ON THE LIMITING DISTRIBUTION OF SOME NUMBERS OF CROSSINGS IN SET PARTITIONS ANISSE KASRAOUI∗ 3 1 Fakult¨at fu¨r Mathematik, Universit¨at Wien, 0 2 Nordbergstrasse 15,A-1090 Vienna,Austria n a J 8 2 Abstract. We study the asymptotic distribution of the two following combinatorial parameters: the number of arc crossings in the linear representation, cr(ℓ), and the ] numberofchordcrossingsinthecircularrepresentation,cr(c),ofarandomsetpartition. O Weprovethat,fork n/(2 logn)(resp.,k =o(√n)),thedistributionoftheparameter C cr(ℓ) (resp., cr(c)) ta≤ken over partitions of [n] := 1,2,...,n into k blocks is, after . { } h standardization, asymptotically Gaussian as n tends to infinity. We give exact and t asymptotic formulas for the variance of the distribution of the parameter cr(ℓ) from a m which we deduce that the distribution of cr(ℓ) and cr(c) taken over all partitions of [n] is concentrated around its mean. The proof of these results relies on a standard [ analysisof generatingfunctions associatedwith the parametercr(ℓ) obtainedinearlier 1 work of Stanton, Zeng and the author. We also determine the maximum values of the v parameters cr(ℓ) and cr(c). 0 4 5 6 1. Introduction and Main results . 1 0 1.1. Introduction. Take n points on a circle labeled 1,2,...,n and join them in vertex 3 disjoint simple polygons (the vertices of which are the points 1,2,...,n). The resulting 1 : configuration is the circular representation of the set partition of [n] := 1,2,...,n v { } i the blocks of which consist of the elements in the same polygons. Alternatively, take X n points labeled 1,2,...,n on a line and join them in vertex disjoint directed paths r a consisting of arcs oriented to the right drawn in the upper half-plane. Arcs are always drawn in such a way that any two arcs cross at most once. The resulting configuration is the linear representation of the set partition of [n] the blocks of which consist of the elements in the same paths. An illustration is given in Figure 1. These representations suggest two natural combinatorial parameters on set partitions: the number of pairs of crossing chords (resp., arcs) in the circular (resp., linear) representation, denoted cr(c) (resp.,cr(ℓ)). Forinstance, ifπ isthesetpartitionrepresentedinFigure1, thencr(c)(π) = 9 and cr(ℓ)(π) = 4. Throughout this paper, the set of all partitions of [n] will be denoted by Π and we let Πk denote the set of all partitions of [n] into k blocks. n n E-mail address: [email protected]. ∗ Researchsupportedbythe grantS9607-N13fromAustrianScience FoundationFWFinthe frame- work of the National Research Network “Analytic Combinatorics and Probabilistic Number theory”. 1 2 A.KASRAOUI 1 12 2 11 3 10 4 9 5 8 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 7 (a) circular representation (b) linear representation Figure 1. Representations of the partition π = 110/2379/4/5612/811 A set partition each block of which has exactly two elements is often called a complete matching and its circular representation is often called a chord diagram. There has been significant interest (e.g., see [14, 11, 3, 5] and the references there) in studying the distributionoftheparametercr(c) andcr(ℓ) incompletematchings(notethatcr(c) = cr(ℓ) on the set of matchings). Notably, a remarkable exact counting formula (often called the Touchard-Riordan formula) in terms of the ballot numbers was implicit in the work of Touchard [14] and made explicit later by Riordan [11], and Flajolet and Noy [3] proved that the distribution of the parameter cr(c) in a random chord diagram consisting of n chords is asymptotically Gaussian as n . → ∞ The enumeration of (general) set partitions by the parameter cr(ℓ) has also received considerable interest (e.g., see [1, 5, 8, 7]). This is partly due to the fact that this parameter arises in the combinatorial theory of continued fractions and of a natural q- analog of Charlier polynomials [1, 5, 7]. Moreover, there exist combinatorial parameters on set partitions which have the same distribution as the parameter cr(ℓ) over each Πk. n This is the case for the number of nestings of two arcs [8] and the major index for set partitions introduced in [2]. A classical result is that the number of noncrossing partitions (partitions π with cr(ℓ)(π) = 0, or equivalently, with cr(c)(π) = 0) of [n] is the Catalan number C = 1 2n . Consider the enumerating polynomial T (q) defined by n n+1 n n,k (cid:0) (cid:1) (1.1) T (q) = qcr(ℓ)(π). n,k π∈Πk Xn Biane [1] proved the Jacobi type continued fraction expansion 1 a[1] z2 a[2] z2 T (q)aktn = | q | q | n,k 1 (a+[0] )z − 1 (a+[1] )z − 1 (a+[2] )z −··· q q q n≥k≥0 | − | − | − X Stanton, Zeng and the author [7] obtained the expansion (see Equation 28 in [7]) ∞ (aqt)k (1.2) T (q)aktn = , n,k k (qi qi[i] t+a(1 q)[i] t) nX≥k≥0 Xk=0 i=1 − q − q Q DISTRIBUTION OF CROSSINGS IN SET PARTITIONS 3 from which they derived the remarkable formula (see Equation 32 in [7]) k [j]n T (q) = ( 1)k−j q q−kjB (q), with n,k n,k,j − [j] ! q j=1 (1.3) X k−j Bn,k,j(q) = (1−q)i q(k−j−2i+1) n qj + n . [k j i] ! i i 1 i=0 − − q (cid:18)(cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:18) − (cid:19)(cid:19) X Here, as usual, [a] ! = [1] [2] [a] with [a] = 1−qa = 1 + q + + qa−1. Another q q q··· q q 1−q ··· remarkable formula (see (1.4)) for T (q) was also recently established by Josuat-Verg`es n,k and Rubey [5]: k n−k 1 T (q) = A (q), where n,k (1 q)n−k i,j (1.4) − Xj=0 Xi=j n n n n i Ai,j(q) = ( 1)i q(j+21) − k +i k j − k +i+1 k j 1 j (cid:18)(cid:18) (cid:19)(cid:18) − (cid:19) (cid:18) (cid:19)(cid:18) − − (cid:19)(cid:19)(cid:20) (cid:21)q and, as usual, the Gaussian coefficient i is given by i = [i]q! . j q j q [j]q![i−j]q! Note that if seems extremely hard to(cid:2)g(cid:3)et a convenien(cid:2)t(cid:3)expression for the distribution of cr(ℓ) (i.e., for any j, formulas that give the numbers of partitions of [n] satisfying cr(ℓ)(π) = j) from the above formulas. Furthermore, except for the formula for the number of noncrossing partitions, it seems that nothing else is known about the “exact” enumeration of set partitions by the parameter cr(c). In such a situation, it is customary to look for asymptotic approximations (see e.g. [12, Chapter 4] for an accurate study of the blocks of a random set partition or more recently [9] for the study of records). A first step was taken in [6] where the author has obtained exact and asymptotic formulas for theaveragevaluesoftheparameterscr(ℓ) andcr(c) inarandomsetpartition. Thepresent paper is mainly devoted to providing further properties of the asymptotic behavior of these parameters. Our approach is straightforward (although sometimes tedious): most of the results presented in this paper are derived from the generating functions (1.2)- (1.3) by using standard methods of analytic combinatorics. We will also determine the maximum values of the parameter cr(ℓ) and cr(c) on Π and Πk. n n Before stating our results we need to set up some notation. We let X and X (resp., n n,k Y and Y ) denote the random variables equal to the value of cr(ℓ) (resp., cr(c)) taken, n n,k respectively, over Π and Π endowed with the uniform probability distribution, i.e., n n,k for any nonnegative integer t, # π Π : cr(ℓ)(π) = t n Pr(X = t) = { ∈ }, n B n # π Πk : cr(ℓ)(π) = t Pr(X = t) = { ∈ n }, n,k S n,k withsimilar statements forY andY . Here B , then-thBell number, isthecardinality n n,k n of Π , and S , the (n,k)-th Stirling number of the second kind, is the cardinality n n,k of Πk. As usual, the mean and the variance of a random variable Z will be denoted by n 4 A.KASRAOUI d p E(Z) and Var(Z), and we use (resp., ) for convergence in distribution (resp., −→ −→ in probability). We recall that a sequence of random variables (Z ) is said to be n n≥1 d asymptotically Gaussian if (Z E(Z ))/ Var(Z ) (0,1) as n , where n n n − −→ N → ∞ (0,1) is the standard normal distribution. In the rest of this paper, we take as granted N p the elementary asymptotic calculus with usual Landau notations. 1.2. Main results. Let us first recall the closed form expressions for E(X ) and n,k E(Y ) recently obtained by the author. n,k Theorem 1.1. (Kasraoui [6]) For all integers n k 1, we have ≥ ≥ 1 5 3 S n,k−1 (1.5) E(X ) = n(k 1) k(k 1)+ (n+1 k) , n,k 2 − − 4 − 2 − S n,k 1 1 S n S n−1,k−1 n−2,k−2 (1.6) E(Y ) = n(k 1) n(4n 5k +1) 10 n,k 2 − − 2 − S − 2 S n,k (cid:18) (cid:19) n,k n S n−4,k−2 + . 4 S (cid:18) (cid:19) n,k Using the well-known summation formula S = 1 k ( 1)j k (k j)n, it is easy n,k k! j=0 − j − to see that P (cid:0) (cid:1) kn (1.7) S = (1+o(1)) as n uniformly for k n/(2 logn). n,k k! → ∞ ≤ Inserting (1.7) in Theorem 1.1, we immediately obtain the following result. Corollary 1.2. For 1 k n/(2 logn) and as n , we have ≤ ≤ → ∞ k 1 5 (1.8) E(X ) = − n k(k 1)+o(1), n,k 2 − 4 − k 1 (1.9) E(Y ) = − n+o(1). n,k 2 The above result was explicitly stated for fixed integers k in [6]. We now present our first non-trivial result which provides a useful expression for the variance of X . Its n,k proof is given in Section 2. Theorem 1.3. For all integers n k 1, the variance of X satisfies n,k ≥ ≥ 1 1 Var(X ) = (k2 1)n k(k 1)(2k +5) n,k 12 − − 72 − 1 S + 15n2 +(56k 43)n 2(k 1)(14k 1) n,k−1 12 − − − − − S n,k (cid:0) (cid:1) 2 1 S 9 S + (n k +2)(27n 27k+1) n,k−2 (n+1 k)2 n,k−1 . 12 − − S − 4 − S n,k (cid:18) n,k (cid:19) The above theorem will be essentially derived by means of standard but very tedious computations and manipulations of the generating function expansion (1.2). Combining the previous theorem with (1.7), we arrive at the following result. DISTRIBUTION OF CROSSINGS IN SET PARTITIONS 5 Corollary 1.4. For 1 k n/(2 logn) and as n , we have ≤ ≤ → ∞ k2 1 1 (1.10) Var(X ) = − n k(k 1)(2k+5)+o(1). n,k 12 − 72 − The two following theorems are probably the most interesting results of the present paper. InSection3, using expression (1.3)andCurtiss’ theoremforsequences ofmoment generating functions, we prove a central limit law for the random variable X . n,k Theorem 1.5. For 2 k n/(2 logn), the distribution of X is asymptotically n,k ≤ ≤ Gaussian as n . → ∞ Let us mention that it seems that the asymptotic distribution of X for other types n,k of interesting ranges for k (for instance, k an with 0 < a < 1) can be analyzed with ∼ a similar method. However, the asymptotic analysis of the moment generating function of X (see Section 3) seems much more difficult for k an than for k n/(2 logn). n,k ∼ ≤ This explains why, in this paper, we have limited our study to the latter range. We now turn our attention to the random variable Y . In contrast to the param- n,k eter cr(ℓ), we have no convenient expression for the distribution of cr(c). Nonetheless, exploiting the combinatorial “closeness” of the parameters cr(c) andcr(ℓ) (see Lemma 5.1 for a precise statement) and the results on the distribution of X expounded above, we n,k have managed to obtain interesting (but, necessarily, weaker) results on the asymptotic distribution of Y . The following result is demonstrated in Section 5.1. n,k Theorem 1.6. For k = o(√n) and as n , → ∞ (i) the variance of the distribution of Y satisfies n,k k2 1 (1.11) Var(Y ) = − n+O(k3√n), n,k 12 (ii) the distribution of Y is asymptotically Gaussian. n,k ItseemsmoredifficulttodealwiththeasymptoticdistributionofX andY . Actually, n n numerical evidence (see Figure 2) naturally lead to the following conjecture. Conjecture 1.7. The distributions of X and Y are asymptotically Gaussian. n n We have not been able to prove this conjecture. We can, however, show that the distributions of X and Y are concentrated around their mean. We first recall the n n approximation of E(X ) and E(Y ) recently obtained by the author. n n Theorem 1.8. (Kasraoui [6]) As n , the means E(X ) and E(Y ) are both equal n n → ∞ to n2 loglogn 1+ (1+o(1)) . 2logn logn (cid:18) (cid:19) In Section 4, we deduce from the expression (1.5) for E(X ) and the formula of n,k Var(X ) in Theorem 1.3 a useful expression for Var(X ) from which we will obtain the n,k n following fairly good asymptotic approximation of Var(X ). n 6 A.KASRAOUI 0.25 0.2 0.15 0.1 0.05 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 Figure 2. Plotsofthedistributionsofcr(ℓ) onΠ forn = 10,...,30. The n horizontal axis is normalized (by a factor of 1/a with a = 1 n−1 ) and n n 3 2 rescaled to 1, so that the curves display Pr Xn = x , for x = (cid:4) (cid:0) (cid:1)(cid:5) an 0,1/a ,2/a ,... (cid:16) (cid:17) n n Theorem 1.9. The variance of X satisfies, as n , n → ∞ n3 loglogn (1.12) Var(X ) = 1+2 (1+o(1)) . n 3(logn)2 logn (cid:18) (cid:19) Althoughtheproximityoftheparameterscr(c) andcr(ℓ) leadustobelievethatVar(Y ) n and Var(X ) are asymptotically equivalent, we are currently unable to obtain a satis- n factory approximation of Var(Y ). In Section 5.2, we derive only the following bound n (which seems to be far from sharp but is sufficient for our purpose) by exploiting the closeness of cr(c) to cr(ℓ). Theorem 1.10. The variance of Y satisfies, as n , n → ∞ n4 (1.13) Var(Y ) = O . n (logn)4 (cid:18) (cid:19) Combining Theorem 1.8 with equations (1.12)–(1.13), we see that Var(X )/E(X ) 0 and Var(Y )/E(Y ) 0 as n . This leads immediately n n n n → → → ∞ (by Chebyshev’s inequality) to the following result. p p Corollary 1.11. As n , the distributions of X and Y are concentrated around n n their mean, i.e., Xn →p 1∞and Yn p 1. E(Xn) −→ E(Yn) −→ Last but not least, in Section 6, we find maximum values of the parameters cr(ℓ) and cr(c) on Π and Πk. This answers a question of P. Nadeau [10] which is important n n DISTRIBUTION OF CROSSINGS IN SET PARTITIONS 7 for the comprehension of the distribution of the parameters cr(ℓ) and cr(c). The answer is, in full generality, far from obvious. Note that it is easy to see that for each n k 1, ≥ ≥ there is a partition π in Π such that cr(ℓ)(π) = cr(c)(π) = 0 (there are in fact N(n,k) n,k such partitions where N(n,k) is a Narayana number). Theorem 1.12. Let M(ℓ) (resp., M(c)) denote the maximum value of cr(ℓ)(π) (resp., n,k n,k cr(c)(π)) taken over all π Πk. Then, we have ∈ n (1) (a) if 1 k n , M(ℓ) = (k 1)n 3 k , ≤ ≤ 2 n,k − − 2 (b) if n k n, M(ℓ) = n−k ; 2 ≤ (cid:4)≤ (cid:5) n,k 2 (cid:0) (cid:1) (2) (a) if k n, M(c) = 2 k n + 2 r = (k 1)n r(k r), where r is the (cid:6) ≤(cid:7) 3 n,k 2 (cid:0)k (cid:1) 2 − − − remainder in the division of n by k, (cid:0) (cid:1)(cid:4) (cid:5) (cid:0) (cid:1) a (b) if n k < n or n k n 6, M(c) = 6 ⌊2⌋ + 2 a χ(a 1 (mod 2)) 3 ≤ 2 2 ≤ ≤ − n,k 2 ⌊2⌋ ≡ where we set a = n k, − (cid:0) (cid:1) (c) if k n 5 and k n, M(c) = n−k . ≥ − ≥ 2 n,k 2 (cid:0) (cid:1) The proof of the above result is far from trivial and relies on a tedious discrete op- timization. It is also worth noting that the first part of Theorem 1.12 could be also derived by computing the degree of T (q) in q thanks to the expressions (1.3) or (1.4), n,k (c) but this method is inefficient for determining M . n,k In conjunction with the above result, it is not difficult to determine the global maxi- (ℓ) (c) mas of the functions k M and k M defined on [n]. This yields the following 7→ n,k 7→ n,k result. Theorem 1.13. Let M(ℓ) (resp., M(c)) denote the maximum value of cr(ℓ)(π) (resp., n n cr(c)(π)) taken over all π Π . Then, we have n ∈ (1) if n 1, M(ℓ) = 1 n−1 , ≥ n 3 2 (2) (a) if n 5 and n 0 (mod 3), M(c) = 2 n−1 , ≥ (cid:4) (cid:0)≡ (cid:1)(cid:5) n 3 2 (b) if n 5 and n 1,2 (mod 3), M(c) = 2 n−2 . ≥ ≡ n (cid:4) (cid:0)3 (cid:1)2(cid:5) (cid:4) (cid:0) (cid:1)(cid:5) 2. The variance of X : proof of Theorem 1.3 n,k Our proof of Theorem 1.3 essentially relies on the generating function expansion (1.2). Recall that a useful property of the probability generating function G(q) of a non- negative integer valued random variable Z is that its m-th derivative at q = 1 gives the m-th factorial moment of Z. By definition, the probability generating function of X is p (q) = T (q)/S , where T (q) is defined in (1.1). Consequently, we have n,k n,k n,k n,k n,k E X (X 1) = T′′ (1)/S , whence n,k n,k − n,k n,k T′′ (1) (2(cid:0).1) (cid:1) Var(X ) = n,k +E(X ) E(X )2. n,k n,k n,k S − n,k To find a “convenient” expression for Var(X ), we just have to find a formula for n,k T′′ (1) since (1.5) already provides a formula for E(X ). We will “extract” a formula n,k n,k for T′′ (1) from (1.2) by a routine but unpleasant computation. n,k 8 A.KASRAOUI Proposition 2.1. For all integers n k 1, we have ≥ ≥ T′′ (1) (k 1)2 k 1 k(k 1) n,k = − n2 − (15k2 16k +5)n+ − (225k2 229k S 4 − 12 − 144 − n,k 1 +170)+ (18k 33)n2 (63k2 137k+79)n+(k 1)(45k2 73k 12 − − − − − +20) Sn,k−1(cid:0)+ 1 27n2 (54k 55)n+(k 2)(27k 1) Sn,k−2. S 12 − − − − S n,k n,k (cid:1) (cid:0) (cid:1) Inserting Proposition 2.1 and (1.5) in (2.1) gives Theorem 1.3. So, to complete the proof of Theorem 1.3, it suffices to verify Proposition 2.1. Proof of Proposition 2.1 By (1.2), the ordinary generating function of the T′′ (1)’s n,k satisfies (2.2) T′′ (1)aktn = (at)kF′′(1), n,k k n≥k≥0 k≥0 X X where F (q) = k f (q) with k i=1 i q (2.3) Q f (q) = f (q;a,t) = . i i qi qi[i] t+a(1 q)[i] t q q − − Using Leibnitz’s rule for the derivative of a product, we get 2 k f′(1) k f′′(1) f′(1) 2 (2.4) F′′(1) = F (1) i + i i . k k f (1) f (1) − f (1) i=1 i ! i=1 i (cid:18) i (cid:19) ! X X Moreover, usingexpression(2.3)forf (q), afteraroutinecomputationfollowedbypartial i fraction decompositions, we arrive at f′(1) 3i 1 3t+2at 1+t 2at (2.5) i = − + − − , f (1) − 2 − 2t 2t( 1+it) i − f′′(1) f′(1) 2 (2.6) i i f (1) − f (1) i (cid:18) i (cid:19) i2 i(1+9t+12at) 5+36at 17t2 +12a2t2 = + + − −12 6t 12t2 4 3t+24at t2 6at2 +12a2t2 1 2t+4at+t2 4at2 +4a2t2 + − − − + − − . 6t2( 1+it) 4t2( 1+it)2 − − For k 0, define power series U (t) and V (t) by k k ≥ k k 1 1 (2.7) U (t) := and V (t) := , k 1 it k (1 it)2 i=1 − i=1 − X X and set G (t) := tkF (1). By specializing (2.3) at q = 1, we have k k k tk (2.8) G (t) = tk f (1) = = S tn, k i k (1 it) n,k Yi=1 i=1 − Xn≥0 where the last equality is a well-known poQwer series expansion. DISTRIBUTION OF CROSSINGS IN SET PARTITIONS 9 Combining (2.4) with (2.5)–(2.8), it is easy (but unpleasant except if we use a com- puter algebra system) to show that tkF′′(1) = G (t) p (a,t)+q (a,t)U (t)+r (a,t) (U (t))2 +s (a,t)V (t) , k k k k k k k k k where p (a,t), q (a,t),(cid:0)r (a,t) and s (a,t) are polynomials in C[a,a−1,t,t−1] gi(cid:1)ven by k k k k k p (a,t) = 98+183k 166k2 +81k3 +144a2(1+k)+72a 2 k +3k2 k 144 − − − k((cid:0)1 8k +9k2 +12a(3+k)) k(5+3k) (cid:0) (cid:1)(cid:1) + − + , 12t 12t2 1 (2.9) q (a,t) = 2 9k +9k2 24a2(1+k)+6a 2+5k 3k2 k 12 − − − 2(cid:0)+5k 3k2 8a(2+k) 4 3(cid:0)k (cid:1)(cid:1) + − − + − − , 4t 6t2 1 1+2a 1 r (a,t) = s (a,t) = a+a2 + − + . k k 4 − 2t 4t2 In conjunction with (2.2), this implies that T′′ (1) = [aktn] akG (t)p (a,t)+[aktn] akG (t)U (t)q (a,t) n,k k k k k k k≥0 k≥0 (2.10) X X +[aktn] akG (t) (U (t))2 +V (t) r (a,t). k k k k k≥0 X (cid:0) (cid:1) Here, as usual, [aitj]W(a,t) is for the coefficient of aitj in the power series expansion of W(a,t). Lemma 2.2. We have the formal power series expansions C (a,t) := akG (t) = S aktn, 1 k n,k k≥0 n,k≥0 X X C (a,t) := akG (t)U (t) = nS aktn, 2 k k n,k k≥0 n,k≥0 X X C (a,t) := akG (t) (U (t))2 +V (t) = n(n+1)S aktn, 3 k k k n,k k≥0 n,k≥0 X (cid:0) (cid:1) X where U (t), V (t) and G (t) are defined in (2.7) and (2.8). k k k Proof. The first expansion is immediate from (2.8). If we derive twice each side of (2.8), we obtain the power series expansions 1 1 G′(t) = G (t)U (t) = nS tn, k t k k t n,k n≥0 X 1 1 G′′(t) = G (t) (U (t))2 +V (t) 2U (t) = n(n 1)S tn, k t2 k k k − k t2 − n,k n≥0 (cid:0) (cid:1) X from which it is straightforward to deduce the expansions of C (a,t) and C (a,t). (cid:3) 2 3 10 A.KASRAOUI It is now a routine matter to derive a formula for T′′ (1) (which involves only poly- n,k nomials in n and k and Stirling numbers) from (2.10). Indeed, after routine coefficient extractions in (2.10) based on Lemma 2.2, it is easy to obtain T′′ (1) = (k 1)(k 2)S 2(k 1)nS +n(n+1)S n,k − − n,k−2− − n,k−2 n,k−2 1 1 + (k 1)(3k2 7k +6)S (k 3)(3k 2)nS n,k−1 n,k−1 2 − − − 2 − − 1 n(n+1)S + k(k 1)(81k2 85k +98)S n,k−1 n,k − 144 − − 1 1 + (3k 1)(3k 2)nS + n(n+1)S +(k +1)(k +2)S n,k n,k n+1,k−1 12 − − 4 2(k +1)(n+1)S +(n+1)(n+2)S n+1,k−1 n+1,k−1 − 1 1 + k(9k2 8k +1)S (3k +1)(k 2)(n+1)S n+1,k n+1,k 12 − − 4 − 1 1 (n+1)(n+2)S + k(3k +5)S n+1,k n+2,k − 2 12 1 1 (3k +4)(n+2)S + (n+2)(n+3)S . n+2,k n+2,k − 6 4 By replacing in the latter equation each occurrence of the left hand sides of the three following identities S = S +kS , S = S +(k 1)S , n+1,k n,k−1 n,k n+1,k−1 n,k−2 n,k−1 − S = S +(2k 1)S +k2S , n+2,k n,k−2 n,k−1 n,k − (cid:3) by the corresponding right hand sides, we arrive at Proposition 2.1. 3. Limiting distribution of X n,k This section is devoted to proving Theorem 1.5. For simplicity, throughout this sec- tion, all asymptotic are meant for 2 k n/(2 logn) and n unless otherwise ≤ ≤ → ∞ stated and we denote µ = E(X ) and σ 2 = Var(X ). n,k n,k n,k n,k Let M˜ (t) (resp., P˜ (q)) be the moment (resp., probability) generating function n,k n,k of the random variable X˜ = (X µ )/σ . Then, we have M˜ (t) = P˜ (et), n,k n,k n,k n,k n,k n,k − whence µ T (exp(t/σ )) (3.1) M˜ (t) = exp n,kt n,k n,k , n,k −σ S (cid:18) n,k (cid:19) n,k where T (q) is defined in (1.1). Using expression (1.3) and only elementary asymptotic n,k analysis, we shall prove that M˜ (t) converges pointwise on R to the function g(t) := n,k exp(t2/2). By a celebrated theorem of Curtiss (see e.g. Theorem 2.7 in [12]), this will imply that X˜ d (0,1), as stated in Theorem 1.5. n,k −→ N Lemma 3.1. Let t R and u := exp(t/σ ). Then, for 2 k n/(2 logn) and as n,k ∈ ≤ ≤ n , we have → ∞ [k] n (3.2) T (u) = u−k2 u (1+o(1)). n,k [k] ! u