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On the limit distribution of the normality measure of random binary sequences Christoph Aistleitner ∗ 3 1 0 Abstract 2 n We prove the existence of a limit distribution for the normalized normality measure a (EN)/√N (as N ) for random binary sequences EN, by this means confirming a J Nconjecture ofAlon,K→oh∞ayakawa,Mauduit, MoreiraandRo¨dl. The keypointofthe proof 8 is to approximate the distribution of the normality measure by the exiting probabilities 2 of a multidimensional Wiener process from a certain polytope. ] O 1 Introduction and statement of results C . h In a series of papers starting in 1997, Mauduit and Sa´rk¨ozy [11] introduced and studied t a several measures of pseudorandomness for finite binary sequences. In the present paper m we will mainly be concerned with the normality measure (E ); however, for comparison N [ N the connection between our new results in the present paper and earlier results for other 1 pseudorandomnessmeasureswillbedescribedinSection 2below. Letafinitebinarysequence v E = (e ,...,e ) 1,1 N be given. For k N, M N and X 1,1 k, set 4 N 1 N ∈ {− } ∈ ∈ ∈ {− } 5 4 T(EN,M,X) =# n: 0 n < M, and (en+1,...,en+k) = X . { ≤ } 6 1. Thus T(EN,M,X) counts the number of occurrences of the pattern X among the firstM+k 0 elements of E . The normality measure (E ) is defined as N N 3 N 1 M : (E )= max max max T(E ,M,X) , (1) v N N k X M N − 2k i (cid:12) (cid:12) X (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) ar where the maxima are taken over k ≤ log2N, X(cid:12)∈ {−1,1}k, 1 ≤ M(cid:12)≤ N +1−k. Alon, Kohayakawa, Mauduit, Moreira and Ro¨dl studied the minimal [2] and typical [3] values of (E ). Concerning the minimal possible value of (E ), they proved N N N N 1 ε log N min (E ) 3N1/3(logN)2/3 (2) (cid:18)2 − (cid:19) 2 ≤ EN∈{−1,1}NN N ≤ ∗ Department of Applied Mathematics, School of Mathematics and Statistics, University of New South Wales, Sydney NSW 2052, Australia. e-mail: [email protected]. Research supported by a Schr¨odinger scholarship of theAustrian Research Foundation (FWF). MSC 2010: Primary Classification: 68R15, Secondary Classification: 11K45, 60C05, 60F05 keywords: randomsequence,pseudorandomsequence,normalitymeasure,discrepancy,limitdistribution 1 for sufficiently large N. There is a relatively large gap between the lower and upper bound in (2), but apparently no further progress has been made since the publication of [2] in 2006. Thus the questions asking for the minimal possible order of (E ) remains unsolved. For N N constructions of sequences having small normality measure, see also [13]. Concerning the typical value of (E ), Alon et al. showed (improving earlier results of N N Cassaigne, Mauduit and Sa´rk¨ozy [6]) that choosing E randomly from 1,1 N, for any N {− } ε > 0 there exist δ ,δ > 0 (depending on ε) such that 1 2 δ √N < (E )< δ √N (3) 1 N 2 N with probability at least 1 ε for sufficiently large N. The lower bound is optimal, since for − any δ > 0 liminf P (E ) < δ√N > 0. (4) N N N →∞ (cid:16) (cid:17) Summarized, the normality measure of a random binary sequence is typically of order √N. At the end of [3], Alon et al. pose the problem of investigating the existence of a limit distribution of (E ) N N (5) √N for random E as N , and write that it is “most likely” that such a limit distribution N → ∞ exists. The purpose of the present paper is to confirm their conjecture, and show that a limit distribution of (5) in fact exists. Theorem 1. The exists a probability distribution function F such that for random E the N distribution of (E )/√N converges to F as N . More precisely, for E having N N N → ∞ uniform distribution in 1,1 N for N 1, we have for any t R that {− } ≥ ∈ (E ) lim P N N t = F(t). N √N ≤ →∞ (cid:18) (cid:19) The function F(t) is continuous for all t R. ∈ 2 Comparison with other pseudorandomness measures Two other measures of pseudorandomness, introduced by Mauduit and Sa´rk¨ozy, are the well- distribution measure W(E ) and the correlation measure C (E ). For M N, a Z and N k N ∈ ∈ b N set ∈ U(E ,M,a,b) = e : 1 j M, 1 a+jb N for all j . N a+jb ≤ ≤ ≤ ≤ X(cid:8) (cid:9) The well-distribution measure W(E ) is then defined as N W(E ):= max U(E ,M,a,b) , where 1 a+b and a+Mb N , N N {| | ≤ ≤ } hence measuring the maximal discrepancy of E along an arithmetic progression. This well- N distribution measure can be seen as a special case of a combinatorial discrepancy measure (cf. [10, Chapter 4]), but can also be directly modified into a generalization of the concept of discrepancy in the context of uniform distribution modulo one in analytic number the- ory (see [5]). 2 For k N, M N and D = (d ,...,d ) Nk with 0 d < < d < N we define 1 k 1 k ∈ ∈ ∈ ≤ ··· V(E ,M,D) = e ...e : 1 n M, n+d N . N { n+d1 n+dk ≤ ≤ k ≤ } X Thus V(E ,M,D) measures the correlation among k segments of E , which are relatively N N positioned according to D. The correlation measure of order k, which is denoted by C (E ), k N is defined as C (E ) = max V(E ,M,D) : M,D satisfy M +d N . k N N k {| | ≤ } Note that contrary to the normality measure (E ) and the well-distribution measure N N W(E ), which only depend on the sequence E , the correlation measure C (E ) depends N N k N on an additional parameter k. In [3] several results concerning the typical asymptotic order of the well-distribution measure and the correlation measure are proved. For random E , for any ε > 0 and sufficiently large N N the correlation measure satisfies 2 N 7 N N log C (E ) N log k N 5s k ≤ ≤ 4s k (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:18) (cid:19) with probability at least 1 ε, for all 2 k N/4. Furthermore, for any function k(N) − ≤ ≤ ≤ logN loglogN with probability at least 1 ε we have − − C (E ) k N 1 ε < < 1+ε, − E(C ) k for sufficiently large N. In other words, the correlation measure is concentrated around its mean if k is “small”; consequently, the limit distribution is in this case the Dirac measure centered at E(C ). For recent results on the correlation measure, particularly concerning its k dependence on the parameter k, see [4, 8, 9]. For the well-distribution measure, in [3] the following results are proved: for random E , for N any ε> 0 there exist δ ,δ > 0 such that 1 2 δ √N < W(E ) <δ √N 1 N 2 with probability at least 1 ε, for N sufficiently large. The lower bound is optimal, since for − any δ > 0 liminf P W(E ) < δ√N > 0; N N →∞ (cid:16) (cid:17) notethatthesetworesultsforthewell-distributionmeasurearesimilartothoseforthenormal- ity measure in (3) and (4). For other recent results concerning the well-distribution measure, see e.g. [12, 14, 16]. The existence of a limit distribution of the normalized well-distribution measure W (E )/√N of a random sequence was conjectured in [3], and confirmed in [1]. N N In [1] I wrote “The case of the normality measure (E ) seems to be much more difficult” N N 3 andthisisreallythecase. Theproblemismainlycausedbythefactthatpatternscanoverlap, and the independence of the occurrences of the single digits (a digit meaning here one of the numbers 1 and 1) is not sufficient to deduce independence of the occurrences of (possibly − overlapping) patterns of multiple digits; for example, the pattern 11 appears in the block of digits 111 twice, and if in a block of three random digits e e e the first two digits are 11 1 2 3 there is an increased probability that the pattern 11 will also appear in the last two digits (namely, the probability is 1/2, while it should be 1/4 in the independent case). Weovercome theproblembycuttingtheindexset 1,...,N intoblocksoflengthd(forlarge { } d) and initially considering only the appearances of patterns entirely contained within one of these blocks of digits. The occurrence of a certain block B (out of 2d possible block) can be interpreted as the action of a random walk on a 2d-dimensional lattice (moving one step into the direction associated with this specific block); the probabilities of the normality measure exceedingacertain valuearethenasymptotically equaltotheprobabilitiesof acorresponding Wiener process (the limit process of the normalized random walk) leaving a certain polytope. Furthermore, we use decorrelation methods to show that the impact of the occurrences of patterns not entirely contained within a block of length d is small (for d sufficiently large). 3 Auxiliary results Lemma 1 (Maximal Bernstein inequality; seee.g. [7, Lemma2.2]). For a sequence ξ ,...,ξ 1 N ofindependent, identicallydistributed (i.i.d.) random variables havingmean zeroandvariance σ2, and satisfying ξ 1, we have for t 0 n | |≤ ≥ M P max ξ > t 2e t2/(2Nσ2+2t/3) n − 1 M N(cid:12) (cid:12) ! ≤ ≤ ≤ (cid:12)nX=1 (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) The following lemma is a special ca(cid:12)se of th(cid:12)e multidimensional version of Donsker’s theorem; (cid:12) (cid:12) see e.g. [15, Theorem 4.3.5]. Lemma 2. Let (ξ ) be a sequence of bounded, i.i.d., d-dimensional random vectors having n n 1 ≥ expectation zero and covariance matrix Σ. For s [0,1], set ∈ Ns 1 ⌈ ⌉ Y (s)= ξ . N n √N n=1 X Then Y Z, N ⇒ where Z is a d-dimensional Wiener process with mean zero and covariance matrix Σ, and denotes weak convergence in the d-dimensional Skorokhod space D([0,1]d). Z satisfies the ⇒ equation Z = BC, where B is a d-dimensional standard Wiener process (standard Brownian motion) and C is a d d matrix for which CTC = Σ holds. × Remark: The use of deep probabilistic results such as Donsker’s theorem could be avoided by replacing the continuous parameter s [0,1] by taking s from a discrete, equidistant ∈ grid s ,...,s , which corresponds to approximating the normality measure by a variant 0 R { } for which only the values s N,...,s N are allowed for M. Then we could prove Theorem 1 0 R using the classical multidimensional central limit theorem for i.i.d. random vectors, and choosing R “large”. However, the proof is much shorter and clearer using Donsker’s theorem. 4 4 Idea of the proof and preliminaries For the rest of this paper, we assume that (e ) are i.i.d. random variables, each taking n n 1 ≥ a value from 1,1 equiprobably. We write E = (e ,...,e ). We will split the proof of N 1 N {− } Theorem 1 into several parts. The main idea of the proof is to show that the value of the normality measure is with large probability almost equal to a restricted normality measure N (d) considering only those occurrences of an pattern X for which the index set is entirely N contained in a set of the form md+ 1,...,(m + 1)d for some m. For each m the block { } (e ,...,e ) is a random element of 1,1 d, and of course for different values of m md+1 (m+1)d {− } these blocks are independent. To each possible block B 1,1 d of d digits we will assign a vector of the standard (Carte- ∈{− } sian) base of R2d, and interpret the occurrence of a specific block B as a step forward of a random walk in the direction of the assigned coordinate (subtracting the expected value, that is the average of all possible movements, in each step). By Donsker’s theorem this random walk (appropriately normalized) converges weakly to a Wiener process. The probability of this restricted normality measure exceeding a certain value then converges to the exiting probability of the limiting Wiener process from a certain polytope. This may sound surprising, but in fact is quite natural if one reflects on when the normality measure exceeds a certain value: the restricted normality measure (d)(E ) is larger than t if for N N some possible pattern X the sum (over B 1,1 d) of the number of occurrences of B ∈ {− } multiplied with the number of occurrences of X within B is greater than t. This sum of products can be written as a scalar product of the position of the random walk, multiplied witha“weight” vector (countingthenumberofoccurrencesofX withinB foreach possible B), and the event of this scalar product exceeding a certain value t equals the event of the random walk exiting the space between two hyperplanes (depending on t). Taking the maximum over all possiblevalues of X in the definition of the normality measurecorresponds to taking the exiting probabilities of the random walk from the intersection of all possible hyperplanes associated to some X (which in our case in fact produces a proper polytope). Let d 1 be given, and for m 0 set ≥ ≥ ∆ = md+1,...,(m+1)d . m { } Modifying the definition of (E ) in (1), we definea restricted normality measure (d)(E ) N N N N by setting T(d)(E ,M,X) N = # n : 0 n < M, (n mod d) 0,...,d k , and (e ,...,e )= X n+1 n+k { ≤ ∈ { − } } and M +k 1 d k+1 (d)(E )= max max max T(d)(E ,M,X) − − , (6) N N k X M N − d 2k (cid:12) (cid:18) (cid:19)(cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) where the maxima are taken over k (cid:12) d, X 1,1 k, 1 M N + 1 k(cid:12) and M + (cid:12)≤ ∈ {− } ≤ ≤ − (cid:12) k 1 0 mod d. That means that for (d)(E ) we consider only patterns X of length at N − ≡ N most d, and only those occurrences (e ,...,e ) of such patterns for which the index set n+1 n+k n+1,...,n+k is entirely contained in a set ∆ for some m 0 (that means, the index set m { } ≥ 5 n+1,...,n+k does not overstep any integer multiple of d). The additional assumption { } M+k 1 0 mod dmeans thatwe only considersets of indices 1,...,M+k whichendat − ≡ { } an integer multiple of d, and can therefore be written as a union of sets ∆ ; considering only m values M of this form accounts for an additional possible error of at most d in comparison with a normality measure defined without this additional restriction. Notethatthenumberofpossibleindexsets n+1,...,n+k satisfyingn< M forM+k 1 0 { } − ≡ mod d, which do not overstep any integer multiple of d, is precisely (M +k 1)(d k+1)/d − − (which accounts for the very last term in line (6)). In contrast, the number of such index sets which do overstep an integer multiple of d is M+k 1 1 (k 1) (which accounts for the d− − − very last term in line (7) below). Naturally, (cid:0) (cid:1) (M +k 1)(d k+1) M +k 1 − − + − 1 (k 1) = M. d d − − (cid:18) (cid:19) Furthermore, we set T¯(d)(E ,M,X) N = # n : 0 n <M, (n mod d) d k+1,...,d 1 , and (e ,...,e )= X . n+1 n+k { ≤ ∈ { − − } } Thus T¯(d)(E ,M,X) counts the number of occurrences of a pattern X for which the index N set is not entirely contained in ∆ for some m; clearly this means that m T(E ,M,X) = T(d)(E ,M,X)+T¯(d)(E ,M,X). N N N Consequently, (E ) is bounded above by N N M +k 1 k 1 max (d)(E )+d+max max max T¯(d)(E ,M,X) − 1 − , (7) N N k d X M N − d − 2k (cid:26) ≤ (cid:12) (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:12) (cid:12) M (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) max max max T(E ,M,X) , (8) d<k log N X M N (cid:12) − 2k (cid:12) ≤ 2 (cid:12) (cid:12)(cid:27) (cid:12) (cid:12) where in each line the maxima(cid:12)(cid:12)are taken over X (cid:12)(cid:12) 1,1 k and 1 M N +1 k, respec- ∈ {− } ≤ ≤ − tively, and in the last maximum in line (7) we have the additional restriction M +k 1 0 − ≡ mod d. Here, to compare (d) with , the additional term d in line (7) comes from the N N restriction M +k 1 0 mod d in the definition of (d)(E ), and the last term in line (7) N − ≡ N adds the contribution of the occurrences of a pattern for which the index set is not entirely contained in ∆ for some m. The term in line (8) accounts for the possible contribution m of patterns which consist of more than d digits. As we will see the contribution of the last term in (7) and of the term in (8) is with large probability very small, provided d is chosen sufficiently large. On the other hand, (E ) is bounded below by N N M +k 1 k 1 (d)(E ) max max max T¯(d)(E ,M,X) − 1 − , (9) N N − k d X M N − d − 2k ≤ (cid:12) (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) wherethesecondandthethirdmaximu(cid:12)(cid:12)maretakenoverX 1,1 k and1 M (cid:12)(cid:12) N+1 k, ∈ {− } ≤ ≤ − respectively. 6 Let denote the set 1,1 d of all blocks of d digits, and let denote the set of all possible B {− } X patterns of at most d digits, that is all patterns X 1,1 k. Furthermore, for any ∈ k d{− } B and X , let w denote the number of occurr≤ences of the pattern X within the X,B ∈ B ∈ X S block B, that is w = T(B,d k+1,X). X,B − In the sequel, we will use the symbol “” for the scalar product of two vectors, and for the · product of a scalar and a vector. We will generally write vectors in bold font. We enumerate the 2d elements of by b ,...,b , and let β ,...,β denote the Cartesian B 1 2d 1 2d base vectors of R2d. Furthermore, writing 1 for the d-dimensional vector (1,...,1), we set 2d 1 X = 1 (e ,...,e ) β 1. (10) m  bu md+1 (m+1)d · u− 2d · u=1 X   Here1 (e ,...,e )istheindicatorfunctionofb ,meaning1 (e ,...,e ) = bu md+1 (m+1)d u bu md+1 (m+1)d 1 if (e ,...,e )= b , and 1 (e ,...,e ) = 0 otherwise. Then X is a ran- md+1 (m+1)d u bu md+1 (m+1)d m dom vector for m 0, and X = β 2 d 1 if and only if (e ,...,e ) = b . The ≥ m u − − · md+1 (m+1)d u random vectors X , m 1, are independent, identically distributed, and have expectation m ≥ zero. For any X we set w = (w ,...,w ) R2d, and for t 0 define a polytope P(t) as ∈ X X X,b1 X,bu ∈ ≥ P(t) = y R2d : w y t . X ∈ | · | ≤ X\∈Xn o Note that P(t) is defined as the intersection of finitely many half-spaces; however, it is in fact a proper polytope, since for all ℓ we have b , and, since w = 1 if and only if ℓ = u, ℓ ∈ X bℓ,bu 2d w = w β = β . bℓ bℓ,bu u ℓ u=1 X Consequently the absolute value of the ℓ-th coordinate of any element y P(t) is boundedby t, for ℓ 1,...,2d . In other words, P(t) is contained in the 2d-dimen∈sional cube [ t,t]2d. ∈ { } − Furthermore, P(t) is nonempty if t > 0. 5 Main lemmas Lemma 3 below is the key ingredient in the proof, showing that the probability of the nor- malized restricted normality measure (d)(E )/√N exceeding the value t converges to the N N exiting probabilities of an appropriate Wiener process from the polytope P(t). The following Lemmas 4 and 5 state that the error made by approximating the normality measure by N the restricted normality measure (d) is “small”, provided d is “large”. N 7 Lemma 3. Let Σ be the covariance matrix of the random variables X in (10). Then for m any t R, ∈ (d)(E ) Z(s) lim P N N t = P P(t) for all s [0,1] , N √N ≤ ! √d ∈ ∈ →∞ (cid:18) (cid:19) where Z is a d-dimensional Wiener process with mean zero and covariance matrix Σ. Lemma 4. For any d 4 and N N (d) 0 ≥ ≥ P max max max T¯(d)(E ,M,X) N k d X 1,1 k 1 M N+1 k, ≤ ∈{− } M+≤k 1≤ 0 m−odd(cid:12) − ≡ (cid:12)  M +k 1 (cid:12)k 1 6√N√logd 1 − 1 − < . −(cid:18) d − (cid:19) 2k (cid:12) ≥ √d ! d2−1 (cid:12) (cid:12) Lemma 5. For any d 4 and N N (d) (cid:12) 0 ≥ ≥ M 16√N 1 P max max max T(E ,M,X) < . d<k≤log2N X∈{−1,1}k 1≤M≤N+1−k(cid:12) N − 2k(cid:12) ≥ d ! d2d (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) Proof of Lemma 3: The main part of the pr(cid:12)oof of Lemma 3 is (cid:12)to identify the probabilities P N(d)(EN) > t as the exiting probabilities of the random walk √N (cid:16) (cid:17) Ns/d m⌈ =1 ⌉Xm, s [0,1], √N ∈ P from the polytope P(t). The convergence is then an immediate consequence of Donsker’s theorem in Lemma 2. By the restriction on the values of M in the definition of (d)(E ), we can assume that N N N is an integer multiple of d, which means that N = Rd for some R. Now (d)(E ) > t√N (11) N N if and only if there exists an pattern X of k d digits and an M N +1 k satisfying ∈ X ≤ ≤ − M +k 1 0 mod d such that − ≡ 1 (M +k 1)(d k+1) T(d)(E ,M,X) − − > t√N, N − 2k d (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) which happens if an(cid:12)d only if (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (M+k 1)/d (cid:12) − 1 (M +k 1)(d k+1)(cid:12) (cid:12) 1 (e ,...,e ) w − − (cid:12) > t√N. (12) (cid:12)(cid:12) bu (m−1)d+1 md X,bu−2k d (cid:12)(cid:12) (cid:12) mX=1 (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12) =P(mM=+1k−1)/d(Xm+2−d·1)·wX  (cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12) (cid:12)| {z } (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) 8 Some simple combinatorics shows that 2d w = w 1 = 2d k(d k+1), X,bu X · − − u=1 X and thus (12) is equivalent to (M+k 1)/d m=1 − Xm ·wX > t, (cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:16)P √N (cid:17) (cid:12)(cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) which furthermore is equivalent to sN/d X w m=1 m · X max > t. 1≤s≤R(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:16)P √N (cid:17) (cid:12)(cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) Thus (11) is equivalent to sN/d X 1 R m=1 m P(t) for some s ,..., , √N 6∈ ∈ R R P (cid:26) (cid:27) and consequently also equivalent to sN/d ⌈m=1 ⌉Xm P(t) for some s [0,1], √N 6∈ ∈ P By Donsker’s theorem this implies that Z(s) lim P (d)(E )> t√N = P P(t) for some s [0,1] , N N N √d 6∈ ∈ →∞ (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:18) (cid:19) which proves the lemma. (cid:3) Proof of Lemma 4: We can again assume that N is divisible by d. Clearly, M +k 1 k 1 6√N√logd P max max max T¯(E ,M,X) − 1 − k≤d X∈{−1,1}k M (cid:12) N −(cid:18) d − (cid:19) 2k (cid:12)≥ √d ! (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) M +k 1 k 1 (cid:12) 6√N√logd P max T¯(cid:12)(E ,M,X) − 1 − (cid:12) , (13) ≤Xk≤d X∈{X−1,1}k M (cid:12)(cid:12) N −(cid:18) d − (cid:19) 2k (cid:12)(cid:12)≥ √d ! (cid:12) (cid:12) whereinbothlinesthelast(cid:12)maximumistaken over 1 M N+1 (cid:12)k, M+k 1 0 mod d. ≤ ≤ − − ≡ Let k d and X 1,1 k be fixed. We introduce the notation ≤ ∈ {− } T¯(d)(E ,M,X) = # n 0 n < M, n r mod d, and (e ,...,e )= X . (14) r N { : ≤ ≡ n+1 n+k } Then d 1 − T¯(d)(E ,M,X) = T¯(d)(E ,M,X), N r N r=d k+1 X− 9 and consequently 1 (M +k 1)(k 1) 6√N√logd P max T¯(E ,M,X) − −  1 M N+1 k, N − 2k d ≥ √d  M+≤k−1≤≡0 m−odd(cid:12)(cid:12) (cid:12)(cid:12)  (cid:12) (cid:12)  d−1 (cid:12) M +k 1 (cid:12) 6√N√logd P max T¯(d)(E ,M,X) − ≤  1 M N+1 k, r N − 2kd ≥ k√d  r=Xd−k+1 M+≤k−1≤≡0 m−odd(cid:12)(cid:12) (cid:12)(cid:12)  (cid:12) (cid:12)  (cid:12) (cid:12) Note that for M satisfying M +k 1 0 mod d we have − ≡ (M+k 1)/d − T¯(d)(E ,M,X) = 1 e ,...,e . r N X (m 1)d+r+1 (m 1)d+r+k − − m=1 X (cid:0) (cid:1) By the independence of (e ) the random variables 1 (e ,...,e ) are also n n 1 X md+r+1 md+r+k ≥ independent for 1 m N/d (they are constructed in such a way that the indices do not ≤ ≤ overlap for different values of m). The random variables 1 (e ,...,e ) 2 k X md+r+1 md+r+k − have mean zero and variance 2 k(1 2 k) 2 k. Using Lemma 1 for t = 3√k2−k/2√N−√logd, − − − ≤ − √d we obtain M +k 1 3√k2 k/2√N√logd P max T¯(d)(E ,M,X) − −  1 M N+1 k, r N − 2kd ≥ √d  M+≤k 1≤ 0 m−odd(cid:12)(cid:12) (cid:12)(cid:12) − ≡  (cid:12)(cid:12) 9k2−kNd−1logd (cid:12)(cid:12)  2exp ≤ −2Nd 12 k +6√k2 k/2√N√logd d 1/2/3 (cid:18) − − − − (cid:19) 2d 3k − ≤ for sufficiently large N. Note that for k 1, ≥ 6 3√k2 k/2 , − ≤ k and consequently M 6√N√logd P max T¯(d)(E ,M,X) 2d 3k.  1 M N+1 k, r N − 2kd ≥ k√d  ≤ − M+≤k 1≤ 0 m−odd(cid:12)(cid:12) (cid:12)(cid:12) − ≡  (cid:12) (cid:12)  (cid:12) (cid:12) Thus, using (13) and the assumption that d 4, this implies ≥ M +k 1 k 1 6√N√logd P max max max T¯(E ,M,X) − 1 − k d X 1,1 k 1 M N+1 k, N − d − 2k ≥ √d  ≤ ∈{− } M+≤k 1≤ 0 m−odd(cid:12)(cid:12) (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:12)(cid:12) − ≡  (cid:12) (cid:12)  d 1 − (cid:12) (cid:12) 2d 3k − ≤ Xk≤d X∈{X−1,1}k r=Xd−k 2 2kkd 3k − ≤ k d X≤ 10

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