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Preview On the Effect of theta_{13} on the Determination of Solar Oscillation Parameters at KamLAND

CERN-TH/2001-332 IFIC/01-65 hep-ph/0111432 On the Effect of θ on the Determination of Solar Oscillation Parameters at 13 KamLAND M. C. Gonzalez-Garcia1,2,3 ∗ and C. Pen˜a-Garay2 † 1 Theory Division, CERN, CH-1211 Geneva 23, Switzerland 2Instituto de F´ısica Corpuscular, Universitat de Val`encia – C.S.I.C. Edificio Institutos de Paterna, Apt 22085, 46071 Val`encia, Spain 3 C.N. Yang Institute for Theoretical Physics State University of New York at Stony Brook 2 Stony Brook,NY 11794-3840, USA 0 0 2 n If the solution to the solar neutrino puzzle falls in the LMA region, KamLAND should be able a to measure with good precision the corresponding oscillation parameters after a few years of data J taking. Assuming a positive signal, we study their expected sensitivity to the solar parameters 1 (θ12,∆m221) when considered in the framework of three–neutrino mixing after taking into account 1 ourignorance on themixing angleθ13. Wefindasimple“scaling” dependenceofthereconstructed θ12 rangewiththevalueofθ13 whilethe∆m212rangeispracticallyunaffected. Ourresultsshowthat 2 theneteffectisapproximatelyequivalenttoanuncertaintyontheoverallneutrinofluxnormalization v of up to ∼ 10%. 2 3 4 1 The Sudbury Neutrino Observatory (SNO) measure- at KamLAND havestudied the effect of the time depen- 1 ment on the charged current reaction for solar neutrino dent fuel composition, the knowledge of the flux uncer- 1 absorption in deuterium [1] has provided an important tainty, the role of the geological neutrinos as well as the 0 piece of information in the path to solve the solar neu- combined analysis of solar and KamLAND data. These / h trino problem (SNP) [2–6]. In particular, all the post- studieshavebeenperformedinthesimplesttwo-neutrino p SNO global analysis [7–11] have shown that the inclu- oscillation scheme or equivalently for three-neutrino os- - p sion of the SNO results have further strengthen the case cillations assuming a small fixed value of θ13 [13–18]. e for solar neutrino oscillations with large mixing angles In this letter, we revisit the problem of how the pre- h with best fit in the region with larger ∆m2, LMA. Un- cision to which KamLAND should be able to measure : v fortunately,theLMAregionisbroadinmixingandmass the solar oscillation parameters, ∆m212 and θ12, is af- Xi splitting due to the uncertainties in the solar fluxes and fected by our ignorance on the exact value of the mixing r the lack of detailed data in the low energy range. angle θ13. At present our most precise information on a This situation will be improved in the very near fu- this parameter comes from the negative results from the ture, in particular, if LMA is the right solution to the CHOOZ reactor experiment [19], which, when combined SNP. If Nature has arrangedthings favourably,the SNO with the results from the atmospheric neutrino experi- measurements of the day-night asymmetry and the neu- ments [20] results into a 3σ upper bound sin2θ13 <0.06 tral to charged current ratio could help to identify and [21,22]. To address this question we study how t∼he re- constrain the LMA solution [11]. Furthermore, the ter- constructedrangeof∆m212 andθ12 depends onthevalue restrial experiment, KamLAND [12], should be able to of the mixing angle θ13. We conclude that the recon- identify the oscillation signal and significantly constrain structed∆m212 isverymildlyaffectedbythevalueofθ13, the region of parameters for the LMA solution. while the θ12 range scales with θ13 in a simple way. We The KamLANDreactorneutrinoexperiment, whichis determine the reconstructed region of solar parameters to start taking data very soon, is sensitive to the LMA obtained from a given signal once θ13 is left free to vary regionofthesolarneutrinoparameterspace. Afterafew below the present bound. We find that the net effect is years of data taking, it should be capable of either ex- approximatelyequivalenttothatofanuncertaintyonthe cluding the entire LMA region or, not only establishing overall neutrino flux normalization of up to 10% and ∼ νe νother oscillations, but also measuring the oscil- it should be taken into account once enough statistics is latio↔n parameters (tan2θ12,∆m221) with unprecedented accumulated. precision [13–18]. Previous analysis of the attainable ac- KamLANDisareactorneutrinoexperimentlocatedat curacyinthedeterminationoftheoscillationparameters the old Kamiokande site in the Kamioka mine in Japan. 1 Itissensitivetotheν¯ fluxfromsome10+reactorswhich of oscillation parameters have been studied in [16], and e arelocated“nearby.” Thedistancesfromthedifferentre- are supposedly small. actors to the experimental site vary from slightly more In order to simulate events at KamLAND, we need to than 80 km to over 800 km, while the majority (roughly compute the expected energy spectrum for the incoming 80%) of the neutrinos travel from 140 km to 215 km. reactor antineutrinos for different values of the neutrino KamLAND“sees”the antineutrinosbydetecting the to- oscillationparametersmass-squareddifferencesandmix- tal energy deposited by recoil positrons, which are pro- ing angles. In the framework of three-neutrino mixing duced via ν¯ + p e+ + n. The total visible energy the ν survival probability depends on the two relevant e e → corresponds to E +m , where E is the total energy mass differences and the three-mixing angles but it can e+ e e+ of the positron and m the electron mass. The positron be simplified if we take into account that: e energy, on the other hand, is related to the incoming –MattereffectsarecompletelynegligibleatKamLAND- antineutrino energy E = E 1.293 MeV up to cor- like baselines. e+ ν rections related to the recoil mo−mentum of the daughter – As observed in [14], for ∆m2 > 3 10−4 eV2, the de- neutron (1.293 MeV is the neutron–proton mass differ- termination of ∆m2 is rather am∼bigu×ous. This is due to ence). KamLAND is expected to measure the visible the fact that if ∆m2 is too large, the KamLAND energy energy with a resolution which is expected to be better resolutionisnotsufficientlyhightoresolvetheoscillation than σ(E)/E =10%/√E, for E in MeV [12,17]. lengthsassociatedwiththesevaluesof∆m2andE . This ν Theantineutrinospectrumwhichistobe measuredat allows us to consider the higher ∆m2 and ∆m2 to be 23 13 KamLAND depends on the power output and fuel com- averaged. position of each reactor (both change slightly as a func- Thus, the relevant (energy dependent) electron an- tionoftime),andonthecrosssectionforν¯ +p e++n. tineutrino survival probability at KamLAND is e → Forthe resultspresentedhere wewill followthe flux and the cross section calculations and the statistical proce- P(ν¯e ν¯e)=sin4θ13+cos4θ13 (2) ↔ dure described in Ref. [18]. We use one “KamLAND- 1.27∆m2 L year” as the amount of time it takes KamLAND to see 1 fisin22θ12sin2 21 i , 800 events with visible energy above 1.22 MeV. This is " − i (cid:18) Eν (cid:19)# X roughly what is expected after one year of running (as- whereL isthedistanceofreactoritoKamLANDinkm, i suming a fiducial volume of 1 kton), if all reactors run E isinGeVand∆m2 isineV2,whilef isthefraction ν 12 i at (constant) 78% of their maximal power output [12]. ofthetotalneutrinofluxwhichcomesfromreactori(see We assume a constant chemical composition for the fuel [12]). of all reactors(explicitly, 53.8%of 235U, 32.8%of 239Pu, From Eq. (3) we can easily derive the effect of the 7.8% of 238U, and 5.6% of 241Pu, see [13,23]). nonzero θ13. The energy independent term contains The shape of the energy spectrum of the incom- the factor sin4θ13+cos4θ13 while the energy dependent ing neutrinos can be derived from a phenomenological term contains cos4θ13. Thus the shape of the spectrum parametrisation, obtained in [24], (this is, the ratio of the energy dependent versus the energy independent term) is only modified by a factor ddNEν¯νe ∝ea0+a1Eν+a2Eν2, (1) sin4θc1o3s+4θc1o3s4θ13 ∼1−sin4θ13. Giventhepresentboundwe conclude that θ13 does not affect significantly the shape where the coefficients ai depend on the parent nucleus. ofthespectrumwhichisthemostrelevantinformationin The values of ai for the different isotopes we used are thedeterminationof∆m212. Conversely,theoverallspec- tabulated in [24,16]. These expressions are very good trum normalization is scaled by cos4θ13 1 2sin2θ13 ∼ − approximationsof the (measured) reactorflux for values and this factor introduces an non-negligible effect. of Eν >2 MeV. In order to quantify the effect of this term we have The∼cross section for ν¯e+p e++n has been com- simulated the KamLAND signal corresponding to some → puted including corrections related to the recoil momen- pointsintheparameterspace(seeTableI). Followingthe tum ofthe daughterneutronin[25]. We usedthe hydro- approachinRef.[18]oursimulateddatasetsareanalysed gen/carbon ratio, r=1.87, from the proposed chemical via a standard χ2 function, mixture (isoparaffin and pseudocumene) [12]. It should be noted that the energy spectrum of antineutrinos pro- χ2(θ12,∆m212,θ13)= dacuccuerdacayt nautcpleraerviroeuasctroerascthoarsnbeeuetnrimnoeaesxupreerdimweitnhtsg(osoede Nbin Nj(θ12,∆m212,θ13))−Tj(θ12,∆m212,θ13) 2 [12] for references). For this reason, we will first as- (cid:16) 2 (cid:17) +Nd.o.f, N j=1 j sume that the expected (unoscillated) antineutrino en- X ergy spectrum is known precisely. Some of the effects of 2 (cid:0)p (cid:1) uncertainties in the incoming flux on the determination where Nj(θ12,∆m12,θ13) is the number of simulated events in the j-th energy bin which would correspond 2 2 to the parameters θ12 ∆m12 θ13 (see first column in kept to be the same and constant. In the fourth col- Table I for the values of the 5 simulated points). umn in Table I we list the 3σ allowed range for tan2θ12 Tj(θ12,∆m212,θ13) is the theoretical prediction for the for each of the five simulated points. Table II contains number of events in the j-th energy bin as a function of the correspondingresults fromthe “conservative”analy- theoscillationparameters. Nbin =12isthetotalnumber sis in which the three first bins have been removed. The of bins (binwidth is 0.5 MeV), and the added constant, maineffectisadecreaseinthestatisticswhichtranslates Nd.o.f, is the number of degrees of freedom. This is in- intoslightlylargerranges. Weonlylistthereconstructed cluded in order to estimate the statistical capabilities of range in the first octant but, as shown in the figure, due an average experiment. An alternative option would be to the negligible matter effects, the results from Kam- nottoincludetheNd.o.f termbuttoincluderandomsta- LANDwillgiveusadegeneracyinθ12 andanequivalent tisticalfluctuationsinthe simulateddataasdoneinRef. range is obtained in the second octact corresponding to [13]. We have verified that our results are not quantita- tan2θ12 1/tan2θ12. Solar data will be able to select → tivelyaffectedbythechoiceofsimulationprocedure. The theallowedregioninthefirstoctantandweshowthe3σ fit is first done for visible energies 1.22 < E < 7.22 contours of the LMA region from the latest analysis. As vis MeV. Note that we assume statistical errors only, and discussed in Ref. [18], if the mixing angle is far enough do not include background induced events. This seems from maximalmixing, the allowedregionis clearly sepa- to be a reasonable assumption, given that KamLAND rated from the mirror one. is capable of tagging the ν¯e by looking for a delayed γ In order to illustrate the effect of the unknown θ13 signaldue to the absorptionofthe recoilneutron. There we have repeated this exercise but now using a different stillremains,however,thepossibilityofirreducibleback- valueofθ13forthesimulatedpointandthereconstructed grounds from geological neutrinos in the lower energy ones. In Fig. 1(b) we show the reconstructed regions in bins (Evis < 2.6 MeV) [17,18]. To verify how this pos- (tan2θ12,∆m212) corresponding to the same five gener- sible backg∼round may affect the effect here studied we atedpoints(whicharemarkedbystarsinthefigure)but haverepeatedthe analysisdiscardingthe three loweren- using θ13 = 12.6◦(sin2θ13 = 0.048) in the calculation of ergybinsi.e. consideringonlyeventswithvisibleenergies the expected number of events Tj. From the figure we 2.72<E <7.22 MeV. see that best fit reconstructed points (which are marked vis We have generatedthe signalfor the five points in pa- by squares in the figure) as well as the allowed regions rameterspace listed inTable I. Forthe sakeof concrete- are shifted in mixing angle with respect to the ones in ness we have chosen the five points with different values Fig. 1(a) while ∆m212 remains practically unaffected. In of ∆m212 and tan2θ12 distributed within the 3σ allowed tablesIandIIwelistthereconstructedrangesoftan2θ23 LMA region from the present analysis of the solar data for this academic case. [11] and with θ13 = 0. For each of the simulated points Theobservedshiftcanbeeasilyunderstoodasfollows. we obtained the reconstructed region of parameters in From Eq. (3), the total number of events is equal for the plane∆m212 tan2θ12 by findingthe minimum χ2 and different θ13 with the condition thencalculatingtheconfidencelevel(CL)fortwodegrees offreedomassumingthreeKamLAND-yearsofsimulated 1−α×sin22θ12 =cos4θ13(1−α×sin22θ1′2), (3) data. The number of expected events corresponding to where α is a number coming from all the detailed in- each of the simulated points with 1.22 < E < 7.22 vis tegration of the oscillating phase factor which depends MeVisgiveninTableIandinTableIIfor2.72<E < vis mainly on ∆m2 and which, for completeness, we also 7.22MeV.Wehaverepeatedthis procedureforthe same 12 list in Table I. For example for the simulated point (1), fivavlIeunseimoFfiugtl.ahte1edr(easc)iognwnsaetlrsusuchtnoedwderθt1dh3ie.fferaellnotwaesdsumrepgitoionnssifnortthhee tthane23θσ12re=co0n.s3t7r,uc∆temd21r2a=nge3,.70.×3110≤−5taenV22θ1a2n≤d θ01.433=, fo0r, (tthaant2θθ1132,=∆m021(2w)hpilcahneisatshsuemsiinmgultahtaetdwvealkuneo).wIanportiohreyr θto130=.250≤is tsahnif2teθd12u≤sin0g.3t5hefoarbtoavne2rθe1l3at=ion0.w05ithwhαic=h 0p.r6e5- cisely coincides with the values listed in the 5th column words in our minimization procedure we fix θ13 = 0 in Tj and the only fitted parameters are tan2θ12 and of table I. Strictly speaking this scaling is slightly vio- ∆m2 . This case corresponds to the usual two-neutrino lated due to the change of the spectral shape with the anal1y2sis. Given our χ2 prescription the best fit recon- change from θ12 to θ1′2 which also worsens the χ2min for the reconstructed point. structed point corresponds exactly with the simulated Letusfinallyconsiderwhicharetheallowedregionsin point. The shown regions correspond to 1σ, 2σ and 3σ for 2 d.o.f (∆χ2 = 2.30, 6.18 and 11.83 respectively). theparameterspace(tan2θ12,∆m221)takingintoaccount Similar regions are obtained if θ13 if different from zero that we just know that θ13 is below some limit. In order but assumed to be known so that its value in the simu- todosoonemustintegrateoverθ13 intheallowedrange, lated number of events and in the reconstructed one is or what is equivalent, for each pair (tan2θ12,∆m221) we must minimize χ2(θ12,∆m221,tan2θ13) with respect to 3 10-3 0.00 ≤ tan2θ ≤ 0.06 13,min 2) 5 5 V e 2 (2110-4 3 3 m 10-3 ∆ 1 1 tan2θ = 0.00 (a) 4 2 2 4 13 10-5 5 5 10-1 1 101 tan2θ 12 10-4 3 3 FIG. 2. 1σ, 2σ and 3σ CL allowed regions of the 1 1 (∆m221 ×tan2θ12)-parameter space when θ13 is left free to 4 2 2 4 vary in the allowed range (θ13 < 13.8◦(sin2θ13 = 0.057)). Theregions areobtained forthreeKamLAND-yearsofsimu- 2) lateddataandforthesamefivesimulatedsignalsasFig.1(a). V (e 10-5 The stars indicate the best fit points (corresponding also to 2m 21 tan2θ = 0.05 (b) thesimulated points). 13 ∆ θ13 (restricted to be below the present bound). Notice 5 5 that, below the bound, we used a flat probability dis- tribution for θ13 to keep the analysis just KamLAND- dependent. Inthefuture, the combinedanalysisofsolar, 10-4 3 3 atmospheric and CHOOZ results with KamLAMD data will allow us to include the probability distribution for 4 1 1 4 θ13. In Fig. 2 we shown the allowedregions for such θ13- 2 2 free analysis,where free means allowedto vary below its 3σ limit, θ13 13.8◦ (sin2θ13 0.057)). As seen by ≤ ≤ comparing Fig. 2 with Fig. 1 the reconstructed regions 10-5 are enlarged and roughly correspond to the overlap of 10-1 1 101 tan2θ the allowed regions for the different fixed values of θ13. 12 Given our signal generating procedure the best fit re- constructed point corresponds to the simulated point in FIG. 1. (a) Regions of the (∆m221 ×tan2θ12)-parameter (tan2θ12, ∆m221) and θ13 =0. The reconstructed ranges spaceallowedbythreeKamLAND-yearsofsimulateddataat can be read from the last column in Tables I and Ta- 2 the1σ,2σ and3σ CL,fordifferentinputvaluesof∆m21 and bles II. Also comparing the results in both tables one tan2θ12 (θ13 = 0) and assuming θ13 = 0. The stars indicate sees that the presence of this effect is not quantitatively the best fit points (corresponding also to the simulated sig- affectedbynotincludinginthefitthedatafromthelow- nals). (b) Regions of the (∆m221×tan2θ12)-parameter space est energy bins. The main effect being a decrease in the allowed by three KamLAND-years of simulated data at the statistics which translates into slightly larger ranges. 1σ, 2σ and 3σ CL for θ13 = 12.6◦(sin2θ13 = 0.048). The We have studied the role of θ13 in the hypothetical stars indicate the points used to simulate the signal (with case of perfect knowledge of the overall flux normaliza- fixed θ13 = 0) while the squares indicate the reconstructed best fit point (with fixed θ13 =12.6◦). tion and fuel composition. Comparing our results with the expected degradation on the parameter determina- tion associated with the uncertainty on those two as- sumptions [16], we note that the reconstructed ranges obtained in the θ13-free case are very close to those ob- tained in the analysis with perfect knowledge of θ13 but wheretheoverallfluxnormalizationisunknownbyabout 10%. Asmentionedabove,theroleofθ13 isessentially ∼ 4 Signal ≡ (tan2θ12,∆m221,θ13) Nev α θ13 =0 θ13 =12.6◦(0.048) θ13 <13.8◦(0.057) 1 ≡ (0.37,3.7×10−5,0) 1022 0.65 [0.31,0.43] [0.25,0.35] [0.24,0.43] 2 ≡ (0.60,2.5×10−5,0) 802 0.65 [0.48,1.00] [0.39,0.68] [0.38,1.00] 3 ≡ (0.70,7.0×10−5,0) 1335 0.56 [0.47,1.00] [0.35,0.57] [0.34,1.00] 4 ≡ (0.25,3.0×10−5,0) 1237 0.65 [0.21,0.30] [0.16,0.24] [0.15,0.30] 5 ≡ (0.50,2.0×10−4,0) 1321 0.44 [0.37,0.85] [0.25,0.44] [0.22,0.85] TABLEI. Reconstructedrangesfortan2θ12 at3σ (inthefirstoctant)fordifferentθ13 (sin2θ13 inparenthesis)casesforthe simulated points listed in thefirst column. See text for details. Signal ≡ (tan2θ12,∆m221,θ13) Nev α θ13 =0 θ13 =12.6◦(0.048) θ13 <13.8◦(0.057) 1 ≡ (0.37,3.7×10−5,0) 756 0.65 [0.31,0.44] [0.25,0.36] [0.24,0.44] 2 ≡ (0.60,2.5×10−5,0) 695 0.72 [0.41,1.00] [0.35,1.00] [0.34,1.00] 3 ≡ (0.70,7.0×10−5,0) 1167 0.52 [0.44,1.00] [0.32,0.59] [0.31,1.00] 4 ≡ (0.25,3.0×10−5,0) 1004 0.65 [0.20,0.42] [0.15,0.68] [0.14,1.00] 5 ≡ (0.50,2.0×10−4,0) 1090 0.44 [0.36,1.00] [0.24,0.46] [0.22,1.00] TABLE II. Same as table 1 after removing the lower energy bins from the fit (therefore including only events with 2.72<Evis<7.22 MeV). thechangeofthenormalization. Thisisalargernormal- ization which implies that the reconstructed θ12 range izationerrorthat the 3%expected one in the theoretical scales with θ13 in a simple way. As a consequence the calculation of the flux from the reactors (induced from allowed region of solar parameters obtained from Kam- the β-spectroscopy experiment at the Goesgen reactor LAND signal will be broader in θ12. Comparing this [26]). We also find that the uncertainty associated with effect with the ones from the expected uncertainties as- θ13 has a largerimpact onthe determinationof the mix- sociatedwiththetheoreticalerrorontheoverallfluxnor- ingangleθ12 thantheexpectederrorassociatedwiththe malization and the fuel composition, we find that, after fuel composition although, unlike this last one, it does enough statistics is accumulated, the uncertainty associ- not affect the determination of ∆m212. atedwithθ13 maybecomethedominantsourceofdegra- Letuspointout,thatobviously,inorderforthiseffect dation in the determination of the mixing angle θ12 at to become relevant it has to be larger than the expected KamLAND. statistical uncertainty on the overall flux normalization. IfwerepeatthisexerciseassumingonlyoneKamLAND- ACKNOWLEDGMENTS years of simulated data, we find very little difference be- tween the results corresponding to fixed θ13 =0 and the free-θ13 analysis, as expected since the expected number WethankA.deGouveaforcommentsandsuggestions. of events would be of the order 400 and the associ- MCG-G is supported by the European Union Marie- ∼ ated statistical uncertainty for the overall normalization Curie fellowship HPMF-CT-2000-00516. This work was would be comparable with the maximum effect associ- also supported by the Spanish DGICYT under grants ated to θ13. PB98-0693 and PB97-1261, by the Generalitat Valen- Summarizing, the KamLAND reactor neutrino exper- ciana under grant GV99-3-1-01, by the European Com- iment, which is to start taking data very soon, is sensi- missionRTN networkHPRN-CT-2000-00148and by the tive to the LMA regionand should be able of measuring European Science Foundation network grant N. 86. thesolaroscillationparameters(tan2θ12,∆m221)withun- precedented precision. In this letter, we have addressed the question of the degradation on the determination of the oscillation parameters associated with our ignorance of the exact value of θ13. We have shown that the deter- mination of ∆m2 is practically unaffected because the 12 [1] Q.R.Ahmadetal.[SNOCollaboration],Phys.Rev.Lett. effect of θ13 on the shape of the spectrum is very small. 87, 071301 (2001). The dominant effect is a shift in the overallflux normal- [2] B. T. Cleveland et al.,Astrophys.J. 496, 505 (1998). 5 [3] SAGE Collaboration, J. N. Abdurashitov et al., Phys. 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