answer to the question raised in [AS02]. Recall that the m relative Brauer group Br(L/K) is the kernel of the restriction mapBr(K) Br(L) : ([AS02]). −→ v i X Corollary. For a positive integer m, there always exists an abelian extension L/K r of exponent m such that the m-torsion subgroup of Br(K) equals the relative Brauer a group Br(L/K). We shall prove the theorem by constructing a sequence M M M 0 1 k ⊂ ⊂ ··· ⊂ ⊂ ··· ∞ of granted extensions over K and show that L = M enjoys the desired prop- Sk=0 k erty. Wewill frequently usethefact thatifanabelianextension K′/K isofexponent pn and is unramified at v then the degree [K′ : K ], w v, divides pn. Thus, in w v | ∗ The author was supported in part by the National Science Council of Taiwan, NSC95-2115- M-003-005. † The author was supported in part by the National Science Council of Taiwan, NSC95-2115-M-002-017-MY2. 1 2 CHI, LIAO,ANDTAN order to check if K′/K is granted, it is sufficient to check the local degrees at the ramified places. Consider Pic := K∗ A∗ / ∗, where A∗ is the ideles group, v runs through all places of KKand for\anK AQrcvhOimvedean plaKce v we let ∗ = K∗. For a finite place p, let [p] be the image of any prime element π OvK∗ undver the natural map K∗ A∗ Pic . The abelian group Pic isp fi∈nitelpy generated and by p → K → K K the Chabotarev density theorem we can find p ,p ,...,p outside any given finite 1 2 ℓ set of places such that [p ],[p ],...,[p ] form a set of generators of Pic . Denote 1 2 ℓ K S = p ,p ,...,p . For later usage, we choose for every idele x A∗ a global eleme{nt1f 2 K∗, wℓ}hich is unique up to ∗, such that ∈ K x ∈ OS x = y f u (0.1) x · · for some y ℓ K∗ and u ∗. ∈ Qi=1 pi ∈ QvOv Put Γ = Pic /(pnPic ) = K∗ A∗ /( ∗ (A∗ )pn). Class Field Theory −1 K K \ K QvOv · K ([AT90]) identifies Γ as the Galois group of an abelian extension, denoted as −1 M /K, which is everywhere unramified. This together with the obvious fact that −1 the exponent of Γ divides pn implies that the extension M /K is granted. −1 −1 Suppose T is a finite set of places with T S = and ∗ is an open subgroup which contains ∗ via the natural∩embed∅ding KN∗ ֒⊂ Qv∈T OKv∗. Set OS → Qv∈T v Γ( ) := K∗ ∗ /((Y ∗ ) (A∗ )pn). N \AK Ov ×N · K v∈/T This group is also of exponent dividing pn. Again, Class Field Theory identifies Γ( ) as the Galois group of an abelian extension which we denote as M( )/K. N N Lemma 0.1. Let be as above. Then we have the exact sequence N 0 → YOv∗/(N · Y(Ov∗)pn) →i Γ(N) →q Γ−1 → 0, (0.2) v∈T v∈T where i is induced from the natural map K∗ A∗ and q is the natural quotient Qv∈T v → K map. Proof. It is enough to show the injectivity of i. Suppose z¯ ker(i) is obtained from an element z ∗. Then z = f t xpn for some f K∈∗, t ∗ and ∈ Qv∈T Ov · · ∈ ∈ Qv∈/T Ov×N x A∗ . Writex = y f uas in (0.1). Then we see thatfpn f ∗. Therefore if t an∈duKaretheT-com·poxn·entsoftandu, thenz = (fpn f)xt· u∈pnOS ( ∗)pnT. HenceTz¯= 0. x · · T· T ∈ N· Qv∈T Ov (cid:3) Suppose p = 2 and ,..., , s > 0, are all the real places of K. Put R = K ∞1 ∞s j ∞j and let sgn♭ be the sign map R∗ R∗/R Z/2Z. As M /K is unramified j j → j j,+ ≃ −1 everywhere, for each j, we can choose a real place of M sitting over and use −1 j ∞ it to define the sign map sgn♭ sgn : M∗ R∗ j Z/2Z. j −1 −→ j −→ Consider U = f ∗ K∗ s sgn (f) 0 (mod 2) . Then either ∗ = U { ∈ OS ⊂ |Pj=1 j ≡ } OS or ∗ = U gU for some g. Let M′ be the composite of all M (√f), f U. OS ` −1 −1 ∈ By the Chabotarev density theorem we can find a finite place p splitting completely ON THE m-TORSION SUBGROUP OF THE BRAUER GROUP OF A GLOBAL FIELD 3 under M′ /K. Since on (M∗ )2 all the values of the map sgn := s sgn equal −1 −1 Pj=1 j 0 Z/2Z, if g exists then U (M∗ )2 ∗ (M∗ )2. In this case, Kummer’s Theory sa∈ys that M′ (√g)/M′ is ·a qu−a1draticOeSx·tens−io1n and we choose p so that it does −1 −1 not completely split under M′ (√g)/K. −1 Let sgn♭ be the map ∗ ∗/( ∗)2 Z/2Z, for (x ,x ,...,x ) ∗ s R∗ p Op → Op Op ≃ p 1 s ∈ Op×Qi=1 i define sgn♭(x ,x ,...,x ) = sgn♭(x )+ s sgn♭(x ) and put p 1 s p p Pi=1 i i s N0 = {(xp,x1,...,xs) ∈ Op∗ ×YR∗i | sgn♭(xp,x1,...,xs) ≡ 0 (mod 2)}. i=1 The extension M( )/K is unramified outside p, ,..., . Since each R∗ N0 { ∞1 ∞s} i 6⊂ , the extension is ramified at each . The map sgn♭ induces an isomorphism 0 i N∗ s R∗/ Z/2ZandfromLem∞ma 0.1we see that (since psplits completely Op×Qi=1 i N0 ≃ underM′ /K)thelocalextensionofM( )/K atpisaquadraticextension. There- −1 N0 fore M( )/K is granted and it supports every real place. We put M = M( ) if 0 0 0 N N p = 2 and K has a real place. Otherwise, put M = M . 0 −1 We set all finite places of K into a sequence q ,q ,...,q ,.... And we shall 1 2 k construct M so that it supports q . Assume that M is already constructed. If k k k−1 it supports q , then we set M = M . Otherwise, assume that the decomposition k k k−1 subgroup of Gal(M /K) at q is of order pm with m < n. We have m m +m k−1 k 1 2 ≥ where pm1 is the order of the inertia subgroup of Gal(M /K) and pm2 is the degree k−1 of the residue field extension of M /K at q . −1 k Let S = v ,...,v be a finite set of places of K such that q / S and M /K 1 1 r k 1 k−1 { } ∈ is unramified outside S q . We can assume that S is chosen so that S (S 1 k 1 ∪{ } ∩ ∪ q ) = . And denote S = S S , S = S q . Choose a prime element π at k 2 1 3 2 k q{ a}nd le∅t f K∗ be the glob∪al element cho∪se{n b}efore. Then the S -units group k π 3 ∗ is the dire∈ct product of ∗ and the infinite cyclic subgroup generated by f . OS3 OS2 π To construct M , we will need to find a finite place w outside S , which splits k 3 completely under M /K, and an open subgroup ∗, which contains ∗ via the natural embekd−d1ing K∗ ֒ K∗, such that theNquwo⊂tieOntw ∗/ is isomorpOhSic2 to Z/pnZ and contains a subg→roupwof order pn−m1 generateOdwbyNtwhe element f π (mod ). w N Lemma 0.2. If is as above, then the following hold: w N (1) The extension M( )/K is unramified outside w . w N { } (2) Every finite place q S splits completely under the extension M( )/M . 2 w −1 (3) If q q , then the de∈gree [M( ) : K ] = pn−m1. N | k Nw q qk (4) The extension is totally ramified at w with [M( ) : K ] = pn. w w w N Proof. Statements (1) and (4) are from the exact sequence (0.2), since the place w splits completely under M /K. To prove (2), let π be a prime element at q and −1 q assume that in Γ the Frobenius at q is annihilated by pµ. Then πpµ = f t xpn −1 q · · for some f K∗, t ∗ and x A∗ . This and the equation (0.1) imply that f fpn ∗∈. They∈alQsoviOmvply that∈t ,Kthe w-component of t, is contained in , · x ∈ OS2 w Nw since ∗ ( ∗)pn . Therefore in Γ( ) the Frobenius at q is also annihilated OS2 · Ow ⊂ Nw Nw by pµ. And (2) is proved. 4 CHI, LIAO,ANDTAN Let F Γ( ) be the Frobenius element at q . Using the exact sequence (0.2), r w k we deduce∈thaNt pm2F ∗/ and hence πm2 = f t xpn for some f K∗, t ∗ and x r∗∈. TOhwisNmweans pm2F equals the ·res·idue class t (mo∈d ) an∈d,QtovgOetvher with∈thAeKequation (0.1), this arlso shows that t f−1 (mwod ( ∗)Npnw). We then write π = z f u′ with z s K∗ and u′ w ≡ ∗ and uOsewit to · π · ∈ Qi=1 pi ∈ QvOv deduce that f−1 f−pn fpm2 ∗ . Again, since ∗ ( ∗)pn , we have · x · π ∈ OS2 OS2 · Ow ⊂ Nw t fpm2 (mod ). Therefore in the quotient / the order of the residue cwlas≡s t π(mod N) wequals pn−m1−m2. And this provOeswthNawt F is of order pn−m1. (cid:3) w w r N We then set M = M M( ). It is clear that the exponent of Gal(M /K) is k k−1 w k N pn. The extension M /K is unramified outside S q ,w . Lemma 0.2 implies k 1 k ∪ { } that [M : K ] = pn for p q , [M : K ] = pn and if q S , then [M : K ] = k,p qk | k w w ∈ 1 k,q q [M : K ]. Therefore M /K is granted and it supports q . k−1,q q k k To complete the proof, we need to find w and . Let us first consider the w N case where char.(K) = p. Let q be a place of M sitting over q . Then we k−1 k have ord (f ) = pm1 6 ord (f ) = pm1. Since ord (f) = 0 for all f ∗ , the q π · qk π q ∈ OS2 index ∗ (M∗ )pn : ∗ (M∗ )pn is a multiple of pn−m1. For a global element |OS2 · k−1 OS3 · k−1 | f M∗ let M ( p√n f) be the Kummer extension generated by all pnth root ∈ k−1 k−1 of f. Let K′ be the composite of all M ( p√n f), f ∗ and let K′ be the 2 k−1 ∈ OS2 3 composite of all M ( p√n f), f ∗ . Kummer’s theory tells us that the degree [K′ : K′] is a multipk−le1of pn−m1. ∈ChOooS3se an element σ Gal(K′/K′) Gal(K′/K) of 3order2 pn−m−1 and apply the Chabotarev density t∈heorem t3o ch2oo⊂se w to3be a unramified place under K′/K such that the Frobenius at w equals σ. We choose 3 w outside S and put = ( ∗)pn. It is obvious that w splits completely under M , ∗ 3 andNinw theOqwuotient ∗/ the order of f (mod ) equals pn−k−m11. OSiSn2ce⊂KN′ wcontains all the primitivOewroNotws of 1 and w splitπs complNetwely under 2 K′/K, the local ring also contains all the primitive roots of 1. This implies that ∗2/ Z/pnZ. ThOusww and satisfy all the required conditions. Ov Nw ≃ Nw Finally, we consider the case where char.(K) = p. Apply the Chabotarev density theorem and choose w to be a place outside S , splitting completely under M /K. 2 k−1 Recall that the p-part = 1+π of ∗ is the direct product of countable many O1 wOw Ow copies of Z ([We67]) and the local Leopoldt Conjecture holds ([Kis93]) in the sense p that Zp ⊗Z OS∗3 form a direct summand of O1. In other words, we have ∗ = Z Z C W O1 p ⊗OS2 × p ⊗ × where C is the infinite cyclic group generated by f and W is a direct product of π countable many copies of Z . Using these, we can easily find an open subgroup p ∗ so that ∗/ Z/pnZ, f f ∗ and f generates a subgroup Nofwor⊂deOrwpn−m1 in O∗w/Nw.≃ ∈ Nw ∀ ∈ OS′ π Ow Nw References [AS02] E. Aljadeff and J. Sonn, Relative Brauer groups and m-torsion, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 130(2002),1333-1337. [AT90] E.ArtinandJ.Tate,Class Field Theory,AdvancedBookClassics,Vol.47,Addison-Wesley Publishing Co. , Inc. , Reading, MA, 1990. [Iw86] K. Iwasawa,Local Class Field Theory, Oxford University Press, 1986. ON THE m-TORSION SUBGROUP OF THE BRAUER GROUP OF A GLOBAL FIELD 5 [Kis93] Kisilevsky, H.: Multiplicative independence in function fields. J. Number Theory 44, 352– 355 (1993) [KS03] H. Kisilevsky and J. Sonn, On the n-torsion subgroup of the Brauer group of a number field, J. Theor. Nombres Bordeaux 15(2003),199-204. [KS06] H. Kisilevsky and J. Sonn, Abelian extensions of global fields with constant local degrees, Math. Res. Letters. [Po05] C. D. Popescu, Torsion subgroups of Brauer gropus and extensions of constant local degree for global function fields, J. Number Theory 115(2005),27-44. [We67] A. Weil, Basic Number theory, Springer-Verlag,Berlin-New York, 1967. DepartmentofMathematics,NationalTaiwanNormalUniversity,88,Sec.4,Ting- Chou Road, Taipei, Taiwan 116, E-mail: [email protected] DepartmentofMathematics,NationalTaiwanNormalUniversity,88,Sec.4,Ting- Chou Road, Taipei, Taiwan 116, E-mail: [email protected] Department of Mathematics, National Taiwan University, 1, Sec.4, Roosevelt Road, Taipei, Taiwan 106, E-mail: [email protected]

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