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The Project Gutenberg EBook of An Essay on the Application of the Lunar Caustic in the Cure of Certain Wounds and Ulcers, by John Higginbottom This eBook is for the use of anyone anywhere at no cost and with almost no restrictions whatsoever. You may copy it, give it away or re-use it under the terms of the Project Gutenberg License included with this eBook or online at www.gutenberg.org Title: An Essay on the Application of the Lunar Caustic in the Cure of Certain Wounds and Ulcers Author: John Higginbottom Release Date: December 4, 2007 [EBook #23729] Language: English Character set encoding: ISO-8859-1 *** START OF THIS PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK LUNAR CAUSTIC *** Produced by Bryan Ness, Jeannie Howse and the Online Distributed Proofreading Team at http://www.pgdp.net (This book was produced from scanned images of public domain material from the Google Print project.) Transcriber's Note: Inconsistent hyphenation and archaic spelling in the original document have been preserved. Obvious typographical errors have been corrected. For a complete list, please see the end of this document. ON THE LUNAR CAUSTIC. AN ESSAY ON THE APPLICATION OF THE LUNAR CAUSTIC, IN THE CURE OF CERTAIN WOUNDS AND ULCERS. BY JOHN HIGGINBOTTOM, NOTTINGHAM, MEMBER OF THE ROYAL COLLEGE OF SURGEONS OF LONDON. LONDON: PRINTED FOR LONGMAN, REES, ORME, BROWN, AND GREEN, PATER-NOSTER ROW. 1826. T. WHEELHOUSE, PRINTER, NOTTINGHAM. TO MY BROTHER-IN-LAW, MARSHALL HALL, M.D. F.R.S.E. &c. &c. THIS LITTLE WORK IS INSCRIBED WITH GREAT AFFECTION. Nottingham, Jan. 6, 1826. PREFACE. The following pages are presented to the medical public with very humble pretensions. It is chiefly with the minor accidents or diseases that they have to do; but I shall not consider that I have laboured in vain, if I am enabled to mitigate even these little evils of human life. In these prefatory observations, however, I would suggest the question whether the caustic may not be employed with benefit even in some of the severer diseases to which the human frame is liable. Indeed I consider the investigation as only just begun, and many other uses of the lunar caustic, besides those detailed in the following pages, have suggested themselves to me. May not the caustic, for instance, be of greater efficacy, because of greater power and of quicker operation, than ordinary blisters, in some internal diseases? It is repeatedly stated hereafter, that the application of the lunar caustic is a means, in certain circumstances, of subduing external inflammation. Might it not, on this principle, be of service in the treatment of some of the internal phlegmasiæ? It may be observed, that the lunar caustic may be regarded, almost without further trial, as an effectual preventive of those cases of irritative fever which arise from local injuries, and probably of the effects of poisoned wounds in general. I would not, however, in the latter cases, fail to render "sure doubly sure" by free excision. Might not an adherent eschar be easily formed in those cases of compound fracture in which the external wound is of moderate size, so as effectually to exclude the external air and prevent cutaneous inflammation, and in more respects than one, to reduce the case to the state of a simple fracture? This object, if attained, would be important indeed, and I hope the suggestion will be submitted to the most assiduous and cautious trial. I can have no doubt that the use of the lunar caustic admits of being still further extended; and, as I intend to pursue the inquiry, I hope at some future period to publish something more worthy of the attention of the medical public. In the mean time, the plans hereafter suggested must not be adopted without that degree of care, attention, and perseverance, which are obviously necessary to render them successful. CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. PAGE ON HEALING BY ESCHAR 1 I. Of the Adherent Eschar 3 II. Of the Unadherent Eschar 14 III. On the Treatment by Eschar and Poultice 21 CHAPTER II. OF THE APPLICATION OF THESE MODES OF TREATMENT TO DIFFERENT CASES 24 I. Of Punctures, Bites, &c 24 II. Of Bruised Wounds 64 III. Of Ulcers 82 IV. Of some Anomalous cases 120 CHAPTER III. OF SOME CASES IN WHICH THE CAUSTIC IS INAPPLICABLE 130 [vii] [viii] [ix] [x] CHAPTER I. ON HEALING BY ESCHAR. Having been led, by several circumstances, to try the effects of the Lunar Caustic in the treatment of Wounds and Ulcers, and having great reason, from these trials, to think that this remedy may be used with much advantage far more extensively than has hitherto been done, I lay the results of my experience before my medical brethren. A very natural mode of healing certain wounds and ulcers, is by scabbing; but this mode of treatment is attended by many disadvantages, as will be pointed out shortly; yet it may be supposed to have suggested to me some of those trials of the treatment by eschar, which I am about to detail. I. ON THE ADHERENT ESCHAR. It appears scarcely necessary to describe the immediate and well known effects of the application of the lunar caustic to the surface of a wound or ulcer. It may, however, be shortly observed that the contact of the caustic induces, at first, a white film or eschar which, when exposed to the air, assumes in a few hours a darker colour, and at a later period, becomes black; as the eschar undergoes these changes of colour it gradually becomes harder and resembles a bit of sticking plaster; in the course of a few days, according to the size and state of the wound, the eschar becomes corrugated and begins to separate at its edges, and at length peels off altogether, leaving the surface of the sore underneath, in a healed state. In the formation of this eschar several things require particular attention. The application of the caustic should be made over the whole surface of the sore; and indeed no part requires so much attention as the edges; to make a firmer eschar the caustic should even be applied beyond the edge of the wound, upon the surrounding skin, for the eschar in drying is apt to contract a little, and in this manner may leave a space between its edges and that of the adjacent healthy skin. At the same time, much attention must be paid to the degree in which the caustic is applied. In cases of recent wounds unattended by inflammation, it may be applied freely; but when inflammation has come on, too severe an application of the caustic induces vesication of the surrounding skin, and the edges of the eschar may in this manner also be loosened and removed. If every part is touched, a slight application of the caustic is generally sufficient. The importance of avoiding all causes which might detach the edges of the eschar will be apprehended by the following interesting observation, which I have been enabled to deduce from very extensive trials of the caustic; it is, that, in every instance in which the eschar remains adherent from the first application, the wound or ulcer over which it is formed, invariably heals. Not only the cause just mentioned, but every other by which the eschar might be disturbed, must, therefore, be carefully avoided; and especially, as the eschar begins to separate from the healed edges of the sore, it should be carefully removed by a pair of scissors. To the surface of the wound the eschar supplies a complete protection and defence, and allows the healing process to go on underneath uninterruptedly and undisturbed. It renders all applications, such as plasters, totally unnecessary, as well as the repeated dressings to which recourse is usually had in such cases; and it at once removes the soreness necessarily attendant on an ulcerated surface being exposed to the open air. In many cases too, in which the patients are usually rendered incapable of following their wonted avocations, this mode of treatment saves them from an inconvenience, which is, to some, of no trifling nature. It has already been stated how important it is that the eschar should be preserved adherent. To secure this still more effectually, I have found it of great utility to protect it by a portion of gold-beater's skin. The skin surrounding the wound is simply moistened with a drop of water, and the gold-beater's skin is then to be applied over it and over the eschar, to which it soon adheres firmly, but from which it may be removed at any time, by again moistening it for a moment with water; the same bit of gold-beater's skin admits of being again and again reapplied in the same manner. The other circumstances which render the eschar unadherent will be mentioned hereafter. In the mean time the fact stated p. 6, will sufficiently establish the propriety of treating distinctly of [1] ToC [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] the adherent eschar. I now proceed to mention some other effects of the application of the caustic. The first is that, in cases in which there would be much and long continued irritability and pain, as in superficial wounds along the shin, all this suffering, and its consequences in disabling the patient, are completely avoided. A blush of inflammation forms around the eschar, but this gradually subsides without any disagreeable consequences, and the inflammation which would otherwise have been set up is entirely prevented by the due formation of the eschar. If inflammation be previously established, it is increased, at first, by the application of the caustic. But if this inflammation be not severe, and if the eschar remain adherent, all inflammation, both that induced by the application of the caustic, and that existing previously, entirely subsides. When the previous inflammation round the ulcer is considerable, however, the application of the caustic would induce vesication, and it should in such a case of course be avoided, and another mode of treatment to be described hereafter must be adopted. I would introduce in this place some observations on the comparative effects of healing by eschar and by scabbing. On the subject of scabbing I must refer my reader to the well known work of Mr. John Hunter. The advantage of healing by eschar over that by scabbing is quite decided. By comparative trials, I have found that whilst the scab is irritable and painful, and surrounded by a ring of inflammation, the adherent eschar is totally free from pain and inflammation; and that whilst the scab remains attended by inflammation and unhealed, the eschar is gradually separating, leaving the surface underneath completely healed. To these observations I may add that the success of the plan of healing by eschar is infinitely more certain as well as more speedy than that by scabbing. I shall, in conclusion, briefly recapitulate the advantages of this mode of treatment. In the first place, it will be found far more efficacious and speedy than any other; secondly, it has the great advantage of saving the patient much suffering and inconvenience; and thirdly, it renders the repeated application of dressings and ointments quite unnecessary. Its utility is extremely great, therefore, where the time of the poor, the expense of an establishment, and the labours of the medical officer, as well as the sufferings of the patient, require to be considered; and it will I imagine be found of no little advantage, in all these respects, in many cases which are incident to the soldier and sailor. II. ON THE UNADHERENT ESCHAR. The eschar is generally adherent in cases of recent injuries, and in small ulcers, when they are nearly even with the skin and attended by little inflammation. In other cases the eschar is too apt to be unadherent, and this arises from the formation of pus or of a scab underneath. If the eschar be unadherent by subjacent pus, it may be ascertained in the space of from twelve to twenty-four hours; the centre is generally observed to be raised and to yield to the pressure of a probe; sometimes the subjacent fluid has partly escaped by an opening at the side of the eschar. When a scab forms underneath the eschar, which does not happen except the fluid has been allowed to remain too long under the eschar without being evacuated, there are pain and some inflammation, the eschar does not separate, but remains long over the sore, and there is no appearance of healing. When it is ascertained that there is fluid underneath the eschar, a slight puncture is to be made by the point of a penknife, the fluid is to be gently pressed out, and the caustic is then to be applied to the orifice thus made. The same plan is to be adopted if the fluid ooze out at the edge of the eschar; it is to be fully evacuated by pressure, and the orifice is to be touched with the caustic. The healing process goes on best however when the orifice is in the centre of the eschar. After this treatment the eschar occasionally remains adherent, but more frequently the fluid requires to be evacuated repeatedly, and this should be done every twelve hours, or once a day, according to the quantity of fluid formed, taking care that the eschar be not needlessly separated by allowing the fluid to accumulate underneath. If, from accident, the eschar is separated before the sore be healed I would reapply the caustic. At length the eschar becomes adherent, and in due time begins to peel off, leaving the surface healed. In every case in which the eschar does not separate favourably, I begin to suspect the formation of a scab underneath, in which case the whole must be removed by the application of a cold poultice for two or three days; this has not only the effect of removing the eschar but of allaying any inflammation or irritation; afterwards the caustic must be reapplied as before. The gold-beater's skin is more useful as a protection to the unadherent than to the adherent eschar, as the former would be more liable to be torn off by accident than the latter. The gold- beater's skin must be removed in the manner already described, whenever the subjacent fluid is to be evacuated, and must be reapplied after touching the orifice with caustic. [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] The pain experienced on the application of the caustic is greater or less according to the sensibility and size of the wound. In small wounds it is trifling, and of short duration; it is more severe in recent wounds than in ulcers; it soon subsides in every case, and then the patient enjoys greater ease than would be experienced under any other mode of treatment. Little or no pain is caused on applying the caustic after evacuating the subjacent fluid of an unadherent eschar. Altogether the pain inflicted by the caustic is far less than is generally imagined, and forms scarcely an obstacle to its employment. It may be proper, in this place, to notice such circumstances as render the employment of the caustic improper or inefficient. It is improper to employ the caustic when the ulcer is too large to admit of the formation of a complete eschar; or when it is so situated as to render it impossible that the eschar should remain undisturbed, as between the toes, unless, indeed, the patient be confined to his bed;—or in cases attended by much inflammation, or by much œdema. I have found no kind of caustic so manageable as the lunar caustic; and this is best applied in the solid form. I have thought too, that the newly prepared lunar caustic is more apt to dissolve on being applied than that which has been longer made and more exposed to the air; the latter is therefore to be preferred. III. ON THE TREATMENT BY ESCHAR AND POULTICE. In many cases in which it is impossible to adopt either the mode of treatment by the adherent or the unadherent eschar, it is of great utility to apply the caustic first and then a cold poultice made without lard or oil: this plan is particularly useful in cases of punctured wounds attended by much pain and swelling, and in cases of recently opened abscesses. By this application the pain and swelling are much subdued and a free issue is secured for the secreted fluid; and in no case have I seen the original inflammation increased by it. It is generally necessary to repeat the application of the caustic every second or third day, or every day if the inflammation and swelling of the part be considerable, and the cold poultice may be renewed about every eight hours. At length, however, the inflammation having subsided, the attempt may be made to form an adherent eschar. I have seen many cases, in which, by this mode of treatment, much suffering and perhaps the loss of some of the smaller joints have been prevented, particularly cases of deep seated inflammation of the fingers, which, having been neglected, have issued in severe inflammation, abscess, and terrible fungous growths. In these cases it is not only necessary to apply the caustic to the surface of the sore, but in every cavity or orifice which may be formed by the disease. CHAPTER II. ON THE APPLICATION OF THESE MODES OF TREATMENT TO PARTICULAR CASES. I. OF PUNCTURES ETC. In cases of recent punctured wounds the orifice and surrounding skin should be moistened with a drop of water; the caustic should then be applied within the puncture until a little pain be felt, and then over the surrounding skin, and the eschar must be allowed to dry. In this manner it is astonishing how completely the terrible effects of a punctured wound are prevented; the eschar usually remains adherent, and the case requires no further attention. At a later period after the accident, when the caustic has been neglected, some degree of inflammation is usually present, the orifice is nearly closed with the swelling, and a little pus or fluid is formed within. A slight pressure will evacuate this fluid, the caustic may then be applied within the puncture, and over the surrounding skin, beyond the inflammation, and must be allowed to dry. In this manner we frequently succeed in forming an adherent eschar, and all inflammation subsides. Any slight vesication which may be raised around punctured wounds is not of the same consequence as when an adherent eschar is wished to be formed over a sore [19] [20] [21] [22] [23] [24] ToC [25] [26] or ulcer; one or more small punctures may be made to evacuate the fluid and the part may be allowed to dry. If there is reason to think that an abscess has actually formed under the puncture to any extent, it must be opened freely by a lancet and treated with caustic and poultice, keeping the poultice moist and cold with water. In cases of puncture where the orifice is healed and where an erysipelatous inflammation is spreading, attended with swelling, I have applied the caustic freely over and beyond the inflamed parts, and I have had the satisfaction to find that the inflammation has been arrested in its progress and has shortly subsided. This mode of treatment is particularly useful in cases of punctured and lacerated wounds from various instruments, such as needles, nails, hooks, bayonets, saws, &c. and in the bites of animals, leech-bites, stings of insects, &c. In considerable lacerations the same objection would exist to this treatment as in large ulcers. The dreadful effects of punctures from needles, scratches from bone, or other injuries received in dissection, are totally prevented by this treatment. I have for the last five years had frequent opportunities of trying it in these cases and have the most perfect confidence in its success. The advantage of these modes of treating punctured wounds will however be best explained and established by a selection of cases, to which I can add particular remarks as they may be suggested by peculiarities in the cases themselves. Case I. A.B. received a severe punctured wound by a hook of the size of a crow-quill, which pierced into the flesh between the thumb and fore-finger on the outside of the hand; scarcely a drop of blood followed, but there was immediately severe pain and tumefaction. The lunar caustic was applied without loss of time, deep within the orifice and around the edge of the wound; and the eschar was left to dry. The smarting pain induced by the caustic was severe for a time but gradually subsided. On the ensuing day, the eschar was adherent and there was little pain; but there was more swelling than usual after the prompt application of the caustic, owing to the mobility of the part. On the third day the swelling remained as before, and there was a little sense of heat. On the fourth day the swelling and heat had subsided, and the eschar remained adherent. On the succeeding day the eschar had been removed by washing the hand, and the puncture was unhealed but free from pain and irritation. The caustic was reapplied. From this time the eschar remained adherent, and at length gradually separated leaving the part perfectly well. It is quite certain that under any other mode of treatment this severe puncture would have greatly inflamed and have proved very painful and troublesome; and it is not improbable but that suppuration and much suffering might have ensued. All this is effectually and almost certainly prevented if the caustic be applied promptly, as in this case. When time has been lost, the case is very different as will appear hereafter; but even in these cases, the caustic proves an invaluable application. Case II. Mrs. Middleton, aged 40, wounded her wrist, on the ulnar side, by the hook of a door post; there was a considerable flow of blood at first, but this ceased suddenly and the arm immediately became affected with great pain and swelling. The lunar caustic was applied in half an hour after the accident. On the following day the eschar was observed to be adherent, and the patient reported that she had suffered scarcely any pain, after the smarting of the caustic had ceased. There was a slight swelling round the puncture but that of the arm had totally subsided. The caustic was applied over and beyond the swelling. On the third day all tumefaction had subsided and there was no complaint whatever. I hoped that this case would have required no further attention or remedy. But my patient contrived unfortunately to rub off the eschar about a week after its formation, and so to expose the subjacent wound unhealed; she suffered however no pain or inconvenience from it; and it was again shielded by means of a fresh eschar, which remained adherent until removed by the healing process underneath. This puncture was so severe that the arm was in a state of ecchymosis for six or eight inches [27] [28] [29] [30] [31] [32] [33] [34] upwards, and I doubt not that without the caustic, there would have been severe and long continued suffering, and perhaps painful suppurations. Case III. A female servant punctured the end of the finger by a pin; there succeeded much pain and swelling, and it appeared that the nail would separate, and the cuticle all round the finger was raised by the effusion of fluid. This fluid was evacuated and a poultice applied. On the third day the cuticle was removed, and the exposed surface was found to be ulcerated in several spots. The lunar caustic was passed slightly over the excoriated surface, which was then left exposed to dry. On the succeeding day the eschar was adherent and the pain had almost subsided. On the next day, the eschar still remained adherent, and as there was neither pain nor soreness, the patient used her finger. The eschar was at length removed by the healing process and was separated together with the nail, and the case was unattended by any further inconvenience or trouble either to the patient or myself. It is scarcely necessary to contrast the advantage of this mode of treatment with that by plasters, poultices, &c. It is at once more speedy and secure, and less cumbersome to such patients as are obliged to continue domestic avocations. Case IV. The present case is somewhat more severe than those which have been already given, and what is of great importance, the caustic was not applied immediately after the accident. William Chantry, aged 50, received a stab in the wrist with a hay-fork yesterday and applied a poultice; to-day there are great pain and swelling, and the wounded orifice is very small. I applied the lunar caustic within the puncture, and directly a cold poultice to be worn over it; the arm was kept in a sling. The next day the swelling and pain were diminished, and a little lymph flowed from the wound. I again applied the caustic and continued the poultice. Two days afterwards, the swelling and pain were nearly gone. The poultice was merely continued, the caustic not being requisite from the subsidence of the inflammation. The patient came to me again in four days more quite free from pain and swelling. The poultice was discontinued, and the caustic was then applied in order to form an adherent eschar, in which I was successful. This case illustrates many important points; 1. it shows the efficacy of the caustic with the poultice as a remedy against inflammation; 2. it presents an instance of a labouring man returning to work on the sixth or seventh day after a severe accident, even when the application of the caustic had been unfortunately delayed; 3. it points out the proper treatment, when all hope of the treatment from the first by adherent eschar is lost from such delay,—for had this been attempted in this case, suppuration would doubtless have taken place from the closed state of the puncture by the swelling;—our objects must therefore be, to open the puncture and to subdue the inflammation, and these objects are admirably attained by means of the caustic. The following case is not less instructive. Case V. Mr. Cocking's son, aged 12, received a stab in the palm of the hand from a penknife three days ago, which has been followed by much swelling and pain, the punctured orifice being nearly closed. I applied the lunar caustic as deep as possible within the puncture and directed a cold poultice to be laid over the whole hand. On the next day I found that the poultice had not been applied; there were more pain and swelling; an eschar was formed over the puncture which I removed and thus gave issue to a considerable quantity of pus; I again enjoined the application of a cold poultice kept constantly moist and cold with water. On the succeeding day, the inflammation had greatly subsided. I repeated the application of the caustic and poultice. On the fourth day the inflammation had nearly disappeared and on the fifth entirely. [35] [36] [37] [38] [39] [40] [41] In such cases the caustic unites the advantages of at once opening the puncture and of subduing the inflammation, thus preventing the formation of deep-seated abscesses. Case VI. A little boy, aged 12, received a stab by a penknife a few days ago, in the fore part of the thigh; there are now great pain and swelling, the orifice is nearly closed, and he has feverishness with headach. I applied the lunar caustic deeply in the wound, and directed a poultice and a cold lotion to be kept upon the inflamed parts; and suspecting fascial inflammation, I took away ten ounces of blood and administered purgative medicine. On the next day, the inflammation had greatly subsided; the cataplasm and lotion were continued. On the third day, there was some inflammation round the puncture which appeared to be closing; I repeated the application of the caustic within the orifice of the wound. On the fourth day the swelling was subsiding and there was no pain. The poultice and lotion were continued.—From this time there was no occasion for any remedy, and the little patient speedily recovered. Case VII. Mr. Parr, aged 30, of delicate habit, trod upon a needle which pierced the ball of the great toe; a free crucial incision was made but the needle could not be found; a poultice was applied to the wound and over the poultice a cold lotion. In the course of a week part of the needle came away. He did not rest as he was enjoined to do, and, in consequence, severe inflammation came on, and in two days time, fluctuation was perceived over the joint, opposite to the puncture; a free incision was made, and some pus was evacuated. On the following day there was a free discharge, but very considerable inflammation had taken place on the side of the ball of the toe; a free incision was made in this part, and a fresh quantity of pus was evacuated. On the succeeding day, the inflammation was somewhat abated; but on the next day, it had again become exasperated, and the openings made for the evacuation of matter were somewhat closed by the swelling. I now introduced the lunar caustic very freely into these openings, and reapplied a cold poultice and lotion. On the following day, I found that my patient had slept well for the first time since the developement of inflammation, and had suffered far less, after the smarting pain from the application of the caustic had subsided, than before; the punctured orifices were open, and the skin, which was extremely tense the day before, was become soft and flexible. From this time, I found nothing necessary but to repeat the application of the caustic about every third day to subdue inflammation and to keep the wounds open, which it always effected. The joint ever afterwards remained stiff, from which we may infer the violence of the inflammation; and when we consider what was the constitution of my patient, we cannot, I think, doubt that the caustic prevented many serious events usually consequent in such cases under the ordinary treatment. It is highly worthy of remark, that the good effects of the application of the caustic, in this case, were too immediate and distinct to be mistaken. Case VIII. This case illustrates the mode of treatment by the lunar caustic, of those terrible effects of punctured wounds which have been neglected in the beginning. B. Unwin, aged 40, washerwoman, applied to me on July the 10th, 1820, with severe inflammation and ulceration of the middle finger, arising from a puncture by a pin or needle some time before; there was much painful tumefaction, and the integuments had burst along nearly half of the length of the finger, on the ulnar side, and over the middle joint on the radial side; the probe did not however pass to the bone or into the joint. I applied the lunar caustic deep in every part, and over the whole surface, and enveloped the finger in a cold poultice covered with cold water. On the 11th she reported that she had slept well for the first time during the last fortnight; to- day there is scarcely any pain, but she complains of soreness; the swelling has greatly subsided. [42] [43] [44] [45] [46] [47] [48] [49] The caustic was again applied and the poultice and lotion continued. On the 12th there were still swelling and pain; there was considerable bleeding from the wound, so that I could not apply the caustic well. On the 13th the swelling and pain were nearly gone. I repeated the caustic which induced bleeding from the fungous flesh. On the 14th the swelling had nearly subsided; the cuticle was separating all over the finger. The lunar caustic was applied extensively over the wound and abraded parts and induced little bleeding or pain. On the 15th the fungous was nearly removed; the wound presented an appearance of slough over its surface.—The caustic was applied to the remaining fungous. On the 17th the wound was much smaller and the slough separating. The caustic and cataplasm were applied as before.—A similar report was made on the succeeding day. On the 20th the slough was separating. The caustic and cataplasm were applied.—A similar report was made on the 22d. On the 24th the slough having separated the integuments over it were flabby and loose; the caustic was applied to them. By a continuation of this plan the wound gradually contracted, and, at length, when there was no further use for the cataplasm, the eschar became adherent and the sore healed underneath. It appeared highly probable to me that, under ordinary treatment, the finger, in this case, would have been lost. I shall in this place, introduce a few observations on wounds received during dissection. It is not in my power to give any cases in illustration of the treatment of the severer accidents resulting from these wounds; for since I began the free use of the lunar caustic all the terrible effects of such wounds have been invariably prevented. I may here mention that in the years 1813 and 1819, respectively, I was myself exposed to great danger from inoculation during the examination of dead bodies. Since the latter period I have repeatedly been exposed to the same danger from inoculation, but in every instance, the danger has been completely averted by the prompt and free application of the lunar caustic. The following is the exact mode of treatment which I would adopt in such cases. In recent punctures the caustic should be applied in the manner already described in cases of simple punctured wounds. When the case has been neglected, a small tumour is usually formed underneath the skin with smart stinging pain; this tumour should be removed entirely by the lancet, and the caustic should be applied, both to the surface of the wound and over the surrounding skin, to form an adherent eschar. When the case has been still longer neglected, and inflammation of the absorbents has supervened, a free crucial incision is to be made, the caustic is to be very freely applied, and afterwards a cold poultice and lotion, the usual constitutional remedies being actively enforced. In connexion with punctured wounds I here subjoin several cases of the bites of animals. Case IX. James Joynes, aged 12, was bitten by an ass, on each side of the middle finger; the wounds were severe, and almost immediately followed by swelling and great pain. The lunar caustic was well applied within half an hour after the accident. On the succeeding day, the eschar was found to be quite adherent, and the pain and swelling had subsided. The eschar separated in about twelve days and the wounds were healed. Case X. [50] [51] [52] [53] [54] [55] [56] Mr. Worth's daughter, aged six, was thrown down by a dog and bitten severely on the face and forehead in three places; one of the wounds in the cheek was deep from the penetration of the dog's front teeth, and the parts were much bruised. The lunar caustic was well applied in half an hour after the accident to each of the wounds, and the eschar was covered with gold- beater's skin. On the next day the eschars were adherent. There was some swelling from the severity of the bruise; but the child made little complaint. On the third day, the swelling remained as before and the eschar adherent. On the fourth, the swelling had nearly disappeared.—The eschar separated in nine days from the infliction of the wound, leaving the parts healed and free from scar. Case XI. Mrs. G. was bitten by a little dog on forefinger about a fortnight ago. There is now a very irritable, inflamed, fungous sore. I removed the fungous by a pair of scissors and applied the lunar caustic to form an eschar. On the succeeding day, I found that the patient had applied a little lint before the eschar was dry, which had prevented it from remaining adherent. I reapplied the caustic and desired that the eschar might be exposed to dry. The eschar remained adherent, the inflammation subsided and the case gave no further trouble. Case XII. A servant maid was bitten by a dog in four places—severely on the forearm—three days ago. Adhesive plaster had been applied. There is a wound across the arm two inches in length and three-fourths of an inch in breadth, attended by dull pain, and swelling of the arm. I applied the caustic to form an eschar, covering it with goldbeater's skin. On the following day the eschar remained adherent round the edges, but had a puffy feel in the centre; I pierced it with a penknife and a little bloody fluid escaped, and I touched the orifice thus made with the caustic. The swelling remained as before, with a degree of soreness. On the next day the swelling had subsided. The eschar had the same character; a little fluid was again evacuated and the caustic applied to the orifice as before. This mode of treatment was pursued for nine successive days when the eschar remained adherent in every part. This patient continued her usual avocations all along. Under any other plan of treatment I think it impossible that she should not have been compelled to rest for a number of days. Adherent eschars were formed on the other three bites which were less severe, from the first application. A very irritable sore sometimes forms after the application of leeches. I knew one lady who was confined during five weeks with several sores on her foot from such a case. I have no doubt that the application of the caustic would have prevented all the inconvenience and suffering she experienced. This observation will be confirmed by the following case. Case XIII. Am old man applied leeches to the instep for inflammation occasioned by a bruise. Several very irritable sores were produced with some swelling. I applied the lunar caustic to form an eschar. On the following day, the eschars were adherent, the swelling had subsided, and he had slept well for the first time of several nights. I do not, however, think the lunar caustic would succeed in such cases if attended by great inflammation, without the previous application of a cold poultice with rest for a day or two. II. ON BRUISES. It has been already observed, p. 9, that the caustic is an invaluable remedy in cases of bruised wounds of the shin. In these, as in all other cases, the value of this remedy is greatly [57] [58] [59] [60] [61] [62] [63] [64] enhanced by an early application. In bruises on the shin I have not had a single instance in which I was not enabled to effect a cure by the adherent eschar, if application was made to me early. The difficulty of forming an adherent eschar is always increased by delay; but in these bruises along the shin there is an additional reason for this increased difficulty, arising out of the tendency observed in them, to the formation of a slough. In this place I have, indeed, to make an observation of particular interest, both in a pathological and curative point of view; it is, that the formation of this slough has always been prevented by an early application of the caustic, in the cases which have hitherto fallen under my care. This fact may probably admit of explanation in the following manner; the bruise partially destroys the organization of the part, and the subsequent inflammation completing what the injury had partially effected, a loss of vitality takes place, and the slough is formed. The early application of the caustic has already been shown to have the remarkable effect of preventing the inflammation consequent upon certain wounds, and thus the part is suffered to recover from the injury done to its organization, and its vitality is preserved. Whether this mode of explaining the fact be correct or no, the fact itself is extremely important, for the formation of a slough, which the early application of the caustic can alone prevent, renders it quite impossible to effect the formation of an adherent eschar. When the patient applies too late after the accident to prevent the formation of a slough we must still treat the case by the caustic. It is to be applied over the bruised and inflamed part. The eschar remains adherent round the part occupied by the slough and prevents or moderates the inflammation, and when the slough separates an eschar is to be formed over the exposed sore. In the neglected and severer cases of bruise attended by much inflammation, it will be found best to treat the part for a day or two by a cold poultice to give time for the inflammation to subside; otherwise the caustic might induce vesication of the skin, as I have mentioned already, p. 5, and the eschar could not be adherent. Case XIV. The first case of bruise which I shall detail was not severe, but will serve to illustrate the mode of treatment by the adherent eschar. Mr. Symons, aged 60, slipped off a chair and bruised the shin, last evening; the skin was removed to the extent of an inch in one part and a square inch in another. He applied a common poultice. During the night he had much pain, and to-day there is much inflammation round the wounds. I applied the lunar caustic over both wounds and covered the eschar with gold-beater's skin to prevent the contact of the stocking. On the following day the eschar was found to be perfect. The pain had entirely ceased. There was a little vesication round one of the wounds. I simply evacuated the fluid of the vesication and left the part exposed to dry. On the third day there was no pain or inflammation, and the eschar remained adherent. From this time no remedy was required. The eschar separated leaving the surface healed, in about a month from the occurrence of the accident. The patient suffered no sort of inconvenience nor was he confined from his labours a single day. Case XV. The following case was far more severe, but the mode of treatment was not less efficacious. Mr. Granger, aged 36, was exposed to a severe bruise by a great weight of stones which had been piled up, falling upon the outside of the leg; he was extricated from this situation with much difficulty. Besides the bruise, the skin was removed from the outside of the leg to the extent of ten or twelve inches in length, and in some parts an inch and half in breadth; and in the forepart of the ankle a deep furrow was made by the rough edge of one of the stones. I applied the caustic in about half an hour after the accident, over the whole surface of the wounds, and protected the eschar by the gold-beater's skin. The patient was directed to keep the leg cool and exposed to the air. He took no medicine. On the succeeding day the leg was a little swelled, but the patient did not complain of any acute pain but only of a sense of stiffness. An adherent and perfect eschar was found to be formed over the whole extent of the wound. There was no fever. On the third day, the swelling had abated. No further remedy. The patient was still enjoined to rest. On the fourth day the swelling was nearly gone. The eschar remained adherent. The patient [65] [66] [67] [68] [69] [70] [71] [72] walks about. From this time the patient pursued his avocation of a stone-mason; no further remedy was required; no inconvenience experienced; and the eschar separated in about a month. I think it totally impossible to have cured this wound, by any other remedy, in less than a month; during which period the patient must have suffered much pain and fever, and have been quite confined. It is also quite certain, I think, that there would have been an extensive slough, from the severity of the bruise. This was doubtless prevented by the application of the caustic. Case XVI. J. Jennings, bricklayer, aged 26, fell through the roof of a house and bruised and lacerated his shin rather severely to the extent of an inch and half in one part and in several other places in a less degree. I applied the lunar caustic to the wound immediately. On the following day the eschar was found to be adherent, and there was neither pain nor swelling. The eschars separated in nine days leaving the wounds healed. It is remarkable that the eschar remains a greater or less time over the wound according to the severity and exigency of the case. This case being less severe than the former one the eschar remained upon the wound during a much shorter period of time. Case XVII. An old man, aged 60, received a bruise upon the occiput from a fall; the skin was lacerated and removed to the extent of half-a-crown. I applied the lunar caustic soon after the accident. On the next day an adherent eschar was formed. There was neither pain nor swelling.—The eschar separated in a fortnight. Case XVIII. Mrs. C. aged 40, was detained on a journey by a bruised wound on her knee, received a fortnight before, which was healing very slowly under the usual mode of treatment. The inflammation was subsiding but the sore was extremely irritable and painful, and she was prevented from moving. From the degree of inflammation still present, I applied the lunar caustic very slightly over the sore and not over the inflamed skin; I left the eschar to dry, but was very doubtful, from the same cause, whether it would be adherent or no. On the succeeding day I found that the eschar did remain adherent and that the inflammation was diminished, and the soreness had entirely subsided after that induced by the caustic had ceased. On the next day, the lameness was gone, and there was no sort of inconvenience from the wound. My patient continued her journey on the following day, so that I do not know when the eschar separated. In regard to the inflammation attendant on these wounds, I would remark that slight inflammation is relieved by the application of the lunar caustic and does not prevent the formation of an adherent eschar; but very severe inflammation requires the application of the cold poultice and lotion over the wound, and it is necessary to watch for the period when an eschar may be attempted with the lunar caustic. This a little experience will readily teach. It is further to be particularly observed that the inflammation attendant on a recent wound is removed by the caustic, when the same degree of inflammation at a later period, and with suppuration, would be aggravated and require the cold poultice and lotion, and render the formation of an adherent eschar impossible. This fact, the result of much experience, is extremely interesting, and, I think, not easy to be explained. It is illustrated by the following case. Case XIX. Robert Hill, aged 16, received a blow yesterday from a bone which was thrown at him, upon the outer condyle of the humerus. He complains of extreme pain and there are much [73] [74] [75] [76] [77] [78] [79] [80] redness and swelling. I applied the lunar caustic and directed the part to be exposed to the cold air. On the succeeding day, I found that the eschar was quite adherent, and that the pain, redness and swelling had much subsided, although there was some stiffness of the elbow. On the third day there was still further amendment. From this time no remedy or attention was required. Case XX. It frequently occurs to surgeons to receive slight wounds upon the hands which prove very troublesome. Of this kind is the following. Mr. L.C. had an irritable and inflamed sore on the ulnar side of the third finger, occasioned by a bruise a fortnight ago. Many applications had been made during this fortnight but the sore had no disposition to heal. I applied the lunar caustic to form an adherent eschar. From this time the pain and inflammation subsided. The eschar remained firm and adherent, and in six days separated leaving the wound healed. III. ON ULCERS. From the preceding observations it would naturally be concluded that the lunar caustic would afford a remedy for the treatment of ulcers. This conclusion is perfectly just. Yet there are many circumstances which render the mode of treating ulcers by the caustic, efficacious or the contrary. In order that the treatment by eschar may be successful, there must be the following conditions in regard to the ulcer: first, the surface occupied by the ulcer must not be too extensive; secondly, it must not be exposed to much motion or friction; and thirdly, it must not be attended by a profuse discharge; for all these circumstances have a direct effect in, preventing the formation of an adherent eschar or of removing it if formed. I observe, therefore, that I have not found the mode of treatment by eschar to succeed in large ulcers of the legs. But in small ulcers, and especially in those irritable and painful little ulcers which are so apt to form about the ankle and occasionally occur near, the tendo achillis, and in which Mr. Baynton's plan is inadmissible, the caustic is invaluable; in these cases the cold poultice and lotion should precede the application of the caustic, for a few days, that the irritability and inflammation of the sore and surrounding skin may be first subdued; and after the eschar is formed, the part must be kept exposed to the air and defended from external injury, by enjoining the patient to wear trowsers and to be careful not to disturb the eschar. The plan of curing ulcers is exactly what has been described in the treatment by the unadherent eschar. For in these cases the eschar is generally unadherent at first. It is necessary therefore in all cases, except those of very small ulcers, to examine the eschar, making a small puncture or rather smooth incision in its centre, so as to evacuate the subjacent fluid if there be any, taking great care not to break down or bruise the eschar so as to leave its inferior surface at all ragged. This operation should be repeated daily until the eschar proves to be quite adherent. And if the ulcer be rather large, rest should be enjoined until the adherent eschar be fully and safely formed, and a dose of saline purgative may be interposed. It must also be particularly borne in mind, that the eschar must be constantly defended by the gold-beater's skin, which must be removed and reapplied at each examination. I have here spoken of ulcers upon the legs. But the same observations apply to ulcers on other parts of the body, and these are, in general, far more manageable than the former, a...

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