Mon.Not.R.Astron.Soc.000,000–000 (0000) Printed11January2012 (MNLATEXstylefilev2.2) On the Evolution of the SFR Function of Massive Galaxies. Constraints at 0.4 < z < 1.8 from the GOODS-MUSIC Catalogue Fabio Fontanot1,2, Stefano Cristiani1, Paola Santini3, Adriano Fontana3, Andrea 2 Grazian3 and Rachel S. Somerville4,5 1 1INAF-Osservatorio Astronomico, Via Tiepolo 11, I-34131 Trieste,Italy 0 2HITS-HeidelbergerInstitut fu¨rTheoretische Studien, Schloss-Wolfsbrunnenweg 35, 69118 Heidelberg, Germany 2 3INAF-Osservatorio Astronomico di Roma, via Frascati 33, I-00040, Monteporzio, Italy n 4Space Telescope Science Institute, 3700 San Martin Drive, Baltimore, MD 21218 a 5Department of Physics and Astronomy, Johns Hopkins University,Baltimore, MD 21218, USA J email: [email protected] 0 1 Accepted ...Received... ] O C ABSTRACT . We study the evolution of the Star Formation Rate Function (SFRF) of massive h p (M⋆ > 1010M⊙) galaxies over the 0.4 < z < 1.8 redshift range and its implications - for our understanding of the physical processes responsible for galaxy evolution. We o use multiwavelength observations included in the GOODS-MUSIC catalogue, which r providesasuitablecoverageofthespectralregionfrom0.3to24µmandeitherspectro- t s scopic or photometric redshifts for each object. Individual SFRs have been obtained a by combining UV and 24 µm observations, when the latter were available. For all [ other sources an “SED fitting” SFR estimate has been considered. We then define 2 a stellar mass limited sample, complete in the M⋆ > 1010M⊙ range and determine v the SFRF using the 1/Vmax algorithm. We thus define simulated galaxy catalogues 9 based on the predictions of three different state-of-the-art semi-analytical models of 2 galaxyformationandevolution,andcomparethemwiththeobservedSFRF.Weshow 0 that the theoretical SFRFs are well described by a double power law functional form 0 and its redshift evolution is approximated with high accuracy by a pure evolution of . 2 the typical SFR (SFR⋆). We find good agreementbetween model predictions and the 1 high-SFR end of the SFRF, when the observationalerrors on the SFR are taken into 1 account.However,the observationalSFRF is characterisedby a double peaked struc- 1 ture, which is absent in its theoretical counterparts. At z > 1.0 the observed SFRF : v showsa relevantdensity evolution,whichis notreproducedby SAMs, due to the well i known overprediction of intermediate mass galaxies at z ∼2. Semi-analytical models X are thus able to reproduce the most intense SFR events observed in the GOODS- r MUSIC sample and their redshift distribution. At the same time, the agreement at a the low-SFR end is poor: all models overpredict the space density of SFR ∼1M⊙/yr and no model reproduces the double peaked shape ofthe observationalSFRF. If con- firmed by deeper IR observations, this discrepancy will provide a key constraint on theoretical modelling of star formation and stellar feedback. Key words: galaxies: evolution - galaxies: fundamental parameters - cosmology: observations 1 INTRODUCTION galaxies is a complex task, owing to the uncertainties in- volved in the reconstruction of this quantity from obser- vational data. It is widely accepted that dusty molecular The evolution of the star formation rate (SFR) over the clouds are the main sites for star formation: this implies cosmic time is a fundamental constraint for every theory that newly born stars are subject to significant dust atten- of galaxy formation and evolution (see e.g. Hopkins 2004; uation,untiltheyare ableto escape ordisrupt theirparent Hopkins& Beacom 2006). Estimating SFRs for individual (cid:13)c 0000RAS 2 Fontanot et al. cloud.YoungOBstarsemitaconsiderableamountofenergy comparing the observed evolutionary trends with the pre- intherestframeultraviolet(UV)band,whichhasthusbeen dictionsoftheoreticalmodels.Inparticular,Fontanot et al. consideredakeywavebandforrecoveringtheinstantaneous (2009b)concludedthatthediscrepanciesseenbetweenmod- SFR in external galaxies. However, dust absorbs UV pho- elsanddataformassivegalaxiesarenotsignificant,ifmodel tons,heatsupandre-emitsthisenergyasthermalradiation predictions are convolved with typical observational errors, in the Infrared (IR) bands. For this reason, SFR estimates while the strongest discrepancies between model and data based on UV luminosity include correction factors to ac- are seen for low-to-intermediate mass galaxies. count for dust attenuation and re-emission (Calzetti et al. Theimportanceofthestudyoftheredshiftevolutionof 1994; Kennicutt 1998; Bell et al. 2003). Dust attenuation thecosmic SFRforgalaxies atagivenmassrangehasbeen is particularly relevant for star forming galaxies, where the widely recognised by a number of authors (Noeske et al. dustemissionpeakisthedominantcomponentofthegalac- 2007;Elbaz et al.2007;Zheng et al. 2007;Drory & Alvarez ticspectralenergydistribution(SED,seee.g.Calzetti et al. 2008; Dunneet al. 2009; Santini et al. 2009; Gilbank et al. 2000),nottomentiontheextremecasesofsub-mmgalaxies 2011). These results and the evolution of the stellar mass (see e.g. Chapman et al. 2004). The study of thecosmic IR density provide fundamental information about the evolu- backgroundshowsthattheglobalenergyemittedbygalaxies tion of the global process of galaxy formation. The latter in theIRis comparable tothedirect starlight emission, de- approach is best complemented by the analysis of the stel- tectableintheoptical (seee.g. Lagache et al.2005),clearly lar mass function (i.e. the volume density of galaxies as a showingthatasignificantfractionofstarformationactivity function of stellar mass), which allows us to characterise is expected to be heavily extinguished and detectable only galaxy evolution as a function of both redshift and stel- in theIR. lar mass. Despite the wealth of information already avail- These uncertainties become more relevant, when SFR able in the literature about the stellar mass function and estimates for galaxies covering a wide redshift range are its redshift evolution, very little is known about the corre- considered, since both galaxy physical properties and sponding Star Formation Rate Function (SFRF hereafter) dust properties are expected to evolve with cosmic time and its evolution: Bell et al. (2007) studied its evolution in (Maiolino et al.2004;Fontanot et al.2009a;Gallerani et al. the 0.2 < z < 1.0 redshift range in the COMBO-17 sur- 2010;Fontanot & Somerville2011).CombiningUVinforma- vey,Schiminovich et al.(2007)presentedthedistributionof tion with supplementary information from direct observa- SFRs in the SDSS survey and Bothwell et al. (2011) con- tions in the IR region has thus been proposed as the best sidered the distribution of SFRs in the Local Volume (de- tooltoaccountforthetotalSFR(Kennicutt1998;Bell et al. finedasan11MpcradiusaroundtheMilkyWay)combining 2007).Inparticular,observationsat24µmhaveshowntobe GALEXandSpitzerobservations.Thisismainlyduetothe extremelyusefulforestimatingtheglobalIRluminosityand uncertainties involved in the SFR estimate, but also to the the instantaneous SFR (Papovich et al. 2007; Santini et al. difficultiesincorrectly accountingforthecompletenesscor- 2009). Thanks to the advent of the Herschel Space Obser- rection needed,especially at the low-SFR end. vatory,wewillbeabletoconstraintotalIRluminosities,by In this paper, we focus on a new treatment of the directly sampling thepeakof thethermalemission. Infact, GOODS-MUSICdata,byfocusingonamasscompletesam- ithasbeenrecentlyshownbyRodighiero et al.(2010),that pleof galaxies. Inthisway,weareabletofully characterise the combination of 24µm data with Herschel observations thevariouslevels ofstarformation intheseobjects andfol- atlongerwavelengthsrepresentsaverypromisingtoolfora low their redshift evolution. Moreover, since the strongest moreaccurate determination of SFRsof individualgalaxies starbursts are hosted by galaxies above the chosen mass up to z∼3. limit,thehigh-SFRendoftheresultingSFRFprovidesfun- Nowadays, our view of the evolution of galaxy prop- damental information about the redshift evolution of this erties has substantially changed thanks to the advent of particular galaxy class. Therefore, this paper represents a multiwavelength surveys. If the spectral sampling is fine complementary study of the evolution of SFRs in galaxies enough, these catalogues can be used to infer the physical ofdifferentstellarmasswithrespecttoSantini et al.(2009), properties also in the absence of spectroscopic information. towhichwereferthereaderfortheanalysisoftheevolution In recent years several groups (see e.g. Fontanaet al. 2004; ofthecosmicSFRandspecificSFR.Adetailedcomparison Panter et al.2007)developedanumberof“SEDfitting”al- ofthesamecataloguewithotherestimatesfortheevolution gorithms:thesecodescomparetheavailablephotometryfor of SFR as a function of redshift and stellar mass has been individualsourceswithsyntheticSEDlibrariesandthebest- presentedinFontanot et al.(2009b)(seereferencesherein). fitmodeltemplateischosenbymeansofaχ2 minimisation. In the present paper we focus on the determination of the Theresultingestimate for redshift (theso-called photomet- SFRF and compare results with the predictions of state- ricredshift),stellarmass(M⋆),dustextinctionandSFRare of-the-art semi-analytical models of galaxy formation and themostwidelyusedresultsofthisprocedureandhavebeen evolution. of fundamentalimportancefor ourunderstandingof galaxy This paper is organised as follows. We present the evolution. GOODS-MUSICcatalogueinsec.2andthetheoreticalpre- Thecommoninterpretationoftheseresultsisconnected dictionsinsec.3;wepresentourresultsinsec. 4;finallywe totheso-called“downsizing”scenario,inwhichthestarfor- discuss our conclusions in sec. 5. In the original GOODS- mationshiftsfromhighmasstolowmassgalaxiesasredshift MUSIC papers a Salpeter initial mass function (IMF) is decreases (first introduced by Cowie et al. 1996). This pic- mostly used; throughout this work, we assume a Chabrier turehasbeenrecentlyrevisedbyFontanot et al.(2009b)by IMF and we rescale all stellar mass and SFR estimates, ac- showingthatthetypicalerrorsassociatedwiththeestimate cordingly.WealsoadopttheΛCDMconcordancecosmolog- ofthephysicalquantitieshastobetakenintoaccount,when ical model (H0=70km/s/Mpc, Ωm =0.3 and Ωλ =0.7). (cid:13)c 0000RAS,MNRAS000,000–000 SFR function from GOODS-MUSIC 3 2 DATASET In order to provide a reliable estimate of statistical quantities like the stellar mass function and the SFR func- Our dataset is based on the updated version of GOOD- tion, acareful analysis of observational biases and selection MUSICcatalogue(Grazian et al.2006;Santiniet al.2009). effects is of fundamental importance for a complete census GOODS-MUSICis a multiwavelength catalogue, with pho- of all galaxies. Those corrections are critical for the SFRF, tometry in 15 bands, from 0.35 to 24 µm, covering an area giventhecomplexcombinationofmultiwavelengthinforma- of∼143.2arcmin2 oftheGOODS-Southfieldandlisting∼ tion needed, including both the selection of galaxies in the 15000 sources. Main source detection has been performed K-band, fundamental for the definition of a mass-limited on the z image, but faint z-band objects detected either sample, and the SFR estimate from 24µm for direct de- on the K image or at 4.5 µm have also been included in tection (if available) or UV and optical data for the SED thecatalogue.TheGOODS-MUSICcataloguehasbeenalso fitting procedure. In order to reduce the uncertainties in- cross-correlatedwithavailablespectroscopiccatalogues,and volvedinouranalysis,wedecidetofocusonasubsampleof a spectroscopic redshift has been assigned to ∼ 12% of the GOOD-MUSIC catalogue, defined by considering only sources.Foreachsourceinthecatalogue,itsphysicalparam- sources with a stellar mass estimate M⋆ > 1010M⊙. The eters, such as M⋆, SFR and the photometric redshift, have GOODS-MUSIC catalogue is expected to be highly com- been estimated through a “SED fitting” algorithm (see e.g. plete in this mass range over the whole 0.4 < z < 1.8 red- Santiniet al.2009andreferenceherein);forthepurposesof shiftinterval,correspondingtoK-bandmagnitudesbrighter χ2 minimisation, the available broad band photometry up than ∼23 (Fontanaet al. 2006). Moreover, for these ob- torest-frameλ<5.5µm hasbeenconsidered.Thereference jects, either 24µm fluxes or detailed multiwavelength pho- synthetic SED library is defined using Bruzual & Charlot tometry are available, and provide reliable estimates for (2003)syntheticmodelsandassumingexponentiallydeclin- SFR>0.01M /yr (Santiniet al. 2009).Objectswith docu- ⊙ ing star formation histories. The relevant parameters for mented AGN activity (i.e. spectroscopically determined or the SED synthesis (such as dust content, metalicity, age, X-ray sources) have been removed from the final sample. timescale for star formation histories, etc) are defined on Comptonthickcandidates,selectedonthebasisoftheirvery a grid in order to cover a wide range of possible values red spectra (Fiore et al. 2008), have been removed as well. and combinations. The discreteness of SED generation im- Intheredshiftrangeofourinterestthereareonly4removed pliesthatthefinalestimatesforthephysicalparametersare objects with 1.4<z<1.8(0.5% of theconsidered sample). subject to relevant degeneracies (see e.g. Marchesini et al. Wetestthatourconclusionsarerobustagainsttheinclusion 2009 for a discussion focused on the effect of changing the of these objects. Ourfinal sample consists of 740 sources. physical ingredients in theadopted stellar population mod- It is also worth mentioning the known overdensities els).Inparticular,theoreticalmodelspredictstarformation at z ∼ 0.7 and z ∼ 1.6 in the GOODS fields, as well histories for individual galaxies, which grossly differ from as the known underdensity at z ∼ 0.9 (Gilli et al. 2003; any assumed smooth analytical shape: this has important Castellano et al. 2007; Salimbeni et al. 2009). Ongoing sur- implications for the M⋆ estimate (Stringer et al. 2009). By veys like COSMOS (Scoville et al. 2007) and CANDELS comparing theavailable spectroscopic redshifts (z ) with spec (Grogin et al. 2011; Koekemoer et al. 2011), will be able to thecorrespondingestimatesfromtheSEDfittingalgorithm reduce the effect of cosmic variance on the SFRF determi- (z ), Santini et al. (2009) computed the average abso- phot nation, and study its environmental dependencies. lutescatterbetweenspectroscopicandphotometricredshift ∆z = |zspec−zphot|. They found σ(∆z)=0.06 for the whole 1+zspec sampleandσ(∆z)=0.043 whenonlythebrightestgalaxies 3 MODELS (z<23.5) are considered. A parallel estimate of the star formation rate is pro- In order to understand the physical implications of our re- vided by the combination of IR and UV luminosities. For sults, we consider the prediction of the recent implementa- sourcesintheGOODS-MUSICsample,Santiniet al.(2009) tions of 3 state-of-the-art semi-analytical models, namely, combined the rest-frame UV luminosity derived from the the Wang et al. (2008) model, the Somerville et al. (2008) SED fitting and the integrated luminosity between 8 and and morgana (Monaco et al. 2007). The predictions of 1000 micron, obtained by fitting 24 micron fluxes with these3modelshavebeenextensivelycomparedinanumber Dale & Helou(2002)templates.Thecorrectionprovidedby of recent papers (Kimm et al. 2009; Fontanot et al. 2009b, Papovich et al. (2007) has been applied on the resulting 2011) and we refer thereader to thesepublications and the SFRs in order to account for the overestimation of the to- original papers for all the details of the galaxy formation tal IR luminosity at high redshifts/IR luminosities when and evolution modelling. In these models, the evolution of extrapolating from 24 µm fluxes (e.g. Elbaz et al. 2010). thebaryoniccomponent isfollowed bymeansof anapprox- Santiniet al. (2009) explicitly compared these SFR esti- imate description of the physical processes at play (such mates with the SED fitting results, for sources with both as gas cooling, star formation, stellar feedback, Black Hole estimates available. They found an overall good agreement, growthandAGNfeedback)andoftheirinterplaywithgrav- but also a systematic trend at all redshift, with IR-based itational processes (i.e. dynamical friction, tidal stripping estimates exceeding the fit-based ones as the star forma- andtwo-bodymergers),linkedtotheassemblyofthelarge- tionrateincreases,andviceversaforlowvaluesofSFR(see scale structure of the Universe. These “recipes” include a alsoPapovich et al.2007;Nordon et al.2010).Inthefollow- numberofparameterswhichareusuallyfixedbycomparing ingof thispaper,unlessexplicitly stated,for each object in model predictions with a set of low-redshift observations. thesample we consider IR-basedSFRs when available, and Despitetheirsimplified approach,SAMshaveturnedintoa “SED fitting”estimates elsewhere. flexibleandwidelyusedtooltoexploreabroadrangeofspe- (cid:13)c 0000RAS,MNRAS000,000–000 4 Fontanot et al. cific physical assumptions, as well as the interplay between 0.0<z<0.2 0.2<z<0.4 0.4<z<0.6 different physical processes. All models we consider resolve galaxies with M⋆ >109M⊙, and they reproduce fairly well a number of observational constraints on the evolution of theSFR,bothasaglobal quantity(i.e.thecosmic starfor- mationrate),andforindividualgalacticpopulation(i.e.the fraction of passive galaxies in the local Universe, see e.g. 0.6<z<0.8 0.8<z<1.0 1.0<z<1.4 Kimm et al. 2009). Also for the theoretical predictions, we consider purely stellarmassselectedsamples(M⋆ >1010M⊙)and,asforthe GOOD-MUSICcatalogue,weexcludedfromtheanalysisall objects with SFR< 0.01M /yr. After the selection proce- ⊙ 1.4<z<1.8 1.8<z<2.5 durewearethusleftwith385187galaxiesfortheWang et al. (2008)model,342795 fortheSomerville et al.(2008)model and 249823 galaxies for morgana. In fig. 1, we show the binnedSFRFsforeachmodel(crosses).Inordertoquantita- tivelyestimatetheredshiftevolutionofthepredictedSFRF we apply to model predictions a fitting procedure similar to Fontanot et al. (2007a). We determined best fit analyt- ical solutions to the theoretical predictions assuming both 0.0<z<0.2 0.2<z<0.4 0.4<z<0.6 a Schechter and a double power law shape for the SFRF. Weusethecorresponding numberdensities toMonteCarlo generateindependentdatapointsinthez-SFRspaceandwe calibratethebestfitparametersfortheSFRFanditsevolu- tion by means of a χ2 binning procedure. Our results show that thedoublepower law shape systematically scored bet- 0.6<z<0.8 0.8<z<1.0 1.0<z<1.4 terresults thantheSchechterfunction in terms of χ2 (with typical values χ2 < 1.0). This is mainly due to the extra degreeoffreedom inthehigh-SFR-endslope, with provides abetterdescription ofthisregion with respect totheexpo- nential cut-off of the Schechter function, even if it is worth 1.4<z<1.8 1.8<z<2.5 stressing that theSchechtershapeis not formally ruled out byouranalysis. Anyhow,inthefollowing wethusassumea SFRFin the form of a doublepower-law: Φ⋆(SFR⋆) Φ(SFR)= (1) (SFR/SFR⋆)−α+(SFR/SFR⋆)−β whereΦ⋆,SFR⋆,α,βarefreeparameters.Inordertomodel the redshift evolution of the SFRF we fix the values of the 0.0<z<0.2 0.2<z<0.4 0.4<z<0.6 4parametersattheirz=0valuesandweconsiderdifferent combinations for their redshift evolution. We consider both a pureevolution in SFR⋆ (PSE) of theform: SFR⋆ =SFR⋆ (1+z)kSFR (2) z=0 0.6<z<0.8 0.8<z<1.0 1.0<z<1.4 and a puredensity evolution (PDE) of theform: Φ⋆ =Φ⋆ ekΦ(1+z) (3) z=0 wherek andk representstheevolutionary parameters. SFR Φ Ourresultspointout thattheredshift evolutionof thethe- 1.4<z<1.8 1.8<z<2.5 oretical SFRF is in general well described by a pure evo- lution in SFR⋆. In fig. 1, we show the best fit results for the Wanget al. (2008) model as a solid red line, while the dashed magenta line represents the corresponding z = 0.1 best fit SFRF. As for morgana and the Somerville et al. (2008) model, the fit at the low-SFR end is improved (by a factor of 2 in terms of χ2) if the pure SFR⋆ evolution (which is still statistically acceptable) is combined with an Figure1.TheredshiftevolutionoftheSFRFinsemi-analytical evolution of theslope α of theform: models. Crosses refer to the intrinsic predictions of the models, whilesolidlinesshowtheanalyticfit(pureSFR⋆evolution)ofthe α=α0+kαz (4) theoreticalSFRF.Ineachpanel,dashedlinereportstheposition whereα0 =α(z =0) and kα is theevolutionary parameter. ofthez=0SFRF. We conclude that a double power law is a good represen- (cid:13)c 0000RAS,MNRAS000,000–000 SFR function from GOODS-MUSIC 5 Table 1.BestfitparametersfortheevolutionoftheSFRfunctionaspredictedbysemi-analyticalmodels. SAM Φ⋆(×10−2) SFR⋆ kSFR α β α0 kα χ2 Wangetal.(2008) 0.47±0.04 0.29±0.14 2.10±0.64 0.84±0.10 −2.03±0.27 — — 0.32 Somervilleetal.(2008) 0.46±0.05 0.39±0.12 1.99±0.72 — −1.84±0.24 0.29±0.07 0.23±0.11 0.44 morgana 0.41±0.03 0.70±0.17 1.23±0.42 — −1.95±0.22 0.26±0.03 0.15±0.04 0.29 tation of the SFRF as predicted by the theoretical models Table 2.SFRFunctionintheGOODS-MUSICCatalogue. at z<2 and for SFR>0.01M /yr. Wepresent thebest fit ⊙ parameters corresponding to the above equations in tab. 1. log(SFR) Log(Φ(SFR)) It is worth stressing that we obtain very low χ2 value even if our fits tend to break down at the highest redshift and 0.4<z<0.6 −1.75±0.25 −3.23+−00..2358 lowest SFRs. This is due to the high number of object in −1.25±0.25 −3.09+−00..1148 the model samples, which thus provide a very accurate fit −0.75±0.25 −3.53+−00..2321 of the kneeof the SFRFand its evolution. −0.25±0.25 −4.14+−00..2498 Inordertocomparethetheoreticalpredictionswiththe +0.25±0.25 −3.09+−00..1136 results from the GOODS-MUSIC catalogue, we repeat the +0.75±0.25 −2.81+−00..0190 fittingprocedureafterconvolvingthetheoreticalpredictions +1.25±0.25 −3.14+−00..1136 withanestimateofthesystematicerrorontheSFRdetermi- +1.75±0.25 −3.69+−00..2334 nation,tofullyaccountforthetypicalobservationalerrorin 0.6<z<0.8 −1.75±0.25 −3.64+0.23 thecatalogue(Santiniet al.2009).Weassumealog-normal −1.25±0.25 −2.99+−00..1333 errordistribution fortheSFRwithan amplitudeof 0.3dex −0.75±0.25 −3.04+−00..1125 (seealsoFontanot et al.2009b).Werepeattheaboveanaly- −0.25±0.25 −3.39+−00..1175 sisandwedeterminethatapureSFR⋆evolutionofadouble +0.25±0.25 −3.14+−00..1222 power law is still a good description (i.e. consistent χ2 val- +0.75±0.25 −2.88+−00..0195 ues)oftheoverallredshiftevolutionofthepredictedSFRFs. +1.25±0.25 −2.77+−00..0170 The most noticeable difference in the best fit parameters is +1.75±0.25 −3.50+−00..1058 the systematic increase of the β parameter by as much as −0.19 20%. 0.8<z<1.0 −1.75±0.25 −3.99+0.27 −0.42 −1.25±0.25 −3.63+0.18 −0.24 −0.75±0.25 −3.99+0.20 −0.28 −0.25±0.25 −3.99+0.25 −0.38 4 RESULTS & DISCUSSION +0.25±0.25 −3.87+0.23 −0.34 +0.75±0.25 −3.30+0.12 We first compute the binned SFRF for massive galaxies by +1.25±0.25 −3.07+−00..1104 means of the standard 1/Vmax formalism, and we show the +1.75±0.25 −3.47+−00..1131 resulting SFRF in fig. 2 as open circles (cyan circles mark −0.16 the bin with less than 5 sources). In order to take into ac- 1.0<z<1.2 −1.75±0.25 −3.99+0.21 −0.30 count the observational uncertainties, we repeat the anal- −1.25±0.25 −3.51+0.12 −0.15 ysis 10000 times after convolving every individual SFR es- −0.75±0.25 −3.61+0.13 −0.16 timate with the corresponding error on SFR and redshift −0.25±0.25 −3.81+0.14 −0.17 (see Santini et al. 2009 for more details on the error es- +0.25±0.25 −3.68+0.14 −0.17 timate). Errorbars in fig. 2 refer to the 1-σ variance over +0.75±0.25 −3.31+0.08 −0.10 these10000realisations.Wecollectourfinalestimateofthe +1.25±0.25 −2.99+0.05 −0.06 SFRF and associated errors in tab.2. In the fig. 2 we also +1.75±0.25 −3.06+0.05 −0.06 include the previous estimate for the SFRF at z > 0 from +2.25±0.25 −4.29+0.19 −0.25 the COMBO-17 survey (Bell et al. 2007). It is worth not- +2.75±0.25 −4.59+0.29 −0.49 ingthattheCOMBO-17resultsareobtainedbyconsidering 1.2<z<1.8 −1.75±0.25 −4.49+0.31 all galaxies in their sample, with no cut in stellar mass. −0.54 −1.25±0.25 −4.37+0.22 Our estimates for the SFRF are in good agreement with −0.32 −0.75±0.25 −3.72+0.14 the Bell et al. (2007) result at the high-SFR end, where we −0.18 −0.25±0.25 −3.83+0.17 expect themassive galaxies to dominate the space density. −0.21 +0.25±0.25 −4.13+0.16 Fig. 2 clearly show that the COMBO-17 data are not −0.21 +0.75±0.25 −3.80+0.14 deep enough to explorethelow-SFR endwith thesame ex- −0.18 +1.25±0.25 −3.47+0.09 tent as in the GOOD-MUSIC catalogue, moreover the low- −0.10 +1.75±0.25 −3.40+0.07 SFR end of the SFRF shows a very peculiar feature, i.e. −0.07 +2.25±0.25 −3.45+0.07 a double peaked shape. It is really tempting to interpret −0.08 +2.75±0.25 −4.37+0.22 this feature in terms of the well known bimodality in the −0.31 colour (SFR)-mass diagram, and/or connect those galaxies withtheintermediatesourcespopulatingtheso-calledgreen valley. It is also worth noting that a populations of rela- (cid:13)c 0000RAS,MNRAS000,000–000 6 Fontanot et al. Figure2.TheevolutionoftheSFRFforM >1010M⊙ galaxiesintheGOOD-MUSICsample.Ineachpanel,thehorizontalcyanlong- dashedlinerepresentsthespacedensitycorrespondingtooneobjectintheGOODS-MUSICvolume,whiletheyellowshadinghighlights thetheSFRrangecoveredby24µmobservationsineachredshiftbin.OpencirclesrefertoourSFRFestimatefromtheGOODS-MUSIC survey:ineachsubpanel,cyansolidcirclesmarkthebinswithlessthan5galaxies;errorbarsrepresentthe1-σconfidencelevels(seetext formoredetails).LightgreyfilledcirclesrefertotheSFRFderivedonlyfromtheresultsoftheSEDfittingalgorithm.Purplediamonds refertotheSFRFestimatefromtheCOMBO-17(Belletal.2007)survey.Inallpanels,dashedred,dot-dashedgreenandsolidbluelines refertotheWangetal.(2008),Somervilleetal.(2008)andmorganapredictions,respectively.SAMpredictionsareconvolvedwithan GaussianerrorontheSFR(width0.3dex,seetext). tivelymassivegalaxieswithverylowlevelsofstarformation peaked behaviour persists. Ourmain conclusions are there- hasbeen already reported at lower redshifts (Wilman et al. fore insensitive tothe origin of SFR estimate, in agreement 2008;Schawinski et al. 2010). with Santiniet al. (2009) results (i.e. the 24µm-based SFR estimates are in reasonable agreement with SED fitting re- However, a word of caution is necessary. We have lim- sults for sources with both estimates available). ited information about individual 24µm fluxes for galax- ies in our mass-selected sample, and typically only for Nonetheless,wecannotcompletelyexcludethehypoth- SFR> 1M /yr. This implies that the secondary peak at esis that the gap between the two peaks is an artifact of ⊙ SFR< 1M /yr is populated by galaxies whose SFR esti- the SED fitting procedure (i.e. piling up of low-SFR galax- ⊙ matecomesfromtheSEDfittingalgorithm.Inordertotest ies in the secondary peak, due to the coarse grid-sampled the robustness of our result, we repeat our analysis consid- properties of the synthetic SED library). We plan to study ering only SFR estimates coming from theSED fitting. We theefficiencyoftheSEDfittingalgorithmintheestimateof findnosignificantchangeintheshapeoftheresultingSFRF SFRsintherange0.1M /yr<SFR<10M /yrasapartof ⊙ ⊙ (light grey filled circles in fig. 2): in particular, the double a larger programme, comparing the global performances of (cid:13)c 0000RAS,MNRAS000,000–000 SFR function from GOODS-MUSIC 7 ouralgorithminrecoveringthephysicalpropertiesofmodel galaxieswithcomplexstarformationhistories,startingfrom synthetic photometry extracted from SAM simulated cata- logues. A similar procedure has been recently employed by Lee et al. (2009) to a sample of high-redshift model galax- ies:theyfoundthatSEDfittingunderestimatesSFRintheir sampleandattributedthisbehaviourtotothedifferentstar formationhistoriespredictedbySAMswithrespecttothose assumed in thereference syntheticSED libraries. As a preliminary test we consider a small sample of 5000modelgalaxieswith0.4<z <1.8takenfromthesame morganarealisationanduniformlydistributedinSFR.For the purpose of this test we do not limit the sample to M⋆ >1010M⊙ modelgalaxies. Foreachobject,wecompute a synthetic SED using the Radiative-Transfer code grasil (Silvaet al. 1998, see also Fontanot et al. 2007b). We then apply the SED fitting algorithm to the corresponding syn- thetic photometry. In fig. 3 (upper panel) we compare the original, flat, distribution of SFR in our sample (black his- togram) with the distribution of reconstructed SFRs (blue Figure3.TestontheSEDfittingalgorithm.Upper panel:com- shaded histograms). This test suggests that some depletion parison of the SFR distribution in a sample of 0.4 < z < 1.8 effects in SFR distribution may be effective at SFR below morganamodelgalaxies(solidblackhistogram),withthecorre- our fiducial limit (SFR ∼ 0.01M⊙/yr); however, the SFR sponding distribution of reconstructed SFRs, obtained applying distribution in the region corresponding to the secondary theSEDfittingalgorithmtosyntheticphotometry(bluehatched peakandthevalley(roughlyidentifiedbythegreenarrows) histogram). Red line represents the limiting SFR considered in does not seem to be affected by any obvious systematic ef- theSantinietal.(2009)paper,whilegreenarrowbracketthere- fect. We also repeat the same analysis on a subsample of gion containing the main features of the observed SFRF. Lower M⋆ > 1010M⊙ model galaxies, (lower panel), whose distri- Panel: same as upper panel, but for a sample of M⋆ >1010M⊙ modelgalaxies. bution is more similar to the theoretical SFRF. Again we obtain no obvious systematic effect in SED fitting recon- struction.Wealso checkthatsimilar results holdif wesplit derto get more insight on theevolution of the typical SFR the sample in smaller redshift bins, but with less statistical of galaxies at different redshifts, we repeat on the data the significance, due to the reduced dimensions of the subsam- samefittingproceduredescribedinsec.3.Giventhedouble ples. peaked shape of the observed SFRF both a double power Infig.2wealsoshowthepredictionsofourthreeSAMs lawandaSchechterfunctionarenolongeragoodrepresen- ascolouredlines:thelevelofagreementbetweenthe3mod- tationoftheSFRFoverthewholeSFRrange.Therefore,we els is striking, given the very different star formation and chose to repeat the fitting procedure both on the reference stellar feedback schemes adopted. In particular we stress sample (SFR>0.01M /yr),and on a smaller sample con- ⊙ that the predicted redshift evolution of the typical SFR⋆ taining only sources with SFR>1M /yr (i.e. focusing on ⊙ isremarkablysimilarbetweenallmodels.Thisisduetothe the primary SFRF peak). This choice has no major impact external constraints (i.e. the evolution of the cosmic SFR) onourconclusions;asexpectedonlythelow-SFR-endslope usedtocalibratethemodels.Thestrongestdiscrepanciesare α show a relevant variation between the two samples. We seen at the low-SFR end of the SFRFand clearly show the collect our final results in tab. 3. The results show that the importance of using constraints based on the SFRF, in or- SFRF, as depicted by the GOODS-MUSICsurvey,shows a der to disentangle between different theoretical approaches remarkable density evolution (PDE) in the 0.8 < z < 1.8 to star formation and stellar feedback. range, and a milder SFR⋆ evolution (PSE) over the whole The comparison between theoretical predictions and redshift range. The theoretical SFRF is able to reproduce the observational results from the GOODS-MUSIC survey the SFR⋆ evolution, although it peaks systematically at shows a remarkably good agreement at the high-SFR end, lower typical SFR than the observational constraints, but where the available 24µm observations are deep enough to itsdensityevolutionisnegligible.Thisrepresentsafirstrel- constrain its shape and evolution out to z ∼ 1.8 (yellow evant discrepancy between models and data and it is due shaded region in fig. 2). Therefore we conclude that SAMs to the well documented overprediction of the space density provide a satisfactory description for the space density of of 1010M⊙ < M⋆ < 1011M⊙ galaxies at 1.0 < z < 1.8 galaxies with SFR> 10M⊙/yr at moderate redshifts. It seen in themodels and in thedata; Fontanot et al. (2009b) worth stressing that accounting for observational errors is showedthatSAMspredictforthesegalaxiesspacedensities essentialforthecorrectinterpretationofthecomparisonbe- very similar to the local value out to z ∼ 1.8, while their tweenmodelanddata:theerror-freeintrinsicSFRFswould observed stellar mass function show a remarkable evolution underpredict the space density of the strongest starbursts (their fig.1). This implies that the negligible density evolu- by a factor of a few. tion predicted for theSFRFat z>1.0 isrelated to thetoo Observations at 24µm are also able to constrain the efficient formation of intermediate mass galaxies in SAMs position of the peak of the SFRF out to z ∼ 1 (and give (see also Lo Faro et al. 2009). some indications for its position at higher redshifts). In or- Themostinterestingdiscrepanciesbetweenmodelsand (cid:13)c 0000RAS,MNRAS000,000–000 8 Fontanot et al. Figure 4. Upper panel: Specific SFR versus M⋆ Lower panel: Rest-Frame colour-magnitude diagrams. In each panel the yellow dots refer to the K-limitedGOODS-MUSIC sample; red dots mark sources with M⋆ >1010M⊙ and SFR >0.01M⊙/yr; blue crosses refer togalaxies belonging thesecondary peakonthe SFRFateach redshiftbin,whilegreencirclesrefertogalaxies withSFR intermediate betweenthetwopeaks.Inthelowerpanel,darkredandbluelinesrefertothemeanU−V coloursalongtheredsequenceandtheblue cloud, while the dark green solidline reproduces the divider between the blue and red populations (see Salimbenietal. 2008 for more details). (cid:13)c 0000RAS,MNRAS000,000–000 SFR function from GOODS-MUSIC 9 Table 3.BestfitparametersfortheevolutionoftheSFRfunctionintheGOODS-MUSICCatalogue. Model Φ⋆(×10−2) SFR⋆ kSFR kΦ α β χ2 Log(SFR)>−2.0 PDE 0.37±0.11 1.13±0.13 0.70±0.58 — unconstr. −1.77±0.30 2.7 PSE 0.74±0.20 1.30±0.07 — −1.09±0.60 unconstr. −1.85±0.29 1.6 PDE+PSE 0.88±0.16 0.81±0.11 2.07±0.44 −1.22±0.22 unconstr. −1.43±0.31 1.2 Log(SFR)>0.0 PDE 0.30±0.05 1.02±0.19 0.93±0.35 — unconstr. −1.84±0.21 1.5 PSE 0.58±0.16 1.31±0.11 — −0.72±0.23 unconstr. −1.48±0.24 0.9 PDE+PSE 0.55±0.05 0.54±0.15 2.09±0.38 −0.56±0.11 unconstr. −1.43±0.24 0.6 dataareindeedseenatthelow-SFRend:allSAMspredicta bleorigin forsmallandlatestarformation episodesinmas- featureless low-SFR end, whose slope (and its redshift evo- sive galaxies might be related to the duty cycles associated lution) dependson thedetails of thetreatment of SFR and to the “radio-mode” AGN activity (Fontanot et al. 2011): stellar feedback. The most relevant differencebetween data if the injection of energy from the central Black Hole into andmodelprediction isthefact thatallmodelsoverpredict thesurroundingDarkMatterhaloisnotacontinuousevent, theabundanceofSFR∼1M /yr sources.Itisalsointerest- some cold gas might still be allowed to infall onto massive ⊙ ing to notice that no model reproduces the double peaked galaxies. feature of theobserved SFRF. Inordertogetmoreinsightinthepropertiesofgalaxies Thereareatleasttwopossibleinterpretationsofourre- responsible for this feature, we consider the distribution of sults. First (scenario A), as it has been suggested by many theGOODS-MUSICgalaxiesbothinthespecificSFRversus authors (see e.g., De Lucia & Blaizot 2007; Wang et al. M⋆ and in rest-frame colour-magnitude diagram (as recon- 2007), SAMs predict too low SFRs for most of the galax- structed from the SED fitting algorithm) in fig 4. In both ies in the mass range of our interest: they have SFRs well panels, we mark theM⋆ >1010M⊙ galaxies as red squares; below the detection limit of our sample, and, overall, they bluecrossesandgreencirclesrefertothegalaxiesbelonging are too passive at intermediate redshifts (Fontanot et al. to the secondary peak and lying between the two peaks re- 2009b). The three models indeed predict a secondary peak spectively.Darkred,greenandbluelinesinthelowerpanel intheirSFRdistribution,anditconsistsofcompletely pas- reproduce the locus of red sequence, green valley and blue sive galaxies (SFR= 0, see e.g. figure 4 in Fontanot et al. cloud as definedin Salimbeni et al. (2008). 2009b).Inthisscenario,wecouldinterprettheobservedsec- Weexpectthetwo scenarios wediscuss in theprevious ondarypeak(atlow,butstilldetectableSFRs),ifconfirmed paragraph to predict a different colour evolution for galax- by deeper observations, as an evidence that models are not ies.InscenarioA,weassumeacontinuitybetweenthecolour able to reproduce the correct space density for galaxies mi- of galaxies belonging to the primary peak, valley and sec- grating from the blue cloud to the red sequence (see also ondarypeak,intermsof bluecloud, “green valley”andred Cassata et al. 2007),andwecould interpretit asanindica- sequence. Since scenario A assumes a continuous motion of tion that galaxies in the GOODS-MUSIC sample move in galaxies from thebluecloud tothered sequence,weexpect thecolour-magnitudediagramataslowerpacewithrespect galaxieswithdifferentSFRstopopulatewelldefinedregions to theoretical expectations. This scenario is also consistent ofthecolour-magnitudediagram.Therelativeabundanceof with the recent findings of Lagos et al. (2011): they revis- galaxies in thedifferentregions ofthediagram is anindica- itedthedefinitionofthestarformationlawinthecontextof tion of thetime they spend in thedifferent phases. the galform SAM (Baugh et al. 2005; Bower et al. 2006) On the other hand, in scenario B we expect a larger taking into account recent results on the relation between spread of galaxies belonging to the secondary peak in the starformation andtheatomicandmoleculargascontentof colourmagnitudediagram.Thephysicalprocessesresponsi- galaxies (seee.g. Blitz & Rosolowsky 2006;Krumholz et al. ble for the retriggering have a strong dependence on the 2009).Theyshowedthatthepropertiesofgalaxieswithlow stellar mass and/or environment of galaxies, and are al- SFRs (and their redshift evolution on the M⋆ versus SFR most insensitive totheposition of thegalaxy in thecolour- plane)areparticularlysensitivetothedetailsoftheassumed magnitude diagram at the time of the retriggering. There- star formation law, and suitable modifications to the stan- fore,therelativetightnessofthelocuswheresecondarypeak dard prescriptions may indeed lead to bimodal SFR distri- objects are found in the rest-frame colour-magnitude dia- butionsin thedirection needed toexplain our results. grams is in qualitative agreement with the former scenario. An alternative scenario (scenario B) requires small Ontheotherhand,galaxieswithSFRintermediatebetween SFR retriggering events in already red galaxies (see e.g. thetwo peaks show a much wider distribution in fig. 4. We Treu et al. 2005): these events might be linked to the dy- warn the reader that these are qualitative conclusions that namical evolution of galaxies in dense environments(merg- relyontheassumptionthattheU−V colourisafairtracer ers, interactions). Therefore this also implies a dependence of the SFR activity, and that this colour is also sensitive of these secondary SFR events on the environment, which enoughtothelow-levelsofSFRforgalaxiesinthesecondary in principle could be accessible by larger surveys (see e.g. peak.ThefactthatmostofSFRestimatesforsourcesbelow Cucciati et al. 2010 and references herein). Another possi- theSFRFpeakhavebeenderivedfromSEDfittingalsopre- (cid:13)c 0000RAS,MNRAS000,000–000 10 Fontanot et al. vents firm conclusions on this issue from GOODS-MUSIC put strong constraint on this relevant discrepancy seen be- data alone. A more quantitative analysis will require bet- tweendataandmodels.Unfortunately,forlowerSFRlevels terestimatesforSFRlevelsingalaxypopulationandbetter this information is not currently available, and we have to tracersofphysicalstateofgalaxiesbelongingtothedifferent relyentirelyontheresultsofSEDfitting.Ourtestssuggest regions of the colour-magnitude diagram, and it is beyond that the use of SED fitting results does not introduce any theaims of the present work. obvious distortion in the SFR distribution at intermediate SFR values, but we could not completely exclude the dou- blepeaked feature in theSFRFto beduetosystematics in 5 CONCLUSIONS theSEDfittingalgorithm.Fromopticalphotometryaloneis not possible to uniquely associate SFR ∼1M /yr galaxies ⊙ In this paper we consider the GOODS-MUSIC sample to (the region were models and data differ most and roughly study the SFR function and its redshift evolution in the corresponding to the region between the two peaks of the redshift range 0.4<z <1.8, just after the peak in the cos- SFRF)withknownpopulationsinthecolour-magnitudedi- mic SFR, a fundamental epoch to understand the physical agram,i.e.thegreenvalleyorthebluecloud.TheredU−V processesresponsibleforthedeclineofstarformingactivity colours, with a relatively small scatter, of galaxies belong- as a function of galaxy stellar mass. In order to reduce the ing to the putative secondary peak provide only a qualita- effect of completeness corrections, we restrict our analysis tive support to a scenario where star formation in massive togalaxieswithM⋆ >1010M⊙,sinceatthesestellarmasses galaxies decrease at a slower pace with respect to theoreti- the GOODS-MUSIC is expected to be a complete sample. cal expectations. If confirmed, this double peaked shape of We thus compute the SFRF using SFR estimates coming the SFRF would thus represent a critical discrepancy be- from both SED fitting and/or a combination of UV light tween models and observations, since all SAMs we consider with 24µm observations. We compare the resulting SFRF predict a smooth, featureless, single slope power-law shape with the predictions of 3 independent semi-analytical mod- for the SFRF. Modifications in the assumed star formation els of galaxy formation and evolution (Wanget al. 2008; law,takingintoaccounttherelationbetweenstarformation Somerville et al.2008andmorgana)andweobtainthefol- and the atomic and molecular gas content of galaxies may lowing results: alleviate thistension,since thepropertiesofmodelgalaxies withlowSFRlevelsareverysensitivetothismodelinglayer • The agreement between the observed and predicted (Lagos et al. 2011,see e.g.). high-SFR end (SFR>10M /yr) of the SFRF is good over ⊙ On the other hand, thanks to the new facilities (e.g. the whole redshift range (once the observational errors are Herschel),futureobservationsintheIRregion,abletochar- taken into account). This result implies that theoretical acterisethepropertiesoftheIRpeak,willfinallydetermine models are able to reproduce the space density evolution theSFRlevelsoftheseobjectsandtherelevanceofthisfea- of the strongest starbursts. It is worth noting that the pre- ture. This is a fundamental task, since the low-SFR end of dictions of the three models are remarkably similar in this the SFRF is the region where SAM predictions differ most SFR range. and therefore provides potentially strong constraints to the • TheSFRFofmassivegalaxies,asseenbytheGOODS- different approaches to star formation and stellar feedback. MUSICischaracterised byacomplexevolution bothin the typical SFR and in the normalisation. Theoretical models are able to cope with the SFR⋆ evolution, but they predict anegligibledensityevolution.Inparticular,allmodelsover- ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS predictthespacedensityofSFR∼1M /yrgalaxies.Wein- ⊙ WethankGabriellaDeLuciaandPierluigiMonacoforstim- terpretthisbehaviourasduetothewelldocumentedexcess ulating discussions. We are grateful to Jie Wang for letting ofintermediatemassgalaxies(1010M⊙ <M⋆ <1011M⊙)in us use the outputs of his simulations. FF acknowledges the SAMs(Fontanot et al. 2009b). supportof anINAF-OATsfellowship granted on’Basic Re- • Theobservedlow-SFRendofSFRFischaracterisedby search’fundsandfinancialcontributionfromtheASIproject a doublepeaked shape. Despitetheuncertainties in thede- “IR spectroscopy of the Highest Redshift BH candidates” termination of such low SFRs from SED fitting methods, (agreement ASI-INAF1/009/10/00). it is worth noting that none of the theoretical model we consider is able to reproduce this feature, and all of them predict a smooth decrease of the space density of low-SFR galaxies,withawelldefinedpower-lawslopeα.Sincethisis REFERENCES also the SFR range where models differ most, each of them BaughC.M.,LaceyC.G.,FrenkC.S.,GranatoG.L.,Silva predictingadifferentvalueforα,westressthatfutureobser- L.,BressanA.,BensonA.J.,ColeS.,2005,MNRAS,356, vations providing stronger constraints on the low-SFR end 1191 of the SFRF will be of fundamental importance to under- BellE.F.,McIntoshD.H.,KatzN.,WeinbergM.D.,2003, standthephysicalmechanismsresponsibleforthedeclineof SFR since z∼2 in massive galaxies. ApJS,149, 289 Bell E. F., Zheng X. 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