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On the exact evaluation of spin networks Laurent Freidel1 and Jeff Hnybida1 1 Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics, Waterloo, N2L-2Y5, Ontario, Canada. WeintroduceafullycoherentspinnetworkamplitudewhoseexpansiongeneratesallSU(2) spinnetworksassociatedwithagivengraph. Wethengiveanexplicitevaluationofthisam- plitude for an arbitrary graph. We show how this coherent amplitude can be obtained from the specialization of a generating functional obtained by the contraction of parametrized in- tertwiners`alaSchwinger. Wefinallygivetheexplicitevaluationofthisgeneratingfunctional for arbitrary graphs. 2 I. INTRODUCTION 1 0 2 Spin networks consist of graphs labeled by representations of SU(2). They play a fundamental n role in quantum gravity in two respects. First, they arise as a basis of states for 4 dimensional a quantum gravity formulated in terms of Ashtekar-Barbero variables [1]. Second, in spin foam mod- J els the evaluations of spin networks appear in the expression of the quantum transition amplitude 7 between boundary spin network states. In 3 dimensions the amplitude associated with a tetrahe- 1 dron is the 6j symbol or the spin network evaluation of a tetrahedral graph [2]. Similarly, in 4 ] c dimensions the amplitude associated with a 4-simplex is given by a product of two 15j-symbols q with labels being related via the Immirzi parameter [3, 4]. These results have triggered an ex- - r tensive study of the properties of these symbols especially concerning their asymptotic properties. g It has been known for a while that the 6j symbol is asymptotically related to the cosine of the [ Regge action, and moreover it has been shown more recently that these results extend to the 15j 1 symbol[5–8]. Inordertounderstandtheasymptoticpropertyofthespinnetworkevaluation, akey v 3 insight was to express these amplitudes in terms of coherent states and express the amplitudes as 1 a functional of spinor variables. Furthermore, the coherent state representation has been found to 6 admit a corresponding geometrical interpretation in terms of polyhedral [9] and twisted geometries 3 . [10] where the spin labels represent the area of a polygonal face. It was also recognized that further 1 0 simplifications of the amplitudes and other structures involving the coherent intertwiners could be 2 achieved by summing the amplitudes over the spins with certain weight while keeping the total 1 spin associated with each of the vertices fixed. In this case the amplitudes were found to exhibit : v an extra U(N) symmetry that renders certain computations extremely efficient [11–13]. What we i X proposehereistogoonestepfurtherandconsiderfullycoherentspinnetworkamplitudesobtained r by summing over all spins with a specific weight. Such a proposal has also been developed recently a by Livine and Dupuis [14] in order to write spin foam models more efficiently. What we show is that by carefully choosing the weight of the spin network amplitudes we can compute them exactly for an arbitrary graph. This is our main result. These fully coherent amplitudes contain as their expansion coefficients the spin network evaluations for arbitrary spins and therefore can be understood as a generating functional for all spin networks evaluations. Similar generating functionals have been studied before, first by Schwinger [16] and then further developed by Bargmann [17] (see also [18]). Much later, an explicit evaluation of the generating functional for the chromatic (or Penrose [15]) evaluation of a spin network on a planar trivalent graph was given by Westbury [19]. More recently, Garoufalidis et al. [20] extended the evaluation of the chromatic generating functional to non planar graphs and Costantino and Marche [21] to the case where holonomies along the edges are present. In our case we focus on a slightly different generating functional that does not generate the chromatic evaluation but rather the usual spin network evaluation (i.e. the one obtained by the contraction of intertwiners). This evaluation 2 differs from the chromatic one by an overall sign [22] and is much simpler in the non planar case. We present new techniques that allow this generating functional to be represented as a Gaussian integral and finally as the reciprocal of a polynomial. Furthermore, these results are valid for graphs of full generality such as those which are non-planar or of higher valency. II. COHERENT EVALUATION OF THE VERTEX AND GENERAL GRAPHS One of the key recent developments concerning spin foam amplitudes has been the ability to express them in terms of SU(2) coherent states. In the following we denote the coherent states and their contragradient version by (cid:18)α (cid:19) (cid:18)−β¯(cid:19) |z(cid:105) ≡ , |z] ≡ . (1) β α¯ The bracket between these two spinors [z |z (cid:105) = α β − α β is purely holomorphic and anti- 1 2 1 2 2 1 symmetric with respect to the exchange of z with z . We will also denote the conjugate states 1 2 by (cid:104)z| = (α¯,β¯) and [z| = (−β,α). The vertex amplitude for SU(2) BF theory, expressed in terms of the SU(2) coherent states, depends on 10 spins j and depends holomorphically on 20 spinors |z (cid:105) (cid:54)= |z (cid:105); it is based on a ij ij ji 4-simplex graph and is given by: (cid:90) (cid:89) (cid:89) A (j ,z ) = dg [z |g−1g |z (cid:105)2jij. (2) 4S ij ij i ij i j ji SU(2)5 i i<j One of the key advantages of expressing the vertex amplitude in terms of coherent states is the ease with which to compute its asymptotic properties [5, 6, 8]. However, even if the asymptotic property of this amplitude is known, we do not know how to to compute it explicitly. What we are going to show is that by resumming these amplitudes in terms of a fully coherent amplitudes where j is summed over, we can get an exact expression for the vertex amplitude. ij (cid:80) Let us denote J ≡ j and define the following vertex amplitude which now depends i j|j(cid:54)=i ij only on the spinors: (cid:81) A (z ) ≡ (cid:88) i(Ji+1)!A (j ,z ). (3) 4S ij (cid:81) 4S ij ij (2j )! jij i<j ij Since |A4S(jij,zij)| ≤ (cid:81)i<j|[zij|zji(cid:105)|2jij it can be easily seen that such a series admits a non- zero radius of convergence. This amplitude can be thought of as a generating functional for the vertex amplitude A (j ,z ), where the magnitudes of the (cid:104)z |z (cid:105) determine which spin j the 4S ij ij ij ij ij amplitude is peaked on. Let us finally note that the particular set of coefficients we use in order to sum the coherent state amplitudes is motivated by the U(N) perspective [11, 12]. That is, if we denote by ||j ,z (cid:105) the SU(2) coherent intertwiners and by |J,z ) the SU(N) coherent states we i i i have the relation (cid:115) |J,zi) (cid:88) (J +1)! √ = ||j ,z (cid:105) (4) (cid:81) i i J! (cid:80)iji=J i(2ji)! where ||j ,z (cid:105) = (cid:82) dg ⊗ (g|z (cid:105))2ji, is the coherent intertwiner [23]. The idea to use generalized i i i i coherent states which include the sum over all spins in a way compatible with the U(N) symmetry, hasbeenalreadyproposedin[13]inordertotreatallsimplicityconstraintsarisinginthespinfoam 3 formulationofgravityonthesamefooting. Oneambiguityconcernsthechoiceofthemeasurefactor √ (cid:80) used to perform the summation over the total spin J. The choice to sum states as |J,z )/ J! J i differs form the one taken in [13], but is ultimately justified for us by the fact that the spin network amplitude can be exactly evaluated. The definition of the generally coherent amplitude is not limited to the 4-simplex, it can be extended to any spin network: More generally, let Γ be an oriented graph with edges denoted by e and vertices by v. We assign two spinors z ,z to each oriented edge e, one for e and one for e e−1 the reverse oriented edge e−1. We also assign spins j = j to every edge and define e e−1 (cid:88) (cid:88) J ≡ j + j v e e e:se=v e:te=v where s (resp. t ) is the starting (resp. terminal vertex) of the edge e. e e Given this data we define a functional depending on j and holomorphically on all z given by: e e (cid:90) (cid:89) (cid:89) A (j ,z ) ≡ dg [z |g g−1|z (cid:105)2je (5) Γ e e v e se te e−1 v∈VΓ e∈EΓ where we define E to be the set of edges of Γ and V the set of vertices. Finally, we introduce the Γ Γ following amplitude depending purely on the spinors (cid:81) A (z ) ≡ (cid:88) v∈VΓ(Jv +1)!A (j ,z ), (6) Γ e (cid:81) Γ e e (2j )! je e∈EΓ e = (cid:88) (cid:89) (J +1)!(cid:90) (cid:89) dg (cid:89) [ze|gsegt−e1|ze−1(cid:105)2je. (7) v i (2j )! e je v∈VΓ i∈VΓ e∈EΓ The main motivation for this definition comes from the fact that it can be explicitly evaluated, and this follows from the fact that this amplitude can be expressed as a Gaussian integral. Lemma II.1. The fully coherent amplitude can be evaluated as a Gaussian integral   (cid:90) (cid:89) (cid:88) AΓ(ze) = dµ(αi)exp− (cid:104)αi|Xij|αj(cid:105) (8) C2|Vγ| i∈VΓ i,j∈VΓ where dµ(α) ≡ e−(cid:104)α|α(cid:105)d4α/π2; and X is a 2 by 2 matrix which vanishes if there is no edge between ij i and j. If (ij) = e is an edge of Γ, X is given by ij (cid:88) (cid:88) X = |z (cid:105)[z |− |z (cid:105)[z |. (9) ij e e−1 e−1 e e|se=i,te=j e|te=i,se=j This Gaussian integral can be evaluated giving 1 A (z ) = . (10) Γ e det(1+X(z )) e Proof. Given a group element g ∈ SU(2) we can construct a unit spinor |α (cid:105) ≡ g−1|0(cid:105) where i i i |0(cid:105) = (10)T. Using the the decomposition of the identity 1 = |0(cid:105)(cid:104)0|+|0][0|, we can express the group product as g−1g = g−1(|0(cid:105)(cid:104)0|+|0][0|)g = |α (cid:105)(cid:104)α |+|α ][α | (11) i j i j i j i j 4 where we used the decomposition of the identity 1 = |0(cid:105)(cid:104)0|+|0][0|. On the other hand, given a spinor |α(cid:105) we can construct a group element g(α) ≡ |0(cid:105)(cid:104)α|+|0][α|, for which g†(α)g(α) = (cid:104)α|α(cid:105). Any function of |α(cid:105) and its conjugate can be viewed as a function F(g(|α(cid:105))) of this element and therefore can be viewed, when restricted to unit spinors as a function on SU(2). Lets now suppose that F(g(|α(cid:105))) is homogeneous of degree 2J in |α(cid:105), i.e. F(g(λα)) = λ2JF(g(α)) for λ > 0. Then we can express the group integration as a Gaussian integral over spinors (cid:90) (cid:90) 1 (J +1)! dgF(g) = d4αe−(cid:104)α|α(cid:105)F(g(α)) (12) π2 SU(2) C2 where dg is the normalized Haar measure (for proof see the appendix). Therefore A (z ) can be Γ e written as a Gaussian integral   (cid:90) (cid:89) (cid:88) (cid:0) (cid:1) AΓ(ze) = dµ(αi)exp [ze| |αs(e)(cid:105)(cid:104)αt(e)|+|αs(e)][αt(e)| |ze−1(cid:105) (13) C2|Vγ| i∈VΓ e∈EΓ where dµ(α) ≡ e−(cid:104)α|α(cid:105)d4α/π2. Using the relation [α|w(cid:105)[z|β] = −(cid:104)β|z(cid:105)[w|α(cid:105) we can write the integrand as (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:80) exp − (cid:104)α |X |α (cid:105) where the 2 by 2 matrix X is given by i,j∈VΓ i ij j ij (cid:88) (cid:88) X = |z (cid:105)[z |− |z (cid:105)[z | (14) ij e e−1 e−1 e e|se=i,te=j e|te=i,se=j andX vanishesifthereisnoedgebetweeniandj. ThisGaussianintegralcanbeeasilyevaluated ij giving the determinant formula (10). We now want to evaluate this determinant explicitly. To do this we require the following definitions. Definition II.2. A loop of Γ is a set of edges l = e ,···e such that t = s and t = s . 1 n ei ei+1 en e1 A simple loop of Γ is a loop in which e (cid:54)= e for i (cid:54)= j, that is each edge enters at most once. A i j non trivial cycle c = (e ,···e ) of Γ is a simple loop of Γ in which s (cid:54)= s for i (cid:54)= j, i.e. it 1 n ei ej is a simple loop in which each vertex is traversed at most once. A disjoint cycle union of Γ is a collection C = {c ,··· ,c } of non trivial cycles of Γ which are pairwise disjoint (i.e. do not have 1 k any common edges or vertices). Given a non trivial cycle c = (e ,··· ,e ) we define the quantity 1 n A (z ) ≡ −(−1)|e|[z˜ |z (cid:105)[z˜ |z (cid:105)···[z˜ |z (cid:105) (15) c e e1 e2 e2 e3 en e1 where |e| is the number of edges of c whose orientation agrees with the chosen orientation of Γ, and z˜ ≡ z . Finally, given a disjoint cycle union C = {c ···c } we define e e−1 1 k A (z ) = A (z )···A (z ). (16) C e c1 e ck e With these definitions we present the final expression for the vertex amplitude in the following theorem. Theorem II.3. 1 A (z ) = (17) Γ e (1+(cid:80) A (z ))2 C C e where the sum is over all disjoint cycle unions C of Γ. 5 The proof of this result is detailed in the appendix, and is due to the following special property of the matrix X. Proposition II.4. The Matrix X defined in Eq. (9) is what we call a scalar loop matrix. That is for any collection of indices L = (i ,··· ,i ) of {1,2,...,n} where n is the size of X the quantity 1 n 1 (cid:0)X X ···X +X X ···X (cid:1) = X 1 (18) 2 i1i2 i2i3 ini1 i1in inin−1 i2i1 L is proportional to the identity. This property allows us to prove the following lemma from which the theorem follows: Lemma II.5. If X is a n×n scalar loop matrix composed of 2 by 2 block matrices then (cid:32) (cid:33)2 (cid:88) det(X) = sgn(C)X ···X , (19) i1 ik C where the sum is over all collections of pairwise disjoint cycles C = (i ,··· ,i ) of {1,··· ,n} which 1 k cover {1,2,...,n}, and sgn(C) is the signature of C viewed as a permutation of (1,··· ,n). Evaluating this sum leads to our main theorem. A. Illustration Let us first illustrate this theorem on one of the simplest graphs: the theta graph Θ . This n graph consists of two vertices with n edges running between them. The amplitude for this graph depends on 2n spinors denoted z for the spinors attached to the first vertex and w for the ones i i attached to the second vertex. The orientation of all the edges is directed from z to w where i i i = 1,··· ,n labels the edges of Θ . For this graph the only cycles which have non-zero amplitudes n are of length 2. Further, since there are only two vertices, each disjoint cycle union consists of a single nontrivial cycle. The amplitude associated to such a cycle going along the edge i and then j is given by A = [w |w (cid:105)[z |z (cid:105) (20) ij i j j i Therefore, from our general formula we have  −2 (cid:88) AΘn(zi,wi) = 1+ [wi|wj(cid:105)[zj|zi(cid:105) . (21) i<j We now illustrate the theorem for cases of the 3-simplex and the 4-simplex. In a n-simplex there is exactly one oriented edge for any pair of vertices e = [ij] and so we can label cycles by sequences of vertices. We choose the orientation of the simplex to be such that positively oriented edges are given by e = [ij] for i < j. Associated to the oriented edge e = [ij] we assign the spinors z ≡ zi, z˜ = z ≡ zj. e j e e−1 i Given a non trivial cycle (1,2,...,p) of a n-simplex we define its amplitude by A ≡ [z1|z1(cid:105)[z2|z2(cid:105)···[zp |zp(cid:105). (22) 12···p p 2 1 3 p−1 1 6 Forthe3-simplexwehavefournon-trivialcyclesoflength3andthreenon-trivialcyclesoflength4. Since each of these cycles share a vertex or edge with every other, the only disjoint cycle unions are those which contain one non-trivial cycle. Therefore, after taking into account the sign convention the 3-simplex amplitude is given by (cid:18) (cid:19)−2 A = 1−A −A −A −A +A −A −A . (23) 3S 123 124 134 234 1234 1243 1324 The sign in front of A is determined in the following way. First, there is one −1 which comes 123 from the cycle union having one non trivial cycle and two −1 because the non trivial cycle (1,2,3) contains the two edges 12 and 23 which have a positive orientation. Thus the sign is negative. Forthe4-simplexwehaveten3-cycles,fifteen4cycles,andtwelve5cyclesandagainthedisjoint cycle unions consist of only single cycles. We define the 3-cycle amplitude to be A ≡ A +A +A +A +A +A +A +A +A +A , (24) 3 123 124 134 234 125 135 345 145 245 345 the 4-cycle amplitude to be A ≡ Aˆ +Aˆ +Aˆ +Aˆ +Aˆ , with Aˆ = A −A −A . (25) 4 1234 1235 1245 1345 2345 1234 1234 1324 1243 and the 5-cycle amplitude to be A = A −A −A −A −A −A 5 12345 12435 23541 34152 45213 51324 −A −A −A −A −A −A . (26) 12453 23514 34125 45231 51342 13524 Finally, the 4-simplex amplitude is given by A = (1−A +A −A )−2. (27) 4S 3 4 5 III. INTERTWINERS AND THE VERTEX AMPLITUDE The goal of this section is to understand more deeply the relationship between the coherent evaluation of 3 and 4-valent graphs like the 3 and 4-simplex and the usual evaluation of spin network. In order to express the coherent evaluation A and A , in terms of the 6j and 15j symbols 3S 4S respectively, weneedtoknowtherelationshipbetweenthecoherentintertwinerandthenormalised 3j symbol. This relationship is well known for 3-valent intertwiners [12, 17, 24, 25], however we will give an independent and elegant derivation that will allow us to understand this relationship in the unknown 4-valent case ( for an exception see [12]). A. The n-valent intertwiner Itiswell-known[16,17]thatthespinj representationcanbeunderstoodintermsofholomorphic functionsonspinorspaceC2whicharehomogeneousofdegree2j. Inthisformulationaholomorphic and orthonormal basis corresponding to the diagonalisation of J is given by 3 αj+mβj−m ej (z) = (28) m (cid:112) (j +m)!(j −m)! 7 where (α,β) are the components of the spinor |z(cid:105). This basis is orthonormal with respect to the Gaussian measure 1 dµ(z) = e−(cid:104)z|z(cid:105)d4z (29) π2 and d4z is the Lebesgue measure on C2. In fact these basis elements are the bracket between the usual states and the coherent states ej (z) = (cid:104)j,m|z(cid:105) m . In this representation it is straightforward to construct a basis of n-valent intertwiners, i.e. functions of z ,··· ,z which are invariant under SL(2,C) and homogeneous of degree 2j in z . 1 n i i A complete basis of these intertwiners is labeled by n(n−1)/2 integers [k] ≡ (k ) with ij i(cid:54)=j=1,···,n k = k and given by ij ji C(n)(z ) ≡ (−1)sn(cid:89) [zi|zj(cid:105)kij. (30) [k] i k ! ij i<j where the sign factor s is chosen for convenience1. By homogeneity the integers [k] must satisfy n the conditions (cid:88) k = 2j (31) ij i j(cid:54)=i and when these conditions are satisfied we write [k] ∈ K . j We now would like to understand the relationship between this basis of intertwiners and the coherent intertwiners, and in particular the scalar product between these states. In order to investigate this, let us introduce the normalised intertwiner basis (cid:115) (n) (cid:81)i<j[zi|zj(cid:105)kij (cid:81)i<jkij! (n) C(cid:98)[k] (zi) ≡ (cid:113) (cid:81) = (J +1)! C[k] . (32) (J +1)! k ! i<j ij Intuitively, the theta graph consists of two n-valent intertwiners with pairs of legs identified. Indeed, expanding the theta graph amplitude (21) in a power series yields an expression in terms of these intertwiners  J (cid:88) (cid:88) AΘn(zi,wi) = (−1)J(J +1) [wi|wj(cid:105)[zj|zi(cid:105) (33) J i<j (cid:88) (cid:81)i<j[wi|wj(cid:105)kij[zi|zj(cid:105)kij = (J +1)! (34) (cid:81) k ! i<j ij [k] = (cid:88)[(J +1)!]2 (cid:88) C(cid:98)[(kn])(zi)C(cid:98)[(kn])(wi). (35) ji [k]∈Kj This shows that A (z ,w ) is a generating functional for the n-valent intertwiners. Given the Θn i i definition (6) of the amplitude A (z ,w ) in terms of coherent intertwiners, this implies that Θn i i (cid:88) (n) (n) (cid:90) (cid:89) [zi|g|wi(cid:105)2ji C(cid:98)[k] (zi)C(cid:98)[k] (wi) = dg (2j )! . (36) i [k]∈Kj i 1 For instance in the trivalent case we take s = k so that the ordering correspond to the cyclic ordering with 3 31 z ,z ,z instead of z ,z ,z . 12 23 31 12 23 13 8 This shows that the relation between the coherent intertwiner (cid:107)j ,z (cid:105) and the normalised n-valent i i intertwiner C(cid:98)[k] is given by (cid:112)(cid:107)(cid:81)ji,(z2ij(cid:105))! = (cid:88) (cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)C(cid:98)[(kn])(cid:69)C(cid:98)[(kn])(zi) (37) i i [k]∈Kj (cid:68) (cid:12) (cid:69) where we have introduce the state C(cid:98)[(kn])(cid:12)(cid:12)zi ≡ C(cid:98)[(kn])(zi). (n) We now have to understand the normalization properties of C(cid:98) . In order to do so, it is [k] convenient to introduce another generating functional defined by (cid:88) (n) (n) A(cid:98)Θn(zi,wi) ≡ C(cid:98)[k] (zi)C(cid:98)[k] (wi). (38) [k] The remarkable fact about this generating functional, which follows from (36), is that it can be written as the evaluation of the following integral (cid:90) A(cid:98)Θn(zi,wi) = dge(cid:80)i[zi|g|wi(cid:105). (39) SU(2) We can now compute (cid:90) (cid:89)dµ(wi)(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)A(cid:98)Θn(zi,wi)(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)2 = (cid:90) dgdh(cid:90) (cid:89)dµ(wi)e(cid:80)i[zi|g|wi(cid:105)+(cid:80)i(cid:104)wi|h−1|zi] (40) i i (cid:90) = dgdhe(cid:80)i[zi|gh−1|zi] = A(cid:98)Θn(zi,zˇi) (41) where |zˇ(cid:105) ≡ |z ] and in the second line we performed the Gaussian integral. i i Using (38) to write this equality in terms of the intertwiner basis we get (cid:88) C(cid:98)[(kn(cid:48))](z)(cid:68)C(cid:98)[(kn(cid:48))](cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12) C(cid:98)[(kn])(cid:69)C(cid:98)[(kn])(zˇi) = (cid:88)C(cid:98)[(kn])(zi)C(cid:98)[(kn])(zˇi) (42) [k],[k(cid:48)] [k] where we have used that C(n)(zˇ) is the complex conjugate2 of C(n)(z ). This shows that the [k] i [k] i combination Pj ≡ (cid:88) (cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)C(cid:98)[(kn])(cid:69)(cid:68)C(cid:98)[(kn])(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12) (43) [k]∈Kj is a projector onto the space of SU(2) intertwiners of spin j . i In the case n = 3 there is only one intertwiner. Indeed, given [k] = (k ,k ,k ) the homo- 12 23 31 geneity restriction requires 2j = k +k which can be easily solved by 1 12 13 k = J −2j , J ≡ j +j +j . (44) ij i 1 2 3 (3) In this case the fact that P is a projector implies that C form an orthonormal basis, j [k] (cid:68) (cid:69) (3) (3) C(cid:98)[k]|C(cid:98)[k(cid:48)] = δ[k],[k(cid:48)]. In other word we can write (cid:18) (cid:19) C(cid:98)[(k3])(zi) = (cid:88) mj11 mj22 mj33 ejm11(z1)ejm22(z2)ejm33(z3) (45) mi 2 We have [wˇ|zˇ(cid:105)=−(cid:104)w|z]=(cid:104)z|w]=[w|z(cid:105). 9 where the coefficients are the Wigner 3j symbols. Using the relationship (37) between the normalised and coherent intertwiners and the definition (7) of the amplitude in terms of coherent intertwiners we can evaluate the 3-simplex amplitude in terms of the 6j symbol as (cid:88)(cid:89) (cid:89) A3S(zji) = (Ji+1)!(−1)s C(cid:98)jij(zji){6j}. (46) jij i i Here s = j +j and this signs comes from the fact that the oriented graph for the 6j symbol 12 13 differs from the generic orientation we have chosen by a change of order of the edge 12 and 23 (see e.g. [26] for the definition of the 6j). Note that it is also interesting to consider the amplitude (cid:90) A(cid:98)3S(zji) ≡ (cid:88)(cid:89)C(cid:98)jij(zji){6j} = (cid:89)dgie(cid:80)i<j[zji|gigj−1|zij(cid:105) (47) jij i i although this amplitude cannot be evaluated exactly, unlike A. This amplitude does however possess interesting asymptotic properties. IV. GENERATING FUNCTIONALS Wewouldlikenowtoprovideadirectevaluationofthescalarproductbetweentwointertwiners. In order to do so we introduce the following generating functional which depends holomorphically on n spinors |z (cid:105) and n(n−1)/2 complex numbers τ = −τ i ij ji Cτij(zi) ≡ e(cid:80)i<jτij[zi|zj(cid:105) = (cid:88)(cid:89)τikjijC[k](zi). (48) [k] i<j This functional was first consider by Schwinger [16]. We now compute the scalar product between two such intertwiners (cid:90) (cid:10) (cid:11) (cid:89) (cid:12) (cid:12)2 Cτij|Cτij = dµ(zi)(cid:12)Cτij(zi)(cid:12) (49) i (cid:90) = (cid:89)dµ(zi)e(cid:80)i<jτij[zi|zj(cid:105)+τ¯ij(cid:104)zj|zi]. (50) i If we denote by α ∈ C and β ∈ C the two components of the spinor z , and use that [z |z (cid:105) = i i i i j α β −α β together with the antisymmetry of τ , this integral reads i j j i ij (cid:90) (cid:89)dµ(αi)dµ(βi)e(cid:80)i,j(τijαiβj+τ¯ijα¯iβ¯j) (51) i with dµ(α) = e−|α|2dα/π. We can easily integrate over β , since the integrand is linear in β and j j we obtain: (cid:90) (cid:89)dµ(αi)e(cid:80)i,j,kαiτijτ¯kjα¯k = 1 (52) det(1+TT) i whereT = (τ )andT = (τ ). Inthecasewheren = 3thisdeterminantcanbeexplicitlyevaluated ij ij and it is given by  2 (cid:88) det(1+TT) = 1− |τij|2 (53) i<j 10 In the case n = 4 the explicit evaluation gives  2 (cid:88) det(1+TT) = 1− |τij|2+|R|2 (54) i<j where R(τ) = τ τ +τ τ +τ τ . (55) 12 34 13 42 14 23 Note that the Plu¨cker identity tells us that R = 0 when τ = [z |z (cid:105). ij i j By expanding the LHS of (49) for n = 4 (cid:10)Cτij|Cτij(cid:11) = (cid:88) (cid:89)τikjijτ¯ikji(cid:48)j (cid:10)C[k(cid:48)](cid:12)(cid:12) C[k](cid:11) (56) [k],[k(cid:48)]i<j we see that the generating functional contains information about the scalar products of the new intertwiners. The property of this scalar product is studied in [27]. For general n we notice that (cid:18) (cid:19) T 1 det(1+TT) = det (57) −1 T and since T is n×n antisymmetric we can express the determinant as the square of a pfaffian as (cid:32) (cid:33)2 (cid:88) |I| det(1+TT) = 1+ (−1) 2 pf(TI)pf(TI) (58) I where I ⊂ {1,...,n}, |I| = 2,4,... up to n, and T is the submatrix of T consisting of the rows and I columns indexed by I. In particular we have pf(T ) = τ and for I = {i,j,k,l} {i,j} ij R ≡ pf(T ) = τ τ +τ τ +τ τ . (59) ijkl {i,j,k,l} ij kl ik lj il jk By the pfaffian expansion formula for |I| > 4 pf(T ) consists of terms, all of which contain a factor I R for some 1 ≤ i < j < k < l ≤ n. For instance pf(T ) = τ R −τ R +···. ijkl {1,2,3,4,5,6} 12 3456 13 2456 Therefore if τ = [z |z (cid:105) then we have (cid:0)n(cid:1) relations R = 0 in which case the scalar product has ij i j 4 ijkl the form  −2 (cid:68) (cid:69) (cid:88) C[zi|zj(cid:105)|C[zi|zj(cid:105) = 1− [zi|zj(cid:105)(cid:104)zi|zj] = AΘn(zi,zˇi) (60) i<j where |zˇ(cid:105) ≡ |z ]. This shows that when τ = [z |z (cid:105), we recover the amplitude A we computed i i ij i j initially. This is not a coincidence, this is always true for any graph as we now show. A. General evaluation Definition IV.1. Given an oriented graph Γ we define a generating functional that depends holo- morphically on parameters τv = −τv associated with a pair of edges e,e(cid:48) meeting at v. ee(cid:48) e(cid:48)e (cid:90) G (τv ) ≡ (cid:89) dµ(w ) (cid:89) C(v)(w ) (61) Γ ee(cid:48) e τv e ee(cid:48) e∈EΓ v∈VΓ

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