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On the eastern palaearctic Stericta atribasalis Hampson, with description of a new species (Pyralidae, Epipaschiinae) PDF

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Preview On the eastern palaearctic Stericta atribasalis Hampson, with description of a new species (Pyralidae, Epipaschiinae)

TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegircaollSoocgieitycal Society ooff JJaapapnan enLva 7})OtoGa 45(4):245-250,January1995 On the eastern palaearctic Stericta atribasalis Hampson, with description (PyralidaEep,ipaschiinae) of a new speeies HiroshiINouEi) Akio SAsAKi2) and i' 311-2,Bushi,Iruma City,SaitamaPref.,358 Japan 2' 11-5,Onoba 5-chome, AkitaCity,AkitaPref.0,10J14Japan Abstract For Sten'c taatn'basalis Hampson, 1900 ,a new name, kagii ,is given, because the specific name is preoccupied by Warren, 1895 .A close relative forrner lyconfused with atn'basalis in Japa nis describe das a new species, fiavopunc btaas,ed on specimens from Japan and Primorye distric tR,us$ia. Key words Pyralida eE,pipaschiina eL,opidognz aS,ten'c tsay,nonym, helotype ,paratype. Recently it became apparent that two closely similar species had been mixed up under the name of Sten'c toar LePidogma atribasalis in Japan (of S.hibuya, 1927; Mutuura, 1957; Inoue ,1959 & 1982) . Moreover, the junio rauthor found that two species had also been collected in the Primorye distric tof Far-eastern Russia. In order to clarify which of the two is true atn'basalis, the senior author tried to examine the type-serie sof that species now preserved in the Museum fUr Naturkunde, Berlin ,and he was able to see and dissec ta female paratype (Fig 5.) labelle "dSutschan, 90, D6rr[ies]", through the good oMces of Dr W. Mey. A male paratype with the same labe lin coll. British Museum (N .H.), London, was examined by Mr M. Shaffe rupon his request. As a result the authors have convinced that the species illustrate bdy Mutuura, 1957, and Inoue, 1959, 1982 & 1992 (c i&" 4 genitalia )is true atribasalis and the other is a new species. Since Sten'c taatn'basalis Hampson, 1900, is ajunior homonym of S. atn'basalis Warren, 1895, from Queenslan da ,new name will be given to the former. Selis ,1992, considers atribasalis Hampson a juni osyrnonym of Sten'c taasopialis (Snellen, 1890) from Darjeeling ,but the senior author's cemparison of the two species at the British Museum (N. H.) revealed that the former is specifically distinc ftrom the latter. In order to decide generic placement of the two species concerned in this paper, the senior author examined male specimens of Lapidagnz alamarical i(sMann )(Sout Ehurope and Middle East) <Fi g6.) and Sten'c dtiavital (isGuene e()th Seundalan d()Fi g7.) ,the type species of the respective genera. In the structure of male genitalia the two speeies are quite distinc tfrom L. taman'cali sin the shape of uncus, valva and aedeagus and more similar to S. divilal isT.herefore ,the authors will place them in Sten'c lfaollowin gSolis ,1992, The senior author expresses his thanks to Dr W. Mey, Zoologische sMuseum an der Humboldt-Universittit ,Berlin (abbreviat aes dZMHU), and Mr M. Shaffer ,Department of Entomology, British Museum (Natura Hlistory) L,ondon (abbreviat aes dBMNH), for their kind assistance in various w'ays. Stericta kogii nom. nov. (Fig s1-3) Sten'c taatribasalis Hampson, 1900 : 376 ; Shibuya ,1927 : 353 ; Inoue, 1955 : 145. Preoccupied, nec Warren, 1895. NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegircaollSoocgieitycal Society ooff JJaapapnan 246 Hiroshi INouE and Akio SAsAKI Figs1-5, Sten'c tsapp. 1 .S, leag iniom. nov., di. 2 .Ditto ,\. 3. Ditto ,\ (paraty pofe S. atn'basalis Hampson and it slabel sZ,MHU). 4. S, favopunc tspa. nov. paratype [{rt. 5. Ditto .paratype 9 Orthaga Marumo, 1942 26, atribasalis : : Lopidag"za atn'basalis: Mutuura, 1957: 104, pl. 18:557; Inoue, 1959: 240 ,pl. 167: 36; id. ,1982, 1: 377; 2: 245, p]. 45 : 12 ; id. ,1992: 28, figs 6 & 8 (d i& \ genitalia). Sten'c taasopialis <part .S)o:lis 1,992i 290. Nec Snellen ,1890. Forewing with basal area deeply velvety black ,its dista ledge nearly straight, median area ochreous or fulvous white, a minute black disca ldot, terminal one-third black ,postmedian lin eusually represented by a black dot at costa, then running outward from Mi or Rs to CuA where it becomes parallel with termen, but usuarly it is merged into black area. Hindwing fuscous black ,a fain tpostmedian lin eis traceable in many specimens. Length of forewing : c7 7.5-8. m5m, \ 7.7-9, mOm, Male genitali a(Fig 8,) . Uncus elongate, tapering, apex roundish, valva with a stick-like harpe at near centre from basal one-third, from dorsal end of juxt aarising a pair of long forked processes, each arm strongly serrate, aedeagus very slender, much longer than valva, width less than one-tenth of length ,a long spine-like cornutus about one-fourth of aedeagus. Female genitalia (Fi g9.) , Colliculu mparallel-sided b,ut lobed at juncti oofn ductu sbu:sae after constricted, ductus bursae very narrew, strongly curved at sclerotized medial part. Specimens examined. Sutschan ,90, D6rr., 1 \, ZMHU; ditto ,1 cl, BMNH ; paratypes of NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegircaollSoocgieitycal Society ooff JJaapapnan Eastern PalaearcticSten'cta 247 S. atTibasalis Hampson. JAPAN, Hokkaido : Kohira, Piratori ,30. vii. 1989, 1 cli (H, Kogi) ; Naka--doya ,Sobetsu ,23. vii. 1991 ,2 6n (M. Yamamoto), Aomori Pref. : Ori ,Shimokita ,17. viii. 1993 ,1 di (A .Sasaki) .Akita Pref. :Kotashirogawa-deai K,azuno, 27 ,vii, 1976, 1 \; Uwanodai,Kawabe, 25. 1978,1fi}Tose,Tarnagawa, 21. 1993,1M Ishizawa, vii. ; viii. ; Honjo, 10. vii. 1975, 1(1;Oyasu-oyu, Minase, 21, vii, 1979 ,1? (A.Sasaki);Toyoiwa, Akita, 27. vii. 1986,l di ; Nishinakanosawa ,Kisakata ,27. vii. 1986 ,1 cr (M, Okura); Izumi, Akita, 17, vii. 1977, 1 di (M. Tanaka). Iwate Pref .: Kotorizawa, Morioka, 17. viii, 1992 ,2 6- ; Yagura, Morioka, I6. vii. 1991, 1 M ; Asajimayama, Morioka, 17, vii. 1993, 1 [in 1 4 (N, Doi). Miyagi Pref.:Onikobe, Naruko, 17, viii, 1985, ldi;Madarasawa, Kurikoma, 14. viii. 1986, 1 di; Kamikanizawa, Onikobe, 24 .vii. 1983 ,1 "; ditt o2,, viii. 1984, 1 di; ditto, 17. vii. 1985,1 cYn; ditt o1,3. viii. I988,1 \ (S.Iwasaki )Mt; Tokura, Kakuda, 28. vii. 1985, 1 9 (K .Umetsu). Niigata Pref .: Mt Atema, 28, vii. 1971 ,1 di n(A .Seino) .Gunma Pref ,: Kumanotaira, 30. vi. 1955,1 di; ditto,2 5vi.i, 1956,1\ (H ,Yamanaka). Yamanashi Pref.: Minobu, 23, 1993,2dii(Y.Kishida)T,oyama Prei.:Isurugi,14. 1962, 1\; vii. vii, Usugamine, Himi, 16. vii. 1988, 1\;Ioridani, 6. viii, 1994 ,29 (H.Yamanaka) .Gifu Pref.:Iodo,Miyama, l. 1989,1cli(T.Mano).AichiPref,:KuragariValley,26. vii vi. 1993, lcP (H.Inoue ).Mie Pref. :Miyazuma Valley ,Yokkaichi, 4. vii. 1987,1?;Ichino- hara, Inabe, 14. vii, 1986, 1 0 ; Notoyama, Kameyama, 13. vii, 1992, 1 di n; Fudotani, Miyama, 3, vii. 1992, 1di (M,Mano ).RUSSIA. Primorye:Poima river, 15km-west, Slavyanka,6. 1993,1 2\ (T.Komatsu). viii. (J Distribution.Japan,Far-eastRussia. Although this species has been recorded from southern part of Japan (Shikok uK,yushu, Amami-Oshima), material critically examined by the authors are from Hokkaido and Honshu. Caradja, 1925:313, recorded S. atn'basalts from "Canton", China ,but specimens he identifi eshdould critically be re-examined for confirmation. L. atribasalis of Yang, 1977 : 192 ,pl. 8 : 4, from China, and of Park, 1983 : 400, pl. 27 : 442, from Korea, should also be reconsidered. Stericta flavqpuncta sp. nov. (Fig s5, 6) Confusingl yalike the preceding species and it has been mixed up with it under the name inJapan. of atn'basalds Usually postmedian lin eof forewing les sstrongly produced outward at middle, terminal infuscatio pnaler, but sometimes basal and terminal black areas are as dark as in the preceding, The outer edge of postmedian lin enarrowly fulvou sand often there is a dot or spot of the same colour near tornus as the extension of fulvou sline w,hile in kagi ithe pale outer edge of postmedian lin eis only distinc att anterior half and the line and its outer edge merging into terminal black band at ventral half .Length of forewing : di Z7.5-8. 6mm, 4 7.5-9. 6mm. Male genitalia (Fig 1.0) .Uncus much broader ,apex weakry rounded, harpe longer and more sharply pointed at apex than in the preceding, a pair of forked processes on juxta quite distin citn shape, not serrated, apex upcurved and pointed, aedeagus much broader, width about one-seventh of length, gently curved, about as long as valva, cornuti of a bunch of about ten shott spines. NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegircaollSoocgleitycal Society oofJfap anJapan 248 HiroshiINouE and AkioSASAKI v yt,t,/Yr,t'tAt.l,i,;l'i'・, 1"ewi.p,st A,L.Efteqg i i-., ,L".'t,'ilj"ax 1.l 'l-t // eq, ' '' t.t" t': x )' ・. 6I pa ' ・ee ,5k ll 'ii 'sc ' ''2'l-;-1.1 t tt"aj " , X'1 i}・・,- ts, l1g./ 'IiXl ,t1 .ts,k. .',./fX ., ptt. -tr,$・. 'di-},x,ix W- ,,Ima/ / 'ge'1/ 'e'-i t "i/11''''.m,/.as.t/, .lf'? ssi[,giew 'ual'/ f esl(l, ". / l i Figs 6- 1 1. M al e ( 6 ,7, 8 , 10 ) an d fe m al e ( 9 ,11) genitalia of Lopidagma and Sten'c tspap. 6, L e p i d ag m a t am a n' c al i s{ M a n n )( B M N H ). 7. Sten'cl adivihag i(sGuene e()BMNH). 8 S, kogi inom. nov, (H.Inou Selide No.15634). Spined cornutus is broken . 9, Ditto (II .Inoue Slid eNo, 15495) . 10. S. favopunl sap. nov. {H,Inoue Slide No. 15496). Right i aedeagus, greatly magnified. 11 .Ditt o(H. Inoue Slide No. 15497). Female genitalia (Fig 1.1) . Colliculu mmuch broader than in the preceding species, cup- shaped caudally, at each side there is a strongly sclerotized keel ,Iobed at cephalic end, ductus bursae much broader and shorter than in the preceding, densely granulate, but not NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegircaollSoocgieitycal Society ooff JJaapapnan EasternPalaearctiSctericla 249 sclerotized Holotype, Toyoiwa,AkitaCity,Akita Pref.Japan,22. 1992(M.Okura)B,MNH, cl ] vii. Paratypes .JAPAN. Hokkaido: Chito ,Nayoro, 8, viii. 1991 ,1 di (H.Kogi) ;Fumizuki, Ono,Oshima,15. 1990,14 (M.Kameda). AkitaPref, Iocality holotype,1. viii. : same as vii, 1987,1ci- (M.Okura);Ishizaw aHo,nio, 15. vii. 1976,1di (A.Sasaki )I.wate Pref.: Ogasho, Morioka, 13-14 ,vii. 1993 ,1 di ; ditt o,17 .vii. 1993, 1 \ ; Tonan chuo-bridge, Morioka, 21. vii, 1993 ,1 0 1 \ ; Funaba-bridge ,Morioka, 8. vii, 1992 ,1 M (N.Doi). Miyagi Pref.:Kaneyama-rindo,Onikobe,27. 1987,1\ (S,Iwasaki)K.anagawa viii. Pref.:Yozuku, Yamakita, 24. 1993,2di 19 (M.Yamamoto), Nagano Pref.:Mt vi. Nyugasayama, 30. vi. 1990,18 (T.Mane ).Toyama Pref.:Kokurobe (600m> ,27. viii. 1965, 1 ? ; Bijodair aT,ateyama, 13. vii. 1958 ,1 8 ; Toga, 19 .viiL 1974 ,1 cif l1 \ ; Azohara, Unazuki, 24. viii. 1974, 1 cii ; Suganuma, Kamitaira ,28. viii. 1974, 1 0 ; Odawa pass, Arimine, 10. viii. 1978, IdT;Ioridani, 6. viii. 1994 ,1cl "(H.Yamanaka) .Gunma Pref.: Usui Pass & Kumanotaira, 28. viii. 1965, 2di (H.Yamanaka) .RUSSIA. Primorye: Beryozovi ,Sok (al t4.70m), 30km-north, Chuguevka, 28. vii. 1992 ,1dii;Foot of Mt Oblachnaya (al 6t0.0 m), 29, vii, 1992, 1 di ; Frolovka-rive Vralley (al t200 m), 31. vii. 1992, 3 cl ; 2. viii. 1992 ,1 di ; 20 km-northwest ,Shkotovo (al t5.0 m), 3. viii. 1992, 1 0 (T. Mano). Ten paratypes in coll. BMNH and twenty paratypes in coll. A. Sasaki. Distribution.Japan,Far-eastRussia. References Caradja ,A., I925. Ueber Chinas Pyrariden T,ortricide nTi,neiden nebst kurzen Betrachtungen, zu denen das Studium diese rFauna Veranlassung gibt. Mavnle Sect .Sta'n tA,ead. iom. 3(3): 257-383. Hampson, G. F. ,1900. New Palaearct iPcyralida e.Tvans .ent. Soc .Lond. 19eO: 369-401. Inoue, H., L955. Check tis tof the Lepidopteva of 1opan .Part2: Aluciticlae-Epicopeidae ,Rikusuisha. , 1959. Pyralidae, in Inoue, H. et al., Ibonogmphia insectntm 1mponicont mcolore naturati Edita 1: 232-257, pls165-175 <i nJapanese) .Hokuryukan, Tokyo, ,IY82. Pyralida e.Jn Inoue ,H. et al., Mbths of ]opan1 :307-4e4,2 :223'254, pls36'48,228, 296, 298-314 (i nJapanese )K.odansha, Tokyo. ,1992. TwQ unrecorded species of the Pyralida efrom Japan .Ybega t1o28:27-3e (inJapanese). Marumo, N., 1942. Studie son rice borers .VI. Classificat ioof nthe subfamily Pococerinae in Japan. Ministry of Agric and Forest. ,Japan .IVojikai71poshi r1p6,1o : 1-29. Mutuura, A., 1957. Pyralidae. in Esaki, T, ed,, Icones Heterocerorum 1mponicon timn colon'bus natt{r" adibt{s 1: 93-147, pls 17-26 (i nJapanese) .Hoikusha, Osaka. Park,K,T.,1983.Pyralidae.I7tParl{K,.T. lllustmteFdgora& FlatfnoafKorea. Vol.27.Insecta et aL, (9 1: }298-444, pls 18-30 (i nKorean). Sarnhwa Pub. Co. Ltd., Seoul. Shibuya, J. ,1927. [A Study on the Japanese Epipaschiinae]. Tvans, nat. Llds tS.oc ,fiiorin o1s7:a 339-358 (i nJapanese). Solis M,. A., 1992. Check lis tof the Old World Epipaschiinae and the related New Worlcl genera iT4decalla Y a nga,n dC .EKl.)i, p1a9s7c7h. i a{PPyyrraallidiade a .ei.L)n .LYoapnigd , .SCo.cK ,.4 6 e: d.2, 80[-M2b9t7.h sof North China] 1:183-250, pls 7-10 (in Chinese ).Beijing Agric. Univ. ,Beijing. }di ee [NakEMgta% ti v 7 F pt l Jif t Nfio 1 vapto:Ed i(rt l. t E ・ kyt *rng ft) HJZpt- "(%F )" v 7 F pt a )Ci" t ty}stn- b(6mapmgecD [P }l 2 pthgz Lar r) -(V)6 l 8 }S twaiM ielJAx7k[Zl NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee  LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegiroaollogical  SSoooiceityety  ooff  JJaapapnan 250 Hiroshi INouE  and Akio SAsAKI 行氏によっ て発見され,これ らにつ い ての 調査 を筆者 らに委ね られて い た.日本のネグロ フ トメ イガ に は,長い 間 LePidosrma αtribaαslis(Hampson )の名があて られて い た.この種はアム ール 地方及び アス コ ル ド島産の複数の標本に基づ き S軌 磁 属の 工種 として記載 されたもので,六浦 (1957)に , よっ て 五吻のg魏 α属に移されてい た.ベ ル リン にあるタイプ標本の うちの雌と,ロ ン ドンにある同じ ラベ ル の付い た雄を検討した結果 これ らの タイプ標本 は六浦 (1957)や井上 〔1959,1982,1992)が L.磁渤 α∫α傭 とした もの と同じ種, で もう一方は新種 で あるこ とが判明した,しか し,SteTicta α醜ゐσ∫羅 ∫ Hampson ,1900は, オース ,トラリアの S.祕勲 αsα傭 Warren,1895に先取りされた ホモ ニ ムなの で,本文で新名を与えるとともに,1新種の記載 を行っ た.また これ らの 2種は,南ヨ ーロ ッ パ や中東の Lepidogma と同属で な く,広義の S皰万磁 属に入れ るべ きこ とも判明 した. 記載に あたり,その端緒となる知見を得られた小木広行氏の ご慧眼に対 して深 く敬意を表する,また 小木氏 をはじめ 土井信夫,猪子龍夫,岩崎史郎 亀田 満,小松利民,間野隆裕,大倉 慎,清野 , 一 , 昭い夫た,.田著中者政の行一,人梅佐津々木史は,,望山中月  浩淳,,根山本本光圭人介,の各吉松氏慎か一らのも,各氏多かくのら標文献本参や情照報の上を提で供ご協し力て いをたい だた だいた.上記の方々 に対 して心か ら感謝の意を表する, Sterict akogii lnoue& Sa$aki ネグロ フ トメイガ 六浦 (1957),井上 (1959,1982)が Lepidogma atribasalis として図説 したのは この種で ある.外横線 は前縁部で黒色点で表わ され,脈M1 か Rs か らCuA まで は外方に大きくふ くらみ,以後外縁に平行 するが,後半は黒色帯と重なっ て不明瞭.前翅長 : ♂ 7.5−8.5mm ,♀ 7.7−9.  mm .♂ 交尾器.  Valva は幅広 くcosta はそれほど湾曲しない ;harpeは棒状で, valva の 基部か ら1/3付近の とこ ろか ら突 出する;juxtaの上部は2叉 し,骨化 して顕著な捧状となり多数の鋭く短い突起を伴う;aedeagus は 細長 く,長さは中央部の 幅の約 10倍 ;cornutus は1本の細長い 針状物.♀交尾器 Colliculumは骨 化し大きな筒状,ductus bursaeとの接続部は強 く括れ る ;ductus bursaeはご く細 く 始めは膜状で , あるが長さの半分 ぐらいか ら骨化 し,強 く曲が っ て corpus  bursae に達す る ;signa は多数の骨片が 2 集まっ た 個の 円形紋 本種の雌雄交尾器は,井上 (1992)に よっ てすで に 示されて い る.また,本種の食草と して,中村 〔1970,蛾類通信63:45)は,東京都初沢山でオニ グル ミにつ い て い た幼虫か ら成虫を得た こ とを報告 してい るが,これが 2種の うち どちらの方か は今後確かめる必要がある. Sterict aflαvopuncta  Inoue& Sasaki ミドリネグロ フ トメイガ (新称) 前翅長 :♂ 7.5−8.6mm ,♀ 7.5−9.6 mm .外見上は前種 とよく似てい て,時に は区別が困難であるが, 雌雄交尾器の 違い は顕著で ある.前翅外側 1/3 を占め る黒色帯はより狭 く 淡い こ とが多い .した , が っ て外横線は より明瞭,外方へ のふ くらみは少ない .外横線外側の淡色帯は前種に比べ て明瞭,こ の淡色帯はしばしば後角付近で黄白紋を表わす.♂交尾器 Harpe は前種より長 くvalva の中央付近 か ら突出する ;juxtaの上半は 2叉し剣状の突起を形成し,前種の ような短い鋸歯状の突起物を欠 く; aedeagus はよ り太 く,長さは valva の長 さとほぼ同じ ;cornuti は ユ0本ほ どの短い刺状物の集ま り. ♀交尾器 Colliculumは骨化 し大きなカッ プ状,い っ たん狭 まっ たの ち再 び嚢状 に膨 らむ ;ductus bursaeは膜状,前種に比べ てより太 く短い ,微細な骨片を散布し次第に太 くな りcorpus  bursaeに至 る. 両種ともにロ シ ア沿海州 と日本 (北海道, 本州)に分布して い ることは,筆者 らに よっ て確か められ たが, 四国,九州,奄美大島の記録につ い て は,実物 を再検討しなけれ ば何れの種なのか決められな い.おそらく本邦南部にはネグロ フ トメイガだ けが生息して い るもの と推定される. (Accepted August 16,1994) Published by the Lepidopterologi cSaolciety of Japan, c/oOgata  Building,2−17, Imabashi 3−chome , Chuo−ku Osaka ,541 Japan , 一 NNI工I工-EElleoetcrotniroonic  LLiibrbarryary  Service

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