ON THE ESSENTIAL SPECTRUM OF NADIRASHVILI-MARTIN-MORALES MINIMAL SURFACES G.PACELLIBESSA,LUQUESIOP.JORGE,ANDJ.FABIOMONTENEGRO 9 0 Abstract. We show that the spectrum of a complete submanifold properly immersed 0 intoaballofaRiemannianmanifoldisdiscrete,providedthenormofthemeancurvature 2 vector is sufficiently small. In particular, the spectrum of a complete minimal surface n properlyimmersedintoaballofR3isdiscrete. Thisgivesapositiveanswertoaquestion a ofYau[22]. J 8 2 1. Introduction ] G AninterestingproblemintheGeometryoftheLaplacianistounderstandtherelationsof D the geometry of a Riemannian manifold and its spectrum. For instance, to understand the . restrictionsonthe geometryofaRiemannianmanifoldimplying thatits spectrumis purely h t continuous or discrete. There are several important work along these lines. See [5], [6], [8], a [11],[19], [21]for geometricconditionsimplying thatthespectrumispurelycontinuousand m [2], [7], [9], [12], [13] for geometric conditions implying that the spectrum is discrete. [ Since everycomplete Riemannianm-manifoldcanbe realizedas acomplete submanifold 2 embedded into a ball of radius r of an n-dimensional Euclidean space, with n depending v onlyonm,see[18],itwouldbeimportanttounderstandtherelationsbetweenthespectrum 3 and the extrinsic geometry of bounded embeddings of complete Riemannian manifolds in 7 Euclidean spaces. A particularly interesting aspect of this problem is the spectrum related 1 part of the so called Calabi-Yau conjectures on minimal surfaces. 1 . Yau in his 2000 millennium lectures [22], [23], revisiting these conjectures, wrote: It is 9 known [17] that there are complete minimal surfaces properly immersed into a [open] ball. 0 8 ... Are their spectrum discrete? It is worthwhile to point out that it is not clear that the 0 Nadirashvili’s complete bounded minimal surface [17] is properly immersed. However, in : [15], [16], F. Martin and S. Morales constructed, for any open convex subset B of R3, a v i complete proper minimal immersions ϕ: D֒ B, where D is the standard disk on R2. The X → Martin-Morales’ method is a highly non-trivial refinement of Nadirashvili’s method, thus r we name, (as we should), these complete properly immersed minimal surfaces into convex a subsets B of R3 as Nadirashvili-Martin-Moralesminimal surfaces. The purpose of this paper is to answer positively Yau’s question. In fact, we show as a particular case of our main result that the spectrum of any Nadirashvili-Martin-Morales minimalsurfaceisdiscreteiftheconvexsetBisaballBR3(r)ofR3. Weprovethefollowing. Theorem 1.1. Let ϕ:M ֒ BR3(r) R3 be a complete surface, properly immersed into a → ⊂ ball. If the norm of the mean curvature vector H of M satisfies sup H <2/r | | M then M has discrete spectrum. Date:January28,2009. 2000 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary53C40,53C42; Secondary58C40. Keywordsandphrases. Purepointspectrum,essentialspectrum,properboundedminimalsubmanifolds. ThefirstauthorwaspartiallysupportedbyaCNPq-grant. 1 2 G.PACELLIBESSA,LUQUESIOP.JORGE,ANDJ.FABIOMONTENEGRO Our main result Theorem 1.2 is a natural generalization of Theorem 1.1. It shows that the spectrum of a complete properly immersed submanifold ϕ: M ֒ B (r) is discrete N → provided the norm of the mean curvature vector H = Trα is sufficiently small. Here B (r) N is a normal geodesic ball of radius r of a Riemannian manifold N and α is the N ⊂ second fundamental form. In the following we denote √bcot(√bt) if b>0, (1.1) C (t)= 1/t if b=0, b √ bcoth(√ bt) if b<0. − − Theorem 1.2. Let ϕ: M ֒ B (r) be a complete m-submanifold properly immersed into a N → geodesic ball, centered at p with radius r, of a Riemannian n-manifold N. Let b=supKrad N where Krad are the radial sectional curvatures along the geodesics issuing from p. Assume N that r < min inj (p),π/2√b , where π/2√b = + if b 0. If If the norm of the mean { N } ∞ ≤ curvature vector H satisfies, sup H <m C (r), b | | · M then M has discrete spectrum. The properness condition is a marginal technical hypothesis in Theorem (1.2). It is usedonly to choosea naturalsequence of compactsubsets of M so that we can constructa sequenceofpositivesmoothfunctionsontheircomplements. Theresultshouldholdwithout it. Isabel Salavessain a beautiful paper [20], generalizedTheorem(1.2) in the minimal case proving discreteness of the spectrum of X-bounded minimal submanifolds of Riemannian manifolds carrying strongly convex vector field X. ARiemannianmanifoldM issaidtobestochastically complete ifforsome(andtherefore, for any) (x,t) M (0,+ ) it holds that ∈ × ∞ p(x,y,t)dy =1, ZM where p(x,y,t) is the heat kernel of the Laplacian operator. Otherwise, the manifold M is said to be stochastically incomplete (for further details about this see, for instance, [?]). It seemstohaveacloserelationbetweendiscretenessofthespectrumofacompletenoncompact Riemannianmanifoldsandstochasticincompleteness. Forinstance,itwasprovedin[1]that submanifoldssatisfyingthehypothesesofTheorem(1.2),(withoutthepropernesscondition) are stochastically incomplete. M. Harmer [9], shows that stochastic incompleteness implies discreteness of the spectrum in a certain class of Riemannian manifolds. Based on these evidences, we believe that the following conjecture should be true. Conjecture 1.3. A complete noncompact Riemannian manifold has discrete spectrum if and only if is stochastically incomplete. 2. Preliminaries. Let M be a complete noncompact Riemannian manifold. The Laplacian acting on △ C∞(M)hasauniqueself-adjointextensiontoanunboundedoperatoractingonL2(M),also 0 denoted by , whose domain are those functions f L2(M) such that f L2(M) and △ ∈ △ ∈ whose spectrum Σ(M) [0, ) decomposes as Σ(M) = Σ (M) Σ (M) where Σ (M) p ess p ⊂ ∞ ∪ is formed by eigenvalues with finite multiplicity and Σ (M) is formed by accumulation ess points of the spectrum and by the eigenvalues with infinite multiplicity. It is said that M has discrete spectrum if Σ (M) = and that M has purely continuous spectrum if ess ∅ Σ (M)= . p ∅ If K M is a compact manifold with boundary, ofthe same dimension asM then there ⊂ isaself-adjointextension ′ oftheLaplacian ofM K byimposingDirichletconditions. △ △ \ ON THE ESSENTIAL SPECTRUM OF NADIRASHVILI-MARTIN-MORALES MINIMAL SURFACES 3 The Decomposition Principle [7] says that and ′ have the same essential spectrum △ △ Σ (M)=Σ (M K). Onthe other hand,the bottomofthe spectrumofM K isequal ess ess \ \ to the fundamental tone of M K, i.e. infΣ(M K)=λ∗(M K), where \ \ \ gradf 2 λ∗(M K)=inf M\K| | ,f C∞(M K) 0 . \ (R M\Kf2 ∈ 0 \ \{ }) Togive lowerestimates for λ∗(M K)Rweneed ofthe followingversionof Barta’sTheorem. \ Theorem 2.1 (Barta, [3]). Let Ω M be an open subset of a Riemannian manifold M ⊂ and let f C2(Ω), f Ω>0. Then ∈ | (2.1) λ∗(Ω) inf( ∆f/f). ≥ Ω − Proof: Let X = grad logf be a C1 vector field in Ω. It was proved in [4] that − f λ∗(Ω) inf(divX X 2)=inf( △ ). ≥ Ω −| | Ω − f The second main ingredient of our proof is the Hessian comparison theorem. Theorem 2.2. Let Mm be a Riemannian manifold and x ,x M be such that there is a 0 1 ∈ minimizing unit speed geodesic γ joining x and x and let ρ(x)=dist(x ,x) be the distance 0 1 0 function to x . Let a K b be the radial sectional curvatures of M along γ. If b > 0 0 γ ≤ ≤ assume ρ(x )<π/2√b. Then, we have Hessρ(x)(γ′,γ′)=0 and 1 (2.2) C (ρ(x)) X 2 Hessρ(x)(X,X) C (ρ(x)) X 2 a b k k ≥ ≥ k k where X T M is perpendicular to γ′(ρ(x)). x ∈ Let ϕ : M ֒ W be an isometric immersion of a complete Riemannian m-manifold M → intoa Riemanniann-manifoldW withsecondfundamentalformα. Considera C2-function g :W R andthe compositionf =g ϕ:M R. Identifying X with dϕ(X) we have at → ◦ → q M that the Hessian of f is given by ∈ (2.3) Hessf(q)(X,Y)=Hessg(ϕ(q))(X,Y)+ grad g, α(X,Y) . ϕ(q) h i Taking the trace in (2.3), with respect to an orthonormal basis e ,...e for T M, we 1 m q { } have the Laplacian of f, (2.4) ∆f(q) = m Hessg(ϕ(q))(e ,e )+ grad g, m α(e ,e ) . i=1 i i h i=1 i i i The formulas (2.3) and (2P.4) are well known in the literature, sPee [10]. 3. Proof of Theorem 1.2 LetK K beanexhaustionsequenceofM bycompactsets. TheDecomposition 1 2 ⊂ ⊂··· PrinciplestatesthatM andM K havethesameessentialspectrum,Σ (M)=Σ (M i ess ess \ \ K ). Therefore, the Theorem 1.2 is proved if we show that lim λ∗(M K ) = since i i→∞ i \ ∞ λ∗(M K ) infΣ (M K ). i ess i \ ≤ \ By hypothesis we have a complete m-submanifold ϕ: M ֒ B (r) properly immersed N → into a ball B (r)=B (p,r) with center at p and radius r in a Riemannian n-manifold N N N with radial sectional curvatures Krad along the radial geodesics issuing from p bounded as N a = infKrad Krad b = supKrad in B (r), where r < min inj (p),π/2√b . Here we N ≤ N ≤ N N { N } replace π/2√b by + if b 0. ∞ ≤ Define a function v: B (p,r) R by v(y)=φ (ρ(y)), where φ :[0,r] R given by N a a → → cos(√at) cos(√ar) if a>0, t<π/2√a, − (3.1) φ (t)= r2 t2 if a=0, a − cosh(√ ar) cosh(√ at) if a<0. − − − 4 G.PACELLIBESSA,LUQUESIOP.JORGE,ANDJ.FABIOMONTENEGRO Observe that φ(t) > 0 in [0,r), φ (r) = 0, φ′(t) < 0 and φ′′(t) C (t)φ′(t) = 0 in [0,r]. This function φ we learned fromaMarkvorsean [14]. Let f:aM −Radefinaed by f = v ϕ a → ◦ and consider an exhaustion sequence of M by compact sets K = ϕ−1 B (p,r ) , where i N i (cid:16) f (cid:17) r <r, r r. By Barta’s Theorem we have that λ∗(M K ) inf (−△ ). i i → \ i ≥ M\Ki f Now by (2.4) we have m m f(x) = Hess v(ϕ(x))(e ,e )+ grad v, α(e ,e ) . N i i i i △ h i i=1 i=1 X X m = Hess v(ϕ(y))(e ,e )+ grad v, H . N i i h i i=1 X ThemetricofN insidethenormalgeodesicballB (p,r)canbewritteninpolarcoordinates N as ds2 = dt2+ A(t,ξ)2dξ2, (t,ξ) satisfies the Jacobi equation ′′+ = 0 with initial | | A A RA conditions (0,ξ) = 0, ′(0,ξ) = I. We have at the point ϕ(x) an orthonormal basis A A ∂/∂t,∂/∂ξ ,...∂/∂ξ forT N. WemaychooseanorthonormalbasisforT (M K ) 1 n−1 ϕ(x) x i { } \ as e = e ,∂/∂t ∂/∂t+e⊥, where e⊥ ∂/∂t and e ,...,e ∂/∂ξ ,...∂/∂ξ . 1 h 1 i· 1 1 ⊥ { 2 m} ⊂ { 1 n−1} Computing Hess v(ϕ(x))(e ,e ) we have N i i Hess v(ϕ(x))(e ,e ) = φ′′(t) φ′(t) Hess ρ(e⊥/e⊥ ,e⊥/e⊥ ) e ,gradρ 2 N 1 1 a − a · N 1 | 1| 1 | 1| h 1 i (cid:2)+ φ′a(t)·HessNρ(e⊥1/|e⊥1|),e⊥1/|e⊥1|)) (cid:3) (3.2) = φ′(t) C (t) Hessρ(e⊥/e⊥ ,e⊥/e⊥ ) e ,gradρ 2 a · a − 1 | 1| 1 | 1| h 1 i + φ′a(t(cid:2))·HessNρ(e⊥1,e⊥1) (cid:3) and for i 2 ≥ (3.3) Hess v(ϕ(x))(e ,e )=φ′(t) Hess ρ(e ,e ) N i i a · N i i where t=ρ(ϕ(x)). Now, f = φ′(t) C (t) Hessρ(e⊥/e⊥ ),e⊥/e⊥ )) e ,gradρ 2 −△ − a · a − 1 | 1| 1 | 1| h 1 i m (cid:2) (cid:3) φ′(t) Hess ρ(e⊥/e⊥ ),e⊥/e⊥ ))+ Hess ρ(e ,e ) − a ·" N 1 | 1| 1 | 1| N i i # i=2 X φ′(t) gradρ,H − a h i φ′(t) [m C (t) sup H ] ≥ − a · · b − | | We used that C (t) Hessρ(e⊥/e⊥ ),e⊥/e⊥ )) C (t), Hessρ(e ,e ) C (t) by the a ≥ 1 | 1| 1 | 1| ≥ b i i ≥ b Hessian Comparison Theorem and that φ′(t)>0. − a Hence f φ′(t) λ∗(M K ) inf ( △ ) inf a [m C (t) sup H ] i b \ ≥M\Ki − f ≥ M\Ki−φa(t) · − | | φ′(r ) (3.4) a i [m C (r) sup H ] b ≥ −φ (r ) · − | | a i Thus λ∗(M K ) as r r. This proves Theorem (1.2). i i \ →∞ → 4. cylindrically bounded submanifolds. Let ϕ: Mm ֒ B (r) Rℓ Nn−ℓ Rℓ, m ℓ+1, be an isometric immersion of a N completeRiema→nnianm-m×anifo⊂ldMmin×totheB ≥(r) Rℓ,whereB (r)isageodesicballin N N × aRiemannian(n ℓ)-manifoldNn−ℓ, centeredata pointp with radiusr. Letb=supKrad − N ON THE ESSENTIAL SPECTRUM OF NADIRASHVILI-MARTIN-MORALES MINIMAL SURFACES 5 where Krad are the radial sectional curvatures along the geodesics issuing from p. Assume N that r <min inj (p),π/2√b , where π/2√b=+ if b 0. { N } ∞ ≤ Theorem 4.1. Suppose that ϕ: Mm ֒ B (r) Rℓ as above satisfies the following. N → × 1. For every s<r, the set ϕ−1(B (s) Rℓ) is compact in M. N × 2. sup H < (m ℓ)C (r) where H (x) is norm of the mean curvature vector of M| | − b | | ϕ(M) at ϕ(x). Then M has discrete spectrum. Observe that the condition 1. is a stronger property than being a proper immersion except when ℓ=0. Proof: Asbefore,letr r be a sequenceofpositive realnumbers r <r andthe compacts i i sets K = ϕ−1(B (r )→Rℓ). We need only to show that λ∗(M K ) as r r. i N i i i Define v on B (r) Rℓ×by v(x,y) = φ (ρ(x)), where ρ(x) = dist \(p,x),→φ ∞given in→(3.1) N a N a and a=infKrad. L×et f =v ϕ:M R. We have by (2.4) N ◦ → m △f(x) = HessN×Rℓv(ϕ(x))(ei,ei)+hgradv, Hi. i=1 X m (4.1) = Hess (φ ρ)(ϕ(x))(e ,e )+ grad(φ ρ), H . N a i i a ◦ h ◦ i i=1 X At ϕ(x)=(y ,y ), consider the orthonormal basis 1 2 Polarbasis Cartesianbasis ∂/∂t,∂/∂ξ ,...∂/∂ξ ,∂/∂s ,...∂/∂s 1 n−ℓ−1 1 ℓ { } for T Nn−ℓ Rℓ =zT Nn−ℓ T}| Rℓ. Choos{e azn orth}o|norma{lbasis e ,e ,...,e as (y1,y2) × y1 ⊕ y2 { 1 2 m} follows n−ℓ−1 ℓ ∂ ∂ ∂ e =a + b + c . i i ij ij ∂t ∂ξ ∂s j j j=1 j=1 X X Using that φ′(t) < 0, φ′′ = C (t)φ′(t) and Hessρ(y )(∂/∂ξ ,∂/∂ξ ) C (t) for all a a a a 1 j j ≥ b j =1,...,n ℓ 1, we have that − − n−ℓ−1 Hessφ ρ(y )(e ,e ) = φ′′(t)a2+φ′(t) b2 Hessρ(y )(∂/∂ξ ,∂/∂ξ ) a◦ 1 i i a i a ij 1 j j j=2 X n−ℓ−1 φ′′(t)a2+φ′(t) b2 C (t) ≤ a i a ij b j=2 X ℓ = C (t)φ′(t)a2+φ′(t)(1 a2 c2 )C (t) a a i a − i − ik b k=1 X ℓ = φ′(t)a2(C (t) C (t))+φ′(t)(1 c2 )C (t) a i a − b a − ik b k=1 X ℓ φ′(t)(1 c2 )C (t) ≤ a − ik b k=1 X 6 G.PACELLIBESSA,LUQUESIOP.JORGE,ANDJ.FABIOMONTENEGRO since C (t) C (t) and where t=ρ(y ). Therefore a b 1 ≥ n m ℓ Hessφ ρ(y )(e ,e ) φ′(t)(m c2 )C (t) − a◦ 1 i i ≥ − a − ik b i=1 i=1k=1 X XX φ′(t)(m ℓ)C (t) ≥ − a − b From this we have that f φ′(t) (4.2) △ (x) a (m ℓ)C (t) sup H b − f ≥ −φ (t) − − | | a (cid:20) M (cid:21) so that f φ′(r ) inf ( △ ) a i (m ℓ)C (r) sup H . b M\Ki − f ≥ −φa(ri)(cid:20) − − M | |(cid:21) f Therefore inf ( △ ) + as r r proving Theorem (4.1). i M\Ki − f → ∞ → References 1. L. Alias, G. P. Bessa, M. Dajczer, Counterexamples to Calabi conjectures on minimal hypersurfaces cannot be proper.arXiv/math:0812.623v1. 2. A.Baider,Noncompact Riemannian manifolds with discrete spectra.J.Diff.Geom.14,(1979), 41–57. 3. J.Barta,Sur la vibration fundamentale d’une membrane.C.R.Acad.Sci.204,(1937), 472–473. 4. G.P.BessaandJ.F.Montenegro,AnextensionofBarta’sTheoremandgeometricapplications. Ann. GlobalAnal.andGeom. 31,(2007), 345–362. 5. H.Donnelly,Negative curvature and embedded eigenvalues.Math.Z.203,(1990), 301–308. 6. 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Amer. Math. Soc.Providence.RI.(2000)353-401. ON THE ESSENTIAL SPECTRUM OF NADIRASHVILI-MARTIN-MORALES MINIMAL SURFACES 7 Current address: Department of Mathematics, Universidade Federal do Ceara-UFC, Campus do Pici, 60455-760Fortaleza-CEBrazil E-mail address: [email protected] E-mail address: [email protected] E-mail address: [email protected]