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ON LEBESGUE NONLINEAR TRANSFORMATIONS NASIRGANIKHODJAEV,MANSOORSABUROV,AND RAMAZONMUHITDINOV 6 Abstract. In this paper, we introduce a quadratic stochastic operators on the set 1 of all probability measures of a measurable space. We study the dynamics of the 0 2 Lebesgue quadratic stochastic operator on the set of all Lebesgue measures of the set [0,1]. Namely,we provethe regularity of the Lebesgue quadratic stochastic operators. n a Mathematics Subject Classification: 47HXX,46TXX. J Keywords: Quadraticoperator,measurablespace,Lebesguenonlineartransformation. 8 ] S D 1. Introduction . h Quadratic stochastic operator (in shortQSO)was firstintroduced in Bernstein’s work t a [1]. The QSO was considered an important source of analysis for the study of dynamical m properties and modeling in various fields such as biology [13, 14], physics [24], game [ theory [3], control system [22, 23]. Such operator frequently arises in many models of 1 mathematical genetics [5, 6]. A fixed point set and an omega limiting set of quadratic v stochastic operators defined on the finite dimensional simplex were deeply studied in 7 [8, 11] and [15, 17]. Ergodicity and chaotic dynamics of QSO on the finite dimensional 5 7 simplex were studied in the papers [3], [6, 7], [18, 21], and [25]. In [12], it was given a 1 long self-contained exposition of recent achievements and open problems in the theory 0 of quadratic stochastic operators. The analytic theory of stochastic processes generated . 1 by quadratic operators was established in [2]. In the paper [4], the nonlinear Poisson 0 quadratic stochastic operators over the countable state space was studied. In this paper, 6 1 we shall study the dynamics of Lebesgue quadratic stochastic operators on the set of all : Lebesgue measures of the set [0,1]. Let us first recall some notions and notations (see v i [2],[4]). X Let (X,F) be a measurable space and S(X,F) be the set of all probability measures ar on (X,F), where X is a state space and F is σ-algebra of subsets of X. It is known that theset S(X,F) is acompact, convex space and aform of Dirac measureδ which defined x by 1 if x A δx(A) = (cid:26) 0 if x ∈/ A ∈ for any A B is extremal element of S(X,B). Let P(∈x,y,A) :x,y X,A F be a family of functions on X X F that satisfy { ∈ ∈ } × × the following conditions: Date: January 11, 2016. 1 2 NASIRGANIKHODJAEV,MANSOORSABUROV,ANDRAMAZONMUHITDINOV i) P(x,y, ) S(X,F), for any fixed x,y X, that is, P(x,y, ) : F [0,1] is the proba- bility mea·su∈re on F; ∈ · → ii) P(x,y,A) regarded as a function of two variables x and y with fixed A F is mea- surable function on (X X,F F); ∈ iii) P(x,y,A) = P(y,x,×A) for a⊗ny x,y X,A F. We consider a nonlinear transformation∈(quad∈ratic stochastic operator) V : S(X,F) S(X,F) defined by → (Vλ)(A) = P(x,y,A)dλ(x)dλ(x), (1.1) Z Z X X where λ S(X,F) is an arbitrary initial probability measure and A F is an arbitrary ∈ ∈ measurable set. Definition 1.1. A probability measure µ on (X,F) is said to be discrete, if there exists a countable set of elements x ,x , X, such that µ( x ) = p for i = 1,2, , 1 2 i i with p = 1. Then µ(X {x ,x , ···}) ⊂= 0 and for any A{ F},µ(A) = µ( x···). i i \{ 1 2 ···} ∈ xi∈A { i} P P A family P(x,y,A) : x,y X,A F on arbitrary state space X, such that for any { ∈ ∈ } x,y X a measure P(x,y, ) is a discrete measure, is shown in the following example. Exa∈mple 1 Let (X,F) be·a measurable space. For any x,y X and A F, assume ∈ ∈ 0 if x / A and y / A, ∈ ∈ P(x,y,A) =  1 if x A,y / A or x / A,y A,  12 if x ∈ A an∈d y A. ∈ ∈ ∈ ∈ Assume Vnλ : n = 0,1,2, is the trajectory of the initial point λ S(X,F), where { ···} ∈ Vn+1λ = V(Vnλ) for all n = 0,1,2, , with V0λ = λ. ··· Definition 1.2. A quadratic stochastic operator V is called a regular (weak regu- lar), if for any initial measure λ S(X,F), the strong limit (respectively weak limit) ∈ lim Vn(λ) = µ exists. n→∞ It is easy to verify that the quadratic stochastic operator V generated by this family is identity transformation, that is for any measure λ S(X,F) we have Vλ = λ. In fact, for any A F, ∈ ∈ Vλ(A) = P(x,y,A)dλ(x)dλ(y) = 1 dλ(x)dλ(y) Z Z Z Z · X X A A 1 1 + dλ(x)dλ(y)+ dλ(x)dλ(y)+ 0 dλ(x)dλ(y) ZAZAc 2 · ZAcZA 2 · ZAcZAc · 1 1 = λ2(A)+ λ(A)(1 λ(A))+ (1 λ(A))λ(A) = λ(A), 2 − 2 − where Ac = X A. \ If a state space X = 1,2, ,m is a finite set and corresponding σ-algebra is a power { ··· } set (X), i.e., the set of all subsets of X, then the set of all probability measures on P ON LEBESGUE NONLINEAR TRANSFORMATIONS 3 (X, ) has the following form: F m Sm−1 = x = (x ,x , ,x ) Rm : x 0 for any i, and x = 1 (1.2) 1 2 m i i { ··· ∈ ≥ } Xi=1 that is called a (m 1)-dimensional simplex. − In this case for any i,j X a probabilistic measure P(i,j, ) is a discrete measure with m ∈ · P(ij, k ) = 1,whereP(ij, k ) P andcorrespondingqsoVhas thefollowing k=1 { } { } ≡ ij,k Pform m (Vx) = P x x (1.3) k ij,k i j iX,j=1 for any x Sm−1 and for all k = 1, ,m, where ∈ ··· m a)P 0, b)P = P for all i,j,k; c) P = 1. ij,k ij,k ji,k ij,k ≥ Xk=1 Such operator can be reinterpreted in terms of evolutionary operator of free population and in this form it has a fair history. Note that the theory of qso with finite state space is well developed and on the whole all well-known papers devoted to such qso [1]-[3], [5]-[25]. In [4] the authors studied qso with infinite countable state space. In this paper we construct the family of quadratic stochastic operators defined on the continual state space X = [0,1) and investigate their trajectory behavior. Definition 1.3. A transformation V is called a Lebesgue qso, if X = [0,1) and F is a Borel σ-algebra B on [0,1). In the next section we present a family of Lebesgue qso. 2. A construction of Lebesgue qso Let X = [0,1) and B is a Borel σ-algebra on [0,1). For any element (x,y) X X, ∈ × we define a discrete probability P(x,y, ) as follows: · (i) for x < y assume P(x,y, x ) = p and P(x,y, y ) = p, (2.1) { } { } (ii) for x = y assume P(x,x, x ) = 1, (2.2) { } (iii) for x > y assume P(y,x, ) = P(x,y, ) (2.3) · · where p+q = 1, with p 0 and q 0. ≥ ≥ Let V is a quadratic stochastic operator (Vλ)(A) = P(x,y,A)dλ(x)dλ(x), (2.4) Z Z X X generated by family of functions (2.1)-(2.3), where λ S(X,F) is an arbitrary initial probability measureandA F isan arbitrary measurab∈leset. Thisoperator is anatural ∈ generalization of Volterra qso. Note that if p = q = 0.5, then the correspondingoperator is the identity operator. 4 NASIRGANIKHODJAEV,MANSOORSABUROV,ANDRAMAZONMUHITDINOV We show that for any initial measure λ S(X,F), there exists strong limit of the ∈ sequence Vnλ : n = 0,1,2, . { ···} 3. A Limit behaviour of the trajectories In this section we study the limit behaviour of the trajectory Vnλ : n = 0,1,2, for any initial measure λ S(X,F). { ···} ∈ 3.1. A discrete initial measure λ. It is easy to verify that for any a [0,1) an ∈ extremal Dirac measure δ is a fixed point of the operator V. Since δ ( a ) = 1, then a a { } from (2.2) we have (Vδ )( a ) = P(x,y, a )dδ (x)dδ (y) = P(a,a, a ) = 1 = δ ( a ), (3.1) a a a a { } Z Z { } { } { } X X that is the Dirac measure δ for any a [0,1) is a fixed point. a ∈ Let a measure λ is a convex linear combination of two Dirac measures δ and δ , i.e., a b λ = αδ +(1 α)δ , where α [0,1] and a,b [0,1] with a < b. Simple algebra gives a b − ∈ ∈ (Vλ)( a ) = P(x,y, a )dλ(x)dλ(y) = λ(a)[λ(a)+2pλ(b)], (3.2) { } Z Z { } X X and (Vλ)( b ) = P(x,y, b )dλ(x)dλ(y) = λ(b)[λ(b)+2qλ(a)], (3.3) { } Z Z { } X X i.e., Vλ is the convex linear of the same two Dirac measures δ and δ with a b Vλ = α δ +(1 α )δ , 1 a 1 b − where α = α[α+2p(1 α)] and 1 α = (1 α)[1 α+2qα]. Then it is evident that 1 1 − − − − V2λ is the convex linear of the same two Dirac measures δ and δ with a b V2λ = α δ +(1 α )δ , 2 a 2 b − where α = α [α +2p(1 α )] and 1 α = (1 α )[1 α +2qα ]. Thus one can show 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 that Vnλ is the convex li−near of the s−ame two D−irac me−asures δ and δ with a b Vnλ =α δ +(1 α )δ , n a n b − where α = α [α +2p(1 α )] and 1 α = (1 α )[1 α +2qα ]. n n−1 n−1 n−1 n n−1 n−1 n−1 − − − − Simple calculus gives 1 if p > 1 lim α = 2 n→∞ n (cid:26) 0 if p < 1 2 that is δ if p > 1 lim Vnλ = a 2 n→∞ (cid:26) δb if p < 12 Let now a measure λ is a convex linear combination of three Dirac measures δ ,δ and a b δ , i.e., λ = αδ +βδ +(1 α β)δ , where α,β [0,1] and a,b,c [0,1] with α+β 1 c a b c − − ∈ ∈ ≤ and a < b < c. Simple algebra gives (Vλ)( a ) = P(x,y, a )dλ(x)dλ(y) = λ(a)[λ(a)+2p(λ(b)+λ(c)], (3.4) { } Z Z { } X X ON LEBESGUE NONLINEAR TRANSFORMATIONS 5 (Vλ)( b ) = P(x,y, a )dλ(x)dλ(y) = λ(b)[λ(b)+2qλ(a)+2pλ(c)], (3.5) { } Z Z { } X X and (Vλ)( c ) = P(x,y, a )dλ(x)dλ(y) = λ(c)[λ(c)+2q(λ(a)+λ(b)], (3.6) { } Z Z { } X X i.e., Vλ is the convex linear of the same three Dirac measures δ ,δ and δ with a b c Vλ = α δ +β δ +(1 α β )δ , 1 a 1 b 1 1 c − − where α = α[α + 2p(1 α)],β = β[β + 2qα + 2p(1 α β)] and 1 α β = 1 1 1 1 − − − − − (1 α β)[1 α β+2q(1 α β]. Then it is evident that V2λ is the convex linear of − − − − − − the same three Dirac measures δ ,δ and δ , with V2λ = α δ +β δ +(1 α β )δ , a b c 2 a 2 b 2 2 c − − where α = α [α +2p(1 α )],β = β [β +2qα +2p(1 α β )] and 1 α β = 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 − − − − − (1 α β )[1 α β +2q(1 α β ]. Thus one can show that Vnλ is the convex 1 1 1 1 1 1 − − − − − − linear of the same three Dirac measures δ ,δ and δ with a b c Vnλ = α δ +β δ +(1 α β )δ , n a n b n n c − − where α =α [α +2p(1 α )],β = β [β +2qα +2p(1 α β )] n n−1 n−1 n−1 n n−1 n−1 n−1 n−1 n−1 − − − and 1 α β = (1 α β )[1 α β +2q(1 α β ]. As noted n n n−1 n−1 n−1 n−1 n−1 n−1 − − − − − − − − above if p > 1 then lim α = 1 and if p < 1 then lim (1 α β ) = 1 that is 2 n→∞ n 2 n→∞ − n− n δ if p > 1 lim Vnλ = a 2 n→∞ (cid:26) δc if p < 12 Let a measureλ is aconvex linear combination of n Dirac measures δ ,i = 1, ,n n { ai ··· } i.e., λ = α δ , where α [0,1],i = 1, ,n and a [0,1],i = 1, ,n with n i=1 i ai i ∈ ··· i ∈ ··· i=1α =P1 and a1 < a2 < ··· < an. Simple algebra gives P (Vλ)( a ) = P(x,y, a )dλ(x)dλ(y) = λ(a )[λ(a )+2p(1 λ(a ))], (3.7) 1 1 1 1 1 { } Z Z { } − X X and (Vλ)( a ) = P(x,y, a )dλ(x)dλ(y) = λ(a )[λ(a )+2q(1 λ(a ))], (3.8) n n n n n { } Z Z { } − X X As shown above we have δ if p > 1 lim Vnλ = a1 2 n→∞ (cid:26) δan if p < 12 6 NASIRGANIKHODJAEV,MANSOORSABUROV,ANDRAMAZONMUHITDINOV 3.2. A continuous initial measure λ. Let λ S(X,B) be a continuous probability measure and A= [a,b] B be a segment in X wi∈th Ac = [0,a) (b,1). Then, ∈ ∪ b b b a b 1 Vλ(A) = 1 dλ(x)dλ(y)+ p dλ(x)dλ(y)+ q dλ(x)dλ(y) Z Z · Z Z · Z Z · a a a 0 a b a b 1 b a a + p dλ(x)dλ(y)+ q dλ(x)dλ(y)+ 0 dλ(x)dλ(y) Z Z · Z Z · Z Z · 0 a b a 0 0 a 1 1 a 1 1 + 0 dλ(x)dλ(y)+ 0 dλ(x)dλ(y)+ 0 dλ(x)dλ(y) Z Z · Z Z · Z Z · 0 b b 0 b b = λ([a,b])[λ([a,b])+2pλ([0,a))+2qλ((b,1))]. It is evident that the measure Vλ is absolutely continuous with respect to measure λ. ThenaccordingRadon-NikodymTheorem,thereexistsnon-negativemeasurablefunction (1) f : X R called a density, such that λ → (1) Vλ(A) = f (x)dλ(x). (3.9) Z λ A The derivations of the density functions are presented as follows. For rather small seg- ment [x,x+∆x] we have Vλ([x,x+∆x]) = λ([x,x+∆x])[λ([x,x+∆x])+2pλ([0,x))+2qλ((x+∆x,1))] (3.10) and Vλ([x,x+∆x]) (1) f (x) = lim λ ∆x→0 λ([x,x+∆x]) = lim [λ([x,x+∆x])+2pλ([0,x))+2qλ((x+∆x,1))] ∆x→0 = 2pλ([0,x))+2qλ((x,1)). Now consider a measure V2λ = V(Vλ). It is evident that V2λ(A) = f(1)(x)dVλ(x). (3.11) Z Vλ A and since V2λ is absolutely continuous with respect to measure λ, we have V2λ(A) = f(2)(x)dλ(x). (3.12) Z λ A According (2.6) we have V2λ([x,x+∆x]) = Vλ([x,x+∆x])[Vλ([x,x+∆x])+2pVλ([0,x))+2qVλ((x+∆x,1))] = λ([x,x+∆x])[λ([x,x+∆x])+2pλ([0,x))+2qλ((x+∆x,1))] λ([x,x+∆x])[λ([x,x+∆x])+2pλ([0,x))+2qλ((x+∆x,1))] ·{ +2pλ([0,x])[λ([0,x])+2qλ((x,1))]+ +2qλ([x+∆x,1))[λ([x+∆x,1))+2pλ([0,x+∆x)) } ON LEBESGUE NONLINEAR TRANSFORMATIONS 7 Then (2) f (x) = [2pλ([0,x))+2qλ([x,1))] λ 2pλ([0,x])[λ([0,x)) +2qλ([x,1))]+2qλ([x,1))[λ([x,1))+2pλ([0,x]) . ·{ } Similarly, one can show that a measure Vnλ is absolutely continuous with respect to λ for any n and Vnλ(A) = f(n)(x)dλ(x). (3.13) Z λ A (n) (n−1) (n−1) (n−1) Let g (x) = λ([0,x)) and g (x) = g (x)(g (x) + 2q(1 g (x)), for n = λ λ λ λ − λ (0) (1) 1,2,3, , where g (x) = x and g (x) =g (x). It is evident that ··· λ λ λ (n) (n−1) (n−1) (n−1) 1 g (x) = (1 g (x))(1 g (x)+2pg (x)). − λ − λ − λ λ Then, since λ([x,1)) = 1 λ([0,x)), we have − f(x) = 2px+2q(1 x), (3.14) − (1) (1) f (x) = f(g (x)), (3.15) λ λ and (2) (1) (2) f (x) = f(g (x)) f(g (x)). (3.16) λ λ · λ Using induction, one can prove that for any n we have n (n) (i) f (x) = f(g (x)). (3.17) λ λ Yi=1 It is easy to see that f(n)(0) = (2q)n and f(n)(1) = (2p)n. Since λ λ 1 (n) f (x)dλ(x) = 1, Z λ 0 one has that (n) (n) f (0) 0 and f (1) if p > 1/2, (3.18) λ → λ → ∞ and (n) (n) f (0) and f (1) 0 if p < 1/2. (3.19) λ → ∞ λ → (1) If λ = m is a usual Lebesgue measure on [0,1], then m([0,x)) = x and g (x) = x. In m (n) this case one can explicitly find the functions f (x) for any n. m 8 NASIRGANIKHODJAEV,MANSOORSABUROV,ANDRAMAZONMUHITDINOV 4. Regularity of Lebesgue qso Now, we are aiming to study the limit behavior of the Radon-Nikodym derivatives (n) f () for n . Let G(x) = x(x+2q(1 x)) for p,q 0 and p+q = 1. We always λ · → ∞ − ≥ assume that p,q = 1. One can easily check that G′(x) = f(x) and G′′(x) = f′(x) = 6 2 2(p q). Since f(x) 0 for any x [0,1], the function G : [0,1] [0,1] is increasing. Mor−eover, the functi≥on f : [0,1] ∈R is increasing whenever p→> q (or equivalently + → p > 1) and decreasing whenever p < q (or equivalently p < 1). 2 2 (n) (n−1) It is easy to check that g (x) = G g (x) . We know that g : [0,1] [0,1], λ λ λ → (cid:16) (cid:17) g (x) = λ([0,x)) is the increasing function. We suppose that the function g : [0,1] λ λ → [0,1] is also differentiable. It is clear that (g(n)(x))′ = G′ g(n−1)(x) (g(n−1)(x))′ λ λ · λ (cid:16) (cid:17) Consequently, g(n) : [0,1] [0,1], for all n N, are differentiable and increasing func- λ → ∈ tions. Proposition 4.1. Let f(n) : [0,1] R , n N be functions given by (3.17). Then, the λ → + ∈ function f(n) is increasing whenever p > 1 and decreasing whenever p < 1. λ 2 2 Proof. We know that n n ′ (fλ(n)(x))′ =  f(gi)λ(x)·f′(gλ(k)(x))· gλ(k)(x) . Xk=1 i=1Y, i6=k (cid:16) (cid:17)   n ′ Since f(gi) (x) 0 and g(k)(x) 0, the function f(n) is increasing whenever λ ≥ λ ≥ λ i=1Q, i6=k (cid:16) (cid:17) p > 1 and decreasing whenever p < 1. This completes the proof. (cid:3) 2 2 Let p > 1 and β = 1−n1 . It is clear that 0 < β < 1 and lim β = 1. So, since 2 n n−√1 16p4 n n→∞ n 2q < 1, one has that β >2q for large n. Moreover, we have that 2p βn−1 < 1 < 1. n n 2p Let B = βn−2q. One has that 0 < B < 1 and lim B =1. p n 1−2q n n→∞ n Proposition 4.2. Let p > 1 and β ,B be given as above. The following statements 2 n n hold true: (i) One has that G(x) β x for any x [0,B ]; n n ≤ ∈ (ii) One has that G[0,B ]= [0,β B ] [0,B ]. n n n n ⊂ Proof. Since 0 x B = βn−2q, we have that x + 2q(1 x) β or equivalently ≤ ≤ n 1−2q − ≤ n G(x) β x. On the other hand, since G(x) is the increasing function, we get that n 0= G≤(0) G(x) G(B ) = β B < B . (cid:3) n n n n ≤ ≤ Corollary 4.3. Let p > 1. One has that 0 g(i)(x) βi−1g (x), x [0,B ],i = 2,n. 2 ≤ λ ≤ n λ ∀ ∈ n ON LEBESGUE NONLINEAR TRANSFORMATIONS 9 Theorem 4.4. Let p > 1. One has that 0 f(n)(x) ( 1 )n for any x [0,B ]. 2 ≤ λ ≤ 2p ∈ n n (n) (i) Proof. We know that f (x) = f(g (x)). Due to Corollary 4.3, since f is the in- λ λ iQ=1 creasing linear function, we then obtain for any x [0,B ] that n ∈ n n f(n)(x) βi−1f(g (x)) = βn−1f(g (x)) . λ ≤ n λ (cid:18)q n λ (cid:19) Yi=1 n n Since 2q f(g (x)) 2p, we have that 0 f(n)(x) 2p βn−1 1 for any ≤ λ ≤ ≤ λ ≤ n ≤ 2p x [0,B ]. This completes the proof. (cid:16) p (cid:17) (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:3) n ∈ Similarly, one can prove the following result. Theorem 4.5. Let p < 1. There exists 0 < A < 1 such that lim A = 0 and 0 2 n n→∞ n ≤ f(n)(x) ( 1 )n for any x [A ,1]. λ ≤ 2q ∈ n (n) Hence, the sequence of functions f (x) has a tall spike at the end points of the λ segment [0,1] whenever p,q = 1. Consequently, the (weak) limit of this sequence of 6 2 (n) the functions f (x) is the Dirac delta function concentrated at the end points of the λ segment [0,1]. Theorem 4.6. Let V be a qso generated by family of functions (2.1)-(2.3). Then for any initial continuous measure λ S(X,B) there exists a strong limit of the sequence of ∈ measures Vkλ where { } δ if p < 1 lim Vnλ = 0 2 n→∞ (cid:26) δ1 if p > 12. Recall that if p =q = 1, then the corresponding qso is the identity transformation. 2 Corollary 4.7. The Lebesgue quadratic stochastic operator V generated by family of functions (2.1)-(2.3) is a regular transformation. Acknowledgement The work has been supported by the MOHE grant FRGS14-116-0357. The third author (R.M.) wishes to thank International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM), where this paper was written, for the invitation and hospitality. References [1] S.N. Bernstein, The solution of a mathematical problem related to the theory of heredity, Uchn. Zapiski. NI Kaf. Ukr. 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