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Preview On the Effect of Random Alternating Perturbations on Hazard Rates

ON THE EFFECT OF RANDOM ALTERNATING PERTURBATIONS ON HAZARD RATES ∗ 7 Antonio Di Crescenzo and Barbara Martinucci 0 0 Dipartimento di Matematica e Informatica, Universit`a di Salerno 2 Via Ponte don Melillo, I-84084 Fisciano (SA), Italy. n a J 1 Abstract 1 We consider a model for systems perturbed by dichotomous noise, in which the ] hazard rate function of a random lifetime is subject to additive time-alternating per- T turbations described by the telegraph process. This leads us to define a real-valued S continuous-time stochastic process of alternating type expressed in terms of the inte- . h grated telegraph process for which we obtain the probability distribution, mean and t variance. An application to survival analysis and reliability data sets based on confi- a dencebandsfor estimated hazard rate functions is also provided. m [ AMS Classification: 60K37, 62N05 1 Keywords andphrases: Hazardrates;telegraphprocess;dichotomousnoise;estimated v hazard rates; confidencebands. 8 2 1 Introduction 3 1 0 Large attention has been given recently in the physical and mathematical literature to 7 stochastic systems perturbed by dichotomous noise, such as those related to Brownian mo- 0 tion or Brownian motors (see, for instance, Bena et al. [5], [6] and Porr`a et al. [21]). The / h relevance of Markovian dichotomous noise in biological systems has been also pointed out. t a See, for instance, Laing and Longtin [14] where the benefic role of noise is investigated m within the context of mathematical neuroscience. In this paper we aim to study the effect : of dichotomous noise to the hazard rate function of random lifetimes. v It is well known that in many fields related to survival analysis and reliability theory i X the study of hazard rates plays a very important role (see the classical book of Barlow and r Proschan[3],forinstance). Specifically,hereweareinterestedto hazardratefunctions that a are realizations of stochastic processes. Such types of hazard rates arise in some models that were recently proposed to describe doubly random phenomena such as lifetimes of devices operating in random environments. See, for instance, Kebir [13] and the included references for a model in which the hazard rate is a functional of a stochastic process that describes the random variability of the environment. A similar model is treated in Di Crescenzo and Pellerey [9], where the hazardfunction is the realizationof a non-decreasing stochastic process with independent increments. Other models characterized by stochastic hazard rate functions were also discussed by E¯ˇzov and Jadrenko [11] and by Yadrenko and Zhegri˘ı [28]. Furthermore, a stochastic model in which a constant hazard rate (describing ∗PaperappearedinSci.Math.Jpn.64(2006), no. 2,381–394. 1 2 the fractional dissolution rate of a drug potion) is corrupted by a white noise was recently analyzed by La´nsky´ and La´nsk´a [16] and by La´nsky´ and Weiss [17] within the theory of drugdissolution. Otherapplicationsofstochastichazardrateswereproposedintheactuarial literatureandinstudiesofpopulationbiologyandhumanaging(seeMilevskyandPromislow [19]andreferencestherein). Allthesestochasticmodelsaresuitabletodescribephenomena characterized by an intrinsic randomness, which is evidenced at the hazard rate level. Alongthe line tracedbythe abovementionedpapers,herewithwe proposea new model todescribesystemscharacterizedbyfailurerateswhicharesubjecttorandomperturbations expressedasdichotomousnoise. Weaimtodiscussamodelthatincorporatesamorerealistic kind of noise characterized by a constant intensity, and that at the same time presents the feature of noise with alternating behavior that is frequently found in biological systems. For instance, see the papers by Buonocore et al. [7] and Di Crescenzo et al. [8], dealing with neuronal dynamics subject to alternating inputs. Stochastic models characterized by alternatingbehaviourarealsousedtodescribethecellmotilityonone-dimensionalandtwo- dimensional state-spaces (see, for instance, Lutscher [18], Stadje [25], [26], and references therein). Suppose that (non-negative) lifetime T has distribution function t (1) F(t)=1 exp r(s)ds , t 0, − − ≥ (cid:26) Z0 (cid:27) so that its hazard rate function is P(T t+∆t T >t) (2) r(t)= lim ≤ | , t 0. ∆t 0+ ∆t ≥ → We assume that r(t) > c, where c is a positive constant, and that r(t) is subject to ad- ditive time-alternating perturbations described by the well-known telegraph process (see, for instance, Orsingher [20] or Beghin et al. [4]). This assumption consists of applying the substitution r(t) r(t)+V(0)( 1)N(t), t 0 → − ≥ in the right-hand-side of (1), where V(0) c,c and N(t);t 0 is a Poisson process ∈ {− } { ≥ } independent of T. We are thus led to defining a real-valued continuous-time stochastic process X(t);t 0 , where X(t) is expressedin terms of the integratedtelegraphprocess: { ≥ } t (3) X(t)=1 exp [r(s)+V(0)( 1)N(s)]ds , t 0. − − − ≥ (cid:26) Z0 (cid:27) Here, we present some basic results on process (3). First of all, in Section 2 we obtain themomentgeneratingfunctionoftheintegratedtelegraphprocess,whichisinvolvedinthe expression of mean and variance of X(t). Such moments and the probability distribution of X(t) are given in Section 3. This distribution has a discrete as well as an absolutely continuous component. Finally, in Section 4 we use an asymptotic confidence band for estimated hazard rates in two case-studies where our model provides adequate fit to two data sets taken from the survival analysis and reliability theory literature. We point out that the results obtained in this paper can be extended to the case where there are two different values V(0) c ,c and N(t) is an alternating Poisson process 2 1 ∈ {− } characterized by two rates λ and λ . Finally, we point out that stochastic processes ob- 1 2 tained by transformations of the integrated telegraph process are of interest in stochastic modellingliterature. Forexample,DiCrescenzoandPellerey[10]useageometrictelegraph process to model the price dynamics of risky assets. 3 2 Moment generating function of integrated telegraph process Let W(t);t 0 denote the well-known integrated telegraph process, defined by { ≥ } t (4) W(t)=V(0) ( 1)N(s)ds, t 0, − ≥ Z0 where N(t);t 0 isahomogeneousPoissonprocesswithintensityλandV(0)isarandom { ≥ } variable independent from N(t) such that 1 (5) P V(0)= c = , { ± } 2 with c>0. The distribution of(4) is characterizedby discrete components concentratedat ct and by an absolutely component on ( ct,ct). Orsingher [20], shows that the discrete ± − component satisfies 1 (6) P W(t)=ct =P W(t)= ct = e−λt, t 0, { } { − } 2 ≥ and that, for t 0, ct<x<ct, the continuous component has density ≥ − ∂ 1 λ ∂ λ (7) P W(t) x = e−λt λI0 c2t2 x2 + I0 c2t2 x2 , ∂x { ≤ } 2c c − ∂t c − (cid:20) (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:18) (cid:19)(cid:21) p p where +∞ (x/2)2k (8) I (x)= 0 (k!)2 k=0 X denotes the modified Bessel function of order 0. Proposition 2.1 For all s R and t 0 the moment generating function of W(t) is ∈ ≥ (9) M(s,t):=E esW(t) h i λ =e λt cosh t λ2+s2c2 + sinh t λ2+s2c2 . − √λ2+s2c2 (cid:20) (cid:16) p (cid:17) (cid:16) p (cid:17)(cid:21) Proof. From Eqs. (6) and (7) it follows e λt (10) M(s,t) = − esct+e sct − 2 e λ(cid:0)t ct (cid:1) λ ∂ λ + − esx λI c2t2 x2 + I c2t2 x2 dx 0 0 2c c − ∂t c − Z−ct (cid:20) (cid:18) p (cid:19) (cid:18) p (cid:19)(cid:21) e λt ∂ = − λQ(s,t)+ Q(s,t) , s R, t 0, 2c ∂t ∈ ≥ (cid:20) (cid:21) where we have set ct λ Q(s,t):= esxI c2t2 x2 dx. 0 c − Z−ct (cid:18) p (cid:19) 4 Making use of Eq. (25), from Orsingher [20] we obtain: ct ∂2 λ ct ∂2 λ esx I c2t2 x2 dx= esxc2 I c2t2 x2 dx+λ2Q(s,t). ∂t2 0 c − ∂x2 0 c − Z−ct (cid:18) p (cid:19) Z−ct (cid:18) p (cid:19) A two-fold integration by parts shows that d2 Q(s,t)=(λ2+s2c2)Q(s,t). dt2 d Solving this equation with initial conditions Q(s,0)=0 and Q(s,t) =2c we have: dt t=0 (cid:12) Q(s,t)= c et√λ2+s2c2 e t√λ2+s2c2 , s (cid:12)R, t 0. − √λ2+s2c2 − ∈ ≥ h i Using this formula in the right-hand-side of (10), expression (9) finally follows. 2 It should be noticed that (9) could also be obtained from the initial-value problem for the telegraph equation ∂2 ∂ ∂2 p+2λ p=c2 p ∂t2 ∂t ∂x2   p∂(x,0)=δ(x) p(x,t) =0, where δ(x) is the Dirac delta funct∂iotn. Ind(cid:12)(cid:12)ete=d0, M is solution of (cid:12) d2 d M +2λ M =s2c2M dt2 dt   M∂(s,0)=1 M(s,t) =0. 3 Results  ∂t (cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)t=0 Let T be a non-negative random variable, with absolutely continuous distribution func- tion (1), hazard rate function (2), and support :=[0,ℓ), where ℓ=sup t 0:F(t)<1 (0,+ ]. S { ≥ }∈ ∞ Throughout the paper we will assume that r(t) > c for all t , where c is a positive ∈ S constant. Hence, F(0)=0, F(t)>1 e ct for all t>0, − − so that T Exp(c), ≤st where ‘ ’ denotes the usual stochastic order (see, for instance, Shaked and Shantiku- ≤st mar [23]) and Exp(c) denotes anexponentially distributed randomvariablewith mean c 1. − Let us now consider the stochastic process X(t);t , with X(0)=0 and { ∈S} (11) X(t)=1 F(t)e−W(t), t , − ∈S 5 1 (a) 0.5 W(t) 0 −0.5 −1 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 t 1 (b) X(t)0.5 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 t Figure1: (a)Twosample-pathsofprocess(4)forc=2andλ=15;(b)thecorrespondingsample- pathsof(11),withF(t)andr(t)definedin(12)and(13),respectively,withα=15andβ =0.001; thesolid line shows F(t). whereW(t)hasbeendefinedin(4)andwhereF(t)=1 F(t)denotesthe survivalfunction − of T. Note that process (11) is equivalent to process (3). Hence, for any fixed t, X(t) describes the probability that a random lifetime is not larger than t. The system hazard rateisrandomandisgivenbyr(t)+V(0)( 1)N(t),wherethedistributionofV(0)isspecified − in (5). As pointed out in Section 1, this hazard rate accounts for random perturbations on r(t) that occur according to a telegraph process. The sample-paths of X(t) are absolutely continuous distribution functions that approach (1) as c goes to 0. As an example, Figure 1 shows (a) two sample-paths of W(t), and (b) the corresponding sample-paths of X(t), characterized by distribution function α 2α α (12) F(t)=1 exp t4 t3+ t2+(c+β)t , t 0, − − 4 − 3 2 ≥ (cid:26) (cid:20) (cid:21)(cid:27) where (13) r(t)=αt(t 1)2+c+β, t 0, (α,β >0). − ≥ Next, we derive the probability distribution of X(t). Since P ct W(t) ct = 1, {− ≤ ≤ } t 0, from Eq. (11) we have: ≥ P a(t) X(t) b(t) =1, t , { ≤ ≤ } ∈S and a(t)<F(t)<b(t) for all t (0,ℓ), ∈ where (14) a(t)=1 F(t)ect, b(t)=1 F(t)e ct, t . − − − ∈S From(14),wenotethata(t)andb(t)aredistributionfunctionswithhazardfunctionsr(t) c − and r(t)+c, respectively. Furthermore, there results: lima(t)=1 e−ν, limb(t)=1, t ℓ − t ℓ → → 6 0.4 (a) D(t)0.2 0 0 1 2 t 3 4 5 0.4 (b) D(t)0.2 0 0 1 2 t 3 4 5 1 (c) D(t)0.5 0 0 1 2 t 3 4 5 Figure 2: PlotsofD(t)in3differentcases: (a)r(t)givenbyEq.(13),withc=1,λ=α=15and β =0.001; (b)r(t)=1+et, t≥0,with c=λ=1; (c) r(t)=1+3(1−e−t)/(et+e−t),t≥0, with c=λ=1. where ℓ ν = [r(s) c]ds. − Z0 We note that ν = + when ℓ < + , whereas ν + if ℓ = + . Moreover, by setting ∞ ∞ ≤ ∞ ∞ D(t):=b(t) a(t), from (14) we obtain: − D(t)=2F(t) sinh(ct), t , ∈S with D(0)=0 and limD(t)=e ν, with D(t) non-decreasing in t if − t ℓ → r(t) c coth(ct). ≤ For instance, D(t) is shown in Figure 2 for three different choices of r(t). The first choice shows a case in which D(t) is bimodal. In the third choice we have lim D(t) = 0.268, t + whereas such limit vanishes in the first two choices. → ∞ We shall now determine the probability distribution of X(t). Like as for the integrated telegraphprocess,the distributionofX(t)consistsofa discretecomponentona(t)andb(t) and an absolutely continuous component inside of a(t),b(t) . Proposition 3.1 For all t the discrete compon(cid:0)ent of th(cid:1)e distribution of X(t) is: ∈S 1 (15) P X(t)=a(t) =P X(t)=b(t) = e−λt. { } { } 2 Moreover, for all x a(t),b(t) and t the continuous component has density ∈ ∈S (cid:0)1 1 (cid:1) λ ∂ λ (16) f(x,t)= e λt λI u(x,t) + I u(x,t) , − 0 0 2c 1 x c ∂t c − (cid:20) (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:18) (cid:19)(cid:21) p p 7 where F(t) (17) u(x,t):=c2t2 ln2 − 1 x − 1 a(t) 1 x =ln − ln − , 1 x 1 b(t) (cid:18) − (cid:19) (cid:18) − (cid:19) with a(t) and b(t) defined in (14). Proof. Due to (11), the distribution function of X(t) can be expressed as F(t) P X(t) x =P W(t) ln , t , a(t) x b(t). { ≤ } ≤ 1 x ∈S ≤ ≤ (cid:26) − (cid:27) Hence, recalling (6) and (7), Eqs. (15) and (16) follow. 2 The expression of density (16) is similar to that of the underlying integrated telegraph process. Unlike the latter process, however, the support of f(x,t) is bounded when t in- creases. Moreover,the expressionforf(x,t)reflectstheformofinterval(a(t),b(t)). Indeed, from (17) it is not hard to note that u(x,t) = 0 when x = a(t) and x = b(t), whereas u(x,t)>0 when x (a(t),b(t)). Furthermore, recalling (14) and (8), for t we have: ∈ ∈S λe (λ+c)t λt λe (λ c)t λt − − − lim f(x,t)= 1+ , lim f(x,t)= 1+ . x a(t) 2cF(t) 2 x b(t) 2cF(t) 2 ↓ (cid:18) (cid:19) ↑ (cid:18) (cid:19) Figure 3 shows for instance f(x,t) for three different choices of t. Proposition 3.2 For all t 0 mean and variance of X(t) are: ≥ (18) E[X(t)]=1 F(t)M( 1,t), − − (19) Var[X(t)]=F2(t) M( 2,t) [M( 1,t)]2 , − − − where M(s,t) is given in (9). (cid:8) (cid:9) Proof. Recalling (11), we have E[X(t)]=1 F(t) E e−W(t) , − (cid:16) (cid:17) from which Eq. (18) immediately follows. Moreover,due to E X2(t) =E 1 2F(t)e−W(t)+F2(t)e−2W(t) − (cid:2) (cid:3) =1(cid:16) 2F(t)E e−W(t) +F2(t)E e−(cid:17)2W(t) , − (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:16) (cid:17) we obtain: Var[X(t)]=1 2F(t)E e−W(t) +F2(t)E e−2W(t) − 1+2F(t)E(cid:16) e−W(t(cid:17)) E e−(cid:16)W(t) 2F(cid:17)2(t) − − =F2(t) E e(cid:16)−2W(t) (cid:17) hE (cid:16)e−W(t) (cid:17)i2 , − (cid:26) (cid:16) (cid:17) h (cid:16) (cid:17)i (cid:27) and thus Eq. (19). 2 8 50 t=0.3 45 t=0.9 t=1.5 40 35 30 x,t)25 f( 20 15 10 5 0 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 x Figure 3: Plot of density (16) for three choices of t and for x ranging within (0,1); r(t) and all parametersarechosenasincase(a)ofFigure2, i.e.c=1,λ=α=15, β=0.001 andr(t)isgiven by Eq.(13). Proposition 3.3 ThemeanofX(t)isincreasingint ,andisdecreasinginc. Moreover, ∈S (20) lim E[X(t)]=0, lim Var[X(t)]=0; t 0 t 0 → → (21) lim E[X(t)]=1, lim Var[X(t)]=0. t ℓ t ℓ → → Proof. Using Eqs. (9) and (1), d F(t)M( 1,t) dt − (cid:2) r(t)+(cid:3)λ √λ2+c2 λ t = − 1+ exp r(u)du λt+ λ2+c2t − 2 √λ2+c2 − − (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:26) Z0 (cid:27) p r(t)+λ+√λ2+c2 λ t 1 exp r(u)du λt λ2+c2t . − 2 − √λ2+c2 − − − (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:26) Z0 (cid:27) p Hence, recalling r(t) > c for all t we have d[F(t)M( 1,t)]<0. By virtue of (18) ∈ S dt − the mean of X(t) is thus increasing in t. Moreover, from Eq. (9) it is not hard to see that M(s,t) is increasing in c 0. Hence, E[X(t)] is decreasing in c due to (18). Limits (20) ≥ easily follow from (18) and (19). Recalling Eqs. (18) and (9) we have: 1 λ t lim E[X(t)]=1 1+ lim exp r(u)du λt+ λ2+c2t , t→ℓ − 2(cid:18) √λ2+c2(cid:19) t→ℓ (cid:26)−Z0 − (cid:27) p 9 where t lim exp r(u)du λt+ λ2+c2t t→ℓ (cid:26)−Z0 − (cid:27) t p t (22) = lim exp [r(u) c] du exp c+λ λ2+c2 du =0. t→ℓ (cid:26)−Z0 − (cid:27) (cid:26)−Z0 h −p i (cid:27) The first of (21) thus follows. Moreover,due to Eqs. (19) and (9), we have: 1 λ lim Var[X(t)]= 1+ t ℓ 2 √λ2+4c2 → (cid:18) (cid:19) t t lim exp 2 [r(u) c]du exp 2c+λ λ2+4c2 du ×t→ℓ (cid:26)− Z0 2 − (cid:27) (cid:26)−Z0 h −p i (cid:27) 1 λ 1+ −4 √λ2+c2 (cid:18) (cid:19) t t lim exp 2 [r(u) c]du exp 2 c+λ λ2+c2 du . ×t→ℓ (cid:26)− Z0 − (cid:27) (cid:26)− Z0 h −p i (cid:27) Finally, noting that t t lim exp 2 [r(u) c]du exp [2c+λ λ2+4c2]du =0 t→ℓ (cid:26)− Z0 − (cid:27) (cid:26)−Z0 − (cid:27) p and recalling Eq. (22), the second of (21) holds. 2 Figure 4 shows mean and variance of X(t) for an example involving distribution func- tion (12) and hazard rate (13). An immediate consequence of Proposition 3.3 is the following Proposition 3.4 Process X(t) converges in probability to 1 as t ℓ. → Finally, denoting by V(t)=V(0)( 1)N(t) the telegraph process that describes the per- − turbatingnoise,makinguse ofawell-knownresult(see,for instance,Theorem3.4.4ofRoss [22]) the following asymptotic probabilities follow: 1 lim P V(t)=c = lim P V(t)= c = . t + { } t + { − } 2 → ∞ → ∞ 4 An application In this section we indicate a statistical procedure based on an asymptotic confidence band for estimated hazard rates, which is useful to assess the validity of the proposed stochastic model. Let T ,T ,...,T be iid absolutely continuous random variables describing a random 1 2 n sampleoffailuretimes havingdensity f(t)anddistributionfunctionF(t). The usualkernel estimator of f(t) is n 1 t T i (23) f(t)= k − , nh h i=1 (cid:18) (cid:19) X b 10 1 (a) 0.8 X(t)]0.6 E[0.4 0.2 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 t x 10−3 5 (b) 4 X(t)] 3 ar[ 2 V 1 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 t Figure 4: (a) Mean and (b) variance of X(t); r(t) and all parameters are as in case (a) of Figure 2, i.e. c=1, λ=α=15, β=0.001 and r(t) is given byEq. (13). where k() is a bounded even density function, and h is the bandwidth. The corresponding · estimator of F(t) is t 1 n t T (24) F(t)= fˆ(u)du= K − i , n h Z−∞ Xi=1 (cid:18) (cid:19) t b where K(t)= k(u)du. From(23) and (24) we canbuild up the following estimator for the hazard rate−f∞unction: R f(t) (25) r(t)= . 1 F(t) −b Taking into account the asymptotic nbormality of (23) and (24), with Var(f) = (nh) 1 f, where = +∞k2(t)dt, and Var(F) = O(n−1),bit follows that also r(t) is asympto−ticKally K normal, with−v∞ariance Var(r) = (nh) 1 r2/f (see Hall et al. [12]). We cabn thus consider R − K the following confidence bands for rb(t), having nominal coverage 1 2bα, − b 1/2 1/2 (26) r−(t)=r(t) K r(t)zα, r+(t)=r(t)+ K r(t)zα, −"nhf(t)# "nhf(t)# b b b b b b where zα is the α-level critibcal point of the standard normal distribubtion. We note that a random hazard rate of type r(t)+V(0)( 1)N(t), related to process (3), − alternates randomly between functions r(t) c and r(t)+c, thus being contained inside − the strip r(t) c. This suggests the following procedure to test if the random sample ± (T ,T ,...,T ) can be viewed as drawn from the (random) distribution function X(t): If, 1 2 n for a fixed α, the strip r(t) c is containedwithin a realizationof the confidence band (26) ± obtained from observed data, the model defined by (3) is defensible for the given data set.

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