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On the existence of an exponential attractor for a planar shear flow with Tresca's friction condition PDF

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Preview On the existence of an exponential attractor for a planar shear flow with Tresca's friction condition

On the existence of an exponential attractor for a planar shear flow with Tresca’s friction 2 condition 1 0 2 Grzegorz L ukaszewicz ∗† n a J 7 University of Warsaw, Mathematics Department,ul.Banacha 2, 02-957 Warsaw, Poland 2 Abstract ] h Weconsider a two-dimensional nonstationary Navier-Stokesshear flowwith asub- p differential boundary condition on a part of the boundary of the flow domain, - h namely, with a boundary driving subject to the Tresca law. There exists a unique t globalintimesolutionoftheconsideredproblemwhichisgovernedbyavariational a inequality. Our aim is to prove the existence of a global attractor of a finite frac- m tional dimension and of an exponentialattractor for theassociated semigroup. We [ use the method of l-trajectories. This research is motivated by a problem from 1 lubrication theory. v 3 Keywords: lubrication theory, Navier-Stokes equation, global solution, exponential at- 5 tractor 7 5 1991 Mathematics Subject Classification: 76D05, 76F10, 76F20 . 1 0 2 1 Introduction 1 : v Remarking on future directions of researchin the field of contact mechanics, in their re- i centbook[1],the authorswrote: ”Theinfinite-dimensionaldynamicalsystemsapproach X to contact problems is virtually nonexistent. (...) This topic certainly deserves further r a consideration”. From the mathematical point of view a considerable difficulty in analysing problems of contact mechanics, and dynamical problems in particular, comes from the presence of involved boundary constraints which are often modelled by boundary conditions of a dissipative subdifferential type and lead to a formulation of the considered problem in terms of a variationalor hemivariationalinequality with, frequently, nondifferentiable boundary functionals. Our aim in this paper is to contribute to this topic by an examination of the large time behaviour of solutions of a problem coming from the theory of lubrication. ∗E-mail: [email protected],Tel.: +48225544562 †ThisresearchwassupportedbyPolishGovernmentGrantNN201547638 1 Westudytheproblemofexistenceoftheglobalattractorofafinitefractaldimension andofanexponentialattractorfora classof two-dimensionalturbulent boundary driven flows subject to the Tresca law which naturally appears in lubrication theory. Existence of such attractors strongly suggest that the time asymptotics of the considered flow can be described by a finite number of parameters and then treated numerically [2, 3]. We study the problem in its weak formulation given in terms of an evolutionary variational inequality with a nondifferentiable boundary functional. This situation produces an obstacle for applying directly the classical methods, presented e.g., in monographs [3, 4, 5, 6, 7], to prove that the fractal dimension of the global attractor is finite. Instead, we apply the powerful method of l-trajectories,introduced in [8, 9] which we use further to prove the existence of an exponential attractor. The method of l-trajectories helps to provethe existenceofanexponentialattractorforaconsiderablylargeclassofnonlinear problems,inparticularthatwithlackofgoodregularityproperties(c.f., e.g.,[10,11,12] and references therein). The problem we consider is as follows. The flow of an incompressible fluid in a two-dimensional domain Ω is described by the equation of motion u ν∆u+(u )u+ p=0 in Ω (1.1) t − ·∇ ∇ and the incompressibility condition divu=0 in Ω. (1.2) To define the domain Ω of the flow, let Ω be the channel, ∞ Ω = x=(x ,x ): <x < , 0<x <h(x ) , ∞ 1 2 1 2 1 { −∞ ∞ } where h is a positive function, smooth, and L-periodic in x . Then we set 1 Ω= x=(x ,x ):0<x <L, 0<x <h(x ) 1 2 1 2 1 { } and ∂Ω = Γ¯ Γ¯ Γ¯ , where Γ and Γ are the bottom and the top, and Γ is the 0 L 1 0 1 L ∪ ∪ lateral part of the boundary of Ω. We areinterestedinsolutionsof(1.1)-(1.2) inΩ whichareL-periodicwith respectto x . We assume that 1 u=0 at Γ . (1.3) 1 Moreover, we assume that there is no flux condition across Γ so that the normal com- 0 ponent of the velocity on Γ satisfies 0 u n=0 at Γ , (1.4) 0 · and that the tangential component of the velocity u on Γ is unknown and satisfies η 0 the Tresca friction law with a constant and positive maximal friction coefficient k. This means that, c.f., e.g., [1, 13], σ (u,p) k η | |≤  σ (u,p) <k u =U e at Γ (1.5) | η | ⇒ η 0 1  0 σ (u,p) =k λ 0 such that u =U e λσ (u,p) η η 0 1 η | | ⇒∃ ≥ −  2 where σ is the tangential component of the stress tensor on Γ and U e = (U ,0), η 0 0 1 0 U R, is the velocity of the lower surface producing the driving force of the flow. 0 ∈ If n=(n ,n ) is the unit outwardnormal to Γ , and η =(η ,η ) is the unit tangent 1 2 0 1 2 vector to Γ then we have 0 σ (u,p)=σ(u,p) n ((σ(u,p) n) n)n, (1.6) η · − · · where σ(u,p)=(σ (u,p))=( pδ +ν(u +u )) is the stress tensor. In the end, the ij ij i,j j,i − initial condition for the velocity field is u(x,0)=u (x) for x Ω. 0 ∈ The problem is motivated by the examination of a certain two-dimensional flow in an infinite (rectified) journal bearing Ω ( ,+ ), where Γ ( ,+ ) represents 1 × −∞ ∞ × −∞ ∞ the outer cylinder, and Γ ( ,+ ) represents the inner, rotating cylinder. In the 0 × −∞ ∞ lubricationproblemsthe gaph betweencylindersisneverconstant. We canassumethat therectificationdoesnotchangetheequationsasthegapbetweencylindersisverysmall with respect to their radii. The knowledge or the judicious choice of the boundary conditions on the fluid-solid interfaceisofparticularinterestinlubricationareawhichisconcernedwiththinfilmflow behaviour. Theboundaryconditionstobe employedaredeterminedbynumerousphysi- cal parameters characterizing,for example, surface roughness and rheologicalproperties of the fluid. Thewidelyusedno-slipconditionwhenthefluidhasthesamevelocityassurrounding solid boundary is not respected if the shear rate becomes too high (no-slip condition is induced by chemical bounds between the lubricant and the surrounding surfaces and by the action of the normal stresses, which are linked to the pressure inside the flow; on the contrary, when tangential stressses are high they can destroy the chemical bounds and induce slip phenomenon). We can model such situation by a transposition of the well-known friction laws between two solids [1] to the fluid-solid interface. The system of equations (1.1)-(1.2) with boundary conditions: (1.3) at Γ for h = 1 const and u = const on Γ , instead of (1.4)-(1.5), was intensively studied in several 0 contexts,someofthemmentionedintheintroductionof[14]. Theautonomouscasewith h = const and with u = const on Γ was considered in [15, 16]. See also [17] where 0 6 the case h = const, u = U(t)e on Γ , was considered. The important for applications 1 0 6 dynamical problem we consider in this paper has been studied earlier in [18] in the nonautonomouscaseforwhichtheexistenceofapullbackattractorwasestablishedwith the use of a method that, however, did not guarantee the finite dimensionality of the pullback attractor (or the global attractor in the reduced autonomous case). To establish the existence of the global attractor of a finite fractal dimension we use the method of l-trajectories as presented in [9]. This method appears very useful when one deals with variational inequalities, c.f., [12], as it overcomes obstacles coming from the usual methods. One needs neither compactness of the dynamics which results from the second energy inequality nor asymptotic compactness, c.f., i.e., [7, 17], which results from the energy equation. In the case of variational inequalities it is sometimes not possible to get the second energy inequality and the differentiability of the associated semigroup due to the presence of nondifferentiable boundary functionals. On the other hand, we do not have an energy equation to prove the asymptotic compactness. 3 Whilethereareothermethodstoestablishtheexistenceoftheglobalattractorwhere the problem of the lack of regularity appears, that, e.g., based on the notion of the Kuratowskimeasureof noncompactnessofbounded sets,where we do notneed eventhe continuity of the semigroup associated with a given dynamical problem, c.f., e.g., [19], and also [18], where the nonautonomous versionof the problem consideredin this paper was studied, the problem of a finite dimensionality of the attractor is more involved, c.f. also [14]. The method of l-trajectories allows to prove the existence of an even more desirable object, called exponential attractor, for many problems for which there exists a finite dimensional global attractor [11]. An exponential attractor is a compact subset of the phase space which is positively invariant, has finite fractal dimension, and attracts uni- formly bounded sets at an exponential rate. It contains the global attractor and thus its existence implies the finite dimensionality of the global attractor itself. Its crucial property is an exponential rate of attraction of solution trajectories [10, 11]. The proof ofthe existence ofanexponentialattractorrequiresthe solutionto be regularenoughto ensure the Ho¨lder continuity of the semigroupin the time variable [9]. We establish this property by providing additional a priori estimates of solutions. Ourplanis asfollows. InSection2wehomogenizefirstthe boundarycondition(1.5) by a smooth background flow (a simple version of the Hopf construction, c.f., e.g., [18]) andthen we presenta variationalformulationof the homogenizedproblem. In Section3 we recall briefly the proof of the existence and uniqueness of a global in time solution of our problem and obtain some estimates of the solutions. Section 4 is devoted to a presentation of the main definitions and elements of the theory of infinite dimensional dynamical systems we use, in particular, of the method of l-trajectories. In Section 5 we prove the existence of the global attractor of a finite fractal dimension. At last, in Section 6 we provethe existence of an exponentialattractorand in Section7 we provide some final comments. 2 Variational formulation of the problem First, we homogenize the boundary condition (1.5). To this end let u(x ,x ,t)=U(x )e +v(x ,x ,t) (2.1) 1 2 2 1 1 2 with U(0)=U , U(h(x ))=0, x (0,L). (2.2) 0 1 1 ∈ The new vector field v is L-periodic in x and satisfies the equation of motion 1 v ν∆v+(v )v+ p=G(v) (2.3) t − ·∇ ∇ with G(v)= Uv, (v) U, e +νU, e − x1− 2 x2 1 x2x2 1 where by (v) we denoted the second component of v. As div(Ue )=0 we get 2 1 divv =0 in Ω. (2.4) From (2.1)-(2.2) we obtain 4 v =0, on Γ , (2.5) 1 and v n=0, on Γ . (2.6) 0 · Moreover,we have, ∂U(x ) σ (v,p)=σ (u,p)+(ν 2 ,0). η η ∂x |x2=0 2 Since we can define the extension U in such a way that ∂U(x ) 2 =0 ∂x |x2=0 2 the Tresca condition (1.5) transforms to σ (u,p) k η | |≤  σ (v,p) <k v =0 at Γ (2.7) | η | ⇒ η  0 σ (v,p) =k λ 0 such that v = λσ (v,p) η η η In the end, th|e initial|condi⇒tio∃n b≥ecomes −  v(x,0)=v (x)=u (x) U(x )e . (2.8) 0 0 2 1 − TheTrescacondition(2.7)isaparticularcaseofanimportantincontactmechanicsclass of subdifferential boundary conditions of the form, c.f., e.g. [20], ϕ(v) ϕ(u) σn(v u) at Γ , 0 − ≥− − whereσnistheCauchystressvectorandvbelongstoacertainsetofadmissiblefunctions. For ϕ(v)=k v the last condition is equivalent to (2.7). η | | Nowwe canintroduce the variationalformulationof the homogenizedproblem(2.3)- (2.8). Then, for the convenience of the readers, we describe the relations between the classical and the weak formulations. We begin with some basic definitions of the paper. Let V˜ = v ∞(Ω)2 : divv =0 in Ω, vis L-periodic in x , 1 { ∈C v =0 at Γ , v n=0 at Γ 1 0 · } and V =closure of V˜ in H1(Ω)2, H =closure ofV˜ in L2(Ω)2. We define scalar products in H and V, respectively, by (u, v)= u(x)v(x)dx and ( u, v) ∇ ∇ ZΩ and their associated norms by 1 1 v =(v,v)2 and v =( v, v)2. | | k k ∇ ∇ 5 Let, for u,v and w in V a(u, v)=( u, v) and b(u, v, w)=((u )v, w). ∇ ∇ ·∇ In the end, let us define the functional j on V by j(u)= k u(x ,0)dx . 1 1 | | ZΓ0 The variational formulation of the homogenized problem (2.3)-(2.8) is as follows. Problem 2.1. Given v H, find v :(0, ) H such that: 0 ∈ ∞ → (i) for all T >0, v ([0,T];H) L2(0,T;V), with v L2(0,T;V′) t ∈C ∩ ∈ where V′ is the dual space to V. (ii) for all Θ in V, all T > 0, and for almost all t in the interval [0,T], the following variational inequality holds <v (t),Θ v(t)> +νa(v(t),Θ v(t)) + b(v(t),v(t),Θ v(t)) (2.9) t − − − + j(Θ) j(v(t)) ( (v(t)),Θ v(t)) − ≥ L − (iii) the initial condition v(x,0)=v (x) (2.10) 0 holds. In (2.9) the functional (v(t)) is defined for almost all t 0 by, L ≥ ( (v(t)),Θ)= νa(ξ,Θ) b(ξ,v(t),Θ) b(v(t),ξ,Θ), L − − − where ξ =Ue is a suitable smooth background flow. 1 We have the following relations between classical and weak formulations. Proposition 2.1. Every classical solution of Problem (2.3)-(2.8) is also a solution of Problem 2.1. On the other hand, every solution of Problem 2.1 which is smooth enough is also a classical solution of Problem (2.3)-(2.8). Proof. Let v be a classical solution of Problem (2.3)-(2.8). As it is (by assumption) sufficiently regular, we have to check only (2.9). Remark first that (2.3) can be written as v Divσ(v,p)+(v )v =G(v(t)). (2.11) t − ·∇ Let Θ V. Multiplying (2.11) by Θ v(t) and using Green’s formula we obtain ∈ − v (Θ v(t))dx + σ (v,p)(Θ v(t)) dx+b(v(t), v(t), Θ v(t)) t ij i,j − − − ZΩ ZΩ = σ (v,p)n (Θ v(t)) + G(v(t))(Θ v(t))dx(2.12) ij j i − − Z∂Ω ZΩ 6 for t (0,T). As v(t) and Θ are in V, after some calculations we obtain ∈ σ (v,p)(Θ v(t)) dx=νa(v(t), Θ v(t)), (2.13) ij i,j − − ZΩ and using (1.6) we obtain σ (v,p)n (Θ v(t)) = σ (v,p) (Θ v (t)) (σ n n )n (Θ v (t)) . ij j i η η ij j i i η i − · − − − Z∂Ω ZΓ0 ZΓ0 As n (Θ v (t)) =0 on Γ , we get i η i 0 − σ (v,p)n (Θ v(t)) = σ (v,p) (Θ v (t))= (σ Θ+k Θ) ij j i η η η − · − · | | Z∂Ω ZΓ0 ZΓ0 k(Θ v (t)) (k v (t) +σ v (t)). η η η η − | |−| | − | | · ZΓ0 ZΓ0 Remark that σ Θ+k Θ 0 for σ k, and the Tresca condition (2.7) is equivalent η η · | |≥ | |≤ to k v (t) +σ v (t)=0 a.e. on Γ . η η η 0 | | · Thus σ (v,p)n (Θ v(t)) k(Θ v (t))= j(Θ)+j(v(t)). (2.14) ij j i η − ≥− | |−| | − Z∂Ω ZΓ0 As G(v(t))(Θ v(t))dx= ( (v(t)), Θ v(t)), − L − ZΩ from (2.13) and (2.14) we see that (2.12) becomes (2.9), and (2.10) is the same as (2.8). Conversely,suppose that v is a sufficiently smooth solution to Problem 2.1 and let ϕ be in the space (H1 (Ω))2 = ϕ V : ϕ = 0 on Γ . We take Θ = v(t) ϕ in (2.9), and div { ∈ } ± using the Green formula, we obtain <v (t) ν∆v(t)+(v(t) )v(t) G(v(t)), ϕ>=0 ϕ (H1 (Ω))2. t − ·∇ − ∀ ∈ div Thus, there exists a distribution p(t) on Ω such that v (t) ν∆v(t)+(v(t) )v(t) G(v(t))= p(t) in Ω t − ·∇ − ∇ so that (2.3) holds. We obtain (2.7) as in [21], and we have immediately (2.4)-(2.6) and (2.8). 3 Existence and uniqueness of a global in time solu- tion In this section we establish, following [18], the existence and uniqueness of a global in time solution for Problem 2.1. First, we present two lemmas. 7 Lemma 3.1. ([17]) There exists a smooth extension ξ(x )=U(x )e 2 2 1 of U e from Γ to Ω satisfying: (2.2), 0 1 0 ∂U(x ) 2 =0, ∂x |x2=0 2 and such that ν b(v, ξ, v) v 2 for all v V. | |≤ 4k k ∈ Moreover, ξ 2+ ξ 2 = U(x )2dx dx + U, (x )2dx dx F, | | |∇ | | 2 | 1 2 | x2 2 | 1 2 ≤ ZΩ ZΩ where F depends on ν,Ω, and U . 0 Lemma 3.2. ([18]) For all v in V we have the Ladyzhenskaya inequality 1 1 v L4(Ω) C(Ω)v 2 v 2. (3.1) k k ≤ | | k k Proof. Let v V and r C1(( L,L)) such that r =1 on [0, L] and r =0 at x = L. 1 ∈ ∈ − − Defineϕ=rv,andextendϕby0toΩ =( L, L) (0, h),whereh=max h(x ). 1 − × 0≤x1≤L 1 We obtain x1 ∂ϕ L ∂ϕ ϕ2(x ,x ) = 2 ϕ(t ,x ) (t ,x )dt 2 ϕ(x ,x ) (x ,x )dx 1 2 1 2 ∂t 1 2 1 ≤ | 1 2 ||∂x 1 2 | 1 Z−L 1 Z−L 1 and h ∂ϕ h ∂ϕ ϕ2(x ,x )= 2 ϕ(x ,t ) (x ,t )dt 2 ϕ(x ,x ) (x ,x )dx , 1 2 − 1 2 ∂t 1 2 2 ≤ | 1 2 ||∂x 1 2 | 2 Zx2 2 Z0 2 whence ϕ 4 = ϕ2(x ,x )ϕ2(x ,x )dx dx k kL4(Ω1) 1 2 1 2 1 2 ZΩ1 h L sup ϕ2(x ,x )dx sup ϕ2(x ,x )dx 1 2 2 1 2 1 ≤ Z0 −L≤x1≤L ! Z−L 0≤x2≤h ! h L ∂ϕ L h ∂ϕ 4 ϕ dx dx ϕ dx dx . ≤ Z0 Z−L| ||∂x1| 1 2!× Z−LZ0 | ||∂x2| 2 1! By the Cauchy-Schwartz inequality, ∂ϕ ∂ϕ ϕ 4 4ϕ2 k kL4(Ω1) ≤ | |L2(Ω1)|∂x |L2(Ω1)|∂x |L2(Ω1) 1 2 ∂ϕ ∂ϕ 2ϕ2 2 + 2 ≤ | |L2(Ω1) |∂x |L2(Ω1) |∂x |L2(Ω1) (cid:18) 1 2 (cid:19) 2ϕ2 ϕ2 . ≤ | |L2(Ω1)|∇ |L2(Ω1) 8 We use r 1 and the Poincar´einequality to get | |≤ v ϕ , ϕ 2v and ϕ C v k kL4(Ω) ≤k kL4(Ω1) | |L2(Ω1) ≤ | |L2(Ω) |∇ |L2(Ω1) ≤ k kV for some constant C, whence (3.1) holds. Theorem 3.1. For any v H and U R there exists a solution of Problem 2.1. 0 0 ∈ ∈ Proof. We provide only the main steps of the proof as it is quite standard and, on the other hand, long. The estimates we obtain will be used further in the paper. Observe that the functional j is convex, lower semicontinuous but nondifferentiable. To overcomethis difficulty we use the following approach(see, i.e., [20], [22]). For δ >0 let j :V R be a functional defined by δ → 1 ϕ j (ϕ)= k ϕ1+δdx 7→ δ 1+δ | | ZΓ0 which is convex, lower semicontinuous and finite on V, and has the following properties (i) there exists χ V′ and µ R such that j (ϕ) <χ,ϕ> +µ for all ϕ V, δ ∈ ∈ ≥ ∈ (ii) lim j (ϕ)=j(ϕ) for all ϕ V, δ→0+ δ ∈ (iii) v ⇀v (weakly) in V lim j (v ) j(v). δ ⇒ δ→0+ δ δ ≥ The functional j is Gˆateaux differentiable in V, with δ (j′(v), Θ)= k v δ−1vΘdx , Θ V. δ | | 1 ∈ ZΓ0 Let us consider the following equation dv ( δ,Θ)+νa(v (t),Θ) + b(v (t),v (t),Θ)+(j′(v ),Θ) dt δ δ δ δ δ = νa(ξ,Θ) b(ξ,v (t),Θ) b(v (t),ξ,Θ) (3.2) δ δ − − − with initial condition v (0)=v . (3.3) δ 0 For δ >0, we establish an a prioriestimates of v . Since (j′(v ),v ) 0, v (t) V, and δ δ δ δ ≥ δ ∈ b(v (t),v (t),v (t))=b(ξ,v (t),v (t))=0 then taking Θ=v (t) in (3.2) we get δ δ δ δ δ δ 1 d v (t)2+ν v (t) 2 νa(ξ,v (t)) b(v (t),ξ,v (t)) 2dt| δ | k δ k ≤− δ − δ δ In view of Lemma 3.1 we obtain 1 d ν v (t)2+ v (t) 2 ν ξ 2. 2dt| δ | 2k δ k ≤ k k We estimate the right hand side in terms of the data using Lemma 3.1 to get 1 d ν v (t)2+ v (t) 2 F. (3.4) 2dt| δ | 2k δ k ≤ 9 with F =F(ν,Ω,U ). From (3.4) we conclude that 0 t v (t)2+ν v (s) 2ds v(0)2+2tF, (3.5) δ δ | | k k ≤| | Z0 whence v is bounded in L2(0,T;V) L∞(0,T;H), independently of δ. (3.6) δ ∩ The existence of v satisfying (3.2)-(3.3) is based on inequality (3.4), the Galerkin ap- δ proximations, and the compactness method. Moreover,from (3.5) we can deduce that dv δ is bounded in L2(0,T;V′). (3.7) dt From(3.6)and(3.7)weconcludethatthereexistsvsuchthat(possiblyforasubsequence) dv dv v ⇀v in L2(0,T;V), and δ ⇀ in L2(0,T;V′). (3.8) δ dt dt In view of (3.8), v ([0T];H), and ∈C v v in L2(0,T;H) strongly. δ → We can now pass to the limit δ 0 in (3.2)-((3.3) as in [13] to obtain the variational → inequality(2.9)foralmosteveryt (0,T). ThustheexistenceofasolutionofProblem2.1 ∈ is established. Theorem 3.2. Under the hypotheses of Theorem 3.1, the solution v of Problem 2.1 is unique and the map v(τ) v(t), for t>τ 0, is Lipschitz continuous in H. → ≥ Proof. Letv andw be twosolutionsofProblem2.1. Thenforu(t)=w(t) v(t)wehave − 1 d u(t)2+ν u(t) 2 b(u(t),w(t),u(t))+b(u(t),ξ,u(t)). 2dt| | k k ≤ By Lemma 3.1 and the Ladyzhenskaya inequality (3.1) we obtain d ν 2 u(t)2+ u(t) 2 C(Ω)4 w(t) 2 u(t)2, (3.9) dt| | 2k k ≤ ν k k | | and in view of the Poincar´e inequality we conclude d σ 2 u(t)2+ u(t)2 C(Ω)4 w(t) 2 u(t)2. dt| | 2| | ≤ ν k k | | Using again the Gronwall lemma, we obtain t σ 2 u(t)2 u(τ)2exp C(Ω)4 w(s) 2 ds . (3.10) | | ≤| | {− 2 − ν k k } Zτ (cid:18) (cid:19) From(3.8)itfollowsthatthe solutionw ofProblem2.1belongsto L2(τ,t;V). By(3.10) the map v(τ) v(t), t>τ 0, in H is Lipschitz continuous, with → ≥ w(t) v(t) C w(τ) v(τ) (3.11) | − |≤ | − | uniformly for t,τ in a given interval [0,T] and initial conditions w(0),v(0) in a given bounded set B in H. In particular, as u(0) = w(0) v(0) = 0, the solution v of Problem 2.1 is unique. − This ends the proof of Theorem 3.2. 10

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