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Preview On the $k$-Semispray of Nonlinear Connections in $k$-Tangent Bundle Geometry

k On the -Semispray of Nonlinear Connections in k 6 -Tangent Bundle Geometry 1 0 2 Florian Munteanu n a Department of Applied Mathematics, J University of Craiova, Romania 5 [email protected] ] G Abstract D In this paper we present a method by which is obtained a sequence . h of k-semisprays and two sequences of nonlinear connections on the k- t tangent bundle TkM, starting from a given one. Interesting particular a m cases appear for Lagrange and Finsler spaces of order k. [ AMS Subject Classification: 53C05, 53C60. Keywords: k-tangentbundle,k-semispray,nonlinearconnection,Lagrange 1 space of order k, Finsler space of order k. v 0 5 1 Introduction 7 0 0 Classical Mechanics have been entirely geometrized in terms of symplectic ge- . ometry and in this approach there exists certain dynamical vector field on the 1 0 tangent bundle TM of a manifold M whose integral curves are the solutions of 6 theEuler-Lagrangeequations. Thisvectorfieldisusuallycalledspray orsecond- 1 order differential equation (SODE). Sometimes it is called semispray and the : v term spray is reserved to homogeneous second-order differential equations ([7], i [15]). Let us remember that a SODE on TM is a vector field on TM such X that JC = C, where J is the almost tangent structure and C is the canonical r a Liouville field ([5], [6]). In [2], [3], [4] J. Grifone studies the relationship among SODEs, nonlin- ear connections and the autonomous Lagrangian formalism. In paper [12] Gh. Munteanu and Gh. Piti¸s also studied the relation between sprays and nonlin- ear connectiosn on TM. This study was extended to the non-autonomous case by M. de Le´on and P. Rodgrigues ([5]). Also, important results for singular non-autonomous case was obtained in [13]. In this paper, following the ideas of papers [10], [11], [12] and [13] we will extend the study of the relationship betweenspraysandnonlinearconnectionstothek-tangentbundleofamanifold M. The study of the geometry of this k-tangent bundle was by introduced by R. Miron ([7], [8], [9]). For this case the k-sprayrepresent a system of ordinary differential equations of k+1 order. 1 2 The k-Semispray of a Nonlinear Connection Let M be a real n-dimensional manifold of class C∞ and (TkM,πk,M) the bundle of accelerations of order k. It can be identified with the k-osculator bundle or k-tangent bundle ([7], [9]). A point u ∈ TkM will be written by u = (x,y(1),...,y(k)), πk(u) = x, x ∈ M. The canonical coordinates of u are (xi,y(1)i,...,y(k)i), i = 1,n, where 1 dxi 1 dkxi y(1)i = , ..., y(2)i = . A transformation of local coordinates 1! dt k! dtk (xi,y(1)i,...,y(k)i)→(xi,y(1)i,...,y(k)i) on (k+1)n-dimensional manifold TkM is given by e e e ∂xi xi =xi(x1,...,xn), rang =n, ∂xj  (cid:18) (cid:19) (1)  y2eey(1()2i)i=e=∂∂∂xxe∂yjix(y1j()1i)yj(,1)j +2∂∂yy((11))ejiy(2)j, ........................................................................ e e A localcookreyed(ikn)ait=es∂chye∂a(kxn−jg1e)i(y1()1)tjra+n2sf∂o∂yremy(k(s−1)1tj)hiey(n2a)jtu+ra·l··b+askis∂∂yye((kk−−11))jiy(k)j. ∂ ∂ ∂ , ,··· , of the tangent space T TkM by the rule: ∂xi ∂y(1)i ∂y(k)i u (cid:26) (cid:27)u (2) ∂ ∂xj ∂ ∂y(1)j ∂ ∂y(k)j ∂ = + + ··· + , ∂xi ∂xi ∂xj ∂xi ∂y(1)j ∂xi ∂y(k)j   ∂y∂...(1)i = e e ∂∂yeey((11))ji ∂ye∂(1)j + ··· + ∂∂yeey((k1))ji ∂ye∂(k)j, ∂ e ∂y(k)j e∂ The d∂isytr(kib)iutio=n V1 : u ∈ TkM → V1,u ⊂ TuTkM generated∂eyb(yk)ith∂ey(tka)jn.gent ∂ ∂ e vectors ,··· , is a vertical distribution on the bundle TkM. ∂y(1)i ∂y(k)i (cid:26) (cid:27)u Its local dimension is kn. Similarly, the distribution V : u ∈ TkM → V ⊂ 2 2,u ∂ ∂ T TkM generated by ,··· , is a subdistribution of V of local u ∂y(2)i ∂y(k)i 1 (cid:26) (cid:27)u dimension (k−1)n. So, by this procedure on obtains a sequence of integrable distributions V ⊃ V ⊃ ··· ⊃ V . The last distribution V is generated by 1 2 k k ∂ and dimV =n ([7]). ∂y(k)i k (cid:26) (cid:27)u Hereafter, we consider the open submanifold ] TkM =TkM \{0}= (x,y(1),...,y(k))∈TkM|rank ||y(1)i||=1 , n o 2 where 0 is the null section of the projection πk :TkM →M. The following operators in algebra of functions F(TkM) 1 ∂ Γ=y(1)i , ∂y(k)i 2 ∂ ∂ Γ=y(1)i +2y(2)i , (3) ∂y(k−1)i ∂y(k)i .................................................................... k ∂ ∂ ∂ Γ=y(1)i +2y(2)i +···+ky(k)i ∂y(1)i ∂y(2)i ∂y(k)i are k vector fields, globally defined on TkM and linearly independent on the ] 1 2 manifold TkM = TkM \{0}, Γ belongs of distribution V , Γ belongs of distri- k k 1 2 k bution V , ..., Γ belongs of distribution V (see [7]). Γ , Γ, ..., Γ are called k−1 1 Liouville vector fields. In applications we shall use also the following nonlinear operator, which is not a vector field, ∂ ∂ ∂ (4) Γ=y(1)i +2y(2)i +···+ky(k)i . ∂xi ∂y(1)i ∂y(k−1)i Under a coordinates transformation (1) on TkM, Γ changes as follows: ∂y(k)j ∂y(k)j ∂ (5) Γ=Γ+ y(1)i +···+ky(k)i . ∂xi ∂y(k−1)i ∂y(k)j (cid:26) (cid:27) A k-tangent struceture J on TekM is defined as useually ([7]) by the following F(TkM)-linear mapping J :X(TkM)→X(TkM): e ∂ ∂ ∂ ∂ J = ,J = ,..., ∂xi ∂y(1)i ∂y(1)i ∂y(2)i (6) (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:18) (cid:19) ∂ ∂ ∂ J = ,J =0. ∂y(k−1)i ∂y(k)i ∂y(k)i (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:18) (cid:19) J is a tensor field of type (1,1), globally defined on TkM. Definition 2.1 ([7]) A k-semispray on TkM is a vector field S ∈ X(TkM) with the property k (7) JS =Γ. Obviously, there not always exists a k-semispray, globally defined on TkM. Therefore the notion of local k-semispray is necessary. For example, if M is a paracompactmanifold then on TkM there exists local k-semisprays ([7]). Theorem 2.1 ([7]) i) A k-semispray S can be uniquely written in local coordi- nates in the form: ∂ ∂ ∂ S = y(1)i +2y(2)i +···+ky(k)i − ∂xi ∂y(1)i ∂y(k−1)i (8) ∂ − (k+1)Gi(x,y(1),...,y(k)) . ∂y(k)i 3 ii) With respect to (1) the coefficients Gi(x,y(1),...,y(k)) change as follows: ∂xi (k+1)Gi = (k+1)Gj − ∂xj (9) ∂y(k)i ∂y(k)i e − y(1)j e+···+ky(k)j . ∂xj ∂y(k−1)j (cid:18) (cid:19) e e iii) If the functions Gi(x,y(1),...,y(k)) are given on every domain of local chart of TkM, so that (9) holds, then the vector field S from (8) is a k-semispray. Let us consider a curve c : I → M, represented in a local chart (U,ϕ) by xi =xi(t), t∈I. Thus, the mapping c:I →TkM, given on (πk)−1(U), by 1 dxi 1 dkxi (10) xi =xi(t),y(1)i(t)= (te),...,y(k)i(t)= (t),t∈I 1! dt k! dtk is a curve in TkM, called the k-extension to TkM of the curve c. A curve c : I → M is called k-path of a k-semispray S (from (8)) if its k-extension c is an integral curve for S, that is (11) dxi dy(1)i dy(k−1)i dy(k)i =ye(1)i, =2y(2)i, ..., =ky(k)i, =−(k+1)Gi. dt dt dt dt (cid:26) Definition 2.2 Thek-semisprayS iscalledk-sprayifthefunctions Gi(x,y(1),...,y(k)) are (k+1)-homogeneous, that is (cid:0) (cid:1) Gi(x,λy(1),...,λky(k))=λk+1Gi(x,y(1),...,y(k)), ∀λ>0. Likeinthe caseoftangentbundle,anEulerTheoremholds. Thatis,afunction ] f ∈F(TkM) is r-homogeneous if and only if L f =rf. k Γ Then a k-semispray S is a k-spray if and only if ∂Gi ∂Gi ∂Gi (12) y(1)h +2y(2)h +···+ky(k)h =(k+1)Gi. ∂y(1)h ∂y(2)h ∂y(k)h Definition 2.3 AvectorsubbundleNTkM ofthetangentbundle(TTkM,dπk,M) which is supplementary to the vertical subbundle V TkM, 1 (13) TTkM =NTkM ⊕V TkM 1 is called a nonlinear connection on TkM. 4 The fibres of NTkM determine a horizontal distribution N : u ∈ TkM → N TkM ⊂T TkM supplementary to the vertical distribution V , that is u u 1 (14) T TkM =N TkM ⊕V TkM, ∀u∈TkM. u u 1,u The dimension of horizontal distribution N is n. If the base manifold M is paracompact then on TkM there exists the non- linear connections ([7]). There exists a unique local basis, adapted to the horizontal distribution N, δ δ ∂ δxi , such that dπk δxi|u = ∂xi|πk(u), i = 1, ..., n. More over, on (cid:26) (cid:27)i=1,n (cid:18) (cid:19) each domain of local chart of TkM there exists the functions Ni, Ni, ..., Ni j j j (1) (2) (k) such that δ ∂ ∂ ∂ (15) = −Nj −···−Nj . δxi ∂xi i ∂y(1)j i ∂y(k)j (1) (k) The functions Ni, Ni, ...,Ni are called the primal coefficients of the nonlinear j j j (1) (2) (k) connection N and under a coordinates transformation (1) on TkM this coeffi- cients are changing by the rule: (16) ∂xm ∂xi ∂y(1)i Ni = Nm− , m ∂xj ∂xm j ∂xj  (1) (1)  Ne(2mi) ∂∂xexmj = ∂∂xxemi N(2jm) + ∂∂yex(1m)iN(1jm) − ∂∂yx(2j)i,..., Nei ∂xem = ∂xei Nm+ ∂ye(1)i Nm +·e··+ ∂y(k−1)iNm− ∂y(k)i. Convers(ekem)ly,∂eixfjon each∂loxecmal(kcjh)art o∂efxTmkM(k−ja1)set of funce∂tixomns N(1ij,)..., N∂eixijs given j j (1) (k) so that, according to (1), the equalities (16) hold, then there exists on TkM a unique nonlinear connection N which has as coefficients just the given set of function ([7]). δ δ δ The local adapted basis , ,··· , is given by (15) and δxi δy(1)i δy(k)i (cid:26) (cid:27)i=1,n δ ∂ ∂ ∂ = −Nj −···− Nj ,..., δy(1)i ∂y(1)i i ∂y(2)j i ∂y(k)j (1) (k−1) (17) δ ∂ ∂ δ ∂ = −Nj , = δy(k−1)i ∂y(k−1)i i ∂y(k)j δy(k)i ∂y(k)j (1) and the dual basis (or the adapted cobasis) of adapted basis is 5 δxi,δy(1)i,...,δy(k)i , where δxi =dxi and i=1,n (cid:8) (cid:9) δy(1)i = dy(1)i+Midxj, j (1)  δy(2)i = dy(2)i+Midy(1)j +Midxj,..., (18)  δy(k)i = dy(k)i+M(1)jidy(k−1)j +(2)j···+Midxj j j and  (1) (k) Mi = Ni, j j (1) (1)  Mi = Ni+Ni Mm, ..., (19)  M(2)ji = N(2j)i+ (N1m)i (M1j)m+···+Ni Mm. j j m j m j (k) (k) (k−1) (1) (1)(k−1) Conversely, if the adapted cobasis δxi,δy(1)i,...,δy(k)i is given in the i=1,n δ δ δ form (18), then the adapted basis (cid:8) , ,··· , (cid:9) is expressed δxi δy(1)i δy(k)i (cid:26) (cid:27)i=1,n in the form (17), where Ni = Mi, j j (1) (1)  Ni = Mi−Ni Mm, ..., (20)  N(2j)i = M(2)ji− N(1m)i (M1j)m−···−Ni Mm. . j j m j m j (k) (k) (k−1) (1) (1)(k−1) The functions Mi, Mi, ..., Mi are called the dual coefficients of the nonlinear j j j (1) (2) (k) connection N. A nonlinear connection N is complete determined by a system of functions Mi, ..., Mi which is given on each domain of local chart on TkM, so that, j j (1) (k) according to (1), the relations hold: (21) ∂xi ∂xm ∂y(1)i Mm = Mi + , j ∂xm ∂xj m ∂xj  (1) (1)  M(2jm) ∂∂xxemi = ∂∂xexmj Mf(2m)i + ∂ye∂(x1j)mM(1m)i + ∂∂yx(2j)i,..., Mm ∂xei = ∂xemMfi + ∂ye(1)mfMi +·e··+ ∂y(k−1)mMi + ∂y(k)i. Let c (:kj)I∂→xemM be a∂expjarfa(kmm)etrizee∂dxjcur(vfk−em1o)n the basee∂mxjanifof(l1dm) M, g∂eixvjen by xi =xi(t), t∈I. If we consider its k-extensionc to TkM, then we say that c is e 6 an autoparallel curve for the nonlinear connection N if its k-extension c is an dc horizontal curve, that is belongs to the horizontal distribution. dt e From (18) and e dc dxi δ δy(1)i δ δy(k)i δ (22) = + +···+ dt dt δxi dt δy(1)i dt δy(k)i e it result that the autoparallels curves of the nonlinear connection N with the dualcoefficientsMi,...,Mi arecharacterizedbythesystemofdifferentialequa- j j (1) (k) tions ([7]): dxi 1 d2xi 1 dkxi y(1)i = , y(2)i = , ..., y(k)i = , dt 2! dt2 k! dtk  δy(1)i dy(1)i dxj (23)  δydd(tt2)i == dydd(tt2)i ++MM((11))jjiiddydt(t1)=j +0,M(2)jiddxtj =0, .....................................................................  δyd1(tk)i = dyd(tk)i +M(1)jidy(dk−t1)j +···+M(k)j1iddxtj =0. Now, let be S = S a k-semispray with the coefficients Gi = Gi(x,y(1),...,y(k)) like in (8). Then the set of functions ∂Gi Mi = , j ∂y(k)j  (1) (24)  M.(.2..)ji...=....12... ...S..M.(.1.).ji..+....M.(.1.m)i...M.(.1.j.m)..!.. , 1 gives the dual coefficientsM(okf)jia=nkon liSne(kMa−rj1ic)o+nnM(e1cm)iti(Mokn−jm1N)!determined only by the k-semispray S (see the book [7] of Radu Miron). Other result, obtained by Ioan Buca˘taru ([1]), give a second nonlinear con- nection N∗ on TkM determined only by the k-semispray S. That is, the fol- lowing set of functions ∂Gi ∂Gi ∂Gi (25) M∗i = , M∗i = , ..., M∗i = j ∂y(k)j j ∂y(k−1)j j ∂y(1)j (1) (2) (k) is the set of dual coefficients of a nonlinear connection N∗. 7 2 Let us consider the set of functions (Gi(x,y(1),...,y(k))), given on every do- main of local chart by (26) 1 1 1 2 1 k 1 1 ∂Gi 2 ∂Gi k ∂Gi Gi = ΓGi = y(1)h + y(2)h +···+ y(k)h . k+1 k+1 ∂y(1)h k+1 ∂y(2)h k+1 ∂y(k)h 2 2 Using (5) we obtain that the functions Gi verifies (9). So, the functions Gi 2 represent the coefficients of a k-semispray S, 2 ∂ ∂ ∂ S = y(1)i +2y(2)i +···+ky(k)i − ∂xi ∂y(1)i ∂y(k−1)i (27) 2 ∂ − (k+1)Gi(x,y(1),...,y(k)) . ∂y(k)i Obviously, there exists two nonlinear connections on TkM, which depend only 2 by the k-semispray S: 2 N with the dual coefficients 2 ∂Gi Mi = , j ∂y(k)j  (1) (28)  M.(.22..)ji...=....21... ...S..M.(.21.).ji..+....M.(.21.m)i...M.(.21.j.m)..!.. , 2 1 2 2 2 2  M(k)ji = k S(kM−j1i)+M(1m)i (Mk−jm1)! and N∗ with the dual coefficients 2 2 2 ∂Gi 2 ∂Gi 2 ∂Gi (29) M∗i = , M∗i = , ..., M∗i = . j ∂y(k)j j ∂y(k−1)j j ∂y(1)j (1) (2) (k) m By this method is obtained a sequence of k-semisprays S and two se- (cid:18) (cid:19)m≥1 m m quence of nonlinear connections, N , N∗ . (cid:18) (cid:19)m≥1 (cid:18) (cid:19)m≥1 From (11), (23) and (26) we have the following results: 1 Proposition 2.1 If c is an autoparallel curve for nonlinear connection N∗, 2 then c is a k-path of k-semispray S. 8 Theorem 2.2 The following assertions are equivalent: 1 i) the k-semispray S is a k-spray; 1 2 ii) the k-paths of S and S coincide. 1 1 1 1 1 Theorem 2.3 If S is a k-spray then Mi, ..., Mi (or M∗i, ..., M∗i) are ho- j j j j (1) (k) (1) (k) mogeneous functions of degree 1, 2, ..., k, respectively. The same property have 1 1 1 1 the primal coefficients Ni, ..., Ni (or N∗i, ..., N∗i). j j j j (1) (k) (1) (k) We remark that the converse of this proposition is generally not valid and we have the result: 1 m Theorem 2.4 If S is a k-spray then the sequence S is constant and the (cid:18) (cid:19)m≥1 m m sequences N , N∗ are constant. (cid:18) (cid:19)m≥1 (cid:18) (cid:19)m≥1 3 The k-Semispray of a Nonlinear Connection in a Lagrange Space of Order k A Lagrangian of order k is a mapping L:TkM →R. L is called differentiable ] ifitisofC∞-classonTkM andcontinuousonthe nullsectionofthe projection πk :TkM →M. The Hessian of a differentiable Lagrangian L, with respect to the variables ] y(k)i on TkM is the matrix ||2g ||, where ij 1 ∂2L (30) g = . ij 2∂y(k)i∂y(k)j ] We have that g is a d-tensor field on the manifold TkM, covariantof order 2, ij symmetric (see [7]). If ] (31) rank ||g ||=n, on TkM ij we say that L(x,y(1),...,y(k)) is a regular (or nondegenerate) Lagrangian. The existence of the regularLagrangiansoforder k is provedfor the case of paracompacts manifold M in the book [7] of Radu Miron. Definition 3.1 ([7])WecallaLagrangespaceoforderkapairL(k)n =(M,L), formed by a real n-dimensional manifold M and a regular differentiable La- grangian of order k, L : (x,y(1),...,y(k)) ∈ TkM → L(x,y(1),...,y(k)) ∈ R, for ] which the quadratic form Ψ=g ξiξj on TkM has a constant signature. ij 9 Liscalledthe fundamental function andg the fundamental (ormetric)tensor ij field of the space L(k)n. It is known that for any regular Lagrangian of order k, L(x,y(1),...,y(k)), there exists a k-semispray S determined only by the Lagrangian L (see [7]). L The coefficients of S are given by L 1 ∂L ∂L (32) (k+1)Gi = gij Γ − . 2 ∂y(k)j ∂y(k−1)j (cid:26) (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:27) This k-semispray S depending only by L will be called canonical. If L is L ] globally defined on TkM, then S has the same property on TkM. L From (24) and (25) it result that there exists two nonlinear connections: Miron’s connection N and Buca˘taru’s connection N∗ which depending only by the LagrangianL. For this reason, both are called canonical. m So, the coefficients of k-semisprays S and the coefficients of nonlinear con- m m nections N, N∗ depend only by the Lagrangian L, for any m ≥ 1, but their expressions is not attractive for us. Interesting results appear for Finsler spaces of order k. Definition 3.2 ([8])AFinslerspaceoforderkisapairF(k)n =(M,F)formed byarealdifferentiablemanifoldM ofdimensionnandafunctionF :TkM →R having the following properties: ] i) F is differentiable on TkM andcontinuousonnullsection 0:M →TkM; ii) F is positive; iii) F is k-homogeneous; iv) the Hessian of F2 with elements 1 ∂2F2 (33) g = ij 2∂y(k)i∂y(k)j ] is positively defined on TkM. The function F is called the fundamental function and the d-tensor field g is ij calledfundamental(ormetric)tensorfield oftheFinslerspaceoforderk,F(k)n. The class of spaces F(k)n is a subclass of spaces L(k)n. Taking into account the k-homogeneity of the fundamental function F and 2k-homogeneity of F2 we get: 1. the coefficients Gi of the canonical k-semispray SF2, determined only by the fundamental function F, 1 ∂F2 ∂F2 (34) (k+1)Gi = gij Γ − , 2 ∂y(k)j ∂y(k−1)j (cid:26) (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:27) is (k+1)-homogeneous functions, that is SF2 is a k-spray; 10

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