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ON THE EQUIVARIANT IMPLICIT FUNCTION THEOREM WITH LOW REGULARITY AND APPLICATIONS TO GEOMETRIC VARIATIONAL PROBLEMS 2 1 0 R.G.BETTIOL,P.PICCIONE,ANDG.SICILIANO 2 n Abstract. We prove an implicit function theorem for functions on infinite- u dimensional Banach manifolds, invariant under the (local) action of a finite J dimensional Lie group. Motivated by some geometric variational problems, 4 we consider group actions that are not necessarily differentiable everywhere, but only on some dense subset. Applications are discussed in the context of ] constantmeancurvaturehypersurfaces,closed(pseudo-)Riemanniangeodesics G andharmonicmaps. D . h t a 1. Introduction m The implicit function theorem is an ubiquitous result from elementary multi- [ variable calculus courses to current pure and applied researchproblems. Being the 2 literature on the several formulations of the theorem virtually infinite, we will not v attempt to give anaccount of the extensive variety of statements available. In this 1 paperwewillformulateaversionofthetheoremforfunctionsonBanachmanifolds 2 that are invariant under the action of a finite-dimensional Lie group, which is not 7 5 necessarily compact. Previous formulations of the G-equivariant implicit function . theorem,mostnotablybyN.Dancer[8,9,10],consideredthecaseoflinear actions 9 0 of groups on Banach spaces. Two main improvements are considered here: 0 • the actionis notassumedlinear(not evenlinearizableatthe center point); 1 • the group acts by homeomorphisms of the manifold, and the action is not : v everywhere differentiable. i X Proving an implicit function theorem in such broad context is not just a matter of abstract generality. Namely, as first noticed by R. Palais [21] and others in the r a 60’s, the natural variational framework of several interesting geometric problems involves functionals on Banach manifolds that are invariant under the continuous (butnotdifferentiable)actionofafinite-dimensionalLiegroupofsymmetries. Our result is motivated precisely by this type of problem, that includes constant mean curvature (CMC) embeddings, closed geodesics and harmonic maps. Inordertoputtheproblemintherightperspective,letusdiscusstheCMCvari- ational problem, which is our paradigmatic example. Let M be an m-dimensional compactmanifoldand(M,g)beaRiemannianmanifold,withdim(M)=dim(M)+ 1. Given an embedding x: M ֒→ M, the mean curvature of x is the trace of the Date:June4th,2012. 2010 Mathematics Subject Classification. 46T05,47J07,58C15, 58D19. The second author is partially sponsored by Fapesp, S˜ao Paulo, Brazil, Projeto Tem´atico 2011/21362-2, andbyCNPq,Brazil. ThethirdauthorissponsoredbyFapesp,S˜aoPaulo,Grant n.2010/00068-6. 1 2 R.G.BETTIOL,P.PICCIONE,ANDG.SICILIANO second fundamental form of x; and x is a CMC embedding when this function is constant. Alternatively, x is a CMC embedding when it is a stationary point of the area functional on the space of maps y: M ֒→ M of class C2,α, constrained to fixed volume variations, i.e., variations by embeddings whose images are boundary of open subsets of M having a fixed volume. In this situation, the value of the mean curvature of a constrained critical embedding is (up to a factor) the value of the Lagrange multiplier of this variational problem. The theory of CMC embed- dings originated from S. Germain’s work on elasticity theory, and plays a pivotal role in a plethora of pure and applied areas. These range from fluid mechanics (where, according to the Young-Laplace equation, mean curvature corresponds to the ratio between the pressure difference and surface tension along the interface between two static fluids) to general relativity (where foliations of asymptotically flat ends of spacetimes by CMC hypersurfaces give a canonical relativistic analog of the Newtonian notion of center of mass), among others. The CMC constrained variational problem, as posed above, is invariant under the action of two groups: the diffeomorphism group Diff(M) of the source man- ifold, acting by right-composition on the space of embeddings; and the isometry group Iso(M,g) of the target manifold, acting by left-composition. Two CMC embeddings are geometrically equivalent if one can be obtained from the other by a change of parameterization (i.e., by composition on the right with a diffeomor- phism of M) and by a rigid motion of the ambient space (i.e., by composition on theleft withanisometryof(M,g)). ObservethatIso(M,g)is afinite-dimensional Lie group, which may fail to be compact when M is not compact. In order to deal with the reparameterization invariance, it is customary to consider a sort of quotient space of embeddings of M into M modulo diffeomorphisms of M (notice that the right action of Diff(M) is free). Such quotient space has the structure of an infinite-dimensional topological manifold; natural charts for this set are given around smooth embeddings x by considering the exponential map of the normal bundle x⊥ of x. However, surprisingly enough, the corresponding (local) action of theisometrygroupIso(M,g)on(aneighboroodofthezerosectionof)thespaceof sections of x⊥ is not differentiable. Namely, such action involves the operation of taking the inverse of a diffeomorphism: this operation is not differentiable (when defined) in the set of C2,α-diffeomorphisms, but only continuous, see [1]. Thus, one has a smooth functional, invariant under the continuous action of a finite- dimensionalLie group, the action of the groupbeing differentiable only on a dense subset. Observe also that the group action in question is essentially nonlinear, in the sense that in general it does not admit fixed points, and no local linearization of the action is feasible. An analogous situation occurs for the closed geodesic variational problem on (pseudo-)Riemannianmanifolds. Here,thegroupisthecircleS1,actingbyrotation onthe parameterspaceinthe manifoldofC2-closedcurves. Inthis case,the action isbydiffeomorphisms,butagainitisnotdifferentiableatcurveswithlowregularity (in fact, it is differentiable only on the dense subset formed by curves of class C3). Othergeometricvariationalproblemsareinvariantundersmooth(nonlinear)group actions. This is the case, for instance, of the variational problem for harmonic maps between two Riemannian manifolds. The correspondent energy functional is invariant under the action of the isometry group of the target manifold by left- composition, which is a smooth action. ON THE G-EQUIVARIANT IMPLICIT FUNCTION THEOREM 3 Our equivariant implicit function theorem is adapted to all of these situations, and involves standard Fredholmness and nondegeneracy assumptions. A rough statement of our main result is as follows. Theorem. Let f: M×Λ → R be a map of class Ck+1, k ≥ 1, where M and Λ are (possibly infinite-dimensional) Banach manifolds, and assume that for all λ, f(·,λ) is invariant under the action of a finite-dimensional Lie group G on M. Let (x ,λ ) ∈ M×Λ be such that ∂f(x ,λ ) = 0. Assume a suitable Fredholmness 0 0 ∂x 0 0 hypothesis on ∂2f(x ,λ ), and the equivariant nondegeneracy of the critical point: ∂x2 0 0 ∂2f ker (x ,λ ) =T G·x , ∂x2 0 0 x0 0 (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:0) (cid:1) whereG·x denotes theG-orbitofx . Then, thereexistsaCk mapx: U ⊂Λ→M, 0 0 defined in a neighborhood U of λ in Λ, with x(λ )=x , such that if λ∈U and y 0 0 0 is sufficiently close to the orbit G·x , then ∂f(y,λ)=0 if and only if y belongs to 0 ∂x the G-orbit of x(λ). Theprecisetechnicalstatementoftheresult(Theorem3.2)iscastinanabstract Banach vector bundle language, see Section 3. Its formulation involves a set of axioms that describe a rather general setup to which the result applies. Axioms (A) describe the basic variationalsetup. Axiom (B) deals with the differentiability of the action, and axiom (C) with the G-invariance of the set of critical points. Axioms (D) give the existence of a gradient-like map, and axioms (E) guarantee its equivariance. Finally, axioms (F) provide a notion of continuity for the tangent space to the group orbits. Explicitapplicationstothe abovementionedgeometricvariationalproblemsare discussedinSection4;andanextensionoftheequivariantimplicitfunctiontheorem to local group actions is discussed in Appendix A. Asasortofmotivationforourgeneralresult,inSection2,wediscussaformula- tionofthe G-equivariantimplicitfunctiontheoremforthespecificcontextofCMC embeddings of closed manifolds. This part of the work originates from an idea of N. Kapouleas[13, 14], also employedby R. Mazzeo,F. PacardandD. Pollack[19], R. Mazzeo and F. Pacard [20], B. White [24, §3], and, finally, J. P´erez and A. Ros [22, Thm 6.7], who proved the result in the case of embeddings of oriented sur- faces in R3. Using a similar idea, we provea resultfor arbitraryCMC embeddings x: M ֒→M whoseimagex(M)istheboundaryofaboundedopensubsetofM,see Proposition2.3. The proofis purely geometric,basedontwopropertiesof the flow ofKillingvectorfieldsalongtheboundaryofopensubsetsinRiemannianmanifolds, see Lemma 2.1. The curious proof of Proposition 2.3 cannot be extended to the case where x(M) is not the boundary of an open subset of M. In particular, this excludes the case of CMC embeddings of manifolds with boundary. Our abstract G-equivariant implicit function theorem, applied to this setup, covers a broader situationthan Proposition2.3. Namely, the hypothesis thatx(M) is aboundary is replaced with the more general hypothesis that there exists a generalized volume functional in a C1-neighborhoodof x which is invariantunder (small) isometries of theambientspace. Topologicalandgeometricalconditionsthatguaranteethatthis hypothesis is satisfied are discussed in Appendix B. For instance, invariantvolume functionals exist when the ambient space is diffeomorphic to a sphere or to Rn; when the ambient space is not compact but it has compact isometry group (in the 4 R.G.BETTIOL,P.PICCIONE,ANDG.SICILIANO caseofembeddingsofmanifoldswithboundary,compactnessoftheisometrygroup isnotnecessary);orwhentheimageofxiscontainedinanopensubsetofM which has vanishing de Rham cohomology in dimension m=dim(M). A natural question is whether the assumption on the existence of an invariant volume functional is redundant for the implicit function theorem in the CMC em- bedding problem. Namely, observe that such a function is solely needed for the variational formulation of the problem, while the geometric formulation, i.e., re- quiringsimplythatthemeancurvaturefunctionbeconstant,istotallyindependent of the existence of a volume functional. In other words, one could try to study an implicit function theorem for the equation F(x,H) = H(x)−H = 0, where H(x) is the mean curvature function of the embedding x. The quite surprising answer to this question is that the equivariant implicit function theorem does not hold in this general situation without further assumptions.1 A simple counter-example is obtained by considering closed geodesics (i.e., minimal embeddings of the circle) in the flat 2-torus, which are homotopically non-trivial and nondegenerate in the equivariant sense. This provides a counter-example because there are no homo- topicallynon-trivialcircleswithconstantgeodesiccurvaturein the flat2-torus,see Example1. It is alsonoteworthy that the CMC implicit function theoremholds at aminimal embeddingx: M ֒→M onlyundertheassumptionthatxistransversely oriented, see Example 2. Back to the abstract result, a final technical remark on its proof is in order. The central point is the construction of a sort of slice2 for the group action at a given smooth critical orbit of the variational problem. More precisely, this is a smooth submanifold S, transversal to the given smooth critical orbit, such that every nearby orbit (not necessarily smooth) intercepts S, and with the property that it is a natural constraint, i.e., restriction to S of the variational problem has thesamecriticalpointsofthenon-restrictedfunctional. Giventhelackofregularity, transversalityatanorbitdoesnotimplynon-emptyintersectionwithnearbyorbits. Thetransversalityargumentisreplacedbyatopologicaldegreeargument,thatuses the finite-dimensionality of the group orbits, see Proposition 3.4. A natural continuation of the ideas developed in this paper include: • applications of our results regarding rigidity of variational physical mod- els involving CMC hypersurfaces and similar equilibrium interfaces (e.g., anisotropicsurfaceenergiesandinterfacesofliquidcrystalswithanisotropic substrate); • an extension of the equivariant implicit function theorem to the case of (continuously) varying groups; • an analysis of the regularity of the slices for the group actions considered; • an analysis of possible equivariant bifurcation phenomena. 1It can be observed that even in the case of linear actions, for the non-variational case, the equivariantimplicitfunctiontheoremrequiressomeextrahypothesis. Forinstance,anassumption on the fixed points of the isotropic representation (that the author calls Property P) is used in [8,9,10]. 2The terminologyhere isnot standard. Recall that a“slice” foran action through apoint is typicallyassumedinvariantunder theaction oftheisotropyofthatpoint, see[6]. Thisproperty isnotrequiredhere. ON THE G-EQUIVARIANT IMPLICIT FUNCTION THEOREM 5 2. An implicit function theorem for CMC hypersurfaces We will discuss here a version of the implicit function theorem in the context of constant mean curvature (CMC) embeddings in Riemannian manifolds, which serves as motivation for the abstract formulation given in Section 3. This part of the work is inspired by an ingenious idea originally due to N. Kapouleas [13, 14], used also by J. P´erez and A. Ros [22, Thm 6.7], and by B. White [24, §3]. In addition, the same type of argument appears in a paper by R. Kusner, R. Mazzeo and D. Pollack [18, Thm 1.3], and was also recently employed by B. Daniel and P. Mira [11, Prop 5.6] in the study of CMC spheres in the homogeneous manifold Sol . Asimilarideais alsousedin[16]fora deformationresultofCMC surfacesin 3 R3 with fixed boundary. Both [18] and [22] deal with the case of minimal or CMC immersions of non-compact manifolds. ThebasicsetupisgivenbyaCMChypersurfaceM ofaRiemannianmanifoldM. LetusfirstrecalltwoelementaryapplicationsofStokes’theoremtothecomputation of integrals involving Killing fields and mean curvature of submanifolds (see [11, Lemma 5.5] for the 2-dimensional orientable case). Lemma 2.1. Let (M,g) be a Riemannian manifold, let M ⊂ M be a compact submanifold (without boundary), with mean curvature vector field H~, and let K ∈ X(M) be a Killing field in M. Then: (2.1) g(K,H~)dM =0. ZM In addition, if M is the boundary of a (bounded) open subset of M, then: (2.2) g(K,~n)dM =0, ZM where ~n is a continuous unit normal field along M. Proof. Denote by K ∈ X(M) the vector field on M obtained by orthogonal pro- M jection of K. We claim that div (K )=g(K,H~). Equality (2.1) will then follow M M immediately from Stokes’ Theorem. In order to compute div (K ), let ∇ denote M M the Levi–Civita connection of g and let ∇ be the Levi–Civita connection of the induced metric on M. If S is the second fundamental form of M, then for allpairs X,Y ∈ X(M), one has ∇ Y = ∇ Y +S(X,Y). Moreover, differentiating in the X X direction X the equality g(K ,Y)=g(K,Y), we get: M (2.3) g ∇ K ,Y +g K ,∇ Y =g ∇ K,Y +g K,∇ Y . X M M X X X Substituting(cid:0)g(K,∇ Y(cid:1))=g(cid:0)(K,∇ Y)+(cid:1) g K(cid:0),S(X,Y)(cid:1) in ((cid:0)2.3), (cid:1) X X (2.4) g ∇ K ,Y =g ∇ K,(cid:0)Y +g K,S(cid:1)(X,Y) . X M X Given x ∈ M, an o(cid:0)rthonormal(cid:1)fram(cid:0)e e ,...,e(cid:1) of(cid:0)T M, and r(cid:1)ecalling that, since 1 m x K is Killing, g(∇ K,e )=0 for all i, we get: ei i div (K )= g ∇ K ,e = g K,S(e ,e ) =g(K,H~), M M ei M i i i i i X (cid:0) (cid:1) X (cid:0) (cid:1) which proves (2.1). Formula (2.2) is an immediate application of Stokes’ theorem, observing that div K =0, as K is Killing. (cid:3) M 6 R.G.BETTIOL,P.PICCIONE,ANDG.SICILIANO Remark 2.2. It is easy to find counterexamples to (2.2) when M is a hypersur- face which is not the boundary of an open subset of M. If M is the boundary of an open subset of M, i.e., if the set M \ M has two connected components, then M is transversely oriented. This means that the normal bundle TM⊥ is ori- entable. Conversely, if M is transversely oriented, then the condition that M be the boundaryofanopensubsetofM is equivalentto the conditionthatthe homo- morphismH (M)→H (M,M\M)inducedinsingularhomologybythe inclusion 1 1 (M,∅)֒→(M,M \M) be trivial. Recall that, given a transversely oriented codimension one CMC embedding x: M ֒→M,theJacobioperator J ofxisthesecondorderlinearellipticdifferential x operator (2.5) J (f)=∆ f −(mRic (~n )+kS k2)f, x x M x x defined on the space of C2-functions f: M → R. In the above formula, m = dim(M), ∆ is the (positive) Laplacian of functions on M relative to the pull- x back metric x∗(g), Ric (~n ) is the Ricci curvature of M evaluated on the unit M x normal field ~n of x and S is the second fundamental form of x. A function f x x satisfying J (f) = 0 is called a Jacobi field of the embedding x. Moreover, the x space of Jacobi fields of x, i.e., the kernel of J , is a finite-dimensional space. x Given any α ∈ ]0,1[, seen as a linear operator from C2,α(M) to C0,α(M), J is a x Fredholm map3 of index zero, which is symmetric with respect to the L2-pairing h·,·iL2: C2,α(M)×C0,α(M)→R,givenbyhf1,f2iL2 = Mf1·f2dM.Inparticular, ker(J )=Im(J )⊥, relatively to the L2-inner product. x x R If K is a Killing field of (M,g), then f = g(K,~n ) is a Jacobi field of x. The x embeddingxissaidtobenondegenerate ifeveryJacobifieldarisesinthisway,i.e., if given any Jacobi field f of x, there exists a Killing field K of (M,g) such that f =g(K,~n ). NondegeneracyofeveryCMC embeddings ofM into M is ageneric x property in the set of Riemannian metrics g, see [24, 25] for a precise statement. Finally, let us introduce the following terminology. Two embeddings x : M ֒→ i M, i = 1,2, are said to be congruent if there exists a diffeomorphism φ : M →M suchthat x =x ◦φ, and isometrically congruent if there exists a diffeomorphism 2 1 φ: M → M and an isometry ψ: M → M such that x = ψ ◦x ◦φ. Roughly 2 1 speaking, congruence classes of embeddings of M into M are submanifolds of M that are diffeomorphic to M. Proposition 2.3. Let x: M ֒→ M be a nondegenerate codimension one CMC embedding of a compact manifold M into a Riemannian manifold (M,g), with mean curvature H . Assume also that x(M) is the boundary of an open subset 0 of M. Then, there exists an open interval ]H −ε,H +ε[ and a smooth function 0 0 ]H −ε,H +ε[∋H 7→ϕ ∈C2,α(M), with ϕ =0, such that: 0 0 H H0 (a) for all H ∈]H −ε,H +ε[, the map x : M ֒→M defined by 0 0 H x (p)=exp ϕ (p)·~n (p) , p∈M, H x(p) H x is a CMC embedding having(cid:0)mean curvatu(cid:1)re equal to H; 3 Second order self-adjoint elliptic operators acting on sections of Euclidean vector bundles over compact manifolds are Fredholm maps of index zero from the space of Cj,α-sections to the spaceofCj−2,α-sections,j≥2,seeforinstance[24,§1.4]and[25,Theorem1.1]. Thisfactwillbe usedthroughoutthepaper. ON THE G-EQUIVARIANT IMPLICIT FUNCTION THEOREM 7 (b) any given CMC embedding y: M ֒→M sufficiently close to x (in the C2,α- topology) is isometrically congruent to some x . H Proof. By a standard argument in submanifold theory, congruence classes of em- beddings y: M ֒→M nearxareparameterizedby functions onM. Moreprecisely, to each function ϕ ∈ C2,α(M) one associates the map x : M → M defined by ϕ x (p) = exp ϕ(p)·~n (p) , p ∈ M. For ϕ in a neighborhood of 0, x is an ϕ x(p) x ϕ embedding of M into M. Conversely, given any embedding y: M ֒→ M which (cid:0) (cid:1) is sufficiently close to x, there exists ϕ ∈ C2,α(M) near 0 such that y is congru- ent to x . Given a sufficiently small neighborhood U of 0 in C2,α(M), consider ϕ the map H: U → C0,α(M) that associates to each ϕ the mean curvature func- tion of the embedding x . This function is smooth, as it is given by a second ϕ order quasi-linear differential operator having smooth coefficients. The derivative dH(0): C2,α(M)→C0,α(M) coincides with the Jacobi operator J . x By the nondegeneracy assumption on x, there exist d=dimker(J )≥0 Killing x vector fields K ,...,K of (M,g) such that the functions f = g(K ,~n ), i = 1 d i i x 1,...,d, form a basis of ker(J ). Consider now the auxiliary map H: U ×Rd → x C0,α(M) defined by: e d H(f,a ,...,a )=H(f)+ a f . 1 d i i i=1 X e Clearly H is smooth, and: d e dH(0)(f,b ,...,b )=J (f)+ b f . 1 d x i i i=1 X e Now, dH(0) is surjective; namely, the f ’s span the orthogonal complement of i Im(J ). Moreover,thekernelofdH(0)coincideswithker(J )⊕{0},whichisfinite- x x dimensioenal and therefore complemented in C2,α(M)⊕Rd. In other words, H is a smooth submersion at 0. e Using the local form of submersions, we get that for H near H , there eexists 0 an open neighborhood V of 0 in C2,α(M)×Rd such that the set H−1(H)∩V is a smooth embedded submanifold of dimension d. Moreover, using the fact that submersions admit smooth local sections, one has that there exists aesmooth func- tion ]H −ε,H +ε[ ∋ H 7→ ϕ ∈ V such that H(ϕ ) = H for all H, and with 0 0 H H ϕ = 0. Now, we claim that for all H ∈ R, given ϕ = (ϕ,a ,...,a ) ∈ H−1(H), H0 1 d then a1 =...=ad =0, and He(ϕ)=H; in other weoreds, H−1(H)=H−1(H)×{0}. Ien order to prove the claim, assume e e e d H(ϕ)+ a f =H. i i i=1 X Multiplying both sides of this equality by a f and integrating on M, keeping i i i in mind that: P d d (2.1) (2.2) H(ϕ) a f dM = 0 and H · a f dM = 0, i i i i ZM i=1 ZM i=1 X X 8 R.G.BETTIOL,P.PICCIONE,ANDG.SICILIANO we get: 2 d a f dM =0. i i ZM"i=1 # X This implies a = ... = a = 0 and proves the claim. Hence, we have ϕ = 1 d H (ϕ ,0,...,0), with H 7→ϕ satisfying item (a) of the proposition. H H Item (b) also follows easily. Namely, the action by isometries of (M,g) oneeach CMC embedding x produces an orbit which is a d-dimensional submanifold of ϕH the Banach space C2,α(M).4 Such orbit is contained in H−1(H), which is also a d-dimensional submanifold around x . Hence, a neighborhood of x in the orbit H H of x coincides with a neighborhood of x in H−1(H). This implies that CMC H H embeddings C2,α-close to x must be isometrically congruent to some x . (cid:3) H Remark 2.4. Observethattheassumptionthatx(M)betheboundaryofabounded opensubsetof M cannotbe omittedin Proposition2.3, as equality (2.2) is usedin the proof (see Remark 2.2). In particular, Proposition 2.3 does not cover the case of CMC embeddings of manifolds with boundary (cf. Proposition 4.1). 3. Statement of the G-equivariant implicit function theorem The usual formulations of the implicit function theorem give a local result, so that its statement can be given using open subsets of Banach spaces as domains andcodomainsofthefunctionsinvolved. Fortheequivariantversionofthetheorem that will be discussed in this section the situation is somewhat different. Namely, wewillconsidergroupactionsonBanachmanifoldswhoseorbitsarenotnecessarily contained in the domain of some local chart, or in the domain of a local trivial- ization of a vector bundle. In fact, we will not even assume boundedness of the orbits. Thissuggeststhat,inspiteofthelocalcharacteroftheresultanditsproof, the equivariant formulation of our theorem is better cast in an abstract Banach manifolds/Banachvector bundles setup. The basic setupis givenby a manifoldMactedupon bya Lie groupG, another manifold Λ, and a differentiable function f: M×Λ → R which is G-invariant in the first variable. More precisely, our framework is described by the following set of axioms. (A1) M and Λ are differentiable manifolds, modeled on a (possibly infinite- dimensional) Banach space; (A2) G is a finite-dimensional Lie group, acting continuously on M (on the left) by homeomorphisms, and g denotes its Lie algebra; (A3) f: M×Λ→RisafunctionofclassCk+1,k ≥1,satisfyingf(g·x,λ)=f(x,λ) for all g ∈G, x∈M and λ∈Λ. Here, g·x denotes the action of the group element g on x; and the Lie algebra of G will be denoted by g. For all x∈M, let us denote by (3.1) β : G−→M x 4This is not a trivial fact, keeping into account that the left action of the isometry group of (M,g) on the space C2,α(M) obtained via exponential map of the normal bundle of x is only continuous, and not differentiable. However, it is proved in [1] that the orbit of any smooth embeddingisasmoothsubmanifold. ON THE G-EQUIVARIANT IMPLICIT FUNCTION THEOREM 9 the map β (g) = g ·x; and for all g ∈ G, the map γ : M → M will denote the x g homeomorphism γ (x) = g·x. As to the regularity of the group action, we make g the following assumptions: (B) there exists a dense subset M′ ⊂ M such that for all x ∈ M′ the map β : G→M is differentiable at 1∈G. x Let us denote by ∂ f: M×Λ → TM∗ the derivative of f with respect to the first 1 variable; our aim is to study the equation ∂ f(x,λ) = 0. Observe that with our 1 weak regularity assumptions on the group action (we do not assume in principle the differentiability of the map γ ), it does not follow that if ∂ f(x,λ) = 0, then g 1 also ∂ f(g·x,λ)=0 for all g ∈G. We will therefore explicitly assume: 1 (C) for all λ∈Λ, the set x∈M:∂ f(x,λ)=0 is G-invariant. 1 Asufficientconditionthatguarantees(C)willbediscussedbelow(seeLemma3.1). (cid:8) (cid:9) Letusnowlookatthequestionoflackofagradient forthefunctionf;wedefine a gradient-like map by introducing a suitable vector bundle on the manifold M, defined by the following axioms: (D1) E →M is a Ck-Banach vector bundle; (D2) there exist Ck-vector bundle morphisms: i: TM−→E and j: E −→TM∗, with j injective; (D3) for all x ∈ M, the bilinear form h·,·i : T M × T M → R defined by x x x hu,vi = j i (u) v is a (not necessarily complete) positive definite inner x x x product (this implies that also i is injective); (cid:0) (cid:1) (D4) there exists a Ck-map δf: M×Λ→E such that j◦δf=∂ f. 1 Since j is injective, the above gives that ∂ f(x,λ)=0 if and only if δf(x,λ)=0. 1 Letusnowgobacktothe questionofG-invarianceofthe setofcriticalpoints of the functions f(·,λ). Assuming that the G action is by diffeomorphisms (i.e., that themapsγ arediffeomorphisms),givenx suchthat∂ f(x ,λ)=0thenobviously g 0 1 0 ∂ f(g·x ,λ)=0forallg ∈G. Forthisconclusionitisnecessarytodifferentiateγ ; 1 0 g when the action of G is only by homeomorphisms, the G-invariance of the critical setisobtainedunderasuitableassumptionofG-equivarianceforthemapδf. Given x∈M, the fiber of E over x will be denoted by E . Consider the following: x (E1) there existsacontinuousleftG-actionbylinearisomorphismsonthe fibers ofE compatiblewiththeactiononM,i.e.,suchthattheprojectionE →M is equivariant (this means that for each g, it is given a family of linear isomorphisms ϕg,x: Ex → Eg·x depending continuously on x ∈ M and on g ∈G, such that ϕgh,x =ϕg,h·x◦ϕh,x for all g,h∈G and all x∈M); (E2) the map δf(·,λ): M→E is equivariant for all λ∈Λ. Lemma 3.1. Axioms (E1) and (E2) imply (C). Proof. Assume ∂ f(x ,λ)=0, then δf(x ,λ)=0. The equivariance property gives 1 0 0 δf(g·x ,λ)=0 for all g ∈G, i.e., ∂ f(g·x ,λ)=0 for all g ∈G. (cid:3) 0 1 0 Finally, another set of assumptions is needed in order to deal with the lack of the map x 7→ dβ (1) ∈ Lin(g,TM) for all x ∈ M. Our next set of hypotheses will x give the existence of a continuous extension to M of this map provided that its 10 R.G.BETTIOL,P.PICCIONE,ANDG.SICILIANO codomain be enlarged and endowed with a weaker topology. As above, this set of assumptions is better cast in terms of vector bundles and injective morphisms: (F) there exists a Ck-vector bundle Y →M and Ck-vector bundle morphisms: : E −→Y∗ and κ: TM−→Y, with κ injective, such that: (F1) κ∗◦=j (ferom which it follows that also  is injective); (F2) themapM′ ∋x7→κ ◦dβ (1)∈Lin(g,Y )hasacontinuousextension x x x to a section of the vector bundle Lin(g,Y)→M. e e From density of M′, the extension in (F2) is therefore unique. We are now ready for: Theorem 3.2. In the above setup, let (x ,λ )∈M′×Λ be a point such that: 0 0 ∂ f(x ,λ )=0. 1 0 0 Denote by L: T M→E the linear map x0 x0 L:=π ◦∂ (δf)(x ,λ ), ver 1 0 0 where π : T E →E is the canonical vertical projection. If: ver 0x0 x0 (G1) L is Fredholm of index 0; (G2) kerL=Imdβ (1), x0 then there exists a G-invariant neighborhood V ⊂ M×Λ of (G·x ,λ ) and a Ck- 0 0 function σ: Λ →M defined in a neighborhood Λ of λ in Λ such that (x,λ)∈V 0 0 0 and ∂ f(x,λ)=0 hold if and only if x∈G·σ(λ). 1 Remark 3.3. Condition(G2)isanequivariantnondegeneracy condition onthecrit- ical orbit G·x . 0 Proof. Wewillstudyalocalproblemfirst,andwewillthenusethegroupactionfor theproofoftheglobalstatement. Aftersuitablelocalchartsandlocaltrivialization of vector bundles around the point (x ,λ ) have been chosen, one can assume the 0 0 following situation: • MisanopensubsetofaBanachspaceX,M′ isadensesubsetofMwhich is endowed with a topology finer than the induced topology from M, and Λ is an open subset of another Banach space; • the group action on M is described by a map U ∋ (g,x) 7→ g ·x ∈ M, with U an open neighborhood of {1}×M in G×M. Such map satisfies the obvious equalities given by group operations whenever5 such equalities make sense in the open set U; • the Ck+1-functionf: M×Λ→R satisfiesf(g·x,λ)=f(x,λ) whereversuch equality makes sense (as above); • the vector bundle E is replaced with the product M×E , where E is a 0 0 fixed Banach space (isometric to the typical fiber of E); • j: M→Lin(E ,X∗) is a Ck-map such that j is injective for all x∈M; 0 x 5 For instance, the equality g·(h·x) = (gh)·x holds for all g,h ∈ G and x ∈ M such that (h,x)∈U and (g,h·x)∈U. In particular, given x∈M, the equality must hold when g and h belong to some neighborhood of 1 in G. This could be formalized in terms of partial actions of groups(orgroupoids)ontopological spaces,butthisisnotrelevantinthecontextofthepresent paper.

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